Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited November 2015

    MT, that's funny doing the double up. I used to do the same on what is known in Ontario as "Weedless Wednesday". Then, I got really smart and joined the Canadian Cancer Society's site to help a person quit smoking. I had to quit that because I was bombarded with emails about the "joys" of quitting and being "successful" which neither applied to me. TBH, I just plain didn't want to quit nor was ready to quit. I loved my "best buddy". Bosum, I hear you about razors. FYI - talked to someone who can guide you. I remember when I used to do waxing plus electrolysis for my "moustache". I switched ladies and she said to me to "pick one" because it was not doing a thing for me other then coming in darker and heavier. So, I switched to electrolysis and now I'm pretty good. Only go a couple of months now. However, the "peach fuzz" on the sides of my face is getting more noticeable. Have to get this taken care of. Now a friend told me to do laser but I don't think you can do it on "blonde" hair but what do I know. Will call and have an answer. Dh's mother used to shave her beard and moustache and I noticed the other day that the poor woman who is 85 has a heavy beard/moustache. OMG, I looked and said I'll never do that. Funny, my mom had hairs sticking out on her chin to but at that age they don't notice it. I absolutely hate hair and if I could get rid of eyebrows, hair and look good, I would do it.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited November 2015

    Bosum, I didn't think laser worked on "blond hair" so thanks for the back up. I hear you about the hairs and appointments. They just keep coming. I'm going this morning for electrolysis and this lady works in the Dermatology Clinic at the Toronto Western Hospital. I'm going to ask her for other options!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited November 2015

    Yup - I've heard the same thing about lazer. I need to make an appointment NOW. Judi - we'll await your new, updated knowledge.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited November 2015

    Ladies, told today that laser does not work on blond hairs but will work for a "bikini" treatment. The laser needs to get under the "root" and remove it. So, I'm going to call this lady whose name was given to me to ask!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited November 2015


  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited November 2015

    LisaMarie, I found this for you! I thought it was so fitting!

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited November 2015

    Happy Great American Smoke-out. from 1991.


    All of my resources in one place:

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited November 2015

    VJ, love it!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited November 2015


    VJ, nice picture!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited November 2015

    VJ - nice sentiment & fun picture.

    LisaMarie - thinking about you. Hope you are happily cleaning while waiting on the UPS job.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited November 2015

    Hi Ladies , I have been very busy .. yes cleaning .. but hey its money and I am actually doing so much better with my depression. I am actually very tired. It's long days so that is why I Have not been on.. I also have peach fuzz all over my face .. I have beeen noticing it more and more .. lol .. and I used to get this long black hair that would grow out of my neck and I would pluck it .. I have not seen it in a long time ... I have a moustache as well.. and hate my eyebrows lol.. it is hard work being a woman ... I miss you all so much.. Great photo VJ.

    November 19 my Grandson connor turned one .. and tonoight my daughter invited me for cake ... so we werent speaking and its going to feel akward ... but here he is girls ... a smile for you ... Tada Connor ...

    imagexoxoxoxxo Lisa marie

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited November 2015

    LisaMarie - what a cutie. I'm sure glad you're invited to the B-day party. I hope you go & smile & smile & smile (and bite your tongue). Oh, and probably not take the BF (LOL) We'll look forward to hearing how it goes.

    Bosum - are you OK? When I get worried I usually try to track you on other sites just to make sure you're still "kicking ass & taking names".

