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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Sounds like everyone but Betrayal, who is gardening, is laying pretty low in this record setting weather week. The Illinois rain sounds horrible. Has it damped the smoke down any?

    It's been over 110 for over a week but as we like to say, "it's a dry heat." When we first moved here the weather people declared it Monsoon weather when the humidity was at a certain percent (don't remember what it was) but recently they have decided it should be June 15-Sept. 15th no matter what. Today the dew point is 45 and there is only 11% humidity. It's also 108 and it's 7:00 pm. Not a cloud in sight. But it's Monsoon season! And yes, I'm still golfing.

    Ken had his second cataract surgery in two weeks. Seems to be doing well but is in that frustrating period when he needs new glasses and they won't do it yet.

    Chris, sounds like you are making fantastic progress but pace yourself. Jackie, so sorry to hear about your friend. It's clear you are very close and have been great help to each other.

    Helping at a food bank is a great choice. It's amazing how much volunteers save non-profits. At our food bank, one couple sorts plastic bags for recycling and we figure we save about $60,000 from just their help by not having to buy bags.

    Have a safe weekend everyone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Unfortunately, all is not beauty and peace.  I don't believe I've ever met a person who hasn't been challenged or wounded by something.  Difficulties present choices:  we can either waste away from our wounds or use them to grow our souls.  My husband, for example, is a survivor of the Second World War.  As a child, he suffered through six years of bombings, near-escapes, and concentration camps.  Part of his soul work has been the gradual transformation of this deep well of grief and pain.  As he heals himself, he also participates in healing that terrible idea of war in others.  I have always said that no one heals alone--we heal through and for one another.

    Joan Borysenko

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Petite, I hope you are managing to keep cool in the summer weather. A/C is a necessity for survival in the south.

    I was not complaining when I mentioned the cool, even cold, temperatures we've been having here in northern MN. We leave home for four months of the summer to escape heat and humidity. We love sleeping with the bedroom window open and no rumble of camper a/c.

    Last night we had a rare instance of drunken behavior here in the campground. The owners are out of town and a number of the seasonals were not here so a group of people around a campfire played a radio loud and made a lot of noise. I was awakened at 12:30 and sent dh over to quiet them down. If I'd waited a half hour, thunder and rain would probably have taken care of the problem.

    Every weekend there's a gathering around a campfire and a lot of drinking but we have rules about noise after 11 pm.

    Jackie, I'm sorry about the death of your dear friend.

    On the gardening subject, our next door neighbor at home sent me photos of a vine overtaking the large azalea bed in our yard that has caused me a lot of trouble in pruning and maintenance. He assured me that they weren't bothered but wanted to let me know what was happening. I'm at the state of mind that I would just as soon do away with the bed but that in itself would be a challenge.

    Betrayal, your yard sounds lovely thanks to all your efforts and talent.

    MM, so relieved to learn that your dh is ok.

    Wishing everyone a good Sunday. I plan to go to Walmart's to pick up prescriptions and buy items on a list. We're joining friends tonight for dinner at a nearby restaurant. They live in southern MN and in town for a few days.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Wow — looks pretty cloudy outside. Maybe some rain. Yesterday turned out to be a sort of lost day. I kept dozing off and on and it was a surprise to me. Guess I was exhausted and really didn't realize it. Hopefully, I will do a bit better today.

    Likely will do my usual and make a quick run through Goodwill. It seems to have become something of a habit with me. Likely will as well go over and see my friend Jo.

    Also, some prep for tomorrow. I have to order meds, pay some bills and change an appt. I had a check scheduled at Marion VA for them to see how my ICD is doing. The machine by my bed has never registered an alarm so it must not be too bad. Thurs. is the appt. day but also the day of Dr. B; s funeral and no question that I would change the appt.

    Hope you all have a great Sunday.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited July 2023

    A quiet Sunday here. Waiting for a noon baseball game on TV. Hopefully they’ll get the game in before the afternoon rain. It’s overcast here today and humidity is thick. We didn’t get any rain although it poured in the DC area yesterday. We’ve begun to pack for our beach trip, as we leave Friday morning. I’ve decided that I’ll do grocery shopping at the beach (Duck, NC) rather than use up the space in the car. DD, SIL and baby come Saturday and DS and DIL arrive Sunday. Plus the dogs. Looking forward to a full beach house.

    Mavericksmom - maybe I should track my dreams in a journal. One way to get started journaling.

