Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2010

    Good evening everyone, Lebrehct, I just joined the group recently and it's a great place to be and like they told me take it one day at a time (easier said than done though).  I find that you can talk about anything here. I love it.

    IllinoisLady,yes I already had a hip replacement in 2003. I was kind of hoping rather than have another operation that they can give me some sort of hip brace  that I can put on and off when I need it, sort of like the superheroes wear lol. On the plus side the pain has eased up a smidge today.

    Suzie14, I have had a CT Scan, an Xray and today I requested my doctor send me for an Ultrasound, because I think I need one.  The Hip Replacement specialist wanted to send me for a hip aspiration but my oncology team said that had to wait until after my chemo was finishedSo I will book the ultrasound and see what happens.

    StillVerticle, nice picture those were some big fish.

    Question: has anyone has to take decdron( I think it's a steroid) and if so what kind of reaction did you have if any? I'm supposed to take 2 the morning and evening and morning of chemo (which is today and tommorow) I took them already for my chemo session 3 weeks ago, but I honestly can't remember. I was told it's gives you extra energy, and all I can remember is my panic attacks and looking for support which I found here and a few other places.  If anyone has any info I would really appreciate it.


  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Lebrechct, it's unfortunate that you have to be here, but a warm welcome to you.  feel free to post any time, it will help to let your fears be known, as you will find much love and support here to help you through.

    Tarry, I took decadron before each of my chemos and it can make you feel wired for a few days.  I didn't get much sleep when I was on it so I just kept myself busy on the puter most of the night.

    One thing that really helped me during my whole course of chemo was to keep a journal/log of my various side effects, reactions, fluid intake, etc. etc.  It really helped because I was in such a fog from the chemo I couldn't remember what went on between chemos.  I could always check back and see if I was experiencing something new or if it was "routine".

    Tomrrow DH has the surgery on his rotator cuff, he just told me he is feeling really nervous and anxious about it, whereby before if he was having surgery he felt like....let's get this show on the road.  Oh God, I hope he isn't having a premonition or something.

     Must hush and get to bed, 4 am will get here before I'm ready for it.

    Sweet dreams, All.

    gentle hugs....

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010
    Connie - I've been wwatching some of the Olympics. I enjoy the figure skating too. I have seen some figure skating - the other night Pairs had short program and free skate. Last night I saw men.s short skate. A Russian who won the gold in 96 was back even after saying he was retiring. Man can still skate beautifully. Oh well..have a good one. Chris
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Hey Suz, best of luck to DH tomorrow-man bad enuf you laid up and now him too??? Do you have help? Terry, as to the steroid, I have taken it and was wired to the max but it did help. Unfortunately, it does cause panic attacks if you have nothing to help like ativan (but don't know if that is allowed in your treatment). They used ativan as an IV drug in my chemo treatment. The fish I catch this time of year are yellowfin tuna. These weigh in at about 35-40 pounds. It is so cool because we bring "wasabe' along and have immediate fresh sushi on the boat!! And Suzie, excellent idea to journal on everything. God, wish I had done that. Gees, I have been in such a fog the only journal I have is on the Board. Olympics-blah-sooooo many commercials! Like where are the events? Having cut my teeth on the Olympics, just feel this is a really poor showing. I expected more from Canada! Man,snow is bad and ice is bad. Watching Shawn White go nuts in the tube-yeah!!!! Gold Medal. And skaters-big controversy as the doubles fell alot BECAUSE the kanooks were too cheap to use a real Zambonie on the ice!!! Brian Williams broke the news on that one and people went wild-so apparently a Zambonie was finally brought in-like DUH!!!!  Brian said in his commentary, "if you want Kleenex, you buy Kleenex." What were they thinking? Enuf-I am exhausted-long day on the beach and windburn is major. Sweet Dreams Pods, SV

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited February 2010

    Hi everyone, welcome to the newbies.  I am awake at 1 am thanks to Big Foot upstairs - how I will NOT miss that when I move.  The new place has concrete floors, so no creaking, stomping, etc.

