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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Treetops, I discovered as a child, were made for praying. Time seemed to stop. Close to the sky and the movement of the clouds, I knew I was connected to something greater than myself. Best of all, I could survey the whole horizon. Trees taught me to look for the big picture, to seek a bird’s-eye view of things.    -Frederic Brussat

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Ah, so Mary, you're really a Chris? I take it Bruder is your maiden name (oops, "birth surname"). Freezers are marvelous things, aren't they? I recall on Bonesmart there was a recipe for homemade gel ice packs: equal parts water & rubbing alcohol, frozen in several layers of ziploc bags.

    Betrayal, was there music at the folk festival? I gather from your post not mentioning any that you weren't a fan of any of the acts. (I'm music-centric, but you know what they say about "when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail"). The ice cream sounded mouthwatering. (Might sneak a mini-scoop of coffee gelato later).

    Had a lovely time with our BFFs last night. We grilled, and talked late into the night. No fireworks to see, but boy, did we ever hear them (dusk to dawn)! Only upside to Heidi's deafness is that the noise didn't bother her. I did catch the rerun of "A Capitol Fourth" at 2am—as the DC 1812 Overture fireworks burst, our local explosives-fest continued with much louder accompaniment.

    Another round of storms blew through today. My HK opened the linen closet in what she'd thought was a dried-out basement…nope. Water gushed out—all plastic tubs were full. Her dryer is kaput—it was full of water, and all the clothes in it are ruined. The sofa down there is also toast—had to be dragged out into the alley. She was able to resurrect the water heater, though, and her power stayed on. Adjuster coming early tomorrow morning, and put her on the restoration company's wait list. But at least today it didn't re-flood—unlike in Cicero, Berwyn & Oak Park. Viaducts never did dry out—east-west arterials still impassable. She hopes to be able to come in tomorrow—hope Heidi will greet her. The last time she saw Heidi was last Friday early afternoon, before Heidi started staying under the daybed. (She loves Heidi, whom she calls Big Mama, as much as or even more than I do—I can't bear for her to undergo yet another loss in a few short awful months).

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Betrayal, you sound like the kind of festival attendee that the vendors want to come. I'm fairly sure I would enjoy that festival from your comments about it.

    Mary, you seem to be doing well. Hope the recovery continues and you're soon back on your tricycle.

    It's 46 here this morning and we have the heat pump running. Dh left about 7:30 to go to town. First stop the gym, then the bank and a supermarket. The bank won't open until 9am so it will probably be last.

    Not sure what my day will include but probably a 2 mile walk for exercise.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    Sandy: The Kutztown Folk Festival used to be called the German Folk Festival and they did have some German bands playing what I would call oompah music then. They did have a live band this year (and previous years) that was playing music from the 60's to 90's and it was quite good. Had both male and female lead singers that had good range. This really was a Pennsylvania Dutch focus though I did notice they did not have the information about their life or food words posted this year. The food varies from typical PA Dutch foods (all carbs and delicious) to typical fair food. They roast an oxen every year on a huge spit. I have been going to this since I was a child and can remember when they made scrapple on site using a huge black cauldron over a wood burning fire and guys hefting 50 lb bags of flour into the mixture. The mixture was stirred by a paddle that was propelled by a mule walking in a circle a distance from the heat. My DF would buy some and it would still be hot, liquid and in a mold and it would gel on the way home. It was always delicious.

    I miss the family style PA Dutch food schnitz and knepp, the Dutch mashed potatoes, the chicken, ham, and green beans cooked with ham, etc. They had a variety of their pickled salads, apple butter, dessert was a choice of milk pie (delicious), wet bottom shoo fly pie or vanilla ice cream, lemonade or iced tea to drink and you could eat until you could waddle. The festival benefits Kutztown University.

    Many of the crafts sold have a German history such as the scherenschnitte, the fancy tin Christmas ornaments, exquisite wood furniture (I saw a walnut dining table that made me drool), beeswax ornaments and candles, etc.

    Today is again going to be in the 90's, steamy and very humid with thunderstorms later. We did get a heavy downpour late yesterday which lasted about 30 minutes and the ferns that were dried up and dying off have been revitalized by all the rain. They are not as lush but the fact that they are green again makes me happy.