    Taco - I guess a dry heat isn’t too bad, but phew 110 sounds miserable. I guess you get use to it.

    Sorry you had to deal with drunken campers Carole.

    Enjoy you day Illinois. I hope your checkup goes well tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    It is literally raining cats and dogs here. It is expected to last the better part of the day and flood warnings are in effect. The stream that runs through our property can rise to road level and has flooded the road in the past. We do have stupid people who choose to drive though it ignoring heeds about being washed away. I did not get to weeding yesterday and was hoping to sneak an hour in this morning before the rain but it rained earlier than projected.

    I purchased these bins with drawers from Home Edit at Walmart. I want to organize my jewelry overflow so I can see what I have and then wear what I have. I have to admit I am a jewelry collector favoring Navajo pieces and jewelry made by artisans. I do have some costume jewelry from Stella and Dot and other sources that I will group together for more casual wear. I now have 2 bins organized with all boxes labeled as to content/color. I need to order some more but love the fact that these have drawers for easy access rather than the lidded boxes I was using. They are stackable as well. Now that I am retired I don't have as much opportunity to wear some of these.

    Illinoislady, hope you can reschedule your checkup.

    Carole, send some of that cool weather to 1946Taco who is sweltering. I have experienced some of that dry heat and while your sweat evaporates quickly, you feel dehydrated just as quickly. It is much preferred over the humid weather we get where the temp and humidity are the same and sweat just pours off you.

    Cardplayer, enjoy your beach vacation with family. It sounds like a great opportunity to relax and walk on the sand. I love beach walks.

    Taco: What type of lens insert did your husband have for his cataract surgery? I had the distance lens inserted and really love that the only glasses I need on occasion are reading ones. I had them done about 8 years apart so I was wearing one contact lens for a time and then realized I could use the eye not done for reading only so stopped wearing the lens. It does require some adjustment at first. Hope he gets the relief he is seeking.

    Have a good day. The rain has paused for the moment but it is just a momentary pause.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    We spent 4 days w family at a camp on Cayuga lake; one of the finger lakes. Loved it. I’m far behind here, but scribbled some notes to keep up.

    Betrayal, sad to hear about your parakeets but glad it wasn’t Regan. Your Folk Fest trip sounded delightful.

    Mary it sounds like you’re coming along with you knee. Hoping your ice machine gets fixed soon. And Tippy will be back before you know it.

    Sandy - the rains, the flooding, and your poor housekeeper. Thankful her insurance is helping out.

    Taco - too hot! We had mid 90’s, foggy skies from smoke, and random downpours that didn’t last too long but we’re powerful. The heat & humidity had us in floats in the lake. We toured some gorges before getting caught in pitch black skies with thunder & lightening. Partner was up at the top of a gorge (picture) when one swept in. He hustled as fast as he could to get back down. We ran to the car.

    Illinois, Dr. B and family are lucky to have you.

    Harley- we only have one bath in NY home and it’s on the first floor. The elderly woman who raised her family here and was a widow, turned the 1st floor dining room into her bedroom. So it can be done. At our family lake trip we discovered my partners sister & BIL are planning to sell and move into a rental in another state to be close to their only child. Shes 9-10 years younger than her husband.

    Petite- oh you know you need that AC. So sorry it can’t be repaired/replaced sooner but thankful for them setting up your bedroom. I just received my FPL bill with no one in the home it was $20+ higher than last month due to higher temperatures keeping it running. When we’re not there it’s set to 80.

    Cardplayer, Duck is magnificent. We always hit the fruit stands on the way down to the Outer Banks. Save room for super fresh fruit & produce.

    MM I know you’re out there but I can’t remember much. I think the move to one floor; family showing up to help out moving dressers - I hope that all went well.

    Sympathies to those who have losses of family friends and loved ones.

    I’ve had multiple crazy things going on. Texts that I owed copays on 2 visits that I know I gave my credit card to at the time. Researched last night, no evidence they went through so I paid them. Then my dentist sent mail that my insurance picked up $X, for a cleaning, and I owe $62. Need to call and ask if they’ve stopped accepting my insurance as full payment. May be time to find a dentist that does if that’s the case. And then a prescription to a new mail order system thru Walmart - they called to say my dr specified a specific Omeprazole and they don’t have it; go to store and by OTC. I need to call the Dr tomorrow to find out what’s going on.