    Phone call today that Olivia may come home in another week or so.   Son and dil are scurrying around to get the "equipment" needed to bring her home.  The crib is on order.   She was totally out of the incubator today and in a regular "bed".   For newbies, Olivia is preemie grand baby born 2/4, 3 pounds 3 ounces, my first grand babe.  

    It has quieted down upstairs, so I am off to forage for a snack and try sleep again.   Hugs, Nancy 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010
    Oh Nancy, I too am awake thanks to puppies jumping into bed (all 120 pounds of them). And Olivia!!!! YEAH!!! OK, how much does she weigh now? And when do we get pix of your very first GD? Wow, she has really grown if she is ready to come home next week. That is just so awesome! I cannot wait to see her and who does she look like? It has to be you of course. And she is out of the incubator already-Way to go Olivia. Kiss Big Kiss SV
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Morning girls!  Melissa, what time do you get up!  Or do you ever get down?  Ha!  You know, your posts, when you went through chemo are very descriptive....& you can find them by going back to when you started posting, & that would be like a "journal" for you!  Something to keep track of!

    And Nancy!  How fun Olivia is going to be "home".....I am so happy for you all!  You have to let us know all about her...with pictures! 

    Suzie, we will be thinking of you....I know...I just hate the waiting.....I am even dreading November, when my DH gets his pacemaker let us know....

    You know what sounds good?  I thought about this in bed....Some boiled smashed potatoes, & then some fried cabbage, on the same plate with diced fresh onions & a little red pepper flakes on top!  Am I NUTS, or doesn't that sound good?  Is it the Tamoxifen?  Well better than a box of Chocolates, Ha! 

    Happy Thursday mighty pods! xoxoxo Jeannette

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2010

    Rita ... you were sorely missed.  I hope you had a great time despite the unusally cold weather.

    Connie ... at this stage of my life I would love to be on a beach just chilling out.  Before I got to the point where I can no longer bend over, stoop, kneel or get myself down to ground level, I loved to pull weeds ... it soothed me as I yanked them out thereby expelling my stress of the day. Than I would get into the mindless chore and feel better.

    Nancy ... I'll bet you can't wait to get Olivia home!  She sounds like a strong woman (baby woman), just like  her granddma.

    Suzie ... I will pray for your husband that his surgery tomorrow will be uneventful and he is comforted.  I don't know about rotator cuff but when I shattered my shoulder it was painful as all get out.  In fact I told the physical therapists that had to give me 20-30 minutes warning.  That was so I could get pain meds on board first!

    SV ... you probably have already told us this, but what kind of puppies to you have?

    Connie ... I, too, put one foot in front of the other, walking around in a fog ... it wasn't until the date was set for the surgery that it got "real" - fast!

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2010

    Does anyone remember the Rat Pack?  We saw all of these guys in Vegas now there is a group call the Rat Pack and they are staring at the Masonic.  We have tickets to see them.  I am so excited this is about the first time since CA we have really gotten out.  Suzie are you a nurse.  The clinic you work at sounds interesting.  I am a retired nurse and want to find something to do.  Have been at this CA thing for a year now I want to do something else.  Does anyone have pictures of the sunset at Key West?  That is very spiritual.  If I could see that every night I would never have to take another drug in my life.  SV farting is part of growing old I think.  It feels so good when your done.   Hugs DAR

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2010

    Good morning ladies!  I have a complete day at home with nothing planned except to regroup some more and do what I want to do and I must admit that it actually sounds good.  The sun is even out although it's quite deceiving with our 19 degree temperature but maybe that will even climb upward as the day progresses.

    SV...How I remember those days right before chemo when you're beginning to feel good again!  How you dread going for another treatment and facing that "yucky" feeling afterwards!  Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you'll make it through this journey.  I think those good days are just a hint to us of the days that will return when all the treatments are finished.   As for my picture, it hides most of my wrinkles!  LOL  Thanks for the compliment though!

