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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • nancypat
    nancypat Member Posts: 239
    edited November 2009

    Hi mimi, I really hope you can quit.  I have three packs left and that has to be the end of it.  It's going to be a very nerve wracking time because they are dicking around about getting my insurance switched to Denver.  I will soon be out of meds and the last time that happened I passed out and gave myself some free dental work.  Not looking forward to it. 

    I want everyone to know that I love you.  I haven't been posting because I tend to blather on and I haven't quit.  


  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited November 2009

    I haven't changed my quit date of this Saturday.  Yesterday I had 4 smokes.  I have about 3/4 of a pack.  When those are gone even if it isn't Saturday - I am determined to not buy another pack because the thought of throwing out cigarettes is to me the same as just burning money.  Ok...I know that smoking costs money and you are throwing it away but it isn't the same to me - I have a warped mind.

  • flfish
    flfish Member Posts: 309
    edited November 2009

    heehee....mimi, your mind is not warped, you are just rationalizing.  Believe me, we ALL have done that!  Ok, so Saturday is your day, I am pulling for you!!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited November 2009

    Janice - I did the same thing...couldn't throw out my last pack of cigs even thought I felt I was ready to felt like throwing $$$ away :)   I am rooting for you and sending positive "you can do it' vibes your way!!!!

    Mimi - Ditto!!!!! You can do it!!! 

    Pantafus - I hope your insurance mess gets taken care of asap...we don't want you to undergo any self dental work.   

    Flfish - I have been having problems with Internet at home so haven't had a chance to read about the new mammo guidelines but CRAP...I am 38 years old and found my own lump during a self exam.  I have been asking since I was 35 for a baseline but because I did not have any of the high risk factors...I was told 'you're too young'!  

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited November 2009

    Good thing my quit date is this Saturday because after the recommendations of the stupid experts about not screening for mammo until the age of 50 and then watching Good Morning America and reading Susan Love's blog - I was ticked off to the max and went outside and smoked!!!

    I want to respond to Susan Love's Blog but I am so irate right now that I can't even get the words out!

  • flfish
    flfish Member Posts: 309
    edited November 2009

    I am SO angry about these new guidelines I can't see straight.  Every one of use should prance out dented boobed and "foob" bodies to Washington to DEMAND that this be retracted.  Basically, since only 3% of the woman diagnosed are under the age of 50, they don't think it "economically" outweighs the ladies, since many of us are in the 3%, they are saying that our lives are not worth saving if they can save money on the overall costs.  Sickening. 

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited November 2009

    I guess my quit date moved to TODAY!!  I say that because I finished off that pack of cigarettes and was looking to horrible to go to the store without showering and I didn't feel like taking a shower.  So I had 2 smokes this morning, on at 9 am and one at 11 am and not since then.

    I have taken the chantix today along with a valium hours ago and just now took a lorazepam.  What I am not looking forward to is weight gain since I am 25 lbs overweight now and I know I am going to be eating like a fool for the next week or so.  9.5 hours down!!!  I have been lucky - not many horrific cravings today at all.

  • flfish
    flfish Member Posts: 309
    edited November 2009

    Way to go Jancie!  It has been one day already, how are you feeling?

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited November 2009

    flfish - geez...I want one in a very bad way!  However, as I pat myself on the back, I have now gone 26 hours without one.  Yes, I count the hours until I get to 72 hours and then I will start counting days.  Right now 26 hours sounds good to me!

    I have decided that when I really think I am going to break down and go buy that pack, instead I need to bundle up and take a walk around the block.  This will get me exercising the extra food that I no doubt am going to eat as I go through this process.

    I can't believe that last time I went 17 days and then broke down and smoked.  That was just so freaking stupid of me!!!  And, all it takes is having one smoke and then you want another and another.

    I have a friend that can smoke and she never gets addicted.  She can smoke 5 in a day while we are out goofing around and then she is done.  She only smokes when she is around others that smoke.  Just NOT FAIR!

  • flfish
    flfish Member Posts: 309
    edited November 2009

    It is not fair, but remember, that is your friend,  not you or I.  WE are actually addicted, so we have to know that only one will lead us down the wrong path.  Don't feel bad about the 17 days, I went 5 weeks and broke down.  But, that helps me know that I can do it, I just need to buckle down. 

    Congrats on 26 hours!  Now lets go for 40!!!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited November 2009

    Janice - 31 hours and counting...I am soooo happy for you and cannot wait to start counting down days!!! 

    I had a craving hit me from out of the blue yesterday and it was BAD!!!!! I took a few deep breaths and thought were the H3!! did that come did pass and I did not give in but UGH, no fun!!!

