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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • cleomoon
    cleomoon Member Posts: 152
    edited November 2009

    Hey Janet,

    I wanna move in with you too. Actually I really would like to visit Colorado as I am considering moving there maybe in 8 yrs. I am not an old timer in the quit dept. I have not quit. I have been smoking since I was 19...I'm 44 now. I am frustrated and angry that this addiction has got control of me and my life. I will keep trying and am planning on giving it another go around Monday.

  • flfish
    flfish Member Posts: 309
    edited November 2009

    Cleo, I am just like you.  I started smoking in college and I am now 42.  I did quit for 3 years when I was pregnant with my daughter, but when she was 2 and I went back to work, I started up again.  I just wish I could find the best way for me.  I tried cold turkey (I made it 5 weeks) and became SO depressed that I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide.  Now I have tried cutting down.  I have cut down to 5-6 a day during the week (I don't do well on the weekends).  But now I just need to figure out how to cut out my last crutch!  Maybe yoga or meditation.  I have heard that things like that help. 

    REKoz, I am like you.  I have been pulling back, and I think I will continue doing that until I am ready to set a quit date again.  See you on facebook my friend!


  • Janzin
    Janzin Member Posts: 491
    edited November 2009
    HI Cleo, You are more than welcome to come stay with us!!!! All of you! Nancy and are I making another quit date, just trying to make sure that the timming is right since I have guest coming by. But we have been putting out those butts early, Every puff counts.

    FIfish, try to post every now and then, otherwise this thread my fall way to the bottom. I will check in from time to time.

    Best to you all,
  • malleme
    malleme Member Posts: 164
    edited November 2009

    Hi just have a moment.  Agree with keeping the thread smoking and supporting.  Did anyone see Brothers and Sisters last night.  Sally fields asked for a cigarette cause the stress of her daughters cancer was really getting to her??? and the need for her daughter wanting to control of her treatment, holistic option, did something she do cause her cancer and the need to control her  life.  I just thought it was a really good episode that only a person with cancer would pick up on the little things that cancer people feel. Especially the hair falling out at the end of the episode.

    Isn't the National Quit Day coming up this week????

    Welcome to the newbies.

    Have a great week.


  • cleomoon
    cleomoon Member Posts: 152
    edited November 2009

    Flfish I think it is so great that you have been able to maintain the 5 a day during weekdays. Meditation/Yoga sound like great ideas. I do so much better if I am with others who don't smoke and have scheduled time...I have way to much unstructured time on my hands. I am starting to exercise again and hope that helps me cut down. I also have a journal where I monitor my cig intake and write down the triggers/what's on my mind when I choose a cigarette.

    Malle Sorry I missed the episode. I usually watch it, but decided to take a break from the show last night. I think you are right..National Day is coming up.

    My goal still is to be smoke free by the time of my surgery in late winter. Janet/Nancy let us know when u pick ur new quit date :)

  • REKoz
    REKoz Member Posts: 164
    edited November 2009

    Ya see, I told ya I'd still post here! I wanted to respond to Mallme as I picked up on everything you mentioned about Brothers and Sisters last night. And there's absolutely no question that everything related to Kitty and her cancer hits me in a completely different way then it would have had I not gotten cancer myself. There's no way I can watch a show where a character has cancer without relating to or pondering the same issues as the character does. I'm sure it goes right past the majority of the healthy population watching.

    Ladies, one year ago today was the last day I had the boobs I was born with! And this morning was my LAST expander fills in preparation for the boobs I will have for at least the next 10-15 years. Anniversary dates always get me into deep thought mode. Yes, I surely do still have my ups and downs but all I can think of today is how grateful I am to be on this side of the year rather then the absolute mess I was last year. My exchange date is scheduled for Dec. 22nd and I just CAN'T WAIT! I will also get my port out at the same time and take my last 2 Herceptins through IV. How many people can say they got new boobs for Xmas? I am just beyond estatic to be almost at the end of this road...we ALL know how it seems like it will never end.

    Well, I have some work to do before the pain meds kick in. Wishing everyone a great day. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL here in NY...supposed to be almost 70 this afternoon. I hope I don't sleep it all away.