    Suzie, I kept a journal, too. It helped to write things down.  I guess it was sort of a purging process for me and now that I work with the Reach to Recovery program, I can look back when somebody is having issues and compare my journey to theirs.  In time we seem to forget the details...........NEVER THE HIGHLY EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE AND THE JOURNEY ITSELF...but some of the side effects and emotional issues seem to blend in with the chemo brain after the fact.  I highly recommend the journal to any of you going through treatment.  Also, thinking about you and your hubby today.  Please give us an update as soon as you can!

    Oh Nancy...somewhere during my vacation travels I missed the news about the birth of your granddaughter.  First of all, congratulations proud grammy!  You now have one of the most wonderful titles in the world and the role is SO much fun!  Secondly, I am so glad that your precious little angel is doing well and is coming home.  She's going to be so lucky to have you for a grandmother!  Hugs to all of you! 

    Well, I need to get off this computer before my day at home is completely gone!  I'm sure I'll be back before the day is over!  Have a good one gals!


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited February 2010

    Hi, welcome back, and good thoughts for any and all.  I am beginning to get worn out with running here and there.   Yesterday was a whole car load to the donation center and buy some plastic bins to organize for moving.   

    Sunday I will get my reward with a visit to grand baby, son and dil.   We will coordinate the buying and installing "equipment" for the homecoming - at the top of the list is the car seat.  And I hope to make a couple of casseroles for them to have on hand to just heat and eat.   

    And if one more tele marketer calls me, I may flip out.  Someone suggested saying "hold on a minute", put the phone down and walk away.   My son can always get me on the cell phone, so that may be the best solution.  

    Hugs, Nancy 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2010


    You certainly are undertaking two big projects.. moving and becoming a grandmother! Both are pretty exciting but nothing tops Grandma! Did you know the closest genetic grandmother relationship is grandma to your son's daughter? Has to do with all that X - Y stuff. Certainly fits my grandparent-grandchild profile... DGD is just like me!


    I saw an ad for the new Rat Pack... sure look authentic. Have  a great time and forget about BC for a few minutes.  Does anyone else feel like it is always lurking in the back of your mind? I STILL wake up thinking about it :-(

    It's still cold in Florida. Stop sending us that icy wind!!! The wind off of the ocean is brutal.  I don't know how SV can spend the afternoon on the OTB's beaches! She is tougher than me. I would be a icicle.

    Stay warm everyone.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Office to myself ( almost lonesome here ) this morning.  Everyone has gone to classes to stay certified. 

    Jeanette....the food sounds good to me.  When I was having chemo I usually ate quite light afterward ( first day or two ) then barfed for a week or so -- everything.  Then magically I would awake and be very hungry --- but not for just anything.  It had to be tuna fish on toast.  I would put apples, raisins, celery and some chopped bread and butter pickles....might have it three days in a row.  I always silently laughed....figured I was responding to the poison already inside me by desiring more in the form of mercury from the fish.  Didn't slow me down one bit though. 

    Darolyn, I would love to "see" your sunset.  I think some of the ?Mayans?  not sure but they are very healthy people go out and watch the sun set every night on this island where they live and the health is very much attributed to doing this -- not only the spiritual cleaning aspect but also the rays emanating from the setting sun. 

    Hope you will all have a most wonderful and rewarding day no matter what is going on in your universe and hope it warms up for you Pam. 

    Warm hugs, Jackie

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    A real quick update....dh made it through surgery, some difficulty breathing the post-op nurse said he was really way under from the anesthesia and would forget to breathe so they put him on oxygen....say what, forget to breathe???  The block they did on his arm started wearing off b4 we got home so I had him pop an oxycontyn before we got here, then another after he got into the house along with a percocet, now he is 'resting', I'd be on my arse with all that in me!!!

    He's chatty again so he is getting back to normal!