    We CAN DO THIS!!!!!

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited November 2009

    Janice - Good luck with the quitting I hope it works for you. 

    o2bhealthy - Go girl... you can do this!!!  Just like Janice can!!!

    As for the new breast cancer guidelines, I read somewhere on the internet today (wish I could remember where) that the lady who is over the medicare or the spokes woman said thats just what they were is recommendations by that group that they don't set the federal guidelines and that Medicare would continue to do mammo's starting at 40.  Makes me wonder though... where will that leave the rest of the women??  I'm so mad!!!!!  Afraid if somehow we can't get involved and protest the insurance companies will adopt these guidelines and lives will be lost!!! and for what??? sheer govermental ignorance.

  • Janzin
    Janzin Member Posts: 491
    edited November 2009
    Hello Ladies, been awhile, busy with a friend in town. She smokes so I did move my quit day up. And I feel like I am closer in mindset, but need to post more to keep it in my mind. Crazy how one mind can go through in one day. One minute really really want it and then the next don't even think about it. But I need to keep my mindset to really really want to. I think I am one of the oldies here who still hasn't got past 36 hours yet. Happy to see the new faces, let's join our energies and do it! New date is Nov. 24th.

    Pantufas, hope you are there with me, this is the year we do it! Love having you here. Have to get out and walk the lake with me, let's get ready for salsa, we will be the lean mean quitting machines.

    FIfish, happy to hear you laugh! And Happy to see your support!!!! Keep posting, you may find your mind set. Thanks on the news, you know that is bull Sh_t!!!. If anything, we need to start looking earlier! Will post up some recent dead pics soon.

    Mimi, Welcome! Happy to add another great lady to our group. Awesome you picked a quit date! Don't worry on the weight as they say the weight can wait. Put your energy into quitting and deal with the weight later. I do know for me that cardio really helps my cravings and the sugar free isn't too bad once you get used to it.

    KK, thanks for sharing. Every bit helps!!! Drop in again.

    Janice!!! OMG, a blast front he past. You use to crack me up, still hiding butts on your tire tread????? I have been wondering what you have been up to. Sorry you started again but sounds like you have a new mind set and ready to go again. 17 Days is huge and congrats on your 31 hours. You have so much determination, keep practicing that every day.

    O2Bhealthy, you are almost there. That one year marker. I think after 1 year I rarely even thought about it when I quit last time. Glad to see you posting more again. Really missed you.

    Cleo, how are you doing. Still want to come to Denver?

    Candie, how is your hip doing. Still smoke free?

    REKoz, looking forward to having you with us. You are awesome!!!

    Nobleanna, Denise, MB, Malleme, Nadine, and the rest of you. Drop in a line!!! We can help give extra support to the gals quitting here regardless if we have quit or have pushed our dates way into the future.

    Hugs to all,

  • flfish
    flfish Member Posts: 309
    edited November 2009

    Michelle---I am SO glad that you didn't break!!!  That is wonderful news.  I am sure it was hard, but you have done so well.  You are our inspiration here.  Remember that the next time the urge hits bad again.  WE LOVE YOU and you are doing great.  Way to go!

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited November 2009

    02bhealthy - looks like we are on the same track!!!  I am now at 49 hours and 19 minutes from my last smoke!!!  I am here to support you through this - the first 10 days is always the hardest for me.

    What is hilarious is that my hubby was out of town last night and still gone today.  I could have had a hay day smoking away like crazy and not have him bitching at me but I didn't!!  For the first time I went to what I call the "new" barn - even though I have been there since June, saw my horse and didn't crave a smoke.  I always smoked at the barns in the past.

    Janzin - you will love this one!! I could sneak a smoke if I wanted with my hubby out of town BUT the damm driver's side window in my car will not roll down!!  I can't smoke in my car!!  For the past week prior to Wed morning I would have to drive to some remote parking lot, get out of my car and smoke when it was only 36 degrees outside.  When I ran out of smokes Wed morning I figured - I can't smoke in my car - still can't get that darn window down so enough is enough, I am not waiting to quit on Saturday.

    flfish - Wow - 5 weeks?  I have never gone that long!  So what happened to make you start up again?  With me it was just a horrific day and smoking always calmed me down.  So I bought a pack, smoked a couple, kept the pack and before you know it I would be back to smoking 4 a day, then 8 a day, etc.  Funny how we can justify anything to smoke!

  • Janzin
    Janzin Member Posts: 491
    edited November 2009
    Hi Ladies! How is your smoke free doing. I will be right with you soon, share some of your tricks with me such as your 1st day and so on. Taking my friend Karla and Nancy to Red Rocks today. I will do a few stairs to help motivate me. Those stairs are a killer!!!!!! Will let you know where your lungs are!

