Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 310

    Harley07 - Welcome. My advice is to do what you love and don't sweat the small stuff. We only really have today. Travel if you can, try new hobbies, consider a pet, and meet new friends. You will be surprised at how many "non work" things are available during the day.

    As a former non-profit CEO, I have enjoyed servicing on several boards of directors. I'm not a gym goer or a gardener but try to do at least one dog walk a day and play 27 holes of golf (9 at a time) most weeks. Genealogy, historical fiction, and bridge provide mental challenges.

    Great pics - both of Ireland and Misty.

    As for feeling melancholy, I think it catches up with all of us occasionally as we age. I don't feel depressed about it, but I'm sure the best of my life is over - but oh what a ride! As someone in my book club said yesterday, "we are only a speck in the universe but we have been lucky enough to have been that." Sort of puts stuff in perspective. Jackie probably even has a quote for that.

    I do feel a little overwhelmed with all the downsizing, reorganizing, etc. that several of you are doing. I think about it more than I do it. Have gotten rid of most of my "paper" stuff and drop no longer fitting or never worn clothes off at my favorite thrift shop, but the cupboards really need thinning.

    Sandy - tough fall. Hope all of you with orthopedic issues can get them quickly resolved. I do wish Medicare paid for acupuncture and massage.

    Have a good weekend, everyone. Be careful in the smoke. Highs all this week are predicted in the 100's here.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    How true it is that, if we are cheerful
    and contented, all nature smiles,
    the air seems more balmy, the sky clearer,
    the earth has a brighter green. . .
    the flowers are more fragrant. . .
    and the sun, moon and stars
    all appear more beautiful,
    and seem to rejoice with us.

    Orison Swett Marden

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    Sun is out, but not real bright yet. Iffy since I don't see a leaf on the trees moving. Breezes would be nice, but we are without more always than with.

    Nothing much planned as most of the have too's will have to wait until Monday now. Taking care of the puppies now until Sunday night —- so not too long. Dr. B remains in the hospital across the river. So, he does have something of a diagnosis. That is good so that he can get appropriate treatment. No word yet on how much longer he will be a patient. I'm thinking he may need rehab (live it at the Manor here ) maybe since his hospital stay seems to be keeping him mainly bed bound —- but who knows for sure right now.

    I have been for the most part feeling pretty good lately. Once I got through my really bad day (one week ago today) I have definitely felt far better and stronger again with none of the petty pesky things that can be wearing.

    Looking to have a really good day and be able to get things done. Thinking of all who have tests, treatments, ailments and hoping a smooth path for all.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Welcome Harley. I hope you enjoy your retirement.

    Sandy - My family was also Reform, but very active in our Temple. Dad was president of the brotherhood and involved on the board and Mom taught religious school. We went to services most Friday nights and sometimes Saturday and Havdalah services . Always attended services for holidays. Dating someone who wasn’t Jewish wasn’t allowed; it didn’t stop me though. DH family was Methodist, although they didn’t belong to a church when I met them. I met DH when I moved away after college. My DH and I were married my a justice of the peace at a hotel in northern VA. Even though I’d been in touch with my Dads family (he passed when I was in high school), none of them attended. Most of my Moms family did though.

    I had good intentions for doing a few house cleaning chores this morning. My back is still bothering me, but I figured it’ll be okay. But as I was finishing my protein shake, the cat jumped up on the table, knocked over my halfway full 24oz tervis tumbler glass of water. I jumped up to try to catch the glass and my back seized up. I’ve been alternating between ice and heat this morning. On the plus side, the water did a good job of cleaning the excess cat hair off the table. 🙀

    Hope everyone has a pain and stress free day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    illinois, sounds like you are doing better which is wonderful! I hope Dr B continues to do the same, at least he is where he should be to get the best care. Nice of you to care for the puppies! Speaking of puppies, how are Minnie and Milly getting along now?

    Welcome Harley! My thoughts on aging: don't forget that with age comes wisdom!!! I live one day at a time, and I realized after several nights of waking up fretting over the negatives of aging, knowing that my years are numbered, that life didn't really change. All the things I was fretting over had been true all my life, I just wasn't aware of it. Yes, years make the it less likely we will be alive in X number of years, but why waste time fretting over that? Maybe our "bucket list" is shorter, or our values of what is important changes, but really, life is still worth living and I for one plan to make the best of it!