    Love to all-


  • Nadine54
    Nadine54 Member Posts: 162
    edited November 2009

    Well for the life of me I can't remember how to put pictures here of my trip to Denver.  If anyone knows how to do it, please send me a PM and give the instructions.

    Also, a while back I lost near all of my contacts.  If you was on my contact list, I am missing you...please PM me your email address so I can get you back on my friends list.  Took me a while to get the family back and I think I have all of them and still trying to find my BC friends and some other friends.

    Have a wonderful day,


  • Janzin
    Janzin Member Posts: 491
    edited November 2009
    Hi Ladies, been busy here with Nancy, getting her settled and working too. I am looking forward to the holidays for the first time in years. We have been talking about quit dates. Thing is, my girldfriend is coming into town on the Nov 14th and leaves on Nov 22nd so I am pushing my date forward. However, Nancy may try before then.

    Nadine, I can get those pictures up for you. You can forward them to me by email and I can make a web page of all of them if you want and then give you the url to pass out to friends. Thanks for sharing those pictures, that is awesome. Wish I had taken some, duhhhhh..... Hate when I spaced out, lol.

    Fifish, those 5 days are awesome, I remember when you were smoking more, so pat your self on your back, have a mango rum drink as your half way there.

    Cleo, will give you my quit date soon. Hang in there and come visit us!!!!

    REKoz, we have traveled a long road with you. Yeah!!!!! NEW BOOBS!

    Malleme, you are so right, we will always view things differently from walking the walk. Thanks for posting that!

    Well..........back to work! We all can do this. We are working on our mind set eveyday without even thinking about it.

    Hugs to all,
  • nobleanna007
    nobleanna007 Member Posts: 58
    edited November 2009

    Just wanted to let you know I am supporting all of us who continue to fight the battel of nicotine!! I too feel foolish to post when I am still smoking and even have the best intention's of quitting but don't. It makes me feel like a failuar, in every aspect, So I don't post. I am sorry cause I really think alot of all of you!!!


  • Nadine54
    Nadine54 Member Posts: 162
    edited November 2009
  • Nadine54
    Nadine54 Member Posts: 162
    edited November 2009


    Do you have the website up? I can post them there if its going..I lost the site info.

  • Nadine54
    Nadine54 Member Posts: 162
    edited November 2009

    These are four of the dead pics taken of Janet, Nancy and myself in Denver.



  • flfish
    flfish Member Posts: 309
    edited November 2009

    WHoohoooo!  The dead pics are GREAT! 

    PS--Janet, you new foobs look FANTASTIC!!!!

  • DeniseM808
    DeniseM808 Member Posts: 20
    edited November 2009

    Everyone - thanks for the support, encouragement, and quit tips! I'l be trying out the meditation and the "just do it" from the Toughness quote. Friend and family support will be in the picture too. New reason to quit is that the oral yeast infection has gotten worse and is now constant. Did you know that smokers on chemo therapy run a higher chance of developing oral yeast infections (thrush) and that if uncontrolled can lead to some serious complications? Here's a link for more info if you're interested: Uncommon, but increased risk because of weakened immune system from chemo/radiation therapy.

    SE Update: Peripheral Neuropathy - numbness increased to all of fingers down to the palms and increased to all toes down past the balls of my feet.  Nausea - slight quesiness and I didn't have that before all through chemo!  Exhaustion has returned despite counts being improved. Still all blood counts still below normal. Lymphedema - swelling and pain in my entire left arm caused concern about a blood clot. Full ultrasound scan of my left arm revealed no clot, but I'm returning to my physical therapist for the lymphedema. Oral Yeast Infection - tried 3 different medications and a variety of of the doctor recommended make your own mouth rinses (salt water, salt and baking soda water, hydrogen peroxide water, cider vinegar water) none working. I've been referred to a dentist that specializes in chemo related oral side effects for consult and treatment recommendations.High Liver Enzyme counts meant change to premeds administered prior to chemo. Reduced steroids (tablets at home and in iv), no Gultamine supplements (onc recommended for peripheral neuropathy), no Tylenol only Motrin or Advil for pain from Taxol (because Tylenol can affect liver), have to drink 4L of fluids per day (zero alchohol or caffine), cancel previous meds for Oral Yeast Infection except Clotrimazole because others can affect liver function. Substituted more tooth brushing and oral rinses until get recommendation from dentist.  Sleep Disturbance - not sleeping except in 3 hour batches. Been referred to psychiatrist for sleep hygiene and possible medication to replace the Lorazapam prescribed by onc. Lack of good sleep can contribute to further weakening of immune system and by extension encourage the growth of the Oral Yeast Infection. Will also speak with psych about quitting smoking. Whew lots on my plate and guess I'll be seeing ALL my doctors alot over the new few weeks. Stress!!!!!  I feel like a cig but have cut down to 10 cigs a day (well, most days).

