Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Sandy, happy anniversary! Sounds like you had a good plan and an enjoyable evening. Once Bob retires perhaps you can celebrate abroad.

    Cardplayer, keep drinking as much fluids as you can as long as you have no restrictions. Flushing the organism out is the best way to recover plus the antibiotics.

    MM: Love a good wet bottom shoo fly pie and consider the molasses as medicinal. We usually get one at the Kutztown German Festival but send most of it home with DD. You deserve applause for tossing it. I am not happy with the scale right now so I may have to follow in your footsteps.

    Cindy, hope whatever you had is gone and you are feeling better.

    Mary, so glad to see you are home. Hope you can get some ice for your machine. Fitbit sleep records how long but not necessarily quality unless you do not fall back to sleep. The sleep interruptions by nurse and position seeking are bothersome and disruptive. Hope you can manage the pain and that each day means more movement in the leg. A visit with Tippy may raise both your spirits so he doesn't feel abandoned and you can see he's okay. I agree that daily ones may be cruel.

    Obit for friend's son was listed today and viewing will be on Sunday afternoon and then funeral on Monday. This has got to be so hard for her family with 2 significant losses within a year. They are a close family and very supportive of each other so that is a blessing. They will never think of the 4th of July the same again which is sad.

    The air quality today was in the red zone, it was hazy and you could smell the smoke. I am done with trying to convince DH he should not work outside since I am talking to deaf ears (yes, he will not admit to a hearing loss but this is not what I am referring to here). Told him to wear a mask and then he insisted it was harder to breathe when he had it on. Told him the alternative was ruining his lungs and ending up on oxygen. He did put the mask on but I am sure it was off when he was out of sight. Well, he is an adult and I really am tired of having to care for him like he is a child. I have decided I need to focus on my own care and making sure I am safe from here on out. I need to prioritize my health and well-being.

    Knees kept me from finding comfortable position last night so hoping tonight I sleep better. I would wake to reposition and did manage to fall back but didn't feel rested this AM. This also results in a low energy day where I get the minimum done so I feel behind. Wanted to vacuum upstairs and got vacuum out but it is still in the hall waiting for me. Well as Scarlett O'Hara said, "Tomorrow is another day".

    Hope tomorrow is a better day air wise so I can try to get some gardening done as well. First day without rain so I'd like to pull some weeds while the ground is still soft.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905

    Slept four hours according to Fitbit. Definitely feeling tired. Pain woke me up. I have pt today. I hope my home health care person is able to come over. This place is a mess. I actually did more than I should have yesterday, but those things HAD to be done. A friend came over with a bag of ice. I keep looking up from the keyboard expecting to see Tippy.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Posts: 2,051

    This was my view from 2 years ago at the oncology center. I may have shared photos before. I was was on targeted treatment #9, so my visits were just a couple of hours. Trex donated the area outside the center which was a nice patio, but I’m not sure who build the gardens. There were Koi in the pond and that’s a small waterfall. A little zen garden.

    Glad you have PT today Mary. Hope you and Tippy had a nice visit.

    I’m definitely drinking lots of fluids Betrayal. I normally drink 80+ ounces of water a day, but have increased my intake. Waking more at night of course. The antibiotics are definitely taking a toll on my sensitive stomach though.

    Hope your cardiologist appointment goes well today Mavericksmom.

    We’re having a red air quality day. Lots of haze and more smell of smoke. I know it’s worse in other areas of the country. Hope every is safe and doing well today.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,366

    Mary, it’s good to hear you’re home. Grab a nap if you can, so you can pick up some extra needed sleep.

    Throwing out a pie …I knew it was time to join a gym when I was eating from a giant family size bag of M&M with pretzels inside, and I didn’t even like them! It was boredom eating while tv was on. That was probably 10-12 years back. Now my gym was closed with Covid protocol, I’ve had that hamstring avulsion with bone surgery which was a major slow down (still causes pain), and I’m up to 172! I’m 5’ 7.5” if I stand tall, but it doesn’t help belly fat. Vacation didn’t help, even with miles walked, because of beer and dessert. So I’ve either got to get serious to lose some pounds (10-15), or I’ve got to accept the larger me.