     I'll be back,he needs something......later......thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2010


    My neighbor had that surgery a year ago. She got along good and great result but said she learned she needed to stay ahead of the pain, take pills before she thought she should or the pain got out of hand and she was playing catch-up.  Hope your husband does good.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2010

    How about that kid from near here winning the snowboarding last night..

    what a show...sure wish I were alot younger

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2010

    Yes, Lisa, he was outstanding, wasn't he?  Even if I was  younger, I don't think I'd try that.  I have a feeling that it takes lots of coordination and that leaves me standing by the side watching!  LOL glad hubby made it through the surgery well and is at home with a wonderful, caring "nurse."

    Pam, I bet the extremely cold Florida weather seems really cold to you when you're used to warmer temps.  Hang in there.  This weather has got to break soon and you'll have your sunshine and warm breeze back!

    Well break time is over and I'm off to locate the ironing board.  I promise to be careful while ironing!  LOL


  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    Hi Ladies, PODS, friends,

    I ditched my DD#1's court date today. (sent her sister with her and I'm babysitting). Already had a therapy appt. this morning and had to take the baby with me. It was better than the last time. I made a point to stay on track with the conversation, about that nasty EMG nerve conduction test.

    I had read and heard about how some people have such terrible back pain and how it can take the life out of you. I never thought it would happen to me. I danced classical ballet for 15 years. Swam everyday, all day long all summer every summer. I've always been active, busy, biking or working.. now it's as if waking up becomes a challenge because I know I have to face another day most likely in pain. Makes me crazy. I never expected to be taking pills all day long to get through without pain.,  YES.,., Staying ON TOP of the pain is the only way the meds really work. Fortunately, the mornings are my best time. I get slower and more painful as the day wears on. I really don't get much done, most days. 

    I am getting my jewelry making materials and tools out, taking inventory, see if I need supplies to make a stock of earrings and pendants. I love to create earrings and matching bracelets, so I'm looking forward to that. It's fun to do, especially when it's too cold or rainy to be outside.

    Here's to a good weekend coming up. Warmth to those in the cold. Hot cocoa for those that cannot escape the cold. Healing vibes to those that need them. 

    With Love,   ~Connie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Lisa, Shawn White just so rocks. This kid is a force of nature and a gazillionaire to boot. He has really marketed himself and his image well! Not to mention he was about the only one worth watching-major air!!!!!! I remember when I raced GS at Snowbird, the boarders were not even allowed on the mountain-nor on the lifts. So the little bastards would try to hike up the mountain for some snow time. Times have changed!!

    Connie, I am now trembling as you are writing about your jewelry making talents-I do have to up my game on getting really excellent sea glass to you! And yes, I deal with chronic pain and it is a bitch. This after decades of being a top athlete! I feel a pity party coming on. And JO? Doyou have a website! We need to go into biz gals'. "Fobs R Us"

    Suzie, keep DH loaded with OXY because the minute he realizes he is in any kind of pain you will be his nursemaid for ever and not hear the end of it! And don't tell him that he stopped breathing. Men don't handle these things well. That is a surgeon for you-work on your arm and make you stop breathing!

    Rita-Ironing? Who the heck irons anymore? Actually, I don't think I ever did iron anything and truly don't have a clue. And I think I am thankful for that. Not to insult your ironing-I just never got it. Foot in mouth

    J., you little redneck-that is such a redneck, gearhead meal-totally gross, like something my old man would love. And he does cook the cabbage and potato thing quite often! It stinks. And peppers?

    And yup, the wind off the ocean is brutal. David and I are wrapped to the gills in gortex BUT I STILL WOKE UP TODAY WITH A SORE THROAT AND FEELS LIKE THE FLU-so I am slamming doxycycline and those pills that really make ya' snot-Mucinex! I have cotton in my ears and up my nose right now. (don't ask). David calls and wants to do two days of photoshoots with him dressed in his windjammer-to look just a little cooler than he already does. He pulled out this freaking ladder and had it sunk in the sand with me standing on it shooting the "high" angle shots yesterday. ERRGH!

