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Exchange City



  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited October 2009

    Coolbreeze,   Thanks for checking in with us and letting everyone know that you are muddling through.  Listen to the advice of the ladies here especially about laxatives and pillows.  I used a U shaped microbead neck pillow to prop around the mx side for sleep comfort.

    KEW,  I had frozen shoulder a year ago, and the pain you describe sounds just like it.  It was the worst pain I had had since childbirth.  I used an arm sling to keep the arm from moving.  I used those self heating patches that stick to your shoulder too.  Let us know what the deal is, but my shoulder pain lasted for almost a month.  I hope yours starts to end soon. 

    Alicica, I did the same thing when I was in NY last week.  From BUF to Jamestown where I keep my winter jacket I was freezing!  The sensations were pretty weird!  That implant sure gets colder than the augmented side!

    Laura,  I hope you are feeling better, there are a lot of people with swine flu and pneumonia right now!  4 more days!!!!!!!!

    Teresa,  It sounds like it would be well worth the 2 1/2 hour drive investment to get good results.  It might be worth booking a hotel room for 24 hours past discharge if you are worried about being too far from the PS.

    Robin,  Two  more days until the tattoos'  I can't wait to hear how it goes for you.  

    Lorraine,  Nips this week

    Deborah, our Breast Whisperer, our Knocker Talker, our Implant Guru,  only a week and a 1/2 before the fat graft.  I hope this one takes and gives you the results you want.  Thanks for mentoring us all along our journeys, you are the binding to our books!  


  • CoolBreeze
    CoolBreeze Member Posts: 250
    edited October 2009

    ooh th is is so bad this cant be right.  its day three now.  im taking my pain meds but they arent stong enough.  i am used to pain meds for migraine and they gave me something weaker than i already take.  they have too much tylenol for my liver  im taking my own but they arent doing well 

    i called my doctor but hes out of town  i cant get comfortable or even breathe.  i guess you all were there.  lots of pillows but nothing helps  i hope this is normal it feels badf

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited October 2009

    You had SNB along with MX, I believe, yes Coolbreeze?  I haven't had MX yet but I did have SNB and I have to say I was in horrible pain for about 4 days after the surgery, primarily radiating from (what felt like) my back shoulder blade (behind the side that was operated on).  Nothing took the pain away, just dulled it a little.  Although DP would massage the shoulder blade and that did give some relief.  It was from the position I had to be in during surgery (for the SNB) -- arm twisted up above and around my head (or so I am told).  I had surgery on a Tuesday and on the Friday after (day 4) in the afternoon it simply lifted.. was SUCH a relief.  I wonder if that is what is happening with you (for my sake, I hope so, as that means my upcoming MX won't be as horrible as the SNB/lumpectomy I had in June).  I hope you have relief soon...

  • Bigapple09
    Bigapple09 Member Posts: 247
    edited October 2009


    I had a bilateral with SNB 

    I was on the morph pump for the first two days and both nights, I was pretty loaded up on percocet for most of the week following, and sleept a lot because of the drugs, the doctor also gave me xanex to help sleep at night.

    The pain was bad whenever the drugs wore off. The doctor's service should be able to call him so that he could arrange for a different RX

  • CoolBreeze
    CoolBreeze Member Posts: 250
    edited October 2009

    i had snb, mx, expander entire right side from shoulder to waist hurts.  Can't breath in, can't move.  Cramps in chest musles too.burning pain.  i wish that on call doctor would call back.

    i feel exactly like an elephant stepped on my  right chest, crushing it

  • CoolBreeze
    CoolBreeze Member Posts: 250
    edited October 2009

    i had snb, mx, expander entire right side from shoulder to waist hurts.  Can't breath in, can't move.  Cramps in chest musles too.burning pain.  i wish that on call doctor would call back.

    i feel exactly like an elephant stepped on my  right chest, crushing it

  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited October 2009


    Once you get the ok from your doctor, you may want to try the chiropractor and massage.  I have been having shoulder pain too so I finally went for a massage yesterday.  She said my shoulder is curving forward, as if I have been in a protective position.  I also have knots in my shoulder blade area.  She said it will take more than once to work those out and suggested I see a chiropractor too, which I already had scheduled for Monday. She told me to put two tennis balls in a tube sock.  I am to lay on the floor with my knees up and put the tennis balls under the areas that bother me.  slightly move my arms and fall into the ball to release those tension spots.    

