Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Oh, and Lettuce Entertain You ( is a restaurant chain, founded in the 1970s by Rich Melman. Fritz That's It! was one of its restaurants, located in Evanston (in what is now the Merion luxe senior bldg.) and known for its brunches. The first, RJ Grunts in Lincoln Park, is still going strong despite having nothing special (it is family-friendly, has burgers, and is convenient for tourists visiting the zoo & Conservatory). Fritz is gone now, as are: Jonathan Livingston Seafood in Edgewater, known for its seafood buffet; Lawrence of Oregano in east Lakeview (Italian, specialized in osso bucco); Scoozi in River North (also Italian, which made risotto every hour); Brasserie Jo (casual French, in the "Viagra Triangle"); Bones, in Lincolnwood (BBQ); Hat Dance (Mexican-Sushi, also in RIver North); The Eccentric, co-owned with Oprah Winfrey; and Michelin-starred Everest (south Loop, atop a skyscraper, exquisite upscale Alsatian with prices to match; the pandemic killed it). Corner Bakery and Maggiano's Little Italy used to be part of the chain, but broke off when they were able to start their own chain nationwide.

    Currently, besides RJ Grunts, the chain includes Big Bowl (Chinese noodles) and Wow Bao (steamed buns); Wildfire (grilled meats, fish & BBQ, downtown and OakBrook); Mon Ami Gabi (French, in Lincoln Park and in the Paris Las Vegas—the toughest table in town there); Sushi Samba (Fulton Mkt. restaurant row, Japanese-Latin fusion); Aba & its spouse—uh, sister Ema (both Israeli-influenced); Beatrix (brunchy); Ramen-San (including its insanely expensive Omakase Room); RPM Steak, RPM Seafood & RPM Italian (near North, all pricey and co-owned with Bill & Giuliana Rancic); L. Woods in Lincolnwood (in the old Bones location, a version of a typical North Woods WI "supper club," which sounds elegant but is anything but); Cafe Ba-Ba-Ree-Ba (Lincoln Park) and Li'l Ba-Ba-Ree-Ba (River North)—tapas & paella; Bub City (River North—casual cowboy-style BBQ with a country music focus); Joe's Seafood & Steak (formerly Joe's Stone Crab) in River North; and a host of newer ones with which I can't keep up. We are members of its loyalty program—and there are so many of its restaurants that except for dining in our 'hood, most of our dinners out either earn us points or let us redeem them for discounts. And no, we haven't even tried every local joint in the chain.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Sandy, I have a gas 2016 Subaru Forrester and my screen and radio stopped working a few weeks ago. I made an appointment to have it serviced for the next morning but when I got in my car to go to my appointment, the radio worked fine. I guess it rebooted? I went to the appointment and told the tech what happened, he said they couldn't check the radio/screen if it was working. He told me there was an update on my radio system but he didn't recommend I have it as they were having issues with the update. Apparently they did the update in some cars but then the car's radio would crash and they couldn't get them to work. Knock on wood, I won't have problems with mine again.

    I will not buy a hybrid or EV as long as I can keep driving my gas car. I think it is utterly stupid to go electric when the infrastructure / electrical grids can't handle the usage they have now! I just read the other day that there were issues with the electric again in Texas and summer is far from over! In addition to the issues you mentioned, Sandy, what the heck are all the people who park on the street supposed to do? When and where are they supposed to charge their cars? Crazy! Not everyone has a driveway and a garage to park their car in to charge it. I have a driveway, but our garage was made into a room.

    Cardplayer, thank you so much for the link, I passed the information on to my brother!

    Carole, I am so sorry to read about your cousin.

    Harley, awesome that you are going to learn Spanish! Just know that there are differences in the language. My step-son's wife was born and raised in Puerto Rico and she told me once that she couldn't understand the Spanish spoken in many South America countries. Your trip sounds wonderful!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,366

    Stepson just bought a Tesla because he couldn’t get ahold of a Bolt to purchase. He has free charging at the hospital he works at. Electric is the future, though I’d opt for the hybrid combo for our driving habits.

    Coming back from Ireland I can tell you they were pushing us at the rental car company to take the diesel. It cost 330 euros more, but they assured us we’d get it back in gas savings. The diesels stunk, like fumes to cause your lungs to shut down, let alone the pollution factor. We didn’t take the bait and stuck with unleaded petrol. Expensive but doable.

    I purchased 4 premade pots of flowers to stick into my pots. Then it was so hot I thought I’d die getting them in, but the sky grew dark with rain near, and I went out to get them potted. Thunder rolling caused me to work faster. I got them in, cleaned up the dirt around them (fast = messy), and watered them before a few rain drops hit me. Two beautiful full geranium plants will go out on the deck in those planters sometime tomorrow.

    Hose was in the pool, I was starting to fill it. But I turned it off before I showered tonight. It still has a bit to go. Tomorrow is another day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Sigh—as I suspected, you confirmed Subaru and its dealers are "punting" on this issue. I may check around at the increasingly dwindling number of car-audio specialists to see what kind of head unit I can get without dropping a couple of grand to rip apart my dash.