    Not sure if you are Mary or Chris now but Bruder was the last name of the family that started MAB paints. I used their paints for years and then they were either bought by Sherwin Williams or put out of business by the company. Congratulations on being able to resume your maiden name. Glad the frozen veggies are working for you.

    Going to try to get some of the plants I purchased in the beds today. I had a dream my knees were back to normal today and sadly, it was just a dream because even though they are less painful, they still inhibit normal gait. Hope everyone has a spectacular day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    As I turn my thoughts to God, my life becomes a prayer.  I do not need to go away
    to a mountaintop or seclude myself in a sacred place to spend time in prayer.  I need
    only to turn my thoughts inward and open my mind and heart to God.  In this way,
    I make whatever I am doing a prayer.  As I prepare a meal, I am grateful for the food,
    and as I clean my house, I am grateful for the restful haven it provides me. As I
    walk in the park, I feel a sense of oneness with all life in the world around me.  As I go
    through my workday, I am God's instrument of good in the world, and what I
    do and say is an expression of God.
    The more I turn my thoughts to God, the more my life becomes a prayer.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Good Morning. It is a mite cloudy out this morning. Yesterday was a get nothing much done day. We had to go to Marion. Dh had a bit more of an eye exam and then picked out new glasses. Those he had were already (they are really brand new) shedding the special coatings but even if not, they were never going to fit properly, and it was something that kept Dh irritated and grouchy. Hopefully, the new glasses (we were assured yesterday) are the right size and there will be less distress for Dh.

    So, we had to make a few stops inside the VA yesterday. I was hoping we'd have a nice (if cloudy part way) trip home that didn't take over-long. Didn't work out that way. We stopped in Benton, Il which is about halfway home and got a lg. order of no salt fries to nibble. We were both hungry from missing lunch. Got back on the road and shortly thereafter, the rains came. Nearly hydroplaned a couple of times so had to slow way down — and then even after as we were behind some farm machinery. Fortunately he turned the opposite way from us so our last 9 miles was fine, and the rain had let up so no more puddles on the road.

    We have a German festival here every year. It is actually in a small town named Germantown. When we had reg. ins. our Dr.'s office was there. So they have a Spassfest every yr. We don't go now, but always enjoyed the food and beer and music as well as the dancers when we did go.

    Been warm here but not too un-comfortable for us. Hope it is not steamy today.

    Hope you all have a really good day.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited July 2023

    Yeah, I have some commercial gel-packs. How they are long and skinny, while I need them in a square size. Had two in my bed last night, didn't help. I don't have any rubbing alcohol, but I put it on my walmart order. I could use the heating pad velcro-ended strap to hold them on.

    I have been called Mary since moving here. Fought it all my life. I figure from now on, I will tell people that I have a more positive emotional reaction when they call me Chris. I am finally making progress over my German shame.

    The new ice machine just arrived!!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    Okay, since you say that you have fought using Mary, I am going to start calling you Chris, is this alright? It may take me awhile to make transition though. I was surprised you registered as Mary here, if you preferred Chris? Glad your new ice machine arrived.

    Ordered a new stand for the bird cage and it arrived today. I just have to assemble it. The daughter seems to be settling down but she misses her brother because they used to keep each other company while the parents kept their own company. They are confused by her sudden attention and demands.

    Did go out and planted some of the perennials, moved some plants to another area, separated marigold seedlings and replanted them in other pots. Put annuals in the cast iron planters, watered all new plantings and other plants on patio. Surprisingly when I was planting noted that in spite of all the rain we have had, the soil was dry when I dug down several inches to plant perennials. Still have some more plants to home but heat is oppressive and when my eyes sting from sweat, it is time to call it quits. Heat index is high.

    Bought some local tomatoes at the festival and had a tomato sandwich today. Love tomatoes but find that so many bought in the grocery store have no taste and the texture is mealy. Prefer the local and wish I could get some from New Jersey. The corn, especially Silver Queen, and tomatoes from Jersey are the best.

