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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2009

    Maire....I use bl88dy when I swear.

    Years ago my mother had to be really pushed to say this, it was a terrible word ! Then it suddenly became a word that everyone was throwing around, so when I 'grew up' and had my own home I thought I was so clever to shout this when I was mad !! Now its just another word in everyday use for the young ones !

    I won't ever use the F word, I think it is truly disgusting, but just about everyone now peppers their sentences with it. I heard my sister say it one day, and she's 7 years younger than me, and pulled her on it. She was quite put out, and told me to 'not be so uptight and live a little '

    My DD, apparently, uses the F word very liberally, but NEVER once have I heard her, she somehow has managed to keep it from my hearing. ( I quite think I would slap her if ever she said it to me)

    All the young teens are terrible with the F word, whenever you walk past a group of them its all you hear, so my bl88dy really isn't so bad !!


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    Connie........I'm holding your hand from "long-distance" and hoping and praying that your results are good.  I can just imagine how this has worn on you over the Christmas holiday.   You are due for some "peace" in your life.  There are so many different things that this might be other than inflammatory bc so keep that in mind while the waiting continues and let us know the results ASAP.  Hugs to you, dear sister....and prayers being sent from Illinois.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2009

    Dear grama5, You are certainly welcome to be blunt and honest with your feelings and thank you for saying what you feel. I am currently 5 years out from bi-lateral breast cancer with Grade 3 and one positive lymph node. Knowing my cancer was pretty aggressive, I knew I had to be aggressive with treatment:  8 treatments of chemo, bi-lateral mastectomy, radiation and a total hysterectomy. It was a wild two years, but I truly believe that my treatment and faith in God saved my life. I guess I am not totally out of the woods, but knowing that I did everything I could, gives me peace of mind. Iam also on aromasin, not sure how long my onc wants to keep me on this . During chemo, I felt pretty good and they tell me that now there are better drugs to combat side effects. The aromasin is a little hard but definitely doable. Good luck in all your decisions, remember that there are people who love you and want you around a long time. God bless you, Kathy

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited December 2009


    Please know that I will uphold you in prayer. Jesus can do so much more than we can alone. I'm sorry you leg hasn't healed as it should. I know what it's like being where you can't wait on yourself and having to depend on someone else to do things for you. I crushed the ball in my left hip October 2008, and had to have it replaced. Getting back on my feet was hard to do, but with the help of the Lord, I made it, and I'm sure you will make it too. I hope you don't have to have surgery, but sometimes we must. I will keep you in my prayers.

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited December 2009


    No one on this post will ever feel bad at you for being blunt. We are all here for each other, and if putting things in writing makes you feel better, go ahead, we are all here for you.

    I did not have a mastecomy, I had a lumpectomy, and radiation, they were so very caring and careful with my rads, and they really knew what they were doing. I have one more Herceptin treatment to go on the 30th of this month, and I am on Arimidex, the only se I can see is that sometimes I forget things, maybe that's because of my age, but I will blame it on the Arimidex.

    Please know thta I will be praying for you. And remember, the final choice for your treatment is yours, it's your body and it should be your decision. Of course, I would talk it over with my family and my doctor's if I were you, but the final choice should be yours. prayers are coming coming your way from all of us here.

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited December 2009

    thank you all, from the bottom of my heart.   I'M  B-9   b9 b9 b9 b9    B9.

    I hardly heard the rest, .. fat necrosis, inflamed, whatever. nothing else mattered today.

    I'm exhausted. But I had to let you know.

    dh bought me the only thing I asked for... a little NetBook, so I can read and read and be up to date on you and all the other wonderful sisters here. I've been trying, for almost an hour to get this to you. Havent called any of my blood family yet, you needed and wanted to know the most anyway. I'm so very thankful it's benign.

    Hope is a wonderful thing to have.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2009
    Ladies, the love and caring you all show for one another is so very touching.  Thanks for being you!
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2009
    Connie, was typing as you posted.  YAY!!!  God is good.
  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    WOW what you miss if you don't check in everyday or so! My sister and DBIL have been at the house since the 24th- I have been swamped with cooking and dolling out goodies.

    All the new women WELCOME- I haven't been around this thread that long but can tell you- these are the ladies that will tell it  like it is- they don't get tired of it and they understand even the frustrations we newbies haven thought up yet. Like good MIDWIVES they can teach you anything if you ask and no sense beating around the bush- it is best to just be out with it!

    Sherry- my heart is breaking for you still on bed rest- my gosh- I will up my prayers and wishes for you wellness. Nothing like being snowed and iced in when you have only to look out. I wish I cound hypnotize you and program your awakening for just before the month was up, so that you could sail through it unencumbered by time.(Great wish anyway).

