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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Very late today — no special reason. Know that I enjoyed your posts and hope to get on much earlier tomorrow.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Jackie - loved July 15 quote.

    Harley - Interested in your description of the food bank. At our main pantry, people come in and register (which has all the family particulars) and go back to their cars which they pull around to the side. Volunteers, called "pushers", grab a grocery cart, visit all the various stations and stock up, and then take it to the waiting car. A stress on our AC as the front and side doors are open quite a lot and it's 110 degrees outside. We have a standard list of what quantity of items goes in the cart based on family size but we also take into account special requests and dietary needs.

    Lately the main pantry has been feeding 1500 a day. At our 4 satellite pantries folks have to come in for their groceries. Glad you like your group. Each day can have interesting dynamics. I have one friend who only went Thursday once and then tried the Friday group.

    If you or your neighbors need food, please look for your closest food bank. Call first to see if they have special hours or you need to bring IDs. We have recently opened one night a week which has been very popular.

    If you can drop some extra groceries off, they are needed everywhere. Summers are especially hard because kids don't get any free meals at school. END OF MY UNPAID ANNOUNCEMENT.

    Phoenix continues to break heat records with no rain in sight. DD said it was raining in coastal Maine this morning but they didn't expect the flooding they had in VT. What a mess everywhere!

    Stay safe everyone.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Cooled down a little today, but the AQI was still bad (though nothing like 3 weeks ago when we had the world's worst air). Gordy says he's feeling a tiny bit better (though this is the worst of his 3 bouts of COVID), but he claims he's had colds that were far worse (not to mention influenza A a few years ago, when the vaccine didn't include that strain). Nonetheless, I went to the bathroom closet to check expiration dates on our 7 sets of tests. All good, except for 2 QuickVues which (per the FDA revised chart) expired on Friday.

    This smoke is doing a number on my throat (fortunately, no gigs for a few weeks). I usually never drink enough water, because I now perceive thirst far less than I did in my youth (heck, even late middle-age). But today I've knocked back well over my recommended half-gallon a day. It feels like that vague cranky hoarseness and ear itch that hits at the start of ragweed season—when I want take a Q-tip and scratch my ears through my throat and vice versa. But no actual soreness this time. Oh, and I've gone through almost half a bottle of artificial tears in less than two days.

    My next project is to set up the Ring doorbell-cam I bought on Prime Day. Little did I know that it doesn't actually "ring" unless you also buy a Ring chime to go with it—just sends an alert to your cellphone. (Do they not know that there are actually people who are not tethered to their phones 24/7)? So I picked up a chime at Best Buy today. So I have to download the app, charge the doorbell-cam, "introduce" it and the chime to my wi-fi router (maybe the closest eero mesh satellite will do), plug in the chime near where I spend the most time and finally mount the doorbell-cam where an enterprising porch-pirate won't try to make off with it. In case you were wondering, I haven't had an actual doorbell since we moved in 36 years ago—we have a heavy brass doorknocker that is amazingly loud.

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 427

    Just dropping in to say to all you Old Ladies🥰, I’m older than many of you and diagnosed in 2009. I just tuned 74 this year in April. I was also diagnosed with a recurrence this past January 2023. What a way to start the New Year. Bone Mets. I don’t want to be here but happy to have BCO for support, during all this new Treatment……Anyway, my thoughts and prayers are with you all that you have a good day without SideEffects or aches &pains. Wishing you all a calm and peaceful day with good vibes.🙏♥️🩵

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Shanagirl, I was diagnosed in 2009 also. Hope you have good results with your targeted therapy for the bone mets.

    Sandy, we have Ring apps. Yesterday dh talked to my sister who had come to borrow my car from our carport. I don't mind her using the car for a few days or a week but it has never been left outside in the weather and they always park their vehicles outside. DH is a firm believer in carports and garages. He had disconnected the starter battery (the Prius has two batteries) so my sister and her dh had to reconnect it. Now when I open the Ring app, I'll see an empty carport.

    Our wonderful cool weather continues. I wore a long sleeved shirt, cropped pants and a light jacket when I walked two miles yesterday. I do miss sitting out on the deck. With the wind it wasn't a comfortable option yesterday.

