Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Hey Suzie, to be honest, my biz partner set up a website but I have not even looked at it to know if horses on it or not. I sell by WOM. If GD would like a wild horse t-shirt-photo by me- with Duck emblem on left front, send address in and her size in a PM. I am so sorry about your neuropathy-good god-there has to be a pain management specialist in your area to help you to get control of this. We used him and a rehab formy Mom's PN but she had to be in rehab three times a week and she was on meds. SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    I simply could not resist!!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2010

    I just needed a day at the ocean...somehow it gives me some energy and perspective..

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Lisa, love the peaceful.

    SV, the kitten is so cute and so funny.  Will PM you

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2010

    hi Suzie..the tide was just coming in when I took the picture..wish I could have stayed til sunset..

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010
    SV- Haaaaa-haaaaa-hahahaaaaaa -hhhaaaaaaa. OMG Is it a habit?LaughingLaughing   Haaaaa-haaaaa. Gotta go pee. You made my day ((((((Lots of them)))))). Chris
  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited February 2010

    SoCalLisa - love that photo! I can feel a bit of the relaxation it inspires. And it looks warm - our bay is frozen just now, not warm at all. Great for ice fishing if you like that sort of stuff.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Yeah Chris, As I stood up from posting the photo-I farted! YUP-seems to be the norm these days. It is so bad that I am farting in public places and I am too damned old to try to run away from the scene of the crime. SOCAL, wow, the photo is so awesome. It just filled me with peace. What kind Camera are you shooting with? :))))) SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2010

    Hi SV..I use a canon SX20IS

    About farting..I had chemo nine years ago now and I still can't control it

    I was just fine before chemo...go figure..of course, I had the runs thru

    six months of chemo and almost two years after...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2010

    This is sunset at the same beach..not today though

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    SoCalLisa -- Your pictures as always are so special and I'm glad you know what I am talking about when I say there is something about those waves that just lift all your troubles off your shoulders and carry them far, far away.  I cleaned house for some people who lived right on the beach and though I'm not sure I'd really want to be as close ( their windows always had salt spray on them ) I felt like I'd seldom have miseries if I lived there.  I lived about a mile away from the ocean ( in Ventura, Ca ) and could always smell the salt and seaweed smell even when I was not there.

    Interesting about the gas --- wouldn't you know, most of the time I'm not bothered, but the two days I work at the office -- and I have thought it is from having to sit for long spells, I tend to fill up as it were, and it gets a bit embarrassing.  I keep hoping.....maybe knowing this I will have to try and move around a bit more though and see if that helps. 

    Susie, the minute you said it, I remembered that you had spoken about your job before.  I would like to blame this on chemo brain, but my in-ability did not come from there, or even from the couple other medical events that befell me.  It is just my normal self -- Sigh!!!!

    Yes -- I did get the Picassa bug installed.  Always wanted to be able to post pictures or whatever, and though I had taught myself to copy and paste long ago -- I never mastered pictures until Connie pm'ed me with instructions after I downloaded Picassa into my computer.  Tried Photobucket a long time ago, but never able to make it work --- then on another cancer blog ( that one I seldom post -- just lurk and read ) they talked about the fact that a few of them using Photobucket got viruses' that they traced back to Photobucket.  I think Photobucket probably has it cleaned up now, but I'd be nervous at this point. 

    Well, I need to go do a couple other things so see you in the morning.

    Big hugs, Jackie

  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2010

    I am new to this board so will probably do all of the wrong things.

    I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer. February 2010. The cancer has intruded into the breast from the duct. I will have a lumpectomy in March. I am 73 years old so supposedly this cancer is slow growing. I will also have a few nodes removed to see if they are infected. I am a diabetic and the test to see the nodes prior to surgery was decided to be too risky as dye is injected. So I will have to wait until after surgery to know what to do next.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    GOOD GRIEF're going to scare away any "sane" woman that ventures here!  You just crack me up!  I'm sitting here, drinking my coffe, DH still in bed, & I  laughed out loud at that picture Melissa..SV!!!!  (He's still asleep...sshhhhh...we're still safe!)  And the pictures of the beaches are BEAUTIFUL!!!  Us girls are the BEST when it comes to posting, Ha! 