    Need to trim Misty's claws which seems to be a weekly chore. So far she is using the scratching posts but she uses claws to get my attention.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Betrayal, I have really enjoyed reading your posts! You brought back so many of my fondest memories! Tomato sandwiches were my mother's favorite! Your comment instantly brought back a wonderful memory of her and honestly, since she passed of Alzheimer's Disease, a slow emotional death, it is hard for me to remember the good times. Thanks to you, there is a huge smile on my face due to a memory of my mom when she was happy!

    Nice that you got the new birdcage, sorry your little girl is lonely. Poor thing!

    I went to the Kutztown Festival back in the 60's. My sister and her boyfriend/future husband, asked me to join them. I remember parking on someone's lawn. We paid the homeowner, all the parking seemed to be in people's yards. I am sure there was some official parking somewhere, but parking on the lawn became part of a great memory. I loved the funnel cakes! I don't remember eating any other food that day, but being PA Dutch, the other food wasn't a big deal to me because we had those foods all the time at home. I do remember the artisans as my sister, and I had such fun looking at everything being sold. Nice to know they still hold the festival! Might be on my to-do list for next year.

    Sandy, I too love music and can't imagine a world without it. I feel so sorry for you DHK! Poor woman just can't seem to catch a break, can she?

    Illinois, I hope your DH was able to get care for his eyes! Happy to read that you seem to be doing very well! Is your arm feeling more like normal now?

    Carole, wow, down into the 40's! I REALLY can't imagine that! I can't stand the heat. I want to winter in my home in PA and summer up in Maine! However, the 40's are too low for summer, even for me!

    Petite, I hope you got your AC fixed! I thought of you so much because I know without AC I would die in temperatures over 100! I do hope Midnight Loui thought about going into your bedroom to cool off!

    Cardplayer, sounds like your 4th was a lot of fun! We watched the DC fireworks on TV. Very nice!

    Beautiful day today! I spend most of my time indoors as I can't seem to regulate my body temperature very well. I go outside in the morning when it is cooler and tomorrow I should get out and do some weeding for sure!

    As for names here, I am going to stick to whatever screen name people use. I'll save first names for PM's.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    I make no demands. Just go with the flow.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Mary, I will gladly use the name Chris. I think we who are a bit older get stuck in habits and it may take a bit. I'm very fond of the name Chris so that would be easy. I have relatives with both names so I'm quite fond of them both. Guess we will just have to see , huh !!

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Chris - happy to hear the new ice machine arrived! May the rest of your recovery be as smooth as possible.

    Sandy - your poor HK. What a mess. I hope her basement dries out quickly and the insurance adjuster is able to provide her the needed resources quickly.

    Betrayal - the festival sounds like a lot of fun. The description of the ice cream has my mouth watering. A perfect summer treat.

    Petite - hope your AC is fixed. I can’t imagine living without it.

    Had a lengthy phone call with our financial advisor yesterday to work out some details. Not a difficult call, but I felt emotionally drained afterwards. Then I headed to the gym for an elliptical workout to get some of the stress worked out. It was too hot and muggy for me to walk or bike outside yesterday. As Sandy mentioned we got more rain late in the afternoon. Good news for me, but definitely bad news for her HK.

    This morning I weeded the garden and then headed out on a bike ride. Temps were cooler but still a bit humid today. Continuing to spend a few minutes a day on an online Spanish course. I’m enjoying the freedom to do as I please with my time although there are still times I feel a bit off kilter.

    Tomorrow will be spent volunteering. Take care everyone.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good evening, all. The A/C project has unexpected difficulties with rotten wood, a problem with ducts, and other problems they blame on the previous A/C installation. It should be finished Friday. All of this makes me grumpy.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited July 2023

    i would imagine, Harley.

    Weather has been cooler lately, and is going to be so for the next few days. I am going to turn off the air.

    My home health care aide cleaned up the apartment for me. She tossed the Gatorade lids that I had put holes in for my new aluminum straws. We did the laundry. But I have the remains of two rotisserie chickens that I am going to make chicken (onion potato carrot celery) & biscuits with. I have a lot of freezer containers to fill. Wish I had remembered the peas.

    PT two days in a row, then visit to doctor next week. Get staples removed. Joy both sarcastically and genuinely. My knee is looking more and more like my other one.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited July 2023

    Chris, you always impress me by how much you do. You remind me of my former next-door neighbor who we affectionately called the "Energizer Bunny!" PT two days in a row is a lot. You do sound like you are moving right along and healing well! You will be back to your bike and freedom in no time at all! I am sorry about the lids being thrown out.

