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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • Fierro6
    Fierro6 Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2012

    I'm still at 50-70, depending upon the day.  I plan to move to the desert and stop drinking any liquids and never bathe.  That should stop it, right?  ha ha.  It'll stop when it's supposed to.  I'd rather be stuck with the stupid thing than to pull it too early and have to have them aspirate it every other day or so.  I'm just SO happy for you!  It gives me hope!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited May 2012

    YAY, Jo!!! Glad the drain's gone!! That bed is going to feel like heaven tonight!!


    Ohhhhh!!! That missed field goal by Norwood is right up there with one of, if not the worst, Bill's moments on record! We were watching with some friends that are die-hard Giants fans.... I thought DH was going to have a stroke! Not a pretty moment!

    I agree... The Sabres are easier to watch most times but, we will still be there in the fall, forever optimistic, that this will be the Bill's year!! Lol!!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2012

    Oh Jo I am so Happy for you .. Ilove you ..xoxoxo ty ladies for all the thoughts and cares 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2012

    Hi lisamarie, I thought you might pop in to say congrats to Jo.  Anything new to report on the financial situation?  Have you tried Catholic Charities?  I know you don;t have to be Catholic to apply for assistance.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2012

    Hi Karen no i did not but a friend gave me a number to call today , i am praying it will help me. I get another fill tomorrow and im once again totally freaking out .. UGH !!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited May 2012

    Jo, that is the most fantastic news!  You must be soooooo glad to sleep in your own bed.  It's amazing how little things can make us so happy.  Great news!

    Karen, can't remember that game but believe me we have watched every game going.  Not only that, we watch NFL football come the fall, then hockey, then golf.  Oh yeah, did I miss horse racing and Indy racing.  My dh loveeees his sports.  Me, I love a good comedy and the sitcoms.  I'm tired at the end of the day and don't want to think.  The meds are starting to wear me out .... getting tired of taking them and have to for another 3 1/2 years.  Yikes. Today, I did a lot of weeding in the garden and boy this was the time when I loved to smoke. Did think of it but didnt do it.  I was bone tired after an afternoon of this!  

    Hope you ladies have a great evening! 

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited May 2012

    greeting ladies and may you have a blessed night!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2012

    JudiH, I watch college and professional football, hockey, golf and tennis, in a pinch I watch car racing.  I am an only child and grew up either watching or going to games with my dad.  The only sport I don't enjoy is basketball.  Bama and I go into withdrawal at the end of football season!   lisamarie, I hope that phonecall tomorrow brings a miracle.  hugs, Karen     Jo, sleep well.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited May 2012

    Karen, I hope I sleep well.  Will let you know tomrrow.  LOL!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,421
    edited May 2012

    Jo:  Great news.  You're free again.  Good luck sleeping in bed. 

    Lisa:  Hope Catholic Charities has some assistance.  Great idea from Karen.

    Judi:  17 months is a real accomplishment.

    Everyone else -  good going.  JUST FOR TODAY....

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited May 2012

    Beautiful day today.  Really stressed at work today and said to my colleague "if I smoked this is the time I would have one".  Moved on to private exercise class tonight as I've gained 20 lbs since on the meds and no amount of exercise is working - didn't lose 1 oz since stepping things up in January of this year.  God, if I smoked I would be in the cardiac ward at the local hospital tonight.  Thought I would never make it - imagine skipping after 35 years.  Was only  45 seconds but by then I was huffing and puffing!  Yey to not smoking! 

  • MaddyMac
    MaddyMac Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2012

    Thanks for that timely reminder. I'm on day 5 (tick...tick...tick) and I'm having a bloody awful time today. Can't keep my mind on working, reading, conversation, just this horrible purple smoke monster who wants to inhale me. And when I stop thinking about the monster, all that's left is cancer, the real monster. Today is the first day i've cried about it.

    Well that was uplifting, my sisters, can I get an Amen?