    This happened several times yesterday during the course of a 4-mile trip up & back to Lincolnwood. Now, I know that back in the day many cars didn't even have AM radios, period. (The first 6 years I had my little Datsun 1200 I kept a portable radio & cassette deck on the passenger seat—I didn't get an audio system installed until I'd moved here in 1978)! We had to navigate using maps—and if we planned a car trip, we'd go to the local AAA office and order a spiral-bound flip-book "Triptik" to map out our route. I remember the agent using little rubber stamps to mark "the constructions" (her words) along the route. We'd buy Mobil regional guidebooks too—and update them every few years. But you know what? If I'm gonna fork over $30K for a car with all the bells & whistles, I expect them to work—and have the dealer be able to make them work if they go blooey! Yeah, it's been 9 years—but seeing as how the average age of a car on the road is now 11.5 years, that's not too much to ask, especially as my Outback has only 45,500 miles on it.

    I have nothing against hybrids. I prefer them to gas-only cars. In fact, when we went to buy this Outback (for Bob, when his 2005 Ford Five Hundred bit the dust), I was driving a 2011 Ford Fusion Hybrid which I loved. We had intended to buy a Crosstrek Hybrid, until I learned that it didn't get much better mpg than the gas-only Crosstrek. And when I saw this fully-loaded Outback on the lot (a premature lease-return because the purchaser was suddenly transferred to Europe) with only 4,000 miles on it, I was hooked. It got only 2 fewer mpg than the Crosstrek Hybrid (which lacked a lot of the features in my Fusion); they asked $37K but I bargained them down to $30K because I paid all cash on the spot (and they wouldn't take the Five Hundred as a trade-in anyway). To put things in perspective, my Fusion Hybrid had cost me $39K…three years earlier!

    Bob didn't like the seating position & controls on the Outback—so it became my car and he got the Fusion. (We gave the Five Hundred to my godson—Gordy didn't want to drive, much less own a car. Still doesn't). He became obsessed with fuel economy and watching the little "leaves" on the dash grow into a veritable "jungle." Only reason he traded it in for a Tucson Hybrid last July was that it fell victim to "Ford disease:" a malfunctioning throttle body assembly, causing either sudden loss of power or uncontrolled acceleration. My 2002 Taurus did both in its last year of life. His had only the loss of power…but at 55mph on the freeway…twice. On both Fords, the dealerships couldn't reproduce that problem; and on the Fusion couldn't figure out if it was the battery, the hybrid battery, or anything else. On the Taurus the sudden acceleration was utterly terrifying (once was enough) and definitely caused by the throttle body…which would have required $3K to rip apart the dash to access it deep between the dash & engine, then install a new dash. Seeing as how I had 90,000 miles on it (and Bob had 175,000 on the Fusion), it was "time to say goodbye" for both.

    My ideal would be a plug-in hybrid: charge overnight to have enough juice to tool around town for a day w/o using a drop of gas; and though its hybrid mpg is slightly less than that of a hybrid-only car, it's still more impressive than even the most economical little gas-only car, with plenty of range for long-distance travel. Trouble is, they're scarcer than hens' teeth and neither Subaru nor Hyundai offer them in IL. (I really like everything else about my Subaru: safety, comfort, reasonable mpg, cargo capacity, and a wonderful dealership with a fantastic waiting area in the service dept.). I could get a Toyota Rav4 plug-in hybrid, but Consumer Reports no longer likes the Rav4.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    I bought a Toyota Prius hybrid in 2014 and I love it. At home we both use it most of the time. DH has a Toyota Tundra truck that isn't nearly so easy to park in a parking lot. I miss my car during the summer when we drive the Tundra up here in MN.

    At our ages, 80 and 84, I don't know if we will buy an electric vehicle. Recently at the farmers market, we talked to a young man who has a Tesla. He drives quite a bit in his work and he loves the car. He told us how much he had saved on gas in the first year. He charges his car in his garage at night.

    Texas's electric grid is separate from the rest of the country in order to avoid regulation.

    Yesterday was a cool dreary day. Today it's supposed to warm up. My project is to start washing the outside of the camper, using a soft bristle long handle brush. The camper needs waxing but I would have to hire that done. It's too big a job for me to tackle. First I will go to the gym and also to a couple of stores.

    Happy Monday.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905

    I talked with the lady who is going to board Tippy late yesterday. She will come by and pick him up at seven. I was feeling sad.

    I talked with my sister (who had a knee replacement a few years ago) about alarms during the night to take meds on four-hour schedule. Will have to buy another shaker for my alarm clock— $30. Won't open it unless I need it. The website was glitchy yesterday, so I will call them today. I might return it even if I use it, since I won't need it for very long. Conscience issues there.

    My cousin back home called last night. We had quite a long chat, especially about my desire to move back home.

    My experiment with making kefir was a failure. I finally looked it up and got it all wrong. Will do it better afterwards.

    I need to do laundry today, plus a bunch of other things.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,190

    I experience God when I release the thoughts that are unlike God. I realize that God has always been there, but that I needed to let go of what wasn’t God. I find God in relationships. I find God in nature. I find God in moments of creativity when I’m writing or when I’m teaching. Those are the primary routes that God uses now to come to me.    -Alan Cohen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,190

    I am following the car talk with interest. Even allowing for two sides to every story, there are some things in cars I'm very resistant to now. I know you have to likely move a lever or push a button to have it kick in but I do now want a car that can brake for you, steer itself or any of those things. If I'm to the point I can't figure how to manage those items I don't think I need to be driving anymore.

