Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2010

    Rita, I am so happy you like the potato soup recipe, isn't it just one of the simplest in the world? and tastes soooooo good. I may try the chicken broth too next time.

    Thanks for letting me know you like it.

    gentle hugs to all

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Thanks Twin - I just ordered it from  Haven't had any problems but not a bad idea to have it on hand just in case symptoms appear. 

    Hi everyone. 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2010

    Patoo, you are so funny "twin"

    Welcome to the POD all you new chooks.  We are just a tid bit crazy sometimes but lots of fun and good advice.

    I have been sick with  a chest cold, have coughed so much my stomach muscles are hurting, my throat is so sore. 

    SV am really curious about how your dad's date went and if you waited up. LOL.  Have missed all you ladies and hope all are doing good. 

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2010

    Illinois Lady - I just love your pic. It makes me smile everytime I look at it. Smile

    Welcome to all the ladies new to this thread. You will find it informative, at times humorous, and always a source of comfort.

    Have a great evening. Chris

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited March 2010

    Jo, I must be a triplet. I just ordered the book too!


  • sherlaud
    sherlaud Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2010
    Hi!  Thanks for all the info on the numbness, etc!!!  I really didn't get a great deal of info after my diagnosis - just hurry to mammo, hurry to ultrasound, hurry to MRI, hurry to biopsy, hurry to surgeon..............all in a day and 1/2......  I had surgery on the 23rd, diagnosed on the 11th (Febr. 2010).  Had a trip planned to visit my brother in Houston - left the 12th and came back the 15th  - to see where he is living  now and meet his daughter and her family!!!!!  Felt (and still feel) a little shell-shocked!!  I go to see my surgeon on the 3rd of March, hopefully I will have the full diagnosis then!!  Don't know what happened with the lymph node thing......was told I would have a sentinel lymph node biopsy with the blue dye and radioactive tracer shot (ouch!).  Woke up to the axillary  node dissection, numbness etc. and not much explanation (granted I was REALLY out of it, but my husband didn't  get much info either.....)  My guess is they found cancer in the sentinel node and had to check the rest.  Now all I do is wait, wait, wait.........hope the new is better then I expect on the 3rd!!  I have really enjoyed the pictures - the beautiful cardinal (they are spectacular in the sun-so RED!).  Well, guess it's bed time for me!!  Pain pills here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2010

    Hey PODS, Just checking in. Welcome new gals! It's been 2 1/2 years for me, and I still feel like I'm coming out of a long dark tunnel, I didn't think I would ever get to a place where I actually had advice to share, but now I find myself responding to newly diagnosed ones with all the love and care that I found in here. IT'S THE BEST.

    I have this new, itty bitty netbook and I'm afraid to load Picassa for fear it will take up a lot of space. I took a pic with the onboard cam and have tried four different ways to get it to post in here and it just keeps opening a new window with the pic. ARGH.  Theres an icon for inserting images, can't seem to figure that out either. Maybe I'm too tired tonight.

    Another day arises soon enough. One day at a time. Good luck to those that need it. Blessings to all,


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010
    OMG POD SISTERS! The unthinkable happened today. David and I were in the back country looking for wild horses and good God believe it or not, I completely totalled my Merc Mountaineer! Geesus, when does it end? I was driving on an embankment and the earth fell out from under me. We rolled into a lake-for real. My entire car filled with the dirtiest coldest swamp water that I have ever been in. In fact, I am not sure any experience can compare. THANK GOD FOR DAVID-I AM TOO WEAK FROM SURGERY AND CHEMO TO DO WHAT WAS NEEDED TO BE DONE TO SAVE MY ASS. David got me and the dogs out just as the car filled with water and the electronics died (like the windows). God we were soaked and then had to hike out for help. Nothing like this has ever happened to me and I am in shock. I am so sorry I cannot get to everyone's posts-i am sooo sore. AND, my Dad fell in the kitchen yesterday and fractured his shoulder!!! i am just stunned. I truly think SATAN has moved into our house and I need a way to get the bad 'juju' outta' here! God, so sorry for not getting to everyone's posts but I am beside myself at this point. Wrecker came and was able to 'right' the car and pull it out of the lake but the inside is still draining swamp water, the engine is fried and I have no insurance to cover it! Good God-just shoot me! SV
  • dsgirl
    dsgirl Member Posts: 193
    edited March 2010

     Ladies, Pods, thanks for the welcome to this board.