    Jackie, you have a very keen ability to put people at ease- even if I am not the scared one when I read your reassuring postings, I always get comforted from them! JO is right- there will be a day when it is on the back burner. I had my surgery on 10/19 BMX and there are fairly (NEW) normal days all linked together now!

    I love you all and could not have gotten this far without you- will check in later as I have a speical Christmas story to tell you...

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited December 2009

    Connie,  Just came back from a walk and as I was walking I kept thinking I will have to check the board and see how Connie made out..YEA!!!!!!!!I am so happy for you....when one of us gets good news it is good news for all...Now go and enjoy the rest of the day....Claudia

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2009
    Claudia - that is soooooooooo on target:  when one of us gets good news it is good news for all...
  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Sure I made snow angels, what else do you do with a 2,3,5 year old with 6 inches of snow, sorry to say you could not see them the next morning, as we got 3 inches more.  Don't ask me how I got up and down to do it but somebody had to show the kids a thing or two.  Have missed posting to you all but when I had time I did read and always keep you in mind.   Now I have a question, I have heard a little about tumor markers and need to know more so I can ask the right questions?  Will still start rads on the 4th and then on to the Onc. Dr.  I am so glad we can keep our sense of being here for one another.   It's just like new relatives in the family only we choose the ones we really care about.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    Sherry - I know exactly how you feel - once out of rehab this stupid diabetic ulcer on my foot opened again.  I am so sorry you have to go through this.  I think I remember that you are also diabetic - I get so sick of hearing, no matter what's wrong with me, that it is from the diabetes!  It is because it is on the bottom of my foot where I have to walk, when I do walk.  GRRRRRRRRRRR.  I'll pray your leg heals and you can pray for my foot

    Connie - YEA, YEA, YEA.  When any of you women report "bad" news, I swear I hold my breath reading the posts, looking for the results.  Then I let out a deep breath and thank the Lord.

    Melissa - you have my curiosity up.  Spill!

    Kayok - I read somewhere that "friends are the family we picked for ourselves!"

    To all the new members - these women will bring out the very best in ourselves, they help make us better people.  They teach us kindness, caring, empathy, love and the meaning of support.  As you can see by their postings, they have experienced all the same things you have or had and are so generous with advice or just an ear to listen.  More importantly they offer unconditional love and lots of prayers.

    I love each and every one of you.  You make me humble.  You reassure me, make me feel wanted and important.  You cheer me when I am in the dumps.  Thank you.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited December 2009

    Spar, I'm so sorry that you have to stay in bed for additional weeks.  What a bummer.  Here's hoping that you heal during this extra time. 

    Jackie, you're my inspiration.  You lost 9 lbs. while taking Arimidex!  That's roughly the number of lbs I've gained, but I can't put all the blame on Arimidex.  The hand to mouth motion has played a big role!  I hope to be back to my WW goal weight by my birthday, March 8.  During winter it's always more challenging to maintain good eating practices because dh and I tend to cook big pots of comfort food, and the more you dip into the pot, the more comfort, right?

    Isabel, loved your reply to the phony bible thumper.  We older bc'ers weren't born yesterday.

    Wishing everyone a peaceful Mon. evening.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2009

    Kathleen, I was waiting for the ending because some of you really make me laugh and that's one of the greatest healers (if not of body, at least of spirit). 

    Melissa, ditto, on waiting for your story and you know we have not yet learned patience!!!! Wink

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2009

    Connie....such fabulous news...I bet you are like a dog with 2 tails. Give yourself a treat, you deserve it.

    Well, as expected, I had an eventful Christmas. G/daughter bought DD TWO little pigs (was expecting one, but my lot are an an extravagant lot, G/daughter said she couldn't bring one home without the last little piggy in the litter (I bet there were 2 or 3 more  'last' little piggies hiding round the corner!!) I gave them bed and breakfast Christmas Eve, and they were duly presented to DD, who was quite suprised, to say the least ! I must admit we all kept drifting in and out of DDs garden all day long, and there was loads of squealing going on, and not just from the pigs !  I was sorely tempted, but let good sense prevail ! If I were younger...I find myself saying this a lot lately.

    We had a lovely Christmas Dinner, and DD kept our plates and glasses full all day. I was lucky, it was my turn to drink, so I managed 4 white wines. DH was raring to get stuck into the beer, and kept asking me if I would swap with him, and let him drink. I stuck to my guns. He goes out 5/6 nights a week for a drink with his friends, so just for once when I had a driver I wasn't missing out on my wine.  

    We had a white Christmas, which made it seem more seasonal, everything looked pretty. Everyone, but me, went out for a walk after dinner....I got the piggies to myself for an hour ! DD was giving the little ones rides on one of her horses, which went down days of horse riding are well and truly over, sometimes when I see DD getting ready to go off for a ride I can see myself 20 years ago, but I couldn't pull myself up on a horse now. I still have my old horse, I bought her as a foal 27 years ago,and she creaks and groans like I do now, don't think shes rideable  tho'..... I have a little donkey to keep her company now shes not ridden. 