    We’re supposed to see some smoke haze today. Warnings go through tomorrow at midnight. It’s been a very strange spring into summer weather. Some of my early plants were goners before they had a chance. Pool isn’t open yet but hoping by this weekend. We leave Wednesday for the Finger Lakes, and won’t be back until Saturday night. I just have to accept if we travel, the house gets behind and be ok with it.

    I saw my GYN yesterday for my yearly pap. She said all is good, and I’ll see her in July of 2024. I’m good with that.

    Everyone be kind to yourself, you deserve it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Emotions give life texture and depth, but there's an art to managing our moods. Once we cultivate inner balance we can immerse ourselves fully in every experience without fear of going overboard. When we're conversant with our emotions, we learn to nurture positive feelings and defuse disturbing ones.

    Joan Duncan OliverGood Karma

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Cardplayer, I think I recall possibly seeing that picture before, but it was beautiful then and still is. Just makes me want to go sit by the side of the pool. Oceans, lakes, little ponds are a sort of spiritual stimulation for me due to the water itself. It tends to feel so enhancing to the inside of me.

    Mary, I highly second the idea of a nap if you can. Feeling sluggish from lack of sleep is difficult for anyone and to try and adjust while you have some pain/discomfort from recent surgery, just adds to the issue. I hope you do enjoy Tippy. Something to look forward to for sure.

    Many of us now seem to be in the hoping to lose a little weight category. 10 or 12 lbs. would be enough for me but what I am now is what I was before I needed the valve replacement, so I'm concerned, especially with diet/salt issues to figure in. I think I just need a lot more exercise and consistent movement. When I sit, I sit too long.

    Still doesn't look too hazy/smoky outside which is a surprise to me. Our little rain shower was fairly brief when it showed up yesterday and I thought the haze would just drift right back in but seems not yet. I couldn't really even smell it last night, so we took the puppies outside for a bit. Didn't encourage them to go out at noon yesterday. It was really humid though. We didn't stay out long.

    A couple extra things to do today, but nothing that will slow us down or hopefully get me off schedule for meds.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Cindy, do not feel bad, I am shorter and weigh more! Yikes! I know I have the same choice you have, either get serious about losing weight or accept the "overly-large me!" I am going with the weight loss, I will never be able to accept my current size! I have lost weight before, twice via WW's, but more successful on my own following smaller portions, less wheat, and healthy food choices. I found making small changes, one at a time, was a pathway to success. I am signing up for the gym and plan to start going next week. I read that the important thing the first two weeks on an exercise program is not how long the work out is, but establishing a routine. So, that is what I hope to accomplish.

    Mary, try not to over-do. I understand not being happy with how messy your home seems right now, but you will have plenty of time to clean when you are fully healed from surgery. I hope PT is good for you today!

    Cardplayer, beautiful oncology center photo! The hospital I go to has a courtyard in the middle, large enough for a few benches to sit on and beautiful gardens and water features, much like your picture. How wonderful to give people a place to feel peaceful and relaxed while dealing with cancer or other diseases. I am right there with you and Betrayal as far as drinking water goes. I know I don't drink enough. I guess I should actually record how much water I drink daily to be sure I am getting what I need.

    I can't believe I am saying this but I had a GREAT visit with my cardiologist. He asks questions and actually LISTENS to what I say. He doesn't over-react or under-react. His advice is always well thought out. He didn't come down on me for the weight gain, but was happy to hear I am going make changes in my lifestyle to lose weight…..again! He scheduled an echocardiogram for the last week in August because I am due for another one. I have a dental appointment on Wednesday, but then NO doctor appointments for over 7 weeks!!!! Woohoo!!!!!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905

    I just woke up from a nap. I had to take a pain pill to dull the pulsing pain. My home health care worker is coming over in the early evening. PT was good. She doesn't want me to make any changes in how I have set things up (higher bed, Tippy not here, etc) for two weeks. She predicts I will be able to make the pedals go around also in two weeks.

    I am 5-7 and 168 pounds. I might have gained a bit of weight the past few weeks. They told me to not restrict food to compensate for lack of physical activity, so I may have gained a bit.

  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,980

    I have heard that you need extra protein while healing. I would have trouble doing that because my true love is carbs.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,366

    wren, carbs & I are good friends. I’ve never met one I didn’t like.