    And Jo-5, Thanks for the info on the book, I need to get it. My fluid buildup is in the breast, around the scar from lumpectomy, so far my arm seems ok, no swelling there, but there are numb spots, a little so called webbing at the wrist, sometimes my hand tingle like it's been "asleep", all of this is bearable, just as long as one knows it's part of the new "normal".  I go for my first mammogram tuesday since before surgery, I am think ouch ouch, breast still very tender and needs to be "babied". See my surgeon after the mammo.

    I live in "podunk", no bookstores, not much of anything, but go to the big city for my treatments, docs, some culture etc, so will look for book tomorrow, we go up to Fort Worth the day before, it's a 4 hr drive, settle into a motel, and do the appts. the next day, so I should have some time for a bookstore.

    Oh, StillVerticle, I have read about all your trials with the chemo, and now a wreck, so glad you and friend are ok though, but bad news about your vehicle.  Sorry about all this. Yes, I'd say that enough BS for you, enough already.

    Have a great week


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    Welcome DSgirl and glad you found us.  I don't have a whole lot of knowledge, but I am very understanding  and try my best to cheer people up or on....whatever they seem to need at the moment.  This is not a fun trip or really as easy one, but being able to share with those who really know makes it a lot easier to go through.  Strength and a good sense of humor help too.  We will hold you up, ease you down or just hug you when you need it.  You can vent, cry, ask questions and anything in between.  This is your home away from home that hopefully is just as good as home.  Please keep coming back.

    I'm off to my recliner.  Long day working catching up on my two and a half days of not doing much.  Still waiting for the virus to waddle off into the sunset w/o me.  A bit better last night and not so bad tonight either.

    On the way home....I saw the man in the moon.  Hadn't thought about that in so very, very long.  Brought lots of thoughts of Mom and the way she talked about the man in the moon.  Here in southern Illinois ( probably the whole state ) the moon looks so close to the earth you feel if you drive a bit farther you'll drive right under the moon and be able to talk to that man.  I also love the fact that stars are so much more visible here than they were when we lived in California....and the big white fluffy, billowing clouds that hang around here so often.....the few in California were light, thin and wispy.  You couldn't float around on them at all, nor see shapes of anything in them.  It's a wonderful thing ( except for some of the winter ) living here at home again. 

    See you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

    glad you all liked the kitty picture.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    Here's a real cutie as well:

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited March 2010


    I had eight nodes taken out because my sentinal node did not show up with the dye.  It happens some times.  All my nodes were clear.  I wish the same for you.  :)

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2010

    Just returned from a three day weekend at the Mission Inn in Riverside

    what a wonderful place...

    It even snowed up in the mountains...nice and warm where we the seventies..

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    Morning gals!  And SoCalLisa, what a beautiful place to be!  And good photography...Did you take the pictures yourself? 

    And dsgirl ....Where is Podunk Texas?  I couldn't find it on the map!  Wink  I was reading your posts, & then I noticed MY ouch breast has sort of a "lump" where there should be a "divot" I thought...It's under the scar, so maybe it's just scar tissue...??? I go see the Radiologist just for a check-up tomorrow, so I'll ask her....It doesn't really hurt, just a little sore still.

    SVMelissa.....Oh man, I am soooooo sorry!  I just KNEW you were up to no good, when I didn't see you posting!  I just Thank God that you got out of it alright!  How AWFUL!!!!!  Maybe that mud-bath will do you some good....or just wipe you out altogether!!!!!   I just can't imagine being in a car rolling like that into a lake!   Oh honey, I'm so sorry...... And then your DAD????  You know, I believe if anything can happen to anyone, it would be to you....You should just stay in the house, in bed, under warm blankets with your dogs, & have meals sent to you, for at least a month! Wink  And take your computer to bed with you, so you can post....