    Biggest PIA - I went to Rite Aid before going to camp for pictures to be taken for my passport renewal. When my partner took everything to the post office, $9.60 to mail, they said they weren’t sure but the photo looks too large. Sure enough I received a large envelope with all my materials and the letter says the pictures are too big (I think too close up). So tomorrow after PT I’ll have to go speak with a manager - redo those photos and I want my postage covered as well to remail everything.

    I’m playing catch up from being away. A big storm supposed to hit later today into tomorrow. Laundry is caught up but our luggage & some contents still need sorting. Have a great Sunday ladies!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Jackie, so sorry over the loss of Dr. B. You obviously meant a lot to each other. May his memory be for a blessing. (I'd say "almost 85" is a good long run, but over here on this thread more and more of us would disagree as time marches on).

    Cardplayer, once my mom moved to FL and found a branch of Carson's BBQ in Boca, she decided she loved pork chops—especially the thick boneless ones with plenty of sauce. She still wouldn't cook them from scratch, but would pack half her order, freeze it and nuke it on occasion. My sis & BIL honeymooned in Duck.

    Mav, glad your DH is ok. Electrolyte imbalances cause more and more misery the older we get. Per Bob (and my cardiologist at Skokie) I take both Mg and KCl at bedtime. That, and resisting sugar-snacking, seems to keep the leg cramps at bay. And as we age, our ability to discern thirst (and true hunger, vs. cravings) diminishes; so dehydration messes with our 'lytes and can also cause fainting & falls. One of my fellow Bar Show castmates showed up to the shiva call with a Band-Aid on the top of his head: he'd gotten vasovagal syncope (likely aggravated by heat & dehydration), fell and hit his head. And he's "only" 66.

    Yesterday's torrential rains hit the far south suburban counties, mostly rural; so fields rather than basements flooded. They're still in a "serious" drought status, though. Weird to drive by and see pretty lakes and ponds and suddenly realize they're really corn & soybean fields. My HK's neighborhood is full of the city's bulldozers repeatedly cruising the alleys to remove ruined discarded appliances & furniture. The more they cart away, the more people are able to haul up more stuff from their basements.

    There was a huge meeting the other night in Austin, chaired by three Congresspeople, three state legislators and two alderpersons. Last night on WTTW (our local PBS station), the entire "Black Voices" half-hour was about the flooding, The host asked my HK's alderwoman "what percentage of homes in your ward flooded?" Came the reply, "All of them—including myself. I took on 3 ft. of water." A disproportionate number of basements in Austin & N. Lawndale are used as apts. and businesses such as salons and daycare (child & senior). So local motels are at capacity. Not everyone was as lucky as my HK, who's well-insured. The legislators are lobbying Gov. Pritzker to both get IEMA and press FEMA to declare Austin and the adjacent suburbs Federal disaster areas.

    There was a county Metro Water & Sewer official interviewed; she was asked by the moderator why the flooding hit that area—overwhelmingly Black and poor Latino—so hard, and whether their infrastructure was worse compared to (relatively) more affluent points north & east. She replied that the entire city & county has the same wastewater/rainwatwer system (street drains/catchbasins, sewer tunnels 30-40' below ground, and the Deep Tunnel 200' below), but was no match for a rain of "Biblical proportions"—9" in less than 8 hrs. She pointed out that the floods happened exactly where the storms stalled and dumped their load—which, on 9/11/22, was the North Side, including my 'hood and Rogers Park to the north. It's sobering: after that, we spent almost $20K for a flood control system and battery backup; but it might not be enough if we get hit like that again. And it's well beyond the financial abilities of homeowners in poor neighborhoods. The city has a "backflow-valve" program for low-income homeowners, but the wait list is nearly a year long and funds are limited.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    But most of yesterday here was spent with aggravation over ants—those infuriating tiny "sugar" ants plaguing neighborhood kitchens this time of year. Came downstairs and found them swarming Heidi's kibble dish. Had to put it in a makeshift "moat" till the exterminator can come and apply a pet-safe ant-killing spray. We had put out baits, but all they did was attract more ants—apparently the colony to which they supposedly brought back the poison is immune. Poor Heidi accidentally got one in her mouth after eating & drinking, and when she tried to spit it out, she projectile-vomited. I'm at wit's end feeding her wet food—she eats a teaspoon at a time and rejects seconds of the same variety; then nags me for food every 2-3 hrs. now (she & Happy had always been on a 4x/day wet food schedule, he'd polish off her crumbs, and they free-fed kibble…back before it was ant season). 