    Glad you got a nap in Mary. It sounds like everything is falling into place with PT.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Extra protein and extra calories are needed for recovery from surgery or a major illness. Not that doesn't mean they should not come from good sources or that you should go overboard but an occasional slip is not an issue. Weight loss should not be contemplated during recovery and thought about much later.

    Cindyny, I also have never met a carb I didn't like and if it happens to be in the form of a baked potato, good bread or a bowl of pasta, I am in heaven.

    Air quality still in the red zone, it is hazy and you can smell the smoke, so convinced DH that we could tackle his former work wardrobe closet. He had far too many clothes so we found a local charity that takes professional clothes for those wanting to enter the work force. He will bag up the clothes, clean the closet shelves and floor and return items he can keep to the closet. I estimate we will have 1 large leaf bag for donations, 1 for trash and about 1/2 of the closet emptied. We even went through some more leisure type clothing such as jeans, etc. and discarded about half of them. So a productive afternoon after all. I bagged neckties in individual plastic sandwich bags so they are organized and in a larger bag to go into the leaf bag.

    Next will be his other closet, the drawers in his dresser and then the closet where he keeps his outdoor jackets. Feels good to declutter like this.

    Blueberry pancakes for dinner tonight. Made from scratch and will just reheat in microwave. Tired since sleep last night was a challenge due to right knee which I am sure has another effusion and back spasms. Back started as soon as I got in bed so I got up, put on a lidocaine patch and no dice or relief. Ended up taking another med just for back spasms that I use only on occasion. It took over an hour to kick in so I feel like I am dragging bottom today.

    Mary hope you can get some sleep as well. Can you try to break pain cycle by using either Tylenol or Aleve in between prescription pain meds? Not sure, what they offered you for pain.

    MM: Glad the cardiologist had a heart and listened to you about your plan.

    As soon as I can get back to walking as an exercise instead of just for mobility, than I will work on diet changes as well. I am not overeating and actually have been eating less but my scale doesn't budge. Thinking of staying off it since it is depressing. Just stopped exemestane after 7 years and hope that will mean less joint pain and they weight will drop some.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Got to get dinner on the table.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited June 2023

    Mary, what are they giving you for pain? After my TKRs, while I was rehabbing, they did NOT hold back on the opioids—that's what they're made for. I was on one long acting hydromorphone daily for the first week post-op—plus Norco q. 6hrs, and both Tramadol and Gabapentin 3x/day. (Norco is considered superior to Vicodin or Percocet because its Tylenol component per pill is 325mg. rather than 500, in order to give your liver & kidneys a break). I had grueling PT twice a day (the first day I wanted to switch therapists, she was so "mean")—and those meds were necessary to enable me to improve my flexion, extension and gait training.

    It is imperative to stay ahead of the pain, because it's much, much harder (and may require a higher or more frequent dose) to go from a, say, 6 or 7 on a scale of 10 back down to a 3 than it is to stay steady at a 3 or 4. This is NO time for stoicism when it comes to pain control (any spiritual benefits of suffering notwithstanding)—because regaining range of motion is a must no matter how much it hurts (which is why you need to make it hurt less, not do less). Remember to elevate "toes above nose;" and if there's insufficient ice in the circulating machine just use the coldest water you can. Get (or have a friend get) a couple bags of the cheapest frozen peas and corn niblets in the store—take a Sharpie or a piece of freezer or painters' tape and write "FOR ICING—DO NOT EAT" on each bag. Always have one at the ready in the freezer—when one thaws, put it back in and use the spare. They mold exactly to the contours of your knee, and often work better than those "pearl"-filled reusable gel packs.

    This is also no time to either be self-conscious/apologetic about housekeeping, nor your weight. (Believe me, I'm with Mav here as once again I'm a "jumbo shrimp"). My blood sugar exceeded 200 for a week after each TKR—that's stress, my peri-op docs assured me. It will normalize as you heal. Extra calories are necessary for the energy expended in both PT exercise and being in pain; and extra protein crucial for your bones and soft tissue to rebuild. Remember, you had major trauma: cruciate ligaments either stretched out of position or even—in my case—"sacrificed;" several layers of skin cut & sewn; and your leg—top of tibia and bottom of femur—literally broken, with the metal implant and its plastic tray hammered into place! There is a reason that inpatient rehab facilities put out plates of freshly baked cookies, and some even have on-site ice-cream parlors & cappuccino machines: you need to keep those endorphin receptors "occupied," so the pain meds can do their job at as low a dose as tolerable. (A month down the line it'll be time to cut back on the "fun food" as you wean off the pain meds, or so my visiting PT told me once I was home and anticipating my daily 1/2-block walk to the frozen custard parlor on the corner for a treat).