    Jackie....I loved reading what you said about the Man in the Moon, & about the clouds in Illinois!  You sounded magical....I know, I love those little things also!   And was that a picture of your little dog?  Such a sweetie!

    Okay mighty mighty Pods....gotta get this day going...Love you all!  Jeannette  ♥

    I DID it...!!  I think it was "Suzie" on another thread that had this cutest heart by her name, so I tried to figure out how to do it...Hope she doesn't mind...Wink

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2010

    SV........oh my gosh!  What a nightmare experience you've had!  I would have panicked and had the big one!  I am SO glad that your friend got you and the dogs out of the vehicle!  You are certainly DUE for some good luck.

    O.K. Jackie, I keep telling myself that if you can figure out this picture-posting process, I should be able to do it, too.  As soon as I get my taxes together this week, I am going to take the time and try to get it accomplished.  I will probably be picking your brain!

    SoCal Lisa.....what lovely pictures!  The details in that architecture are fantastic!  Thanks for sharing!

    Pam, did it warm up down there this weekend? 

    Well, I hope everybody has a good start to your week.  I'm going to start digging things out for my taxes.  This is the week!  I've put it off for long enough and it's beginning to bother me because it takes me quite awhile to get it all together so..............

    Catch you later!


  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2010

    Oh, SV, thank God you are still alive!!  I am so sorry about your crash, thank God for David for saving you and your dogs. (((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))).  Your poor Dad! Is he in the hospital? I hope he makes a quick recovery and he has little pain.

    Lisa, the photos are breath-taking....a little piece of Heaven, perhaps?

    dsgirl, I call one of my outside kitties "Podunk"...I know where you are coming from.  Good luck at your appointment and get copies of everything!

    Jackie....I want that puppy!!

     gotta go................things are starting to hop here at work...........................

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    OMG ---  where was my head.  Somehow I just didn't "notice" SV's post about the earth giving out under her car and ending up in the swamp water.  My goodness, you are the one putting the Capital A in Adventure --- not the good kind either.  Hope things settle a bit for you soon.  This is so much for one person to have to deal with and overcome.  Is this a story of your life or have these "events" just come recently  in such numbers.  Hope your Dad is ok and will get ok soon.  Maybe his date will come over and help soothe his owie. 

    The pic is of a Puggle and we have one.  They are extremely cute dogs but this is a puppy pic and Chico hasn't been a puppy for quite some time.  They are really fun. 

    Rita -- Jeanette took me under her wing very patiently to get me to be able to put pics on a web-site etc.  I still amaze myself that I actually managed to do it.  I do not have too much talent where computers are concerned and though it still more manipulating than you probably have to do....I get there much to my amazement every time. 

    I hope you all get better and things just go right for everyone.  No one deserves it more.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010
  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2010

    So sorry for you misadventure SV, am so thankful you are ok.  Sorry about your dad falling sure hope he heals fast.  You need a break.  Since Satan can't read your mind you probably need to talk out loud to him and tell him to get his butt out of your home and life that you will never belong to him. 

    I too love watching the moon and stars and see shapes in the big billowy clouds.  Love sitting down by the pond just watching the ripples in the water and listening to the music of nature.

    Tomorrow is the appt with the ortho surgeon, was suppose to be today but they changed the appt.  Well, still have not heard a word from my grandson that is only 30 miles away now.  It really hurts my feeling. 

    DH has had a time with the sewer lines busting and had to dig down pretty deep to fix it, then he had to take the boards off of the deck because there was a crawl hole and all the animals began using it for a potty, so he had to rake all that out and then close the deck up good.  He was rather irritable that day.

    Can't believe it is March already, this is the month for the oncology check up.  I have so much scar tissue I don't see how they tell anything. 

    Lisa, the pictures are wonderful, that looks like such a great place to stay.

