Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Hi Girls!  The races are kind of boring, so I'm readin' about you, Ha!  Besides, they last forEVER sometimes....But I am so SICK of this weather!  It has snowed here for the last 3 days, & so COLD!!!  Man, I'm just tired of this!  Suzie14, when you find Spring, send some my way! 

    And SVMelisa, you had really better take care of those shingles!  I got a shot for them, because I heard they are the WORST thing to get rid of~  After that Chemo train-wreck you had, it's a wonder you are STILL VERTICAL!!!!!    And just shave everywhere....then you won't know the difference!  And you won't even CARE if it comes back! 

    That was a great poem Jackie....Tell Melissa to post the one she wrote about "Sea Glass!"  It was beautiful!  She is smarter than she thinks she is!  Wink  Love you girls! 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010
    OMG Jeanette, your photos just crack me up!! Only in my southern redneck family, it would be my brother and my Dad on the floor 'dibbing" for the squirrel for rodent stew. Jackie, the poem is wonderful and I am definately printing it out. Hey JO, wha'd up?!! And where is Patoo; no yuks from Isabella recently-I hope all is well across the pond. We are having the most goreous day here and I do not want it to end. It smells like spring outside, but just a teaser, I know. Yeah, I have a stash of 'acyclovar' and zovarax' for shingles but may need to see doc tomorrow anyway. It is just getting so damned expensive every time I turn around! Thanks Darolyn and Suzie-and ok my chemo brain has failed me-who am I sending a horsey t-shirt too for a GD, is it you suzie? i will need to go back thru posts to get your address-like I should have organized them immediately but nooooooo-everything is on scraps of paper here and there. J, I cannot believe that you tore yourself away from Nascar-it must be boring-not even one wreck? Geesus, I am itching all over, what the heck is that about? Lots of love, SV
  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    omg, SV, missed the section about the pubers!! I laughed out loud, thanks! It's my GD regarding the tee shirt, will PM my addy to you or perhaps just email it to you. I too just have too many effing scraps of paper, my house is a dumpster with windows.

    Chevy, I love the dibs photo!!  My chemo brain fails me once again, I used to know how to post photos and totally don't remember.  Would someone please PM me and remind me? Thanks.

    I will most definitely send you sme spring if we ever get it.!!! But I'll be  selfish and keep some for myself 1st.  We live close to Lake Michigan and are usually 3 weeks behind the other part of the state which is a rip off in a way but good in the respects that I get to enjoy tulips, lilacs and lillies of the Valley in MKE where I work and then later at home....I get a double dose.

     SV,Mellissa we used to get samples of Valtrex at work but now that the patent is more samples, otherwise I would send you some, sorry.

    Jackie, is Jimmie a kitty? He sounds like a real sweetheart.

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    I'll bet Jimmie is a dog.

    Hey everyone, it's been so gorgeous out today, I stayed outside all day long. The sun is setting now, but Spring was in the air. Neighbors were in the yards doing stuff. radios. dogs barking. it was great.

    LOVE reading these posts. Wrote one last night and lost it before sending dang it. You ALL are so funny and so caring and either I'm not doing it right or what? How do you remember every body's things? you know, I can remember what they are, but not what they are AND who wrote them. I made those Krustez orange cranberry muffins and they were GREAT. And I got the recommended book, The Visit to your Back Doctor, one. I also got some cool beach glass and have been playing with wire and glass all day. Not being terribly successful yet, gotta get the fingers to work the wire right, I will.

    Not funny to have to go to church with no hair and your mom's deathaversary. Losing a loved parent is so hard.

    I'm still pretty wiped out, think I got a bit of a virus. Ever since that night at the jail... hmmm.  OH, dd did come and talk with me. She is much more remourseful than ever. Paid me back right away for the bail. Isn't going out after work anymore. Our downtown area is such a party-zone, bars open til 3 a.m., you can have an open cup and walk up and down river street or around the city market area where they have outdoor service and music. drink, drink, drink. If you don't go to that area, it's the beach. But she's coming home after work now, we will deal with her health after we deal with her living situation. Might be that they are feeding off each other? Then we will deal with her court and fines situation. It's all hers. Thank you all for your sage advice. PODS ARE AWESOME. WISE.  WONDERFUL.