    Keep trying to keep my tribe of animals down, but had a call yesterday from someone in floods of tears. She bought a puppy from me 3 years ago, is splitting up with her husband, and could I take the little dog back ? I always stand by any animal I breed, so I have another little one joining my already too big pile of dogs !

    I had another lady in tears today. I have finally closed down my boarding kennels, I gave everyone 3 months notice, but this lady has 2 big Weimaranas(sp) and couldn't find anywhere suitable to take them. There are other kennels in the area, but she doesn't want them to stay with anyone but me ! I just couldn't give slipped discs were screeching at me 'don't do it, don't do it ' so I had to listen to them, and say no.....I can't cope with walking big dogs, particularly now the ground is like glass, I have to lean on a shopping cart when I go round the shops now, so it would be madness to even think about 2 young, very boisterous, dogs pulling me over the fields. These 2 dogs, and the 5 before them, have been coming to me for 15 years, or I should rephrase and say have been pulling me over for 15 years !! Their owner is an accountant, and brings them in daily 7am-7pm. They have been HARD quietly I look forwards to not having them here each day. I am fed up of women in tears this week.

    I have been painting today, I set someone on last week, and it took him 3 days to do a ceiling, its a big ceiling, but 3 days is stupid. I am finding it hard going but if I do a bit each day should get thru it ( by next summer !!! ) I hate that I can't just jump in and do these jobs myself anymore. My main problem at the moment are my slipped discs, but I have great problems with the neuropathy left in my right arm after my double mast. My mind is willing, and eager to get these jobs done, I cannot believe I can no longer do them, so I just jump in, then it takes me so long to complete anything. My plantar fasiitis, in both feet, make me unsafe up a stepladder, and my carpal tunnel, in both hands, make repetitive jobs like painting, sheer well as me being totally unsafe up a ladder !!!!!!  In between painting today I have been helping DH put in new floorboards, or at least holding the boards straight, whilst he sawed them, between us we got quite a bit of work done....too icy to be outside today. We have lots more snow expected Thurs and Friday.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited December 2009

    Thank you, Isabella, for some giggles and one of two belly laughs as I read about your Christmas! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Connie -- this is for you :

    Hope is that thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops... at all.  ~Emily Dickinson

    So happy for you lady, and you will have plenty of time to find out just what you had going on after you are a little more calm. Isn't it the pits, our fears nearly do us in long before we get our test reports.  I'm thrilled for you and hope your New Year this year is truly special.

    Hi to all the wonderful gals here that make all my days special.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    YEA Connie!  Whew!  Now you can go right on with your life after you've had several big deep breaths!  I am SO happy for you!

    Hey Carole, I relate to that winter comfort food.  I've been sitting here thinking what I should fix for suppers this week.  Our temperatures are supposed to drop into the teens and stay there.  I also have to come up with some easy appetizers for our New Year's Eve party.  Any of you good cooks have any good, easy appetizer recipes?  I am really not a very good cook.  Now I find myself needing good recipes and I'm used to serving Tombstone Pizza!   LOL

    I went out this afternoon and shopped the after Christmas sales.  I found some really good buys for myself.  Isn't it strange how we never shop for ourselves until after we've shopped for everybody else?  It must be a "mother thing" that we never outgrow!

    Isabella..loved your interesting post and am so glad that your Christmas went well...pigs and all!  LOL

    Spar, I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  I know how hard it must be to stay inactive.  Hang in there.  We are all rooting for you to heal!

    Well, I need to get away from here and get something done.  Hugs to all of you and welcome to the new ladies.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2009

    Hi y'all,

    Love reading all the Christmas stories and the happy normal events of life.

    But back to Kayok's question about tumor markers:  Some doctors do them, some don't.  They are not used as a diagnostic tool but SOME think they are good for looking for mets.  A trend is more important than an absolute number.  And the number can actually go up during active treatment.  My doctor does a CA15-3 every three months.  I am glad as I would use a crystal ball if I thought it would give me a heads up.  Some people think they create more stress than good info though.  So it's kind o between you and your doctor.  My onc also does blood work, looking at liver function and stuff like that.  Also once a year bone density exam since I am on Arimidex. Hope that helps.


  • grama5
    grama5 Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2009

    Kathleen and Sherry

    I am also diabetic, in fact my rads were postponed until the 4th instead of starting today because my incision was not healed yet. I had my surgery on Dec 1.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2009

    Having a restful day after a hectic few days what with Christmas here, Boxing Day at my SiL's then getting DS away back to Guernsey on the 27th. It was so great to have him home for Christmas. He has to start work again today, at least it will be just a few months until we see him again as we are planning a big trip May June. His father was so pleased to have him home especially with the operation and they were able to watch some cricket together. Had a really lovely Christmas and was very spoilt by my family with the children giving me a limited edition Pandora bracelet - it's pink and they put one of the BC charms on it.