    Happy safe Monday to all.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Welcome, Shana. Bummer that you've had to "rejoin" this "club," especially for such an unfortunate reason. At least since the date I joined here (2015), Stage IV treatment has become "maintenance therapy" for so many. Know we have your back; and for every appointment, scan and procedure we're "in your pocket." As to your age (and speaking of "pockets"), at 74 you're pretty much in the "pocket" of average for this group. We've got almost as many here older than you than younger.

    I'm not usually up this early to post, but I have an early MO appointment (routine, not for bc but melanoma monitoring). I started getting scratchy-throated yesterday not long after removing my mask to walk from Best Buy to my car, only to check the weather app on my phone and read about the AQI alert—"unhealthy for sensitive groups." I guess being 72 with asthma and pollen allergy counts as "sensitive." Felt progressively hoarser as the evening went on, even overnight. I drank >80 oz. of water yesterday (I'm usually a notorious "under-drinker," which does my kidneys no favor) and still feel I could drink Lake Michigan (if it didn't probably taste like Liquid Smoke). Took my temperature: not even up to 97F. Even took a COVID test, which was negative. And the AQI keeps rising—now "unhealthy" for anyone with lungs…and a pulse. As recently as Friday, the forecast was for rain yesterday and much of this week—but it's been revised to "better start watering the tomato plants again," all week long and into next weekend.

    Rethinking going to the farmers' market this afternoon—might double-mask. At least I have several months' worth of KN95s and even some N95s, so I can toss the ones I've worn a couple of times lest they are retaining some smoke particles, and use fresh ones once before discarding. Meteorologists are warning people to leave those surgical masks and cute cloth ones (even with filters) home, because though they might protect against viruses and pollen grains they are no match for smoke nanoparticles. This may be one of those times when an N95 with exhalation valve is permissible.

    No "scanxiety" for my MO appt…but "scale-xiety" is another matter. Will see if he lets me skip the weigh-in, as there's no SSRI on earth strong enough to squash the depression over my BMI being >30 again. (I've lost a couple pounds over the past few weeks, but not enough).

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Inner peace is certainly the ultimate resource for those dealing with suffering on a daily basis. But this isn't something achieved by distancing yourself from the suffering around you. Inner peace is more a question of cultivating perspective, meaning, and wisdom even as life touches you with its pain. It is more a spiritual quality than a mental quality. Rachel Naomi Remen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Good morning. There is slight muted sun outside, that is coming and going. Apparently, a lot of rain through the night. Hmmm, having night rains again. It does seem to be keeping the 'smoke' at bay for now. Read that St. Louis, Missouri has smoke from Canada today. We are about 75-80 miles east of St. Louis so it is a time when the lack of breezes and winds is good.

    Shanagirl, so sorry to hear you are facing more chemo. Hopefully, like many others, you will have success with a long treatment, as Sandy says with maintenance.

    Carole, you know at this time of yr. hearing that anyone is cool and needing even only a thin jacket this time of yr. just seems a little amazing. I do recall though needing a lap blanket a time or two in late August nights here in southern Illinois during the Balloon Fest. Happens a lot more though where you are.

    I'm back in the 170's for wt. Something that didn't even seem possible back when I first started my open-heart recovery. I was 146 at that point. Was hoping then not to lose any more wt. Well, I can honestly say I'm NOT losing and now concerned about going the other way. Hmmm. Gives total meaning to the phrase - " it's always something". I guess like most I will keep looking for the happy medium and settle for the happy okay if I don't keep gaining. There is hope for us Sandy.

    My ears seem to be off again, so may have to get an appt. with the ear Dr. and see if there is wax build-up again. Seems now I'm older this is becoming an issue that I never had to deal with before. Heard on the news about so many people now having allergic reactions from global warming effects — so maybe my issue is in there somewhere.

    I hope you all have a really good Monday as pleasant as possible.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Everybody gone on vacation.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    I'm here. Had a nice weekend. Golf on Sat. and loved the men's tennis final. As usual, Ken watched the Diamondback who are imploding again.

    Reading "Genghis Khan" for my book club. I've enjoyed it although I'm not certain that it has a lot of discussion value. Oh well. I join book clubs because I read books that I wouldn't ordinarily choose.