    Pam, yes to your question. Today was awful as I could not shake the idea of BC lurking. I did have a major pity party and ate one box of girl scout cookies-thin mints. David thinks if he ever gets cancer he will go out in a blaze of glory by jumping into the Grand Canyon. Told him that he would not have the energy to get out of the bed let alone get to the GC! So, he is trying to figure out how he can die by falling off the bed.

    We found wild ponies yesterday and I have a gift for sitting on the ground and having them just come over to me and nuzzle my head. So, I took my hat off with bald head exposed for the horses to nuzzle and David yells as he has not seen my bald head lately-scared the crap out of the ponies (surprised I wasn't kicked) off they ran and in comes David to rub his hands on my bald head. Idiot!

    Awful night's sleep-I woke at about 4AM and was wide awake. I am so tired and need some ZZZZZ"s but I am too sick from eating cookies-barf. Love for now, SV

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    DH is finally sleeping I think. He is having a reaction to the narcs...rash and itching. The surgical phone nurse didn't seem all that upset and said I could give him a benadryl.  Despite the heavy dose of meds he is loaded down with he is still having's gonna be a long night, but at least he survived the surgery. Pam, I tried to keep ahead of the pain but it just didn't work.

    VS, we haven't gotten our GS cookies yet, maybe next week. Hope you have gotten over your barfy feeling and don't regret eating them.  The afternoon with the ponies sounds like it was awesome.  Too bad David spooked them.  How is your cold or whatever you got?  so much is going around here and I'm just hoping that neither of us get it.

    Dar, I have never heard of the Rat Pack.  When do you get to see them? Soon?  Hope so.

    Rita, did you get to do everything you wanted to do?  Sure hope so.  The sun shone beautifully in Wisconsin today and even though the wind was brisk and brutal, I got a bit of a sniff of spring in that air....maybe we will get spring this year.

    Connie and Jo your jewelery making sounds so cool!  Hope you can make lots of $$ on what you make.  Can either of you post a picture of your wares? I would love to see what you create.

    Oh, Connie, I am so sorry you are in such pain all the time.  many things are just so unfair and chronic pain is one of them.

    Nancy, I am thrilled for you that baby Olivia is finally coming home.  How much does she weigh now?  You'll be in your element when you get to hold her.

    "Big Red" the snowboarder is one of the best and he even seems to have a bit of maurity to him. Hope he stays safe and doesn't do any hot dogging that can hurt him.

    gentle hugs

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited February 2010

    Good evening chooks of the pod.  Just a fly by.  I am ok but it has been a busy week.  went to the city Monday for an xray and couldn't tell if it was healing by that so went wed and had a cat scan, no results as of today, either tomorrow or Monday they said I would know something.  The cast is off and put in a highter tighter boot.  Hope all is well with you guys and love you all.

    Patoo, thank you so much for the card, that was so nice of you and made me feel good.

    SV  next time you fart if someone is around just look at them and tell them it was a barking spider.

    Welcome all new comers, this is the thread to be on.  Great women and good friends.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Just checking in to say hi before I go find my recliner.  I am done in from my long day at work.  Then on the way home ran the car through the car wash. Wanted all the road salt off of it.  Anyway, hope you all had an ok day.  Dh does not go to work till 3 PM. tomorrow so maybe we will lunch together tomorrow.  Get lots of rest tonight everyone.  See you tomorrow.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2010

    Hi all

    Hope you are all going well. Have been reading recently but haven't had the energy to post.The humidity we are having at present has set off my rheumatoid arthritis and I have been dealing with considerable pain and a bit worried about the pain in my thigh bone. New pain meds have helped a bit, also have to see ortho doc for knee that I injured well before Christmas - it is just not healing. And I have to see the RA doc sometime as well. Well that's my grump for today.

    Nancy you will be so pleased to get that baby home. I spent much of today making things for my Bea, she's nearly 16 months and a real sweetie. Found a little antique doll's bed up the road so have made a mattress and some sheets for it. Also found another doll's crib that my DDs had and have cleaned that up for her to take home as she loves dolls already. DD was trying to ensure she had gender neutral toys etc but Bea is very much a little girl, its so funny.

