Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2010

    Welcoe new Pods.  I havent posted for a while.  I have read new posts , but didnt respond.  I feel like I am pretty new just been here since Dec.  SV it sounds like you need a present.  I sent you a present today.  It will be a surprise.  Again I want to thank you for the presents also.  Just got back from my surgeon.  Dont have to see her till Sept. for mammogram.  Does anyone know if the pill arimidex will help keep the cancer from my other breast?  Had a single mastectomy and hoping for the best.  Had no lymphedema, have numbness and tingling, am ready to get my priosthesis.  Am also ready to get on with my life.  Also SV if I started on my life I bet I would have you beat.  I never had a pussy man.  I had better words for a certain man.  Love to all DAR.

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2010

    JO Tanks for the info.  I had renal cell carcinoma in July and they removed my right kidney.  Then 2 months later got BC.  Was told there was no coralation between the two.  I have had so many scans and MRI.  The Drs. tried to give me mets.  But I am too stubborn and wouldnt allow it.  So just have to take the pill.Wish I could send pictures.  my Ralphie(shitz zhu) not sure of spelling but he is just beautiful 10 weeks old now .  Love to all

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2010

    Morning all. Have some rain today which is badly needed.

    Found out yesterday that i have been walking around with a broken bone in my knee. The top of the tibia has a break in it. No wonder it has been so sore and some days I really have to force myself to go for my walk. I fell over at the end of October right in front of a drama and music group at church!! The radiologists keep getting me back with the first xrays cause they were unsure but the ortho surgeon took one look and said it was a break. Not uncommon especially in older women and is indicitive of osteopenia and the femara will not be helping it heal.

    Anyway its not going to stop me going on my trip. My theory is I have been walking around on it for the last 4 months so another couple are not going to make much difference.

    Dar, I am on Femara which is like Arimidex. It should help prevent the spread as Jo says.The SE's are manageable.

    Well have had my chapter back from the editor with many suggestions so will have to work on that later.

    Big hugs to everyone


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2010

    Jackie and Connie, I am a tree hugger too, it just broke my heart with this ice storm so many of our trees lost huge limbs. 

    Went to the ortho surgeon today and got bad news, surgery is no longer an option for me due to severe osteoporosis.  So now they want me to use a walker and put 25 percent of my weight on the broken leg and then 50 percent the next 2 weeks to see if that will stimulate the bone and then do another cat scan in 4 weeks.  this chest cold still is not any better and the coughing is awful but hanging in there.

    Have a good rest of the week.  hugs PODS

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    Dear Alyson,

    I remember when you fell! Is anyone now suggesting a cast or a brace or crutches? Surely there is something to give you some support and/or relief. I know how you feel about your trip so maybe you can ask for assistance in the airports. Make it easy on yourself and have a great trip!


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    Gosh Spar,

    You are having a terrible time with this leg! This seems like a total reversal of TX.... no weight at all, now put weight on it! At least this new plan will get you out of bed some. Wishing it works for you.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Oh Spar, I am so sorry to read the news. And the cough? I had no idea that was going on. Sending you healing vibes. Welp, one day at a time! I know-errgh-this is about trudging the road to happy destiny. There is no running in the trudging lane. And ALYSON (CORRECT AND BLAME ERROR ON MEDS), OMG YOU ARE ONE TOUGH LADY TO BE WALKING AROUND WITH A BROKEN TIBIA-GOOD GRIEF GAL, HOW DID YOU STAND THE PAIN? And "oh I got used to it????" You are worse than I am! I am so sorry to hear about this. Like Lord, haven't we all just about had enough!!!! I need to not post when on drugs cause i cannot keep anyone straight! Kiss my grits but PODS rock and we are some tough ladies!! Proud to be a part of the gang. Isabella how are you? Chris, brighter days? CB you have it made gal.  Dar, lots of love my dear. Connie and Jackie ok? Jo, ILLaday (omg the pix is so cute!) CB, i know what you are up to you little redneck.  Rita and SoCal (photos are stunning) wha'd up. Suzie and DS girl-I know I have left out a ton of PODS-but they gave me really good drugs at the hospital!! Welcome newcomers, you are in the right place! I am home a propped up in bed eating M&M's. It's the best I can do right now. Last, is somebody having surgery on Thursday? Help-if so sending prayers-If it was last week, still sending prayers. ((((((BIG HUGS))))) SV

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2010

    Sv its me with the break in the Tibia, not Dar, least I hope not. Ortho asked why I hadn't come sooner and I said well I had got used to the pain and didn't know if it was the knee or SEs from the femars and problem is I have had rheumatoid arthritis since a teen. Hope you are behaving today.