    Wishing everyone a good week.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2010

    spar, did the sewer lines freeze? How awful that your dh had to deal with that and the crawl space potty box......are you sure he was  JUST  "rather irritable"??????

    Hoping for the best with your ortho appt tomorrow.......gentle hugs.  Keep us posted.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    Jackie, that was the most adorable picture!  So sweet! 

    Spar...I know....I miss phone calls from our Grand-sons in Orlando, but they call every week!  Doesn't it just make your heart sing, when you hear their voice?   It just makes me think of them when they were little guys!  They were always with me & Papa, & were so much a part of our lives, when they were young!  And yes, the scar tissue.....I'm asking the Radiologist tomorrow, if it is SUPPOSED to feel this a lump in stead of a "divot"...after the lumpectomy!   It has just been since Dec. 4th...& no pain, but it just feels funny....Yeah, I know, I am STILL so fortunate though!  Going to stay on the Tamoxifen for 5 years I think....And so far, no side effects!  Smile

    SVMelissa....How are you doing girl?  I think you will be sore for days to come, NOT that you weren't already!  How is your Dad....Man, I can't leave you two alone for a minute!  I feel bad about your car too.....But honey, it could have been soooooo much worse!  And you had to walk out of there?  Soaking wet?  What a night-mare!  Thank God, you are alright...sort of!    I know you will come out of this Okay, because it's just your nature....BUT, I just wish I could have helped you!   I just read the poem you wrote, & I love it so much!  Take care little Melissa....

    Love you girls....Jeannette  ♥

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2010
    OMG SV... I'll bet you are sore, and not just muscle sore, but PISSED OFF SORE. I'll betcha you've driven in those areas a thousand times and nothing like that has happened. Are you alright? SUX about the car. really sucks. There's a reason you weren't alone with the dogs that day. And it has nothing to do with Satan. Just thank Goodness that you got out. And Dad busted his shoulder... man when it rains on you it pours. I saw the moon last night too. Jackie, the way you wrote about the man in the moon took me away, far away to where my grandmother was telling me about that man. Thanks that was a sweet memory.Lisa, beautiful. I travel via your awesome photos. JO, you'll be glad to hear that as soon as I get some money, I'm ordering that book too. I know this breast is swollen, there's no other explaination and I've noticed my arm and hand feel funny and my rings mostly stay tight when they didn't used to. Spar, the grandkids are self absorbed. You know that grandson loves you. Its hard to understand when you've done so much for them and they don't even come visit. I suggest you give the boy a call and invite him for dinner one night that he's free. When you feed them, they will come. Works every time.I had a pity party today, hate that feeling. New Neighbors in the back had trucks trimming all their trees. There is a huge gorgeous Live Oak that they trimmed the crap out of, and they were mulching up all the limbs, it was so loud. I almost cried as each of the huge limbs that took decades to grow were chain sawed off and fell to the ground. Too cold to be out there anyway.~Connie
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars.                                    [Martin Luther]

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    A little piece for all of us above.  I too love ( along with the clouds and man in the moon ) beautiful trees.  I live in a very large grove of trees by the lake and when I come home I think of it as coming back --- down my little winding dirt lane -- home where all the sentinels have been standing guard awaiting my return.  There are a minimum of 60 or so trees right around us with a lot more past that --- the 60 are my guards though.  The birds love them, including big owls  as well as lots of squirrels during the day time hours. 

    All is fine here.  Am sorry some of you are having "blue" days and getting into a bit of a funk now and then.  I think maybe it is in part due to, at least this year, the long winter.  Don't know about any of the rest of you, but I only seemed to realize a really short while ago that I nearly felt like I was in mourning about something.  I thought about it and realized that my illness made me feel that I had gotten about two years behind ( almost nothing but extremely basic things were done here by anyone ) and that I had so much catching up to do and am still finding myself thinking I will never really get caught up again. 