    Not fond of electric either and generally it is because we are so 'small' here getting equipped in your own garage as well as around town will cause who knows how many yrs. of stress.

    In theory I could drive many more yrs. so these things will be of concern for a long time. My car now has almost 156,000 miles. I've taken care of everything but one item that has been wrong so I'm actually in good shape for now. I just worry for when that mileage starts to creep closer to 200,000. The other thing is that while I love the look of many sedans the majority of them require that you encapsulate yourself in the car. In other words, the seat sits so low inside that getting in and out is for me quite un-comfortable — so I'm likely to have to remain an SUV owner. With my Equinox I sort of slide right in. My center of gravity just doesn't tolerate sedans any longer.

    Some catch-up today. That is my life story. Since retirement I'm always, but always behind. Mainly due to health problems getting in the way so I don't get too upset, but I sure hope I can continue some of my progress.

    It will be busy today. There is a wake to attend tonight and tomorrow we drive to Marion for my feet.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Monday. Hoping for positive results for you Mary and hugs for Tippy and adjustments for now for him.

  • petite1
    petite1 Posts: 2,346

    Hi, everyone. I think I mentioned my BFF has throat cancer. She is not a smoker. I have read throat cancer is on the increase for non-smokers. My thoughts have been involved with this. She is a woman of faith and for the most part dealing with her emotions and feelings through prayer. She does quote the 23 Psalm and finds it of comfort. Any of quotes of comfort would be helpful from the biblical lessons. Thank you.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    MCB: Good wishes for your surgery tomorrow. Hope they can manage your pain to your comfort level. Glad you had the opportunity to talk to family about relocating closer to them. Toppy will miss you but will be so glad to see you on return.

    petite1: I am not a Bible reader but hope that others can offer quotes that they are familiar with. I am sorry that your friend ahs to deal with this malady.

    MM: Sorry to hear about your family member needing a feeding tube. Hope she can adjust to using this for feedings. Getting sufficient calories will be the real challenge since diarrhea can accompany this type of feeding especially with continuous feedings vs bolus feedings. She will need support and I hope it is available to her.

    Illinoislady: Love how you snag these bargains at Goodwill. I have Farberware that is 48 years old and love it still. It was a wedding present and I have added pieces over the years but none in the last 20 or so. I need a screw for one of the handles to a large soup pot and reached out to Farberware but did not get a response. May try to use something from a hardware store to fix it.

    cindyny: Glad you enjoyed Ireland. It is such a beautiful country. Sounds like you are recovering from your cold.

    Carole: You sound busy as well with work on the camper.

    I, for one, will keep my current car for as long as I can afford to because I am not interested in an EV. My current car is a 2018 with about 7,500 miles on it. I am the original owner and really don't drive as much as I used to when I was working.

    I do not see how using an alternate fuel source is all that it is touted to be because fuel must be used to produce electricity plus the house fires caused by charging EV's are not something I want to experience. I would like to know what the average electric bill is for EV owners. We have lots of Tesla owners in the area because I live near the Mainline with lots of yuppies and McMansions. DH witnessed an accident between an Infiniti SUV and a Tesla yesterday and needless to say the Tesla did not fare well. Not a fan of Musk either so wouldn't want to contribute to his assets. I think I also have some concerns about how they are going to handle the disposal of the batteries for these cars.

    It seems sad news is affecting many on this forum recently. The former nursing school classmate who hosted the recent reunion had lost her DH about a year ago. Yesterday my BFF called to say that this same person lost her son on Sunday, just a week after the first anniversary of his father's death. She had been out to dinner with him and his family on Saturday night and all was well. He was only 40 and a lawyer. He leaves a wife and small children plus his 5 other siblings and their families. An autopsy was scheduled due to his age and no medical hx. I do not even have the words to offer her as consolation and cannot imagine losing a child. I know that some of you have lost a child so you can identify with her loss. It just seems so unfair to suffer 2 significant losses within a year to such a lovely person.

    It is muggy and hot here with more thunderstorms scheduled for this afternoon. Hope everyone ahs a good day.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Posts: 979

    I've been having pain in my left breast for about a month (I'm 9 years out from my lumpectomy, same breast). Had my annual mammogram today (not fun to have a sore boob squished flat), followed by an Ultrasound. Nothing showed up on either. Will see what my primary care Dr decides to do next, I'm guessing just wait and watch.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited June 2023

    Puffin, here's hoping it's just a delayed lymphedema or a strained muscle.

    Mary, best of luck on your upcoming TKR and subsequent rehab/recovery from it. Make sure they send you home with one of those ice-water-circulating machines, and have a good wedge pillow (or jury-rig something that shape on which to pile regular pillows so that you can elevate your leg fully-extended).

    Petite, for your friend who takes inspiration and reassurance from faith, I suggest one of my faves: Psalm 121 (in the Jewish version of the OT, aka Tanakh: "I lift my eyes up to the mountains, from whence shall come my help;" the melody to which it's set during High Holy Day services is uplifting and hopeful).

