Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • SVGsurvive
    SVGsurvive Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2016

    Hey MinusTwo - I just had my 1st TE fill this past Monday, with round 2 next Weds. Implant exchange is likely sometime in May or June. The smoking continues, but I'll never quit quitting! So I'm working with a therapist to come up with a new quit plan. My biggest concern is the long term. It warms my heart when folks say it gets easy after X weeks or X days or X months, but for me - I can go months without smoking and some trigger I never considered before weakens me and I'm back. I'm trying to figure out how to balance being "on guard" for the rest of my life without feeling resentment about it.

    I did indeed come clean w/ my nurse practitioner about the smoking. It made her sad, and I hear about it every visit - but I'm glad I do. Despite this madness, it looks like I beat the odds and both nipples will have survived this surgery - it's a miracle.

    Thankfully I'm past the honeymoon phase of falling off the wagon again. The cons of smoking are quickly outweighing the pros, as they always do. Soon I'll be nice & angry at them again and ready to quit.......forever?!?

    I'm so proud of all of you that remain quit, whether you quit 2 days ago or 10 years ago!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited February 2016

    SVG, I'm sorry I didn't post but yesterday was a whirlwind day for me. With snow and my young nephew undergoing surgery for thyroid cancer for a 2nd time, I just didn't have the time. I feel so bad for him but apparently they found cancer cells in his lymph nodes post-surgery so let's hope they got the buggers. On that sad note, I was great. I saw the oncologist and was released from her care. I'm no longer with the hospital but if things change the oncologist's door is always open and I'll always be her patient. The oncologist said that it was her recommendation not to continue the meds because of a number of reasons, that being, I was low risk. She felt that it wouldn't have matter if she prescribed the meds for another year or five years because of the risk. However, she said in some cases and usually if they are medium/high risk the meds would continue but it may be switched up to tami or another AL. She said that I would still benefit for the drug as the residual stays in your body up to eight to fifteen years. So, all in all, it's not an automatic that you go off of the meds if you reach the five year mark as there are a number of variables that play into it. She said that as long as I keep up my healthy lifestyle (eating and exercising) the risk of cancer return is very low. Most women in my age group go on to develop other illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, etc., and the risk of dying from cancer is low. But I told her about my upcoming CAT Scan and that is a little worrisome as we all know the effects of smoking. I'll keep my chin up!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited February 2016

    Judi - great news that you can drop the ALs. I like her detailed explanation. Are you having that low dose CAT specifically for lungs? Good luck w/that. I was unsurprised to find some damage after almost 50 years of smoking. Luckily it didn't mean any meds - at least for now. I need to look up the numbers again about how much the damage heals in how many years after you've quit.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited February 2016

    MT, thanks. The CAT Scan is because of the smoking. New guidelines in Ontario that if you smoked for 15+ years and a pack a day then you have to have the scan. I know I will have some damage but as long as I don't have lung cancer then I'm happy!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited February 2016

    "They" (the infusion center) couldn't get blood out of my port today so I'll have to schedule an Interventional Radiology procedure. BUT NOT NOW. I've cancelled everything for the last five years, so won't cancel the trip to see my son next week. Que sera, sera.

    Reading Cancer Today magazine while I was there and found some interesting smoking statistics. "It (should come as) no surprise that smoking rates are generally lower in states with higher taxes, ...(taxes) range from $0.17 in Missouri to $4.35 in New York. Then there's the tobacco industry, which is spending over $1 million per hour in this country to promote it's products". Yup - it's not a typo & you read it right. One million per hour... PER HOUR!!!. Eeek. They might as well just give out free smokes like they did in WWII.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited February 2016

    Or just hand out the one million per hour to all the people who in the country. MT, I just can't imagine that!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited February 2016

    Me either Judi. I was astounded at the dollar figure.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2016

    Million per hour? Really? Think of all of the good they could do with that money! OMG, it boggles my mind thinking about it. 24 million a day!

    CT had a very high cigarette tax and when I quit 3 years ago, we were over 9 bucks a pack. Yikes! I was spending that a day? Then I would bring my own coffee and lunch citing the high cost of eating out or getting a sandwich from the deli? What in the world was I thinking? LOL

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited February 2016

    Ha, ha April. I was paying $12.50 a pack when I quit five years ago. AND, yesterday the Ontario Liberals came up with their new 2016 budget. Guess what got a tax hike. Yup, cigarettes and wine! Go figure!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited February 2016

    $12.50 per pack? PER PACK??? OMG. Sure glad I quit. Think of all that extra money I get to spend on treating myself now. Hmmmm - $12.50 x 10+ packs per week x 52... I'm not spending nearly enough money on frivolous gratuities just for ME.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited February 2016

    Hey LisaMarie. Hope you are OK. Sending hugs.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited February 2016

    hello ladies , im here still trying to plug along and not give up. Judi im so happy to hear the good news from docs, and prayers for tge upcoming scan.

