Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2010

    Chevy, thanks for the heads up on Picasa on the web...I did the double click to make the photo bigger and it worked...I am wondering how much I can get on the picasaweb for free?? I mean how many photos it will take...we shall see..

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010
    Hi Ladies - Wanted to say hello to everyone. Hope all is well as can be. Hanging in there; going thru a gray time. I'll get past it. Take it easy....with hugs. Chris
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Morning gals!  I hope you all like Picassa....I have used it for years, & have up-loaded a LOT of pictures into different albums....I just went back though, & deleted some of them, that I had duplicated pictures.  You can also click "Edit" up at the top of your on-line album, & then hit "Captions" & you can type an explanation to your pictures!  I really like that part...My Daughter is a Realtor, & up-loads pictures from her camera, to Picasa, then she can send them to "clients" to view the homes.  And we "share" our own photos.  

    And SoCalLisa....I don't know for sure how many pictures you can upload, but in one album I accidentally up-loaded 441 pictures, from my own "Pictures" in Picassa, & I had to delete the whole upload, & start all over...Wink  But I have about 6 albums there now, with a total of about 250 photos. 

    Connie, your Mom's home sounds so pretty...I would LOVE to live near water...ANY water.  But we are land-locked here in Denver, & I don't see any chance of ever moving from this home....Been here since 1964...Our oldest Daughter & family live in Orlando, & it is so beautiful there!  She has a pool, & they live next to a golf course...It is like "heaven" when we visit there!  But DH thinks he would HATE the climate....Not me...I am sooooo tired of this cold & snow here this Winter...(crab, crab!) 

    Going to meet my "youngest" Daughter for lunch with her friends today!  Smile  Her Birthday Lunch!  So that is ALWAYS fun!  Olive Garden, for the soup & salad!  MMmmmmm!   I just took her to have her eyes done again....Lasik surgery, only this time, they did the "Mono-vision"....where one eye will see distance, & the other eye, closeup!   And then we stopped for lunch at Long John Silvers!  I forgot how GOOD that place is!  She was so funny, especially after they gave her that Valium before the surgery!  I laughed at her the whole afternoon!  I got to sit in there, & watch the actual procedure....So amazing, operating on the eye like that!   But it made such a difference in her vision...Her eyes were really bad even in Grade School...But the Lasik was done the first time 6 years ago, & she didn't have to wear contacts or glasses since!  She said it is like a "miracle!"

    Best Wishes to you Spar!  That's exactly what you should do.....Go out & have fun & eat lots of Crab Legs!  Ha!  And Chris....what's up, kiddo?  Did you lose your "Mo-Jo?"  We should ALL go out & eat together!  Cool

    SVMelissa....Are you alright?  Did you have the meeting with your "Team" yet?  Miss you posting!  Okay gals......Have a good day! Jeannette

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    OMG, I love the cartoon-that is exactly what I feel like. I have totally missed the boat somewhere in my life. And I now know why dinasaurs are extinct!! I have lost sleep over that question. Chris, what is up???? Are you doing OK? Very worried when I hear about 'gray days'-is there anything I can do? Please feel free to PM me or anyone and dump if you need too. Lisa, horaay you got a pix posted. Picassa is great and I would not have known about it had our whiz kid, CB, not given me the directions. Photobucket crashed my computor with a virus-and I mean crashed it. The Picasa program has been easy and very safe for me to use. Spar, did you at least get a new cast? Or what are you sporting on your leg now? Prayers for healing sent your way! Jackie, are you down with the flu? I am fighting something but remain in a lot of pain, so I was put on morphine yesterday (may have written this already) as my brain has turned to mush-BUT, I do not hurt-YIPEEE!! I tried to watch American Idol with Ellen on it last night-NOPE, even Ellen could not pull that thing out of the toilet. Sorry for all of you Idol fans-i love Adam Lambert but hear he dissed Susan Boyle???!!!! Someone needs to yank his ear!! Except he would probably like it. God my house is a mess, my dogs are a mess, I am a mess-except for the fine knitted pink hat and scarf I am wearing which arrived from CB today-I JUST LOVE presents!! And the YUCCA LEAF IS SO COOL.  OK, Can I plant it and will it grow baby yuccas ro do I have to have a root? Man, I miss the west so very much and truly do want to move back out there. Miss the desert!! I am sleeping a lot last two days and feel I need it. I was trying to get back to normal and my body is having none of that. I slept for 12 hours last night!! Felt energized for about one hour, had a long phone call and now need ZZZZZ's again. Anyone else go thru this kind of fatigue? Also, my skin has truned to leather (i mean like pounded beef jerky). It is so gross. I am putting stuff on it but feel like an entire layer of dead skin needs to be pulled off. I am eating all of the right things and pounding protein and vitamins but I have no "Z" in my Zing!! Oh, this is getting so old. Hope all PODS are doing OK as I am trying to read thru posts to get caught up on things but not doing a good job at that. love you all, SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    No, no, NO, little SVMelissa!  It is an Aloe Vera leaf.....used to rub on your skin, wherever you need it!  Don't plant the darned thing, just cut a piece off, & the "juice" that comes out is for your skin, like sores, rashes, etc!  Geez, I have to draw you a picture!  It will keep great in the frig....just cut a piece off, slice it open, & rub it on your skin!   Be careful with the morphine...Do I HAVE to come out there?    Yeah, I can't get into Idol...this year....I really love Dancing With The Stars, tho, and "Inked"....I know...the redneck gearhead that I am!  Ha!    Don't know what we would do, if your sense of humor ever left you!  So don't try & do a thing to that leaf, except rub it on your skin!    Glad you liked your "stuff"  girl....and thanks again for mine!  Smile  xoxoxoxoxo

