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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367


    Thanks for Oda. BC support group is in session- there were July dates listed, but I just glanced at them. My TaiChi has ended and I might be interested in going to BC. When you see Dr.Brockstein could you look at the flyer of the support groups on the table where you check in at Kellogg, close to the little pay for parking room? Great about the continued shrinking of the ocular melanoma!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Fifty-four years ago dh and I had a simple marriage ceremony at my parents' home. Our wedding reception celebration was boiled shrimp and Dixie long-neck beers. The memory is vivid. Hard to believe so many years have passed. We plan to go to dinner tonight with another couple. First we will go to their lake home for a cocktail.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    We rise by raising others—and those who stoop above the fallen, stand erect.    -Robert G. Ingersoll

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Carole, sounds fun to meet friends for cocktail and dinner! I've only been married for 44 years, but our wedding was in a small local church and the reception was a catered dinner in the church hall. One of of close friends made our wedding cake as her wedding gift. I picked the design for it out of a Wilton cake decorating magazine that came out yearly.

    I just realized the things I wanted to comment on are on the other page and I can't remember details!

    Sandy, I did want to say how glad I was that your eye doctor appointment went so well! I think you mentioned having tests done tomorrow, and I wish you the best as you go through the testing.

    My DH is fine, back to normal. My BIL is still in the hospital but out of ICU, so he had a better night sleep last night. He had the test and got good results so he is hopeful about going home today, although I think that is wishful thinking.

    I'm meeting my BFF for lunch today. She was also my former co-worker and we have so much to catch up on.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Carole, a really loving remembrance. The humble beginnings just add to it. So many changes in life for it only being yesterday, huh!!! Most of us and I imagine, you too, would barely change a thing. Growth and change necessary. Happy Anniversary.

    Pretty outside today and the breeze fairies are dancing a bit through the leaves in the woods. I hope to stay busy today with a few projects. Always working on that list of things I've had to put off while improving things in general and keeping up. Managed to get my Thurs. appt. changed to the following Thursday. I'm glad for a couple of reasons — one being having had to take Dh back to Marion to the eye Dr. Not sure I said but they are making new glasses for him, and I hope he is happy with them.

    They should provide a better fit. He has a small nose at the top (more like a female upper nasal structure) and that seemed to be what really threw his prescription off. Here's hoping.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    Happy anniversary, Carole, and many more to come. Such a nice memory of your wedding. Are you planning on a repeat menu?

    MM: Glad DH has recovered and that BIL is doing better.

    Sandy: Great news able your eye and hope the rest of your tests produce the same outcomes.

    Illinoislady: Hope DH's new glasses fit better and that his vision is centered so he can see better.

    Met a former clinical student who became a friend after she graduated for lunch yesterday. She was an older student so she is within a decade of my age. She was indecisive about getting her BSN and used age as the deterrent. I asked her how l old she would be in 5 years if she had a BSN or didn't. She got the message, went home and found an unsolicited application for the university, where she eventually graduated, in her mailbox that day. She enrolled and now has job security that is important in this day and age. We haven't seen each other since pre-Covid though we kept in touch via email. We spent hours talking and because the Panera we picked was rather quiet we were able to stay there without being an imposition. They had lobster rolls on the menu and it was delicious.

    Yesterday was warm but not humid at all. Today is warm and humid so no yard work as I had planned. DS called because his 14 yo dog has decided to stop eating and has major mobility issues due to large masses most likely lipomas which have cropped up in less than 6 months. He's upset because he was one of their first dogs and is the most loving dog you could ever want. He gets so excited when I visit and DS brought him here the day before we euthanized our last dog. He spent time laying with her and even in her confusion, she recognized him. They had been pups together. He arranged to take him to the vet tomorrow for euthanasia and asked that I come up to visit with them. So once I finish my laundry I will head out.

    Chris, I hope you have your pain under control and that someone gave you a new prescription for Tramadol. I am sure Tippy is glad to be home with you.

    If I overlooked anyone, I apologize. Hope you all have a good day.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Happy Anniversary Carole! I hope you and DH have a nice celebration.