    It's now, as of midnight, our 52d anniv. We had planned to go to Millennium Park to see Riccardo Muti's last performance as CSO conductor, but the logistics would be a nightmare: Bob doesn't get off work till 5, neither of us could drive (his car would be locked in the Union Health lot overnight, he'd have to take 2 trains and we'd not be able to meet in time to get through the summer-security-line-Hellscape necessitated by "teen takeovers" of the park; and the streets between Lake Shore Dr. & Mich. Ave in the Loop are being blocked off and turned into the NASCAR track and stands for this weekend's race, and there would be nowhere to park). So we're going to Ever, a 2-Michelin-star restaurant, instead. Binged at bedtime as I will likely need to fast all day (it's an 8-course tasting menu w/wine pairings).

    I'd have wanted a Prius, as I'd rented one in 2009 to drive from Boston to a wedding in Salem and loved it. But the passenger seat cushion was too short and hit Bob's thighs in the wrong spot. And with its low ground clearance and front-wheel drive, a sedan is wildly impractical for Chicago winters. (And we don't have the garage or street parking space, nor can afford the extra insurance, for separate winter & summer cars). The fossil fuel burned to generate EV charging electricity is far less than that burned as gasoline (and many charging stations are solar-powered or on the wind-turbine grid). I really do prefer hybrids, even non-plug-in, to gas-only cars. I just like my Outback—and at 46,000 mi. it's still "new" by current standards. But though I'm willing to compromise by putting my phone in a vent-clip mount for navigation or calling, I draw the line at having to resort to a portable radio, Bluetooth speaker or media player on the passenger seat. This is not 1972, we're not grad students poor as church mice, and I'm not driving a barebones $2K 2-door Datsun econobox. Haven't heard squat back from the dealership. "For the want of a nail, the horse was lost…."

    Mav, any further word on what crashed your Forester's infotainment system, albeit (knock wood) temporarily?

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Happy Anniversary Sandy & Bob! It isn't so much how you celebrate, but that you can celebrate and still want to! Enjoy!!!! BTW I have no further information to share about why my Forrester's system went out. I am expecting it will happen again, hopefully not anytime soon.

    Petite, so sorry to read about your BFF. I don't read the Bible anymore so I can't offer quotes, but I bet you could google that "Bible quotes that give hope to those who suffer from cancer." Just a thought.

    Puffin, your bio doesn't say which type of breast cancer you had. As someone who has had breast cancer three times, IDC in both breasts 19 years apart and ILC 15 1/2 years after my first IDC, same breast, you are right to feel concerned.

    I was always told that pain was NOT a symptom of breast cancer. That is NOT TRUE, it definitely can be! My ILC was not found on mammogram, but was seen on US. I only had an US because I had an area of pain in my breast! It was a small spot but had been painful for months. The ILC was at the exact spot where my pain was! My advice, for what it's worth, is to wait and if the pain continues for another4-6 months, definitely see your doctor again and ask for another US. ILC doesn't form masses, it usually forms chains and thus is often missed on imaging until the tumors get very large. If your pain is from breast cancer, the tumor would double in size in 6 months and hopefully be seen on US. That said, I have pains in my breasts all the time and I no longer have real breasts! Your pain is likely benign, pain in the breasts is common, but pain that doesn't go away needs to be investigated. I think you are smart not to dismiss it.

    If it is any consolation, I am in a similar position of having pain in my rt reconstructed breast as well as bone pain, and I have to wait to see if it lingers for another 3 months at which time I will inform my MO. I told my BS about both last week, as well as mentioned some small masses I found, one right next to my breast bone and he dismissed all of it! Told me to tell my MO when I see if the pain continues! Ironically in the "visit notes" on my patient portal it states "patient denied any new masses or skin changes," and "patient denies any pain in spine" both of which are completely wrong! My thought after reading the "notes" was "were we at the same appointment?" I am not sure if I will see that doctor again.

    DH and I are headed out to Lancaster later this morning to visit my DS and BIL. Looking forward to it, but hope we don't have to drive in any down pours. We had storms yesterday and last night/very early this morning, and it is overcast and dismal looking outside. At least I don't have to worry about sun glare!

    Tomorrow I have a hairdresser appointment, Thurs. I will see my cardiologist (hopefully my BP will not be high as it was at the BS appointment), and Friday DH starts his PT.

    DH's adjustable bed is all ready for him to sleep on and I think he might start doing that tonight. We need to wait for a desk to be moved out of the room and for his dresser, bookshelf headboard, and closet clothes to be brought down, but we are waiting for his son, (my SS), and adult GS to come and move those things for him. Neither of us can move furniture up or down stairs anymore.

    Mary, sending good surgery vibes your way, and some "she will be back" vibes for Tippy!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Mary, hoping for great results from your surgery. I can understand the nervousness, which is normal. Tippy will survive and be happy when he is reunited with you.