    Spar I can understand your frustration but I hope this plan works for you.

    I should be doing some work but have my GD here, she is asleep at present and not sure how long her mother is going to be but I don't mind as she is so sweet.

    Big hugs

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2010

    Sheesh, Alyson, you are a real trooper. and more power to you for not cancelling your trip.  Did they put you in a cast? What was the ortho's response when you answered his question?

    Spar, hugs to you, I hope the walker plan strengthens that bone and eventually you have more mobility.

    SV, thank God your pussy David can think fast and was able to save you and your puppies! We all owe him a great big thank-you. Is Moby Dick's ability to run again looking hopeful stilll?  Sure hope so.

    Today I talked to a lady who is a 13 year bc survivor and she is doing great, but she still has the fears we all harbor in the deep recesses of our minds...."will this beast rear its ugly head again, and if yes.....when?"  I guess those questions haunt all of us, don't they?....................

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Ok watching American Idol for the very first time-oh man, sorry but it is sooooo bad! The guys are on tonight and even with me being on hydrocodone, they are BAAAADDDD! OMG. how did they make money off this show and how has it continued as a "STAR" for so long? SORRY TO OFFEND IDOL ADDICTS, BUT I AM CRINGING AS EVERY GUY SINGS!! JUST SOMETHING DIFFERENT FROM BC AND "MOBY DICK". I AM COMING TO THE REALIZATION THAT DESPITE ANY HEROIC EFFORTS, I THINK THAT MY CAR IS TOAST. AND I AM SO BROKE $$$$$$ IS NOT THERE-NADA. SO I AM PREPARED TO BECOME A TRUE REDNECK WITH TOASTED CAR SITTING IN MY BACK YARD. ERRGH! SV

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2010

    Oh Spar...........I'd so hoped that a surgery would correct all your problems.  It will be interesting to see how pressure on the leg works.  Hang in there.  You've had a terrible bout with this leg and I can't help but believe that there has got to be something that will work for you.  Hugs to you!


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2010

    Hey SV............I'm still sitting here watching those "IDOL" guys sing, too and I agree with you completely.  They're about half through the program and none of them have impressed me yet.  Last season there seemed to be lots more talent.  This season may be a LONG one!

  • sherlaud
    sherlaud Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2010
    That is the cutest pictures of puppies I've seen in a while!  I LOVE doggies.  I have a  half Chihuahua and half Jack Russel Terrier named ChiChi - he keeps me sane sometimes!!Laughing  He is very good at kissing away my tears.......  Tomorrow is a big day for me....I go see my surgeon for the first time after my surgery Febr. 23, 10.  I was left "hanging" for info.  I had a lumpectomy and was to have a sentinel node biopsy, but woke up with a drainage tube and nothing much for explanations about what happened - why all the numbness, etc.......  I don't even have a diagnosis, yet.  Guess I'll find out tomorrow???  or what's next????  Treatments?????  I'm very scared........Nice to have a place to put down some of my fears and thoughts.  (What does PODS stand for??????)  Kinda new here....
  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010


    Take someone with you tomorrow if you can.  Ask for copies of  op notes, path report, everything. Ask if you are a candidate for Oncotype testing. You should have a referral to a medical oncologist as well as a oncology radiologist. If you are in doubt ask for a second opinion. Take a list of questions with you. Expect answers. You should know a lot more by this time tomorrow but there will still be lots to learn.

    Good luck!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Hey Sherlund, take someone with you along with a tape recorder. I never hear anything after the word Cancer. And go with questions prepared. Research this site on all of the other stuff like diagnostics, etc. my prayers are with you and you will get an explanation of PODS tomorrow-promise!! Love TO PODS SWEET DREAMS SV

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2010

    sherlaud, hoping for the best at your appointment today.  Some clinics won't let you tape record so be sure to have all your questions written down and a pen and pad of paper to take notes (I had/have a great surgeon....she wouldn't let me take notes....she took the notes, answered the questions I had and gave me the paper!!  Her handwriting is great so reading it when I got home was not hard.)

    DO TAKE SOMEONE WITH YOU IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. Get copies of all your tests, pathology report, etc. Hopefully you will get lined up with an oncologist fast if you don't have one already.

    I'm at work again today  best stop sluffing off and get busy.