    Your tips and support have been the biggest help in all of the above - quitting smoking and SE's and mental health. You ladies are the best.  Thank you for being there for me on my challenging journey. I'm so proud of all of you! You've each faced your own challenges with a grace and strength that I hope to incorporate more firmly into my own life. Keep the stories of your lives and your challenges coming. I need them for the inspiration!  Love and eHugs to all!  Wishing you wellness and a Happy Thanksgiving!!


  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited November 2009

    I have new boobies!!! Pain has decreased by 80% or more Laughing Had surgery this morning at 7:30am and was home resting by 12:45pm (after stopping for breakfast at IHOP).

    Denise - thank you for the update...I am so sorry you are having to deal with all those nasty SE's. Thinking of you and praying fro  you daily!  When is your final chemo?   

    OMGoodness!!!! I LOVE the DEAD Pic's!!!! You guys look AWESOME and the pic's are fun too!

    I saw a commercial for a new quit smoking site and wanted to share with everyone  the mission statement reads:

    EX is a free plan that will help you stop smoking. It's not about why to quit. EX is all about HOW. The plan was created by medical experts and tested by real smokers. Or should we say, EX-smokers. 

  • Nadine54
    Nadine54 Member Posts: 162
    edited November 2009

    I have additional pics that I will share at a later date.  I hope everyone is making up there minds to finally quit the habit.  Its not easy but if I can do it anyone can.  I found for me constantly changing my quit dates or finding excuses why I couldn't quit now was just making it harder on myself.  I chewed a lot of gum and when the need to reach was there suckers did the trick.  I chewed on straws a lot also.  Set a date and just do it!


  • Janzin
    Janzin Member Posts: 491
    edited November 2009
    Hi NobleAnna, no worries on the posting. Check in every now and then and who knows, maybe you may find your quit date sooner. But I can understand not posting it the will is not that strong. I do think posting every now and then is awesome as it may help keep reminding you to quit. It could be that quiet nagging voice in the back, lol.

    Nadine, sorry I don't have that site up. I am revamping the look and feel and the membership is partially working. Have a few other things to do before I can start work on that. Love the dead pics, they are awesome!! Thanks sooo much. Wish we had time for more! Thanks Nadine for your tips. You are so right about quit dates. I have to stop making them and just do it. It seems like I make them but not really making them because I am too soft on myself and make excuses. I am going to be tough!!!

    Fifish, I wish we could all do a dead pic together. Vegas here we come!!! Glad you like my boobs, lol. My new nipple is flattening out :(

    Denise, WOW! You have so much going on, so sorry to hear that. We can be tough!!! Candie has quit during the recovery and I admire her strength. But it does let me know that we can quit if we put our mind to it. We really work it. I have my new quit date, November 22nd. Smoking is making me feel like crap, my skin looks bad, tired, etc. I'll be right there with you.

    O2Bhealthy! So good to hear from you. So glad to hear you have your new boobs. Remember to get plenty of rest, even though it may be hard to slow down since you have been so busy. My Dr told me not to massage mine but I think he made a mistake, and they are hard. I caught him confused once so now I wonder. So be good to yourself and make sure your Dr knows the ins and outs of YOU. Thanks for the cig commercial, will check it out.

    Hard to talk to Pantufas here as I see her all the time, lol. We have both talked about our quitting and we may quit together or may not. Nancy has filled my heart with love and I feel a lot of my hurt slipping away. First time in 2 years that I am looking forward to the holidays. I do have a girlfriend coming into town tomorrow and she leaves on the 20th. She smokes quit a bit. So that is my last excuse and quitting will be my next priory. I am looking forward to breathing with a full lung again. Meanwhile, I will post on quitting, such as my trigger points, fears, etc.

