Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2010

    Hope you have had a very happy birthday Isabella and a great time shopping.

    Big Hugs


  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2010

    Havent been on this board for a while.  Went to the lake to get away.  Saw my onc. today with good news.  I was so afraid going there had to take my xanax so of course my blood pressure was low but got good news.  No chemo or rads but have to take arimidex for 5 years.  I hope that stuff isnt bad.  Sure as hell is expensive.  My onc said he can give me some femara samples for a couple of months till the pastent on arimdex comes off and so will the price.  He said the drug companies are playing this little game.  I would have to pay $80. a month for 30 pills.  I might try Canada I have gotten my meds there before.  Love to all  Dar

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited February 2010

    Oh thanks was so nice for you all to wish me a Happy Birthday.

    I have been hit quite badly today with the lack of care from those I expected to care....its really got to me.

    I still haven't heard from DD, DS, 2 g/sons 2 g/daughters. Not a card. not an email.  Not a 'phone call. Got a card from 1 g/daughter, and a card from one of my son's ex's ( I've known her 30 years, we were great pals, but he two timed her, and she walked, we still keep in touch ) But that was it , 2 cards.

    I took myself off to the stores all afternoon, leaving DH a message 'gone shopping', I couldn't even be bothered to go and find him to say I was going ! When I got back his excuse was priceless !!!

    He said, he had purposely not wished me Happy Birthday when I got up, "to see how long it would take me to bring it into the conversation" !!! Then off he went to work, and because I HADN'T mentioned it , he forgot all about it.... see, all my fault !!!....usually is ! He had hastely nipped out to the local shop for a card, while I was out, which I can only describe as big, flowery and showy. I hate these horrible cards the local store stocks, and I hate My Wife cards, and he knows it, but what I got was a big card, covered in red roses, My Wife emblazoned on the front, and a syrupy verse, what do we do with them ?

    I had quite a time at the stores, really got into the swing of things, my car was full. I daren't unload half of it !! I was hoping DH would have gone out tonight, and I could have brought things in then, but he's stayed in, so means I will have to wait 'til he's out tomorrow to get my stuff into the house ! If I go and unlock all the doors, set the dogs off, he's sure to hear me, and come to see why I am prowling about outside in heavy rain, at midnight.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2010

    So glad you treated yourself well!  And so sorry your family let you down.  I'd like to tell you to call them all up and complain but not sure what I would do myself.

    Does your car have a trunk? A boot, you call it maybe? My mom always left her packages in the trunk til she could sneak them into the house. :-) Tell the dogs to keep your secret and be quiet! Shoot, brazenly tote them in and dare DH to complain!  

    I'd give your husband a "D", at least he came through with a card. Children get a big "F" but they're your kids so what can you do? We all love you though!!!!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010
    Happy Birthday, Isabella (belated).  Hope you found some real good buys and spoiled yourself rotten!  I think I would have paraded most of them into the house and thanked him, saying something like "Honey, these are all the things I know you wanted me to have...". 
  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Isabella, so sorry most of your family didn't come through.  At least you have a carload of gifts you will enjoy.

    I have a anyone taking something for neuropathy?  If so, what?  I have dealt with it since chemo and am  sick of the pain and burning in my feet.  I plan to consult with a neurologist again and would like some suggestions on what may help before I go.


  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2010

    Hi everyone, I'm still here my hip has been hurting too much to sit a the computer for the last few days, but it eased up a bit yesterday and today I can walk without assistance.  My anxiety attacks have eased up but I have chemo on Thursday and I hope that with the medicine that I'm on I don't get anxious, because that last round of chemo was really hard.  I go for b/w tomorrow , wiish me luck.

     bomom, I'm glad that you went out I hope you enjoyed yourself, you need to be good to yourself,like your hat with the braid, I have a hat with a "bob" cut.

    Take care everyone and I will report back tommorow on my b/w, it's not always the best that's why they gave me the transfusion last week.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Will be thinking about you Tarry1.  Try not to think about what you are going though.  Just take it one day at a time.  We are "seasoned" so the time passes quickly.  You'll be looking back at all of this next year same time.  You can do it.

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2010

    Happy Belated Birthday, Isabella -- hope you bought yourself some wonderful loot!!  Sorry your family let you down though.

    Suzie14 -- I take Neurontin for neuropathy and it really helps.  It also makes me very groggy, so I only take it at night when my feet and legs are driving me crazy.  Mine was also caused from chemo -- Taxotere.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Tarry, good luck tomorrow, hope all your labs are where they need to be. Hang in there.