    OHH.. DH just asked me to go out to dinner... Yippee


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited February 2010

    Jackie, loved the poem.

    i would love to read the poem on sea glass also.SV shingles are painful, hope you get rid of them fast.

    Connie, it sounds like your daughter is settling down, so thankful for that.  Enjoy dinner with husband.

    Suzie are you anywhere close to Chicago?  we are going to Lake Michigan in May if my leg is well.  Maybe we can meet for lunch or something.

    The granddaughter went home so it is really really quite here now.  Everyone have a great evening.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited February 2010
    View Image
  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Spar, we are about 2 hours from Chicago.

    Connie, I do hope dd is turning the corner and acknowledgeing her responsibility in this whole thing.  Will say a little prayer that she keeps going forward. Where did you go for dinner?

     Where is Isabella? I'm worried about her.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Gottcha' Connie.  Jimmie is a cat.  He is a tabby tiger stripe -- brown tones.  Susie -- I have 21 cats here at my house.  All spayed or neutered -- all basically throw aways and unwanted.  I also have four dogs, though did have 6 till 2 found forever homes.  I was keeping them for our local "House of Hope" humane society in foster care.  Buddy ( part New Zealand and part Belgiun border collie ) was with me three and a half years.  Hard to let that beautiful dog go, but mine was not the right home for him.  Then Mollie ( some Shepard and ??? who knows for sure -- very cross-eyed but a beautiful fun loving companion.  She was with me a little less that a year.  The other dogs will stay here.  All the cats as well. 

    This is what Jimmie looks like:


    and is an adorable little guy.  Keeps the two small inside dogs ( Baby Boss -- Pomeranian ) and Teeny ( Dachshund/Terrier mix -- looks like a long legged Dachshund ) in line big time.  They are a pain at times, but I can't imagine life without them.

    Connie....glad things seem so well so far with your daughter.  Hope they stay that way.  Sv and you too Spar get on the right track soon with the medical issue's.  Time to give those albatrosses a much needed break. 

    By the way -- I found Melissa's info and p.m.ed her but have not heard anything.  That bugs me a  bit --- hope she is just super busy. 

    Will see you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Jackie, I love Jimmie....what a guy and so fortuinate, as are all your animals, to have you as a MOM!!

  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2010

    Hi all ,I hope everyone enjoyed the nice day today, tommorow we are supposed to snow (yuck).StillVerticle, apart from your shingles, it looks  like you had an okay day, I'm glad to see your sense of humour back.

    IllinoisLady, Jimmie is a beautiful cat, I have a long hair gray cat name Kitty that looks like Jimmie and a Calico.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2010

    Hi all..boy we are a chatty group aren't we...

    lots of years of experience behind us....

    SV...get to a doctor for shingles tomorrow..

    I am very fearful of getting shingles and can't get

    the shot because of my liver and it is a live virus..

    I am so sick of being on Pacific time just as the Olympics are

    and can't see the show until three hours or more later...darn

    NBC...they have lost my vote for what I don't know...

    Raining in San Diego...

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited February 2010

    If anyone is concerned about shingles, please take 2000mg of L-Lysine as soon as you think it is starting up and 500 mg per day until it disappears.  It works for me.

    By the way, I have had the shot and it doesn't prevent all outbreaks, but then I am prone to severe shingles.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited February 2010

    notself, thanks for that information.  I didn't know that L-lysine helped with shingles.

    Jackie, I love Jimmie,  I think all cats are beautiful, they have such a grace about them.  All of mine are outside cats because dh won't let cats in the house but they are waiting at the french door looking in everymorning waiting for us to get up.  They rub on us but they don't want us picking them up or petting them until they come to us first.  Kind of wild and beautiful.  3 hot dogs in the house though, what a rucus they make.  They have a vet appt tomorrow for shots and wormed.

    Jackie, do you live anywhere Chicago?  I would love to meet you while we are on our trip if you do.  I have plans to meet 2 other bc survivors, they don't come to the boards much anymore but I love them.

    I pm'd Melissa also, will try to get a card in the mail tomorrow.  I am kind of worried and miss her a lot.

    Hope everyone has a blessed week.