    Harley, I thought I would do some weeding this morning, but while the temps are down, the humidity is way up and it is too uncomfortable to be outside, let alone pulling weeds!

    Petite, so sorry to hear about your AC issues! I hate when something that needs fixing leads to other things that need fixing. We had a similar issue a few years ago when our washer had draining issues. We thought the issue was the washer, it turned out it was the pipes that the washer hooked up to! Several thousand dollars later, all was fixed, but not without a lot of stress! My thoughts are with you! You really can't catch a break, can you? You have every right to feel grumpy!

    Doing laundry this morning, I like to use the dryer before it gets too hot in the summer. DH has PT this afternoon. I usually just bring things to work on while I wait for him. We don't live far but by the time I would drive home, there really wouldn't be much for me to do until it would be time to pick him up. Also, not that I expect anything bad to happen, but if he gets dizzy or has other health issues there, I want to be there.

    I wrote too soon. DH just called me to the bedroom, he is so dizzy he can't get out of bed. Going to call doctor, but looks like a trip to the ER may be in order!

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    MM, Hope DH is OK.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Caring for one another, we sometimes glimpse an essential quality of our being. We may be sitting alone, lost in self-doubt or self-pity, when the phone rings with a call from a friend who’s really depressed. Instinctively, we come out of ourselves, just to be there with her and say a few reassuring words. When we’re done, and a little comfort’s been shared, we put down the phone and feel a little more at home with ourselves. We’re reminded of who we really are and what we have to offer one another.    -Ram Dass and Paul Gorman

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    MM, sure hope Dh turns out to be ok. Difficult to have someone not doing well. At our age we expect some but it is something you can't prepare for and is pretty much random.

    Chris, sure glad you had good cleaning assistance because you have been so busy yourself. I hope you are soon able to resume most of your previous (BO—before operation) life, have your little companion back with you and finalize your move back home, if you continue to feel it is best for you.

    Nothing special today but some bill paying to get done.

    Petite, I'm thinking of you and hoping that your issues start to resolve quickly and efficiently. I know the feeling. Our house has bad duck work in parts. House was added onto or rather build in odd fashion. It was a single wide mobile home and the man who had it build the house around the mobile home and then dismantled the mobile and removed it. That was fine save for some of the duck work in the actual added rooms.

    He also didn't leave enough crawl space so doing things now is a total nightmare. I think the upside for you will be that you will have a good system at last, but in the current temps. a bit hard to appreciate right now. Also, the overall hassle of dealing with un-expected things when I'm sure you had other ideas for this time period.

    Hope everyone has a really good Friday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Wow—so much to catch up on over only 2 days, so here goes (might need to do 2 posts):

    Chris, congrats on reclaiming your desired name! Do NOT feel any shame over your ethnic heritage—German or otherwise. Embrace it! Glad your healing is proceeding apace—you've had those staples in for quite some time now, but it seems long to me because for my TKRs I rehabbed in inpatient facilities (the second one was exclusively for ortho surgery patients). I had my staples removed only on the day of discharge (and the second time, I was medi-car-lifted to my ortho surgeon so he could check them for signs of infection before removal). If you think your TKR knee is more closely resembling your "normal" one now, just wait till the staples come out and the scar starts to heal. Just be patient and try not to overdo too quickly. (The first time, the day I was discharged I picked up my guitar and cabbed it to a songwriter-circle. Fun, but yee-ouch! Did a gig the next week, but Gordy came along as my combination roadie-health aide).

    Betrayal, you're making me drool again! I've never had scrapple—it wasn't a "thing" in NYC, especially not in my mostly-Jewish/Black B'klyn neighborhood (Brownsville) back in the '50s-'60s. I asked my mom what it was, and she said "disgusting pig treyf" (ultra-non-kosher). Mind you, we not only didn't keep kosher but Saturday morning breakfast was always bacon or sausage & eggs, though Sunday was always smoked fish/bagels/bialys/cheeses from the kosher "appetizing store." (We had ham on occasion but she couldn't make pork chops without incinerating them, to avoid trichinosis).