    After the horrible defeat on Sunday, LSU came back and delivered their own humiliating defeat to Florida. DH and I felt sorry for the young Florida pitcher who was left out on the mound for several innings while LSU added runs to the score. It definitely is more fun to watch a game when your team is winning. On Sunday when LSU was being beat so badly, we turned to another channel. I did not attend LSU but it is considered the state team in sports. People who didn't even go to college cheer for the various teams.

    My 2014 Prius has only 40,000 miles since it is parked during the summers and most of the places we go at home are fairly close.

    I'm not an Elon Musk fan either. I hate the way the business channel folks fawn over him.

    Jackie, I don't want a car that drives itself, either. There are some advanced features that seem like a good idea, like automatic braking to avoid collision. And another feature that aids in keeping the vehicle in its lane.

    Puffin, I hope the wait and see approach ends up as nothing is seriously wrong.

    Wishing everyone a good Tuesday.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Posts: 2,051

    Sandy - Happy Anniversary! 52 years is a wonderful milestone. Thank you for remembering all the names of the funny named restaurants. Not sure how many we hit that summer I lived in Oak Park. I had weekends off and visited my friend in Evanston most weekends. Had lots of fun that summer.

    Mary - sending you healing vibes. Hope you’re recovering well from surgery.

    Puffin - sorry you’re having breast pain. I hope your PCP has some suggestions on what to do about your breast pain.

    Enjoy your visit with your DS and BIL Mavericksmom.

    Carole - glad to hear LSU won the game. Lots of good sports teams at LSU.

    We would probably purchase a hybrid or EV when we need to buy a new car. Need to get the garage setup to be able to power an EV though. Not many charging stations where we live. Would not buy a Tesla or a self driving car though. My DH drives a 2005 Camry with 50k miles on it. He just uses it in town though and we use my 2016 CRV with 54K miles when we travel around. We’ve lived close to where we worked, so we didn’t get lots of miles on our cars commuting.

    I had a grueling day yesterday. My back pain got to be too much for me and I was feeling awful. DH took me over to the ER around 10am. I was finally called back around 1pm. They did bloodwork, urinalysis and a CT scan. I was able to view the results on My Chart before seeing the ER doctor. My CT scan didn’t show anything serious (some changes since my last scan), but to my surprise I had a UTI. I was released from the ER at 5:30 with pain meds and antibiotics. Already dug out my AZO. Haven’t had a UTI since chemo. My PCP office has already called this morning to see if I want to have an appointment sooner than the one scheduled in 2 weeks. I’ve asked them to added a urinalysis to my labs. If my PCP can see me sooner that’s fine, otherwise we’ll leave it as is.

    Apologies for any omissions and misspellings. Hope everyone is safe from the storms and heat. Have a stress free day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Cardplayer, so sorry to hear you have a UTI. "Referred pain" is indeed a thing—could account for some of your back pain. May the abx & AZO work like a charm. Cranberry juice mocktails, too (vodka would probably be contraindicated with some abx like Flagyl).

    Well, turns out it was a good thing we ditched the plans for the Millennium Park concert tonight—air quality is up to 185! If I didn't know about the Canadian wildfires, I'd be wondering whose nearby house is burning (or what idiot is using a firepit in the daytime). It's a distinct smell, unlike that of the fireworks that usually start being set off in the run-up to the 4th. Really weird to be masking outdoors and unmasking when we get out of the cab and into the restaurant tonight! (I'm going to call the restaurant to see if I can get a half-pour of the wine pairings—not because of the price but because though I love great wine I need to restrict alcohol for bc reasons; I also really don't like feeling too "buzzed." Or maybe they'll give me an empty glass so I can take a splash from Bob's portion).

    Mary, hope your TKR is a success and you're not in too much pain from it. Not gonna lie—the first couple of weeks are trying; and you must get moving not long after the anesthesia wears off. Unlike after other types of ortho surgery, they want you weightbearing right away. Funny thing, though—when it stops hurting you will likely forget how much it hurt (sort of like with repeat childbirth). Don't overdo, but do try to move as tolerated. If you go to formal PT, they'll probably have you warm up on an exercise bike or recumbent elliptical. There is a website called that was started by a UK ortho surgical nurse—she doesn't believe in "physio," but she is definitely in the minority about that.

    Will you be an inpatient for awhile? Usual protocol around here is a 48-72 hr. stay before being released to either home care or rehab center; though there's a famous ("notorious?") guy at Rush who puts patients through their paces—including stair climbing—and sends them home as soon as they can safely ambulate with a walker or cane. (No, he wasn't my surgeon).

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,190

    I will be generous with my love today.  I will sprinkle compliments
    and uplifting words everywhere I go.  I will do this knowing that
    my words are like seeds and when they fall on fertile soil, a
    reflection of those seeds will grow into something greater.

    Steve Maraboli

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,366

    Mary sending good wishes your way, hoping surgery goes well.

    Sandy congrats on 52 years! Cars I’ve kept until they die. 2009 Chevy Malibu is left in FL. 2019 Impala has about 30k, it’s the NY to Texas to FL and return car. Our offices were very close so no commute miles here either

    Puffin I’m hoping your pain isn’t serious but I second doing due diligence on follow up.

    Cars - I think I’d love a self driving car in another 15 years. I’d like to get in and say take me to see my gf Donna; then sit back until I’m there. Kind of like a cab without the driver.