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    Hey PODS, Its hard to catch up, we write so much. Even if its not good happy stuff, it's worth the reading, somehow it makes me feel better just hearing from whoever writes on any day.

    Chris, I don't like that "gray time" line either, do you need anything we can provide? Or are you needing a hair color touch up? I don't think you meant it's a rainy "gray" overcast day either. It sounded like you need a ((((((((((((((((BIG HUG))))))))))))))))).  Remember, take time for you.

    CB - I'll bet Denver is amazingly gorgeous, all those mountains, surely there is a big lake nearby. I KNOW,,, put a water feature in your back yard, add a heating element and then it wont freeze over in the winter. Orlando is nice but the heat, humidity and hurricanes are too much. It's the heat that I don't like here, and we are pretty humid too, I would love to live on the beach. I lived at Savannah's beach when I was 20 and single, loved it. 

    I've thought about having that Lasik eye surgery, my sister and I both have lousy vision. She did it about 5 years ago and the thing that keeps me from doing it is that you lose your close up vision and I use mine. Been wearing glasses since the 3rd grade, tried contacts in high school, ended up with a nasty eye infection, that was the days of hard contact lenses. I never tried again, just don't mind the glasses, except the cost. 

    SV - Sorry for your fatigue, that's a pretty miserable way to have to spend the day. Just going back to bed can be so depressing and relieving at the same time. It's enough to make you crazy. But then, you've already got truck loads of crap that could drive you crazy. Loved the hat btw.  And sorry for all the itchies too. I missed the Idol show, I try not to get involved. I did watch it last year, some, just doesn't hold my attention. But then not too many things do for long. Seems to me that the days are shorter than they used to be. I don't even know how I managed a full time job and the house and dh and the kids and pets and cars and doctor appointments. Now a grandchild.

    Today was court day for DD on the Protection order. She dismissed it, not wanting to get a separation either, which is what they suggested. She wants a divorce and a restraining order to keep her H away from her. She's smart and well read, she knows that the differences they have are unresolveable and she refuses to live in this abusive relationship any longer. Too bad for him.

    You miss the DESERT?? That does not compute. I went and visited in Mesa and Tucson and holy cow it's hot HOT! Not awesome hot, it's dang hot, even in October. Now, Sedona - I would live there, it's got to be at the top ten list of beautiful places in the WORLD.

    Hope the weekend brings sun your way,


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010
    Oh CB, yeah, I think I am a lost cause and I would love to have you come out here and take care of me!! I know it is a LEAVE OR STALK OR WHATEVER, I WAS JUST HOPING IF I RUBBED IT THE RIGHT WAY IT MIGHT MULTIPLY-TEEHEE. And Connie, the desert is something that grows on ya but I think you sort of have to have it in your blood. the Kanab area around Lake Powell and the Colorado River and the Escalante are my old stomping grounds. Summers are brutal unless you get to hang out on a houseboat or camp a lot. And this exhaustion is like I feel like my body has just stopped working. Like for weeks now-well actually since surgery in Oct. but I have lost all of my muscle tone and am simply a POD BLOB!! I am bald headed and cannot get a date, even on eharmony and my 84 year old Dad sneaked out on a 'trial date' tonight-that little stinker AND he took my car to boot. Boy, I love having the shoe on the other foot. i have been waiting 40 years for this!! OK, LIKE HWERE ARE YOU GOING AND WITH WHO AND WHAT TIME WILL YOU BE BACK AND DO HER PARENTS KNOW ABOUT THIS? Truly, I am not sure how I feel about it but it is his life and at 84-but he is doing this despite my lecture that for propriety sake one must wait a year of being a widower in the south or one is considered a letcher!! Kids these days!! Actually the hat is darling with makeup on my face and getting a bit spoofed up helps-but most of my hair remains gone, including half of the acreages below the equator. My nails are not growing, only half of my PUBES are growing (in on one side) and nothing on my arms and legs-is that like normal? Although i must admit it is nice not to have the 'chin stubble' coming in. Good lord, I need to be 29 years old again. WTF HAPPENS TO US!!! Life is cold. ohh carol, seafood lunch sounds great-how is Mum? And connie, I have lost track-update me on GC-is she home???? Have I been that out of it? How much does she weigh? And Spar, I have this image of crab legs and - oh nevermind-I think it is only funny in my own head. And i want to hear about the 'show and tell" you can google "the Army Corps of engineers Research Pier in Duck and you sill get a photo. I find some of the teeth near there though usually a shark is attached (this is where I fish). Tell GD that Jacques Cousteau usedd to do a lot of research off of that pier (there is a picture of a giant mechanical crab) that he used to go out in and walk about the ocean floor for research projects. He was quite the star when he was in town. Very boring night toight-waiting for ghost whisperer and for the wash machie to overflow so I can such it up with the shop vac-two of the laziest men in the world live in this house! so trying to get laundry done. I need to move to get a clean house! Now, Suzie, am I sending shirts to you? I have not forgotten, only need to look up address or PM me and anyone else who wants wild horse t-shirts as i do the photos and make them 4 sale in my shop. Send me size, etc-I have adult mena dn women and children and can probably do one per family unless it is critical-even for you Isabella in the UK. ISABELLA HOW ARE YOU? ARE YOU ABLE TO GET SOME TIME FOR YOURSELF MY DEAR? I am moving in very slow gear right now-I am SO sorry. lOVE FOR NOW :)))))) SV OHHH, ALYSON, I SAW A GREAT NATGEO SPECIAL ON THE CAVES OF NZ. MAN THEY ARE GORGEOUS!! Do you have the underwater caves like the senotos of south america? I was half asleep-xxxooo, SV
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited February 2010