    Everyone, have a swell day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    Oh my, where to start??  I feel like a real piker with my very mild symptoms that get better each day.  Very flu-like as far as body aches etc, but never any up-chucking or diarrhea.  Yesterday was another of those " going to just be a regular day " but as usual, it got of hand before I knew it and was gone from 9 a.m. to almost 9 p.m.  last night... SIGH  I hate it when I discover about half way into my day that I am no longer in charge and if I'd have been "thinking" would have probably known right off it would go down that way. Oh well -- today is here and maybe I'll get it together soon enough. 

    Spar...So hard to get that news I know.  Aren't these some drugs like Boniva etc. that actually help repair and stimulate good growth.  Probably talking out of feeling bad for you, but just seems like I hear things like that on t.v. ads.  Do many of these drugs only work well if you "begin" them before you actually have the diagnosis.  Very confusing. 

    At least you can do some wt. bearing I guess, but this is far from what anyone wants to hear I know.  You will be in my thoughts and prayers. 

    Well, I haven't said hi to everyone, but you are all in my thoughts.  Going to have to get my day started -- love to be lazy but can't do so much longer.  I'll be checking back later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • sherlaud
    sherlaud Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2010

    Thanks - my husband is going with me (sometimes, though, he doesn't remember any more then I do!!!).  I SHALL try my little tape recorder - my surgeon talks very fast - and ask for reports, etc. (you CAN get copies??? thought they just stayed in your permanent med report at clinic.  Will see how it goes.....  has everyone here had bc, gone throught treatments and come out the other side??, or still going through process??, or does it NEVER stop???? 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    Always loved SV's explanation of PODs, ie. wise sisterhood of nature's greatest creature bonding, supporting, flowing, surging through life united in our fight against the elements, conquering adversity, enduring the vicissitudes of life, overcoming all odds, etc..... "family of whales".

    I am paraphrasing... too lazy to look up the original eloquent definition by SV.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010


    Many of us are finished with the active phase of treatment, past surgery, chemo or and rads. Many of us are still on hormonals and will be for years. All of us are breast cancer patients and will always be under extra scrutiny. Most of us will never have to face it again but we will all carry it in our minds and hearts.


  • dsgirl
    dsgirl Member Posts: 193
    edited March 2010

    Hello everyone

    So happy to report my first post treatment mammo/ultrasound went well, actually not painful at all, many pre cancer mammos were more painful, go figure, also had a good informative visit with my surgeon, all in all a good day yesterday.

    I actually slept 8 solid hrs last nite, the first time since last summer, I sure wish for all of you to have this feeling of well being I have this morning.

    Visited some book stores on the way home, and found 3 used books at a Hastings store, spent less than $13.00 on 3 books I have read (from the library) but don't have. The lymphedema book was not in stock, so I ordered it and they will mail to me.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Yeah DS Gal', I am so glad things went OK and not painful and a good night's sleep to boot! Awesome! Sherlund, fingers double crossed-good luck and you can do this. Remember if you miss something-get his nurse's name and you can always call back and ask more questions. i want out of a three hour appointment with surgeon and ONC with paper and pad and tape recording and none of it made any sense. This is a huge, emotional experience-your world is upside down but you are not alone! Prayers and let us know what happened!

    This is me with my 'wild ponies' before Moby Dick (my car) did a dive into the lake on Sunday. I have literally lived with these animals for years (doing 5 year photoshoot) to try to publish a coffee table book. So, the horsies know me and generally tolerate me as 'one of their own.' I used to have a stallion that would nip me on the butt evertime he wanted his herd to move. I need to breathe and to get reoriented today about some major things. i simply have no emotional reserves and the car wreck really did me in. I have decided that trying to fix the car would be throwing good money after bad. And I know many of my POD friends will disagree, but I cancelled my appointment with my new ONC for tomorrow. Very honestly, I do not want to be dragged through any more godawful chemo, radiation and meds that have enormous side effects for next five years. I know I am probably wrong but I do not think I will ever trust an ONC after what mine did to me in OD'ing me. When he found out I was allergic to Taxotere, he simply dumped me and left me with months of pain and suffering that noone should ever have to go through-LIKE EVER-I damn near died and me and my family had to try and do all of it alone. Because, my old ONC would not return any phone calls from us. I am only just sort of beginning to feel a bit OK and like I can get some work down around the house. But I am very fragile emotionally, depressed and way too much on my plate. In making the decision, it feels like a ton of weight lifted off of my shoulders. I need to make copies of our POD posts and get caught up on everyone-for real and I will try to find the post I made of the description of PODS (as in a POD of whales). And Pam-GOOD JOB GIRL!! I love you all so very much and I want the best for everyone today and everyday!! (((BIG POD HUGS))))SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    Hi Gals!  How fun to find all of my "friends" here in this one "room!"  Okay, this is what SVMelissa wrote....