    Now lebrecht.....don't you EVER worry about saying or doing anything wrong you can tell, we are all sort of .....well I guess you could say, demented!    Me especially, Wink....and no we are NOT young, that's why we can say almost anything we want!   I'm so sorry about you toooooooo getting cancer!  But we ALL started out just like you!   You know, they will probably take out a few lymph nodes, test them, & see what goes on from there!  Besides that "Nuclear" dye, makes you pee purple for 2 days, & you set off door alarms whenever you shop!  It IS funny though!  Seriously....don't be afraid....I had my Lumpectomy Dec. 4,  & they implanted a MammoSite Device, so I could get the radiation with that, instead of the traditional longer way!    And now I am on Tamoxifen, for about 1 & 1/2 months! 

    Now girls....I'm serious here.....My Husband thinks "they did something to me when I had the surgery!.....I am CRABBY now!"  Is this the Tamoxifen?  So I tell him...."Yeah, well what is your excuse for the last 10 years!"  Damn!  He says stupid things, & expects me to just ignore him?  I don't think so!  I USED to, but I just can't keep my mouth shut now!   So is it the T pill?  Is this the PMS stuff I heard about?   Work with me here! 

    And you "gassy" girls.....REALLY!  I am mortified! (I'm not naming names, Melissa.... (not really)....Don't you know, girls don't fart...they "fluff".....Geez!   And besides, we don't talk about it, like our brothers do...we just kind of maybe do it & walk away, like..."who me?"  So little fart-head, guess I'll go get crabby somewhere.....Love you all so much...xoxoxoxo Jeannette, (the short little red-neck!) Laughing

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Lebrehct -- welcome aboard though sorry you have to be here.  It is a great place to un-burden yourself and have someone that really GETS it.  Hope you will post often and keep us informed of how things are going with you.  I am not well versed, but many here are and it is a huge comfort to get answers from one who has walked the walk.

    Will have pretty much my same usual full day I think -- but I planned on starting earlier I think.  The long night before going to work ( my 8 full hours at work job ) just is too wearing I think.  I'll be checking in later.  See you all then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010


    And J, I love the 'fluff' word although my chemo farts are clearing the room. Even the dogs run away!! OK,maybe I can live with 'nuclear fluff' with hopes that I graduate down to something less volatile. And hell yes, i was cranky (not sure if it is the T as in Taxotere) but I suspect it is. It has scrambled all of the wires I had carefully put in place over the past half decade!! My DD actually said the same thing to me yesterday-and it was like, yeah, so what is your excuse!! Men-ERRGH,  so why did the good Lord invent them?" 

    SoCal, I absolutely love your photos! Just fills me with peace! Keep shooting and posting! ((hugs))) SV

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited February 2010

    I found this quote, no author given, while clearing off book shelves in preparation for move in 6-7 weeks:

    I have done SO much, with SO little, for SO long

    That I can do almost anything

    With nothing

    In no time flat.  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    GarmE -- I love that quote.


  • patewagon1
    patewagon1 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2010

    Hi sameday nurse.  I am almost 68 years old, work at a dental office part time and had surgery for BC a year ago today.  I had a lumpectomy, and the balloon inserted, not the mammosite because my cancer was too close to the skin but Contura which has a much thicker tube coming out of your skin.  The day they did the Planning session wasthe worst day, even worse than inserting the balloon.  However I'm glad I went that way instead of eveyday for 16 weeks.  I had great support from my neighbors who took me to my sessions as well as my husband who has been wonderful and I too went back to work very soon after.  I opted not to take tamoxifin.  I went on line to the UK because all the studies of tamoxifin in the US are funded by the drug companies.  What I read scared me to death and I decided to not take it.  I hope and pray I made the right decision.  I am scheduled in early March for a mammogram and I am a nervous wreck.  Unless youv'e been there I don't think anyone can understand.  I wish you well.  Did you take tamoxifin?