    There are more things I could "lament" but I will let it go for now.  Hope tomorrow is really nice for all of you, because you are all wonderful and are so deserving.  From my home to you and yours, warm healing hugs and sweet dreams and smooth and gentle sailing always.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2010

    SV...I hope you're all dried out from your little 'adventure'  Lucky lucky lucky you all got out safe and sound.  I have a fear of my car electrics trapping me in water, so much so that I tried to get the old fashioned wind-up windows put into my last new looked at me as if I was a silly little woman !!! I can't imagine how it must have felt for you. Look after yourself for a while now....and that father of yours....what antics he gets up to, as bad as a teenager in the house.

    Was very busy tiling all w/end....can't trust DH to do these jobs....his favorite saying is 'it'll do' well, it WON'T do for me, I like a tidy job, not a slap bang thankyou ma'am job ! I would rather pay someone to do jobs for me, tho' I do like do that myself....altho' I have to admit to being heartily sick of tiles after 2 days flat out, and still about another 3 days to go. I am always doing something to the house, my DD and DS keep giving me odd remarks about 'wasting money on the house' They can see what they think is 'their' inheritance being squandered!! probably think I should keep the money in the bank for them to share, but as long as I feel the need to go on adding to the house then I will do !!  My next project is a large open porch on the back door, part log store/part somewhere for the cats to sleep.....they are, like me getting on a bit, always sitting by the back door waiting to be fed, so they may as well have somewhere warm and dry. I can't let them in the house, my Daxies would kill them, they have hysterics when they see a cat out of the window, so a cat inside is a non starter.  I do miss a big old cat plodding around the house, but I just daren't let them in. I haven't had a cat inside for 15 years.

    We have had an absolutely lovely day here, a bit chilly, but sunshine from 8 am to 6 pm....must have heard me moaning about the wet. I have to visit my Aunt tomorrow....lucky me.... apparently she has had another fall !! I was called this afternoon to say she had been to hospital and got checked out, and was 'resting' in was pointless my going today. I am on the warpath tomorrow, I didn't get a call until 3 pm, and she was in hospital just after midnight last night, kept there all day, returned to the psychiatric unit this afternoon. The home say they have called and left 2 messages on my answerphone, but, of course, there IS no message on it. I checked to see if they were calling the right number, they were, but still I never took a call from them. No doubt their stories will all tally, and I will be wasting my time shouting at them.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Dearest Pods, OK here is a photo of 'Moby Dick" (my Merc Mountaineer) being pulled out of the big, deep pond that David and I fell into. Slipped off the left side of the birm and rolled into pond sideways. The wave it generated rolled over the top of the roof of the car and the hood. We had to crawl out of driver's side window. The car was jacked upright and is being towed (wenched out) out by Larry of A-1 Towing (he is a friend). Good Grief - "Moby Dick" was in water up to the windows. The onlookers at the back of the pond are wild horses going "WTF-Tourists!" David said he hit the water and his 'nuts' went into his brain-it was so cold. He is 6'2" and the water at the deepest part where the car was hit at his armpits. I wish I had a pix of his face. Enjoy and blessings to Larry as he took the car apart for free today and thinks it can be fixed. I need everyone's prayers!! XXOO SV

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    Oh my.....I sure hope it can Melissa and you will have all the prayers I can muster and then some.  It is time for good things to come to you.  Enough already.  I'm off to my recliner....had a long day but not feeling too worse for wear.  Still some odd feelings now and then but daily I seem to be working away from whatever bug had me in its grasp.  Been glad when I'm back to normal. 

    Isabella - you work too hard.  But then I know, we have to do what we can for as long as we can because there are some and your one --- that do needs things to be done with care and not hap-hazard slam, bang and I'm onto the next item.  I would rather it take a long time right and then I don't have to gnash my teeth everything I look at something. 

    See you all tomorrow.  Hi to all not posting right now.

