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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • Vslush
    Vslush Member Posts: 117
    edited November 2018

    Thank you MinusTwo. It's nice not to feel so alone in this struggle and not an outcast for being a smoker in the first place! I am having DIEP on the 29th, so I HAD to quit or they wouldn't do it. Funny, in a way it's almost a relief to have the option taken from me. Probably would never have pushed through even the first day.

    CarolAnnie, I have been vaping as well. I went zero nic since they will be testing me. Is that what you're planning, or putting it down completely? I'm finding it almost redundant without the nic (terrible withdrawal), but using it as a pacifier all the same. Do you ever find it sickening after a while? It tastes great, but so sweet! 🤢

  • CarolAnnieLumpLump
    CarolAnnieLumpLump Member Posts: 54
    edited November 2018

    Vslush, I have both 0 nicotine and one that is 1.8 nic. I have been using the 1.8 more lately but do not have nicotine withdrawal symptoms anymore. I read the 1.8 is like the same amount of nic as one cig. I get my zeros from "A Clean Cigarette" they have many nice flavors. I like their coffee, blueberry and mint flavors best. I find I prefer the ecig style over the vapes. I would like to quit all together. I switch up my flavors often so I don't notice feeling sick. I have 3 batteries and a variety of cartridges so I have more than one flavor at a time. My lungs feel so much better and my sense of smell is a wonder! Not to mention that I am not so self conscious all the time about how I smell. I don't miss that constant battle of not smelling like a big ol' cigarette as my dh would say. I love that I was able to quit. I do still miss it some but the urge continues to fade. I have a friend that says when she is 90 she is going to start smoking again. I might join her. lol

    Wishing you all the best with your upcoming surgery.

  • Vslush
    Vslush Member Posts: 117
    edited November 2018

    Thanks for the info, CarolAnnie. I may try the ecig instead. This big ole vape thing is way too fussy and complicated. I agree the best part is not smelling, and not trying to cover it up. Good luck with your quit!

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776
    edited November 2018

      I am still smoking 2-4 a day.  It's been almost 2 weeks since I purchased a pack.  If you recall I found myself a little triggered over having to get back into a little caregiving for my mother in law after the death of her spouse.  She is really not a problem, she's doing OK so I was able to get back to step 1-STOP buying them!!  It works, if you don't have 'em you can't smoke 'em!   Husband still smokes so that's where I fail.  I don't want any pills, nicotine, replacement vices (like ecigs or vaping), maybe some regular gum.  Having a lung scan 7-Dec so hoping to keep stepping down to nothing by then, maybe, no guarantees...…..

    Best wishes to all for a smoke free day!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited November 2018

    Hi everyone , still struggling along with my mom ... feeling better aftery surgery .. I hope to find everyone here doing well. Minus great news about the lungs ... missing you



  • CarolAnnieLumpLump
    CarolAnnieLumpLump Member Posts: 54
    edited November 2018

    Lisamarie-glad you are doing better after your surgery! Being a caregiver is such a difficult thing to do. Sending you good vibes. Don't forget to do something nice for yourself often.

    27/28 whole breast rads for me today. One more whole breast and 6 boosts and I am done! yay. On to arimidex next. Hoping the side effects tolerable. Had a dream I smoke to 2 cigs the other night. lol Not gonna lie, I enjoyed them both.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited November 2018

    LisaMarie - glad that your healing and feeling better after the surgery. Are you back at work full time yet? Sorry too hear you Mom hasn't changed.

    CarolAnnie - Ohhhhh two dream smokes. That's better than dream sex. How is your skin holding up to the rads? Amazing that there's only one left before the boosts. So you'll be finished before Christmas?

    Bosom - I know you don't log on much - and I know you've change your 'screen name', but this is how everyone recognizes you. We think of you often. Sending you happy B-day wishes for a week from today just in case you check in.