    We have had rain, rain, rain and then some...the real heavy blasting sideways cold, cold sort of rain.

    Everywhere is so cold...and today our electricity company decided they were switching  off our supply from 8.30 am to 4.30 to lop trees that are growing across their power lines. I never thought they would turn up being such a terrible day, but they did. There were 3 of them, up and down the trees like monkeys. I had to quickly go outside to them as they were just lopping willy nilly, great chunks of mature trees smashing to the ground. If they're lopping my trees they do it VERY carefully, making sure the trees come out of their haircut still looking like trees, and not one sided trees. I don't think they were too pleased, but I would have stopped the job if they had carried on as they started. The first tree is ruined, and I got them to fell it, I couldn't look at a 'half tree' it ain't ever going to grow all one of side of big mature limbs back again, so it had to go. DH said he left it to me because they wouldn't argue with a woman....they tried, they tried .....I was soaked when I got back in, and there was no electricity to run the heating, I couldn't do anything at all, you don't realise how much you rely on electric! I had charged my laptop up, aiming to spend the day on that, but for some reason it decided it wouldn't work....don't know if it needs the main pc to take its signal from, I do not know enough about pc's to know that, but its working again this evening !

    DH was out for the day, had filled me up the log baskets with, would you believe, WET logs, so that wasn't much heat really coming from the logburners. My only source of heat, and it was hopeless. I had a good shout at him when he got in !!! warmed me up a bit. Oh, I really wish it was warm weather now, it has been a very long, wet, winter. March in 2 days, and that usually is a cold wet month here.

    You are all talking about Picassa, I think I will have to give it a try. I have no idea what I am up to with photos. I used to sell OK on eBay, did the photo thingy OK, but I can't post any photos anywhere else. I had a round up of usable careras last week, andI have 5,goodness knows why when I don't know how to use them with my pc.Also, talking about pc's does anyone know WHY sometimes when I am typing,  and I have misspelt a word, then try and go back and put my mistake right does the damned pc start  not letting me put letters in without having to type the whole lot again.  e.g. I will type the word Picassa in, see I have spelt it Picasa, go back, try and insert the missing 's', and it starts to erase the whole word. It has been driving me mad for weeks. If you looka little back on my post you will see I am nattering about cameras, and I see I have run the 2 words andI together, if I try and go back and put a space between these 2 words, it will just erase the 'I' . The next word is have, and it will then erase the h from have, and so on, thus making me do the whole post again, or leave the mistake, until I come to the end of a paragraph.

    I know they say Toys R us, but Pcs are NOT me. I did a six week course, VERY basic, 2 hours a week, which meant I had 12 hours tuition and was off on my own.This was 6 years ago. PCs for Dummies wasn't much help, and its all been trial and error. My kids don't seem to want to help at all , always  a sigh, and 'will do it next week' whenever I ask for help, just wish I'd sighed, and said 'will babysit next week' when I was left with sometimes 3 small children while they were off out, working ( wasn't I working??  NO, not me, I just work from home, so thats not counted as work !!!!) Quite OK to have 3 little ones running around the place when I was supposed to be doing a days work, but now when I could do with half hours help on my pc no-one wants to know. 