    I used my computer's Calendar app (which "populates" to my phone's calendar) in consultation with my surgeon's PA to set up my pain meds schedule—especially the weaning-off one, over the course of 4-6 weeks post-op. (Just like I did for my eyedrops schedules before & after cataract surgeries). As you wean off the prescription drugs, you might ask about using a combo of Tylenol and ibuprofen, which act synergistically and also reduce swelling. But no longer nor oftener than absolutely necessary—especially because ibuprofen (or any NSAID) can irritate your upper GI tract.

    Because my L foot has kept me from weightbearing exercise and my broken R arm put the kibosh on resistance training, I've been sitting around a lot—and indulging myself in comfort carbs. I'm starting to get venous insufficiency in my feet & ankles (worse on the R side). My legs and ankles look svelte first thing in the morning before I get out of bed—but as little as 10 min. of gravity brings on the edema. As an avid home cook and foodie, I dread having to restrict sodium. My recliner won't recline (not enough distance from the wall) and its footrest raises only a little. I don't want to have to lie down too often, but I might have to start. Bob says not to take Lasix yet (dehydration could make my kidneys worse). Aging really means you have to make hard decisions as to just what to "fix" lest it "break" something more important.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905

    My driver stopped at Kwik Trip and I bought two bags of ice. A friend brought in a rotisserie chicken and some potato salad. The same friend has two bags of ice for when I need them. My home health care aide came at 5:30, and straightened up my apartment. I have clothes and linens on the line, need to wait an hour or so for the dew to dry off.

    Put a lidocaine patch on the back of my knee. Got up many times to pee, pain was minimal. I thought I was turning the corner real fast on pain, but it must have been the patch. Fitbit says two hours of sleep, but I feel fine for now.

    Celebrex and Meloxicam, Tylenol, alternating Tramadol with Hydrocodone.

    I agree, Sandy. I logged 124 zone minutes, with 2655 steps. Really don't feel like I did that much.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    I related to the discussion about weight gain and loving carbs. Wishing success to all of us needing to drop 10 to 20 lbs. The bad news that I've discovered is that every decade makes it more challenging to maintain a healthy weight. I would love to be back down at 170 and there was a time when I was horrified that I weighed that much.

    Mary, glad that you seem to be recovering well. It must be such a relief to have the surgery behind you.

    I worked on washing the outside of the camper yesterday, using a stepladder because the camper is quite tall. I also washed the portion of the deck where we sit. It was a lot of exertion, moving furniture and plants off the deck and then back. The time involved was 3 to 4 hours and I was pooped afterwards. But a couple of Tylenol for Arthritis and a rest in my recliner for an hour or so and I felt renewed. Climbing up and down a stepladder is good exercise.

    Not sure what the schedule will be for today. I may do more cleaning.

    Hope everyone enjoys this Friday as much as possible.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    God is life. I understand that and express it. God is perfect Truth. I understand that and express it. God is Love. I understand that and express it. I radiate thoughts of love and peace and healing to the whole universe. If anyone has ever injured me or done me any harm, I fully and freely forgive that person now, and the thing is done forever. I go free.     -Emmet Fox

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Posts: 2,051

    When I had my hip replaced the surgeon gave me Tramadol. I took it and Tylenol every 6 hours to help manage the pain. I realize hips replacements are not as hard as knee replacement, but you’re right about staying ahead of the pain Sandy. I hope you continue to make progress Mary and feel stronger and better every day.

    Mavericksmom - glad the cardiologist appointment went well.

    Petite - congratulations on the great nephew!

    Betrayal - have fun with your latest decluttering project.

    Carole - sounds like cleaning your camper is quite involved.