    Have watched some of the olympics and the cricket. and been for a walk but couldn't concentrate on work so will have to get busy tomorrow.

    Suzie, pleased DH is doing OK. Connie hope you are feeling a little better.

    SV we don't get our Girl Guide biscuits until March so I am envious.

    Have loved all the pictures I will try to get some from around here.

    Big hugs


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Morning girls!  Spar, nice to see you back....Isn't waiting just the worst part?  Glad the cast is off, at least...

    And dearest Melissa....this ones' for you!  Wink I just hope you are feeling better this morning!   Your day sounded like so much fun yesterday!  See if there is a way you can post some of the pictures you took.  Now I KNOW there is something wrong with me, because I really like to iron!  I do it while I'm watching Nascar....Ha, ha!  Or else the "judge" shows!  You know, I really AM a red-neck!  Surprised 

    Suzie....geez, I'm sorry about the pain your Husband is kind of just hurts us too...

    Nancy, can you get on that National Do Not Call List?  Ever since we did that, I don't get any unwanted phone calls! 

    Hi Jackie...I wrote that "recipe" down that you talked about...Did you hold it together with anything like Mayo, or just put it on toast like that?  And the Cabbage & potatoes was really good....I just love when Melissa calls me that "cranky red-neck gear-head!"  I think that is soooo funny, Ha!  

    Connie & fun you make jewelry!  I used to make bracelets, the kind with wire that winds around your wrist, with beads, & they were so pretty!  But I've given a lot of my "stuff' away lately...It's just that I'm into reading a lot of books, & I crochet a lot....Funny how your interests change as you "git along" in years, Ha!   

    Okay Pods....We got about 5 more inches of snow yesterday & last night....I've been reading the "seed' catalogues looking for someting different to plant....Can hardly wait until it at least warms up around here!  Jeannette

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Real quick here....I put mayo in it.  You can also tell my great love for green apples and raisins because they end up in lots of things I make.  I'll hunt out my baked bean recipe that also has the apples and raisins.  It is a much requested recipe as it also has some Dr. Pepper in it.  I have a little fun with cooking that sometimes is tedious to me.  So -- I look for unusual things.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    OK PODS, I just woke up in my self centered mode (the Olympics have me going) and have not read posts because excited to get a photo of ME on the board again for your viewing pleasure. And yes, this is SV running Giant Slalom race at Snowbird Ski Resort. Yes, I did win first in the women's division but the truly important thing is that I am forever memorialized with the "NUMBER 69" on my chest for all to see. I had truly drawn the number and, stunned, (shows you where my head was-oh wait!)  had refused to wear it but they said I couldn't race if I didn't. SO, AS it turned out, it is probably the perfect number for me! How embarrassing and enuf said!!!!! Just thought the PODS might enjoy the double entendre-anyone who does not know what 69 means, does not need to know! Just close your little eyes and go "Lalala" until the next post. I am so wicked! LOVE TO ALL THIS MORN, SV

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    Hi friends, Long night here, DD#1, the one that went to court yesterday for her 2nd DUI... got pulled over for a headlight being out, mean cop TOOK HER TO JAIL and charged her with the headlight, an open container and LITTERING. I've never known anyone that went to jail as much as this kid has this year. She's in so deep it just sucks. At least they let someone go get her car so it didn't get impounded. I was at the jail, posting her bail, again, at 2 am. That's  it for her. That's 3 bails in a year. She owes me big time. (she's 29 years old). I think this one needs help with the alcohol too, only she has no health insurance AT ALL and it will likely cost a small fortune to insure her as she suffered a stroke at 26.

