Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Tarry, congratulations on your 2nd to the last chemo.  And I am so relieved that it was easier than the last one which must have been so scary for you (((((((((hugs)))))).  I, too, lost my taste for certain things, and yes after awhile your taste should come back.  I did notice that even tho I'm a little over 4 years out there are a few things that still taste "different", but it hasn't stopped me from eating them!

    gentle hugs

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited February 2010

    Hi all,  still no results on cat scan, they told me maybe Monday.

    tarry, I still have not been able to get back my love of fried fish, loved it before chemo, my sense of smell has not returned to normal and it has been six years, cannot stand the smell of perfume or mens cologne, it makes me so naueseated.

    Connie, I do so know what you mean,  it is so hard being a mom of grown kids that just can't seem to settle their lives down.  Hope it gets better for you.  Sometimes we have to use tough love.

    SV, you are hilarious.  Got the package in the mail today.  The shells really do look like ears and eyes.  I love them and the sea glass which is going in my collection.  the grandkids will get the sharks teeth today and know they will be excited.  Thank you so very much.

    Alyson, hope you get to feeling better.  I think knees are hard to heal because we have to use them. 

    Sending all of you great big hugs and much love

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010
    Hey Tarry, good girl for sticking in there with the chemo and I am so glad is was not a brutal as the last time. Chemo is a terrible 'solution' for treatment of cancer (or anything for that matter). It is like who in the world thought up something so horrifying and hard on the body. They might as well drop us in a vat at Chernobyl or ground zero at Hiroshima! I awoke today with black blisters all over my right side and it appears to be a shingles outbreak-like geesus, when does it end??!! And also have an upper respiratory infection BUT, still crawled into my gortex and headed to the beach with Dave to do another photoshoot of his truck and van (he wanted to dress up in his windjammer and cowboy boots!) Spar, did you get your cast off? How is the leg doing? Tarry, my taste buds got fried during chemo and for about two weeks NOTHING tasted OK. But, it has come back to about 70 percent and some things still taste wierd. Remember to drink lots of water and pedialyte to flush your system. I am still drinking about 25, 20 oz bottles a day. Doc said that plain water 'only does so much' and needs to have a bit of stale ginger ale in it or something. The pedialyte is really good and my body seems to crave it. And Rita, OMG, the poor guy!! Nothing could be finer...!! In truth I am quite modest about some things and "69' is one of them. I cringe everytime I see that photo and Mom had it so proudly displayed because she truly did not know what 69 meant. I would literally hide when she would show guests that photo-good lord. I worked at Snowbird and Jackson Hole for years and did more in the way of Extreme Skiing and Helicopter skiing. Connie, I so hate to do the 'tough love thing' but I can tell you that normal drinkers DO NOT GET DUI'S. Only problem drinkers and alcoholics get DUI"S. She is going to kill someone or herself if not stopped. This is not a moral issue, this is about needing treatment for a disease that much like cancer, must be professionally treated and must be kept in remission. As to the cost of treatment, AA is free! She is probably at the point where she does need a medical detox as alcohol is the only drug people can die from during detox. The only way I even considered getting help was when people stopped baiing me out and I had to suffer the consequences of the actions that I chose when drinking. If she is an alcoholic, she has the disease of alcoholism and there is nothing you can do about that-IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. She is old enuf to suffer the consequences of the actions she chooses, especially while drinking. Has she done any treatment or is she not even close to admitting that she has a problem? The big deal is that if she does have an accident, anyone can come after you and your DH with a civil lawsuit. For real. I am so sorry to be tough, but time to get online and read about Alanon-become involved-and get treatment for yourself and (oh that ugly word) codependency. I know the pain it is causing you but put on the 'big girl panties' and step up to the plate and look at the idea of 'stop enabling.' I am so sorry to sound so bossy and hard but you know that you are dealing with a disease, not your daughter. Love you my dear and prayers with you! I need to flop on the couch now. Hope all PODS OK. I need to take the time to read posts and get caught up on all-XXOO, SV
  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010

    Hmmm-Rat Pack. When I think of Rat Pack - I think of Sinatra, Martin, Davis Jr., Lawford and I know that there were a few others that were kind of in and out. Boy, I must really be dating myself. Think I'll shut my mouth. Hope everyone is having a decent day. Just keep thinking that Spring is around the corner (for me I wish it were just behind the door). I have been so cold and I just can't tolerate it anymore.  I know the temp has been creeping up but I would like to see 70-72 day. Geez....I thought I lived in a southern state.  Oh well, have a good one. Chris