    CBWitt - Did you set a date & keep it yet? Not nagging by any means - just thinking of you. We're glad to see you smoking or not, as Bosum can testify.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited November 2015

    Bosum: Stalk on. As I said to CB, we'll take you anyway we can.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited November 2015

    LisaMarie .... what a cutie. I just love little kids. Mt, I agree with you .... Bosum, just stalk away. Sometimes it is just plain too hard to post .... nothing to say. I'm with you. Anyways ladies, in Florida right now .... weather sucks as it is raining but at least it's not snowing. My friends sent pics and there it was .... snow, snow, snow. Kinda like a Bing Crosby film. What amazes me to see here in Orange Lake Resorts is people smoking .... I actually was jealous. Oh today I feel like one sooooooooooooo bad!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited November 2015

    Judi - The rain will stop. Have a great trip. Do everything you can,except smoke - LOL

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited November 2015

    Judi , enjpy Florida .. it does rain a lot .. but it is also beautiful.. xoxoxo

    Love ya Bosom ..

    me working my but off .. but glad because it is really helpoing me along with the depression meds .. but yeaterday I did cry because the holidays without my son .. anyway a quick hello .. off to work i go


  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited November 2015


  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited November 2015

    LisaMarie, the above is for you. Thinking of your son is good!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited November 2015

    Just popping in with hugs...this time of year can be so hard for some of us (myself included) because of loved ones we no longer will have at the table. I know that since this is my first holiday season without my Dad, I am a mess. I cry so easily lately. It is truly the end of an era for me as he was the last one to go of the Patriarch/Matriarchal part of my family which I guess now makes the Matriarch ME! Yikes! Not sure am ready for that. Also, is the first holiday season that my kids will not have their father either. My daughter said the other day when she made her holiday list for gifts she briefly had her Dad on the list until it dawned on her...he does not need a sweater wherever he is. (jury is still out on whether that is heaven or somewhere hotter...tee h ee, after all he is/was my EX husband! HA!)

    Try to hang in there my friends. Sometimes life is just hard and crappy. But, I am blessed that my husband is with me as just a few months ago, that was not a definite with his severe health scare! So, am preferring to look at the glass half full for sanity's sake.

    Love you all xoxo

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited November 2015

    April - Thinking of you this holiday. I remember the first family occasion when I was the Matriarch - or the last 'man' standing. You want to make it happy for your kiddos, but it's impossible to forget those who are gone. Love the comment about the "ex" needing a sweater where is is now. And yes, so glad that the health scare is over and your DH is back on track.

    My BFF died 10 years ago on the 30th. We had celebrated every holiday together for years. I sort of inherited her grown son when she died since he had no one else. So I have my son in CA and her son in HI. One works for the airlines and the other in a hospital, so both always work on holidays. And neither have any children. Traditions didn't stick in this house. Sometimes it makes me melancholy, but I've had many years to get used to it since my divorce, and some spectacular holiday trips to start new traditions.

    I usually go out to dinner w/my ex and his wife, but they're hosting her grandchildren this year. I've had several invitations but decided to stay home & cook a pork loin roast. I'm finally having new windows installed next week so I need to spend the weekend clearing clutter & making room for the workers.

    Judi - Thanksgiving on the beach?? Or at least out of the cold. I know it's a US holiday, but I expect you Canadians make the most of dinner opportunities.

    Bosum - will your boys be with you for the holiday? Or will you go to your Mothers?

    LisaMarie - can't remember when you were going to the birthday. How did it go?

    SVG - are you still on track?

    VJ - I can't look back w/o loosing this post, but maybe it was just a year ago that you took your cruise? Or maybe not that long? Time is weird.

    Beckers - Do the animals get something special for the holiday?

    CBWitt - not forgetting you either. Do check in.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all & anyone I may have missed too.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited November 2015

    Forgot to mention smoking (not). I had a dream the other night about trying to find a pack of smokes in my purse. Weird. Just for today, I will not smoke.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited November 2015

    Just a quick hello and a Happy Thanksgiving wish to all of my friends here in the Non-Smoking section, even those of you who still sneak a puff or two


    Love you all! xoxox

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited November 2015

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! My favorite holiday of the year. I have no family close so I invite everyone else who is a Thanksgiving orphan with nowhere to go. Over the years I have had many people from other cultures where this was their first thanksgiving. This year, small crowd but I will have friends from Nigeria here, who have become regulars. Momma and sister don't speak English but it doesn't matter. I do all the cooking and have all my favorite recipes, started cooking yesterday and I love every minute of it (well, not the crowds at the grocery stores SickTired