    Glad you had a good eye checkup Sandy.

    Mavericksmom - glad to BIL is doing better. I hope he listens to his doctors.

    Illinois - glad you were able to change your appointments to accommodate your DH eye appointment. Hope he’s happy with his new specs.

    Betrayal - so nice that you’ve kept in touch with former nursing students. Sorry to hear about your DS dog. Glad you can be with them both.

    Chris - hope you’re doing well.

    I had my 6 month checkup earlier today. All of my labs were good, except my B12 was high, so I’ll take my B12 every other day to see if that helps lower it. I have a telemed setup for 3 months for my Medicare wellness check and a repeat labs and checkup in 6 months.

    I had my first PT appointment yesterday. I’ve worked with this PT before for my shoulder and hip replacement therapy. I like how he approaches setting up the exercises he recommends. He ended the session by setting me up with traction which was very helpful. I don’t return until after I return from vacation.

    We leave Friday morning. I’ve already started packing, but have more to do. Tomorrow is last minute grocery shopping, laundry, and finishing packing.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Betrayal, cannot get over the similarities we have! I just had lunch with my BFF today, at Panera, and I had the lobster roll, and mine was also delicious! I had a bunch of gift cards I had been given and they were still good! Only used one and part of a second, so I hope to go back again soon. I am so sorry to hear about your son's sweet dog!

    I forgot to say happy anniversary, Carole!

    illinois, happy you were able to switch your appointment to next week, Nice when things work out!

    Cardplayer, wishing you a fun and safe vacation! Relax, enjoy your family and make lots of great memories!

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Happy Anniversary Carole. Good news, Sandy. Cardplayer, I seem to have missed forgotten why you are getting PT. Hope it goes well.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Happy anniversary, Carole! Judy, when I see Brockstein on Monday I'll check the flyer table. (I still miss the coffee machine across from the parking machine—I used to "prime" my Ember travel mug with a double shot of espresso, so the otherwise weak joe from the machine was tolerable).

    I had my bloodwork for Brockstein (though it's going first to my primary, today. My glucose (82) is the lowest it's been in 20 years; my Hgb (12.4) is the highest since 2015, the last time I was allowed to donate before bc. Everything is w/in normal limits, yet GFR is still 48. Go figure. Tomorrow is the ab MRI (contrast/non-contrast) and low-dose chest X-ray, at Evanston. I might walk from Radiology to Kellogg, in which case I'll check out those flyers.

    Unfortunately, because I was coming up from River North, I went to the NShore lab in W. Lakeview rather than up to Kellogg. I decided that since the rain had stopped I might as well tank up at Costco in Niles—I was down to 1/4 tank. Bad idea: no problem getting up to Touhy & Village Crossing—but discovered to my dismay that Touhy was closed at Lehigh till 7/25 for Metra track and crossing repair—less than a block, but fully-barricaded. The detour took me a mile out of the way and added an hour (and heaven knows how much gas I burned getting to Costco to buy cheaper gas ($3.86—saw as high today as $4.99). Faster going home—but as I waited at an intersection near the house, I noticed some clouds moving due southbound and some coming up from the south. Uh-to-the-oh. That's a telltale sign that rotation is trying to happen.

    Got home and found we were under tornado watch…but suddenly multiple warnings cropped up, from the SW suburbs to Austin (where my HK lives) up along a line barreling northeast past O'Hare (where it took out some warehouses). The warning zone was suddenly expanded into a cone, with the "mouth" from Evanston south to Midway & environs. Just as we began to wonder what to do next, the sirens sounded and down to the (blessedly dry) basement we went—iPads, phone, & flashlight in tow. Bob brought a drink and his Kindle, leaving me to watch the weather reports in horror. We decided not to try & retrieve Heidi. After 40 min., it was all clear. Dueling meteorologists, though: Ch.5 says Fri. will have exactly the same profile as today, ch. 7 says Fri. would have an identical storm pattern to this evening" Ch. 7's was less pessimistic,'

    If only I knew how to make a meme, I'd pull up a NWS weather map showing the telltale pattern, and superimpose the caption "Got PTSD?"