    I have just been reading posts mainly recently, not feeling up to scratch, on the run with my Aunt, fed up of the weather, and I have my yearly onc appointment coming up in 2 well as siatica (DH) He moaned so much this week that I picked up the 'phone and got him an appointment with his Dr. He has had weight loss, has lost 18lbs since Christmas, has now and then complained of bloodloss when he visits the toilet, and has an 'aching' pain where his prostate is, and gets really bad exhaustion, ( I suppose like I got with radiation ), I don't know if its to do with his siatica or not, but if he hadn't got siatica I would be mighty worried, but being a man he won't make the move. I am asking him to ask for a full blood panel, a PSA test , and anything else thats needed to do a thorough check on him. He will come home and will have forgotten half of what he needs to say....I don't know what to do with him sometimes. I start out every day saying to myself. 'I won't shout at him, I'll let things go', but after about an hour of doors being left open, cats being let into the house (where they pee up every corner) drawers not shut, dirty coffee cups being left just where he was sat, laundry not appearing, filthy old bits of tractor left on the kitchen table, dirty boots all over the floor...(he thinks he is invisible, and I won't see he's in, yet again, crossing my floors with cow muck dripping off his boots!!) The dogs think its heaven, and dash up behind him picking up bits of cow muck!!  I explode, and get accused of nagging !!!!! then the atmosphere is fraught for the rest of the day. I don't need this stress. I told him this yesterday, and said it does NOT help being up against constant stress when you have bc, His answer 'You DO NOT have bc'...oh,it was nearly a murder there and then, after all the years I have told him bc NEVER leaves you, its always there, waiting in the wings, it might never come out on the stage, but it quite possibly could, and stress DOES NOT help.I though he understood this. Apparently not. I think its me that needs DHs Amitryptiline !!!!

    I am off for a nice long shower, and my nice warm bed now, and a DH free zone !!!! I can't see what mischief he is up to once I shut my bedroom door!! He is supposed to be watching a film, but I just went to the sitting room for my specs, and he is snoring, fast asleep, the floor littered with newspapers, his side table covered in 4 beer cans and a glass, remote control fallen on the floor, along with most of the cushions on his sofa. He will swear in the morning he wasn't asleep, and saw every minute of the film, and he won't have picked up his papers, nor removed his empty beer cans and glass, nor put his cushions back. I think he thinks we have fairies here !!! I hate going into the sitting room and walking in on a mess, all he will say is that he was too tired to tidy things up, and don't get at me again !

    Have a good weekend, one and all.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Oh Idsabella, it is a cruel world across the pond! Geesus, down south here we just shoot them or lock them up. i am so sorry as your plate is Piled way too high ad DH of no help but I do worry about his health issues. God getting old just sucks!! And the cowpies in the kitchen reminds me of good old times with an old family friend and the dogs bouncing about after bits of cow shit. You poor dear. You are welcome to come over and hang out on the Outer Banks, and we are about as close as it gets to the UK from the US. Here you would face more cold, wet weather but no DH and quiet time on the beach if you can bundle up enuf against the wind. Glad you were out there to supervise the tree thing (and i am sure that they loved you input) as all of our trees are half trees or trees with mohawks. please do take care and get quiet time each day for yourself. It is like we get BC and just one thing turns the day into a 'monty python' venture!! Love you, SV

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Oh my, logged on to catch up and hopefully comment, but all the issues I want to address are so numerous.  You are all in my prayers and do know Isabella I think it is deplorable that they would allow electricity to be shut off for that length of time at this time of year.!  Your computer issue sounds familiar and maybe you have a certain key pressed, is it "Insert" that is messing with your typing? 

    SV Melissa, is the morphine for your shingles pain?  And your Dad on a date?  Hope he behaves himself!!  Yes that fatigue seems to be think you have enough sleep, get up and a bit later hit that brick wall of fatigue.  Happens to me too frequently and is really embarrassing when I'm at work supposed to be functioning.

    Jackie, how are the flu symptoms?  Hope you are up to snuff really soon.  get your rest, drink plenty of fluids and coddle yourself.

    Connie, did DD get the restraining order?  Sure hope so, is he still harrassing her?

    I am cat-sitting for my brother's girlfriend's kitty for a little over a week. he's barely six months a real talker and loves to lay on the key board of my puter and screw the up the screen.  He is really affectionate and a great lap-cat.  I may just have to keep him!!

    DH and I went out for supper tonight and it is really getting dangerous out there with the snow falling and blowing over the roads making dangerous drifts.  I'm about to have a mental health crisis with this dreadful weather we have been having to deal with. I just don't do well with winter. Maybe I need one of those sunshine lights and to increase my Vit-D capsules. Sorry for bitching so much, but I have had it.

    You all take care, gentle hugs all around........

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    Oh Isabella, I sympathize in a big way. I love the big lug, my dh, but the things he does, like the beer bottles and since he quit smoking, he's a gum chewing addict and leaves the little paper wrappers everywhere. We finally got separate rooms and thank GOD.

    MEN.. they smell bad, they are messy and unaware of the labor and effort it takes to pick up after them, just so you can enjoy your own space.