    It really does make sense to be having shoulder pain.  Think of the positioning during surgery the pain after, the drains hanging off us and then doing it all again for reconstruction.  I know massage is pricey but so is a new car.  Having some pampering done after all of this is very healing too. 

  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited October 2009


      Did the PS place a pain pump (Q-Pump) into your MX site?  I had one that lasted for 4-5 days and it really helped.  It distributed small amounts of local anesthetic hourly automatically. I thought this is a common procedure.  I hope you will be able to find comfort soon.  I took vicodin round the clock pretty much although I had Tyl. w/ cod. which did nothing initially.  I'll be honest, it was tough at first...but it does get easier and the discomfort lessons.

    Take care!  NAE

  • lifegoeson
    lifegoeson Member Posts: 57
    edited October 2009


    I had bilateral mx with bilateral sentinel node biopsy, bilateral LD flaps and tissue expanders all in the same surgery.  My pain was well controlled with prescription meds after day 2 and I wasn't on the pain pump anymore after day 2.  I think your pain sounds extreme and I think you should make sure that your doctor or the covering doctor is paged.  Good luck and keep up updated.

  • Peggio
    Peggio Member Posts: 105
    edited October 2009

    Coolbreeze ~ I felt exactly the way you do after my MX.  It felt like a truck ran over me.   My expectations were that it was going to be much easier and that's also why it hit me like a ton of bricks.  I took vicodin during the day and percoset at night and I kept to the schedule.  You WILL get to the other side of this.  Everyone here did.  We all experience pain differently and I usually have a high pain tolerance, but I didn't for the MX.  Take it a day or hour or minute at a time. Most of all be good to yourself and let yourself heal.

    KEW ~ How frustrating!  It's bad enough after the MX, and that was one of the worst parts - being so limited.  I hope you heal quickly.  Be good to yourself too.

    Teresa ~ Glad your appt. went well, I have been thinking of you.

    TO EVERYONE ~ I feel bad that I can't get on the computer more often....I have tried to keep up with the posts and I have so much to say to you all....I am always sending good thoughts in cyberspace to everyone and you are all in my heart.  My kids are keeping me so BUSY among other things in my life.  I'm grateful that I can do as much as I can.  I just got back from a horseback riding trip with my daughter and when I think back to last year...I was preparing for my MX on November 18.  So much can change in a year!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

    Love ~ Peg

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited October 2009

    Coolbreeze:  If the pain is intractable and not resolved with narcotic analgesics, then call the doctor.  If you cannot get below 5 on a pain scale, the doctor needs to be on board.

    KarenW:  I was just thinking the same thing that Jan mentioned - frozen shoulder. 70% of frozen shoulder cases - women over the age of 40. 

    Teresa:  WAHOOOOOOOO!!  I am so happy to hear this!  I have a PS who is 2 hours - one way - from me in San Diego.  Dr. R might know of someone in your town who you can go to for any emergent little issues. 

  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited October 2009

    Coolbreeze, I had bilat MX with SNB and the burning pain is what I had.  When I would get up or sit down, it was a searing burning pain like my entire chest was filled with hot coals.  I don't remember how long I hurt like that.  Rather a blessing.  But I slept in the recliner with pillows packed around me for almost a month because it hurt sooooo bad to get from sitting to laying and back up again.  Do call for something stronger for the pain.  You want to have relief so you can get up and move around some.  Don't restrict your movements any more than your PS instructed.  You don't want to stiffen up.  My PS told DH that I had to wash my own hair as soon as possible to get my arms up and moving.  But get something stronger for the pain first!  

    KEW I hope you get some relief from your shoulder pain.  It sucks that you have to wait now for the bone scan before anyone will do anything for you.  

    Laura, glad you're feeling better. 

  • CoolBreeze
    CoolBreeze Member Posts: 250
    edited October 2009

    I called my doctor but he's out of town.  The on call doctor would not prescribe anything else for me that I didn't have before but he did give me more norco so I won't be depleting my own supply.  If I am not doing better by Monday I'll try and get somethign else.