    Michelle, you have donw so awesome. You are like our mentor as you have the longest days here on this post. Happy you did not break, we need strength here and I am a terrible on at that. Having success here is awesome because you are showing it can be done. Stay strong, miss your voice. Will call you soon.

    Fifish, your almost done !!!!! We will get ours soon. Help the newbies who are having the same story as ours. I am getting sick of cigs. This is it for me.

    Ladies, Nancy and I took some dead pics, will post them later, I hope I get a smile off of you. Jancie, not sure if you remember them but I will give an update so Mimi knows what is going on. Mimi, sometimes we would have bad days with BC and quitting, other times good days. On one of my good days, I posted what we called dead pics as I think they are silly and off the wall poses. Nothing grim, just a joke and it makes me laugh doing them and looking at them. Some of the gals here thought they were funny too. We call them lay down pics now, don't want to shock people. So this is mean't to cheer up and hopefully get a good laugh. Hope you will like them.

    Lot's of love,
  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited November 2009

    Janzin - I remember those pictures!!  Would love to see them again!

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited November 2009

    I dont know if Im really part of your group.  I stopped smoking Jan 11/06.  However I still struggle sometimes with desire to smoke.  It can be a whiff that sets it off or being among smokers for a long period of time.  I just came back from a Florida get together and I really struggled with desire then.  I managed to come home still smoke free but it did take effort.  Does the desire ever go away?  I know it will pass but I'd like to get to the point that the smoke does not affect me.

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited November 2009

    Dreamwriter - of course you are a part of this group!!  We love to hear stories of inspiration and perseverance, it helps us to know that yes, we can do this.

    Just so you know, I have a friend that stopped smoking 15 years ago.  She said that she never has totally lost the desire and there are times she is really tempted to smoke but she has been smoke free for 15 years now.  She quit drinking for the 1st year - something that I will now have to abstain from since I always want to smoke when I drink.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited November 2009

    Dream - welcome and congratulations on 3 years!!!!! My Dad quit 25 years ago and he says the cravings still come out of the blue but they don't happen often. Family functions are the hardest because most of my family smokes...

    Janice - I have had about ten drinks total since I quit smoking because it does trigger the urge to smoke. I would go out the Monday before my Wed chemo with my BF and we would have a drink together as my pre-chemo treat!   I never thought I would be thankful for the strict non-smoking in public establishments rules :)

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited November 2009

    Janet I would love to see your "dead pics" I bet they are a hoot!!  I'm all about LMAO and having a good time.  My smokes are almost gone!  I'm hoping it's not going to be that hard to quit.  I keep telling myself about all the money I'm going to save!  HaHa!!! Then I can buy some new expensive shoes and a coach purse that I want.  (my hubby just doesn't know it yet)!  What's going to make it even easier to stop right now is I'm sick with a krappy sinus and upper respiratory infection.  I don't know how most of you are but when I'm sick I don't want to smoke. 

    To all the other ladies that are trying to quit and have made it past day one way to go!!!! keep on keeping on.  We can do this together!!


  • Janzin
    Janzin Member Posts: 491
    edited November 2009
    Hi Dreamwriter, of course you are a part of our group. It's all about support, some who have quit might have the rights answers for the day to encourage a newbie, or we might say something to keep you from going over the edge. I have once quit for 8 years and I still had the craving, even made it pass my ex cheating. But I did not get through the diviorce so here I am trying again. Wish I never started back up again, thought it would be a piece of cake to quit again. Good luck to you!!!

    Mimi, we could take a cruise or a cool trip with the money we save, lol. I want to keep my teeth too. Your almost on your day, some like to have a bag of tools, something to do besides smoke. Works for some and may not for others. Mine will be hiking, salsa, gum, games and meditation. You can do it!!

    Okay everyone, here are the pics!!!



    This is Nancy, my friend Karla visiting from California and I in Estes Park, Colorado at the Stanley Mansion. Enjoy!!!!!


  • Janzin
    Janzin Member Posts: 491
    edited November 2009
    Mimi and Jancie, how are you two doing??? Keep in touch. You can do this. I have 3 days left of smokes. Looking forward to it but also not looking forward to it. But I have to think that each day gets better and soon I will be free of it. I look forward to seldom ever think about it. Remember, it will come for you two soon, stay focused and keep you days!

    Ladies, have a great Sunday. Taking Nancy and Karla to the Garden Of the Gods park, cool rocks. Will try some more dead pics, lol.

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited November 2009

    Doing great here!  Eating peppermints... LOL!  It's about the only thing I can taste anyway with this darned sinus infection.  How about you Janice? 