    Bonnie, thanks for the name of the med you are on and the warning about the groggy-ness.

    gentle hugs

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Hey Dar, Congrats on the good news-no chemo and no rads-good for you!! And i am finding out that cancer is an expensive disease!!

    Tarry, When I had chemo, they gave me ativan and benedryl (spell) to help with the anxiety of getting chemo that day. The nurses popped it in the IV and I had no worries, until the Taxotere exploded on me several days later!!! Are these choices an option for you? I don't push drugs, but sometimes drugs are important as theraputic value is needed. Prayers for your BW and hope it is ok. Are you feeling stronger after transfusion?

    Suzie, how long have you had the neuropathy? And yes, ask about Neurotin. Lyrica maybe an option but more for fibromalgia (which I have). I am soo sorry that you are having the pain as it is terribly aggravating as well as it hurts like hell!

    Isabella, there are no words for the antics of your DH! Can you 'forget' his birthday this year (i know- passive aggressive tactics) especially if he thinks it a big deal? Sorry for being so wicked minded but I am over MEN today. DD had too many scotches tonight and suddenly he is "Winston Churchill" and a real pain in the arse. Everyone is entitled to his opinion! No sense responding as he is deaf as a bag of rocks. Lucky I have my own apartment to escape too in the house. most hurtful, is the kids not remembering or showing a celebration of any kind!! Celebrate yourself! You are worth it!

    Today, the first day it hit 50 degrees and I packed the dogs in the car and headed for the Corolla beaches. The wild horses were down on the beach and up in the dunes grazing. This is the second time in a month that I have been able to get out like this and boy did I need it! Found more seaglass and other goodies. The tide was low and all of the bars were exposed and I love to explore them! Just had a great day with cancer pushed out of my life for a day by some fun! Got a ton of shells for J's gardens. They make great fertilizer for plants! I so need a digital SLR. I lost about $2,000 in Canon stuff-including frying my camera-when I fell overboard while "shooting" surfers! I am just so bummed and am craving a new digital SLR. DD and I got into a fight because he thinks I can shoot professionally with a 'point and shoot' POC (piece of crap). Yell

    GOOD NIGHT PODS! Sweet Dreams, SV 

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010

    Ok - ya'll caught me. Been watching the Olympics. Have been tinking of all of you.

    Admittedly, I have to do some reading to see how everyone is doing. Hope things are going well. SV- you hang in there, girl. You can do it; you have the courage and wherewithall. Take one day at a time and, oh yes, eat another box of chocolate. Make sure it's dark choc as I was just reading more good news about benefits of it. That's a happy thought. Imagine, choc being good for you. In moderation, of course. I'll take it any way I can get it.

    Good night, ladies. Chris ((((((everyone))))))

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited February 2010

    I had a lot of catching up for not being here for a day or so.  Hugs for everyone.  Happy Belated, Isabella.   

    Yesterday I got to visit with Olivia, touch her, but not hold her yet.  DS was holding her and feeding her, so I just watched in silence - proud as can be watching him take on his Daddy role.   DIL is doing good, still sore, but able to start going up and down the stairs (3 story house).  NO driving yet but maybe next week.  

    On the way home, my tooth (crown) cracked again.  This is the second time, but good thing is it is guaranteed for 5 years.   Bummer than it only lasted 5 months this time.   I go at 11 to have it fixed again.   I wanted a "gold" one, but dentist said porceline (? spelling) is better...  I have 4 gold ones that have been NO problem at all, but done by other dentist before I moved here.   Too far to go back to the old dentist (500 mile round trip)...  

    I can't remember everyone''s name, so HUGS, Blessings, and Smilies for all,   Nancy 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Good Morning beautiful Pods!!!!  Darolyn......My Oncologist gave me 3 months of Femara, but I'm afraid to take them!  I've been taking Tamoxifen for almost 1 1/2 months, & I'm seeing my radiologist soon, so I'll ask her what she thinks....No side effects with Tamoxifen yet! 

    Isabella, I at first laugh, then I got tears in my eyes when you wrote about your Husband, Ha!   We will just never ever understand how their little pea brain works.....but it's those little "things" they do that just melt our heart.....One minute we could whack them in the n*** and the next minute they "get" us!   And it just hurts when our own kids  can't even remember your Birthday!   I know, we love them, no matter what, but STILL!!!!!!!!!  I wish my Oldest Daughter would at least pick up the phone, at least once a week?  Is that too much?  Or even send a fun email?  I KNOW she is "busy".....but so am I...Wink (watching Nascar)  Her Sons call us more than she does! 