    "POD-means like a POD of whales-forever joined thru generations, time, eternity and great wisdom, shaped by the same fierce forces, streamlined by the eons, speaking the same language, working for the same purpose, stronger than the all of the oceans, birthing, maternal, teaching one another the songs of the seas, protecting, playing, eternal in celebrating each other and living in perfect concert for the life, death, and pure joy of the POD."  And little Melissa, I still love the poem you wrote...wish you would post it again, & leave it this time!  Wink  Yes, keeping your water-logged car & using it for a planter, sounds like a good idea....I mean if you really intend to live like a true "Redneck", Ha...You could even turn it into a smoker, & smoke turkeys & fish!  ! ! !  Are you SURE you won't be able to get it fixed?  I would re-search that maybe it takes a long time to dry out everything!   Because I'm thinking about all of the cars saved after Hurricane Katrina....Couldn't they save them?   And the picture you posted of those horses watching the commotion going on with your car is "PRICELESS".... You went to watch them, & here they were watching you & that pussy Dave....& he was so cold that WHAT?   Your descriptions of your life just make reading your posts so much fun!   I don't blame you for "waiting" to continue your treatment....Just take it a day at a time.....Just try & get better before deciding what else to do.

    I went to the Radiologist yesterday for a check-up....Been taking Tamoxifen for 2 months, with no side-effects....She said, also, that Femara might help my Onco-type score a little, but I am so afraid to try something different!  I have 3 new bottles the Oncologist gave me, but I just am afraid to give up the Tamoxifen, for the Femare, considering the really bad side-effects some women have on that.  I have read the "Femara" links....And I also googled Tamoxifen vs Femara, & the long range benefits are the same..... As far as the Cyp2test, helping determine if you "metabolize" the Tamoxifen well....That has been found to not be helpful after all!  So what do you believe?  The Doc said the "GOOM-BAUH" in my breast that feels like an egg, is just where the MammoSite device WAS, & when they take it out, that space fills up with fluid, & sometimes it takes up to 2 years to go down....But her explanation of that "lump" just cracked me up!  I asked her...."Did you just make that up?"....And then SHE laughed!    I go for a one-sided Mammogram in May, & both sides in November!   I'm still very fortunate for coming through all of this as well as I have....

    Sherlaud....The gals are so right....Take notes of everything you want to ask, & you can get a copy of any test that they do!  Ask for your Final Patholigic Diagnosis Report.....Also your copy of the tests & biopsy's you had!  They will give them to you!  Then you will understand the whole diagnosis better.  I printed off the page on this site, where they ask you Diagnosis Information....Then I asked my Doc what each question meant, like ..."type of breast cancer'.."What stage it is?"....How many lymph nodes....How "Large is the breast cancer"..."What grade is the breast cancer cell growth?" And "Does the BC have progesterone receptors?"   & the questions about the estrogen receptors...etc!   This report always helps me, when I want to know something. 

    Okay you all....Jeannette  ♥

  • dotti
    dotti Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2010

    Hi Pods,

    I am the other poster from New Zealand, Just checking in, today is my half way day for rads, checked out by the nurse who said the pinkness and warmth is about what they expect at this stage  hmmm?  My still persisting edema they do not seem to know how long that will stay, still suppose that is a small price to pay if all this leads to getting life back to normal.

    The radiation team are so accomodating even giving me early appointments on Fridays so DH and I can go away for weekend of dog shows

    Alyson so sorry about your knee, my cousin in her late 60s did the same thing for two weeks with her shoulder, now had surgery , reset and healing well.

    Bye for now Gals, must away to bath 2 dogs ,nearly lunchtime here 

  • dsgirl
    dsgirl Member Posts: 193
    edited March 2010

    Hi again-

    StillVertical I hear where you're coming from, I chose not to have chemo, although the onc said it was extra insurance, but only a 1% diff. in my case.