  • belleeast
    belleeast Member Posts: 96
    edited November 2018

    Hey all, hanging in there with not smoking! Not gonna lie, it has been rough the last couple weeks!! Why, I have no idea, Dec 6 will be 6 months!

    Plus my nutrisystem idea to control my eating hasn't work :( I have gained back almost all the weight I had lost prior to quitting smoking, very discouraging:(

    Feeling overwhelmed with it all! For those who have been successful with quitting please tell me if this is normal, did you gain weight? I am substituting food/eating for smoking! I don't know if I can quit smoking and lose the weight at the same time!

    I am hoping this gets easier and I can get it under control! Today I choose not to smoke! I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving with family and friends!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited November 2018

    belleeast - I did gain weight when I quit the last time. 10 lbs right off the bat. I quit for 3 months and then started again and then on and on. Not giving up quitting though. When I gained weight none of my clothes fit and I was miserable. People made cruel remarks at work which didn’t help. I shouldn’t have let that bother me but it did because I couldn’t afford a whole new wardrobe. I am small so even 5 pounds is a lot.

    I did manage to at least change my smoking habits like no smoking in the cars, the house and when I go out I never take them with me. Recently my DH and I went out of town on a bus trip for a football game and I had 2 in 3 days. It just wasn’t convenient to smoke on campus or at one of the pit stops we made traveling to the game which was a 12 hour bus trip with 50 other fans.

    So I’m making progress. A friend quit years ago and can’t lose the weight she gained but she’s not obese and I keep telling her it’s better than smoking just don’t get obese which can bring on a lot of medical issues too.

    I try and stay active and away from home as much as possible. Also helps. Smoking is a very strong addiction so kudos to you for making it this long.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited November 2018

    Edwards - sounds like you're succeeding with changing habits. That's a major gain. Gradual works for some of us.

    Belle - congratulations on 6 months. That's FANTASTIC!!!

    Yes, I did gain weight - around 20 lbs. I ended up exchanging exercise for smoking and became a real fanatic about exercising 1-2 hours a day. It's obvious that something in my personality needs to be addicted to something but it was obnoxious for my friends & family since I put that before anything else. I started going to Curves every day. Then graduated to a regular gym that was closer & had an indoor track. I walked/trotted 5 miles EVERY day - 7 days a week - and did some other work out routines. Unfortunately they closed the indoor track, but I did lose the weight.

    Now I go to Silver Sneakers twice a week and try walk a couple of miles on the treadmill at least one other day. In the summer I go to water aerobics 3 evenings a week. I can maintain ONLY if I basically give up bread. Of course I prefer bread to desserts, so it's a real struggle. I just don't keep it in the house. Only a small 4 pack of Hawaiian rolls in case I freak out & need an emergency fix. And I do better if I eat only two meals a day - mid morning and late afternoon before 5pm. Somehow it helps if I don't go to bed with a full stomach.

    Thought you all might enjoy this bit of humor before we all stuff ourselves tomorrow:

    "Losing weight is a misnomer. It always knows it's way back."


  • belleeast
    belleeast Member Posts: 96
    edited November 2018

    Diane, kudos to you for not giving up! You are doing great cutting down!

    Thank you, Minus and Diane! It helps to know that gaining weight after quitting is not that unusual! I don't feel so bad about it after reading your stories. It still sucks but I don't feel alone, does that make sense? Lol

    So after the grandkids (3 boys) left today, I made myself get out of the house. I pushed mowed the north side of the house-chopping up the leaves from the pecan tree. It took an hour, I am so out of shape- thought I was going to have a heart attack. I have the rest of the yard to do and the back yard, figure I'll do it tomorrow afternoon after I get back from my family's get together.

    After working in the yard I went to the store for a few last minute things, I have to admit I looked at the cigs but did NOT buy any!!

    Just for today I will not smoke!

  • CarolAnnieLumpLump
    CarolAnnieLumpLump Member Posts: 54
    edited November 2018

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    Belle, I gained 10 pounds immediately. I am not going to worry about it too much especially today since I ate a ton of good food and pie. lol 6 months is amazing! Good for you girl.

