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Exchange City



  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited April 2009

    Laura is your projection 5.7 if not over filled

    so are you saying 5.9 because it's over filled

    I just took a look at the TE and I was thinking yours is 13 by 5.7

    I know Journey just got the 45's

    we'll have to peek at her post and see if they were 550

    but like they say everyone can be different which makes this soooo hard

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited April 2009

    Laura I just read your Vegas post

    I hope your PS lets you get your exchange early

    even a month before our trip would be nice

    I'll keep my toes and fingers crossed

    hmmm do you have any drugs you could give him to have him say yes and make him sign something promising it lol : - )

  • Sprtwareor
    Sprtwareor Member Posts: 23
    edited April 2009

    Karen I'll be praying for you Monday! It does DEFINITELY take some getting used to---the new you! I had a hysto last March, then bilat mx in July, exchange in Oct and revision in April. FULL CIRCLE. I laughed when I got the card in the mail for an annual recheck from my gyn doc. Like what for???? There are NO female parts left---NONE!!!  I still feel VERY feminine. Not to worry!  Having gone the whole circuit I've learned that I'M STILL ME!!!  Inside is what really counts!  My PS sat us both down before my revision and said that if I could be happy with my new breasts, my DH would be--he only wants me to be happy. I am making my peace with the NEW ME. My DH has been wonderful throughout. Gives me space when I need it, Is accepting of my need to talk, to vent; he steers me towards my sisters here because he knows NO ONE understands me like all of you. Isn't that the truth! 

    We are all different in what we want . . . DD's or C's or B's . . . as long as WE are happy, that is ALL we need to begin on our path to being happy with our new body. We can never go back, but we can try to learn to make our peace one day at a time.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited April 2009

    LOL Sandy.. thanks... yes, 5.9 because I am over expanded.. I did this because I wanted more projection....

  • Lisa-Lisa
    Lisa-Lisa Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2009

    I had the implants placed directly following my bilateral.  I am not sure my cc, I do remember my ps saying not to worry about it he would take care of it and off I went.  My concern is getting comfortable again, things are not where they should be (too high& some armpit fullness) have I waited enough time to let it all settle down- any time limit on this kind of stuff?  thanks for any/all information.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited April 2009


    Mentor HP 450 is 12.8 x 5.1

    Allergan 20-475 is 12.6 x 5.5

    Allergan 45-550 is 12.4 x 6.0

    Sandy mentioned Tracey's 600's and also - Journey has 45-600's.  Look at Journey's photos.  I do not remember her ribcage dimensions though.  I agree with Sandy - you would be a "D" cup with 550's. 

    I must say that the Style 45 works beautifully on the reconstructed breast.  I love the result that Journey achieved with that style.  Let me tell you, if something happens and I need new implants, I'm gettin' me them thar 45's!!!

    I personally think that the Style 20 475 cc's gives you the most projection [apart from the 45's] and has a nice narrow base.  You would be a nice, full "C" with that size.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited April 2009


    Six months is long enough for everything to settle.  If the implants are sitting up too high on your chest wall, your PS probably should have had you wearing a stabilizer band to push them down into the pocket.  You need to be a squeaky wheel now and tell your PS that you would like some revisions to correct the issues you are not happy with.  The need for revisions is very, very common in breast reconstruction.  You will be joining a slew of other women in this regard...

  • Peggio
    Peggio Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2009

    Deborah ~ "I'm gettin' me them thar 45's" Cracked me up!!!!

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited April 2009

    I think Deb is saying I did good : )

    I was surprised when I looked at the charts that 475 style 20 had 5.5 for projection and 500 style 20 has 5.2 weird that it went less I thought but got .4 wider

    Deb when you mentioned the band I do remember several gals saying they needed to wear that

    I'm not sure if Lisa knew what I meant by CC

    I forget what the long words are called

    could someone explain what I mean


  • Bukki
    Bukki Member Posts: 103
    edited April 2009

      You girls make me laugh ......sometimes when I read your posts I wish we all lived in same area and could meet for lunch........but then we would have to get a private dining room so others wouldn't overhear our table conversation and be shocked......anyway that's how I imagine it....LOL

    Thank you all for your support......I will get through this...and this thread helps!

    The hole is still getting bigger but so far not PS said this time he couldn't visualize the implant ........I so do not want to go through another surgery.......I have had 3 from 12/30 till 4/1. I really don't know how some of you gals have hung in there so well.....and still be funny and supportive......WOW!!! You are my heroes.....gotta go now....Oklahoma weather....we are having big thunderstorms tonight.......Elaine

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited April 2009

    Elaine I hope you start healing and weather through the storms

    Laura it just dawned on me...

    ask your PS to take both into surgery and use the one he thinks might be best to get u a full C

    a lot of PS take 3 in and choose the best

    you could tell him what your leaning towards

    I would say take in style 20 475 and style 45 500cc and 550cc

    can you remind me what is your rib cage Laura

  • Lisa-Lisa
    Lisa-Lisa Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2009

    SmileThanks for the reply,  it feels so good to have someone to bounce things off.  Now that I am finished with chemo and will have my port and oophorectomy taken care of over the next couple of weeks.   I will soon be able to talk to my ps in order to find out the solution and knowing that I have waited long enough.  Can't wait to be all comfy again....