    But the other stuff? I miss schnitzel SOOO much! When we had a branch of Wolfgang Puck Cafe, it was my favorite dish to order. We now have only ONE German restaurant in all of Chicago, and it's downtown & not open for dinner on weekends. (My grandma used to make burgers schnitzel-or-"chicken-fried"-style, using matzo meal as breading; she learned from the cooks at the Mt. Clemens, MI & Hot Springs, AR spa resorts where she used to "take the waters"). I can't even get near the Lincoln Square Oktoberfest, because parking is impossible and it takes 2 trains or 3 buses to reach w/o a car or taxi. We have a couple of Christkindlmarkts (Loop & Wrigley Field) every year—and though they don't have schnitzel, the wursts, kraut & potato pancakes are delish. Never seen milk pie (and only time I had shoofly was when my folks brought it back from a vacay in Lancaster), but Dollop Cafe in Evanston is also a branch of Hoosier Mama Pies—the closest to it must be their "sugar pie").

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    Part deux:

    Last night there was a huge meeting in my HK's Austin neighborhood, about the flooding and the city's inadequate response (and arguably, poor preparation). It was so big it had to be taken outdoors. You know something's up when not just community leaders but three Congresspeople were irate. Our Gov. is pleading for a federal disaster declaration, for not just Austin but the hard-hit near west 'burbs of Cicero, Berwyn, Riverside, etc.—which have had 11'' of rain since Sunday with even more due overnight. Ch. 5's meteorologist last night warned everyone in the approaching storms' predicted path to bring valuable stuff still in basements upstairs, or at least get it up off the floors (we have a flood-control system, and any of our guitars and good wines down there are 3-4' off the floor). I asked my HK, and she replied she has nothing left down there she can't afford to lose. She is loath to install a sump pump or other preventive/ameliorative device because she wants to sell the house anyway and let the buyer make any improvements. She was late coming in this morning because her street and alley were blocked by bulldozers scooping up discarded furniture, appliances and other stuff ruined by flood/sewage water.

    Went to pay a shiva (condolence) call last night for the wife of the producer of the Bar Show. She was a 17-yr survivor of MBC (dx'ed de novo in 2006). She was not only a Jeff-Award (local equiv. of Tony)-winning choreographer & director but also a Grammy-winning music educator. Couldn't have attended funeral even if I tried—they stopped counting at 600 guests and had to bar the door. (Link to a video is going up today). She began planning her "celebration of life" when she stopped treatment (Verzenio, Xeloda) a few months ago.

    Got home, made a keto-compliant dinner and stayed up to feed Heidi, go online, and catch up on stuff I'd DVRed. At 3am I felt hungry so had some taramosalata & Irish butter on wholegrain sourdough. Bad idea—then got craving for taste & texture of chips (potato, flour tortilla), then a fig & date, then a bowl of generic (365) Cheerios & raisins—for the first time, I felt discomfort. Went to bed 3:45.

    Was awakened at 8:30 by a severe tibial cramp, dorsiflexed foot & toes, this time accompanied by "zapping" pangs in hip flexor and down the outer thigh (piriformis). Had to massage it with TheraWorx, and the nerves kept firing. Then at almost 9am I heard a meow—it was Heidi, nagging for food. I picked her up, lay down and placed her on my chest, where she stayed for 1/2 hr, purring, nuzzling, kneading and occasionally licking me until my leg calmed down enough that I could safely follow her down the stairs to feed her. Between that and the pitting ankle edema, I messaged the cardiologist who runs Skokie Hosp.'s wgt. mgmt. program and asked to see him rather than the NP. (I have a neuro followup in Oct.—maybe I can get in sooner). I really need to stop the "food noises" in my head before they do further damage. Even if my a1c is still normal, the nocturnal tibial dystonia is definitely evidence that my body can't handle sugar, because it doesn't happen during nights after I haven't had sugar (and the cravings are evidence of some bad brain-gut hormonal chemistry gone awry).

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Chris - glad you got your ice machine fixed and staples out. It sounds like you’re feeling better and tolerating PT. Wishing you continued improvement.

    Petite - sorry to hear about your AC issue. I hope you’re able to keep cool. I heard FL is having record heat lately. Hope it’s resolved today.