    Tarry1....Why does your hip hurt so much?  Did I miss something here?  And you will all have our arms around you when you go for your Chemo.....Geez, I wish there were an easier way. 

    Now, Melissa, SV......You know our Dad's do this to us.....don't you just hate it?  I used to just want to throw up when he got drunk, which was every day....But it's "gone" the next day...You just go sit in "your" space, & don't let anyone in!  Not even in your mind!   We get good at that, don't we?    At least you have your beach!!!!!!  I think you live "close to heaven!"....The pictures I see of your area, are breath-taking!   & what do you  mean about "fertilizer for the plants?"  Do they like dissolve or something?  Tell this little red-neck what you mean, Ha!  I'm a city girl, remember?   And yes, you need a good camera!  At least you didn't drown!  I would have!  I can't do "water".....I have to have snow banks, & something hard to fall on! Wink 

    Nancy, How fun you are on your way to having the most prized honor in the world!   You are a Grandma, & you have your baby Olivia!  I am jealous!  My 2 little Grand-sons are I guess "men" now, but the years I spent loving "my boys" when they were babies, then 'little boys" and being around them growing up, are many memories...the happiest time of my life!  They just crawl into your heart, & stay there forever!    And when they call us now, my heart still "melts"....Ha!

    Okay mighty Pods....see, I have to write your names down, with a little note about what you said, then I can "talk' to you...Ha!  Otherwise, I either forget, or lose the whole post, trying to find what you said!  ....Love you girls....!!!!  xoxoxoxo

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    SV, I have had the neuropathy since about my 3rd TAC in the fall of 05.  It was getting better after chemo then arimidex was added which took me back to square one.  Do the docs ever just order pain meds for the pain?

     Your day on the beach sounds idyllic! I am envious. Do it every chance you get.

    Oh, touch little Olivia sound heavenly.  Hope all continue to do well.  You should demand a refund on that crown and go to another dentist in your area who has a better reputation.

    Must run, my 1st patient is due here soon.

    gentle hugs

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2010

    ISABELLA  So sorry your children didnt come through for your b-day.  My son always called and if he didnt call he would bring a card but now I have to visit him at the cemetery and tell him happy birthday.  NANCY I was a neonatal nurse and just loved my premie babies but have been retired for 4 years and have a beautiful great granddaughter who is having eye contact and smilingand her GM makes sure she wears UGG boots.  CHEVYBOY why are you afraid to take femara?  I think that is what I am going to start out on.  MyONC said he would give me samples.  Ariimidex is just too expensive.  Supposed to go generic in July.  He said I could take the other femara till then.  SV if someday someone is knocking on your door it will be me.  Your pictures are beautiful and I would to visit.  We were going to the outer banks one year but someone told us there was nothing to do there.  I am a touristy person.  Last night went out to celebrate and had 2 margaritas(my ONC said no alcohol) but I had to have one.  We have a great Mexican restaurant that everyone goes to they even come from out of town to go there.  If anyone is ever here I would take you to Loma Linas.  Love to all  DAR

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Good morning everyone.  Suzie I am definitely sleeping on the job -- what sort of patients do you have.  I too had a lot of neuropathy after taxotere -- my feet always felt like I was walking on rocks all the time.  I just ignored it ---  guess I felt like after all I had gotten through I was not about to let one more thing interfere.  I still **feel** my feet a lot of the time but it is at a level where unless it is quite late and I am really tired it is just not enough to make me feel like I have to do anything with it. 

    Nancy -- GramE --  this is the reward for our having had children.  A mighty good one it is too.

    Tarry I too would like to know about the hip.  Pam had two knee replacements ( am I right about this Pam )? so I am wondering if and hating to think about the if to it. 

    SV mentioned water and water is very spiritual.  Have you ever stood somewhere along side a body of water big enough to have nice waves.....and at some point you would "notice" that you had not been really thinking --- you were just being lulled by the waves coming and going.  This use to happen to me a lot when I lived by the ocean and would go to the beach.  It was like.....the wave would come in -- pick up the negative things that had occurred and troubled me, and then.....sweep it all far, far away.  I would come away feeling refreshed and energized -- mentally healthier than when I had first arrived.  Even a small pond will do this.....and you suddenly hear the life going on --- birds chirping behind you while the sounds of little insects by the waters' edge drift into your mind.  It creates a little peace for you because you will quit thinking - thinking-thinking, which tends to hold you in your turmoil -- and set your mind and your soul free of the irritations and aggravations of everyday life.  You will start really living in the moment when you are able to free your mind from the grasp of negativity.  Not real easy in this world but so worth it when you are able to make it happen.

