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Exchange City



  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited May 2009
    Yvonne - The dimensions are great.  Wow.  Vavavavoom!  The dimensions are the equivalent of 650 cc Allergan Style 45's.  You are going to be a happy girl! Cool
  • Bukki
    Bukki Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2009

     Good morning....just wanted to drop in and report that I now have cellulitus in the right foob.....GRRRRRR.......started back on abx last night after call PS on Saturday nght......why these things always wait till weekend is beyond now have the 3 holes under the inframammory fold in the incision line one the size of quarter with one on each side just smaller than dime......they aren't deep just erosion looking.....and the drainage just looks awful., it is now one month from the implant exchange on that whole right foob is warm and very firm to touch. I thought everything was going great until found a tiny hole 2 weeks ago......which everyone including PS said was just a suture working it's way out.

         Now have to wait till Monday to try to get him tosee me again.......I guess when the whole thing "falls off" maybe he will (PS) will take me PS actually told me I worry too much and that I imagine the worst cause I work as nurse in ICU.......I wanted to scream at him...

    I can promise if one of my patients were going through something like this I would be raising cain and getting skin/wound care team to come evaluate. But as outpatients with our insurance we all have to be pre-approved....blah blah blah......I am so sick of fighting with this.....we only have 2 PS that practice at my hospital......and the other one specializes in hands.....

      Thanks for letting me blow off open to any suggestions for any magic healing you all may know of.

        Best wishes to all you scheduled for you exchanges this week......and continued healing to all others. Hugs to all and you are always in my thoughts and prayers......Elaine

  • TXBadboob
    TXBadboob Member Posts: 109
    edited May 2009

    Hi all,

      I don't mean to sound stupid, but is there a certain way to measure yourself to determine the right dimensions for the implants.  I just have not got that far yet with my PS.  Hope everyone is healing better.


  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited May 2009

    Well ladies we are up!  I wish you all successful surgeries, and satisfaction with the results.

    I want to thank everyone for being so supportive, for answering my questions, and for being so warm, encouraging, and welcoming.

    I have to fast all day today and drink some yucky mag-citrate to empty my bowels because of the hyster/ooph.  I am going to be HUNGRY by tomorrow morning.

    In a few hours I'm having a pedicure with my friend who came up from California to help out.  My boys have been great and we are ready. On Friday I went out with a friend for a hike in the Oregon Coast Range, and sat alongside the Wilson River, my favorite--the sun was out (unusual for us this time of year), and it was fantastic.  I can wait to get back out there as soon as I can.

    At my post-op with my ps we decided on using the Allergan 20 800ccs.  I'm about 5'8 160-165 and my measurement is 34, so my body will accommodate them well.

    Again, thanks for so many kind words, and for such great conversations.  I will be in the hospital, I've been told, 2-4 nights, so you won't hear from me for a couple of days, but I'll write as soon as I can.

    5/4 - Destinysmom - Exchange to Mentor 800 cc gel implants

    5/6 - Linda54 - Revision surgery

    5/7 -  Mela4409 - Exchange surgery

    5/8 - skipprcis - Exchange surgery


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited May 2009

    Deen:  This is not a stupid question at all!!!  It is the right question!!!  Actually, there are many ways that a PS might measure a patient for the proper implant sizing.  I am trying to put something together which might even be more technical than just measuring the rib cage - hope to do so next week.  But for now, take a measuring tape around your rib cage just below your bra and give us that measurement.  What is your height and weight?  We will need to know about your current expanders - the manufacturer [Mentor or Allergan] and the style number of the expanders.  You might have been given a card with expander info at the time of surgery - or your PS will have this recorded in your file.

  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited May 2009

    Elaine, I can't even begin to imagine your frustration about your situation.  I hate being accused of being a type "A" personaliby when I know something is wrong.  I can't believe that this PS didn't take into consideration that you are a nurse and know when sutures don't look right.  Have you considered a second opinion from another PS maybe in a nearby larger town in Oklahoma City or St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa?  I hope that this resolves soon. 

    Karen-KEW,  The courage and grace you have demonstrated in this most difficult time has been mentoring to me.  I haven't had to endure 10% of what you have had to go through.  Karen, you will be in my thoughts everyday and am praying for an easy recovery and peace about the procedures.  Thanks for letting me know how long you would be off of the list.  Until I hear from you, know that you will not be far from my mind and positive thoughts being sent your way.  Jan

  • smirks44
    smirks44 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2009

    Hello ladies!

    I havent read through this entire thread.....maybe I will later this afternoon!!  I have my exchange on April 27, and am finding the recovery harder than I expected.  I had heard so many people say that they were so relieved to get the expander out, and were feeling better so quickly!  I feel like I have been hit in the chest with a baseball bat!  I was expecting a much easier ride this time!!  Is anyone else feeling that way, or am I the exception??? 