    I lost 35 pounds during my treatment and have so far managed to keep the weight off. I’m 5’1” and weigh 116lbs. Walking every day definitely helps. I try to eat more protein than carbs. My one guilty please is Italian Ice, which is full of sugar. I started eating it during treatment to cool my mouth off from the mouth sores. Still enjoying this tasty treat.

    Feeling a bit better, although my back is still giving me some discomfort. Our air quality is still unhealthy again today and it’s hazy outside. Hope everyone has a safe and healthy day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Looks okay outside for now, but it seems likely we will be in for more hazy smoke soon. Not looking forward. Likely busy today. Jo and her daughter are back from across the river. Got home last night before we left from feeding and playing with the puppies. Awaiting transfer back to a hospital here. Dr. B still needs some hospital attention but being across the river is not really addressing his step-down routines and easier on all concerned if he is brought back home for this in the local hospital. Hoping he makes it today some time and no one needing to return to Missouri.

    Elsewise, we will go over BIL's house and assess what needs to be done and go through spare bedroom. That room has been storage for the yrs. BIL lived there and he added to but never opened those boxes. I would venture to say at this point — he likely could easily do without whatever is boxed. We have the furnishings to outfit the room as a spare bedroom and that is more desirable now.

    We will then decide other items that will stay or go — and how and where within the house. Finally, we will decide if we need to call in a cleaning service to do the ACTUAL cleaning. This is likely what will take place — that someone else will do that while we weed out things that stay or go and find a proper place for those things. He has a pole barn garage as well as a double car garage, so those areas need addressed as well. A lot of valuable tools that I doubt BIL would use and that could produce great funds to pay a cleaning company to come in.

    Mary, things sound positive for you at the moment, and I hope they stay just that way. Looking forward to when you can have your little friend come home for good.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Had last orthovisc injection today and right knee effusion yielded about 2/3 of an ounce. I have explained to him each week how I know there is an effusion based on associated pain and whether or not I can extend knee. So for 4 weeks now he has drained effusions in my right knee and twice for the left knee. He told me that irritation from arthritis causes the effusions, but pain is actually from the arthritis, and not the effusions. Sorry have had arthritis in knees for years but pain has always been related to effusion presence. Left knee is bone on bone and is less painful than the right knee, so he suggested doing right knee first since while not bone on bone yet, it is close to being so. Then he discusses having TKR again! Frustrated that he keeps bringing up the topic when I was all for replacement but surgeon said no. He really is very nice but doesn't listen well and I did tell him I felt like I was not being heard. I think that got his attention. So hoping I get relief from these injections which may take several weeks to get the best results. Fingers crossed.

    It is hazy with code red air quality warning here. Sun is out and it is hot and humid. Will spend rest of day indoors to avoid breathing issues.

    Sandy, your information on pain management was most helpful as was the rationale for not dieting when recovering. I had a patient who was obese and admitted with compartment syndrome in her legs. She had surgery to relieve the pressure and was placed on a 5,000 calorie diet to assist with healing. She asked about this since she was already overweight and was concerned about additional weight gain while on bed rest. Once I explained it in terms she understood, she felt keeping her legs was the priority and she could focus on weight loss later. She did gain weight but her legs healed well.

    Sandy, I do have a question for you. Can you wear low heels now that you had your knees done? I have some low heels > 2 inches that I would like to keep if I can wear them in the future. Right now I am sticking to flats or shoes with a small wedge. Do you wear knee high support stockings? I have an online source that costs less than those purchased through a medical supply source if you'd like the name I will post it. It was given to me by the vascular surgeon I had seen. You just need to know the mm degree of compression you need. They do help with the swelling and improve circulation.

    Mary, glad you are managing pain and are able to participate in PT. How is the ice machine working? I always used bags of frozen peas with my children and wrote on the bags that they were not edible.

    Illinoislady, glad to hear Dr. B. may get to come closer to home. DBIL's home will benefit from your efforts to declutter and set up to be functional for his return. If it has been in a box for 3 years chances are it is not vital but if it has value, it could benefit him by selling.

    petite1: What a clever way to introduce your new great grand niece. When will she make an appearance?

