Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Good morning ladies and Happy-Happy Valentines Day.  I left this on the other thread as I felt something light-hearted for the day:

    I don't understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day.  When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon.  ~Author Unknown

    It is snowing here -- about the second snow of the season.  I love the snow and this is a light, soft one, so will not be bad at all.  I don't think I'll be making angels today though.  To me they don't turn out very well unless you have at least a foot of snow.  Dh is working today so I will not be doing much or really having to cook or anything.  Later tonight -- when he is off work we will have a little something -- maybe cornbread and chili with this weather.

    Welcome back Susie.  If you want an easy way to find this thread....when you are on next time look up into the left hand side ( my tool bar is on top ) side of your computer.  There you should see an area ( little box ) that says favorites or bookmarks.  Tap that and it will give you further instructions as to how to bookmark or make this thread a favorite.  Then when you want to come to it -- just get on the Internet ( I use Google as my homepage ) and re-hit that same button - favorites or bookmarksand it will give you a list of all the things you have put there....just hit the one you want to go to.  I have this thread....and another one -- along with a million other things that I want to find easily.  It saves a lot of work.

    Good for you getting a new car.  Mine has many years left on it.  A 2004 Chevy Blazer which has 4-wheel drive since we live out in the country.  So far, so good....always manage to get out and about though one heavy snow last year was pretty dicey. 

    Must go and fix a late breakfast.  Will see you all later. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010
    Oh Suzie dearest, I would laugh hysterically as this is something I would do, but please know that in the time you did not get and "email" notification (I am giggling again) WE MISSED YOU! And for a description of "PODS" i will have to dig into the archives for my own idea as I wrote it on the board once. But pitch in everyone to describe PODS. And Kathleen, yeah, about three days after I am off Prempro, all of SE"s start to happen with a vengence. Few folks can understand unless they have seen or experienced it. We lovely women are a bonded and chatty group and everytime I do a print out of a day (it is like 18 pages long) to keep up on all my ladies and members of the POD Squad, so this may take time to get my version of "PODS" found again. I went to Good Will yesterday (one opened here on the OBX) and all of the wealthy Southern Shores ladies dump $$$$ stuff in there like nothing-many designer clothes with tags still on them-AND bought myself a matching set of silverware, beautiful matching plate settings (orignally from the Cottage shop-fortune to buy retail) and wonderful big, shell earings. i just had a ball! AND two new suits (casual) for church-then I slept thru church this AM. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO ALL PODS INCLUDING OLIVIA, OUR MINI POD AND HOW IS SHE BTW!!! More later after a cup of coffe in my cup that retails for 24.00 a cup that i got for 48 cents and chance to read up on our thread! Who fell down? CB, oh lordy are you OK? my falls are like lightening now-when ya get old, there is no slow motion! (((((((((HEARTS TO ALL)))))) Kiss SV ps. OMG, Jackie, i just read your "author unknown" quote! nearly fell out of my chair! hysterical! 
  • Bomom
    Bomom Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2010

    SV - I hope today is a better day.  Here is a big hug.  I'm sorry you're having such a bad time.  I thought I had bad symptoms when I got off the hormones but yours were terrible. 

     As Chevyboy says we all blame something for our BC and I blame the hormones but who knows?  I had just started menopause when I was 50ish.  Immediately my doctor pushed the hormones.  He said they were good for my mood, bones, heart, and sex life.  They were probably good for my sex life but I did not have any hot flashes at the time.  Ten years or so later when the bad info about hormones came out I quit cold turkey.  I had horrible hot flashes every 45 minutes and my heart rate would go crazy too.  I held out for a year and then a gyn said that people like me who suffered so could safely go on a low dose estrogen patch.  Flashes stopped.  A couple of years later I had uterine bleeding (took the patch off and back to hot flashes but not as severe and not as often) and after conservative treatment for a year I was advised to have a hysterectomy due to cell changes - not cancer yet but going that way.  A year after that my GP said "You don't have a uterus anymore so I think you can go on a very low dose estrogen patch for those hot flashes you still have".  Six months later BC.  Patch off again.  This time hot flashes are not bad.  They are occasional and sometimes a whole day with none.

    Sorry that's my rant on hormones.  I forget which lady said what ever caused it - we got it and that is reality.  Damn, Damn, Damn cancer.

  • Bomom
    Bomom Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2010

    SV - by the time I posted I saw your new post and you are having a better day.  I'm so glad.