    On the topic of religion, I am technically Methodist, however I do not attend church. When my daughter was a Jr in High School, there was a Jewish boy who was head over heals in love with her. I got such a kick out of watching him around her. I liked him very much. His parents were against them dating. One of my friends who is also Jewish, said to me in no uncertain terms, that they were right to feel that way because the women pass on their faith to their children. Not being Jewish, I don't know if that is true or not.

    Honestly, my feeling was more of knowing they were so young and I doubted they would end up being married someday, so I felt that his parents were putting the cart before the horse, so to speak. I was right, they dated one year, then broke up and she dated several other boys before she met her husband. That boy went on to marry and have kids, which I learned from his retired lawyer father, who substituted at my school one year. He was very nice, even when our kids were dating, neither he nor his wife was ever rude to me or to my daughter. I suspect their son was made aware of their feelings. Looking back, it was wonderful that they remained friends after breaking up, and honestly, I don't remember any bad feelings over any part of it. The memory of that boy and how he swooned my daughter still puts a smile on my face! They went to the Jr. Prom together and I still have that picture.

    My DGD's dance recital last night was so much fun! Unlike my daughter's recitals, the first half of the recital was a dance version of the Wizzard of Oz with each age group doing part of the story. I left at intermission due to the time and the fact that my DGD wasn't in the second half, which featured dance routines by the older students. I don't like to drive at night and by leaving then I got home before it got dark outside. They have two more shows today. I loved watching all the dancers and was extremely impressed by the talent so many exhibited! I also loved sitting next to my DGS! I got there before he and my DD and DSIL, and his jaw dropped when he saw me as they didn't tell him I would be there. His face just lit up, he was absolutely adorable and watching his reaction to parts of the show was priceless!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    Cardplayer: Have you considered purchasing a TENS machine to use on your back? They are quite affordable and I use my regularly when my back is bothering me such as now. You do not need a doctor's order to buy one. I use it several times a day and you can adjust intensity as well as the time.

    DH was surprised by the birthday cake and takeout dinner. The cake was a dark chocolate layer cake with chocolate icing with jimmies (sprinkles) on the side. It was a moist, dense cake that was so delicious and I will frequent this bakery again. It was pricey but well worth it to have a cake that didn't taste like a box mix or was dry as dust. The icing wasn't over sweet nor overly thick. I usually am scraping icing off cakes but not this time. They did put HB and his name on the cake, too.

    Harley07: Welcome to this forum. My advice about retirement (joined those ranks in December 2019) is to not have a home needing a Covid 4 year restoration project. Long story short, our home was damaged by a tree strike in 11/19 and just completed in 1/23. It was not what I planned for retirement but I was glad I was here to oversee the workers. I am an avid gardener and find that to be my form of meditation. I cannot believe what I used to accomplish when I was working but realize now I relish the idea of not being in constant motion to handle work and a home. It is nice to read, enjoy Netflix, spend time just vegetating and deciding what if any task I want to tackle today. So I find it more balanced and less hectic. I have "me" time for once. You will eventually find a routine that you can settle into and that a less hectic life is actually pleasant.

    1946Taco: You have lived such an interesting and diverse life. I admire all you have done in the service of others.

    A Cooper's hawk used my birdfeeder as a buffet yesterday and I have been unable to identify which bird he caught (Dove?) but it had a Blue Jay going ballistic and in dive bombing mode while it snacked. Gruesome but then this is nature and I am attempting to keep my backyard a woodlands nature preserve. It was not a juvenile this time but an adult and it was a magnificent bird to see. Left a messy pile of feathers that we will need to clean up though.

    The Baltimore oriole is using the hummingbird feeder so I have to keep a closer eye on the nectar level since the hummingbird is sharing it. During yesterday's downpour the hummingbird was hiding in the Japanese maple right outside the bay window. It is so unusual to see them not in motion.

    Hope everyone has a nice day. It is sunny with a bit of a haze from fires again and going into low 80's today. Just trying to get some floors mopped and counters wiped down today before I take some "me" time.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856
    edited June 2023

    Yeah, the sky is pale blue today.