    I have only had one other surgery - appendectomy.  They told me to take 2 weeks off work but on day four I was furniture shopping and went back after one week.  None of my biopsies hurt, nothing else involved in this cancer diagnosis process hurt.  I'm very surprised to be having this reaction.  I am a very small person though, I just wonder if the expander is the wrong size for my frame or what?  My chest muscles are cramping too.   He didn't fill it yet just placed it.  I didn't get any pain pump, sure wish I had.   The PS said to my husband after surgery he wants to see me Monday but I'm not sure I'll be up to that drive.  We'll see.  I left a message for him too.

  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited October 2009

    Hopefully your PS will get back to you before Monday and Rx something else for you.  In any event, hang in there.  It does pass.  I'm praying you get relief.  I didn't get a pain pump either. ((((()))))

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2009

    Whippit... Dr. R. did tell her a Dr. close to her.. but I forgot his name... I am sure Teresa will ask his name the day of her surgery. I am so comfortable with Dr. R. that I just let him have at me...LOL,,,

    Peggie... I am soooooooo glad you stepped in to tell COOL about your experience. I remember how hard you said your mast was... ( btw... GREAT to see you post sister...miss you and your incredible  face)

    everyone.. I am much better and back from the walking dead. I admit.. could not keep up on BCO much.. I was so sick.... thank you so very much for your prayers and thoughts and remembering me!

    KAREN/KEW... OMGosh dear friend.. are you kidding me.. you had and are having the WORST week and I was too sick.. and missed it.. SOOOOOO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (HUG HUG HUG)

    I agree with the girls.. you sound frozen... and I wish you lived closer.. I wish we all did.. so we could just all rally at the girls house who needed us the most that week... PM me or call me if you need to blow off steam... poor sister...

    Robin... how are you ?

  • firstmate
    firstmate Member Posts: 153
    edited October 2009

    Peg -- It's nice to hear from you whenever you can.  We missed you!  Yes, so much can happen in a year!  My entire life has been turned around since this diagnosis!

  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited October 2009


    Sorry to hear you did not get a pain pump.  I thought I was doing good after the surgery until the pain pump ran out and I experienced a high level of  pain for several more days. I felt like I was in a train wreck!  It's hard to believe it was only 2 months ago now..  As far as the chest muscles cramping, PS Rx'd me Valium for definitely helped...especially with each expansion...allowed me to relax and get a good night's rest.


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2009

    Deborah... A question for you to think about..if I may...:)

    As you know.. I had low profile TE. I had almost NO pain with mast and TE. The night of my mast/TE and full node dissection.. I raised my arm above my head... no pain.

    Do you think.. or in your research, that having the low profile TE.. and NOT involving those muscles in the upper pole... the pain is less.????

    I see so many women who have so much pain.. and I woke up and was a pain level 1... I did have pain with expansions.. as I did almost 100cc a week for 5 weeks ( 420cc).. but it was never muscular... no spasms.. just... back and some rib and sternum pain... Demerol took care of all the pain.

    Anyway... I just want to see your take on this :)

  • MooreTennis
    MooreTennis Member Posts: 90
    edited October 2009
    Coolbreeze I am sorry that you are in so much pain. I have a pretty high pain tolerance (think natural childbirth) and I woke up in recovery after my BMX in so much pain due to muscle spasms. I couldn't even talk - it would set off spasms in my chest. When the nurses moved me from the operating room bed to the bed in the hospital room, I just started crying because of the intense pain. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. After several different pain meds, my magic combination of drugs was valium and percocet. I pray you get some relief and know that you will get past this. (((HUGS)))
  • janloy
    janloy Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2009

    Hi Ladies: I haven't been here in a while. My exchange has been moved up one week so will occur on November 6. I'm excited and ready but nervous about the recovery. I THOUGHT I would only be out of work for a couple of weeks. PS wants me off for 4 weeks. Work has been so weird about reconstruction. They seem to think it is an optional plastic surgery which it is soooooooooo not. Has anyone else experienced this?

    I don't know how I can take off 4 weeks and have a 3rd reconstructive surgery (nipples and "fine tuning") in 4 months. I think my boss is tired of my cancer. Last year I worked all through 6 months of chemo, took off for my bi-lat and didn't go back until after radiation (4 months total). I took off 6 weeks for my Latflap and tissue expander surgery this past summer. 

    Any thoughts? Do I really need to be off 4 weeks? Do I really need to worry about work and cancer too?