    Edwards, you are making great progress! My oncologist suggested giving up one regular smoke time a day to start out. You have already cut out quite a few. You are doing awesome.

    After rads I am going to work on giving up my e cigs. I already know I don't have the cravings like when I smoked real cigs. Hoping I don't gain more weight. I am going to have to switch to something healthy like water bottles.

    Just for today I will not smoke!

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962
    edited November 2018

    Hi, everyone! I quit smoking September 10th after almost 50 years of 2 packs a day. I smoked through a lumpectomy and re-excision, but I found out between those two that I also had kidney cancer, and the urologist said I HAD to stop. The RO that I saw about the same time also said I had to quit. The urologist gave me a patch prescription, which I procrastinated on for about a month. Hubby and I went out of town for a long weekend before the nephrectomy, and I wore my first patch on the drive home - a real test since I usually smoked in the car a lot. I did 4 weeks on the strongest patch, then I think 2 on the next step. When it was time for a refill, I didn't bother. I haven't really changed anything like where I sit in the house or any other smoking-related stuff. No backsliding and not really tempted. Every once in a while I'll think "Oh, this is when I would have had a cigarette," inhale, exhale, and promptly forget about it. I know my breathing has improved because I play a musical instrument, and my practice stamina is much better than it was. I'm glad I'm not smoking during rads - I fall asleep too easily and it would have been a fire hazard! I have gained about 12 pounds, but I think the kidney was acting like Pac-Man on me because I'd lost a lot of weight over the last several months. So at least I had some wiggle room, but I want to get those 12 pounds off again since I had just bought new clothes and they're getting snug now!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited November 2018

    Alice - wow, good for you. Quitting two pack w/o changing any other habits or surroundings is amazing. Thanks for sharing. Sorry about the multiple cancers. Are you still in rads? Hope that is going well.

    It crossed my mind driving the hour home from a big meal at my BFF's yesterday that a smoke would sure be nice. For the weird column - last night I dreamed that I was checking out at someplace like a Walgreens that was packed with people and lines. (must have been black friday LOL). Among other purchases, I was buying six 12 packs of coke and 3 cartons of Benson & Hedges cigarettes. I had to trust my luck & left some stuff on the counter while I made the first trip to my car, but you can believe those smokes were tucked under my arm.

    Twice as funny since I quit both cokes & smokes at the same time due to thinning bones. (both contribute to osteoporosis). I went back to the cokes during chemo due to dehydration issues when I couldn't get any other liquid down - but I ration myself to 3 a day. Thankfully I've managed to keep my resolve regarding smoking. JUST FOR TODAY - I will not smoke.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962
    edited November 2018

    It's easier to stay motivated while still undergoing active treatment. I'm more worried about later, when I don't have that clear and present motivation. Maybe I'll use the instrument playing for that - plus it's something to stick in my mouth!

    I never got the soda habit, but I drink enough tea that my insides are probably stained a disgusting color.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited December 2018

    On no - the last post was November 23rd? That's way too far away for a post. So HI all you ladies & gents who have this on your favorites. And welcome to all of you who are still trying to quit - or contemplating quitting. The holidays are coming with lots of joy but also lots of stress. The best way to go is one day at a time. JUST for today, I will not smoke.

    LisaMarie - how are you doing? Heard from Bosum and she's looking forward to Christmas w/her boys. VJ - are you still lurking? April - how is your new house & new job? I actually just found Judi's personal email address, so I'm going to send her a note that we miss her.

    And everyone else? How are you doing? Are you frustrated? Happy? Still trying? Please do check in.

  • Vslush
    Vslush Member Posts: 117
    edited December 2018


    I'm still here, just lurking mostly. I was supposed to have surgery Nov 29, but it was cancelled. Guess what I did? Yep, grabbed the smokes and started back up. I have to admit (only here would I do that), that it's been kinda bittersweet. On the one hand, they taste horrible and I stink again. That part sucks! On the other hand, it's been nice to just do it without any guilt or thought about it.