    A friend wanted some pants shortened, first just cut, then the whole deal. So I decided to cut off my pants which are too short into long shorts, just above the knee, since the back of my knee is so sensitive. So, a change of plan for today.

    Betrayal, thanks for the reminder to fire up my TENS.

    My left hearing aid is not picking up the signal from my phone today. The warrantee has just run out, wouldn't you know» Time to get new ones, I suppose. Glad my hearing is so bad that I get them through insurance.

    I am up and riding around on EGT. My mechanic dissected the motor and said that it was as they had predicted…. toast, but not edible.

    Now that everything is set up for my date on the 27th, I am much more relaxed. Just going downstream in a canoe, no problem with snags in the current, either. If any appear, others can push them out of the way. I am sure we have all experienced that.

    So glad you got the cathair washed off of the table, cardplayer. Not a great way of getting it done, though. I have a sinkfull of dishes, again.

    MM, that sounds like a beautiful recital.

    Sandy, I hope you start feeling better soon.

    Welcome, Harley. I got retired bunches of years ago, was very unhappy about it.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Mavericksmom - there’s a good explanation of how Jewishness is passed down at the following link

    Glad you enjoyed the recital.

    Betrayal - dug out my Tens unit, found a fresh battery, and new electrodes. Thank you for the reminder. Wearing it now and icing.

    Mary - sorry to hear that your HA isn’t working correctly. I was able to get my last ones refurbished for $250 each since I had to self pay. Lasted a couple of extra years.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    Thanks for the warm welcome and bits of wisdom. I’m glad I could leave on my terms and not theirs but am feeling a bit of a ‘failure’ that I didn’t meet my goal of working another year. I’m sure I’ll figure it out but it may take some time to find my groove. I went in on an 80 minute bike ride today through the neighborhoods on my side of town. Beautiful day with temps in the high 70’s and mostly clear skies.

    Sandy - hope the bone heals quickly; yeah, the NASCAR race through Chicago is just dumb.

    Illinoislady - continued good wishes for your friend.

    Taco1946 - thanks for the reminder to enjoy my free time.

    Cardplayer - sending healing wishes for your back

    MM - thank you for the reminder to live in the moment. Seeing the joy on DGS’s face must be heart warming.

    betrayal - DH’s cake sounds mouth watering; barring unforeseen circumstances, a home renovation is definitely not on my retirement ‘to do’ list

    Mary - best wishes for a successful surgery later this month.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856

    MM, did you ever hear the saying, "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world?" The mother is the primary transmitter of culture. In all cultures. It is codified in Jewish tradition, but it is everywhere. We are more important than we have been trained to think of ourselves. I'll leave it at that (giggling to myself).

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    Mary, I am giggling as well with thoughts of Rosie the Riveter in my head.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2023

    Actually, though Judaism is passed through matrilineal descent*, that refers to only official status as a Jew. Religious adherence ("faith" is a bit of a misnomer, as Judaism is a religion of practice & observance, not belief) is the responsibility of the family in general. In Reform, a child of an interfaith marriage is considered Jewish—regardless of which parent is Jewish or Gentile—so long as the child considers her/himself to be Jewish. But Orthodox rabbis regard only children of a Jewish mother (a mother Jewish by either birth or conversion before delivery) as Jewish—and if the child converts, the conversion must be performed by an Orthodox rabbi in order to be valid. (I won't get into the politics of Israel's "Law of Return," which confers Israeli citizenship on all Jews who desire to immigrate there—suffice it to say with the increasing power of the ultra-Orthodox in the gov't, the question of who is a Jew for that purpose has gotten fairly thorny).

    *(Why matrilineal? There's no dispute as to maternity—at least there wasn't back in the day when the Sages were compiling the Talmud).

    We didn't do "pre-Cana" during our engagement—the Newman Club faculty advisor Fr. O'Sullivan (Jesuit) was fairly laid-back and said "I'm sure you two will do your best in matters of faith." The rabbi we found explained that as I was born Jewish of a Jewish matrilineal line stretching back centuries over two continents, our children would automatically be Jewish unless they converted to another religion. Gordy was Bar Mitzvah but didn't continue on to confirmation. Leslie was born of Protestant parents but her family isn't religiously affiliated.