    By the way Janet I loved the dead pics!!!!  They were too cute :)  The place where you took them was absolutely beautiful!  Maybe I can go sometime.  Doubt it hubby is a Nascar fan and we only go where the races are LOL!

    Take Care


  • Janzin
    Janzin Member Posts: 491
    edited November 2009
    Awesome Mimi!!!! Way to go. Keep up the good work.

    Jancie, hope you are doing well. Drop in a line, I know Sundays are slow post days, worried about you.

    Pantufas, Karla and I did some more dead pics. Had people laughing and also got some to join us. Will post them later, pretty tired. I have to remember to buy the gum tomorrow, 24th is coming up soon. Hate this!!! I fell like a failure because all my past tries did not work out. This is going to be it. Think I will hit some other support because I am really struggling with this.

    Have a great night,

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited November 2009

    Awwwww   shucks - no need to worry about me.  Had to attend a baby shower this afternoon which and then scheduled to drive up the mountains 1 hour to eat dinner with another couple.  Of course that meant I had to go buy a pair of jeans because I have gained too much weight and my other jeans looked to raggedy for this "nice" dinner get together.  So I was busy shopping (I hate to shop with a passion), then to the baby shower, back home to pick up dh - drive one hour up the canyon to eat dinner and just got home.

    And no...............I still haven't smoked!!!!  I refused to have a drink at dinner because I knew the craving would hit me really hard.  To be honest, I have been living on valium when it gets really bad as far as the cravings, that seems to take the edge off.

    I did get kind of short responding to a couple of threads regarding the new recommendations - sometimes I can't believe the bullcrap that people come up with.  Hope I don't get any nasty PM's.

    What is funny is that this subject hit the thoroughbred racehorse forum board I am on and some nut came back with "I haven't been to the doctor in 20 years, I have God"  and then he or she (don't know what gender this person is) also made a comment about some plant that cures cancer so I came back with "What a wonder plant that cures cancer?  Then why in the hell are 40,000 women dying every year of breast cancer"   Insanity!!!!! Reading that alone would make you want to smoke but instead I am going upstairs to take my chantix and a valium and head off to bed!

  • flfish
    flfish Member Posts: 309
    edited November 2009

    Good job Jancie, you are still doing it!!  Hey, maybe we can all get some of that great herb (plant) that cures cancer!  Who knew?  Ugh, people are such morons.  I had someone tell me that they can cure cancer, but they don't because the insurance companies make too much money.  Really?  cuz mine paid out the a$$ for my treatment!  Idiots!

    Mimi, if your hubby wants to take you to the Nascar race in Homestead or Daytona, I will meet you there!!  heehee...both are relatively close to me. (Go Mark Martin :-0)   Colorado looks AWESOME!  Our beaches are beautiful here, but I miss seeing the mountains and snow!!!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week ladies (yes, Nadine, Thanksgiving is THIS week, lol).  We all have SO much to be thankful for, since we are all still here to celebrate!!!

    Love to all!


  • cleomoon
    cleomoon Member Posts: 152
    edited November 2009

    Way to go Renee and Janice!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!  Michelle way to hang tough through that craving. Janet cool that you set a new quit day. Loved the pics :)

    I just can't seem to get the mental toughness going. And I know that I have to want to quit with all my might. I feel like a heroin addict :(. What's it like for those of you who are using or have used Chantix. How does it help with the craves vs. patches/lozenges? I am considering starting it today.

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited November 2009

     Ellie, I may just mention that to dear old hubby and next year at Daytona we may have to meet up and go out to dinner.  That would be great!  Let's keep that in mind.  By the way we are Dale Jr. Fans, but gotta love Mark Martin to!  I have been rooting for him to win the championship instead of Jimmy Johnson, don't think it's gonna happen. :)

    Go Janice! keep up the good work!  Glad you got to buy new jeans but it sucks that you had to get them because of wt. gain.  

    Weight gain is one of my biggest fears from all the possible treatments I may have to endure.  Are there a lot of ladies that gain weight from their breast cancer treatments?  I am already post menopausal for 7 1/2 yrs surgically induced so the weight has already crept up about 20 lbs I definietely can't afford to gain anymore! 

  • kk69Z
    kk69Z Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2009

    jancie: Good Job!  The nicotine is out of your body in 72 hours. After that it is just the habit that makes you want one. Don't give in. Don't let all your hard work so far go down the drain. I know you don't want to redo your hours so far since you quit. Don't even smoke one. You don't want to have to start over. Just remember every minute that you go without one is a minute behind you and will only get easier. Stay with it and good luck!!!!