  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited May 2009

    Hi smirks,  I'm having more pain with my exchange than I thought I would.  I had my surgery on 4-29 and have had a burning type pain inside my foobs.  They are also VERY painful to touch.  My pain isn't like when I had my mx but certainly more than what I had expected.  I know my PS had to remove a lot of scar tissue so I'm thinking, the more involved the surgery is, the more pain we have.

  • smmr
    smmr Member Posts: 34
    edited May 2009

    Firni and Smirks,

    I think you're probably on key when you say it depends on what type of revisions the PS had to do to your pockets, etc.  I just had a little scar tissue removed so my recovery was very simple, but I'm sure the more work you have done, the more recovery time you'll need.  Hope you guys get feeling better soon!  I am 2 1/2 weeks out from my exchange surgery and have been doing great, but think I may have overdone it today. Doing laundry and instead of carrying one load of clothes, I put one basket on top of the other, and carried two loads.  I shouldn't have done that, definitely feeling that one!!

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2009

    Karen - Gentle hugs and best wishes. We will all be thinking of you!

    Firni and Smirks - I am w/ Sue. My exchange did not involve any pocket revision so I think that's why it was so easy for me. Take the pain medication and lay low for a while and let everything rest.

    Sue - I know what you mean about trying not to overdo it. I have had so little problem that I find myself having to be reminded to refrain from lifting heavy loads.

    Deen - For all of us, no question is too simple. We are all learning as we go along.

    Welcome to lafinlady, I will be happy to add you to our list of upcoming exchanges.

  • NVDiane
    NVDiane Member Posts: 151
    edited May 2009

    Good luck, softness, and an easy recovery to this weeks' girls! Softness is great.Laughing

    Karen--I've been especially thinking of you, since so many of your thoughts have mirrored my own.  Best wishes to you.

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited May 2009

    Thanks for the warm wishes, you all are helping let go of the nervousness.  Jan1  we have all been through so much, we've shared similar experiences, yet each experience is uniquely our own.  We come through this with what we bring into it and learn along the way, and reading  all of your posts, I see the words of strong, hopeful, healthy women, who I'm proud to know in a cyber kind of way.

    Thanks for the hugs Jean.

    NVDiane, don't ever hesitate to PM me if you want to further explore any of our similar thoughts.

    Hugs to all,


  • MooreTennis
    MooreTennis Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    lisalisa - you got my vote - best of luck!

    Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and hugs. My kids and I just returned from Alabama where my 7 year old son celebrated First Communion and we got to spend a quick 4 days as a family with my husband.

    I pray that everyone has a GREAT week!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited May 2009

    5/4 - KEW - Exchange surgery to Natrelle 700cc silicone round high profile

    5/4 - Destinysmom - Exchange to Mentor 800 cc gel implants

    5/6 - Linda54 - Revision surgery

    5/7 -  Mela4409 - Exchange surgery

    5/8 - skipprcis - Exchange surgery

    Good Luck and safe surgeries ladies! I will be praying for you all!


  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited May 2009

    Hello Laura

    I have missed that perky little Laura

    Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. 

  • skippyrcis
    skippyrcis Member Posts: 28
    edited May 2009

    Thanks for the well wishes.  I appreciate them.  It will not be long now and my TEs will be gone.  I hope that all goes well.  Especially for my Dad.  He needs this as much as I do.  He is doing pretty well through his chemo and I hate to worry him.   So I will try not to think about it too much until Friday morning.  I have to be at the hospital at 0630.  At least I don't have to put makeup on...... or should I?  :) 

  • fairy49
    fairy49 Member Posts: 536
    edited May 2009

    Big cyber hugs and lots of love and best wishes to all upcoming exchanges!!

    Lorraine ox

  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited May 2009

    Smirks, I don't feel like I have been hit with a baseball bat, but still have occasional muscle spasms.  I tell my husband that a turtle has moved into my chest.  I can't wait until the exchange and the lift on June 15th.  

    Firni, thanks for your input on your recovery, it is good to hear everyones experiences so that I can be prepared.  My PS stated he will be working on scar revision and adjusting the pocket to fit the implant.  He is not anticipating any trouble, but is giving me a heads up.  I was only going to take a week off of work, but decided to take two weeks as my job requires driving a big long bed truck, plus I need time to recover from the anesthesia, I forgot how forgetful you can get for awhile after the surgery.  