    My palm abrasions are healing well. I have more ROM in the elbow, though I think I may have strained my rotator cuff. The ulnar nerve entrapment is fading very, very slowly. And I have a couple of nasty bruises on my hip, but no internal pain nor impaired mobility. Stayed home today—watered the plants (was able to work the hose with my L hand); will run the sprinkler tomorrow, as there's no end forecast to our dry spell.

    I treated myself to some local honey in my Greek yogurt & walnuts for dessert. I'd have preferred to head to Lickity Split on the corner for a chocolate custard "concrete," but didn't feel like getting out of the scrubs I use as PJs. Will try driving tomorrow—we need some stuff that neither Whole Foods nor Monday's farmer's market carries. Not being able to bear weight on my R arm will hold down my purchases from the latter.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    We should never be ashamed to approve truth or acquire it, no matter what its source might be, even if it might have come from foreign peoples and alien nations far removed from us.  To those who seek the truth, no other object is higher in value.  Neither shall truth be under-rated, nor its exponent belittled.  For indeed, truth abases none and ennobles all.

    Rasa'il al-Kindi

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856
    edited June 2023

    Yes, that, too. "*(Why matrilineal? There's no dispute as to maternity—at least there wasn't back in the day when the Sages were compiling the Talmud)." That is the patriarchal way of explaining it. But logically it doesn't compute. A person's ancestry doesn't matter as much as cultural influences and integrity of character.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Cardplayer, I went on the link you listed and found it very interesting! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Sandy, likewise your information was appreciated and also interesting! Iam so sorry you are dealing with the break, bumps and bruises! You have had more than your share of "stress" this year! Sending you tons of healing vibes!

    I feel my world doubled in size because of all of you!

    Harley, I was forced to retire due to my third breast cancer diagnosis. Actually "forced" is the wrong term, my diagnosis just made more sense to retire earlier than planned. I planned to retire now, in June, the end of the school year because I worked in a middle school. I was diagnosed with IDC last August. There is such a shortage of help in schools since Covid and financially I didn't want to retire prior to the new school year, so after a discussion with my principal, I decided to try to put in one more year.

    Actually it all worked out for the best. I retired in February, had time to do things prior to my exchange surgery, like selling one of our cars since we didn't need two, and getting taxes done. After my exchange surgery in March, I didn't have the pressure of work added to my recovery which was really nice. Physically I just couldn't keep working.

    Retirement has been full of adjustments, but I feel really good about it now. I like being retired! I can eat and go to the bathroom whenever I need to not when it fits into my schedule. Believe it or not, that was a huge positive! I like being available to enjoy more time with friends and family. When I worked my Saturday schedule was grocery shopping, laundry, dusting and vacuuming the house! Sunday mornings I met my sister for coffee and then cleaned the bathrooms and did whatever else needed to be done. I felt weekends were like "wash, rinse, repeat!"

    Now I have coffee with my sister on Monday mornings, and while I still do grocery shopping early on Saturday morning, it is by choice, not necessity. I plan to join a gym and get involved in some community groups. My DS and family are visiting in July and my husband's siblings are visiting in August.

    The best part of retirement is flexibility of time! I no longer have to worry about arranging doctor appointments or other appointments around work.

    Harley, I hope you enjoy retirement as much as everyone here does! It just takes a bit of time to adjust!

    Mary, the "surgery count down is on" and you seem more than ready for it! Of course any time you want to put more pictures here, maybe of your pants or creations, they would be appreciated! You are so talented!

    It's sunny here and I want to do something outdoors today, but I need to wash the walls in the office-soon-to-be DH's bedroom. Thankfully it is a small room! Have a great day everyone!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856

    I have put that sewing project aside. I have resolved to be as inactive as I need to be in order to be comfortable. I have instead shortened pants to 12 inches, just above the knee. Wide leg silk full length pants would be excellent, but if I can cut others off above the knee and hem them without getting into gymnastics, that I will do— for now.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2023

    Mary, Judaism is a special case. Unlike other faiths & cultures, it is not just a religion or a culture, but also an ethnicity—descended from the 12 tribes (10 lost) of Israel. The only official ways to be Jewish are either by having been born to a Jewish mother or by converting to Judaism. "Cultural identity," "integrity of character," and even degree of observance or piety have nothing to do with who is a Jew for purposes of the right to Israeli citizenship for those who immigrate to Israel under the "Law of Return." (Karen can probably explain this better than can I, as she has a daughter who "made aliyah," immigrating to Israel).