    Mavericksmom - please keep us posted about DH. I hope he’s ok.

    Betrayal - glad you’re getting the new bird cage setup. Sounds like you’ve been busy tending to your garden. Hope your knee is feeling better.

    Carole - hope your weather is improving, although I quite enjoy cool mornings. Well, it 40 degrees cool.

    Sandy - I certainly hope you HK has better luck coming her way. She’s really has some challenging things to deal with lately. My Dads parents kept kosher, but I did discover the hot plate in the basement where my grandfather sneaked cooking bacon occasionally. My Mom must’ve gotten her pork chop recipe from your mother.

    Enjoy your volunteer work today Harley.

    Illinois - our duct work was fine, but we dealt with electrical wiring issues at our previous home. Whoever rewired the house to put in circuit breakers made a mess of it. So if you’d reset the upstairs bedroom, the downstairs lights would go out too.

    Getting back to a normal routine now that my back has improved. DH and I have been taking early morning walks. I’m usually up by 6-6:30, so we try to leave the house before 7. It’s usually 70 degrees by then. Met my DB and SIL for lunch on Wednesday. My DB fell and hit his head the day before. He didn’t need stitches, but had to go to the ER to get the bleeding to stop and has a large bandage covering the cut on his head. DH had his 6 months checkup yesterday and is doing good. He sees the cardiologist in 2 months. Finally got the Libby app setup with our local library so that I can listen to audio books while I’m on vacation. Audible has gotten too expensive.

    Hope everyone is well and has a great day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Sad new to share. I was going to go over to Jo's house (Dr. Beguelin) to see how he was. She called beforehand. Dr. B passed away yesterday in the afternoon, two days before his 85th. birthday. He had been in tremendous pain most of the three weeks in the hospital. He though, a couple hrs. before his passing suddenly no longer was feeling the pain and went to sleep. And during sleep he just slipped away.

    We are feeling a little lost here. We will get use to it, but we expect to "feel" for some time. I just hope I can be supportive for Jo. They both seemed to have treasured us as much as we did them. Life goes on with adjustments.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited July 2023

    My condolences to you, and all his friends and relatives. (prayers also)

    Tippy is home! She will be coming by to take him for walks until I am ready to walk him. I slept fairly well all night, with him beside me. First time in 10 days that I logged decent sleep over three hours.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    Chris, so glad Tippy is home and can only imagine that reunion. Glad you had a more restful night as well. Nice that she is willing to walk him until you can resume that activity.

    Illinoislady: So sorry to hear about Dr. B and relieved his pain is over. My condolences to you and to his family. Sad that he did not get to his 85th birthday.

    Sandy: I really feel for you HK and all she has had to endure lately. Hope she can be compensated for the damage to her basement and the items she lost. Yes, they are replaceable but it is such a pain to have to find them, arrange for delivery, etc.

    petite1: Being without AC in this weather is horrible. After our tree strike in 2019 our AC was not replaced until the summer of 2021. In 2020, after most of the summer passed, they did arrange in August for the "loan" of a large room AC for the downstairs that did the family room and a bit of the kitchen and 2 window units for the bedrooms. We relied on box fans to try to keep cool prior to that and it was awful. Hopefully your new system will keep you cooler and you will have no further issues with it.

    Harley it is so nice of you to volunteer and assist others.

    MM: Hope your DH is okay.

    Yesterday I was able to hobble up the hill to address the weeds that have been growing so well this year. I try to keep the weeds in the wood back a swath a foot or so from the beds so there is less weeds in the beds. Didn't get to do that earlier so the beds were weed filled. I did plant the 2 ferns from my neighbor, and the new hydrangea my DD had gotten me. I filled a large leaf bag with weeds and will need either DD or DGS to assist with center of beds that I cannot reach. The hill is steep so I could do the edges but the center is out of reach and not a place I can stand with my current knees. They are getting better so slowly but I am hopeful I will be able to walk better maybe by the end of July. Today I'd like to work on the bed adjacent to the patio where we have the junipers. I have some hyacinth bulbs I'd like to plant there and it does need to be weeded. It is not as bad as the area I did yesterday and is more level (slight slope). We had a lot of thunder and a small sprinkle for all the noise we heard for over an hour. I love the yard now with all the lush plantings and the birds. I hate that my mobility has been hampered and keeps me from fully enjoying gardening.