    Warm hugs,  Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010


  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2010

    Lordy- Don't be embarrassed after all you've been through, we are just glad to hear (see) you posting. YOU cracked me up with david hitting the cold water, rather the water hitting him. Betcha he will either never ride with you again, or will be the driver and stay on paved surfaces!!! HAH!  I DO hope they can fix it, I wondered, because once it gets dried out, it will likely run again, although your electricals will be forever odd. And might as well replace the seating cause you will never get the smell out. Swamp mud, salt water and silt, muck. probably even little critters got in there and will stink to high heaven. 

    SV - When you get out again, warn the neighbors, OK?

    I'm having the family over on saturday for first granddaughter's first birthday and I cannot make myself get up and clean up. DD spent Sunday afternoon visiting with her slack dh and letting him see the baby, he had the nerve to show up over here (like for a visit?) when the last two things he had to say to me, after he left their home, after she filed papers against him were:  "Well, people change" as he was driving away from his wife and child. And "FXXX YOU x3" when he got served. I did not want to see him, had nothing to say to him, couldn't even look at him without disgust. He began to chat, AS IF, I excused myself and left the porch until he was gone. All I have to say about that is IF THAT BABY HADN'T BEEN THERE.... He would have heard a lot of not very nice things from me. Now, I Know that he thinks he is invited to the birthday party just because its his daughter. But there are 2 great-grandmothers who plan to be here and will not hold their tongues and they KNOW what he's done, a LOT of it.. the nasty language, the drinking, the stealing her things to sell them or pawn them for drug money, maxing out HER credit card because he doesn't have one, taking her ATM card and taking food and diaper money for his own selfish use. AAAAAARRRRRGGGHH. I've decided that he has a Peter Pan complex. He doesn't want to grow up.

    Enough about that.

    The President of the USA is in town today. Wouldn't you lke to think that he could just stay in DC and DO HIS JOB, without dragging all the staff and ontourage on AirForce1, then the limo's. cutting off streets, closing school, heightened alert with the military and the local law. What outrageous spending it must be, I'll BET that I could live on a year on what it cost just for him to visit here. and WHY? to talk BS to local politicians? wasteful, wasteful. The first stop was the local technical and trade college---BUT they cancelled classes today???  WHO did he talk to?   . . . business is so bad, development here is stagnant, growth here is stagnant, unemployment nears 30%. And WallyWorld is building the largest fricking WW in the SOUTHEAST on the spot of land that they left abandoned about 10 years ago. Did you know that when they build in your town, they do NOT hire local contractors?, do NOT buy the materials in your town? They DO NOTHING to support the local economy. Every quarter you spend there goes AWAY from your community. They are unfair to women employees, they import massive dollars of often contaminated crap from China, who hates us. Have you ever seen your local WallyWorld employees sponsoring any charity??? Nope. They undermine the local economies by taking business away and destroying the mom and pop shops. They are the anti-christ of American economics. Wal-M is out for ITSSELF - NOT the American way. We boycott them and their little brother Sam's.  I KNOW crap is cheaper there, it's NOT worth it. It's like a socialist department store, stomping the life out all the independent locally owned businesses.

    Wow, didn't mean to go off like that, they just grate on my last nerve.

    Well, typed right thru lunch. Later,


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Connie, it really is funny because i always accuse him of being a "pussy" in his off road driving (like this has been going on for a decade). When we went into the lake, he screamed like a baby but thank God he manned up and crawled out of the window and saved my pathetic ass (and my dear pups). While we were riding back in the tow truck I finally admitted to him that I would forever bow to the "pussy man." AND I AM SO GLAD THE PRES IS AT YOUR END OF THE STATE-LIKE JOHN EDWARDS ISN'T ENOUGH???? Obviously, he feels he needs to try to pump the demo vote as Edwards blew it all so bad!!! Have you read "Andrew's" book (I think that was the name of his aide). He was on Opray a few days ago and my Lord, politicians have taken on a whole new level of 'smarmynus." I NEVER THOUGHT PEOPLE COULD STOOP SO LOW. Well, at least he is making money! Love you, SV PS, OMG I missed your WAllyworld rant, Connie. yup, but things so expensive here, there is not much choice. XXXOO, SV