    And Bob's night-owl days are at an end: his work schedule is now 8am-5pm (plus commute) and he no longer wants to dine out late or even see a movie past 8pm. I can't do it. (The only time I get to catch up online and DVRed stuff is after I'm done feeding & medicating Heidi, and I need to wait for the meds to kick in. She was good about eating kibble overnight (hopefully, not ingesting ants) before coming up at 10am to wake me up for food. This time she did eat a tablespoon full. I'm going to look at the spray the exterminator left on the deck for us last night and see if I can apply it safely. Saw a few ants but they stayed away from her dishes…thus far.

    We will try to see if we can get tickets for the river architecture cruise today, which Bob has always wanted. We will cab it down there (parking is tight if it exists at all) and see what we can do about dining before or after. We do have some leftovers from last night's Mediterranean dinner out, though they're all too carby for me.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    taco, I hope you stay cool indoors! I hope your DH is doing well after his cataract surgery! My DH, DS's, DB all had cataract surgery. I will probably need it to in about 5 years or so. Amazing what they can do now days! I have closed angle glaucoma and had laser surgery years ago. I am so thankful to live at a time and in a country where these procedures are offered!

    Cardplayer, DH and I are watching the Phillies play the Marlins….they just won 3-7 ugh. As for "dream jounaling" I definitely couldn't do that because my dreams make sense to me, but if I try to tell anyone about them, they make absolutely NO sense! LOL!!! I hope you and your family have great weather and the best time in Duck! I love the Outer Banks! I have many memories there!

    Betrayal, I love Native American jewelry, especially turquoise earrings! I had a lot of jewelry, but since my breast cancer and lymphedema, I stopped wearing bracelets and rarely wear a necklace. I only buy earrings now. One of the little blessings from not having to mask anymore is wearing earrings again! I stopped wearing them during the pandemic because I lost so many earrings due to my mask ear loops! So nice that you got bins to sort out your jewelry!

    Cindy, wow, such beautiful pictures!!!! The Finger Lakes are so beautiful! My DB and DSIL used to go there every year with two other couples. It's been a very long time since I have been there. I no longer have dental insurance as it was through my employer, but we have a dental plan that gives us discount prices. It really doesn't save us much for normal things, but if we need major dental procedures like root canal, etc., it would pay a lot of that.

    Sandy, I feel so sorry for anyone dealing with flooding! In the mid-1990's my nephew's HS graduation, which is held on the football field, was canceled due to an approaching storm. Since my sister had already planned a big "party dinner" before the ceremony, she decided to just go ahead and hold that at her house. We only live a mile from her and our other DS and BIL said they would come. Well, we didn't realize it while we were there happily celebrating, but we had a storm that was local and didn't move and dropped 11 inches of rain in about 3-4 hours! Normally it takes me less than 5 mins to drive home from her house, but that night it took me over an hour as all the roads were flooded. I was able to get into my neighborhood, but due to cars that were parked in the street being washed away from their original parking spots and high water we had to use major roads to get to the side of the neighborhood where we lived. Our house was fine as we are not at the bottom of the hill. One thing I like about my neighborhood is that it is large and has 5 entrances on three different major roads.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited July 2023

    I have Tippy now. He is not eating, she spoiled him. I have a little bit of kibble, with the softer food she had left over for Laia. When he gets hungry enough, he will eat. She comes over to take him for walks. He is cuddlier at night, maybe he realizes now what was wrong. Since he came home, I have been sleeping much better.

    My bike mechanic came over yesterday. I tried the trike he recently bought (Lectric), but he had the seat way low for better stability. I got on, not thinking, and gave myself a manipulation without anesthesia. My range of motion is much better, but I will not do that again. He is busy upgrading my brakes, so I will not be getting my bike back as soon as I want it.

    I have a PT appt tomorrow, and a Dr. office visit Tuesday. Staples will be removed, so I will have even more ROM. And OK for bike.

    Went to Mass this morning. I did not realize it, but this was our annual picnic. There was a baby there who was cooing like a dove almost constantly. I asked the mom if they spoke another language at home, and she said yes. Lots of rolled "r's" in your language? Yes. He is practicing for talking in his native language. I later asked someone who knew them what nationality they are, and she said that they are local tribal members. Exciting, because I knew that there are few families who speak their language at home.