    The radiation was a diff story, 10% diff so I did have rads.  Then came the hormone therapy with femara, another 10% diff, so I tried and decided not for me, my quality of life is more important than quantity at my age of 68,  I have several other health issues that will more than likely end my life long before a cancer recurrence happens. Hopefully I will not regret any of my decisions.

    I notice your diagnosis is similar to mine and am wondering why you chose chemo-  although I am new here  (and don't know anyone well yet ) I can imagine you saying to the doc, let's throw everything you have at this beast, you sound like your are a go-getter and enjoying life kind of woman, so I suppose that is the reason.  Your vivid descriptions of all your trials, tribulations and happenings in your life are very fun to read, and the horse pictures are great. Thanks for making us laugh even though it's not always funny.

    Hope you heal soon from the darn chemo and the car wreck, I was wondering how's your Dad doing after his fall ?????


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010


    I had lumpectomy in 3-09 and radiation 5-09. I have had a good bit of edema of the  trreated breast until just the past couple weeks. It is now almost back to normal and close to size of untreated side.  So it has taken a long time to settle down. Now I am hoping the diminution of swelling does not turn into the incredible shrinking boob! Would just like to be balanced.  Good luck to you and patience.


  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2010

    Hi Gals,

    I'm good. Preparing for grandD's first birthday party this weekend. I have nothing new in the medical area to report. GOOD for me.

    Idol SUCKED. I couldn't watch more than 10 minutes of it. Awful. Imagine the ones that they turned down? I actually preferred to watch Loser and that's only because it's too cold to be sitting outside right now. Any Cash Cab watchers? It's like winning the Cab lotto! only with trivia.

    Sherlaud - Please post your doctor visit results. I know it's a lot to remember, I'm so glad to hear that your dh is going with. Hope it's not complicated. Spar on this thread, just got a new puppy and named it Chee-Chee, she's a pretty little dachshound, there's a pic a few pages back, and you have a Russellhuahua that's funny. ...Back to serious now, get copy's of every test and keep them filed by day of the test. You are also allowed to request the disc of imaging tests too. Not Mammograms, but CT Scans or MRIs.  THAT IS YOUR PERMANENT RECORD. You never know what doctors are gonna do, they are just people too. I had one that moved away, wonder where my permanent record went then? In the trash?  I keep up with my own now. You never know when you will need reference to some treatment or test you had, where you had it and what the results were. It's good for later too. It's possible that you'll continue to get a variety of scans, bloodwork, etc. Keeping receipts is good too, as my hospital requires that you pay the co-pay before you get the test or scan, then they have a nasty habit of billing me for what I've already paid. Good LUCK, S. Let us know.

    SV - I totally understand you cancelling your new Onc visit. I would have been sick with anticipation. Was it just a consult with him? or did you cancel a planned treatment? I thought you already met him and some of his team? Is that not the case?  It's been over a month and UNC Chapel Hill was going to take over your care? I'm worried now, cause I thought that was all settled. And they decided that you were allergic? RUBBISH. If that's true, they should do a allergy test before a full treatment on EVERY newbie. Rolling Moby into the lake would be enough to make me want to stop the world, I wanna get off. Breathe, wait to quit reeling, and find the place where you can make decisions again. You know too much now to let them dictate what you choose to let them do to you. Plus, has any testing been done on you AFTER that lousy chemo? that should have destroyed any stray bad cells, right?  . . . . DAD REPORT?  he had a date, then he fell and smashed his shoulder? Crap. Bet that means surgery and PT visits. Hope that wasn't the only car at the beach.

    CB- I side with you. If you are currently on one med that works and does the same thing, without se's, but your new doc wants you to change???  WHY?  Is HE taking it?  Does he own stock? makes me wonder when they do that. Does he know something you don't?  I'm suspicious.

    Hi Dotti from NZ - You and Allyson are a day away from most of us, but we still have the same issues. I had redness and swelling with rads, they said the same thing to me, except one time when I complained about the swelling, the tech said something about having it drained??? My thoughts filled with images of needles and fluids and I said, "Nevermind, it's not that bad". It stayed very warm all thru rads and unfortunately, I blistered, it was really uncomfortable, and in the heat of summer too. No undergarment felt good, but I got a sleeper bra from a maternity store and it was thin and soft and felt better than going topless, which I did at night. I couldn't go to work like that. I put fresh aloe on the worst spots, but it's a gel, and had to wash it off before the next days treatments. I used regular corn starch then, didn't have to wash it off and it felt good and dry. Good Luck with that. The blisters cleared up pretty quickly after the rads were done, it takes a while longer for all the redness to go away. The whole area peeled. like a sunburn. Has anyone mentioned the shrinkage factor? When all the swelling from surgery, then rads finally goes away, you may have a different size on that side.  (That really pissed me off that no one bothered to mention that.  It takes even longer for the worry and concern and 'wonder what's gonna happen now' feelings to go, especially if you drive your car on roads that fall out and roll the car, you, your dogs and your wussy companion into a freezing lake where there is no one to help but ferrel horses. (See SV's earlier posts). ((Just kidding, SV, you amaze me)).