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited May 2012

    Amen!  I hear you!  Funny, I think the same thing ... all that would be left if I smoked would be cancer.  Hear's to staying smoke-free!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited May 2012


    Amen, sistah!! The end of the first week was rough for me when I quit... The excitement over quitting had died down and now I was just sick and tired of the whole thing.... But... I hung in there (minute by minute when necessary) and over the course of the next few weeks I noticed I went from thinking about smoking what felt like constantly to trying to post how long it had been and having to go back and count the days because I had lost track of how long it had been! That thinking fog will clear and, if you stick with it, it WILL get easier.... Promise!

    If you haven't already, I would highly recommend writing down your thoughts and how you are feeling and don't pull any punches... Just a journal that is your place to write how bad it suuuuuucks to go through this... Doesn't have to be anything formal but, I found when I had forgotten how hard it was and was tempted down the road to smoke, I would go back and read what I had written from the heart while actually quitting and it strengthened my resolve to never have to do it again!! Almost through 2 1/2 years smoke free and don't regret quitting at all. The ladies back then on this thread helped me through! We are here to do the same for you!

    You CAN do this!!


  • Fierro6
    Fierro6 Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2012

    It's been 7 weeks for me (today) and it should be easy as pie now, right?  Not.  I have been cleared to drive and there is a convenience store 6 blocks from here, but I will NOT do it.  

    My work is fine with me being out as long as I need to be.  Now that my vacation and sick time are used up, however, I found a new piece of information.  Our short-term disability is 66.6% of our pay, UP TO $200 per week.  $200 a week minus taxes is $188ish every week.  I have to pay my insurance/dental/and flex account out of pocket, since I'm not getting a regular check.  That cost is $219 every two weeks.

    Anyone want to do the math?  You don't have to.  My net (bring home) is under $80 per week on this lovely plan.  I love my job, and in most things love my employer, but I can't help but think they got their disability plan from the bargain bin.  My  PS originally said I could return to work whenever I was ready.  Now that I emailed to ask them to release me, they want to see me.  It's weird that I still have a 50cc+ drain after 5 weeks.  YOU THINK?

    Sorry.  What a whiney post.  All of those words spilled out while I cried, and I'm done crying now, so thank you...again.  Thanks for being here, and I will NOT smoke today.  The day it would be easiest to do so, I will not.  It gives me control.  I have no control over short term disability, work, plastic surgeon's nurses, or drain output, but I can control this crap.  I am NOT going to smoke.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited May 2012

    Hope you dont mind me piping in ........   \

    First... congrats to you all who have quit or trying to..... I quit 5 years ago and it was the hardest bloody thing I have ever done (before having to fight cancer of course).   How did I quit ?  with accupuncture but still it was hard.     Now I am so happy not to be a slave to smoking.  Do i still miss it ?  Sometimes yes - but not enough to go back to. 

    You are so right Fierro6 - not smoking gives YOU control. 

    Hang in there sista's - it is so worth it.  PROMISE.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited May 2012

    Seaside - wow 2 1/2 years.  Seems like an eternity to me but I know I will be there.  Your right about a journal but only some people find this helpful.  My sister is one of those people.  For me, I just imagine my RO's face and the complete faith she had in me.  Plus, the whole cancer thing ... didn't want that rearing it's ugly head in my face.  I too don't regret quitting but there are days when I like to.

    Fierro, keep going.  I know what you are saying about the sick time.  I was in the same boat but at this point, I didn't care.  I could have retired in 2010 and I know think I'm going to work for nothing.  A colleague at work told me he is coming to work for  $5,000 a year.  Not much much money to be working a whole year for.  Cry about it all, we are listening! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited May 2012

    MaddyMac - Amen Sista!   The road has been a very rough one for me.  I live with a smoker and work with 2 more.  Anyone take my e-cig away and I am going to explode.  