    Actually, mine is a whole hellova lot better than he used to be. when I got bc, he was left to clean up without me participating in the mess making, noticed his debris and has made a real effort to clean up. Interesting enough is that we generally do the weeks grocery shopping together, but he prepares our meals and does the majority of the clean up, so I don't do the cooking anymore unless I just want to, or we plan it in advance. Further, he does his own laundry, including bed linens... all the way to changing his bed. I knew, when we married, in 1975 that I did not intend to be washing his drawers all my life and taught him well. On most weekends, he spends the entire day working around the house. Not usually doing the chores that I want done, but something productive. He has lost almost 60 pounds in the last 2 years and gained a lot of muscle from working out practically every night. He laughs that I got bc and he got well. He encourages me to work out (so I go swim) and fixes very healthy meals. Sometimes I sneak an Eggo or a pb&j.

    I love the Nutri-grain, whole wheat Eggo's. Did you hear that there is a national shortage of EGGOS? How can that BE?

    I'm outta here.  ~Connie

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010
    Hi Ladies - Been in a funk lately. Nothing major, just little things that start to add up and irritate. My upcoming surgery has been on my mind. That will be on Thurs and I am running around trying to get things in order so that it will be easy on my son. He will be babysitting me for a couple of days until I'm off the pain meds and can get around by myself. He's really good about it. It just irritates me b/c I'm so d***ed independent. I like things done my way (who doesn't). I believe that's the teacher in me coming out. I appreciate the concern that has been expressed. I promise I will be all right. Hey, when all is said and done, I'll have a new pair of foobs! Also, I did go shopping today and spent money. That did put a smile on my faceSmile. Have a good one. Chris ((((((Everyone))))))
  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2010

    Hi there all, I just wanted to say hi ,today is the first time in a while that I've been able to actually sit and type.  My hip's acting up again, so it's hard for  me to sit at the computer.StillVerticle I notice that you are taking morphine,  I was on that for a while for my hip at one point(the emerg rm doc prescribed it for me)  Hope that it' helping you. I'm gonna go rest the hip now,  Take care everyone.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Good Morning PODS, I am trying t catch up on all of our posts but by gumbee, we are a chatty bunch and everyone's post is so important to me. I want to answer them all but do not have the energy today (this week). Errgh! I know we are all going through trials and I think it time to get to my PCP again. I am in an enormous amount of pain and I simply do not know why. My brain immediately goes to "bone cancer" or some horrid new disease. Truly, since I was OD'd by my ONC and Taxotere, the only continuity of care I have had has been in the ER. My EX Onc abandoned me long ago and I am awaiting appointment this week (Thursday) with my new ONC, Dr.A. I SO hope this will be a new and better experience as so many issues seem to have developed post chemo OD. For some reason, i have shingles that are spreading despite being on Acyclovar and zovarax and the tender areas of skin, like between my legs, seem to be burning and I have to keep showering and cleaning those and other areas and then putting medicated powder on the affected areas. But I am not able to keep up with all of it and it truly is time to get to a doc and find out just what the heck is going on. Tarry, sending healing vibes for your hip and Spar too for your gimpy leg. And Chris, i am looking thru my posts (as nothing is organized) could you please PM your address to me so that I can send a "congrats on the new foobs" card. I know that this is scary for you. I am finding that as I get a bit better, i simply do not want to surrender any advances to MORE of BC and this dratted disease. It seems like we get better and wham something new appears in the treatment plan. My prayers are with you dearest Chris and all of the PODS who need a God bump this week. Melissa (not me) so glad to see you back here and i, too had my identity stolen-What little money and credit that I did have was ruined this past year. Sometimes, the things that people do are so far beyond me.  CB, i am still sorting thru the box of goodies you sent and must get the Aloe in the fridge to preserve it!! i just love holding it and it so reminds me of my life out west!! BIG PRAYERS GO TO ALYSON-I AM SO WORRIED ABOUT THE EARTHQUAKE IN CHILE AND HOW CNN IS SAYING IT MIGHT AFFECT HAWAII AND NEW ZEALAND WITH A TSUNAMI-GOOD GRIEF!! And to the poor folks in Chile, lots of prayers to them-I just wish I could do more. jackie, how are you feeling and suzie, i need a PM address if you want presents. i am slow, but I am getting there!! Isabella, lots of love from across the pond-ya' know "women rule the world. men just need our company" tee-hee. i am watching the "loves comes softly series on the tele today and 'boo-hooing' over the soppy stuff. Love to all this morning and I cannot wait to get my hands in the dirt to start planting some flowers-ohh, it is still a long way off-errgh! Despite signs of spring, we must wait until mid May here to keep plants from freezing. Still, I am sorting thru my pots  and dreaming. i have to plant flowers in giant pots and wheelbarrows (antique) and move them from one side of the house to the other (depending on the wind) to keep tham safe from salt air!! XXOOO, SV

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2010

    Happy Saturday, I've been reading on the Reconstruction forum's to try and find someone whos had a reduction after radiation. The PS suggested reducing both sides, it will take out all the scar tissue from the biopsys and the lumpectomy. Haven't had any luck yet.

    SV - Your sappy love movies are perfect on a day like this. CRY, sometimes it cleanses us to cry. Men don't understand that.