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Thanks for all the congratulations. We had a most enjoyable evening celebrating our anniversary.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good morning. My new air conditioner is wonderful.

    Jackie, Condolences.

    Chris, glad Tippy is back

    MM, glad DH is better

    Betrayal, Midnight Louie loves high places.

    Sandy, the news coverage on the tornado looked intense. Glad you are ok

    Carole, Home the drunken campers have settled down.

    Heading out for lunch with my BFF, the one with throat cancer.

    Hope everyone stays safe.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Yesterday we had gentle rain for hours, for a total of just a bit more .8. It is again raining gently, started minutes ago. More rain expected later today.

    Got my staples removed Tuesday, talked with the physical therapist yesterday and had more assessment. I have walked Tippy around the block (or a bit short of that) twice this morning. I have ice on it now. Working hard on using my right big toe when walking.

    Slept well last night. I have my alarm clock set for 4:30 AM to take meds.

    My mind is buzzing now with all the things I want to do or should do.

    Petite, so happy you again have air. Happy anniversary, Carole and hubby!!

    Sandy, I wish this drought had broken evenly. The past few weeks have been agonizing, watching the grass turn brown, while you have been having an excess. My cousins in SD, same latitude as us, also got heavy storms. Hope your medical tests turn up clear. I had blood drawn yesterday, and annual visit with PCP tomorrow. Need to list questions today.

    Hope you have a great vacation, cardplayer.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    If a child smiles, if an adult smiles, that is very important. If in our daily lives we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. If we really know how to live, what better way to start the day than with a smile? Our smile affirms our awareness and determination to live in peace and joy. The source of a true smile is an awakened mind.

    Thich Nhat Hanh

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Late today. We spent several hours at the funeral. First at the Church and then out at a golf course restaurant for the dinner afterwards. It was very nice and I did get to see some of my relatives. Don't know if I mentioned before, but Dr. B's brother's (who passed last yr. actually) wife is a cousin on my mother's side of the family. We have never run in the same circles as such, but we do hug each other when we meet.

    I think I got a bit dehydrated being out so long and had to get some water in me and then had a nap as well. I'm feeling fine now and my blood pressure is back to a more normal amt. for me. Should have everything back in sync by later on tonight.

    Hope you all had a good day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    Dueling mereorologists again: Ch. 7 is saying rain at dawn, then tomorrow night into Sat. morning and dry until Mon. Storms only "isolated" & brief, no threat of severe weather. Ch.5 is sticking with the NAM model, which nailed prediction of last night's disaster, and shows exactly the same pattern starting Fri. rush hour, but with storms & at least showers ALL WEEK LONG. Freaking out again. All I can do not to comfort-eat; but the past few days of intermittent fasting paid off in my bloodwork: H&H 12.4/38 and glucose 82. Also was able to remove the band extenders from my size 36 bras. Had MRI today (almost didn't make it, as our front paving contractor's truck blocked our garage door and I couldn't do the alternative of a cab or Uber/Lyft because…paving out front). Then there was construction traffic all the way up Ridge to the hospital. But it was shorter than previous MRIs.

    Heidi ate well today.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Midnight Louie

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Midnight Louie, "Make no mistake as to who is in charge here! I have my eyes on YOU!" I love that photo!

    Sandy, so glad you had your MRI and also that you are surviving the horrible storms! Weather people seem to be the only ones with professions that routinely make mistakes and get away with each and every one of them!

    illinois, sorry you had an unpleasant day yesterday, but glad you were there to comfort Dr B,'s wife and family. Also nice that you could see your distant relatives!

    We had storms this morning. The thunder was actually loud enough to wake me even though my "in the wall" AC unit is noisy. DD texted me that they lost power, but thankfully they got it back again fairly quickly. Sun is out now and looks to be a beautiful day!

    BIL is home and doing well but is very ornery. Ugh! I feel sorry for my DS!