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Popping in again but I'm at work and won't be able to stay as long as I would like. First thing is that you can use ( and I do ) canned beans in the recipe Jeanette and first thing when I get home I will hunt it down and post it. Connie I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. She sounds like she has really low self esteem for some reason and yes -- when you don't think enough of yourself I think you tend to pick out people who have many of the same problems you do --- it is a terrible cycle and I don't know what the answer is for it. We do tend to blame ourselves for how our children turn out, but it is really not us. We can't fix what is broken.....only our adult children can --- but they themselves have to see that they wrack up their own destruction and get tired enough of it to get a program together ( whatever that may be ) and hold on to a firm determination to repair their life. I know this is all so easy to say, and I did have many years while I watched the destructive behavior of my son ( Hyperactive as a child --- manic depressive as an adult ) and I beat myself up long enough to finally learn that I did the best I could and I had to give him his life and let him live it. One day I had to tell him that I was letting him go and though I would love him dearly his life was up to him. This worked for me, though I doubt it is your answer. I hope you will find an answer Connie.

    I have to get the office closed now.  I'll be back later tonight.

    Hugs,  Jackie

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    I'm sitting on my outbak. Its a covered patio where everyone hangs out to talk. My girls were over today. We were all exhausted... except K the baby, she was sleeping great last night and took two naps today!! which is what she should be doing. It's been six weeks since her daddy left.

    We didn't really talk too much about what happened last night. I did hear her say that she wasn't going to be drinking for A While, we'll see. She blew clean. The officer saw her outstanding record and said, I'm taking YOU in. so she was charged with open container, an out headlight and littering. $1,850.00!!!!!!  That, to me, is the bottom of my barrell. I sent a text before writing to see what she's doing now. I need to talk to her alone. Yes, that's what I want. She did call in sick today. ...Ahh, she texts back that she is at HIS house, cooking fish. I asked if she's drinking?

    I'll probably have to wait to get her alone tomorrow.

    My grandfather had it. Alcoholism. It actually did not occur to me.. How does one know? I suppose if she tried to stop and couldn't. I seriously doubt that it has occurred to her that this could be a disease that she has. Her brother had a drinking problem for a long time, during college. I'm positive he has complete control now. I'm not so sure about her. She's granting my request for a private meeting tomorrow after work. good.

    Now, I need to call my mother.       ICK    YUCK    she only calls to bitch.   sigh.

    I tend to ignore her pretty often. works most of the time. sometimes I just have to suck it up and deal with her too. I'll let you know how it goes this time. She won't be informed of last nights events. Even though DD1 lives with my mother.

    Lord, its heavy.


  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2010

    SUZIE14  the RAT PACK consisted of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Joey Bishop, peter lawford.  We Saw them perform in Vegas but not as a group individually.  I heard they are very good.  SV Thank you Thank you Thank you for the present.  I think I will give the shark tooth to my granddaughter , make a piece of jewelry with the sea glass and take the shells to our place on the DAR

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Ok -- home from work now --- nearly 8 p.m. and found the recipe so here it is:

    Beryl and Jackie's Baked Beans

    2 ( 16 oz ) can Pork & Beans  (drained well )\

    3/4 cup Masterpiece Barbecue sauce

    1/2 cup packed brown sugar

    1 tart green apple ( I use biggest I can find ) peeled, cored and chopped

    1/2 Sm. onion, chopped -- can use a bit more if you really like onion.

    2 TBSP's Golden Raisins ( I use at least 4 because I love them.

    3 strips bacon, cut in half

    1/3 to 1/2 cup Dr. Pepper ( no diet soda )

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees

    In 1/1/2 qt. casserole combine well drained beans, barbecue sauce, brown sugar, apple, onions, and raisins.  When all is well stirred, gently stir in the Dr. Pepper.

    Arrange bacon strips over top of casserole dish.

    Bake for an hr. or little more --- don't want it too juicy. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Ok, I had to delete the "Ski Post." It is too embarrassing even for me!! Actually, I am really having trouble about treatment and trying to decide whether or not to continue with chemo. i tend to 'act out' when I want to avoid serious issues. i haven't met with new ONC-that is next week-but due to the errors on the first chemo, i am already 6 months out of surgery!! Kind of like, what's the point? i feel like i have lost any window of opportunity for treatment due to a doctor's negligence and refusal to truly address the mistakes made. And I am coming up on the one year death of my Mom and wow, it seems as if I have been in a coma for 6 months and now facing Mom's death again. They do a big deal at the church-ERRGH.Just so very tired of all of it. And man, I am in a lot of physical pain tonight and I cannot knock it down. Damn-maybe shower and early to bed. SV

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Dar, for some reason I thot you were referring to a rock group when you wrote about the Rat Pack!! Guess I must live under a rock, eh?