  • grama5
    grama5 Member Posts: 29
    edited February 2010

    Hi, On the stinky dog subject. Try bathing him in tomato juice, yes tomato juice. This is standard practice when dogs get sprayed by a skunk. It neutralizes it, bet it would work on fish too


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2010

    Its's still hot and DH thinks we should go for a walk. I will shortly, trying to get fit for our trip in May.

    Of course it really helped today that I spent the afternoon making chutney, looks good, a little spicier than I intended but never mind at least all those tomatoes haven't gone to waste. Now I just have to work oput what top do with an over abundance of egg plants. Will replant my garden at the end of the month, things I planted recently have bolted and gone to seed, nevermind lettuce flowers are a very pretty purple.

    Jimmie is beautiful, must find some photos of my two spoilt boys. This is  a cat household cause DH grew up on a farm and thinks it is not right to keep dogs in confined areas. I wouldn't mind a dog especially a Cairn or Skye terrier. 

    Had better go and change my shoes and get going.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2010

    OH Jackie, I'm a cat person and I'd have kept Jimmie, too!  He's a gorgeous cat.

    Notself, thanks for the tip on the Lysine.  I had no clue it would work on the shingles.  I use it when I feel the start of a fever blister and it knocks them right away.  That's good to know about the shingles.

    Hey Alyson, I'm just like Connie.  I have a terrible time keeping everybody's schedule straight.  I'm sure you've told us but I've forgotten.  Where are you going on your May trip?

    Well, I have a relaxing day at home today.  I think I'll search the Internet for a good potato soup recipe so I can get what I need at the store tomorrow.  I've been hungry for that!

    Everyone have a great day!


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2010

    Good morning ladies!  Jackie ... Jimmie looks like my CoCo Bear (passed away now).  CoCo had a little identify crisis in that he thought he was a dog.  SV ... my Mom died 21 years ago this March and I still miss her.  Chevy ... love the pic "dibs."

    For whoever wanted to know how to remember names and conversations and also to those who have lost posts ... I suggest you have Word up and running when you are ready to post.  Simply go from one program to next each time you read and post and place a comment in Word.  It also helps to write it first in Word and then paste it here so that you don't lose it ever again.  To paste it here simply copy the text in Word and Paste it in the Post Reply box.  Gosh, I hope that made sense.

    Jackie ... once again I believe were twins separated at birth.  My life is pretty much an open book for two reasons:  I don't suffer in silence and I am to lazy to remember lies!

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Rita, regarding potato soup, my sister gave me a great recipe...peel and cut 10-12 potatoes, cut 3-4 celery stalks, cover with water and cook until soft.  Add a can of canned milk and a stick of butter and salt and pepper to taste.  I made a pot of it just before my 3rd chemo and lived off that pot until it was all gone!!  It got me through.  Oh, mash up the potatoes with a spoon after they are soft.

    Ahhh, I made it to work safely in the new vehicle without any problem despite the two and a half inches of wet sticky snow!!

    Alyson, I envy you and your hot weather....send some north, please.

    I will get some lysine to have on hand to use in case I ever get blind-sided with shingle again.

    Kitties, don't get me started, I love them.  I have about 14 feral cats outside and can only pick up one.  I pet the others while they are eating...sorta like "copping a feel"!  You should see their reactions when they realize they are being petted and actually enjoyed it.

    I hope to get another inside kitty later in April. My little Butterfly had to be euthanized in January due to a massive tumor in her chest, despite testing negative for feline leukemia as a kitten and getting the vaccine, she apparently was tested too soon and had it after all, the FLV caused the rapidly growing cancer.  Oh I miss her little Butterfly.

    Flo, we had a black and white border collie once who would tangle with the skunks at times. We used gallons of tomato juice to bathe him in the tub, which he did NOT like and afterwards it was so funny to see a pink and black dog running in our yard!

    Lisa, do you know if it is too late to get the shingles vaccine after you have had a episode?