    I am doing wash now, then will go to the local Amish market at 9:00 to get some Shoo Fly pies, chips, homemade bread and Sweet Lebanon Bologna for my son. They don't get those foods in NE. Then I have some cleaning to do.

    Normally I would make a lot of salads and foods for our Sunday family gathering, but I am just not up to it. The PA Dutch potato salad I make is time consuming. My DD is more a fan of it than my son, but if he really wants that, I will make it on Monday. l have bought it at the Amish market before, but it isn't the same as my mother's recipe passed down for generations. My only concern is we are having anywhere from 11-17 people on Sunday and there is a 70% chance of rain. My home is small, but we will make it work somehow. I hope it doesn't rain all day, so the grandkids can play outside for a while. I bought a bunch of "cheap but fun" outdoor toys for the kids at the dollar store, including sidewalk chalk and all kinds of bubble makers, etc.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day today!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    What reason do I need to celebrate life? A birthday, a wedding anniversary,

    or a holiday are all reminders that there is something to celebrate. Yet every day can be a celebration of life. I celebrate life by praising God. Praise can be a quiet time of communion with God or a joyous hymn of thanksgiving to God. I celebrate by recognizing the life of God within others. We are all unique expressions of God's creativity, and I treat others with all the honor that I would great masterpieces, for indeed we are. I rejoice in every expression of life I perceive. The song of a bird, the beauty of a mountain, the fragrance of a flower, the softness of a kitten's fur all give me reasons to celebrate life. Unattributed

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    It is a beautiful morning here. It does sound like the storms Sandy says are going to happen in her neck of the woods will also appear here — late in the afternoon. Hmmm.

    Not anything much planned — just one of those day after days. All of Dr. B's children and grandchildren are scheduled to return to their homes today. Will be quiet once again at Jo's house. I may go over for a few minutes in the afternoon.

    There is always plenty to do here whenever I have time so I can stay as busy as I can handle. I'm pining a bit for the days that saw us as minimal here (no pack ratting) and we had newly made changes from buying the house. Took me about an hr. to clean rather thoroughly. Nothing to work around then, and easy clean floors that I mopped every couple of days — just vinegar and water. Had the time and energy then to clean GOOD as I went — so nothing was a too major chore. Sure, has changed.

    Glad your BIL is home, MM. Wish it could be a bit easier for your DS.

    Midnight Louie is really a cutie. I love the intense ones — so expressive.

    I hope you all stay as well as possible and have a great Friday.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Jackie, I don’t know how I missed it but my sympathies on the loss of Dr.B. I think I was skimming while away and if interrupted I didn’t get back to the same spot. I’m glad you were able to rehydrate yesterday and get a nap in.

    Petite, Midnight Louie looks startling up there looking down. Love it!

    Sandy, I’m glad your MRI is complete, and that Heidi is eating again. Wine - I don’t drink it, I think an allergy to sulfa forces me to avoid it. But I’ve had iced wines from Wagner’s (Seneca Lake) that was delicious! Last year I was the DD as they did flights at Dr. Franks (Keuka Lake). This year at Cayuga we had some downpours that kept us hustling, and guests were invited 2 different days for dinner so we all went back to the camp early, no wine.

    I took some notes days ago: Mary, I’m glad Tippy is back with you. And speaking of missing things, are you going by Chris? Or I could be all screwed up.

    Carole we set our AC in FL to 80 when we’re not there too. I noted a $20+ increase this past month due to the increased heat there.

    Yesterday we received our new appliances. The refrigerator had a dent on the side I’d walk by and see daily, so I refused it. We had emptied the old fridge, and then had to refill it! Replacement won’t be here until Wednesday, which isn’t too long but long enough.

    It’s been rainy and hot for days, humidity beyond as well. I’ve emptied out water from the pool again today. At 5:44 AM I was awaken by rolling booming thunder. I hope this isn’t our new normal. Some upstate towns were flooded, some lost power with many downed trees. But Montpelier, Vermont is destroyed. I’ve read it could take years to get back to normal.