    New surgery is Feb 22, so I have to quit first week of Jan. Hopefully I haven't screwed myself to the point I can't put them down again. Duh!

    So thats what's going on here. Thanks for breaking the silence here.

    How are you doing?


  • CarolAnnieLumpLump
    CarolAnnieLumpLump Member Posts: 54
    edited December 2018

    Hi Minus. Vickki, and all of you. The holidays are upon us, my gosh this year flew by! I finished radiation treatments November 29 and started the arimidex on the 30th. It's been two weeks, I wish I had lots of positives to say about my experience but right now I am just pooped. Not sure if it's the rads or the pills or likely a combo of both. On a happy note, I just turned 60 on the 11th and am so proud of myself that I am not smoking cigarettes. It will be 6 months on the 21st! I am still using my ecig but am cutting back on that now.

    Vickki, don't be too hard on yourself, we are all going through so much as it is let alone trying to quit smoking. I gets easier as time goes by once you lay them down for good. I still catch myself digging in my purse for my pack sometimes while driving.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited December 2018

    Vslush - As CarolAnnie says, don't beat yourself up. I 'quit' at least 4 times before it "took". One time I actually stopped for an entire year. Start tapering down after Christmas dinner and that will give you a week's prep. You can do it. Well, since the doc won't do the surgery if you're smoking - you KNOW you can do it.

    CarolAnnie - sorry for your fatigue. I'll bet it took me 3 months after rads to get any energy, and I still had the rest of the year with Herceptin. I didn't have to take Arimidex, but I understand that can add to your tiredness. Hope that will be the only side effect. Great news that you're almost 6 months down the road. Oh I can remember at first - counting the hours, then counting the days, then counting the weeks. SIX months is a good milestone. Are you using nicotine in the ecig? Or just using it for the habitual hand/mouth movement? My bet is you'll lay it down this year as you begin to feel better.

  • Vslush
    Vslush Member Posts: 117
    edited December 2018

    Thanks for the words of encouragement CarolAnnie and MinusTwo. Your both are so reassuring and inspiring to me.

    CarolAnnie, congrats on not smoking for so long! Sorry you are feeling so fatigued from the meds. As Minus said, hopefully that'll be the only SE you have.

    MinusTwo, the idea of stopping after Christmas dinner is terrific! Hadn't thought of using that as the starting point, but it makes perfect sense.

    Hoping everyone has a wonderful holiday season, and that 2019 will be filled with joy and good health for all!


  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 776
    edited December 2018

    Hi all, stopping in to wish you all a happy holiday!!!

    I'm still a little triggered ( having 4 or 5 per day-somedays can do just 2!) But things are looking up--I just passed everything, my mother in law is in the hospital-she will then go to rehab, and then transition in to full time resident.  So, as the new year approaches I will be less triggered and will go back to doing my thing.....quitting!!  For good this time!

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited December 2018

    Minus-- I haven't been around, just caught up with posts since October. 2018 has not been a good year for me. I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr Virus, spent almost 4 months in bed from fatigue during the summer, good news is that I dropped over 50 pounds. First time I've been a "normal" BMI since the first time I had cancer in 1987. Breast cancer screwed up my body both times and EBV gave it back to me.

    I'm just now getting my life back. My viral load is still really high and my doctor doesn't know why I'm doing as well as I am. I think it's because I'm doing all the "right" things. My diet is limited now (EBV makes you sensitive to different proteins-- so I can't eat dairy, eggs, gluten and nightshades). so I mostly eat organic fruit and veggies, no processed food. I take a ton of supplements -- my doctor tested and I was low in everything -- even when I was taking 4,000 mg of Vitamin C, I wasn't absorbing it. I'm now taking 20,000 mg a day and I'm in the low normal range. None of which are paid for by my insurance. Because of all this, I look the best I have in probably 20 years, but I've had cancer twice, both times it was localized, and not metastatic, so I'm only speaking from my experience but EVB kicked my butt more than cancer. In some ways it is worse. I don't wish either on anyone but if I had to choose -- I'd choose localized BC over this. The current theory is that EBV may be a cause in MS, lupus and fibromyalgia. It is also linked to a couple of rare cancers.