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited February 2010

    That must be it - the chemo shakes something loose in our brains! I told my kids I am "busting loose" and have planned a trip for February, one for March and tentatively one for October. This is from a person who used to tell my travelling friends that I am perfectly happy at home and don't need to travel anywhere. Me, my uniboob,my foob, my chemo curls, my Femara and my fuschia coloured suitcase are on the go!

  • patewagon1
    patewagon1 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2010

    Hi sameday nurse.  I am almost 68 years old, work at a dental office part time and had surgery for BC a year ago today.  I had a lumpectomy, and the balloon inserted, not the mammosite because my cancer was too close to the skin but Contura which has a much thicker tube coming out of your skin.  The day they did the Planning session wasthe worst day, even worse than inserting the balloon.  However I'm glad I went that way instead of eveyday for 16 weeks.  I had great support from my neighbors who took me to my sessions as well as my husband who has been wonderful and I too went back to work very soon after.  I opted not to take tamoxifin.  I went on line to the UK because all the studies of tamoxifin in the US are funded by the drug companies.  What I read scared me to death and I decided to not take it.  I hope and pray I made the right decision.  I am scheduled in early March for a mammogram and I am a nervous wreck.  Unless youv'e been there I don't think anyone can understand.  I wish you well.  Did you take tamoxifin?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010
    Oh JO, I WANT THE HISTORY ON THE "CHOOKS". SHOULD WE BE CHOOKS INSTEAD OF PODS? Have I made a faux paux as a newbie in going with and loving the word the PODS? OOOOHNOOOO-CONTROVERSY? Seriously, jo, you have been here a long time-I would love to read about the chooks (origin of name, etc) if you have it at your fingertips. What about the chooks do i need to know and can we combine it with the PODS somehow? and Lassie, you go gal!! I am so proud of you! i don't have enough brain cells rubbing together to answer of contribute to questions right now (that is probably a good thing!) ;)))) SV
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    OK PODS, I am being a total board hog but wanted to post a photo of me precancer with hair and after a great day of fishing for tuna in the Gulf Stream!! Guy with me is an old family friend and married already-aren't they all? WAAAAA-SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Hi, just me again!  Both my Docs told me Tamoxifen when we first met!  And again I am 72, and been on Tamoxifen for 1 1/2 months!  I was supposed to start Femara...The new Oncologist gave me 3 bottles to start me along, but I was afraid to start it!  I'm seeing my Radiologist on the 2nd, & ask her what she thinks!  I read all the SE's of Famara, & they sounded worse than the T pill!  But I might start it after I talk to her!  If all I get is "snitty" once in awhile, that's better than all my bones hurting with Femara...And yes, there are lots of "threads" to compare all of these pills & their side effects! 

    And Melissa....SV....No honey, I meant I WAS THE CRANKY ONE...TO MY DH!  HA!  NOT YOU!  You NEVER are, I don't think!  I just love your sense of humor!  Even if they do call you fart head!  xoxoxoxoxo Love you!  Jeannette 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    HEY GIRL!  WE POSTED AT THE SAME TIME, HA!  GOOD PICTURE!    So did you mess around with him?  (just KIDDING)....These girls will think we are NUTS!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2010 always you take the most beautiful pictures.  There is something about the ocean that is soothing and calming.   I have never been to San Diego but I understand it is just breathtaking.

    Welcome Lebrecht ... if you have to have breast cancer this is the place to be.  So sorry you had to join us.  I think all the ladies here have more knowledge about breast cancer than most doctors.  A tiny warning -- stay away from any controversial or polical threads unless you really like fighting and sending unless posts!   There is practically a thread for whatever worries or troubles you.  There is all kinds of advice, empathy (we've been there "we get it." and practical tips.  And, if just want a laugh, we have threads for that.  Best of all, you will meet some pretty awesome women that will always be there for you and become your dear, dear friends.