    We were hoping that with the new bird cage stand that Misty would be unable to get on top. well, she dispelled that wish in about 5 minutes. She goes up there to nap. She can leap to great heights because the cage top is now over 5 feet off the floor. She leaps from the table. Hold my breath when I see her jump.

    Cardplayer, I envy you being able to do your daily walks.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    illinois, I am so sorry for your loss! I know Dr. B was like family to you! I guess the best any of us can hope for in death, is to pass in our sleep, pain free. Prayers for all who loved him!

    Petite, I do hope your AC is back to running normally! Thinking of you and Midnight Loui!

    Betrayal, nice to read that your knee is gradually feeling better! Your gardens sound amazing! Sorry that Misty is part gymnast! I wonder if she feels some kind of comfort being near the birds?

    Chris, I am so glad Tippy is home! I always hated when we had to board our dogs prior to leaving on vacation. It just didn't feel right at home without them! Awesome that you are continuing to heal well!

    My DH is doing much better. After hours at the ER yesterday, we think it was his very low magnesium levels that were the cause of his problems. I must say, the ER we went to isn't always known for being great, but for whatever reason, we went at the right time, not crowded, and he got excellent care! Thanks everyone, for asking about him. I was worried and I am very thankful for a good outcome!

    Karen, are you still out there? I keep wondering how you are doing!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    The Tao Te Ching says, When I let go of what I am, I become what
    I might be.  When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.
    Have you ever struggled to find work or love, only to find them
    after you have given up?  This is the paradox of letting go.
    Let go, in order to achieve.  Letting go is God's law.

    Mary Manin Morrissey

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    MM, it is a relief to hear that Dh seems to be all right. Hopefully correcting magnesium level will get everything right. Always something seems to rear up as we age and start to process things differently.

    So glad Tippy is back home with you Chris. Sounds like you both benefitted greatly. Blessed sleep. Almost a miracle drug.

    Betrayal, sure hope you do get more knee relief soon. As to Misty — well cats have always seemed to adore being "above" it all. They love high places most of the time. It tends to be quieter (for them) and they like the fact that they can watch/spy all activities while feeling no one can do this to them. They do not like to be surprised and so a higher comfy place is generally what they will seek out. Our oldest cat still gets on one of our tables and make a giant leap to a counter in order to get to his 'quiet', no one can sneak up on me spot. Off putting to watch because I generally think he is going to fall. I think Misty is less concerned with the birds and more with getting a safe observation point for herself. She has all that energy to spare to get there too.

    Another nothing special day. Woke up to lightning, thunder and rain. I snuggled in bed with my eyes closed just because with muted hearing what I could hear was actually calming. Felt like being a kid again and at home in my bunk bed listening to the same kinds of storms. I was not afraid of lightning then and found the claps of thunder quite interesting. Just seemed a little magical at the time.

    Hope the A/C is happily humming at your house petite.

    Hope you all have a really good day.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    I sent a message to Karen on Messenger. Her Facebook account is still there. I am thinking her transfusion was coming up.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Illinois - Condolences to you and Dr. Bs family on his passing.

    Chris - glad to hear the Tippy is home. I hope you’re doing well.

    Mavericksmom - glad to hear that DH is doing well and that received good care in the ER.

    Betrayal - sounds like Misty likes to have a perch in the highest place. I hope the cage is sturdy.

    Went to my monthly support group. The topic was journaling. I keep trying to start keeping a journal, but I just can’t seem to get started. One of the women who facilitates the meetings brought a book on journaling and I thumbed through it to get some ideas. I’m a big list maker, which is a form of journaling. I have more than just grocery and medication lists, so I guess I do a some journaling. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Hope everyone is doing well today.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Chris, huge THANK YOU for reaching out to Karen!

    Cardplayer, I love journaling! I wrote a book about my first two breast cancer experiences. I find great relief in writing. I also have a diary on a USB stick, somewhere around 700 pages, I started when I had completely torn all the ligaments of my rotator cuff, so it has over 13 years' worth of "venting" on it. I usually write in it when I am upset or angry but have a lot of fun family times recorded as well. I find it a wonderful release when I get stressed out.