    SV Melissa, How is it going with you today?  Hopeyou are feeling better and your shingles are on the wane.

    gentle hugs to all

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Good morning from un-sunny southern Illinois.  I am four hours North of Chicago.  Dh and i drove there once -- to pick up a dog.  Came home with two.  It made for a long day as we went and came home same day.  I'd be a little reluctant to do anything like that again -- especially now with the occasional bout' of delayed stress tiredness.  I'm thankful it only comes once in awhile, but the few times it has I force every step and only want to curl up somewhere. 

    I think I will copy that potato soup recipe.  As a kid, I really dis-liked potato soup, but I crave it once  in awhile myself now.  I think our tastes do change --  I haven't ( more's the pity ) lost my taste for anything I really like -- but I have greatly expanded the list through the years.  I *gained* a taste for celery, and cauliflower, and peppers, red, green, and yellow, while doing chemo.  I ate all those before but never just washed and cut up.  They are a real treat now just like that and don't have to be a part of any other dish as they once did. 

    I think your body can talk to you and will nearly demand that you do some things -- by allowing your cravings to become good ones that actually promote health.  Only thing I never understood was the tuna fish on toast deep craving after chemo.  There was something in there ( after throwing up for a week ) that I really, really needed and so my body just turned on the crave button.  Interesting -- makes you know something is at work because w/o even being remotely ill I can crave cheesecake and creamhorns on an instantaneous level.  Sigh !

    Sorry....I have done that so many times....hitting something I don't mean too......double sigh.

    Glad so many of you appreciated Jimmie.  The other twenty are just as nice.  I do have several feral cats at the colonies that will allow me to touch them....but wouldn't dare trying to go farther or pick them up.  They often walk out on the path to meet me -- and *talk* for a bit before we get to the feeding bowls -- which I clean out everyday, along with the water bowls.  They are quite patient.  It is always interesting to watch.  They are so accepting of their life and plight which I often think is terrible -- how fortunate though that they do have people who will provide daily food and clean water.  They still hunt -- but never have to actually go hungry and in bad weather and snow everywhere "Meals On Wheels" keeps coming. 

    Well, hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    Thanks Kathleen, I've lost three dang good posts now and it's been pissing me off.

    Will someone copy me the photo posting instructions? I am photographically challenged.

    It's raining here today. I'm babysitting while DD goes to apply for assistance and to get  the Merina (sp?) IUD device removed. It's caused her nothing but trouble and she wont' be needing it now.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010
    Hi Connie....sometimes you can post a picture from an email you get by hitting "copy" then paste, or from one online.  But I have a photo program from "Picassa"....It is a program from Google, & very good!  It will hold all of your pictures for you...Then when you want to upload some to your Picassa online album, it is easy!  From there, you can open the program, then click on any picture you have uploaded!  That's how I do mine....If you need help, I'll be here!  Just google Picassa, download the program, & you will have's free, also!  I send pictures through email that way, & my Daughter sends me hers from Orlando, with Picassa!   Till later!  Jeannette
  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited February 2010

    Hi all, just wanted to post a picture of little chee chee looking so sweet.  Hope you all have a great day.

    000_1260.jpg Chee Chee in her scarve picture by spark56_photo

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2010

    Suzie...thanks for the potato soup recipe.  That sounds like a winner and I'm going to try it out later this week.  I love the stuff and have never made it myself.  This will be a first!!!!!  See, it's never too late!  Thanks again!

    Oh Spar...che che is so cute.  It's obvioius that we have a big group of animal lovers on here!


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2010

    All of you guys with your cats and dogs make me want one, almost. Still relishing that no-responsibility phase after kids and before medical problems. OOPS, the medical stuff popped up sooner than I expected. :-(  

    Bu love seeing all your little babies.


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited February 2010

    Well, the dr.  office called and it is not good news and I am so stupid crying like a baby as if it would do any good.  The bone is only 20% healed after 4 months and I was one of the 20% percent the bone stimulator didn't work on.  So it is either surgery or 6 to 9 more months of bedrest.  I go Monday to discuss surgery, I just can't lay here anymore.  Just barely keeping above the depression as it is.  I am getting off the computer and will be back when I am out of this feeling sorry for myself mode.  love you PODS