    Melissa ... are you okay?  Haven't seen you post in a little while.

    Lassie ... that's awesome!  Have a wonderful time on your trips!

    Tarry ... I sympathize with the "joint" problem.  Getting old is not for sissies.

    Nancy .,.. I absolutely love that  quote!  How is Olivia?  I know she must be just the cutest thing ever!

    JO ... it is always great to see your posts.  You have such a way of soothing us. 

    I know I am missing some but it certainly isn't intentional.

    To the Mighty Pods ... God bless each and every one of you.  I love you  all.   BTW, if was almost worth the BC to meet all of you.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2010

    Welcome Lebrehct.  You've found one of the most supportive threads on this site and we're glad to have you.  Come often, let us know how it's going for you and vent if you need to!

    Hey StillVerticle..........great picture of both you and the fish!  That must have been lots of fun!

    Pam.....We adapted quite well to the cooler FL weather.  It really wasn't what we'd hoped to find but was so much better than what we'd been experiencing.  I do like visiting your state!

    Lisa....the ocean seems to bring me peace also.  I love to watch the waves come in but I also love the lulling sound of them.  The beach is one of my favorite places to be and I LOVED your pictures.

    Well, I'm off to the library.  Since I'm home and attempting to get back into the routine, I need to find me some reference materials so I can get back to writing some questions!

    Our wireless internet was not the best on the beach and I missed all of you when I was gone.  It's just not a good day when you can't check in here!  Hugs to all of you!


  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010
    Get a laugh each's cheaper than medicine. Can't take credit for that one. I actually saw it on my vet's billboard. Don't know from where he got it but I felt it was a good one. I chuckle each time I drive by and read it so I thought I'd share. Smile 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    For the new gals', I am still at the chemo stage so have no info to offer on the 'after drugs' like femera, etc. Crikey, I just cannot wait to get there in my treatment plan. Rita, good to have you back and you are so darned cute-shame on you for looking so good at your age! As to the "gas blast" I have tried all movements and positions and still, I am outwitted by my farts every single day. And here I thought I had my head up my ass-wrong! Jo-OMG, the old hens? Ok, can we do 'chicken whales'? The "Chook Pods." Gees, I can barely remember one name. And Melissa, where are you-you OK? Also missing is Alyson from down under and not enuf posts from Isabella and patoo lately!! But then again, I am on really good drugs right now and truly am a board hog! So sorry-this too shall pass. And I do get serious when I feel I can contribute with good info, otherwise it becomes the usual 'I'm so sorry you have to be here (on a BC site)." Such a diagnosis is so very scary and words are not enough for those new to the Board. I am still in shock!! And I had such a wonderful day today I truly do not want to finish another three chemos and RADS. I just don't want to give that much of my life away to this disease. I mean, geesus, this is the first day in six months that I truly feel like myself again! And here I am, looking at CHEMO!!! I should have some gratitude but just do not right now. ERRGH! (((BIG HUGS))) SV

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    So much happens It feels so fast when you are being treated. I just tuned out and went when they told me to. You just roll with the plan and plan for the days when you can't even roll. I didn't have to do chemo. And I am not on any long term drugs for prevention. ! Welcome new ladies ! We latched onto calling our group, The POD, as in how whales travel their journeys together. I like PODS, especially since a lot of us are coast dwellers and some actually see Pods of whales moving through their waters, on both coasts.

    I had a follow up with my pain mgmnt doc for discovery of the EMG results, but got blown off because of SNOW that never happened. Well, to be fair a lot of people work in the city and commute from miles inland and it did snow west of I-95 and there was ice on bridges.

    Any Olympics watchers?  The american redhead just rocked the (Idon't knowwhat it's called) snowboarding tube? the giant half circle that they board in and spin above. Wow, that's a sport now. He scored 45.8 out of 50. Go USA. I can't wait for the figure skating.


  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    P.S. Also, there were some horror stories about some PODS experiences with chickens, so I think the whales came along at just the right time. They live and breathe ocean waters, and the beaches soothe our souls.