    This is like a PS - my plants are either bone dry, or so wet they could get root rot. 🤷‍♀️

    Everyone have a great weekend! I’m hoping for one day of sun out of the next 5. One can dream.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    MIdnight Louie could be Heidi's twin!

    We didn't get any storms here by the lake last night, but the McHenry County 'burbs weren't so lucky: yet another couple of twisters (these were weaker than EF-0). Early this evening, Warrenville in DuPage County got one. We got only rain and a bit of wind here along the city lakefront (no deluge, hail or damage). Before Wed. night's 11-twister debacle, IL was already the nation's tornado capital. Some more expected overnight, nothing to have to prepare for.

    But the ants reared their ugly little heads again. I stayed up till 2:45am last night in case Bob wanted to come down and "sleep-eat" and leave me dishes to load in the dishwasher. I inspected: not an ant in sight, so I hit the sack. But my HK came in this a.m. and found them crawling all over the counter, even up the sides of my coffee grinders. The exterminator thinks they're coming up from the basement (making nests in the junction between the cabinets & underside of the formica countertops and along the sides of the cabinet abutting the dishwasher), and seeking shelter from the rain & wind. We put out heavy-duty Terro baits (much stronger than sugar & borax) and sprayed like crazy (organic & pet-safe). They have such short gestation cycles (and are such prolific egg-layers) that by the time they take the poison bait back to their colonies, the new generation are about to hatch. So it's bait, spray, stomp, squish—lather, rinse, repeat till autumn. Then it's time for the mice to come in from the cold.

    We did get to go out to a French bistro on the far NW side of town (only 1/2 hr. drive, not much longer than to Lincoln Park or downtown) for Bastille Day. I can't even think of food—not even of cheating with the half a baguette we took home.

    Chest X-ray & liver scans were normal. The MRI did show a bit of mild dilation of the common bile duct (probably a souvenir of the gallstone retained in it for a decade after losing my gallbladder—which stone, after giving me a sudden colic attack, then dissolved and passed w/o incident) and a 2 cm "accessory spleen," which I'd never heard of before. Turns out I was born with it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more
    joy you can contain.
    Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was
    burned in the potter's oven?
    And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood
    that was hollowed with knives?
    When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you
    shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that
    is giving you joy.
    When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you
    shall see that in truth you are weeping for that
    which has been your delight.

    Khalil Gibran

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited July 2023

    Cindy, Mary and its variants are so common in Catholic culture that females named thusly are either called "Marykate", or go by the middle name. I was called by my middle name growing up, but upon moving to a military town, I decided to quit fighting it. Now I realize what "Chris" means to me, so with reverting to my maiden name (it is official now), I am giving people the option.

    I got my trike back yesterday. Tippy is somewhat depressed, missing his carer, but I am giving him extra attention, and he should pull out of it quickly. He was nasty this morning when I didn't brush his "hair" like Phyllis does!!

    Knee is achy, responds best to cold. I got my new bed, and an appointment with my home health care aide on Monday to set it up.

    Jackie, isn't it odd that we reminisce so much about the "good old days" when we didn't have all that "stuff"? Petite, Louie looks almost spooky. Dad bought a wooden cutout profile of a cat to sit on the corner of furniture years and years ago. Wood-color, not black. I have it perched on top of my bathroom mirror. Jackie, Jo is going to need a lot of support at this time. So good that she has such a well-established friend as you.

    I have some muskmelon plants growing in pots outside. Fruits are supposed to be single-serving size. I have a few melons growing, and I can see them getting bigger daily. Fun to watch. I'll bet they will be luscious, fresh-picked.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Chris -good news on getting the trike back. Hopefully Tippy will get back in the groove soon. Sorry to hear the knee is still achy.

    Sandy - happy to hear the scans were normal and the ocular melanoma is decreasing. I love hearing about your mouth watering restaurant dinners.