    Carole: it sounds like you were busy cleaning the camper and climbing up and down a ladder is good exercise. It's like using a stepper.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited July 2023

    Betrayal, I can theoretically wear low heels (and have bought a couple pair, mostly semi-wedge, since my TKRs). I wore strappy little sandals with 2" kitten heels for Gordy's wedding (including the "second-line" parade through the Quarter) and they didn't hurt or impact my balance, but switched to Alegria orthopedic "comfort" sandals afterward—and the long fast walk down Bourbon for post-shindig jazz & Hurricanes and back to the hotel gave me blisters! The issue for me with heels is balance and bearing weight on my metatarsals (esp. L). I am going to have to suck it up and embrace my age, using a cane more often (maybe bling it up) and claim it's my "accelerator." (Gets me through TSA & on to the plane faster). Had I been using it this past Mar. in NOLA while wearing fabric wedges, I might not have turned my ankle on uneven pavement outside the Riverwalk.

    I don't do well with compression hose—the regular ones hurt my big toes (ingrown toenails) and even the open-toed ones are a bear to pull on (even worse now that my R arm can't do its job in that regard). They also cut into my calves—I can't even wear regular knee-his. (When stockings are necessary, I use thigh-highs which stay up w/o constricting on top; or pantyhose). I've tried Jobst, Magellan's, various brands. Not sure if LympheDivas (where I got my "sleeve" & gauntlet for long flights & berry-picking) does socks. I might have to buy a contraption to stretch them enough for me to stick my foot into it. My regular "sock aid" from my 1996 ORIF surgery is too narrow & soft.

    Mary, glad you are getting good pain meds (and ice for your Polar pump). Remember to follow a regular dosing schedule, not waiting till it hurts too bad—that way you are staying ahead of the pain. Be careful, though, with the Celebrex & meloxicam—they're both NSAIDs and it might not be a good idea to take both, as it might cause or exacerbate GI distress (reflux or even an ulcer). In 2014 my PCP ordered an upper endoscopy to find out whether my anemia was caused by a GI bleed; the gastro doc discovered what he called an "ulcerette," aka "lesion of probable chemical origin." It was 6 months after my second TKR, and I was still taking the "Bonesmart cocktail" of two extra-strength Tylenol (1000mg.) and four ibuprofen (800 mg.) every 6 hrs. I had to give up oral NSAIDs after that (except extremely occasionally, such as after root canal or for a couple of days after weaning off 3 days of Norco post-arm/wrist surgery). I think back on all the years since 1978 when I used first Motrin and then Aleve for dysmenorrhea, clear up till I entered menopause in 2005. That "ulcerette" may have been "percolating" for years before it made me anemic. You might want to pick either meloxicam (stronger) or Celebrex (as a "COX-2 inhibitor," gentler on the gut but not quite as powerful); and begin tapering off the dosage if you feel heartburn.

    Had a scare tonight: before we went to dinner I went looking for Heidi to feed her but she wasn't in any of her usual hangouts. Figured she had enough kibble in her dish, and expected her to greet us somewhat grumpily on our return. But when we got home, we still couldn't find her. I panicked, and then took a flashlight to look under furniture—and there she was, under the daybed in the front room. She gave me a look as if to say "What? Why are you upset?" and then meowed for her wet food.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Posts: 319

    Just lost my post.

    Knees - I wear compression sleeves but not compression stockings when I golf. They literally just fit over the knee/. Available on Amazon for about $20.00 a pair. I gave up heels, other than some small wedges years ago. So far I've managed to avoid surgery on the other knee with cortisone shots and acupuncture.

    I always use a cane when I'm walking any distance. I just feel more secure with it, especially when I have the dog with me. We also always ask for wheelchairs in airports and take our fold-up canes. Not only does it save the long runway walk but gets us through security faster. For some reason, using a cane isn't something that bothers me in terms of showing my age.

    Weight - are we ever happy with where we are?? I lost my Covid weight and am below where I was when I left WW 9 years ago. I'm certainly not at WW goal weight but am comfortable where I am. If I lost too much more would have to replace my whole wardrobe. Have already had to get rid of several things because the pants bagged so badly that I could get my arms in the spare fabric.

    Cars - I' not certain that I would be comfortable with a completely "drive itself" vehicle. My 2017 Nissan only has 26,000 miles on it. I get over 35 miles per gallon, even in our stop and go suburbs. Ken's 2007 Ford Focus only has 80,000 miles so we don't expect to be car shopping any time soon. My sister likes her Prius and they just bought a Tesla to drive locally. His pick-up will stay at their summer home in Maine.