    Fierro6 -First and formost - whine all you need to.  That is what we are here for - to support and comfort you.  Now, are you kidding me?  Still 50+cc after 5 weeks?  What is going on here?  I have read some have kept theirs as long a 7 weeks.  I hope you are not going to be one of them.  Are you lying flat at night to sleep or sitting more upright in a recliner?  Once I changed to the recliner with it back just a little bit, my output went down and fast.  What does your PS have to say about this?  Is he concerned? (((HUGS)))

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited May 2012

    Hi Tazzy, I think we are the two Canadians on this site but these women are fantastic!

  • Fierro6
    Fierro6 Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2012

    JO, I'm sleeping in the recliner.  Some days it will go down to the lower 40s, but the next day it's right back up to near or slightly over 50.  I've asked my 16 year old to sit behind the recliner and hold it up if I lean back, but she refuses.  (I did ask, joking, and she did refuse.)  When I asked to be released so I can get my income back, they asked me to come in on Friday because they haven't seen me in a while.  She told me to empty once per day to be more accurate.  I've been doing 3 times a day because they originally told me to.  I'm so frustrated.  I will be better after Friday's appointment.  I hope.  

    (please release me to work.  I sit on my butt and answer phones on a wireless headset all day.) 

    Oh, and Jo?  How did it feel to sleep IN YOUR BED, and be DRAIN FREE?  I must know. 

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited May 2012

    {{{{{{{ Fierro }}}}}}

    Sometimes all of the crap that we have to deal with above and beyond our diagnosis is just so freaking unfair! It's perfectly OK, even healthy, to have a good cry every now and then! I really like what you said about smoking or not helping to regain some sense of control in a situation where we have all felt that loss of control! Brilliant, really!

    We are all in your corner!!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited May 2012

    Fierro - That is so strange. I emptied mine 2 times a day.  I did some research on the JP drain and it was recommended in the literature to do it at least that many times a day.  If the little bulb gets more than half full, the suction does not work as well and will cause fluid to backup and the output will go up.  

    I went back to work 10 days after surgery.  Surgery was on Wed, 2nd surgery on Thurs, home on Saturday.  Had a followup appt the next Friday.  Did not ask if I could go back to work, just decided I could sit in my office in front of my computer and answer phones.  I got so bored sitting at home when I felt so good.  The drains were not a problem - I wore tops loose enough to hide them.  With the bulb squeezed down so flat, I could put it in my pocket - I would pin in to my waistband and tuck the tube in along the top of my waistband or shove it in the same pocket as the drain.  

    I know how frustrated you must be.  I never though mine would come out.  I will keep my fingers crossed that you can at least go back to work.  Please keep me posted.  (((HUGS))) 

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited May 2012


    When I talked about writing things down to look back on I did fail to mention recording all the good moments too!!! Those are just as important!! Thanks for pointing that out!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited May 2012

    Fierro - I forgot to answer your question.  It felt great sleeping in my comfy bed and not have to worry about drains.  It does feel kinda weird not having them but I am pretty sure I can adapt - LOL!

  • Fierro6
    Fierro6 Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2012

    LOL.  I love you, Jo, and I'm glad you can toss/turn/sleep/whatever in a HORIZONTAL soft surface.  Soon for me.  Soon.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited May 2012

    Fierro - Love you more!!!!!  Before you know it, you will also be back in your bed and loving every minute of it.  

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited May 2012

    just for another day, we will not smoke!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited May 2012
    Galsal - Amen to that!
  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited May 2012

    SeasideMemories - you are absolutely right about jotting down your thoughts in a diary.  I've thought about it but I don't know what would come of it.  You see, when I was driving home after my diagnosis, I thought I have to get my bucket list in order.  Guess what - my bucket was empty.  I tried and tried to come up with something and nada.  Guess my bucket didn't need to be filled at that time!  But I haven't given up on jotting down thoughts!


  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited May 2012

    Sorry, accidentaly hit the submit button Fierro6.  Hope that thing comes out.  Ladies, I hear you about going back to work.  But, once I went back, I wanted to be at home.  Yikes, always want what I can't have!