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2010

    Dear Spar,

    So sorry for this bad news. You have every right to be down over this. What can the surgery do for you? It sounds as if it is your only real choice, Saying prayers and sending good vibes.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Oh sweeheart-I am so sorry to read the bad news. I know this is tough for you and doubly difficult with bunged up knee and broken leg and BC-good grief-you have a right to cry!! Very honestly, I broke my leg nearly in the same place when I was skiing. Unfortunately that area does not get a lot of blood supply. They gave me an option of surgery too, but back in those days, it was not advanced. I don't know what kind of surgery you are facing today. Would it really be faster to do the surgery-or just another wound that won't heal quickly because of the area the fracture is in? I don't want to burst your bubble but i chose not to have the surgery and my healing went about the same. I ended up in a cast for over 9 months. And the rehab after that was long and I was in excellent shape. Best rehab was riding a bike!! You can do this!! Spar, how long have you been in the cast? What kind of a break/fracture was it and where? I am so sorry and hope that a miracle happens for you and presto, it is healed!!!! Regardless, we are with you all the way and we love you, ((((((SPAR)))))),(((((((SPAR'S LEG)))))) SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    I did it AGAIN!!!!!!!!  I was writing a post, & LOST it AGAIN!  I was SAYING that Spar, I am so sorry about your leg....did they say what kind of surgery you would have?  I don't blame you for crying!  You just GET to sometimes!  And I love the little picture of chee chee...She is a sweetheart!    And I love cats too!   But now we just have "Princess Lacee"....she really IS you know....

    And SVMelissa, I'm so glad you finally posted!  We missed you!    Wonder where Isabella is?  I hope alright....When I want to remember what you gals say, I write down your name, then a word to remind me of what you talked about, then when I post, I can answer your post that way... That is unless I LOSE the whole thing....Okay girls, here's Lacee....Love you pods!  xoxoxoxo

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010
    OMG, Lacee is so durned cute!!! And the computor whiz lost a post????? J. wh'a up with that? And Jo, no writing about food unless you are sending samples-my mouth is watering!! I am drooling and it is not pretty! I SO missed my morning POD check. I dashed out of the door this AM for an AA meeting and had to drive down to the hospital to sign release papers for new ONC (he thought he had release, but did not) so more delay-ERRGH. I am feeling well enuf that I do not want to be sick with chemo/RADS or anything!! But, there was a great sale at the Eddie Bauer Store here on the island and since I was already at the hospital, I had to drive just a little further south and to spend $$$$$$ that I do not have. But the sale was/is fantastic. Like the gorgeous crewneck printed longsleeve shirts for $5.00 each on sale. Also bought a new handbag (I buy one about every ten years) because my old one is falling apart. I prefer to use a backpack, but does not go well with church visits. AND, they had new straw hats in and I bought two of the cutest hats to cover my bald head. OK, does anyone else whack their head as much as me? I don't know how I do it because I don't seem to feel it, but I have 'cuts' all over my head!! What the heck am I running in to? Like trees and things? The shingles are moving north and I now have them on my face-good grief!!!! I have to stop picking and touching but everything itches or burns! I HATE THIS! But point I was getting to , I was way down south and all of a sudden, I realized I had not joined the POD posts this AM and I really missed you all. And I had to dash back home to check on everyone. Hey connie, alyson, dar, bomom, pam and rita! And very honestly, I have to print off the day's posts and reread them to get everyone in. Do you all realize that we post like 19 pages a day. We need to write a book-for real!! So, the PODS are #1 but some days ya'll do come in second to Eddie Bauer-teehee! AND ISABELLA WHERE ARE YOU-VERY WORRIED. YOUR DH DIDN'T TIE YOU UP IN THE BARN DID HE? SEND UP SMOKE SIGNALS OR SOMETHING! MELISSA WHERE ARE U-VERY WORRIED?!! PATOO, WHA'D UP??? OK, I haven't printed out posts so I do not know who I am missing yet. (((((BIG HUGS))))) SV
  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2010

    OK, I'll weigh in on the potato soup.  Just made some last night... good winter dish.

    I, too, add chicken broth to the water to cook the potatoes, about half water-half broth. When potatoes are soft, I make a roux of a TBSp butter, 2 TBSo flour and milk to thin it.  Add that to my liquid to thicken, and finally add skim milk, a cup or two. Half and half is better but too rich for our diet.

    Stay warm.