    Pammac Welcome... no judgment zone here just like planet fitness. It took me a long time to get almost 18 months together. I quit and smoked and quit again .. then came the day I quit for good... not to say its been easy because some days I want to just smoke . But I know that won't make a difference in the way I feel... so hang in there your day will come. Xo

    Svg glad to see you and glad all is going well qith the te and fills.. and your day will come as well.. xo

    Bosom I just adore you and I am so happy that you are still here with us we love u so much ... and you know one day you will find that you also are done and will be quit .

    Minus another vacation sounds great. Enjoy. Sorry about the port. Xoxoxo.

    When I quit smoking cigarettes were 11.00 per pack in NY and 12 per pack in NYC.. crazy enough I paid it . But here in NC. They are 4.50 per pack what a difference and I dont smokw lol..

    I need to get an apartment. Some are 350.00 a month . oi still misa my animals so mych . Im tryint to work as much as I can get. Im so worn out all tge tume.. I hope I find a happy place within. Myself. I did a page on facebook to raiise money tp go on a retreat in may with oth we r breast cancer survivors. Byt no one is donating. If anyone is interestedbin going its for sisters in scars. com you get tge motel room nipple tattoos if u want and a photo shoot .. but most of all great company feom all over... well I love and miss u all so much.

    Xo xoxo


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited February 2016

    Countdown... I'll leave Thursday to see my son. it's been over a year so I hope we can remember each other. LOL. So today I'm doing the wash. My Mother always told me not to go out with a safety pin holding up my slip - just in case. I guess, just in case I was hit by a car and someone would see. Now I'm worried about cleaning my house before I leave, just in case.

    One nice thing, I don't have to find extra room in my suitcase for cigarettes. I always bought by the carton - unless there was an emergency - which means I over-smoked my projected usage. I remember tucking in a carton was a really big deal when I was still smoking. And even worse was trying to get a lighter or matches on the plane after 911.

    I read the other day that only 3-6% of people who try to quit cold turkey (without any aids) are successful, according to the American Medical Association. Obviously because cigarettes are both a physical AND a mental addiction. My experience was that the mental part was MUCH harder. I was grateful for Chantix.

    Also a recent Duke University study found that snacking on fresh fruits and veggies actually makes cigarettes taste bad. Hmmm - I never tried that, but for those of you still working on quitting, let us know what you think.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2016

    MT, enjoy your trip and your time with your son. Like you, always packed a carton of smokes .... first in, first out! You know, the other day I really wanted a smoke but couldn't remember or imagine how to light the damn thing! Weird!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited February 2016

    Love it Judi!!! That will keep you free & clear for sure. And I have trigger thumb so I wouldn't be working a lighter either.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2016

    as for me , i always travelwd to places tgat had cheap ones and had to find room to bring thrm back . Lol

    Minus I hope you have an amazing visit with your son <3..

    I too am grateful for chsntix , it made my quit easier .xoxo


  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2016

    where is everyone today ? I had a day off and I am missing everyone so much ...



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited March 2016

    Happy Spring. It was 77 degrees yesterday in Houston. LisaMarie - I wish you had our weather. It's a gorgeous day to take or walk, or just sit in the sun. I'm trying to get packed - the absolute worst part of any trip. Just found out last night it will likely rain the entire time I'm there. I'll look pretty funny sitting on the rocks watching the waves with an umbrella over my head. Guess I'll take a camping poncho to put over my old, reliable London Fog coat.

    Bosum - sure hope you're doing OK. We do think of you often. And hi to everyone else.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2016

    Hi lisamarie! xoxoxo I am here at work wishing I was anywhere

    Have a great trip Minus! Enjoy the time with your son.

    Judi, Bosum, VJ et al, have a wonderful rest of your week!

    Hugs to all who struggle with the beast - tobacco! May you be free from its clutches forever!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2016

    Hi Ladies ,

    I hear ya Bosom .. I am on the verge of smoking a cigarette or drinking a beer .. I pray its none of the above but I am so friggin alone and so sad .. Ive been totally crying the past few days .. and there are some good things to look forward to like my test on April 2 .. and more $ for CNA then housekeeping ... but I find myself in a slump crying .. and wantig out ... out of life ... I know that is a horriable thing to say but i just feel that way my damm tablet wont let me on any site it says unable to connect to proxy server ... now what the heck and why ??? so im attemptmg this lap top that works on ocassion... I am very very home sick .. I miss my animals and I miss home .. I know it was not a good place to be and if I went back things would be the same ...I just dont know how much longer i can hold on ... I am trying ..

    Minus I hope you are having an AMAZING trip ..