    I see there are some new people here, good luck in your journey to become smoke-free. I wrote a book on how to quit, send me a PM with your email address and I'll send you a free PDF copy.

    Wishing everyone a joyful holiday season and a healthy new year.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited December 2018

    Oh VJ - so sorry to hear about the EBV. You've been through the ringer. The only positive thing is the 50 lbs. Well, that and you look 20 years younger. I think about you often and hope the viral load continues to decrease with all the supplements and the changes you've made.

    And for those of you still trying: JUST FOR TODAY I WILL NOT SMOKE. Hang in there.

    I heard from Bosom and she's doing OK. I hope LisaMarie will check in. And April. And all the rest of you. Here's to a joyful AND peaceful holiday season and good luck with whatever we want to accomplish in the New Year.

  • belleeast
    belleeast Member Posts: 96
    edited December 2018

    Merry Christmas, everyone! Wishing you all Happy Holidays with family and friends!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited December 2018

    Hi Ladies , sorry I didnt read all the post . I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and all are feeling good . as for me I am working full time agin since surgery . On December 11 my moms sig other passed away and then my cousin 35 years old passed in Florida 1 hour later . I have my mom living with me full time now , just trying to get affairs in order . Her sig other left her the house and his car and his kids are fighting with us constantly .. life can get so messy and nasty . anyway so far mom is adjusting to her new room and home here with me . I love sand miss you all very much ... will read post and get updated as soon as I can find some real time ...



  • bethiemb
    bethiemb Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2019

    I quit smoking in August of 2017 just before having a full hysterectomy to reduce the estrogen in my body and have not had one since. Probably the hardest thing I did in 2017! I had been smoking for over 30 years and couldn't be prouder. Best of luck to anyone that is trying.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited January 2019

    Beth - thanks for chiming in.

    As posted before - I am a smoker. I will always be a smoker. Just one who isn't smoking. I quit 11-1/2 years ago. (does that sound longer than 2007?) I agree - it's by far the hardest thing I've ever done. Although the urgent need is long gone and I don't automatically reach for a smoke anymore - there are still times that I would really like a cigarette. So....Just for today, I will not smoke.

    I agree with Beth. Good luck to anyone who is trying.

  • CarolAnnieLumpLump
    CarolAnnieLumpLump Member Posts: 54
    edited January 2019

    Thought of you this morning! 7 months on the 21st since I smoked last😃


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited January 2019

    Carol Anne - Seven Months. FANTASTIC!! Way to go. Eeek for your cold air. We were supposed to get to 29 last night, but it only got to 31. Winter & dreary, grey days always make me want a cigarette. Looked up number of sunny days and in Houston we're at 204, just about the national average of 205. I thought we had more. Seattle was only 152.

    Shout out from this smoker who has not smoked for 11 years and 6 months. Notice - I never say 'former smoker'. I will always be a smoker who is choosing not to smoke. So - just for today, I will not smoke.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,962
    edited January 2019

    I have check-ups with all my docs this month, what fun. At the MO's office Friday, when I mentioned that I still hadn't smoked since quitting in September, the nurse changed my classification to "former smoker." 🎆🍾🎇

    I'm still not tempted. There are occasional times when a smoke would feel like the natural thing to do, but a few deliberate deep breaths gets rid of that feeling. I used to joke that if I didn't smoke, I'd forget to breathe. It's kind of true - so sometimes those smoking craves might be a reminder that we need to inhale a little more deeply. The best part is having more energy. Even though I've gained some weight (next thing to tackle!), I don't get winded when I'm walking.