    Well Jeanette --- thanks for your help.  As you can see, you gave me great instructions.  I am going to have to work a little more and practice....but I was afraid it couldn't be done, but you came along by pm ( private message ) and got me going. 

    Ladies -- I am so illiterate on the computer -- and spent all day just getting Picasso downloaded into my machine - something I should have had anyway.  Then, could not make the leap from getting pictures from the album onto whatever document/blog where I wanted them.  In a little fairness to myself -- this was in-between work sessions yesterday -- but I came to the computer late in life and some things just seem difficult.  I did teach myself a lot of "stuff" but I still get hung up on anything new.  Thanks again, Jeanette.

    Hope you all are going to have a fantastic day.  My avatar says...Think SPRING.

    Warm hugs,   Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    I found something I thought you all might like.  I hope the link comes through.  Miss computer illiterate ( and that would be me ) really liked this:

     Email Angels

    Warm hugs, Jackie

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    Isabella, You certainly got lots of birthday wishes in here. Add mine, Happy Birthday to you. And shame on your dh and your kids. HOW DARE they forget and ignore you. I would take my birthday back and from now on, plan something I want. Every year, the weekend, the week or just for the day, planned way in advance, like a cruise or a long weekend away to a spa, retreat, resort. Get a girlfriend to go with and just give that to yourself on your birthday. Then you'll have somewhere to wear your new clothes!!! If dh notices you are leaving and asks just tell him that you didn't plan for him to come along and you were waiting to see if he noticed.

    Dar, Not having to do chemo OR rads is terrific. 

    Suzie, Is Neuropathy when parts of the bottom of your feet feel like they are on fire? Or like someone is pressing a red-hotpoker against your foot sideways? Do SNAKEBITES hurt like this? I just realized that's what this is, going on in my feet. Damn.

    Tarry, Patoo is absolutely right... One Day at a Time. That's all you have to do. Just do today and when another day comes, do that. 

     More later, babysitting today. ~ Oh I LOVE the water. big, little, waves or not. It does bring our souls to the surface and washes the bad away.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010
    GOOD MORNING PODS! OK, i have scanned post but not read them so I won't get to everyone right now (i feel everyboy is worth a goo'day). BUT for those waiting, the packages were sent this AM-yippee!! Hopefully you all will get them soon. Oh, i also have "wild horse tee shirts" at the shp, for kids!!!! I will need to see what i have in stock right now too, but colors are very bright with pix of wild horses running on the Corolla beach on the back! And J, all you do is lay the shells on the dirt and let the water dripping on them do the job-BUT i WILL send instructions-tee-hee! And Suz, my pain management doc does give me pain meds but i had to get a pain management doc to get appropriate pain care. Hugs 'til later, SV
  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2010

    Hello gals............

    I feel like I've been "missing in action" forever and see that I missed Isabella's birthday, so please acce[t belated birthday wishes from me, too, Isabella!

    I am home!  We had a great trip.  The Florida weather was not as hot as we had hoped it would be, but we had 4 good beach days and golfed four times and that's much better than we could have done in Illinois.  The cooler temps and the rains gave us more excuses to shop and we also located the casino and went to the dog races.

    I will try to get caught up on all the posts.  I've gotten through about half of them.  Hugs to all of you going through treatments and tests.  You are one "tough" group of gals!

    Be back tomorrow!


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2010

    Glad to see you are not mad at us for letting you down on the weather. Shopping is always good for a rainy day. Nice to see you back here.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Good job, Jackie....Now when you go to your Picassa online, click on the picture, THEN when it is larger, "copy" that one, & then pull up your "post"  & when you Paste it, it will be larger!    Have fun!   It's fun just to "find" pictures on the web, then right click to "save as", (to your pictures) then you can upload them from your Picassa to your online account, & post them anywhere, or send to anyone!    Have fun girls! Jeannette

  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2010

    Hi Everyone,  I am back from getting my bloodwork done and my pre chemo talk and the oncologist that I have is GREAT, she's actually a Nurse Practitioner, she's very informative and very supportive.  All of my counts came back better than normal, and that made us all very happy. I know that Patoo says take each day at time, but I'm already thinking about Thursday at 9:30 C-Day and I think I will be okay especially knowing that I have the support of you guys here too.

    My hip, Chevyboy and IllinoisLady is bothering me due to arthritis and a hip replacement that I had in 2003 and it doesn't help that I fell in 2007 and 2009 on the same hip and  knocked something loose which means I will have to have another operation ( after my chemo)  I've also been told that I have bursitis in that same area and when it's damp or it snow or rains it hurts more.  This time it has been hurting for more than a week and only Sunday did it ease up enough for me to lift that leg on its own. So that's what's going on with my hip. Thanks for asking.  I'm so glad that I can talk here about anything.