    April and Judi I hope all is well ..

    anyone I missed I am sorry :(

    to everyone struggling to stop smoking never give up although I think its like 17 months maybe for me and now I am finding it to be creeping in at me all the time .. I find myself thinking of smoking more and more ..

    anyway I am a sad one today ..

    love and hugs to all


  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2016

    LisaMarie, don't do it. You are down in the dumps and thinking a smoke will be the answer. It's not. Remember, if money is tight then do you have enough to buy smokes/drink. Kinda hard. But you have done so well for yourself. You have to move forward and not backwards. Sometimes it's easier to slip into things we know then venture forward. Be brave and hold that head up high. We all love you!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2016

    Lisamarie, you are stronger than you think you are! Hang in there...better days are ahead if you can weather this storm. I just know you can do this without alcohol or cigarettes, both of which cause you to NOT feel good about your life as well. I am keeping you close in my thoughts dear one and know that you will be have to be! xoxo

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2016

    LisaMarie, sometimes it takes me a while to find a post for you but I've found it. I agree with April, hang in there!


  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2016

    Judi , Thank you . I have made myself go to meetings the past couple days . I know what you are saying it is so hard to start a new life in a strange place and go through so many different feelings and phases without any comforts of what I know ...I know driking or smoking willl not help ,me in any way .The folks at the meetings gie me so much inspiration and love as well . I cant help but think that I feel so lost and alone . even with my kids here I feel so very alone ...The more I get involved in the program the more friends i will have . I try not to think too much about stuff but my mind takes over and it sucks ...I miss my animals so much , i feel like a chronic complainer ... I also have been having a terriable time with my sons death as it has creeped in on me too the past few days . I spoke with a lady Barbara on the phone whos 's daughter is buried next to my son and she comforts me as she tells me she prays for Anthony every day and talks to him .. made me feel so ,uch better ... Anyway .. Just for today I will not smoke .. and I will try to keep my head up high ... I love you all



  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2016

    april , we must have been writing at the same time ... thank you so much .. xoxoxox


    Judi , That is how I have been tryong to deal with all this crap is pretending most the time to be ok when I am really not ..

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2016

    LisaMarie, the only thing I can do for you is reassure you that after what you have been through recently, you are entitled to feel totally adrift and scared and sad. You have gone through every Mother's nightmare - the loss of your child! No one should expect you to be over that, not now and not ever. You will just adjust and accept but you will always feel sadness about this. You eventually can (and will) accept the reality and learn to think of your Anthony with joy and happiness at who he was when he had his earthly body. Some day, you will be with him again and then you can rejoice in that bond. I believe this with all of my heart. No one knows why we get the trials that we do in this life but the fact is we all get them...some more challenging than others. They must be for a lesson of some type or something we must learn I guess.

    You are so very strong and I know that eventually you will come out the other side of this even stronger! Just that you reached out to meetings shows me you know what to do to keep yourself from relapse so I know that you will remain committed to your sobriety and your not smoking. Soon, (and I wish I knew when) you will start to feel better and regain some control of that life of yours and then you will begin to heal once again. I just know it.

    We love you and want you to be happy! xoxo

    Judi, as always, you find the best stuff! xo

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited March 2016

    I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.--attributed to Mother Teresa.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited March 2016

    Ladies - wonderful words of wisdom & support for Lisa Marie. (and Bosum too). LisaMarie - I know you feel ready to crack, but you ARE so much stronger than you think. Glad you're going to meetings. Hang in there girl - JUST FOR TODAY.

    I've been talking miles in Carmel and not in San Francisco. How I wanted to sit & watch the waves & smoke. But I won't. Eating lots of sourdough bread & fish. Thinking of you so borrowed my son's computer for a few.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2016

    Ladies, I have to run but I just wanted to say kudos to April and VJ. Your words of wisdom show love and support. Man, you women are good. VJ, I love what you posted about Mother Theresa. A woman told me that when I was first diagnosed and I firmly believed it. Now, I'm on another run. VJ, new guidelines in Ontario for smokers who have smoked for over 15+ years a pack a day (I've only been a nonsmoker for 5 years) to have a lung CT scan - cancer screening. I got a call yesterday from the hospital for a follow-up with a thoracic surgeon. Apparently I have an 8 cm glass ground area opacity. WTF, I don't even know what that means. I'm meeting with my family doctor tomorrow to follow-up with the test but got this call. I don't understand why family doctor didn't call. I wonder about these new guidelines. Will have to read up on these new guidelines. Will tell more when I know more!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2016


    Judi, will be thinking of you. If it isn't one thing, it is another. Many times with lungs, things look really suspicious and then turn out to be scar tissue or something sinister looking but not deadly from when we abused our lungs with inhaling all that smoke. I pray that all is well for you and know that the likelihood is that you are in the clear.

    I swear, whenever we have our lives running somewhat smoothly (and mine has not been smooth for about 7 years now unfortunately so hoping to reach that someday in the near future) then there has to be something to shake it up. That is called being alive I guess. We could never appreciate the good things in this life without going through some of the really lousy ones I suspect.

    I liken it to hitting the lottery and being very rich and then spending the day at the casino playing slots. If you win a big pot like 500 bucks, it will never have the same thrill as winning when you are broke and wishing for that nice It will feel like chump change when you are rich. So, now I will stop rambling because reading this back, although it makes sense to me, it might not make any sense to all of you. LOL