    Connie, hope all goes well with D#1 tomorrow and she follows-through and meets with you. Yes, alcoholism/addictions can run in families.  I do hope you check out Al-anon. It may help you and other family members.


  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2010

    StillVerticle, I can certainly sympathize.  I had to wait two months to start chemo due to the surgeons failure to stitch me up properly and after going to emergency every other day and then to have homecare dress the wound until the surgeon found the time to restich it( by that time the wound was almost healed) and a week later the surgeon told the oncolgist to start chemo.  That was the longest two months of my life, It's not as long as you had to wait, but hang in there

    A BIG HUG!!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    This is a photo of the beach we get to drive on. There are no roads here, just sand. Dave and I here today for a breather. Restless tonight Frown SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    My favorite birdies on the beach-sandpipers! SV

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    S.Verticle.  Hang in there and wait for your new oncologist to let you know what opportunities you may nor may not have.  Like you signature line states --
    Don't quit before the miracle happens. 

    Connie -- hope you will get some rest and that things will come clear tomorrow.  I did not read all the posts before I chimed in but felt that your daughters insecurities and low self esteem  have somewhat trapped her into lots of negative behaviors.  This would tie in perhaps with not being able to exercise judgment about her alcohol consumption.  I do still think she is going to have to find some way to take charge of her life and stop putting you in the position of doing part of her "living" for her -- the part where you keep getting her out of her messes.  She needs to figure out what SHE needs to do to stop making them.  Well, here I go again --- but parents often are great enablers no matter what the problem.  It is a difficult thing and I will hope and pray for strength for you -- and strength for her too. 

    See you all tomorrow.  I'm done's nearly 10 O'clock and I need to find my jammies.  See all you wonderful ladies in the morning tomorrow....when we are all a little fresher. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Morning girls!  Man, this really is the place to come,  for heart-felt wishes & gentle advice.  Sometimes we just need to "hear it again" from someone else, before we realize there actually IS a problem.  Connie, I don't know if alcoholism truly is inherited, but I lived around it all of my life, & thought it was just normal....  My Grandfather, my Dad, and then my Husband....So when you are around it every day, you don't think anything is "wrong".....  Even my Husbands Father both of us "didn't stand a chance in hell" of having a "normal" life.....It wasn't until I "broke" that I left & went for help....DH wouldn't do it until he knew I wasn't coming back...Filed for divorce...twice....Then he finally got help...And we came back together....But until someone realizes that their behavior is un-acceptable, they won't ever change.  My Brothers' Son, was "let go" many years ago....drugs & alcohol...4 kids, different Mothers, & their "Daddy" is living  alone in  State subsidized housing, with his Mother managing his money... Brother & his wife, wouldn't let him live with them...  So yeah, it can get worse.  Melissa, such good really knows, till they've "been there."  I was hoping you would be there for her....

    Tarry....Good job girl....You have almost made it!  Also Spar2....hang in there kid.... "a few more days" and one more hurdle gone!  How is your leg healing?

    SVMelissa, did you have radiation after your surgery?  Somehow I missed that....And if it hurts too much going to Church, thinking about your Mom, can you just excuse yourself this time?  And are you going for your Dad too?  Just let that be your focus, if you do....for him!   He would need you there....Geez, it always hurts!  And nice pictures!  So nice you get out to "play" on the beach!  And thank you honey, for my package!  I LOVED the sharks tooth also!  And the "sea-glass" does look like little jewels! 

    Jackie, I copied & printed off the recipe!  Sounds so good...just don't let Melissa get ahold of this....Her house will be full of  those mystery "spiders"?  Or WHAT was that?  Ha!  And your thoughts about these problems we all face, were very good...

    Just hang in there is another day....and dang cold that it is!  xoxoxoxo  Jeannette

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Let me add my little piece of heaven.  Good morning everyone.  The sun just broke out.  Was 40 yesterday and rained in late afternoon.  So, we will be having mud as the snow melts.  Guess this is what we get for wanting to live out in the country.  I am still glad we are here, but it is not something I thought about when we came.  I just fell in love with the idea of living by a lake in the woods. 
    It really is a water thing with me as water is always spiritual --- and why not, we spend 9 months immersed in it before we are born. 