    I also want to say that for me today has been very positive and I'm feeling very Blessed today.

    Thanks again everyone and have a great evening.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited February 2010

    Happy Mardi Gras to everyone! 

    SV, your visit to the beach sounded so wonderful.  I could almost imagine being there. 

    Tarry, what good news on your blood work. 

    Darolyn, no chemo or rads!  Yeah!!! 

    Suzie, sorry about the neuropathy.  It sounds awful.  Like Darolyn, I was lucky enough to avoid chemo and rads, for which I'm very grateful.

    Welcome back, Rita.  You were missed.  Four rounds of golf.  I'm envious.  It's been too wet and cold to play much golf here in south Louisiana. 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Oh Terry, I am still glitching along on chemo brain-I am thrilled that your visit went so well. See, hate to say it, but worry gets us nowhere. I am the last one to talk because all of this is a 'worry.' BUT, your blood counts are good and that is excellent news. OH, stop falling over! :)))) And CH, Happy Mardi Gras-ohh did you get to see drew (who da't). Gees, he is such a great guy-I have seen him on a few talk shows along with his wife-they seem to be so down to earth! SV

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited February 2010

    Tarry1 I too am so glad your blood test numbers are great.  How many rounds of chemo do you still have to go?  I am so sorry about your hip -- I thought maybe you would need a "replacement" rather than already had it and needing that to be fixed.  Was sort of tip-toeing around about it all. 

    Anyhow, I was always afraid something would happen and I would have to wait to get my chemo later.  I just wanted it all over and done with -- and since I had everything through the V.A. I was given shots to bring home after every round of chemo and starting second day after tx. would give myself a shot for 7 days that would speed up the maturity of my white blood cells.  It kept me well all through the 6 months of chemo.  I had no se's from the shots, other than the first time ( they forgot to tell me to take fast-acting Tylenol Gel Cap about 20 mins before the shot and I would not get a headache.  Worked like a charm once they told me -- the second time I had chemo. 

    So, here is hoping and yes, we will all be commiserating with you and wanting it all to go well. 

    Say Melissa 1518 --- where  in the world are you????

    Please let us know you are ok.  OK,  Time for me to go make dinner.  See you all later sweet friends.

    Hugs,  Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Jackie, thanks for doing a POD Check-ruthb; melissa1518 (still confused are you now 1519 with new avatar or have I lost it again?) spar-did you have tests or procedure coming up? And how is the leg doing-any signs of healing-actually, now both are bunged up; J-have you been doingany face plants lately? C-anotherme;palominorider;lassie;BMW2;bomom; suzie; connie-too quiet!!; isabella-are you OK after B-day disaster-I hope you bought the town out-AGAIN SENDING PRESENTS TO YOU IF YOU WANT-OF COURSE YOU WANT-SO PM ME YOUR ADDRESS!; OMG, JACKIE DID YOU GET THE 'PICASSA' RAGE-I cannot remember if you knew how to post photos (love the spotlight). Man my body is doing very wierd things tonight. Any thoughts? I am trying to rest and my muscles are jumping around involutarily. I feel like a frog on a hot frying pan! I am trying to get some ZZZZ's and keep waking myself up with jumping legs and flying arms-wha'd up with that? And gross of gross, the end of my nose is turning red/black in skin color. It looks like I have frostbite-now this is a really annoying SE-how in the heck do ya' cover that up? Like Rudolph 4 real-only he was able to use mud!!. Sh*t, I take a long walk on the beach yesterday and it takes two weeks to recover minus the SE's. EEERRRGH!! WAAAA! SV

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Tarry, have you had your hip x-rayed or scanned recently? You shouldn't have to deal with pain like that.

    SV, do you have a website so I can check out your wares? My granddaughter LOVES horses!

    Isabella, are you okay?  Haven't heard from you and am a little worried since you had such a disappointing birthday.

    Connie, with my neuropathy my feet are numb in some areas, the pain sometimes feels like nails are being pounded in to the tips of my toes, there is burning, itching and usually by Wednesday I feel like I'm walking on bloody stumps.  When I first got it I would look down at my feet to make sure they were still there!  Now I just assume that they are.  The neuropathy I have in my hands doesn't seem as bothersome. At least I'm still dancing with NED!!

    Jackie, I work at a small STD/HIV clinic. We do HIV counseling and testing and STD diagnosis and treatment. it is a very interesting field.

    gentle hugs, all....