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited April 2009

    Bukki- My dh is from Ardmore OK, you anywhere near there? I hope your hole continues to heal my dear!!

    Lisamed123 - You're up tomorrow. Best wishes!!

    Laura - Here's hoping the exchange is soon. Also, I thought I should mention that little petite me is a C cup w/ 400 cc style 20. What ever you get you will look great! Fingers and toes crossed for sooner rather than later.

    Linda54 - Welcome back. You are up soon!!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited April 2009

    Sandy - You are saying that Lisa-Lisa could have capsular contracture of both breasts.  Indeed her implants would not fall and could be riding high up on her chest wall if this is the issue. Another reason to bring this to the attention of the PS. 

    Also -Sandy, you pointed out what I have felt all along about that Style 20 475 cc's.  It is unique in that it has the best width to projection ratio of all of the sizes in that style category. It has the best projection and it has a narrower base for a smaller ribcage....I hope Peg is still getting itSmile

    Laura - Do what Sandy suggested - those are the three sizes to tell your PS you want in his hot little hands in the OR....And I am praying that you get your exchange before Vegas! 

  • comingtoterms
    comingtoterms Member Posts: 52
    edited April 2009

    I simply cannot wait to be able to sling all the verbage and numbers around like all of you!  It will so make me feel like I am really part of "the group"!  I remember when I first posted on the April chemo thread, I really didn't understand much.  That thread can get depressing because so many women are having such horrific S/Es;  I like coming here so I can laugh!   I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT ANY OF YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.  But, someday I will, and I will fling those words and those numbers like the rest of you!  I do have a question, though.  It is looking more and more like my dream of having my replacement surgery two weeks after I end chemo is just that - a dream.  Now I will have to "plan" for it - I wonder what the healing process is like - can you return to work the next day?  I assume I cannot be anything like healing from the MS.  Tammy

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited April 2009

    Thank ladies.. :).. I will ask him to do this.

    I will say.. I will never really understand how I can be about projected to 5.9 now and going anything under that will keep it the same.. Oh well.. I am TOO black and white huh?

    Sandy I am a 29 ribcage...

    Elaine, I sure hope you start healing girl! Keep us informed!!  I get what you say about the rain.. man oh man... It has been raining here forever.... bleck!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited April 2009

    Tammy - You are too funny!  You do NOT have to sling numbers and words around to be part of this group!  You are IN baby!  It depends on what you do for employment.  I personally felt pretty good the day after exchange surgery.  I took a Vicodin that morning and it was probably bigger guns than I needed for my discomfort.  But then I am a weenie when it comes to pain.  It was the last pain pill of any kind I have taken since.  It would have been entirely possible for me to sit at a desk and work.  I think that the issue is pain control.  If you have pain which requires narcotic analgesics - as opposed to just Tylenol - stay home.  No driving or operating forklifts or other heavy 'sheenery.'

  • ktym
    ktym Member Posts: 673
    edited April 2009

    comingtoterms: yeah 2 weeks probably won't work.  The exchange is easier, but every PS is different and mine still insists on no lifting greater then 5 lbs, not heavy use of the arms for 6 weeks afterwards, so work will depend on what you do.  I was up for walking and working on the computer the next day.  If you can give yourself at least a week I think you'll be happier

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited April 2009

    Welcome Tammy... you funny gal!! after awhile.. you will get what all the talk is...hehe... you might not still understand it... or why it works the way it does.. ( like me).. but you will have a lot of info to take to your plastic!


  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited April 2009

    Lisa when I mentioned CC Deb's comment is what I was talking about

    Sandy - You are saying that Lisa-Lisa could have capsular contracture of both breasts.  Indeed her implants would not fall and could be riding high up on her chest wall if this is the issue. Another reason to bring this to the attention of the PS

    I hope that's not it but it's something to ask your PS about

  • Vinogal
    Vinogal Member Posts: 114
    edited April 2009 appointment tomorrow..........first one I've made it to that hasn't been an emergency trip.........stitches have held together since Sunday.......for me that's pretty good...........still not healing but still holding..........I don't think she will be giving me a fill tomorrow........but I will be happy to see her and see what's next........I am experiencing a touch of redness........but I think this is just pressure from the seroma........which is definately slowing down.......I do seem to drain from my drain hole scar every night.......but anything that takes the pressure off of my precious scar is ok with me.........I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can hold together till May 19th........but can't help but feel like I have a ticking time bomb on my chest......

    Thanks to all of you for being here and giving me a spot to put all these feelings into definately helps.

    Cheers and Hugs to all!


  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited April 2009

    Jax - Fingers and toes crossed my dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited April 2009

    Tammy - Welcome. For laughs and sometimes cries, you have come to the right place!! 

    Sandy - Shelly326 is trying to post a question to you and was wondering how to do so. You might want to PM here. I also tried to help here get to Exchange City, you will find her on Continued Tissue Expander Pain:

  • fairy49
    fairy49 Member Posts: 536
    edited April 2009

    Jax! Good luck!!! Everything will be fine I just know it!