    Its hard not to feel like I must of done something wrong with her. The Parents are so often to blame for real, but we had a nice little nuclear family and we really did do the best we could, with 3 kids, 2 1/2 full time jobs. This ones' my oldest, and she did get the worst of the discipline, but our worst was nothing compared to what some of you have lived through. And we stayed together through the toughest times and the other two have grown, matured, independent young adults. This one moved in with my 80 year old mother about 4 years ago, shortly after Daddy died. It's a hard thing for me, cause mom bitches a lot. But then she's glad her granddaughter is there, when she's there. Nobody can figure this daughter out. She's an acomplished painter, very talented and had a degree in Illustration from Sav. College of art and design. Picks men who are needy or so possessive it borders on abusive. And apparently has a drinking problem.

    It's hard being a mom. Doesn't seem to get any easier AT ALL, It was WAY easier when they were little and stayed where I put them. The bigger the kid, the bigger the problems. I'm tired and sad. GAWD I would love a massage.

    Hope everybody has a good day. I'll be back later, hopefully in a better mood and laugh at a lot of the really funny things ya'll have been talking about... men, food, leg braces, giant slalom. Melissa's right, this is a fine example of amazing women of today.

    thanks, didn't mean to ramble, but it sure feels good to put it in here and let it go.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2010

    SV......Loved your picture wearing that big 69.  It reminded me of another 69 story.  I enrolled in Western Illinois University as a Freshman in 1965.  At freshmen orientation, the president of the University gathered all the Freshmen in the basketball arena (gymnasium) and had us chant, "Nothing can be finer than to be a 69er at Western."  Needless to say the entire group roared and the poor man looked quite confused!  I imagine somebody clued him in later!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Okay Jackie...did you find your recipe yet?  For the baked beans?  If not, just let me know, as good as you can remember!  And do you use canned beans, or homemade?

    And Connie....Geez, it just doesn't get any easier, does it.....My neighbor had so much trouble with her oldest Daughter.... Had her move in several times, move out every time, because she just wanted to do drugs....Our Neighbor wanted ME to "serve" her papers, meaning she would "give up" her parental rights....I wouldn't do it, because I didn't want the little one to know I had anything to do with "losing her Mommy"...She DID lose her rights though, so Grandma could "raise her."....So 2 years later, "Mom" was in jail, didn't know WHAT her little girl was doing...& couldn't care less.....She is due to go to a "half way" house, but I don't know when, & don't want to.....  Connie, you being a Mom, means you will always "be with your Daughter" and hopefully you can help her to find help....She really does need you....And since you DO realize she has a drinking problem, is a big step!  I so hope you can help her find her way!  Sounds like she has a LOT of potential....  And you DIDN"T do anything wrong.....You couldn't be beside her every second she was growing up, & when they start picking their own friends, a lot of  their problems begin.   We can only do so much....But then, maybe now, you can be a loving influence in her life, again!   I'll say a prayer for you guys....

    Now Miss Melissa....what's 69?  (Just KIDDING!)  Oh please Lordy, don't tell me!  That was a great picture of you, & CONGRATULATIONS ON THE WIN!!!!!!  Is there anything you haven't done?  I mean seriously!  Your achievements are astounding!  But you still seem like "one of my "other" Daughters!  Wink  Or Sisters, I guess!   Love you Pods! xoxoxoxo

  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2010

    Hi Everyone,

     I just wanted to let you know that I went for my second last chemo treatment yesterday.  It was with the Taxotare and even though I had a reaction the first time with the treatment, they still waited to give me the Benedryl until I told them that I was having a reaction yesterday, I must say that after the treatment, I was very drowsy and I remember more than I did with the last treatment. The only thing I remember about the other treatment is that I had a bad panic attack and I had a lot of nervous enengy. Yesterday and today I am so calm and relaxed,nothing like last time.  I wonder if the blood transfusion had anything to do with the way my body's reacting to the treatment this time.   Now I have one more to go in 3 weeks. YAY!!!

     I have a question, right now I have lost taste for certain things, rather they taste different, like ketchup and miracle whip and coffee.  Has anyone experienced this and do you get your taste for certain things back after the chemo is done?