    KMcCraw - I'm sick of snow too.  We moved here to Hendersonville Dec 15 and it has just snowed and snowed.  I know most everyone has snow and some worse than others but it is disheartening.  We have snow forecast for tonight again.  At least it is sunny right now.  I put my bare arms by the sunny windows to get some Vit D.

    Happy Valentines day to all.  Love you.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Jackie, thank you for the bookmark hint, I am now getting the email notifications and I love it!

    Retail therapy, what better way to soothe the soul and to have decent prices on pricey clothes is even better!

    It's cold and damp here today with snow expected later into tomorrow--ugh, I hate driving in it.

    Happy VD day to you all, I work in an STD clinic, so know we will be hopping for the next couple of weeks...the gift that keeps on giving, ya know!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    OMG Suzie, an STD CLINIC???!!! AND AFTER VALENTINE'S DAY??!! Oh that is so not right but bless you for doing it! I was lucky in getting all of my everyday/drunken/casual sex done by the time HIV hit. But i did not come away scott free. And yes, the gift that keeps on giving-herpes and a few other sundry awfuls, like candida!!!! SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    OH WOW, OK J TOLD ME HOW TO POST A PIX. ohh NOW EVERYONE GETS MY LIFE IN PHOTOS. This is max and Angus, my springer spaniels playing on MY beach in front of a bouy that broke moorings and washed ashore!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Geez, you girls!  We can talk about ANYthing, Ha!  How fun...& I mean it!    And Melissa, SV....I AM CHEVYBOY, OR CB..OR JEANNETTE,  HA!  I changed my "name" from Jeannettes9565 to Chevyboy...a couple weeks ago...Chevy was our "first" beautiful dog, named after our 57' Chevy!!!!  And yes, I fell yesterday, when my foot slipped back off of an ice pack in my garden...Ha!  I SHOULD have known better, but I didn't get hurt much, only for a minute...I fell on my arms across my chest...and nothing hurts!  I think I must be numb, or else the snow just caved in...when I fell on it!  I LOVE Goodwill!  And it is like going to a "candy store" with all the great stuff they have there!  Good for you!    Now how come I never got to have "everyday/drunken/casual sex"?????????   Maybe because I didn't drink, & 2, I met my DH when we were kids at just 18....And we were married for 7 years before I ever even HEARD of the "perks associated with sex, other than the normal "Hop on Pop" sort of thing!   Geez...I must have been a retard or something.  But we STILL  enjoy "being together"... Why am I embarrased to  talk about THAT, when I talk about everything else?  Ha!  And Melissa, you are the one that really explained what "Pods" were...can you find it again?  It was really profound...about how we all stick together, & support each other...& hold each other up, like a "Pod of Whales!"...And who started this anyway?  It was a great idea! 

    Okay, gotta go, so I can drum up some "everyday/drunken/casual sex!"...Embarassed Wink  We are the Pods...the mighty mighty Pods!  xoxoxo Jeannette, (Chevyboy...CB)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Good Grief Girl...YOU DID IT!  I am soooooo proud, Ha!  .What do you mean "your" art gallery in Duck?  You have your own gallery?  Will wonders never cease?  Wink  You just make me proud...

    So now Melissa....If you want to start your own "picture" program, download Picassa, then whenever you see a picture that you like on the internet,  just right click, click "save as" and it will automatically go into your "Picassa" program....From there, you can "upload" any pictures you have, then view them in Picassa, & "share" them with any one you want....

    I'm watching Nascar, don't bother me...Wink Wink  Love you! xoxoxoxo Jeannette 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    OMG-Just to be a pain in the arse-you are always watching Nascar! And you aren't even a redneck, or are you? Huh?? Yup I do have my own gallery (photo and water color and soon sea glasS jewelery) and I show with several art dealers. BUT all has been completely shutdown since October and BC diagnosis. Ok don't bother me, I am watching the Olympics! teehee (((KISSES)))SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010 just crack me up!  Ha!  No I'm not too much of a "redneck"....Now I have to go smoke my pipe & watch my race....Wink  I LUUUUUUVVVVVV  Nascar!  I am so impressed you have a gallery!  Damn!  Now go open it again.....No more excuses....You have come THIS far, now you can conquer the world, big girl!  Love you! xoxoxo
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    HEY JO, I went into business with the guy who bought the "Olde Duck Post Office." The original owner was old family friend who retired and I managed to buy most of his 'antique' decoy collection. He sold carvings made by all of the local bird crafters.There is a section for the town post office and then a huge room where I show my works. I do everything from t-shirts with wild horses on them to watercolor to photography. We are under "the Olde Duck Post Office" and the "Cacique Shoppe." I hate the second name but Chuck (my partner) spends a lot of time in Venezuala and "cacique' is some god of some kind. Not that the name goes over well with the islanders!!! But he is a 'cloth cut from his own jib" so to speak. It is located in the Barrier Island Station across from the sound. I don't make much money given what I put into the work I do ad the folks coming to the OBX no loger have free money to spend on anyuthing but food and the basics. Bad summer last year and the gallery is not huge by any means! I also show at Morales Gallery. OK, I am realizing that the brain-o-meter has gone into the manic phase-this is when I am ususally in the studio for 12 hours. ERRGH! Sorry for all the posts. SV