    It is interesting that so often we see our life ( especially the negative parts ) as just normal.  Although I had "incidents", I see them as the spring-board for my later growth so while some were a bit rough to get through --  the later years were a treasure to me in so many ways and I came to respect the fact that we all "grew"  through some way less than sterling events.  I know mine were mild compared to most, but as well, I think my parents were genuinely good souls --- and we all, no matter who we are, or what age are trying to find our way.  If it is meant to be and that is what needs to be learned --- we will have a "taste" of the not so great which will help us more than likely find great appreciation -- ( my story ) later on in life when things have rounded out for everyone.  Hopefully all learn and grow and don 't get stuck in places they can't extricate from at the right time. 

    Well that is my little rant for the day.  Hope some of that gorgeous sun stays around for a bit.  I am a sun person.  Love and

    Warm hugs,  Jackie

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited February 2010

    SVMelissa, please don't give up on treatment, it is important to let the new onc determine that, especially since you can't quit the estrogen.  Take it easy this weekend and hope you get to feeling better.  Thank you again for the package, that was so nice of you. 

    Connie, I hope your not going to pay the fine for your daughter this time, that is a lot of money and her responsibility or she will never grow up.

    The grandson seems to be doing better.  My son said that horrible weekend in the hospital was a wake up call to him.

    I love seeing the places you guys live, one has the ocean, one has a lake, and I have a large pond which I love and when I am well, row boat on it and fish. We have thought of hauling in some sand and making a little beach area.

    Rita and Carol, spring is around the corner so soon you should be able to get your golf game in.

    Am going to have to try that baked bean recipe, sounds really good.

    Would love to see some pictures of the jewelry you guys are making.

    Chevyboy, I am a hanging in there, will know next week if it is healing or not with the results of the cat scan.  The 8 year old granddaughter is here this weekend, stuffed toys and little pet shop and 3 dogs all over the living room, rented movies and had pizza last night.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Big hugs and lots a love.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2010

    OH Jackie, that bean recipe looks wonderful.  I need to try that one!  Thanks for posting it!

    We're off to the riverboat this afternoon so I need to get moving.

    As for the tastebuds, most of mine returned but I'm like spar.  I once loved Chinese food but can't get near the stuff now.  I even missed the breast cancer group dinner in our local area this past Thursday because it was being held at a Chinese restaurant.  That smell makes me VERY nauseous.

    Off and going this Saturday morning.  Everyone have a good weekend.


  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2010
    SV MELISSA Please dont give up on chemo.    too had shingles right after  had a nephrectomy.  I had a bad case. but that too will eventually go away.  Your sounding like you want to give up trying.  Never give up or quit caring.  Who would I laugh at about farting?  So get your S##t together and get in there fighting like the rest.  Love ya
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Yeah, I just feel so lost. I have been without an ONC for several weeks. And I do not meet my new one until next week. I keep looking at my stats given my tumor type and they honestly do not look good. Trying to focus on more positive things but even as I type, I start to cry. Like WTF did I do with my life?! I tend to go off the 'existential' deep end!! It is hard because my body is so fried. Today a bad day-I wanted to go play on the Beach but I could not knock the pain down. Still bad tonight with awful heartburn and I haven't done anything. I won't knowmuch about any treatment plan until I meet with new ONC, but just feel like I am too far out from surgery and diagnosis. I have not even done RADS yet-I was set to do them after chemo. Just having an awful day and feel it is more about losing my Mom-God I miss her but I know that she would not have been able to take my having BC. She watched her sister die of it and it was awful for her. I guess watching my aunt die was harder on me than I thought it was. Actually, just decided that I need to get back into therapy for a 'tune-up', like a major tune up and dusting of the old attic! And may need to get script for 'stronger drugs' from my pain managment doc. It has been sitting in his office and as I am more active physically, I need to treat the pain appropriately. ERRGH-this too shall pass. MISS RITA, what is up with the riverboat?? I want pix of that! Love you PODS, SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Come on Big Girl.....I'm thinking about you... Just don't let yourself think about things that hurt that much....Just put it out of your head, until you feel better!  Is there something you can take to get your Mo-Jo back?   You have some awful decisions waiting for you, but none of them have to be made right now!   We all love you little fart-head....You are allowed this crappy day.....but just know that this red-neck gear-head is thinking about you....xoxoxoxo

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited February 2010

    SV, your never too far out for treatment.  Don't even think about this stuff until you see your new onc and besides where else would I get sharks teeth and sea glass, ears and eyes. LOL. 