    Have to tell you all, went to my PS today to talk about nips, I got into the room, took off my clothes and put on my stick on nipples, then put on my robe. PS came in and I whipped open my robe and flashed her my nips! She laughed so much! She thought they looked awesome and asked for ordering info so she could pass on to her patients who are opting out of nipples. It was fun to mess with her as she is normally quite serious! Anyhoo, looks like my nips will be done in July, as I had such an awful time with TE infections blah blah she wants to make sure everything is settled down before doing them, plus I need to figure out how I am going to take more time off work during the busiest wedding month aaaaahhh!! She said I would need two weeks off work???? first week I will have cone thingies on (I immediately thought Madonna!), then a week with no bra, swinging free, sooooooo, dilema dilema!!!!!

     Lorraine ox

  • Peggio
    Peggio Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2009

    Hi Everyone ~ What a great day I had. Couldn't wait to come here to share it because you all know why it's so important.  I saw my PS for my PRE-OP today, spent 45 min. there and I really feel like we are on the same page about the exchange. As some of you know the expanders have not been easy for me and the most uncomfortable part is under the armpits. I don't think he picked the wrong expander but 2 factors have contributed to it 1) I was a AA before MX and had no weight whatsoever pulling on my pec muscles so they are TIGHT. 2) I had nipple sparing and he has to take that into consideration when placing either the expander or implant that it is somewhat centered.  I was able to make it clear that no armpit action was more important than fabulous cleavage even if he had to do pocket revisions because I didn't want my tight pec muscles squishing out my implants. Anyway,

    Deborah ~ We did agree on the 20 - 475ccs, although he does take 3 in the OR including 1 size up and 1 size down .  Even though the 12.4 is narrow for me (I'm a 31 ribcage)I think it will fit for what I want.  He also used some of your terminology and said we will use fat injections  to smooth and create more "upper pole" fullness. 

    I can't thank every single woman who is on these boards  enough (even if you joined today).  I am so grateful you are here!!! I'm getting teary-eyed again but I just know that without this whole community I would not be feeling this happy after the appt. Another reason is that other than my husband - even some of my best friends wouldn't understand creating fullness or the right pocket placement.

    Lorraine ~ glad you checked in.

    Jax ~ You are getting your surgery the same day as me and I am sending all these positive thoughts your way! 


  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited April 2009

    Lorraine - Nips in the summer!! So cool. And two weeks off sounds about what my PS warned me about. She said that the nips is a much bigger deal than the exchange. Actually, that's one of the reasons I am waiting until late October. I want to be able to be cool and to be able to take some time off. Great to hear from you!

    Peg - So cool! Isn't it nice to have "friends" that understand! I am so excited for you!

    Lisamed123 - Best wishes tomorrow!! 

    Sandy - Thanks for reaching out to our other sister. Between you and Deborah I feel like there is no question that can't be answered!!

  • Bukki
    Bukki Member Posts: 103
    edited April 2009

     Jean..... we live in Blanchard.....just outside OKC.

     Jax.......good luck tomorrow....hope you keep healing and the seroma stops leaking.

     All.....positive thoughts and gentle hugs going out to all of you.

     I have to go change my dressing.....I admit I have been puting it off all day as I don't want to see

    anymore deteriation....sooooo keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you all for your support.....Elaine

  • georganne
    georganne Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2009


    I am enjoying your thoughts. You crack me up. Much like someone said earlier, I don't get a lot of this, ( the numbers and sizes, ...) but it feels so good to chat with people who understand what this adventure is like! Jax, and others, I am a huge fan of prayer. I am praying for your peace and healing. It will come together.  God is good and prayer is amazing!!!!! 

    I am BRCA  (1 + 2) and had the oophorectomy in 2007 and the bilateral materectomy 2 months ago.I am getting near to exchange, and am seeking advice from you wise ladies.  I have Allergan style 133MV  expanders that have a 600cc capacity inflated up to 575cc.   Before the BM, I was a large C cup. I am seeking to be a C again, but I'm not sure if I should stop expansions or keep going. I am 5'8" and 160 lbs. My rib cage is 33'.  I do hate the TEs,  but it's more important to me to do this right.  Does anyone know if I'd be close to my goal of C cup?  The weird kaiser roll shape of my foobs is throwing me off a bit. I think I'm close, but I've learned that the expanders are smaller than implants. Any suggestions???? Georganne

  • georganne
    georganne Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2009


    I'm sending prayers your way too!  Hang in there. You'll soon be going for them thar 45's too!!!! That was hilarious!!!! Georganne

  • Vinogal
    Vinogal Member Posts: 114
    edited May 2009

    Oh Elaine.......I so understand the dread of changing my worried about what I will see..........I hate getting out of bed in the morning for fear of what I will find.......I lie in bed for atleast 10 minutes telling myself that it will be ok......and if it's not......I need to get up and deal with it.  I am keeping my fingers crossed for both of our healing!

    I hope all of you with sizing decisions to make.....peace of mind....... and to everyone else continued matter what stage you are at.

    Cheers and hugs