    I have been following their plan for my meds exactly, and I have been in a world of pain yesterday and today. They weaned me down to just the gabapentin. I took a celebrex and two tylenol and felt better. I don't know if I ought to ask for a refill on the tramadol. I have plenty of the heavy-duties left, but I would rather save them for rough PT days.

    MM, I am glad that your husband's medical emergency was easily treated. We once lived in a neighborhood that had a creek that was prone to flooding. When it did, we would have to take another route out of the neighborhood, which was at least a half mile. There was no other.

    We are still in drought here. Rain predicted, but I will believe it when I see it.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Sandy, so glad Heidi is still hanging on, and Bob is cutting back more on work-hours. Looks like there is a case of negligence in flood-protection in Black areas of town. Somewhat surprised that Chicago would sin as badly as NOLA.

    Tippy's friend came over to walk him. She brought us a bunch of leftover food, so I can get Tippy back eating.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Chris, to be fair we had almost as much flash flooding last Sept. It all depends on where the rain falls, how much, and how slowly the system moves away if at all. Our "deep tunnel" system was never designed for this, because it was unforeseeable. I sense that with climate change (I'll call it what it is: global warming) this pattern of slow-moving "training storm systems" will be our new summer-fall normal. The fast-moving ones spawn destructive winds, even tornadoes. Can't win. I saw Gore give a presentation at Folk Alliance in KC on the 10th anniversary of An Inconvenient Truth, and he was spot on: "dirty fuel makes dirty weather." As to your pain meds, you should not be "saving" the big guns for rough PT days, lest you fall behind on pain and can't catch up. At the very least, you should premedicate at least an hour before the workouts so the drugs kick in. It's way too early to have discontinued the opioids and Tramadol—I needed them for several weeks (AFTER inpatient rehab). I think doctors these days are terrified of being accused of over-prescribing. Around here, not only do you have to bring in a paper prescription for opioids now but you have to actually visit the doctor each time—and they will not dispense more than 30 days' worth at a time (now, even the benzodiazepines).

    Cindy, I just read about the flood devastation in the Hudson Valley from today's massive rainfall. Hope it didn't reach as far north as the Albany area. The Finger Lakes pics are gorgeous—did you get to try or bring back any of the local wines? (I hear they're renowned for "ice wines").

    We finally played "tourist in our own home town" today for the first time in decades. We took the official Chicago River Architecture Cruise (which comes with free admission to the Architecture Museum). Our docent was a delightful young structural engineer who was able to talk nonstop without (perceptible) fatigue. We had thought it would be redundant of the local PBS Geoffrey Baer special, but we learned SO much more today—even though we didn't go up the North Side part of the North Branch nor as far south as Ping Tom Park in Chinatown on the South Branch. (And we didn't have anyone nagging us for PBS donations every 20 minutes). The last time I took a Chicago River tour boat was 1981—and fully half of what we saw today did not even exist back then. We finished with a short stroll along the Riverwalk, which we'd never visited before (only saw from restaurant windows up above). At our ages, we have a lot of catching up to do to enjoy all the city's amenities that have cropped up over the past 45 years, and not as much time left to achieve it.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Yeah, I am such an aching mess this morning I took another, just like yestermorn. Wish I had some tramadol, though.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    There's an old saying that God made us in His image, and we've been trying to return the favor ever since.  People often view God in a human image. This God changes His mind, gets upset, answers some prayers but not others, loves some people but not others.  But even with that limited image, if we pray sincerely, we'll eventually realize that God is changeless. He's the same all the time because He's not in time--time is in Him.

    Michael Beckwith

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    We are blessed with a forecast for comfortable weather this week. Highs in the 70's and lows down to 50's or 60's at night. Just about perfect. I feel almost guilty as I read about the heat domes and high temperatures in the southwest. We set our a/c at 80 degrees at home before departing. This year the a/c has probably been running quite a bit.

    I have a negative memory of Duck. We visited the coast of North Carolina during our years of rv travel and enjoyed the scenery. But one year we played at a golf course in Duck and were not told by the staff in the pro shop that the course was in horrible shape because of a maintenance procedure that courses undergo during the year. There were plugs of turf on the fairways. I don't remember whether the greens had been plugged, too. It would have been the honest policy to inform us in advance or at least offer a reduced cost. Only golfers will relate to this experience.