    Chevyboy, love the cat pictures, you must love cats as much as me.

    Where is my other friend Melissa with the sticky buns I miss her a lot!!!!  I miss her posting on the mountain thread also. 

    Rita, would love to see a picture of your riverboat.

    you guys have a good Sunday tomorrow.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2010

    OMG ...took me a little time to catch up on this thread.  Spar, my friend, please let us know the results of the CAT scan.  I know you are so frustrated.  How do the docs explain why its not healing?  SV-Melissa ... you can do this .. you are so brave and with all the mess you still manage to keep a sense of humor!  Connie ... the best thing for you to do is attend Al-Anon to get a better understanding.  Its a place to get perspective, help and support (kinda like BCO).  And I am sorry you are in such pain (physically and emotionally).

    For those in chemo .. although I did not require it my uncle (who is my age - its a long story) did for Stage II Colon Cancer.  We had to drag him to every treatment.  He hated it.  To this day (and that was 10 years ago) he will smell something and say its the "chemo smell."  Or course, he still worries about the cancer recurring.

    The beach pictures were absolutely beautiful.  The closest body of water to us is the Potomac River and the nearest ocean is about 2-1/2 hours away.  I envy those of you who can walk (or short drive) to the ocean.

    To all my pod sisters, hugs!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    I think this sums up all you ladies here.  I will be back later:

    Myself Poem

    Myself, by Edgar Albert Guest

    I have to live with myself and so
    I want to be fit for myself to know.
    I want to be able as days go by,
    always to look myself straight in the eye;
    I don't want to stand with the setting sun
    and hate myself for the things I have done.
    I don't want to keep on a closet shelf
    a lot of secrets about myself
    and fool myself as I come and go
    into thinking no one else will ever know
    the kind of person I really am,
    I don't want to dress up myself in sham.
    I want to go out with my head erect
    I want to deserve all men's respect;
    but here in the struggle for fame and wealth
    I want to be able to like myself.
    I don't want to look at myself and know that
    I am bluster and bluff and empty show.
    I never can hide myself from me;
    I see what others may never see;
    I know what others may never know,
    I never can fool myself and so,
    whatever happens I want to be
    self respecting and conscience free

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2010

    SV....Oh hon, how I relate to your feelings right now.  I lost my mom between my second and third chemo treatment.  It will be 3 years ago this coming Wednesday and I still miss her.  We buried her on a Wednesday and I had my next chemo on the next day.  I find that I miss her even more when I'm hurting or sick as she was my rock until the last six months of her life when our roles became reversed.  Hugs to you.  Let the tears come when you need them to flow.  They wash away some of the emotional trauma for us and as Jackie says, "When you cry, you pee less!" 

    As for the riverboat.........we don't own a riverboat.  I was referring to the riverboat that serves as a Casino on the Illinois river.  I do think it would be great to own one, though.  Anyway, we went to the casino (on the riverboat) and had a great time yesterday.  We had free buffet tickets and although we didn't win a landslide, we did come home a little bit ahead and had a good time.  Also, I am a terrible "picture taker."  I took my camera to FL and only took two pictures.  I need a few lessons from Lisa on basic photography.  And when I do accidentally get a good picture, it takes me days to remember how to post it on here!  So you camera-savy people keep posting your pictures.  I enjoy them tremendously!

    Well, I'm off to pick up some clutter around here.  I hope the temps have warmed up for you Pam!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010
    GOOD AFTERNOON PODS! I dragged myself to church this A.M. and feel like crap today. I do think it is the shingles because I have that horrible pain in my lower back-like someone has stuck a knife in there. And Rita, i figured you did not own the RB, hell, i'd be there trying to shanghai myself aboard!!! but what fun, even just to gamble on. I am so sorry about your MOM! God, it is so awful to lose your Mom let alone have it be in the middle of chemo. I am so sorry. I always thought myself a riverboat captain in a past life!! And I think that we all should bother the "old cranky redneck-gearhead Jeanette" just because Nascar is staring right now. TeeHee! I so wish I had the energy to clena this house. Good Lord, it is a mess-clutter!!. I feel like I am approaching that show 'hoarders' AAAAK! i cannot find my dogs among the piles, not that I want to as i washed Angus thoroughly after his rolling in dead fish and he still stinks!! It is like that odor that just keeps on giving and there is not another smell like it!! Beautiful day today here on the Banks. This is the weather that i want to start PLANTING FLOWERS IN-BUT I KNOW THAT MID MAY IS THE ONLY SAFE TIME TO BEGAN PUTTING OUT FLOWERS!!! I just find yardwork and planting so very comforting. And OK gals, WHAT IS UP WITH THE PUBIC HAIR COMING BACK OR NOT???? i have half a squirrel down there and the other half is bald as it can be. And why is that hair growing faster than the hair on my head? And why do the stubbles on my head feel like cactus? There is hair growing stright out like a 'chia pet' but it would put a person's eye out! Maybe I can make a 'squirrel tupee.' tee-hee-Love to all, SV
  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Jackie, thank you so much for sharing your poem!! There is a possibility that I was on the casino riverboat you mentioned (years ago)...we had a wonderful time and I won over 300, which made it more wonderful.