    Some Gentiles take it further and consider us not just an ethnicity but a "race" (obviously incorrect), as a basis for prejudice and persecution. Originally, anti-Semitism stemmed from the fiction that it was Jews, not Roman rulers, who killed Jesus; then from our refusal to worship Jesus as the son of G-d. In 19th century Europe, that morphed into a belief that Jews controlled finance and therefore all of industry & society (finance was one of the few occupations in which Christian theocratic governments permitted Jews to engage because Jesus abhorred money-lenders, and therefore Paul forbade money-lending for believers in the nascent Christianity).

    When losing WWI led to recession & depression across Germany, Italy and the former Hapsburg empire, nativist/populist movements arose that resentfully blamed the Jews because we didn't economically suffer as badly as did Gentile citizens. That led of course to the Holocaust and persists today in neo-Nazism/white-supremacist nativist populism, which is frighteningly resurgent. Doesn't help that the increasingly ultra-right-wing Israeli gov't is encouraging Jewish settlement in Palestinian/Arab land captured in the 6-Day War, while denying citizenship to Arabs who don't live w/in pre-1967 Israel—too many Gentiles mistakenly believe that all Jews approve of the actions of the Israeli gov't., leading to resurfacing of anti-Semitic tropes (e.g., "all about the Benjamins" or "dual loyalties").

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856
    edited June 2023

    Thank you!! Truly a special case. Four thousand years ago, at the intersection of three continents, humanity first realized that there must be a Supreme Being. Today, much of humanity follows in the steps of that belief. Maybe the haters are jealous that their ancestors hadn't had that Eureka! moment.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 310
    edited June 2023

    Interesting discussion - thanks Mary and Sandy for your insights. Do we have any anthopologists or students of early history to chime in. Sitting here thinking about what other "tribes" have matrilineal descent. I know many Native Peoples follow matrilineal lines.

    Is the notion of a patriarchy unique to Christianity or does it go back farther than that? I'm not a Biblical scholar but I'm not thinking of any "heroines" in the Old Testament either. How does the movement from polytheism to monotheism fit? Is it culturally appropriate to have gods and goddesses but when there is only one - it is always male? I think that is consistent with Mary's statement about humankind's acknowledgement of a Supreme Being.

    I have no answers to these pondering but again I thank you both for getting me thinking about it. I'm editing this to say, I also know that I need to better sort out the relationship between "descent" and "power." My former anthropology professor would be slapping my hand.

    On a lighter note, I get to have 2 crowns replaced on Tuesday and Ken has the first of two cataract surgeries on Wednesday. What an exciting week.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    You have wonderful questions Taco. I do think there is a supreme power behind everything. Different names are used so I prefer to look on it as a supreme power. I do believe if we are made in the image — then there is a male power as well as female power. I am quite comfortable with that view point. I am not a true student so don't really have much for answers, but just a few light things here and there.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856
    edited June 2023

    Some would disagree, but the Supreme Power transcends gender, yet both male and female. The Christian Trinity gives us a more intimate relationship with the deity. Jesus is male, yes. But one can envision the Holy Spirit as feminine. To me, through the rosary, Mary is a messenger of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, God is multifaceted.

    In my Bible, (OT) Ruth, Judith, Esther, Moses' mother Jochebed, Susanna, Rachel, Hannah, Abigail, Deborah, Rahab, (NT) Anna, Tabitha, Mary, Mary Magdalene. Took a bit of research to get the list closer to completion.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    illinoislady Member Posts: 28,402June 18

    Sandy, I love learning more about the Jewish religions and customs. I wish I could keep more of it straight in my mind, but I'm not very good with certain kinds of info. I have through the years had many 'Jewish" friends and the fact is — I never thought of them that way. Or I guess I would say I thought of them just like I thought of those friends who were Methodist, Baptist, Catholic or Seventh Day Adventists. They were loving, kind, caring joyful people who chose to enhance life for everyone and celebrate positive things. Unless it is way out there and very unusual (as in cult like Jim Jones) I just don't categorize people by religion.