    Tits for Tat's ladies, I have let Whippetmom know that my sister in law has kindly offered her home  for a small group of ladies that may want to do tattoo's. She has a small salon at her home (she is a make-up artist)   This is of course if Whippetmom thinks Earleen will come this way. I just want to throw this out as an option.  Ventura county may be way out of the area for the group, but wanted you to know that this is a possibility.    Jan


  • lafinlady
    lafinlady Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2009

    Hey Skippyrcis,  

    Your post about your dad reminded me of the book by Kelly Corrigan, "The Middle Place."  She writes about her experience with breast cancer as well as her story of growing up.  She says the middle place is that small sliver of time that you're a parent, but still somebody's daughter as well.  She is such a funny writer, that I nearly woke my husband up laughing in bed on several nights.  In any event, she goes through breast cancer while her dad is going through cancer treatment as well - sounds somewhat like your experience. If you like funny books, this is a must!  

    Incidentally, she also does a reading about women transcending life on You Tube (Link is below).  It's not some of her funny material, but very, very moving and on point about how we live and love as women. Odd thing is, I bought her book 2 day before my diagnosis - before I even knew I would also be going through breast cancer... Wild, huh?  Take care - you, your children, and your dad will be in my prayers. Good luck with your exchange, Lisa 

  • Peggio
    Peggio Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2009

    Best wishes to Kew (Karen) and Destinysmom.  You are in my thoughts and prayers for tomorrow.


  • Jazzygem
    Jazzygem Member Posts: 125
    edited May 2009

    I Haven't posted lately, but I want you all to know that you will remain in my thoughts and prayers all week!!!!

    HUGS to all of you!!! JazzyJ

     5/4 - KEW - Exchange surgery to Natrelle 700cc silicone round high profile

    5/4 - Destinysmom - Exchange to Mentor 800 cc gel implants

    5/6 - Linda54 - Revision surgery

    5/7 -  Mela4409 - Exchange surgery

    5/8 - skipprcis - Exchange surgery

  • tablover
    tablover Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2009

    Yvonne - I had the 410 mx implants put in a month ago. I am 5'7'' and while I really like the implant in general - I feel I would have been better off with the full height becuase I have a large hollowed out shelf above the implants and they sit a bit low on my long torso. I would be concerned that the low height would be too low on you. I do love the projection and general tear drop shape of the implant and I was shocked to find out I am now a 36D (although they look more like 36C's to me). I was a 36B before bc and I did want to go larger. You might want to ask your ps why he's using a low height instead of at least the moderate height (maybe you have a very short torso)?

  • ktym
    ktym Member Posts: 673
    edited May 2009

    5/4 - KEW - Exchange surgery to Natrelle 700cc silicone round high profile 

    5/4 - Destinysmom - Exchange to Mentor 800 cc gel implants

    5/6 - Linda54 - Revision surgery

    5/7 -  Mela4409 - Exchange surgery

    5/8 - skipprcis - Exchange surgery

    Good luck to all of you this week, here's to a fast and uneventful recovery and happy looking in the mirror! 

  • Vinogal
    Vinogal Member Posts: 114
    edited May 2009

    Hey ladies......good luck to all our ladies with procedures this week.

    I have been in the hospital since Friday.....I woke up to find another hole with the expander clearly showing......Ps said it had to come surgery late Friday........I have been hooked up to a wound vac for the weekend to promote healing and bloodflow.....I am scheduled to go to or this afternoon......I will wake up with either a new expander or the vac pump again......she said if things look really good she will go ahead and put the expander in......and if she's not happy with everything she will put the vac on for a couple of more days and do surgery again on Wednesday.....keep your fingers crossed for going home today......I miss my kids like mad.
    Cheers and hugs to all!
    Sorry if this post looks wierd.....posting from my palm...miss my laptop and you guys!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited May 2009


    Oh my goodness!!!  I just cannot imagine what you are going through right now.  Your attitude towards all of this is so amazing to me.  I pray you go home today and also that this whole issue GOES AWAY!!


  • hood1980
    hood1980 Member Posts: 168
    edited May 2009

    JAX - I am praying for your healing and hope all is going well for everyone getting their exchanges or revision this week!  Hugs to all!  Joyce

    FACECRAFTER Member Posts: 433
    edited May 2009

    OMG, Jax !!  I can't imagine what you're going thru and you sound so upbeat!!  Here's hoping for a speedy recovery..may all this be a thing of the past.  JUDY

  • Karenp62
    Karenp62 Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2009

    Good luck to all the ladies with exchanges and revisions this week. I am one week out from my exchange and I'm very happy with the new girls.


  • suegmomof3
    suegmomof3 Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2009

    Jax - I am so sorry to hear about your continued problems.  I'll say a prayer for you today that everything went well in the OR ..... You've got a GREAT attitude - hang in there!!! sue

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2009

    Jax - Oh my goodness, you are the poster child for positive attitude under so many issues going wrong!! My fingers and toes are totally crossed for you. I hope you have gone home to your children w/ a new expanders. HUGS!!!!!!!

    Karen62 - You and me both my dear!! I sooo love the softness and being able to sleep at night. And I think they look pretty good, all things considered. I think my dh likes them as well. Kind of odd w/o nips, but I will take what I can get.