    Wednesday’s tornados in the Chicago NW suburbs resulted in an EF-1 touching down about 5 miles west of my home. Took the roof off of a couple of buildings, but fortunately no one was hurt. My neighborhood was spared. DH had just gotten home from work when the alert sounded on our phones followed by the tornado sirens. We spent the next hour in the basement watching the local channels for updates.

    Busy day at the food pantry yesterday. As we move through the month, money gets tighter and our guests have a greater need. I really enjoy the group I’m working with. With yesterday’s heat and humidity I was pretty much of a sweaty mess by the time I headed home. The day starts with unloading and sorting pallets of food on to tables forming aisles of a ‘mini grocery store’. While the building has A/C we are getting quite a workout. It is a drive thru pantry so we are walking in and out of the building to gather the guest’s grocery lists, shop the aisles of food, box it up and then some of the volunteers load the food into the cars.

    Tonight the air quality is worsening as the smoke from the western Canadian wildfires is drifting east. I spoke with my brother in central Wisconsin earlier today and he said the skies were completely gray again. Our AQI is at 130 tonight. If it worsens tomorrow my outdoor hike at a local park may be changed to a trip to the local gym.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Our AQI was "good" this morning, "moderate" this afternoon, and now "unhealthy for sensitive groups." Harley, glad your neighborhood was spared by the tornado. Out west, Glen Ellyn caught the tail end of the EF-0 that first touched down in Warrenville—last month my singing partner & I performed on-air there at the College of DuPage. I noted at the time that according to wall signs, the rest rooms in the studio building were designated tornado shelters. Wouldn't you know there was footage yesterday of students & faculty hunkering down in the ladies' room. Official twister count since Wednesday has jumped to 12. (Chicago suburbs alone). I wouldn't be surprised if at some point IL's state song was switched from the one by Dan Fogelberg to the theme music from the tornado scene in The Wizard of Oz. (Da-da-ta-da-ta-da-da, DAAAAAH)!

    Gordy (my DS) & his wife Leslie returned from their Seattle trip this morning with an unwelcome souvenir: COVID yet again. (They'd felt they were too young to need a second bivalent booster—even though he has had asthma since age 4). The first week, when they were in Seattle visiting his BFF (my godson & the best man at their wedding), they were fine. The second week they went to the San Juan Islands to whale-watch and stayed at a resort on Orcas Island in the same "villa" with her parents (up from Houston), sister & BIL (from Anchorage). The parents had "colds" on separate days but said they felt better after a couple of days. Leslie's sister was suspicious and tested as soon as she got home—positive.

    Gordy started feeling ill late yesterday afternoon, and was sweating so much the TSA agents at Sea-Tac were suspicious that he was a nervous would-be terrorist. He masked up immediately (all through the 5-hr red-eye flight and at O'Hare) and he tested as soon as they got home. Leslie assumed she would test positive despite feeling fine, so they both did a telehealth visit with his primary at Rush (where, BTW, he was born) and got Paxlovid. He ran a low fever, but had some shortness of breath (asthma didn't help matters), nasal congestion, and for the first time blunted taste & smell. (Leads me to fear this may be yet another new variant, as "O.G" Omicron and "Kraken" didn't seem to cause that). He's going back to work tomorrow—thank goodness his "office" is their den. He had been so careful, masking everywhere, but let down his guard on vacation.

    Kind of a slow day around here—we both slept in. Bob did some work (reading EKGs & echoes, a telehealth visit or two, submitting prescriptions); then went to Beard & Belly up the street for brunch & a beer and brought me back quiche & salad before tackling EMRs (electronic medical records, the bane of the modern doctor's existence). Then he kicked back and binge-watched "Suits." (He finally ran out of "Walking Dead" episodes). He teased me that maybe the reason I never made partner was because I didn't drink Scotch, like the lawyers in the series. For dinner, I threw together a tapas/antipasto platter, which we ate off paper plates.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    Oh, lest I forget: my song "Dad's Harmonica" will be played tonight (Sun. 7/16) on Jon Stein's "Singer-Songwriter Showcase" on WTBQ in Warwick, NY. Livestream at (or if you're in the lower Hudson Valley/Shawngunk/Catskills area, 93.5FM/1110AM): 9pm Eastern/8 Central/7Mountain/6 Pacific time. It will re-air on Thurs. & Fri. nights, 7/20-21 at 10 Eastern/9 Central/8 Mountain/7 Pacific. Thereafter, streamed on I'll let you know when it's archived on