    Happy Monday to all. It's peaceful in the campground, the way I like it!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Really pretty morning here. As I look out my window though, I don't see even one leaf moving on any of the trees. It could be mistaken for a painting almost. I hope that doesn't mean a lot of heat for the day. Mostly have a lot of indoor things to attend too so I won't be much affected by the outdoor temps, but would like them to be nice for those who do have to be out and about.

    Chris, I am sorry to hear you are feeling a lot of distress once more. It is sort of natural isn't it, to want to reduce meds as soon as you can. I always want to do that anyway. I hope you are able to get back in balance soon.

    Sandy, how enjoyable your river cruise sounded and so instructive as well. I once had a website that daily had snippets on little known places to visit in Illinois and I loved that site. It was a mini travelogue. I don't know what I did or what computer update may have interfered in my continuing to receive it but I've sure missed it ever since. I got to explore fascinating places right in my own backyard.

    Carole, you are a great ad for going to MN for a few months to escape the temps found In LA during the summer. I fantasized being able to go elsewhere during some of our humid times here knowing it wasn't going to be possible with our lifestyle. Hearing about pleasantries elsewhere is the next best thing and I always enjoy your weather descriptions and think of myself being there as well.

    I hope you all have a really great Monday.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Cindy - beautiful photos of Cayuga Lake. What a refreshing vacation.

    Chris - glad you’re getting out and about. Trying not to overdo it is hard once you start feeling better though. Sorry you’re not feeling well today.

    Sandy - so glad that you enjoyed the river cruise and that Bob is enjoying adjusted hours. Sounds like you’ll have fun exploring Chicago again.

    Carole - sounds like the weather in northern MN is delightful. I’ve never golfed in Duck, but we did look at a wedding venue at a golf course in Corolla (near Duck) in 2018. The 18th green, where the ceremony would be held, was awful. We had visions of golfers continuing to play through during the ceremony.

    Illinois - sounds like you had a beautiful morning to wake up to. Do you paint?

    Another warm, humid day. We did our morning walk early, before it started to get hot. I developed a blister on the top of my big toe and soaked it in some warm water and epsom salt. Will do so thus afternoon too. My compression sock must have gotten bunched up or something.

    We’ve started to pack for the beach. I have a list of things we’ve brought in past years, so it makes the packing easy. We started going to the beach with the kids for a week in 1993. We’ve gone every summer since. I missed 2020 since I started treatment. We started off going to Rehoboth, DE and switched to Duck, NC when the kids got old. It’ll be granddaughters first beach trip.

    Enjoy the rest of the day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    I pray things don't happen in 3's in my family. I was supposed to meet with my DS for coffee, something we do almost every Monday, but instead she called me to tell me her DH fell and can't get up and she called the ambulance. Good thing she did, as he had a stroke. He had a blood clot on his brain, which they removed with minimal anesthesia, going in the groin and up to the brain clot. The neurosurgeon said he was very, very lucky, that he got to the ER so quickly, because much later and he would definitely have had a massive stroke!

    I followed my DS to the ER in my car, but I only stayed until we knew he was okay and stable. My DH had a PT appointment, which we would have gladly canceled, but my DS said not to do that. My BIL will stay in the ICU and for at least a day. It sounds like he still has a long road, with PT and medications, ahead of him.

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    Mavericksmom-So glad your BIL got to the hospital quickly and the brain clot was removed. How nice you meet DS for coffee. I always wanted,still do, a DS.
    It's been lurk, lurk, lurk for me here, since hip replacement. I've basically been on the hip replacement Facebook page- a scary place and BC faded a bit into the background. Today, I saw my MO, the very rational, kind Dr. M, who allowed me some months ago to stop Arimidex after 3 years, saying the risk was just upped from 5% to 7% and that the increase of 2% was minimal and we needed not to decrease quality of life due to the pill. But I worried about the exam today and when he declared, " This is a normal exam, all is normal'" I could feel my heart slowing down. He said he'd see me in November and I said I'd be there. He replied ," Yes you will." So good when scary medical stuff, once in a while, turns out well. And to have an empathetic doctor.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Judy, Dr. M was empathetic & reassuring when I was first dx'ed with ocular melanoma and Dr. Law was away on sabbatical. She's away again, but did release me last spring ('22) when she gave me her blessing to stop Letrozole after 6-1/3 yrs. I see Dr. Brockstein as a general onc (Law referred me to him for melanoma in general) and now Dr. Wang, a heme-onc, to keep tabs on my MGUS. Have you tried (assuming it's still there)? It's where I hung out after my knee replacements. We had a BCO member, "Brithael," whom I first "met" there, then "in R/L" at the Fox Valley Folk Festival, before she got her bc dx and logged in here on the Lumpectomy Lounge thread.