    Hope no one is traveling far this holiday. Sounds like another airline disaster!

    Be careful of the heat and the smoky conditions, everyone.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,366

    Just a fast note, we too have air quality at about 155. Red zone can cause damage. But this morning it was 105 and we got the pool ready to go - filled it, set up pump, I even went out and bought a new solar cover - I don’t remember throwing out the old one. Anyway, hours went by and as the smoke increased my partner decreased. He said it was bothering him and he had to stop to rest. He doesn’t have breathing issues normally, it’s me who can get asthma, but I was fine.

    Tomorrow is another day and we’ll get the winter pool cover off and then freeze in cold water while doing it.

    Jackie you’re always taking care of others. Mary it sounds like you’re doing very well. Petite, congrats on new grand niece news. Ladies I gave up heels years back and I’ve still got my own knees; sandals or sneakers are it. Frozen peas and a peas/carrots/corn mix from the $ Store were my go to when I had the hamstring avulsion surgery. I’d switch between peas & the mix. Hoping you’re all feeling better.

    I pulled the trigger on buying all new kitchen appliances. The old fridge had the water in the door stop working last year before we left for FL; the microwave clock display is missing random spots (is it a 3 or a 5?) and there isn’t a thing wrong with the stove but it’s the same age as the others. My niece will take the microwave; hoping to giveaway or donate the fridge & oven. Anyone who needs a fridge in the garage wouldn’t care about water in the door. We’ve had them since 2009. This is a 4th of July sale with rebates.

    Enjoy the weekend! May we all avoid any air smoke issues.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905

    Sorry, Sandy. Nexium. But I see that it can cause stomach irritation!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Humble people can do great things with uncommon perfection because they are no longer concerned about their own interests and their own reputation, and therefore they no longer need to waste their efforts in defending them.

    Thomas Merton

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Some sun this morning, but some rain and storms last night. Not sure what we will have today, but I do think humidity. Sigh — it may be another of those days a lot better inside than out. No smoke or haze returning as yet, but likely the rain and direction of the breeze.

    I remain amazed at easily it seemed to dissipate in that sm. little shower we had before.

    May go over to Jo's today and see what is going on now. Silly of me, but not going over for a day or two will stall off being paid for seeing after the puppies which is FUN to me. She insists and always way overpays in my view. I can use it well since my SS is fairly meager, but I've always had trouble taking pay for doing something that is so delightful and rewarding in so many other ways. I just so hope that the transfer got done because it has been really wearing on Jo as well. She is worried about Dr. B and is not in her own bed at night and hopefully she is able to be in her own surroundings and still keep watch in our familiar hospital with Dr.'s she has worked with herself when she was administrator at the hospital. More comfortable for all.

    So, nothing else special for the day.

    Mary, hoping things are still going well for you.

    Hope you all have a good day.

  • harley07
    harley07 Posts: 409

    Mary - hope you continue to feel better

    Carole - wow! Washing the camper is quite a job.

    Maverick - glad to hear the cardiologist visit went well.

    Our air quality is finally back in the normal range. Rain is forecasted for today and tomorrow so my fingers are crossed that we actually get a decent amount of rain. The current report is that we are having a light rain but it seems to evaporate before it hits the ground. I’m monitoring the weather as I’d really like to go for a bike ride or a walk. Worst case I can go to the gym and use the elliptical.

    I spent yesterday volunteering at a local food pantry. Food insecurity is a cause I’m interested in. Great group of people and a well run operation. They are open only on Fridays and I plan to return next week. It felt good to be with people and be productive.

    Enjoy the holiday weekend!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Harley, the food pantry sounds like a fantastic use for your time. You sound like a great addition for them with your high interest.

    We went to the store and were not home long this afternoon when I looked out and it was as black as night. 6p.m now and still a bit on the darkish side outside. We had a rather remarkable pour down, always too fast but it lasted for awhile. My nearly clean car should remain that way for awhile since it got watered pretty good.