    There is muted sun this morning. We may have a storm later but hard to tell for the most part. So often the weather report information does happen, but we don't always get it or with the same intensity as it sounds for others.

    Funny thing yesterday. We had some time before feeding the puppies so decided to go to James St. and visit an estate yard sale. We don't need anything but those that are 'estate' can yield some great bargains often of some nearly new items or well cared for if older.

    How embarrassing. I thought I knew our little city like the back of my hand. We drove all over our little town as well as the next one (Wamac) and could not find THE James St. Here I was a realtor (who should know their city and surrounds better) and I always thought James was actually in Wamac. Well, it is, and in two places — but it wasn't the right James St which was actually in Centralia. To make matters worse, I drive past James every time we go to Walmart or any other store in that area. Turns out to be one of those streets that I never bothered to learn the name since it was a street that was always to me — just something along the way to somewhere else that I never had to use.

    Dh and I giggled the rest of the day about driving around over an hour looking for a street that was right under our noses. We finally found it, but (red face all over) we had to finally ask someone where James St. in Centralia actually was. I was just hoping my face didn't turn bright red when the lady told us.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Each day I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, dreams that turned into reality and likes that turned into love. ~~~Elizabeth Kuebler-Ross

    DX Stage II, Grade 3, ER+, PR-, HER2-,

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    When we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with the highest part of ourselves, we are filled with enthusiasm, purpose, and meaning. . . . We are joyously and intimately engaged with our world. This is the experience of authentic power.    -Gary Zukav

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    We did get our storm finally — coming well after dark. It tried earlier but fizzled then. So friend's daughter and she returned yesterday afternoon. Jo was going to stay across the river but Dr. B was moved late yesterday out of ICU so that is a good sign. Now I think they will be looking at collating all the test results into a final dx and treatment plan. Hopefully it won't be too long before he is able to get back across the river and working on that treatment program. Hoping and praying that the tests do not reveal so much damage to the kidneys that medications can be the answer for not and avoid dialysis.

    We have muted sun for now, but I think the storms have moved on. I think due to getting a great deal of rain our humidity might be a toughie for a while now. Some of the un-pleasant parts of Illinois summers. We really were getting fairly dry beforehand and did need a good rain.

    I may go to a wake this early evening. Next door neighbor while I was growing up. The very last of the 9 children in that family. I though was quite young as Alex is 95 — so he had a nice long stay here. Spent most of his life in Texas but would come home often and I saw him a number of times thru the yrs. I have been 'back' home.

    Will also check on Jo while she is home. She had a fall at SLUH on her replaced knee done about 15 yrs. ago and actually broke her kneecap. This is why she returned home yesterday (huge leg brace in place) instead of staying with Dr. B as she had planned. She frets over him and actually in some ways it could be a blessing. Jo is lovely but is I think too good a nurse helper at times. She is (may have mentioned this) the former nun who was administrator for several yrs. at our local Catholic hospital. So lots of knowledge in the medical field and very attentive to patient needs.

    She needs some of that TLC herself and someone looking in and possibly helping with anything that could be tricky for someone in a leg brace who must keep the leg from bending for now. That would be me. Dr. B and Jo always said of me — that God sent me to them long ago to take care of Jo's mother. I was amazed when another close friend mentioned to me how they characterized me to many of their other friends. The thing is — I'd scoff to some degree, but they ARE just those kinds of people. They have principles and they mean what they say when they say it because it has become solid truth to them. It really is a beautiful compliment.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    That is a wonderful compliment and you are lucky they spoke the truth to others. What a wonderful relationship you have with them as that can be a rarity today. So many are focused on what you can do for them and not what can they also do for you. They are lucky to have you.

    Neighbor mentioned she was pulling out some ferns and was going to trash them. I offered to rehome them since the garden beds near the woods I try to keep looking like a woodlands and not a formal flower bed. Planted them this morning after planting some new perennials in pots until they sprout more, removing hyacinth bulbs from pots so I can plant them later, and watering the patio plants. Then I asked DH to help me trim a tree that is overhanging one of my dogwoods which is making it grow crooked. It was a rather large branch but luckily the wood was soft and the saw bit well. I had planted some marigold seeds in one planter and have some sprouts.