    I'm jealous of the TATA Sisterhood and their plans to go to Vegas in October. Has anyone else been lurking on their thread as they plan their second Annual Get-2-gether? That sounds like so much laughing and fun, you'd never want it to end. I will hold on to the hope that one day the PODSisters will get together and have a super fun fast weekend. In the meantime, I'm really glad you're here!

    Healing vibes to those that need them. I have a few extras just in case.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010
    Good Eve PODS, and hey Dotti. If I have not said it before,wlecome and if I have, welcome! DSGril, Right now they are trying to ween me off of Prempro (hormone replacement therapy for menopause). My meno symptoms are so profound that my quality of life goes to zero. So chemo is offered as adjuntive therapy because they cannot get me off Prempro yet. They tried once (but cold turkey after surgery, after 20 years on it) and I ended in the hospital. So now docs are blaming my long tenure on Prempro for getting BC saying I should tough out the symptoms of not taking it.Like what is wrong with me that I amnot tough enough.  Yeah, you try to live in my skin for two minutes if I am not on Prempro. I was lucky in that my ONC and RAD ONC saw me off Prempro and both said I was in such bad shape that they could not treat me for the cancer. It appears genetic to the women of my family and is truely beyond awful. Hormones or die-no Tamoxifin or die-chemo gives me 3% off of 28% return if I do nothing-die-RADS gotten lost in the % wars-but that and Tamoxifin drops my chances to 11% chance of return supposedly. But must be off Prempro to take Tamox for five years. Point being, no one truly seems to know what they  they are doing when faced with a difficult patient (in my humble opinion) and there is s ton of $$$$$ made off of these drugs including chemo-too much to invent a cure, I am sure. Oh get me going on a new conspiracy theory!! Fell a sleep and did not print posts. Trying to get B-day cards out.I am in AA (21 years sober) and seems everyone gets sober in the spring. So trying to sort out the 'alcoholic b-days' to get cards out. And yes, alcoholism is a progressive disease that always fatal (often other people before us). Chances of full recovery in 1988 when I got sober the second time (came in in 1986 for all the wrong reasons) was 3 people in 100 in five years if patient completed 2 years aftercare counseling. But successful treatment program for peoplelike me (not for the rich) have been so gutted that the "wins" have drop to1 in 100 with seven trips to a rehab, if one can afford a good one!! Oh help me PODS, I am too decrepit to get off of my soapbox. I marched in the Washington in 1969 and 1970 AS A REPORTER! Now I would need to be in a wheelchair.  And my Dad and brother have SUVs but here is the sticky WICKET-when I do something wrong or something happens to me (accident), I am a f-ing loser and Dad gets on the 'wish I'd never had you as a daughter-done nothing with your life and on it goes. Meanhwile my borther has 3 DUI's, been wrecking cars since he was 15,  and felony threats to kill with a sniper rifle(and he has moved home with us recently) but the apple of Dad's eye. Frankly I hate him because he is a pathological liar and that is just the beginning. So, today I asked if I could use Dad's car to go to bank and he says, "I have only insured John to drive my car so no you cannot use it" I swear he sits there at night with his scotch and just thinks up wicked things to hit me with on the one hand, while playing the dutiful and supporting Dad, in the cancer battle. I am thinking he is doing that now only because it makes him look good in church. I was the 'wildchild runaway from a crazy alcoholic homewhen I was 16 and brother John born then.' I really do not know the kid, but what I do know I cannot stand. He is a sulky evil little prick! OHHHH, Guess who needs to do a resentment inventory-that be me!!!Kiss SV
  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2010

    Bet you would name it too. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    I would love to host the PODS here on the Outer Banks-it truly is breath taking and so much fun. But I know other folks live in glorious places too. Keep it in mind. if I had the $$$$$ I would bring you all here immediately! XXOO, SV Think of a name as "TaTa" sisters is already taken. Fob Follies?