    MinusTwo--Joe and my cruise was in March for my birthday, so not quite a year. February will be our 2 year anniversary, a record for me. So to all the single ladies out there, always believe there is someone out there for you, who will arrive in the perfect time and place. I was always looking so hard for Mr. Right that he didn't arrive until I stopped looking and just left it to divine intervention (we met through the Law of Attraction Singles --so appropriate). I am truly grateful to have him in my life. He supports, encourages and loves me in so many different ways.

    Sometimes I think we let our negative beliefs get in the way of love, just as we do with smoking. Instead of thinking--someday I'll figure this out, someday I'll be smoke-free (or someday I'll meet the right guy), instead we say--I'll never be able to do this, or What's wrong with me? (or I'll never meet him or why doesn't this guy like me?), I do believe that as we shift our focus from what we think as impossible to something someday possible that resources we need seem to show up and step by step be go closer to our goal, even if we can't see the finish line.

    Again, Wishing you all peace, love and hope on this day of gratitude.


  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited November 2015

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! MT, I'm in Florida and actually having a thanksgiving dinner at the golf club. I actually arrived here yesterday and had a delicious sandwich in the clubhouse. The sandwich was fabulous and if it is any indication, tomorrow should be great. Funny how we start to lose our "traditions" when the figureheads leave us. Remember, they are watching us!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited November 2015

    VJ - what a neat way to celebrate. You are wonderful for sharing. For many years I had all the college kids who couldn't get home over for Thanksgiving. And I love hearing about the BF. I believe in believing. (just like Peter Pan) Got a funny plaque for Christmas for a friend who's a pessimist: "It doesn't matter if my glass is half empty or half full, CLEARLY there is room for MORE WINE in it".

    Judi - I think your figureheads will be jealous watching you eat at the country club. And the term 'figureheads' is great. My Mother was insistent on everything being exactly the same long after she could no longer handle it. I wish she'd enjoyed herself a little more and not tried so hard to keep everything going for grown children who all lived in different parts of the country. One of my favorite years, I flew to Virginia to visit my son and he made reservations for the two of us at an old inn where George Washington had stayed.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited November 2015

    Morning MT! Cool .... a country inn where George Washington stayed. I would have loved that. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Enjoy the day!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited November 2015

    Happy Thanksgiving to most wonderful women in the world .. smoking or not .. love ya all .. hope everyone has a blessed day ... xoxoxo


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited November 2015

    Bosum - Glad to 'see' you and hear that you were with family for the holiday. Fingers crossed that something breaks loose for you soon. I agree about the 'guys'. You don't need any more hard knocks right now and giving your trust to someone new is hard.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited November 2015

    Bosum - so sorry your day has been the pitts. What ever was in the mailbox? Am I remembering correctly that you have an appointment with a counselor on Monday? Hang in there girl. Hope this one turns out to be a star.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited November 2015

    Bosom, I am here .. what was in the mailbox ? I am dreading the toxicology report from the medical examiners office from my son .. but they say it takes quite some time .. I am sorry I have not been here much . I visited my sons grave on Thanksgiving and cried my eyes out first holiday without him ... then I cooked for what seemed an army all day ... and there was only 4 of us .. my bf, my brother , and my bf step son . but I am grateful I had the food to cook and eat . My bf friend gave us the turkey so all I had to do was get the fixings.. I am back to cleaning houses .. and I put myself down constantly .. I feel I am not worthy of a good job .. and I also don't like the way my body is since the big C .. I am trying really hard to pray every morning and throughout the day and then at night .. sometimes it quiets my mind and soul. I am however grateful for my sobriety and for not smoking ... I have faith that you will come out of this .. xoxox I always include all of you in my prayers and thoughts .. If you need please PM me... I am here for you ..

    Minus, Judi, April, VJ... I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving ..