    Made nectar so I can empty the feeder to wash it and then refill. The hummingbirds have been busy and so has the Baltimore Oriole.

    My knees have been more cooperative so I am happy I could do some gardening today. It is sunny, in the 80's and a good breeze would have been appreciated while we were working. Hope everyone has a good day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    illinois, I agree, what a wonderful compliment from your friends!

    Betrayal, sounds like your knees are allowing you to do some gardening that you love to do! Nice to keep the woodlands look, also super nice to have hummingbirds at your feeder, and your hummingbird wannabe…A.K.A. Baltimore Oriole!!!

    Sandy, I think you expanded my world even more! Thank you!

    I have a question I hope you or anyone else here can answer, albeit might sound a bit silly. My DH and I like watching Hallmark movies because they are non stressful and always have happy endings. We often tape a new one, then watch it later so we can fast forward the commercials. We recorded one from Saturday night, I think it was called "The Marriage Contract." It was about a Jewish couple and their engagement. They were having a Jewish ceremony and had to meet with the Rabi prior to their wedding. One thing they did was to make a marriage contract. I thought it was such a beautiful thing, as they wrote their commitments to each other and it was printed and framed to be hung where they would see it every day. My question is, does such a thing exist in the Jewish faith or did Hallmark make that up for the movie? I know from watching Hallmark movies about topics I know well, like dog shows, that they get things very wrong, but anyone without knowledge of the topic wouldn't know what is not based on fact.

    This morning I had coffee with my sister and lunch with one of my BFFs! I enjoyed both so much!!! It was nice to relax and catch up on everything. My BFF was one of my former co-workers and so I got caught up on all the things that happened since I retired. She is considering retirement too and had many questions for me that I was only too happy to answer!

    Our former home office is all ready to be repurposed into a bedroom again! Yesterday I washed the walls and took out the screens and washed them, this morning I replaced the screens and hung the new drapes, it really looks nice. It is ready for the new bed arriving on Friday.

    Tomorrow I hope to do some weeding, Wednesday my DH has an appointment with his PCP and Thursday I have one with my breast surgeon. I am glad I have this upcoming appointment because I had another bad night last night. I hear so many of you having the same issues at night and wonder if this is what my new normal will be like. I hope not! I am not expecting a lot of answers from my doctor, but hopefully some advice moving forward.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    How great Maverick — getting to have lunch with your former co-worker and best friend. I bet it was fun and deeply satisfying as well. How fortuitous that she could provide you with news of others you worked with and how work progression has been since your retirement — and you being able to give her many answers on what she might expect upon her retirement. Bet it seemed like time just flew by.

    Betrayal, I too enjoyed hearing you were able to successfully do some gardening today and even more take something that your neighbor was finding apparently didn't add anything to her yard, just perfect for your own garden, that would have withered and died and not been able to bring satisfaction and joy to anyone anymore. Some things are meant to be. I am very fond of ferns myself. They often seem delicate but are in reality pretty hardy. I'm glad they now have a good home.

    My day is running slow but my tasks do not have to be completed today. Thank goodness.

  • 5andcounting
    5andcounting Member Posts: 32

    Can anyone on this thread recommend an oncologist in Ft. Myers? I am 56 and my last episode was 10 years ago. My 28 year old daughter is now dealing with this damn cancer and I am getting ready to move down there to help her through treatment. I am so upset and angry that she has to face this. She had a double mastectomy scheduled for August and they found the mass when she was doing her pre surgery MRI. She was getting mx so she never had to worry. We both have ATM gene mutation.

    I would so appreciate any help with recommendations on doctors and any sites for short term housing. I imagine I will be there 3-4 months.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    5andcounting - I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter and glad to hear that you can be there to support her. Perhaps for short term housing you could try AirBnB,, or corporate
    Best of luck to both of you

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    5andcounting, several members here live in Florida. I am sure at least one can help. You could try starting a new topic under one of the forums, like "Recommendations for Ft Myers, FL MO" That way you might catch the attention of a wide range of people.

    My heart goes out to you and your daughter. I had breast cancer three times, but I can't even imagine how I would feel if my daughter was diagnosed! Please know you have a lot of support here so I hope you will stay in touch.