    We had a busy stressful week yet again. DD dismissed the TPO. The free lawyer doesn't do divorce, they only offer legal separation, and the baby complicates any chance of a quick and easy divorce.

    I keep losing text. ARGH. Oh well, going to the crafts store for boxes and wire for wrapping beach glass to turn them into earrings to send to SV. !

    later chooks of the POD. That sums it all up.


  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Hello. Ladies.

    Just popping in to let y'all know I'm still around and loving you all.  I accomplished one thing today and signed up for Picasa, so beware, once this chemo brain figures it out I will be posting pix.

    Tarry, so happy you were able to stop in for a brief post.  sure miss and worry about you. Hang in there, honey.

    Chris, so glad you got some retail therapy!  WE ALL NEED THAT!!  You are in my prayers for your surgery...hope you love your new foobs.

    Oh, SVMelissa, I do hope you can get some relief soon.What you are dealing with seems so unfair. I watched a tear jerker tonight and am still reeling from it...."Seven Pounds" it will have a lasting effect on me for a long time. sniff sniff

    gentle hugs

  • sherlaud
    sherlaud Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2010

    Hi!  I just turned 60 and was looking forward to some "fun" years - instead I GOT cancer......  I have had a lumpectomy and had a 1 and 2 axillary node dissection.  I am numb from my elbow down the under side of my arm to the armpit region and continuing around the left side of the breast......  It either hurts (alot), tingles, is totally numb, or feels like there is a piece of wood or lots of packing pushing between my inner arm and is SSSOOOOO miserable......and I haven't seen any other sources of information on this problem.....?????  I'm feeling kinda weird here - I can't be the ONLY one??????????  Please tell me this will stop!!!!!!!  Disheartened, depressed, in pain........    

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2010

    Oh sweetie-first of all, WELCOME TO THE PODS!!! I am so sorry that you get to join the club that noone wants to belong too. Yes, i am 57 and was on my way to having more fun with my life and bam-out of nowhere-cancer. There is not even any of it in the family tree so i am the first with BC. Ok, when did you get your surgery and try to post your diagnosis and DNA make-up of your tumor or you may not have it yet. That pathology report will be the most important thing to hang on to; with us coming in a close second. If you are feeling like your 'arm is packed' get to your ONC ASAP as there are buggars that arise from surgery that continue to surprise even me! But your ONC does need to know to reassess and make sure this is not a serious SE of the surgery (even a lumpectomy) and MOST IMPORTANT, WHAT YOUR ONC CAN DO TO GET YOU MORE COMFORTABLE PHYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY AND SPIRITUALLY. My surgery was successful but it was miserable with infection setting in the surgical wounds. Several friends, have had to go to rehab to get the arm bone reconnected to the shin bone. Do you have drains in your surgery site? it sounds like fluid maybe building up-regardless, call on-call onc tomorrow (oh, it is tomorrow) or get to the ER for support. I don't know where you live so ER care will be dependant on your part of the world and may not be worth the trip. i was so very miserable and in extreme pain out of the gate, but again, I developed a candida infection in the surgical wounds which have now taken over my entire body. My surgery was in late October with first Chemo as adjunctive therapy for me beginning shortly after that. Did they do the DYE THINGY injected into your breast-gees, I damn near passed out from that procedure of have needles stuck in my breat while I was awake. I am so very sorry and as the PODS (women nicknamed on this Thread) awake, you will get lots more info. Is there anyone to help care for you? Regardless of what the doc says do not expect to jump back into work (that is the great lie that they tell us). Usually remedy is to begin drinking lots of water but I fear for the swelling in your underarm-YOU DO NEED TO GET IT CHECKED AS YOU SHOULD NOT BE THIS DIBILITATED out of the gate. And no you are not the only one!!! The docs paint such a pretty picture of recovery-it has been hell for me and difficult for women in the best of shape. i was put under Mac anesthesia and that always gives me sever depression-again tell your doc!! Again get to your onc, if he does not respond today, if you can, get to the ER for potential assessment, fluids and pain meds!!! I also had to get meds for nausea (zofran) and i learned by trial to eat very small meals a day (like soup) and crackers and gatorade for quite some time. When you get the pain under some control, begn walking, even if just ot he mailbox, but have someone with you, I found that the removal of my lymph nodes (even though negative to cancer) affected my balance. i felt off kilter adn had trouble getting around. This will pass, but you need someone to advocate for you immediately as it sounds like you are in the 'crisis mode' and you need taking care of at this tough time. And girl, cry all you want and begin keeping a daily journal so you can review things with the docs. My brain died when they did the surgery so notes are plastered everywhere. My prayers and throughts are with you and keep posting-you will find lots of love, understanding and wisdom here! Blessings, SV And I mean it, you need to have someone proactive for you who can demand appropriate treatment for post surgical issues!!! youwill know much more when your tumor is Oncotyped-that will determine your treatment. Also, they yanks me cold turkey off of Prempro-huge mistake as I crashed really bad. Don'tknow if that is an issue for you. Hand in there dear, we are with you! XXXXOOO SV

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2010

    Welcome Sherlund, sorry you have to join this group, we might be slightly mad but its great.Sorry to report that my arm is still numb 3+ years on, however I do pilates at least once a week, sometime twice and have good movement in my arm. I do have lymphoedema so take care of that arm. There is a very good board about arm problems and lymphedema up above the chemo board.  You will get wonderful advice there. But do come here for a great chat and support.