    So if you're wondering what I sound like (and won't be at the Fox Valley Folk Festival the Sun. & Mon. of Labor Day weekend, where I'll tentatively be showcasing live with the Chicago Songwriters' Collective), there ya go!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Sandy, I would love to hear you sing! Unfortunately today I will have a houseful of family!

    My DS and his family arrive today, and my husbands DS and DD and their families (from Dh's first marriage) and our DD and her children are all coming to our house. DD's DH is on a business trip. I am not sure how we are going to fit 17 people in my little house, but we will make it work. Of course, it is a rainy day, very humid, so doubtful we will even be able to gather on the patio.

    As for Covid, I don't mask since the hospitals stopped requiring it. DH and I had our latest booster May 1st and will get another whenever the newest one comes out. I am concerned about all the people gathering here, but then I think back to pre-Covid days when people were dying of the flu and we never once felt fear, we just got our annual flu vaccines. If we get Covid, we will do what Sandy's DS and DDIL did, call our doctor. I don't think I even have home Covid tests, at least ones that haven't expired. My DD is paranoid about Covid and is worried they will come down with it before they leave for Hawaii in early August. I understand but at the same time I can't worry about it.

    Not sure if I will be able to write on here for a while, at least not until Thursday when our kids leave to go home. Monday night we will have our two grandkids sleep over because my DD has to go to NYC for meetings. I am really looking forward to having everyone together again! Family is everything and we can't take anything for granted! The best gift we have is happy gatherings and wonderful memories!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    The rains predicted for the past 2 days finally arrived today. My poor plants were feeling the effects of the heat even though I had been watering them. Several may not be revitalized but fingers crossed they will be. The rain has stopped for the moment but it is supposed to storm on and off for the day. I did get a look at the azalea bed I had installed by the stream last year and it appears that the raging stream did not do much damage. I had stayed away from proximity to the stream walls when planting and the weeds that grow on the stream bed walls seem to have been washed away so we do not have to climb down to remove them.

    Have been staying inside to escape the horrible heat and humidity but using time to catch up on cleaning especially the second floor. So the bedrooms have been dusted, vacuumed and straightened. I still am collecting items to go to Purple Heart and it will be a good sized donation. Want to do one more closet sorting before we make the run.

    Knees are slowly recovering but find if I do too much during the day, I pay in spades at night with frequent waking due to pain. So I play it by ear and work for an hour or 2 and then rest for the day. Really want to do some gardening and have plans for the one bed down roadside but it has been too hot to work on it. I did get some weeding done last week and those areas look good. Hate when sweat gets in my eyes!

    Sandy: Sorry to hear your DS and DDIL are ill with Covid again. Not fun especially when they have been so diligent in prevention.

    MM: hope your family reunion goes well and that your family remains Covid free. It is a risk whenever you have a gathering but worrying won't change anything. Enjoy the grandchildren.

    Chris: glad to hear your recovery seems to be progressing well. Hope Tippy is adjusting to his home routine versus his sitter's routine. Reminds me of children when they had been at grandparents and then came home. Lot's of acting out usually.

    We are going to see new Harrison Ford Indiana Jones movie today with DD and DSIL. Looking forward to seeing this and eating popcorn. Love movie theater popcorn.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Stay safe if you are in a storm belt.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    "If your parents ever measured you as a child, they had you stand against a wall, and made a little pencil mark on the wall to show your growth. They did not measure you against your brother, or the neighbor's kids, or kids on TV. When you measure your growth, make sure to only measure your today self by your past self. If you compare your relationships, your success, or your anything against anyone else, you are not being fair to you. Everyone has a different path, a different pace, and different challenges to face along the way."-- Doe Zantamata