    Connie, I did a wee dance for you. I know just how you feel the relief is so immense.

    Flo don't worry about saying exactly how you feel, this is a place were people understand, family and friends can be understanding buit you really do have to have been there to know what one goes through dealing with dx and decisionsabout tx. I am 3 years out now - its doable and I sure want to be around for my children and grandchildren, have a beautiful little granddaughter who I am determined to see grow and I hope and pray there will be others.

    Today is cooler, thank goodness, has been really warm. Kayok I have never made snow angels, sounds real fun.

    To all who are not feeling so great you are in my prayers. Big hugs to all


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    Brrr....It's cold here today.  It looks like a good day to run some errands and then hide out in the house!

    Pam, my onc does the tumor markers, too every 6 months.  My numbers have fluctuated a little each time.  They've never been as good as Jackie's though.  Sometimes they have been up a few and sometimes down a few but still within the normal range.  He believes that it does help diagnose mets.  Since I like my onc, I don't argue about these types of things.  On the other hand, one of my friends has never had this tumor test done and is several years out from diagnosis.  Her onc doesn't think it is reliable.  So there you go..........I guess it just depends on the onc and his or her past experiences with the tumor marker tests. 

    Spar, I hope each passing day finds you healed a bit more.  Hugs!  Just take it one day at a time.  You will get there!

    Flo, Alyson is right.  This is indeed the place to "bare your soul" and vent if necessary.  I don't think there's anyone among us that hasn't spoken our mind on this thread before.  It's a safe place to come to find comfort and understanding.  That's what makes the ladies on this thread so special. 

    Well, I'm a little lazy today so I need to get up and moving.  I hope all you gals in treatment are doing well today.  I hope that anyone who is undergoing tests or waiting for tests results has a good day also.

    I'll probably be back later. 


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    Flo - know what you mean - Cancer? Cut it out.  Life goes on as usual.  NOT!  But as others have said it is 'doable.'  You can either lie in bed and pull the covers over your head or you can do something about it.  Diabetes sucks.

    For all who need it, big, big hug!

    Alyson - you'll be there when that little beauty has her own children!

    Connie -

    Click to close this window!
  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Isabella, are you sure you don't have some Wonder Woman genes??    I marvel at all that you are able to accomplish and love your sense of humor,   Where would we be without one.

    Thanks for your info, Pam.   I sometimes think I went into all this without asking enough questions of the Docs   Soooo, I am learning more from you all. 

    Connie, your good news brought out the sun for all of us.  The sun is coming out for me today as I am waiting to spend the day with the 3 youngest grands, 2,3,almost 5.   Housework will wait and forts will be built inside and out in the snow.   Milk will get spilled, crumbs will be found everywhere and tears will be kissed away.   What fun, 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Claudia....forgot to say how much I liked your avatar as I got so thrilled with Connie's news.  Also thinking -- wonder how many things I have been saved from lately reading Isabella's statement about " If I were a little younger " it would be fun to have a pig.  Just noticed that I am not on the last page so may have more to say after this.  Dh has the day off so don't know what I'll get into next.

    Hugs, Jackie 

    P.S.  Yep, I do have a couple more things.  As far as tumor markers -- it is a blood test and I don't think is given too much weight on it's own since there are some things that can make the figures go up that are NOT related to cancer.  Still, if your Dr. does it, and you have a baseline....then it is just another tool to use. 

    Alyson -- glad your Ds could come.  Loved hearing that Dh and Ds could sees some cricket matches together.   I think our baseball is the equivalent here for fathers and sons.  Hope you are all getting a bit rested up after all the holiday fun and family get-togethers.  Just in time for New Years...which will be pretty quiet here.  Will be checking back in later.  See you all then,

    Hugs again, Jackie                                                                                            

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009 described grandparenting perfectly!  Aren't they fun???? Enjoy your little ones today!

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited December 2009

    Hello again to everyone.  This is Dar.  I couldnt wait to go to the board to read what my friends are going through.  I am learning so much.  I am still trying to make a decision about a single mastectomy or a bilateral.  My big fear is post surgical pain.  This will be my 4th major surgery in 6 months.  I see my surgeon on the 5th of january.  On a lighter note my african gray parrot says Merry Christmas (chic) ernie.  He was very sick and would not take his medicine so we put it on a chicken wing and he took it all.  So from my Ernie,Happy New Year and may everyone have all the chicken wings to make them better.  Dar

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited December 2009

    Thank you all. There is no where else to go for the absolute most uplifting, caring, understanding wonderful family that we are building with each other.

    I'm very happy with the report. Will get the stitches out tomorrow and go on LIVING!!


  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010