    The rest of you ladies, let's hear your story! Welcome newbies and oldies! Let us find peace within ourself! That can be our secret corner where we will find our strength and a place to rest between the BC quit smoking roller coaster ride! B_tch slapping the person next to you kinda feels good too, lol. (Just kidding)


  • flfish
    flfish Member Posts: 309
    edited November 2009

    BAHAHAHAHAHA!  Janet, you funny lady!

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited November 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    I'm a newbie on the board and to BC.  I was dx on 10/22/09, had a Lumpectomy and a Sentinel node dissection on 10/29/09.  I am now awaiting the call from the Med Onc for an eval for Chemo and the Oncotype test.  I have been a smoker since I was 18 and a Freshman in College.  I quit smoking both times I was pregnant with my children and then went back to smoking when I returned to work.  I am a nurse.  LOL!  I desperately want and need to quit.  I am down to smoking 2-5 cigarettes a day since my surgery.  Initially I smoked a lot more from all the stress.  I tend to smoke less at home because we do not smoke in our home.  My husband is a past smoker but had to quit after he had a heartattack and open heart surgery 2 yrs ago.  I was going to quit with him but I kept making excuses.  Haha, isn't that the way?  I am post menopausal at 44 and have gained wt over the last 2 yrs and the last thing I need to do is gain more weight.  I definitely need a support system.  It is going to be so hard to stop smoking when I go back to work.  But I have a piece of a pack of cigarettes in my purse and I have decided this will be my last pack... NO MORE!!  Cold turkey!!! It's going to be hard but my quit date will be this coming Friday, Nov. 20th.  Wish me luck :)  And thanks for letting me bare my soul.

  • flfish
    flfish Member Posts: 309
    edited November 2009

    Hi Mimi!  You came to the right place for support.  These ladies are awesome!  I however am not much help to you since I have not quit yet either, but I have cut down.  You made the first step by introducing yourself.  We have a lot in common.  Similar age, same smoking history.  It is a tough road, but we can do this.  A lot of the woman here have already done it and can help us!  Much love to you!


  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited November 2009

    Ok, I am not a newbie to this thread - just haven't been around in months on end because I had quit and then started smoking again.  I was able to get through day 17 and then started up.  I was too embarrassed to say much about it and I also felt like a complete failure ONCE AGAIN.  I have tried to quit at least 9 times now and failed each and every time.

    So I am here once again to get motivated to try to quit.  I figure that I should set a stop date - so I think the best time for me is on a Saturday when my hubby is around all of the time.  My hubby hates it when I smoke and is on my ass all of the time.  So I can get through Saturday and Sunday and then just stick with you gals ALL FREAKING DAY ON MONDAY - I think I will end up being a posting fool.  As long as I am here in my office posting (in the basement) I won't be upstairs sneaking outside to have a smoke.

    There is no way I have the patience to go back 30 pages or more so I have no clue as to how many of the original members are still around.

    Janzin - good to see you around on this thread - I think you have taken over moderating this one!  How is Webby?  Haven't seen her on the threads that I have been posting on lately.

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited November 2009

    Oh....and before I forget - my oncologist told me that I should not take chantix and tamoxifen at the same time.  Well I went to a website that listed ALL of the interactions with Tamoxifen and chantix was not listed as one to cause an interaction so I need to go visit with my oncologist and get more information.  I have an appt with him on Friday.

  • flfish
    flfish Member Posts: 309
    edited November 2009

    Hey Jancie, definitely check with your oncologist about the Chantix.  Mine did not have a problem AT ALL with my taking Chantix.  Unfortunately, it didn't work for me and gave me terrible headaches.  He actually suggested that Chantix might help with the hot flashes (which is didn't).  Who knows, every doc I go to seems to tell me something else. 

    Good luck to you my friend!  (don't feel too bad, you are not alone.  I have quit 4 times now, to no avail.....eventually, it will have to stick right?)


  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited November 2009

    Ellie - it has to stick or I am going to never hear the end of it from my hubby who was never a smoker.