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    Hello PODS.

    SV, No apologies needed. I cannot imagine you not being able to get to your Olde Duck Post Office and Gallery, it's good you have a partner. The name is perfect. I certainly hope that business picks up this year, it's such a short season too, I mean when there are tourists out spending.


    My dh and his partner are Land Sureyors, things were growing here until fall when the bottom fell out, it fell hard. they had to let all the other people go, including family. Now it's just the two men. They are plenty capable, it's like stepping back in time for my dh to 'go out in the field'. He's been the boss for years. Now, there's nobody to be the boss of. He gets pretty frustrated when they don't have work to do. He's spent his extra time, for the past 2 years, in the gym, working out. Really strong man, lifts tremendous weights and has lost over 70 pounds. Dyed his hair and DANG he looks good. I say that I got BC and he got WELL. It's maybe fanatical how much he works out. Besides muscle building, he studied nutrition too and now we eat a lot healthier than we did. Plus he does all the cooking and most of the grocery shopping.

    We've been married 35 this year. 1975, long hair, bell-bottoms. It constantly amazes us that most of the time we enjoy each other. (Still, he is a man.) It has goods and bads and compromises. He keeps an aquarium, I could care less. I have 2 cats. We spread out, in the house, after the last kid moved out and sleep in separate bedrooms now, it's a matter of getting sleep or not. Snoring and getting up & down was driving us to desperation. Now, he has an incredible bed that cost a small fortune and that's where we meet up for VooDeeOooDoh.He said that he felt a calling to get healthy and learn about health and wellness when I was dx'd. Last October, I had to buy a new bed, so now I've got a queen and it's surprising how much bigger the room feels without a kingsize bed. I'd like to redecorate it for me, adding either a desk or a reading chair and lamp.

    Bomom, (advance apologies for being nit-picky, BUT) would you mind changing your dx year? It says you are getting dx this coming fall... was it 09? It's under your home,personal settings, I have years of proof-reading skills and almost always find typos on menus, church bulletins, ads, articles, billboards...drives me crazy sometimes. (Other times, I'm just koo-koo). And, are you in Hendersonville, NC?  I LOVE it there. To be fair, I've not been to the outer banks, but I love it in and around Hendersonville. My dh was born in Morganton, NC.

    Welcome back, Suzie, you'll love it here. I SURE DO. Did you get a good explaination of the PODs you are joining? You are in MOST EXCELLENT COMPANY. I'll go search, been meaning to do that anyway.

    Dear God, Thank you for the quiet weekend without any tears. And Thank you for the PODS. They are my sisters and SISTERS ROCK.

    Love, ~Connie

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    am still waiting for the explanation for PODs, I can be patient.

    My new vehicle is indigo blue and what dh calls a "cross-over", a Rogue, gotta think of a cool name for him ( the vehicle).

    Back to work tomorrow, got plenty to do and then some. All take care.

    gentle hugs

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010


    POD-means like a POD of whales-forever joined thru generations, time, eternity and great wisdom, shaped by the same fierce forces, streamlined by the eons, speaking the same language, working for the same purpose, stronger than the all of the oceans, birthing, maternal, teaching one another the songs of the seas, protecting, playing, eternal in celebrating each other and living in perfect concert for the life, death, and pure joy of the POD.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Good night PODS and keep the light on!  ((((HUGS)))  SV

    Hatteras Lighthouse before the 'move' in its original location. Photo by MAJ

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2010

    Jackie ... loved that quote.   If you make the chili vegetarian I will be right over.