    Petite I too don’t read the Bible so I’m unable to pass along any quotes. But I can add her to my prayers.

    Birthday - yesterday was our normal family gathering at the house for pizza and cake. Before everyone left I felt sick to my stomach. After everyone left, I was. It was like a fast bug hit me and no one else. TMI warning - sitting on toilet holding the wastebasket, and sweating profusely. I laid on the cold tile floor, took off my wet clothing and had a towel over me. Calmed enough to fall asleep sitting up on couch, then bam …2nd round. I slept again for hours on the couch. After midnight I showered and after waiting a while I was able to go to bed.

    I had to get up early and go to grand jury selection. Felt like crap but knew I had to go or get bumped to another session. Survived and fortunately my number wasn’t picked. I was sent home before noon. Then I slept for another 3 hours. A birthday to remember!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Oh Cindy, you poor thing! Glad you got to go home early from the court and could get some much-needed sleep! Surprising that no one else got sick.

    Sandy, the Phillies are playing the Cubs and I am shocked that people have their tiny infants with them in the crowd given the horrible air quality! I can't believe so many people are at the game, and only a few with masks on. I can't believe they decided to play tonight. The Phillies canceled one of their games due to bad air quality. I do hope you and Bob had a good anniversary!

    Cardplayer, so sorry to hear about your back! I do hope you were able to get some relief from the pain!

    Carole, I thought of you and your DH when I heard LSU won!

    DH and I had a really nice visit with my sisters and BIL's. The drive home was horrendous! Pouring rain, to the point that when we were going through a road construction area on the PA turnpike, with a posted speed limit of 55 and one of those "your speed signs" that recorded the traffic speed, everyone's actual speed fluctuated between 18-20! We pulled into a rest area and waited it out a bit in the parking lot, when the rain lessened, we decided to get back on the road only to run into marble size hail about 10 minutes later, followed by more severe down pours! I am thankful that my car handles well in bad weather, but it was a very nerve-wracking ride home! Thankfully we got home safely as did my other DS and BIL.

    Betrayal, you mentioned the Main Line in one of your posts. I went to college in Bryn Mawr and I had my practicum at the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School in Philadelphia with my large animal rotation at New Boulton.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,190
    edited June 2023

    I second all the positive wishes from cardplayer because I've had a long day and this afternoon, we finally got smoke from the Canada fires so puppy duty this afternoon — just wow.

    Before I go farther, I sure hope you are mainly over whatever bug got to you cardplayer. That just sounds like an extremely miserable night. Hope the extra sleep helped tremendously.

    As for me, it was a real long day here for us. Last night when the VA called to verify my appt. today with the Podiatrist, I said I'd be there. Well about an hr. later, Jo's daughter called me. It seems before Dr. B ever got home it was discovered that he had contracted some pneumonia. Likely just too much time in bed, but he as put back in ICU so is still across the river. We had to fit in keeping the appt. then and trying to keep to my food and medication schedule while fitting in two trips to see the puppies. They eat twice a day. I was not able to keep their times to exact, but we made it. We did however have to adjust our eating schedules and I'm only able to get in one set of pills for the day rather than the two prescribed. It is okay to miss on occasion.

    When we came home to our house first time we saw a lady walking on the road. She had a dog in her arms and I could see the leash too. I stopped and asked her if she needed some help. She has walked her dog a lot but for some reason today the heat was getting to the dog and when they got to some share the dog would just stop and sit due to heat. So I told her I'd be more than glad to give her a lift home with her dog. Turns out she didn't live too far, but at her age and in the heat for the dog — it was better as it still would have been a long walk for both. So, we arrived home later for that and chose to not get out of the car at our house and go to our puppy feeding at Jo's.

    By the time we got home I felt I wanted to do our kitty boxes because once I started resting, I didn't want to do chores like that. So did that first, then heated left over chicken and noodles, a cup of coffee and then I tried to nap but it didn't work. Finally got up around 4 or 5 and put in the quote here.

    So that is my catch-up cycle. We will be wearing masks outdoors tomorrow if any smoke is still around and likely there may be some. It was across the river and mentioned there three or four days ago and has I guess taken that long to get here. I was thinking we might get lucky but nope, not this time.

    Wishing you all well with no complications.

    ETA — I might have meant Cindy up top although I hope anyone dealing with anything can get the upper hand quickly. I really am exhausted by my day. Pill taking for tonight is so far going really well.

  • harley07
    harley07 Posts: 409

    chisandy - Happy Anniversary ! Do you have any insight into the latest teen takeover in Lakeview last night? I worry for my son’s safety. He tends to downplay events.

    Chisandy and IllinoisLady - hope you are both staying safe in the smoky air

    Mary - sending healing wishes for a smooth recovery from surgery

    Cindy - that bug sounds awful. Hope you are feeling better

    Cardplayer - sorry to hear about the UTI. Hope the antibiotics work their magic quickly.