    Now - this is what has me frustrated.  My ex knew I smoked before he married me, I smoked for years into our marriage and all of a sudden he started nagging the crap out of me to quit smoking.

    I get married again - I still smoke - my current hubby knew that when he married me but the last 2 years he has been all over my arse to get me to quit.  Why now??  If it bothered him THAT MUCH he should have never married me.  

    Why do they think after years of marriage that they can demand that you quit?  I get so frustrated I think sometimes I smoke to be rebellious against him for his attitude.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited November 2009

    Mimi - welcome!!!  I quit just over 6 months ago and although there are time I want to SMACK someone for a cig... I am still an EX-smoker...I used Nicotine gum...then switched to Doublement after a few weeks cause my PS would not operate if I was still smoking (jump forward 6 months and I just had my exchange last week...Love the new 'squishy' foobs!!)  I also quit for both pregnancies and started back up after my babies were 6+ months old and I had smoked since early teens. 

    Janice - I really believe you have to be MENTALLY ready to quit...I tried sooooo many times to quit for other people and kept going back to cigs... smoking was also my 'FU' rebellious inner child coming out.  My hubby actually started smoking after we were married but, just like a man, he was able to quit cold turkey after a few years! I was PISSED OFF it was so easy for him, especially after so many failed attempts on my part.  Once you are ready to quit FOR YOU you will be able to's HARD but you can do it!!!!

    Hugs and loves to everyone!!!!

  • kk69Z
    kk69Z Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2009

    Congrats to you guys who have quit and are trying. I posted on here before a couple months ago. I quit cold turkey back on 8/5/08 and am still a non smoker. I can tell you #1 it is hard and #2 you can do it. Some advice that worked for me was everytime you want one just do something else. After my meals, I went back on my computer or started the dishes. When you see someone smoking and that is when you want one, I individualized myself. Don't be like everyone else. Think to yourself, "I'll be a non-smoker and she/he will still be smoking". Just because they are smoking doesn't mean I have to. The candy/gum, carrots, straws in the mouth thing didn't work for me. When you get the urge for one, just ride it out. It doesn't last long and the longer you go the less severe and frequent they are. Just remember every minute you go being a non smoker is one more minute that is on your side. I can get so stressed or mad or upset when before I needed a smoke, but now it doesn't even cross my mind. Come on girls, you can do it.

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited November 2009

    Thanks everyone for the motivational words and for your stories on how you quit smoking.  I had that one last pack in my purse as I said and thought it would last till Friday (my stop date), but I went back to work today and one of my BFF's/nurses smokes and we take breaks together, anyway I smoked a little more than I had planned today.  The plan still sticks, when the pack is gone even if it's before Friday that is the last pack!  I just pray that I can do this thing.  Like others I have said it and went a day or so, bummed the cigarettes off friends, etc. and finally ended up breaking down and buying another pack.  But I really want to do this.  I have to do this for my health.  So the count down begins... I have about 1/2 pack to go. 

  • flfish
    flfish Member Posts: 309
    edited November 2009

    KK--goodo for  you and great words of wisdom. 

    Mimi!  You can do this.  If you get the urge, post on line.  We are here for you.

    So, did you hear that our wise government now says that mammograms are not needed until 50 and then only 2 years.....and self exams don't help.  WHAT?!?!?!  Sure glad I didn't wait until I was 50 because I probably would not have LIVED until 50.  I just KNOW that this has something to do with the insurance overhaul and it is all about saving money.  Pi$$es me off!!!!

    A lot of us are young survivors here, and mammos and self exams saved out lives.  I think we need to keep fighting for the up and coming 40 somethings.  They need to get the same screening that we got!!!  URRRRGGHHH!

  • nancypat
    nancypat Member Posts: 239
    edited November 2009

    Hi mimi, I really hope you can quit.  I have three packs left and that has to be the end of it.  It's going to be a very nerve wracking time because they are dicking around about getting my insurance switched to Denver.  I will soon be out of meds and the last time that happened I passed out and gave myself some free dental work.  Not looking forward to it. 

    I want everyone to know that I love you.  I haven't been posting because I tend to blather on and I haven't quit.  