    Pam, it's miraculous how well and quickly TPA (the clot-buster) can work. Your BIL will likely be on anticoagulants for life, but not as disabled as if he'd waited.

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    Sandy, I have been on Bonesmart, but found it somewhat confusing - since the message seems to be that for hips just walk and forgo PT- but PT has been very helpful to me. I'm finished with it, except for doing the exercises 45 minutes/day. Kellogg has a series of support groups now for various cancers- a BC one that would have been very good for me in the beginning. I hope I will not need it in the future. It's the same night now as my TaiChi anyway.

    What is the name of the delicious sounding Mediterranean restaurant you mentioned south of you?

    Thursday night we're going to L Wood for DS Tony's 63rd birthday- basically the same age as Dr. M. Oh, how I wish I could tie sandbags to the hands of time.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Love the vacation pictures!

    Ken chose the lenses for distance and will be getting readers. Right now he's using cheap magnifiers he bought several years ago (lost his glasses on a trip). Seems like the best decision for him.

    I have had monocular vision for years. Had worn only one contact for years and then had lazer surgery on one eye. Had cataracts corrected the same way. I went "glassless" for some time. Chemo changed that! Now have to wear them full time but still have them corrected for monovision. I think my brain would be hard to retrain and I can blame my bad putting on that.

    Definitely hotter than it's been and for a longer stretch. Hate to see what our electric bill will be this month although we keep the thermostat at 78. I do think humidity makes a difference but I won't lie - it's hot! We usually go to Maine in August but this year we aren't going until Sept. We've talked about going to the Rim for a few days but fires are bad there right now.

    Judy - good to have you check-in: I was just thinking about you. Sandy, we loved the architecture cruise when we were last in Chicago. It's amazing how seldom we sightsee in our hometown! I can't remember the last time we were in downtown Phoenix.

    Stay hydrated everyone!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    DH and I always intended to take the architecture cruise in Chicago and, sadly, never did. I'm doubtful we will go back to Chicago since dh's family members have either died or moved out of Illinois. I enjoyed our excursions to the city through the years when his parents lived in the suburbs. It's a great city to visit.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    I am often accused of being childish. I prefer to interpret that as child-like. I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things. I tend to exaggerate and fantasize and embellish. I still listen to instinctual urges. I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind. I never water my garden without soaking myself. It has been after such times of joy that I have achieved my greatest creativity and produced my best work.Leo Buscaglia

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    I got a note back from Karen, saying she is doing OK.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Chris, thanks for passing on Karen's message! I think of her often! I hope you slept better last night!

    Keywestfan, I am very blessed to have two wonderful surviving sisters, but the one I meet for coffee lives close by and is the closest in age to me. I am the youngest of 5, our DB is the oldest, but his wife is just like having another sister!

    My BIL is doing well. They did surgery yesterday to remove the clot, they still don't know where the clot came from, he is still in ICU and will be for another day. They are doing a TEE, which is like a sonogram of the heart but they put the instrument down the esophagus. He is NOT a good patient. He has had several doctors in the past, one being my DH's PCP, that refuse to continue to see him because he wouldn't follow their instructions. I feel sorry for my DS because he will likely be difficult to deal with once he gets home. Some people learn from a "wake up call event" like he had yesterday, but I don't think he will be one of them.

    This morning I did the DUMBEST THING EVER!!!! I have my morning pills in a 7 day pill case. I take a vitamin and two blood pressure meds, one of which also has a diuretic in it. I also take Letrozole. I have a morning routine, like most people do. Today, I got interrupted halfway through my breakfast and when I sat back down to finish, I grabbed my pill case and took my medications…for a second time! As soon as I swallowed, I thought, "why does it say W on that day, today is Tuesday," I instantly knew why, because I took them twice! I called my cardiologist's office and spoke with the nurse. I am ok, I am taking my BP periodically and so far so good, but will skip my evening BP medication. I wanted to run errands today, but will not drive just in case my BP falls and I get lightheaded! I was so embarrassed to have to make that call. All I could think of was "please don't let me be the third family member to visit the ER in less than a week!" Oh how humiliating that would have been!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    MM I am so glad everything should work out for you fine. To put your mind at ease, and though it has been while, I've done the same thing. In fact, likely many of us have. I do think you are wise to stay home today while watching your bp. Since that has been a major issue for me (periods of low bp) it is off-putting to say the least and could be dangerous.