    Puffin - hoping that your PCP has a more definitive answer and that all is benign

    Maverick - thanks for the reminder that Spanish can vary by region. My SIL lived in Spain for a few years after she married as her husband is from Madrid. They are a bilingual family. They eventually moved back to the US. When her oldest son was in high school he took Spanish as his foreign language requirement figuring it would be an easy ‘A’. However the Spanish in school was different from the Spanish he grew up speaking. He ended up with a ‘D’ in the class and was highly disappointed. Glad you had a good visit with your sister and made it back home safely.

    Interesting discussion on cars and hybrid vs EV. We are hopefully a few years away from needing a new car (ours are a 2017 with 53K miles and a 2018 with 90K miles). Each car had major repairs in 2022 so we are hoping to get a few more years of use.

    I had a busy day - 6 hour RT drive to visit brother#1. We had a great visit and enjoyed the time catching up. He is 10 yrs older than I and a widower so it probably makes more sense for me to drive to see him. Once DH retires he will probably join me on the visits.

    Given the lousy air quality (currently at 229, with a high of 258 earlier today), I suspect tomorrow’s exercise workout will be on the exercise bike in the basement or at the gym. We went for a walk outside tonight and my throat still feels scratchy. No relief from the smoke in sight until later this week.
    Have a good week everyone!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited June 2023

    Harley, Gordy (DS) & Leslie (DDIL) live in Graceland West, a couple blocks from Lake View High School but considerably north & east of the "teen takeover" (which was at B'way & Belmont, heart of what used to be called "Boys' Town" in a less-sensitive era). Social media again: just like the 2020 looting, "Kia Boyz" challenge and catalytic converter-theft TikTok tutorials, and pre-pandemic flash mobs (which used to be innocuous fun). This teen takeover has more than a hint of socioeconomic resentment bubbling beneath the surface—considering the demographic differences between the neighborhood and the "teens" in question.

    Cindy, sounds like you had a nasty case of norovirus—but it hit so hard & fast that it got out of your system pretty quickly. Bob had it a couple of times this spring.

    We're Number One! (when it comes to air pollution, that is). Thanks to wildfires all over the interior of Quebec province (and part of ON), and fierce north & northwest winds, Chicago had the world's dirtiest air today. Weird that we wore our KN95s outdoors and took them off when we entered the restaurant. (Bizarro-World, anyone)? Stayed inside all day. The air smelled like a burning back porch and the sky was smoky near-opaque yellowish. Can't believe the Cubs game went ahead and that the CSO didn't cancel tonight's concert. (How are woodwinds & brass sections supposed to play in this toxic air)? Acc. to health authorities, breathing the particulates is like smoking half a pack of cigarettes. (And surgical masks—which can protect somewhat against viruses—are useless. Need at least KN95 or even N95. This is one of those times when an exhalation valve is permissible).

    Tonight we went to Ever (Curtis Duffy, 2 Michelin stars) for our 52d anniversary. (Obelix is closed Tues., and I couldn't score a table at Alinea or Oriole). Every special occasion gets more special year-by-year, so we do take advantage of it—especially because Bob's work schedule (even in imminent semi-retirement) makes foreign travel impractical if not impossible. (My trips abroad tend to be solo, for continuing legal ed. with the Bar Assn.). At our ages (and with my health conditions) we never know how many more anniversaries we may get to celebrate. We did the 10-course "Ever Experience" tasting menu (which is the only menu they offer) with wine pairings. Lots of "molecular gastronomy." The captain assured us that the amount of wine in the pairings added up to about 3 glasses total, so we went ahead and ordered them. The pace of service was such that the buzz wasn't too heavy, and we never felt stuffed, just satisfied.

    I have no desire for a self-driving car, because I wouldn't trust it. (It's hereditary: my mom not only didn't trust calculators, she didn't even trust adding machines, preferring to "kick it old school" with pencil & paper arithmetic). A few months ago there was a collision on I-55 between two Teslas in "driverless" mode.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,190

    Free will is not the liberty to do whatever one likes, but the power of doing whatever one sees ought to be done, even in the face of otherwise overwhelming impulses. There lies freedom indeed.    -George MacDonald

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,190

    Un-like yesterday afternoon, we can now see the smoky haze which has settled in our yard. Going to be masks for sure. I worry what may get in every time we open our doors, but we do have to come and go. Well, at least covid got us rather use to (no matter how much dislike) having to cover our noses and mouths with something. A little easier now to accept a mask for another 'spell'. Hope it is not too long.

    Nothing exciting today — back to a more normal un-stressed routine although it will include visits and feeding for my friends' doggies who are and always have been delightful to visit. Also, glad to get back on my proper pill schedule. It went better than usual last night even though I had 3 different pills in fairly quick succession. I was amazed.

    Hope you all have a good day. wishing you all wellness and positive energies.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905
    edited June 2023

    I just got home. My spinal wore off too quickly, and there was massive pain immediately after, but I already don't remember it much. Got the intermittent pressure cuffs on, but no ice for the ice machine. I do have a package of aged frozen rhubarb on it, though. They gave me massive positive reinforcement for having done the exercises. I can already raise my right leg a bit. My Fitbit told me that I slept 6 1/2 hours last night. Well, with the drugs, I suppose so, but in between nurse visits and searching for good sleeping positions, I don't think I slept well.