    Melissa SV ... I hate to say this but when I went through menopause I didn't have any symptoms (I know by confessing this I will alienate every woman who did!  If I experienced mood swings no one noticed it from how I am all the time!  But then when I was menstruating I never had cramps which drove my sisters crazy (since they did)and very light periods.  Never had a hot flash but can definitely sympathize with those that do.  BTW, I absolutely LOVE getting a bargain!  If I lived closer I would be right there with you at Goodwill!

    Bomom ... we are supposed to get more snow today from about 1 p.m. until 3 in the morning tomorrow - they are saying one to three inches.  Lovely.  Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    Connie ... that description of the pods says it all ... Love it!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited February 2010

    Its my birthday today, and its almost midday, and DH hasn't remembered. No card, no present, no flowers, no box of chox, which is what I always get. Neither of my kids have rung, as they usually do...perhaps I don't exist !!! 

    Perhaps I have got the date its the 15th, so its not me.

    Only one thing to do, I'm off to the shops for a blow out. spend some cash on some clothes, shoes and perhaps a bag....that'll cheer me up!!


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2010

    Isabella ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY. 

    happy birthday dog

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2010

    Isabella ...

    I'll bring this right over and we can both dig into out ... no card, no present, no cake for DH.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Isabella!!!!!!!!!  Man, that sucks!  Would make me mad too, if no-one noticed!  Did they ever?  Could you politely tell them "IT'S MY DAMN BIRTHDAY, DOES ANYONE CARE?"  Maybe then they would remember!  So did you spend some big time money?  This is for you dear one! 


  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Connie, thank you for the definition on a POD....what a serene description and empowering as well.

    ISABELLA.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!  Did the family ever come through?  Hope they surprised you this evening.  How was the Schopping trip!  I envy you!  Again, Happy Birthday, Hon.

    gentle hugs

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    OH ISABELLA, "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Isabella, Happy birthday to yoooouuuuuu!!!! I have given up on trying to get family to remember my birthday. i simply have my own and it is usually a whamdinger!! There are no surprises because I get everything I want-tee-hee! We all love you and if we were there, you would be having the best B-day ever!!! Love you, SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Oh sweet Carol-AM-you get to new doctors as quickly as you can-like yesterday!! I have a pain management doc who controls the use of pain meds (I need them to heal) and a psychiatrist who has me on antidepressants and anti anxiety meds. Do not take 'no' for an answer from your docs (I could bloody kill them) and beware as this is the usual crap that we are fed by the medical community because we are women-yeh, dude try to shoot a watermelon out of your penis and tell me to take an aspirin. and  "this too will pass" and it will all be better-here's more aspirin! Sh#t, I'd be raging (already am) over the lack of care for your emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing from docs who we PAY to help us. Hell, even I can figure out to take an aspirin-THIS IS BEYOND AND ASPIRIN!!! Get ranting on their arses! xxxxooo, SV

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2010


    In a way, it is kind of good when DH forgets a birthday. Then you can self-righteously go shopping and buy what you really wanted anyway :-) If they do remember you might get a sweater in a color you would NEVER wear or a  box of candy that will saboutage your diet or a gift card to a store you have sworn to never frequent again.  Nothing like being mad at DH and feeling taken for granted to make shopping and spending justifiable! 

    Now kids... that is a different matter. Of course they should remember. But these days seems like young families are so wrapped up in themselves that they forget anyone else exists. You just have to say to yourself "it's not me, it's them." You did a good job raising them, still support them in every way you can. It's just this self-centered generation... it's all about them!

    So have a great time shopping! Spend more than you should. You deserve it!!! And you earned it. Wish I could go with you. I'd admire everything you picked out and ooh and ahh over how good it fit and how the color was just right. Then we'd pop off for tea and get home too late to fix a decent dinner so it would be leftovers for DH.

    Happy birthday.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited February 2010

    Happy Birthday, Isabella!  I always prefer to buy my own presents.  But a card is nice.  On my last birthday, Dh ordered a wonderful cake with slabs of dark chocolate decorating the sides.  We shared it with my mom and a few other family members who live in the area. 

    Jeannette, I'm going to give Picassa a try.  I haven't been able to figure out how to post pics on these discussion forums.  It would be fun to have that capability.

    SV, your gallery sounds like the kind of business I love to visit when I'm travelling.  Hope you're able to get back to your creative art work soon.  It must be very satisfying. 

    Wishing everyone a happy Monday.

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2010

    Happy Birthday Isabella!!!! Many happy returns!!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Isabella.....I too wish you a wonderful birthday.  Buy the store out.

    Hugs,  Jackie