    Settled the heat and humidity for a bit although it wasn't as bad outside as I had imagined when we went to the store.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    The NASCAR race was halted less than halfway through because of lightning today. And the headliner for the concert tonight canceled for the same reason. NASCAR had never held a city-street race before—and it's not like they didn't know how unstable Chicago summer weather can be, especially when hot. There is a 60% chance of storms tomorrow, plus isolated storms every day M, T (the 4th) W and Thurs. (That won't prevent neighborhood idiots from setting off the illegal fireworks they bought in IN & WI, of course).

    Heidi seems to be winding down—she doesn't appear to be in pain, but she now sleeps under instead of atop the daybed. Last night she didn't nag me to come up to the bedroom to cuddle me to sleep, and didn't wake me up this morning, either. She ate kibble instead, doubtless out of hunger pangs because I overslept, but threw up the regular Fancy Feast version, which taste she prefers to the IAMS Senior her vet would rather she have. She is stone deaf and definitely going blind. Her senses of smell, taste & touch are still intact.

    Her world is getting smaller: she will jump on to my lap to be petted, brushed and nuzzle me; will eat a scant Tbs. of wet food every 2-3 hrs (she does emerge from her "lair" to beg for it), drinks from her fountain (a bit less often now), grooms fastidiously and uses the basement litterboxes perfectly, but pretty soon we will have to put one (and a Litter Genie) in the first floor bathroom like we did during the basement flood control project. She still likes her twice-daily "ear-rubs" (transdermal methimazole for hyperthyroidism) but half the time I have to lure her out with a flashlight. She recently had her Solensia shot (for arthritis) and nail trim a week ago and is due for a re-check & T4 levels July 21. I hope she makes it that long. She turned 18-1/2 this week, but I wish she can make it to 20 while still enjoying her life.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Harley, good on ya for volunteering at the food pantry. More and more people are needing to use them these days. My friend down in Minooka, who put us up during the dulcimer festival we played in Morris, confessed she has started to use one, and so are most of her fellow senior-center attendees. Knowing this made me appreciate her hospitality so much more.

    Betrayal, it sounds paradoxical to not replace the bone-on-bone knee first, but that was exactly the same situation I had. My surgeon put both knees through their paces (in Jan. 2012) and though the L knee was nearly bone-on-bone and the R one wasn't, the latter's pain-free ROM was much more restricted and the back of the knee was swollen. He explained that if you're not going to do bilateral TKRs (and he won't do them for those over 60 and/or are overweight), it makes sense to first replace the one that hurts more and is less "functional," so that you have a (semi)"good" knee on which to rely during rehab. He was right. When he got into my R knee that June (earliest opening he had), he found what remained of its medial meniscus was frayed beyond repair; and the top of the tibia itself (which was made of bone chips & epoxy, held together with hardware from ORIF surgery when a car hit me in 1996) was beginning to deteriorate so badly that he had to remove the top two screws and install a "tall tibial tray" to hold the bottom half of the implant. Funny thing was that I was in deep, deep denial even as I walked into the OR suite at Northwestern with a cane—the nurse escorting me shook her head in disbelief. A year later, when it was time to do the L knee, I said "bring it on" as I walked into Skokie's surgical suite. Never looked back. My one regret is that when & if my hips go, I'll have to find another surgeon, as he is enjoying a well-earned retirement.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    When you commit yourself to living love, you feel at peace with yourself because you are at harmony with the flow of life. Viewing life from the highest perspective, you feel confident and secure. You realize that no matter how things may appear, you are loved and protected. You know you are one with God, and you bring your peace with you wherever you go. You’re not looking for love, but for opportunities to love. -Susan L. Taylor

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Looks great outside this morning. Damp of course from the big storm yesterday afternoon that turned the afternoon into night. So dramatic, even a bit scary. I hope we don't get too much humidity. Not seeing much for breezes so likely we are still safe from the haze and smoke. We really only had one day of it so I really can't well imagine what it has been like for those for whom it became a daily event.

    Nothing special planned today, but likely will do a quick run through Goodwill. Maybe will go see the puppies. I know they are pleased that they have people with them a bit more often.

    I think Dr. B was safely transferred back here. Jo will go every day and someone will stay with Dr. B through the night. At one time that would have been me, but I'm not much up for things like that now. Too difficult to keep my meds schedule which is mainly a day schedule.

    Hope you all have a good day.