    Love and prayers,


  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited October 2009

    Hi Jane,  What kind of work do you do?  I've had the exchange and two revisions now and I've felt great after 4-6 days depending on how much pocket work was done.  I have found tho that if I try to do anything that works my chest muscles too much, I pay for it with pain.  I'm sure your PS wants to make sure there is good internal healing before you do strenuous activity.  If you're mostly sitting at a desk all day, two weeks should be plenty of time.  Maybe even less.  Congrats on having your date moved up.  It is an exciting time.  

  • janloy
    janloy Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2009

    Thank Firni:

    I'm an administrative assistant for an attorney at a large law firm. The heaviest thing I lift is large files which I will just have to refrain from doing. It is a stressful job. PS said no driving for 3 weeks and no lifting over 5 lbs for 4 weeks.


  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited October 2009

    Jane, that does seem pretty restrictive.  I was on the 5 lb weight restriction for two weeks and was allowed to drive as soon as I wasn't taking narcotics, which has been less than a week.  I've driven myself to my one week follow up appts.  I took my dog to the vet for his check up about 10 days after my last revision.  He weighs 40 lbs and I did ask the vet to lift him up onto the table.  I think that common sense will keep you from doing too much.  My pain from exchange and revisions always went away so fast that it can be hard to remember to behave.  Maybe it's the stress at the job that has your PS concerned?   Will you have less stress staying home for a month and worrying about your job?  Maybe you could go back 1/2 or 3/4 time so you can still get some extra rest without jeopardizing your job.

    Hopefully, Linda will chime in as she did the lat flap and has had her exchange.  Maybe there's more to the exchange with lat flaps than with just implants? 

  • janloy
    janloy Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2009


     Missing work is more stressful than being there. It is supposed to be a simple procedure and a "walk in the park" compared to the lat flap last summer.


  • Alitman
    Alitman Member Posts: 95
    edited October 2009

    I need some advice.  I have been coughing and running a slight fever (100.8) for 24 hours and my TE's are just killing me.  It has been several weeks since my last fill and while I've had some pain - this is the worst!!  I don't know if the two are related or which Dr I should call.  I haven't had any issues with infection so I don't know what that feels like.  The pain is like a burning/stabbing pain any time I move the foobs.... I need some advice on what to do or if I should just do my best to ignore the whole thing...

    Thanks, Allison

  • janloy
    janloy Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2009

    Hi Allison:

    Definately NOT NOT IGNORE. I'd call the PS. I don't even think I would wait until tomorrow. Do you have a 24 hour number for him/her or the resident on call?

    Healing thoughts,


  • Alitman
    Alitman Member Posts: 95
    edited October 2009

    I called my PS - left a message with the answering service - just waiting for the call back.  Thank you for you advice.  I feel kinda lame about the whole thing - I just hurt so very much but I don't want the DR to get mad at me..


    FACECRAFTER Member Posts: 433
    edited October 2009

    What??  The doctor won't get mad at you...  We are always the people pleasers...Always afraid to speak up for fear of hurting someone's feelings, or of them being mad at us..  What would you say to domeoen else going thru what you are going thru???  Certainly NOT to wait it out!!

    We need to stop being that way for the sake of our health...Now cut it out, and wait for the call back..  Feel better soon..JUDY

  • Alitman
    Alitman Member Posts: 95
    edited October 2009

    My PS called me back and told me to take an Ibuprofen and call my regular Dr in the morning.  He thinks I probably have a cold and my coughing has made the foobs hurt.  I am going back to bed.


  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2009

    Wow - Lots of surgeries this week:

    10/26 - firstmate - areola tatoos

    10/28 - Fairy49 - Nips!!

    10/28 - Estepp - Foob lift and 550 cc implants

    10/30 - athena204 - Exchange surgery

    We will be thinking of all of you!

    Coolbreeze - I am so sorry you are in such pain. I don't remember such pain after my surgery. Perhaps it is because you can't take as strong of pain meds. I also had the on-Q and it made all the difference in the world. I have been thinking of you my dear!

    Allison - I agree w/ Judy. If you continue to feel it is related to your reconstruction, then see the PS tomorrow. I wouldn't take a chance.

    Janloy - I didn't even take a full week off for my exchange surgery. It was not a very difficult procedure for me. I couldn't do any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise, but I certainly didn't need 4 weeks off work. I am a consultant, so my work is not physical. But I do travel and I do have a lot of stress. It may make a difference if you need a lot of pocket work. My exchange was pretty simple. Slide out the TEs and place the implants.