    SV I didn't get out to see the tsunami effects. Some places had metre surges but many have had strange tidal patterns with it going in and out very quickly several time. I have worked most of the day getting the first chapter of a book ready to go to the editor tomorrow. Had Bea while her mother was at church, we decided not to take her today, she is very good but you don't really take much notice of what is being said.

    Will be able to relax for a couple of days with this chapter done. Have watched olympics and a cricket match while putting things together. Will start next chapter later in the week I want to get most of it done before we go on holiday. It is a Social Studies text for our Yr 9 and10 (grades 8 & 9)

    Its gettingt late here so must get away to bed. I was just finishing up when DH bleated from the computer room that the printer wasn't working so I had to stop what I was doing and go and work out what he had done. He uses a computer every day and is very proficient except when it come to anything technical; what gets me is that he won't even try to work things out.

    Enjoy your Sunday and have a real rest.

    Big hugs


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited February 2010

    Sherlund - Hi - sorry you have to be here. Yup - that arm feeling is normal. It certainly surprised me. Now almost a year later, it still comes and goes. The main thing is that I have full movement and, except for being careful about a bit of lymphodema, I carry on with regular life. That includes the best therapy of holding a new baby granddaughter.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2010

    Doing  my happy dance. I am 64 and will be reading  this thread  asap. I tried, but didn't fit  with 40-64 y/o thread :lol  I usually  take a few years off for good behavior but I couldn't stretch that far.Smile

    TY again


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Morning Gals!  Welcome Hone, Sherlund & Bar!  Hope you join us on this thread more often!  SVMelissa, gave you some great advice Sherlund!  The women who have gone through the same thing as you, will help you more than any Doctor, I think!  At least we are always here, & will listen!  And SV is sooooo right....gotta get back to your Surgeon to have your pain & problems assessed!'ll have fun here, Ha!  Sometimes we talk about everything BUT cancer, but that's what we're all here for....Read some of the previous pages, & you'll get an idea of where we're coming from! 

    Suzie...if you have any trouble getting aound Picassa, let me know, & maybe I can help you!  I really love the program, but it DOES take time to find all of the "features!" 

    Morning Chris!  Your surgery is Thursday?  What all will they be doing?  Geez, my thoughts and prayers will be with you... Your Son will probably really enjoy taking care of you!  Just stay "with us" as long as you can, because we'll be lookin' for ya!

    You know what I just found out?  If you look at that little box, with ABC in it, it will spell check your post, BUT if you click the word in question, that is "underlined in red" it will give you suggestions as how to correct it!  Now THAT is fun!   I learn something new every day, Ha! 

    Hi Connie!  Yes, there are a few little lakes near us, but froze over....We used to ice-skate on them when we were kids!  But the ocean, is just "magical!"  Maybe it is because I still miss my Mom & Dad when they lived near San Francisco, & going to Fisherman's Wharf....My Daughters & I flew there one time, to just have fun...& I walked to the wharf pier at sun-rise, alone, & I just knew my Parents were "with" me.   And just looking out at the ocean, from Jupiter Island in Florida when we went on a trip, was just mesmerizing!  And I DO have fountains & a waterfall in my garden, Ha!  And yes, I LOVE them!  I hang little wind-chimes in the Aspen tree, that is right in the middle!  It's sort of like a "Fairy Garden"....With little statues of fairies & deer hanging around!  My Daughter had the Lasik "Mono" vision done this time!  One eye is corrected for distance, and the other eye is for close-up!  She REALLY likes it!  And no glasses, not even for reading!  She adjusted really well!  Regis Philbin talked about his Mono surgery one time!

    SVMelissa....How did your Dad's date go?  Were you up waiting for him?  Ha!  I's a funny feeling for Dad to meet other women....It's hard to get your mind around that, after losing your Mom.....And are you feeling ANY better?  That was so sweet of you, to write SHERLAUD like you did!  Okay, gotta go....gotta watch the races today...Wink  Rained in Vegas yesterday, so hopefully it won't today for the Sprint race!  Have a great day Pods!  (the red-neck gear-head from Colorado)  Cool xoxoxoxoxo

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    sherlaud, so sorry you have to be here, but welcome. Please take SVMelissa's advice and get your arm checked out asap. How long ago was your node biopsy? Do you have a full dx yet? GET copies of all of your reports and KEEP them for future reference.  You are probably still in the cancer-shock state which is perfectly normal. Treat yourself gently and allow others to help you and advocate for you.

    bar62, so glad you found us. We are young and goofy in spirit and try to ignore the age thingy even tho our bodies sound like a bowl of rice crispies (snap, crackle. pop).

    sherlaud and bar.......don't be strangers!

    gentle hugs......