    Low visibility and the smell of smoke. I had turned off the air conditioner and opened the windows before I left. A friend came over and emptied the grocery cart with my stuff in it. Just talked with the lady who is taking care of Tippy. I will take care of him while she is with her bridge club, but daily visits would be cruel. It might be two weeks before I will be ready to walk him (or with EGT).

    I read all your posts, but don't feel like responding to them. Thank you for the prayers and good wishes.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Posts: 2,051

    Cindy - sorry to hear that you’ve been sick. Hope you’re feeling better today. Glad that you were sent home and didn’t need to sit for jury duty while you were sick.

    Happy that you’re home Mary. I hope that you sleep better and feel better.

    Sorry your friend Dr. B is back in the ICU Illinois. So nice of you to give you neighbor and her dog a ride in the warm weather.

    I had been running a slight fever and yesterday sat under a fleece blanket most of the day. Although I’m in layers as usual today, at least I’m not wrapped up in a blanket. I guess two doses of antibiotics is helping. I did some back exercises earlier today but am otherwise taking it easy. Was supposed to meet with the other retired ladies in the neighborhood this afternoon, but will miss our get together this month.

    It’s hazy today with a hint to smoke in the air. Hope every is doing well and having a good day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    I really hope it rains a lot in Canada where the fires are still raging! Seems like help from mother nature is the only way to get them under control due to their size and the dry conditions.

    I had my hair colored and cut today. I think it will be so much easier to take care of now that it is short.

    Mary, sounds like you are doing very well! I am impressed that you read the posts! It was awesome that they recognized all the effort you put into your exercise! I will continue to keep you in my prayers!

    Cindy, I do hope you are feeling much better!

    Illinois, nice to have a less stressful day, with just puppy duty! You are such a kind person to help out the woman and her dog! Not everyone would have given them a ride! I hope the air quality improves fast!

    I am dreading my cardiology appointment tomorrow. I am 25 pounds heavier this year! I don't feel well and having had two recent doctor appointments that were horrible, I am more anxious about this one. I know he will say my high BP is due to my weight, although, I still don't think that BP reading at my BS visit was accurate. I am wondering if my BS thought the same and that is why he didn't mention it to me? I just want to get in there and out…!

    I decided to focus on the fact that after tomorrow's visit and my dentist appointment on July 5th, I won't see any doctor until August 28th! Almost 8 weeks without any doctor appointments! Woooohooooo!!!!!

    On one positive note, I did something today that I have NEVER done in my life! I threw out over half of a Shoo Fly Pie! I love Shoo Fly Pie, because I am Pennsylvania Dutch, but I am very particular about them. I like what we call "good wet bottom Shoo Fly Pie." I can say that phrase in PA Dutch but never learned to write it in "Dutch." The pie came from an Amish market near my DS's home that my sisters and I stopped at.

    After our harrowing drive home yesterday, we had a light dinner, followed by a slice of pie. Neither I nor my DH thought it tasted as good as we hoped. He said "the rest of the pie is yours!" Normally, I would been thrilled hearing those words, and would have happily eaten the rest of the pie, over several days. But, after seeing photos of myself from our visit yesterday, I knew I needed to get back on a healthy eating pattern a.s.a.p. and lose weight! Shoo Fly Pie has a kazillion number of calories in each slice! Definitely NOT part of healthy eating!

    I was raised to eat everything on my plate, due to parents growing up during the depression, but this time, against all my instincts, I decided to throw that pie out! I rationalized that two pieces of pie in a restaurant would have cost the same or more than I spent on the whole pie. Common sense told me that eating pie I didn't even really like that much, when I should be trying to lose weight, was just stupid! So, out the pie went, and it was surprisingly easy to do! The last time I attended Weight Watchers, the lecturer gave a really great piece of advice. She said, "say NO once in the store, or you will be saying no over and over at home!"

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,190

    Adding my thoughts, prayers and well wishes to Mary. I agree with you Mary — we may sleep however long but it isn't always the full story. I hope that part gets a lot better for you.

    I also agree that visits with Tippy for the most part while you can't walk with him are not the kind thing to do. I do think though that seeing you and knowing you are in your and his surroundings will give him something to look forward too. I am transposing on him how I might feel but I still think he might feel a sense of the possibility of all of it going back to normal for him and it will.

    (((((((Cindy)))))) hope you are feeling a whole lot better. ((((((((cardplayer))))))) you as well.

    Hooray for you MM. Tossing the pie. I know that dread of the scale pretty well — almost turns into hatred for it. I'm doing ok, but through the months with a really slow start, I've managed to get back all the weight I lost during my operation. I was really on the thin side — and now am back to a sturdier 172. It is okay for me with my height, but I'd have rather kept it a bit lower — like 160#'s or so.

    Had a very small rain shower earlier and some of the smoke/haze in the yard dissipated. It will likely be back before we know it, but nothing to do but hope as was said that Canada gets plenty of rain in the next few weeks.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Posts: 319

    Thinking of you, Mary and hope everyone's aches and pains go away. Some days I hate being "old."

    Happy Anniversary, Sandy. It's not what you do to celebrate but who you're with that's important. You're right. One year we will celebrate our last one together.

    The smoke sounds terrible. And how scary for those who can see the fires nearby!