    Rita and SV, I so feel your pain with your Moms' death.  My mom died a long time ago (4 months after my brother did) and I still call out to her and need her so. It's a loss we never get over.

    SV, you are a warrior!  Going to church and dealing with the shingles along with everything else.  More power to you.  Have you tried a baking soda bath on that pooch?  It may de-stink him a llittle more, or maybe a salt bath may help even more.

    DH is doing remarkably well, his goal is to get 5 exercise sessions in today. He insisted on going to get the new Rogues yesterday, so we did. Even tho they are AWD I am really worried about driving mine tomorrow as we are to get 6-9 inches of snow starting tonight....ugh. Hope it's not a demolition derby out there!!

    Oh where is SPRING???

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2010

    SV Now you sound like your old self talking about your pubic hair.  Also you should be on valtrex for your shingles.  Mine took about 6 weeks to go away.  I never get anything mild always the worse case.  Love ya DAR

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Afternoon ladies....glad you liked the poem.  I have never had much secrecy in my life...just babble things right on out.  Mainly, it gets things out of the way and up front and no one has to question me or wonder what I'm up too.  I wear my life right up on the front row  -- it is not about me and never was, but sometimes people who would like to " get it over on you "will just plow and dig away --- early on I figured the best way to deal with that is --- get it out there right from the get-go and whatever power may have somehow gotten attached fizzles right out.  I'm left to do the things that are so important to me --- take care of animals, my life, husband, home and my friends and family.  I don't want to hide and suffer attacks of bad conscience for my behaviors -- and I am not that good.  I just find it easier to go this way than to spend hours in atonement's that I -- being my somewhat lazy self --- could by-pass.  It is one of the few times that being a bit on the lazy side has paid off for me.  I also want time for my spiritual studies which is very important to me.

    So the poem make a whole lot of sense to me.  The first person pretty much that you have to be able to look in the eye is yourself. 

    Would like to write more but Jimmie, my resue from of of the feral stations is demainding my lap and is not going to let me.  He is such a sweetie -- but a bit demanding when he wants attention.  He was dumped at the feeding station, not nuetered which made it hard for him there --- pecking order comes up real strong so he was getting pounced and trounced regularly.  He would come out -- basically looking for love and affection -- before food.  I could only take it a couple weeks before I brought a carrier with me one day and he came home for good.                              Aarrrrg -- rotten weather.  I'm off to Maggie's.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Afternoon ladies....glad you liked the poem.  I have never had much secrecy in my life...just babble things right on out.  Mainly, it gets things out of the way and up front and no one has to question me or wonder what I'm up too.  I wear my life right up on the front row  -- it is not about me and never was, but sometimes people who would like to " get it over on you "will just plow and dig away --- early on I figured the best way to deal with that is --- get it out there right from the get-go and whatever power may have somehow gotten attached fizzles right out.  I'm left to do the things that are so important to me --- take care of animals, my life, husband, home and my friends and family.  I don't want to hide and suffer attacks of bad conscience for my behaviors -- and I am not that good.  I just find it easier to go this way than to spend hours in atonement's that I -- being my somewhat lazy self --- could by-pass.  It is one of the few times that being a bit on the lazy side has paid off for me.  I also want time for my spiritual studies which is very important to me.

    So the poem make a whole lot of sense to me.  The first person pretty much that you have to be able to look in the eye is yourself. 

    Would like to write more but Jimmie, my rescue from of of the feral stations is demanding my lap and is not going to let me.  He is such a sweetie -- but a bit demanding when he wants attention.  He was dumped at the feeding station, not neutered which made it hard for him there --- pecking order comes up real strong so he was getting pounced and trounced regularly.  He would come out -- basically looking for love and affection -- before food.  I could only take it a couple weeks before I brought a carrier with me one day and he came home for good.                              Aarrrrg -- rotten weather.  I'm off to Maggie's.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie