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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2013

    Kim, great list, my contribution - straws, cut to cigarette length.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Patch is on and trying this again! Read another article yesterday that corrleates early smoking (pre having babies) with a higher incidence of BC. I don't need this coming back. Have to do this despite my frustration at having to back in for re-excision surgery. I will do this! Have a great smoke free day ladies. We shall prevail!

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    Morning Ladies!

    Doing okay, not focusing on anything for the past 48 hours. I've been alternating ecig and cigar, puffing mostly on the ecig. The flavor is not so great. I am hoping my cartridges come in the mail today. It really sucks that the stores selling ecigs don't carry the 0mg cartridges. Some of them don't have a clue about the levels of nicotine. It's a lot like when you shop at certain supermarkets that carry your favorite soap or toothpaste and then it runs out. You wait and wait, a month goes by and the idiots have a shelf full of the scent or flavor that no one wants. A few more months go by and still the same crap. Supply and demand only makes sense to those who have common senseLaughing

    Beckers: I lost about 40 pounds last year. I think some of my weight loss can be attributed to my recent diagnosis. I lost 10 to food poisoning, 15 from fast-paced walking for 30 minutes a day, and gradually reduced my portions. The walked helped reduce my tress and was a necessity. I went to school where my only options were an overcrowded city bus or walk 30 minutes to the nearest subway. If you can commit to once or twice a week it will become an easy habit. Whatever physical activity you decide on, start out small and gradually increase the amount of days. I am now in-between sizes 6 and 8. I haven't been a size 6 since high school, you can clearly see my collarbones. You should see my old state id, omg, I had the roundest, fattest face, yuck!! I was a size 12-14, so not cute.

    Judi: I work for Home Depot in Long Island City, NYLaughing , my dad works in the Garden department near LaGuardia airport. He's got Home Depot madness! He loves it there, I am a cashier and have a totally different experience. I've been a cashier since I was 16; I love providing customer service and what I do, but it isn't always easy or pay well. That is why I went back to college. Get my AAS in June, just finished my last class a few weeks before my diagnosis. Plan on enrolling in an honors pre-law program for my BA.

    Lisamarie: I think we all need a mini vaca. I was planning one last month, but have to wait to see what my chemo treatment plan is going to be like before I can do anything. I will find out on Monday and then I am going to sit with my calendar and go somewhere. Love the Yankees!!

    Braids and April: sorry about your news. We are all strong, even you. Yeah, life sucks sometimes. Every time things are running smoothly some event comes along to slap the hell out of you and test your will. According to my grandma, I'm a hellraiser, lol. She said I was born that way. I think that's where I get my courage and strength from in addition to your support and encouragement, so I'm going to send you all some in your dreams tonight, lol. Trust me, I have plenty to go around.

    Kathec, KimL: Hi! 

    General Question: Is it normal to feel fatigued from this (BC) monster? I don't know if it's the stress of everything or my schedule catching up with me. Since my biopsy I have been experiencing pain where the mass is and my lymph nodes. 8 hour shifts at work are draining the very life from me, and I only work part-time.

    Love, hugs, and prayers to get through this day and kick it in the butt!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    Shawntez, Long Island City .. I live in Suffolk county and my daughter lives in Nassua county .. Long Island .. but I dont tink we are too far away from one another :):) hey support for both BC and Smoking .. Hugs 

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Shawntez, amen to that slapping shit...BC slapped all of us and we sure as heck weren't expecting that! At least I know i wasn'

    Today sucked. Smoked more than I have been, had 7 cigs today. I had the weaker patch on cause i ran out of the 21mg ones and 14 did not cut it at all.

    Was hoping the ecig would be here today but no luck. Our mail lady is lazy and probably has it in her truck but cause she can't leave it in our mailbox, she doesn't feel like knocking on the door. She is a tool. We have had issues with her before so I wouldn't be surprised.

    Anyway, hoping you all had a good day without tobacco!

    I am much better about my upcoming surgery. It is what it is. I was blessed with good news about nothing but DCIS in the path report so I shouldn't complain as I was sweating that big time. PLUS the cancer is all gone...just a tiny bit more margin and I am good for starting rads.

    Braids, thinking of you hon. I know you are going through so very much more than I am with Stage IV. Huge hugs and know that we are here for you!

  • Lisa65inNY
    Lisa65inNY Member Posts: 57
    edited March 2013

    Hello all!  I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few days, I am just not feeling worthy enough to post!  I am still smoking like a crazy person and I just can't stand it!  Everyone posting here is trying so hard and I'm stil stuck in that bad place of fear...just incredible fear everytime I think about not smoking. Just don't know what is wrong with me!  This morning I think I was smoking every 15 minutes!  Ridiculous!!! I started to order the tank that Day suggested but had some questions that have since been answered.  I think I'll finally be ready to order again this weekend. (Does anyone know how these tanks are different from the e-cig?  They are much bigger, I get this funny visual of taking giant bong hits! Haha) But I am really looking forward to trying it!!!   Anyway just wanted to check in to let all of you know that I am thinking of you and am grateful for your support and endless encouragement!!!  I know someday I'll be right here with you and I hope that day is soon!!!  Hugs, hugs, hugs!!!!!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2013

    Wow, so many posts that I can't keep up!  Karen, good to see you again!

    Welcome Kathec and Kim L!  Ladies, who are in the midst of smoking, there may be valleys and peaks but you will hit the peak one day.  We all travel to that peak at different speeds but who cares how long it takes you to get there, but you get there.  Shawntez, I envy your size.  I used to be that size before the quitting and drug but do exercise and trying to eat healthy.  Hard to do when you used to be able to eat anything and not gain a pound.  But I'm trying.  I used to walk every night until my dog passed on.  Now we don't even go out because it is cold.  But you are right, walking is good for you and I'm going to start again.  Thanks for motivating me.  In answer to your question, I was tired before I was diagnosed - remember, cancer cells have a high metabolism so it does take it toll.  Keep well rested.  April485, don't worry about the reexcision - remember they want to make sure there is no roaming cells.  Rebecca, I told you that you would be tired .... harder then we thought, eh?  It will take awhile for your body to adjust but take it slow.  Remember, there is only one you.

    Lisamarie, hope all is well with you.

    Ladies, I'm tired and off to bed.  4:45 a.m. comes awfully early.  Need my rest to exercise tomorrow, right Shawntez?

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Welcome Kim L!!! Thanks for the tips. I like the idea of the cinnamon tooth picks.

    Karen- people might think you have a cocaine habit. Ha!

    April- any news on surgery? So sorry but nice to see you keep trying to quit. Hang in there!

    Braids - how are you? Any news on RADS? Why don't they do breast surgery when a person is stage IV?? I have been curious about that.

    Hope you are well kathec!

    Lisamarie - fill me ya doin?? Love your kitty btw. Beautiful! Glad you are not alone now!! :-)

    Shawtez - 40 lbs?? Wow! That's awesome!! Oh how I wish!! I'm walking a lot at work, started hiking a few weeks ago and that's sure a workout!! Thanks for the encouragement and ideas! Hope you are doing well.

    Judi - you wake up at 4:45??? I thought 6:15 is a god forsaken time of day!!! Hope that health department is good to you!

    Lisa65 - don't give up hooooooooooope! Stay close!! And post away. We of all people understand!!!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,416
    edited March 2013

    Ah Beckers & Judi - so glad to see your posts of encouragement & care from the other end of the battle.  I don't check in often since I'm 5 years out, but I truly care about anyone who is trying to quit.  Hardest thing I've ever done.  Don't be embarassed to post if you haven't quit yet.  We've all been there.  If you fall "off the wagon" (so to speak), just get back on that horse and try again.  How's that for mixed metaphors?  As always - don't worry about tomorrow's trials - just for today, I will not smoke. 

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Patch is on and ready to face a smoke free day! Snowing pretty good out there but not enough to close anything. If you are in the snow area, be careful! Lots of fender benders today.

    Have a great day without tobacco!

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    Morning Ladies!

    Mama Bear (Judi): Thanks, I guess, I am still adjusting to the concept of what is happening inside of me. However, I am reminded with every twinge if discomfort. If I can motivate you and Beckers in any way, I am glad to. I didn't mean to lose so much weight though; don't like that my bones are starting to stand out. I don't want to look like I have an eating disorder. I've been forcing myself to eat a little extra everyday in preparation for chemo, and have packed on at least 5 more pounds so far.

    My fellow struggling quitters: this battle is tough, don't judge yourself so harshly. I've quit before, you have to be ready and determined. Staying connected to this group is essential for me and probably for the rest of you as well. The support we can offer eachother and from those who are free of the monkey (lol) is invaluable. Knowing I am not alone helps a great deal.

    Have a great day! Love, hugs and kisses.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    Hi Ladies , sorry I have not been here , I had some pain in my right implant that was really bad on tuesday night ,took a pain pill after work , then i thought maybe wednesday Id feel better .. but I didnt so I called the PS and he said come in and my boss who is like my best friend took me to dr .. he said all was okay with the internal sutures and that I may have pulled a muscle somewhere and to take pain meds if needed be careful and apply heat .he said he made sure to put three rows of stitiches because he knew I had to go back to work and was so active and in the event i pulled one row he had backup. So I got a piece of mind . I felt better knowing I did not wreck my recon.he pulled my steri strips off while my boss made funny faces ouch .. then I went back to work and took it easy until time to go home , Today we are having a Nor Easter yeah more snow and lots of wind . great day off ... I slept in as it s snowing out . I pulled on the e cig so much I broke it .. what a friggin addict unless the million dollar e cig blu is a cheap thing .. OMG .. so as I was doing really well with patch on and then off and just e cig , I got nuts last night had bought the real ones again .. I too LIsa65 am a piece of work .. mad mad mad at myself .. and why I dont know . My son also called me from NC to tell me that he and his GF are having a baby girl so I am having another granddaughter in July .. :) that made me smile . 

    Welcome to all the new girls .. strong bunch here ...

    April stay safe today and great work on not smoking hugs , hope your tank comes today 

    Judi you will get there ... I am on the sidelines routing you on ... :) love and Hugs  and I thought getting up at 6 am was early .. you go girl 

    Beckers .. thanks about the cat its great having her around ..

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    Hey Lisamarie! I live in the Bronx, and am glad to be off from work today. I know everybody and their mama will be in the store buying icemelt and salt today. 

    I had to reply because I am laughing that you broke your ecig, damn!!! Sorry, but there is some humor in it. I found that if I cover the vent holes (and don't inhale treating it like a cigar) I get a better pull. I am still waiting for my vanilla cartridges!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Good morning ladies.

    My heart goes out to you Lisa's because I don't want you to be too hard on yourselves. The bottom line is don't give up. We know when it's tough how our heads and hearts get in a scuffle. It's like the devil on one shoulder and angel on the other. sometimes it just feels too hard. I will tell you that I have certain triggers. I am ok around other people who smoke, I am ok to drink, can't remember about after sex...ha!!! Had to throw that in there. :-) HOWEVER, if I get a certain kind of angry/stress/upset that would send me back to smoking every time. Well....what's different this time? I have already made it through some of the toughest triggers life can throw at me. Because I made it, because I laid on my couch crying I wanted a cig so bad and didn't give in no matter has somehow empowered me. It is so strange. It helped me get to the next level that I never made it to before. I share this only to encourage you. I can relate,i can empathize, I have been there, WE have been there.

    You all are such an asset to this thread, everything you have to say is worthwhile, the laughs, the tears, the strength in numbers. When the lady came to talk to me about the quit I told her I already had and I credited this thread as helping so much.

    I have today off. Yay. I am so tired at work. I hope they got all the cancer. :-/. Did you get more energy when you lost the 40 lbs shawtez?? it is so hard to bend and squat and all with this weight. Omg can I feel the difference. Today I am going to walk my neighborhood. Keep me accountable Shawntez!!

    April, we are here cheering you on! You go girl!!!

    To everyone and any I missed ... Big hugs!!! Oh, my east coast sisters and any of you with weather, please be safe!


  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013


    I did have more energy. I am the type that cannot stay still for long anyways. The weight made me more lazy than I have ever been in my whole life. Baby steps, don't push yourself too fast. I used to talk to myself while I walked, figure things out. I was in school, so when I had a research paper to write I worked on challenging myself to use more complex sentences and big girl words, lol. I recite a paragraph and reword it until it sounded like an advanced piece of academic writing. Then I would repeat it until I reached my destination where I could jot it down on paper. You can make up poems, plan a party or project, something to take your mind of the road ahead literally and figuratively. Whatever works for you. Remember, you need to walk a steady even pace and keep hydrated. Stretch before and after. And remember I'm here for you as well.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Ah, made it through so far. I am about to take my lunch break which usually means heading out to my car and lighting up. Today I brought my Nook and am going to read my book Anticancer: A new way of life Wink

    Should keep me away from the evil tobacco...I hope! LOL

    LisaMarie, it is ok honey. I haven't had a single day yet where I did not cave and have at least one cig. It is more potent than heroin they say. The sad part is we don't get high from it! LOL

    Be safe if you are in the snow areas. It has stopped snowing for a while but is supposed to start up again and give us 6-8 they say. That is a drop in the bucket after the 37 (yes you read that right) inches we got in early February blizzard!

    So, getting ready for surgery again on Monday. Will take 3 days off and use two vacation days. Have not accrued enough time to take sick for all 3 as I used all my accrual Frown

    Two of my co workers have asked if they could donate 10 and 5 sick days to me respectively which is in the personnel policy as something we can do. They have to ask our Executive Director's permission. Will see if he grants it. I work for a non profit and they just stopped our 401K match due to budget cuts which stinks. They are always crying poverty around here.

    Talk soon...gonna go read my book!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    April , that is amazing that people can donate days off to you while you recover .. I am sending you heealing thoughts and prayers ... take the time to heal , as for me my job does not have any benefits and I had to return to work early and hurt myself ..I also am alone and without me working I cannot afford to live so i had to force myself back .. so take all the time you can to get the proper rest for thte best healing .... xoxo hugs 

    Shawntez.. ahh the Bronx not too bad I like to go to Manhatten a lot and when I was young I used to hang out in Bensonhurst .. Brooklyn lol.... maybe one day we can meet for coffe or something cool .. have a nice day off and stay safe in the storm ...yucky snow 

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    I thought I would share a photo of my granddaughter that will be born in July .. :) 

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    And one more just to get you laughing .. If we ruled the world.. this is how it would be .. Haha 

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    Lisamarie: Loved the pics. Oh, how I love babies!! Would love to meet someday, you let me know when and where and I'm there...dirty water hotdogs and coffee (lol). I lived in Brownsville Brooklyn for about 14 years and came back to the Bronx 2 years ago. I love the Bronx, I think it's the Spanish food I missed the most. I just finished courses at Kingsborough Community College by Manahattan and Brighton Beaches. If you are familiar with that area you understand my 30 walking situation (lol).

    April: Hope you made it through lunch okay. 

    General Question: Has anyone read Fifty Shades of Grey? I heard about it from potential sister-in-law (Smile); started reading and couldn't put it down. It's a trilogy and I was hooked. Finished it in less than 2 weeks just before my diagnosis and I need something like it or better so I can get lost for a bit. 

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    Isn't "fifty shades of grey" that syrupy porn book? yeah, that won't happen lol. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude person (I'm an European after all, yanno, nude beaches and sex being something normal not hidden under covers) but I hate syrupy, I hate "let's analyze our life instead of living it" and porn bores me to death.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    yes read 50 shades , I did skip most of the porn but Iliked the books. I dont know but I think she has another book she is coming out with or has already come out with > I am not sure :( 

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    Hi Day! Sorry, I need syrupy every once in a blue. Funny, I skipped through some of the syrupLaughing. I enjoyed the escape from reality having spent the last 2 years reading and researching various genres of literture for academic research.

    Thanks, Lisamarie. I heard the same, but it's still in the works from what I've read.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Ha! I'm with Day on this one. I couldn't stomach that book. I tried to read it but had to put it down. It was abysmal for me. But, I read things other people don't like so I guess it's all

    I totally get "reading for pleasure" after lots of academic reading almost feels surreal when you just read to enjoy and not for research.

    LisaMarie, congrats on the grandbaby! I can't wait until my kids give me grandchildren! I am going to spoil them

    I had one cig today. Not too bad..but the night is young. So, heading back to my "Light" reading with my Anticancer book. Fascinating stuff actually. Most things I have read so far I have heard but some surprises. Worth reading!

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited March 2013're okay hon.  You know you've made it through before and can do it again.  So you caved...whoopee.  So long as you try again, that's what matters!

    Congratulations, Grams!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Lisamarie, congratulations on the grandbaby!! Is this number 2? Love the mammogram for men. What would we call that test? Got my vote! Ha!

    April, so glad to hear about the possibility coworkers can donate sick time. How nice. Glad your surgery is Monday so you can get it over with.

    Shawntez , my sister is an avid reader so I will ask her. She read the 50 shades trilogy and couldn't put it down either. It takes me forever to read one book. My friend brought the trilogy over after my surgery but I was too traumatized from surgery. I had BMX, tummy tuck and reconstruction in one pop so it hurt to much to read even. Ha! I didn't walk. I feel too tired. :-/ ugh!

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, ladies!

    Hope you all slept well. No more bits to scavenge for, lol. The BF bought an ecig and has not smoked a cigar in my presence for over 24 hours. It's very nice and supportive, but now where am I going to get my wiff of secondhand smoke from? (lol) 

    Best wishes for a stress free day and one day closer to being freed.

    Beckers: It's ok on all accounts. To each his own. This weather really sucks!! 

    Well, I'm off to work. Love, hugs, and prayers to all.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Good Morning! There is a good six inches on the ground and it is still snowing pretty hard. We have a two hour delay...was hoping we would close but no dice this time. Since we had three snow days in Feb for the blizzard, not surprised. We get paid when they close so this would cost them more money and that is tough as we are a non-profit and they have already paid me over $900.00 in weather related time off according to my paystub for this year alone! Imagine that at various pay rates over 220 employees! That is a lot of dough..

    As for smoking, my e-cig has not arrived. I am out of the stronger patches and I was proud that I only smoked 1 cig and three drags of a second one yesterday. As my second surgery draws closer, I am finding my stress level rising and smoked two this morning already and am getting ready to put my patch off and be done for the day (I hope!)

    Beckers, thanks for the support! Thanks to all of you for the support!

    Stay warm and dry today and don't hurt yourself shoveling this stuff. It is very heavy and wet snow!

    Have a peaceful smoke free day!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    Shawntez, stay warm .. Hugs and what a great support your man is giving you :) 

    April , I made it to work but had to get all the snow off my car and while doing it,I broke my drivers side windshield wiper off .. then I bahad the car over the bump the polw made so kindley in front of me .. after that I went to Mcdonalds and got bacon egg and cheese on bagel a hashbrown and oj.. now I am at work safe and sound .. and my kind co worker put my windshield wiper back on ..:) so after shit comes good things .. I will try to be strong today as well... 

    Beckers, Judi ,Hope you are all warm and well too...

    Lisa65 I miss you hunny ... I know you are struggling as we all are .. please dont leave us :( we need you as you need us ... and noone will ever put you down . I cannot stress this enough as many have said before qutting smoking is harder than quitting Heroin .. I wouldnt know from experience but that is what everyone says ... we all have our strong days and our weak days .. today I just looked up and said God please why all the stress and can you just take it from me even for a little while :) it helped me get through my hectic morning :):) 

    where are our new girls ... 

    Anyway Love , Peace, Hugs, and Comfort for a smoke free Friday ! 

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    We had a two hour delay. I have a half an hour drive to work so I left an hour early. By the time I made it ONE mile, I had done two 360's when trying to stop for a red light (going slow!) and ended up in a snow bank on the side of the road. A nice young man pushed me out and I turned the car around and headed home. It is still coming down at an inch an hour and we already have 10 inches! Don't know what our director was thinking not closing down! I am NOT risking my life for this shit.

    Sorry about the rough start to your day LisaMarie! Glad it was fixed for you cause you need your wipers for sure! Is it still snowing hard in NY?