    I hope you DS doesn't have too difficult a time with her dh. Difficult to understand people who don't learn a bit better from their negative experiences — which I'm convinced is often why we have them in the first place. In fact, in a way it is a blessing in my book to have a "heads up" that perhaps you need to make some changes and adjustments.

    Chris thanks from me to for sharing news that Karen is okay.

    Breeze fairies are back in our woods today although not too active, but nice to see them bounching those little branches again.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    Judy, the restaurant is called Oda, on Clark between Olive & Hollywood. There's a different one further south, between Catalpa & Balmoral, called Fiya—which is Middle Eastern with an emphasis on Israeli. It has more vegan & vegetarian choices and a much larger wine list. Bob is thinking of L. Woods tonight—I'm sort of tired of it (parking is always tight, everything it does well is too carby for me, and its wines are "meh" at best).

    I never realized that Kellogg had re-started its BC support group, which sort of fell apart after its charismatic facilitator (herself a survivor) passed away of an unrelated brain tumor (not mets). Most of the members were loyal to her and dropped out, until only a few of us remained (including BCO member Peaches, who also sees Dr. M.), two of whom were annoying anti-pharma conspiracy theorists (one actually refused to even have surgery, relying on a diet of mostly beans and using the waxing/waning size of her tumor as a "barometer" of her health) who hijacked the conversation at every turn. If it really is restarting, I might go, for maintenance's sake.

    Speaking of that, saw my ocular-onc at UIC today for scans (bilateral OCT and R ultrasound) & exam. My retinas are still great and my tumor (actually closer to the iris than a true ciliary body) has shrunk by another .2 of a mm. So I am now on the twice-yearly plan. Bloodwork tomorrow (en route home from facial, assuming no floods or tornadoes), abdominal MRI/low-dose chest X-ray Thursday, and Dr. Brockstein—now my general MO—Monday.

    Dreading rain tomorrow, which might prove torrential again should the storm stall out like it did July 3 in Austin & Cicero and Sunday & yesterday in the Northeast. My HK says her alley looks like a war zone, with all the discarded furniture, mattresses & appliances. I fear that with El Niño, this is our new normal rather than "thousand-year" events. At least Gov. Pritzker declared western Cook County a state disaster area. Now it's up to FEMA to do the same—hopefully Biden can bypass Congress (the House majority hates blue states) without SCOTUS stomping the brakes on that (whose supermajority seems intent on "dismantling the administrative state" and "dancing with them what brung 'em" despite having jobs for life and insulated from retaliation for deviating from the party line).

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Taco - 110 degrees. Yikes! I would have melted into a puddle

    Cindy - the lake pictures are gorgeous! You have a good point about using the dining room for a first floor bedroom if needed. We could probably expand the powder room to include a shower if needed, although I suspect it would be expensive.

    Illinoislady - my condolences on Dr. B’s passing. You are certainly a good, supportive friend to the family.

    Maverick - happy to hear DH is OK. Wishing the best for BIL.

    Cardplayer - enjoy the beach!

    Chris - glad to hear Tippy is back home. Hope you can get the pain under control. I hate that the focus on opioid addiction is depriving people of much needed pain relief.

    Carole - the MN weather sounds ideal. 2 years ago we rented a cottage on the north shore of Lake Superior for a few days. Perfect weather and crystal clear water. I’d love to go back.

    On Sunday we went to a local festival for lunch and enjoyed some live music. It’s in a neighboring suburb so we just rode our bikes as it is easier to navigate traffic and parking. Perfect weather in the low 80’s, sunny and a slight breeze. I hit the gym on Monday. Yoga didn’t appeal to me so I got in 2 miles on the elliptical. The exercise does help lift my mood.

    I had a dentist visit this morning to have a crown put on. My long time dentist does an amazing job of doing the work while keeping the patient comfortable. He’s probably only a few years younger than I and I dread having to find a new dentist that I can trust when he retires. Had a hair appointment late this afternoon for a cut and color. She works out of her house and I’ve known her for 15 years so it’s always good to catch up. She is in her 30’s so hopefully will continue to do my hair for many years to come.

    Have a great week!