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2010

    Sherlaud:  Years ago, I had 32 lymph nodes removed from my right axilla and I had numbness and pain.  I went to a physical therapist who gave me some exercises to keep the arm mobile and it made a big difference to me. Ask your surgeon to give you a referral to a physical therapist and hopefully that will give you some relief. 

    And welcome to both Bar and Sherlaud.  I'm sorry you have to be here, but this group is upbeat and really supportive. You have come to the right place.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,334
    edited February 2010

    Good morning from sunny southern Illinois.  Oh how I love that sun.  Will do more than anything to get me going again.  I went to the emergency room yesterday ( you'll love this SV Melissa ) which is the only one I CAN use in a non-emergency.  That means a 72 mile drive south of my home.  I am a V.A. patient and those are the rules -- ok by me.  I could not seem to "develop" the flu as it turns out it is a viral thing but does not show up anywhere that can be addressed as such.  Four vials of blood with all tests ( five I think were done ) negative, ekg, negative, as well as thyroid.  So --- just got to wait it out.  I started to think I may be doing some damage by trying to continue my whole daily thought I'd best check.

    Welcome, welcome to the new ladies. I'm 64 as well bar62.  What a fantastic age.  Of course, we know this is just a number that everyone around us wants to take serious, but we know better.  I totally agree with you and many of us were just minding our own business and looking forward ( especially at our young age -- no matter what the numbers are ) to some of the adventures and bennies' of having children raised, homes now paid for or very close, close to retirement, or if not, at our jobs long enough to get three weeks paid vacation --- and no where in this script did we notice the words so well hidden --- she gets a cancer diagnosis now.  Even through all the testing up to and through the biopsies I kept thinking I would get an all clear.  Oops, sorry we made a mistake and there is nothing to worry about. 

    I was in denial even through the first few chemo txs, but I finally got it --- I always wanted to be one in a million....and as far as I was concerned at that point I really was.  So, even though we'd like to kick both of you right off this boat, we can't.  Unfortunately you are one of us.  We are all on the same ship....but thank God its not the Titanic. 

    Must go as I do have lots to do today to try and catch up and will have to take my time and not over-do.  I hope you all have a stunning day. 

    Love and warm healing hugs to all.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,334
    edited February 2010

    I think we all just need to relax:

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2010

    Hey Chevy there is one problem with the little box marked ABC is that it doesn't know how to spell lots of word like, colour and neighbour  and organise and lymphoedema. Just joking I know it uses US English.  Chevy, I will be in Denver from 6-9 May would love to meet for coffee, send me a

    Well PODs there is work to be done and pilates to get to and then more work. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.


  • dsgirl
    dsgirl Member Posts: 193
    edited February 2010

    Hello members of "older" people board, I think I fit right in here (I will be 69 next month) so I hope I can join in and be a POD.

    I have been reading posts for days, and found out so many of my symptoms are NORMAL after all.

    I remember after surgery in July 09 I felt like I was walking around with a piece of cardboard under my arm, and thought is this normal ? well I guess many has experienced that, and Jo-5, I was wondering about the on and off numbness, tingling, fluid buildup etc, all seem to be pretty normal stuff I guess, sure wish my doc had been more informative. I found more info right here and am so glad I found you all.  Still Verticle, yes I remember the blue dye injections so well, very painful and I happened to have a reaction to the blue dye, lots of hive bumps at the injection site, over and over, they come and they go, even now 7 months later, ugh, Later I found out there is sulfa in the solution which I have an allergy to. Yet with all the little aches and pains and complaints, I am still glad to be around and hope to be for a long time to come. Nice to read about you all.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2010

    Suzie....Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I made your potato soup recipe and it was fantastic!  The only thing that I did differently was to cook my potatoes in chicken broth, as Jo suggesed.  Believe me, this recipe is a KEEPER!  Thanks for sharing!

    I've had a busy, hectic week and haven't been on the boards much so I need to read back about two pages and get caught up!

    Welcome to the new gals.  This IS the place to be!

    I'll be back tomorrow when I have more time to get caught up but just couldn't let another day go by without thanking Suzie for the great potato soup recipe.

    Hope you are feeling better, Jackie.


  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    dsgirl, welcome and I'm glad you foun us PODS!

    Don't you just hate being blind-sided by all the side effects and symptoms the docs don't dare tell us about?  Something's not right about that.

    Oh, Alyson, I hope you and CB can get together when you go to Denver. DH and I will have a lay-over in Denver on April 8th but it's not long enough to do anything but to find the right place to be at the right time...sigh.

    Jackie, I hope you get over the viral thing quickly! Do feel better soon.  I love the kitten picture, thanks for sharing.

    I've got supper in the crock pot (swiss steak), the salad rinsed and ready and the bread ready to go into the oven. All should be ready in about an hour and I'm not even hungry!  At least dh will eat it ( I hope, lol).

    later, ladies....