    Will try to play golf in the morning - my criteria is that it isn't expected to over 100 before I finish. Having lunch with a friend. Should tackle my desk when I get home but even now a nap sounds better.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Joy is not in things; it is in us.    -Richard Wagner

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Jackie, I have enjoyed your quotes for the last 5 or 6 days. 2 really hit home. Thank you for sharing the thought of the day.

    Chris, I am Mary Katherine, but go by Kathy. LOL

    MM, I so agree the best thing is family!

    Shanagirl, sorry you are joining this club where no one wants to be. We are a pretty good support group. I am 70, diagnosed in 2019. All my information dropped off and I am not sure how to put it back on. Not a techie.

    My new A/C is working well. I have used the pool more this year due to the unbearable heat. We have had frequent storms, but then it heats up into a steam bath. I am doing my walk as soon as the sun comes up and then into a/c.

    Midnight Louie has been a very good companion, since Miss Felix, the cat, and my DH died. Most of the time he is a sweet cat.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Glad to hear you are finding quotes that have meaning for you Petite. They have been a true help and comfort for me I almost always share the ones that touch me the most that day

    It is good that your ac is doing its job. It sounds rather brutal in so many areas of the country. We had our recent rain ( a little more thru the night I think) and I don't expect it to be e too comfy out of doors but we are only getting ready to go. I would like to think and hope it will settle down some for people, but it is so hard to say since we are in global warming and a lot of predictions are iffy at this point I think.

    Hope you all have a good day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    petite1: Glad you have your A/C and a pool to use for the excessive heat we have been enduring. Midnight Louie sounds like my now deceased Smudge was. She would tolerate petting up to a point and don't even think about touching her belly. She determined when she was available for your attention and truly reminded us that she was the boss and we were her servants. Miss her as I am sure you miss Miss Felix. At the end she was really sweet and attentive to me.

    DD and DSIL have an issue with their A/C. Woke up to smell of burning oil and had to shut it down. Trying to find someone to fix it has been the real issue. So they have temporarily moved in with all their "critters" until they can get it fixed and get someone to get the smell out of the house. Not a problem to have them since they WFH and can do it from here as well.

    DGS called yesterday wanting to know if he could visit with us. So we agreed to pick him up this AM and he will be here for a few days. He likes to garden so he can help me with the weeds in some steep beds that I can no longer stand up in. We finished one I had previously started this morning and started the second bed clearing most of what I want out. He takes direction well so it is a plus to just have to point and say "pull that one". We have some that get deep roots so I have a long handled 4 pronged tool that works well for loosening the soil so he can get the roots. We filled a large leaf bag about 3/4's so it was productive time. Now he needs a shower because he was wearing much of the soil I loosened. I think I will be making lots of food and doing a lot of laundry over the next few days.

    It is hot, in the mid 80's, but we did have a light breeze that made it more tolerable. It is hazy due to the smoke from Canada so I am limiting my outdoors time to no more than 90 minutes. AQI was at orange for today so the "elderly" (me) need to take heed. We were out there for maybe an hour at the most.

    Welcome Shanagirl: I know your name from the other forum you post on. You will get as much support here as you do there.

    Jackie: I have to second petite1 on the recent quotes. They have been really touching and inspiring. You seem to read the mood here and find the best quote to uplift us.

    Knees are still in recovery mode and I am still hoping the Orthovisc works its magic soon. Fingers crossed.

    Chris: Hope your pain is minimal and that you are getting more mobile each day.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    Second day in a row dry, with a lovely cool lake breeze here up north. AQI is now "good" (green zone); but my throat still got progressively scratchier. Bob says not to test again: and he's right, since when I awoke today I felt exactly like I did during my last "actual" cold…in 2019, after returning from London. No fever, breathing fine, no aches (except caffeine-withdrawal, which disappeared halfway into my morning cup of coffee). Any congestion was relieved by a couple of squirts of saline spray. Just still quite thirsty for a change, which for my kidney function is a good thing. And my voice is a bit foggy, just like it was in 2019. Still, will keep wearing a mask indoors in public—even a garden-variety cold is nothing I want to spread. (Also canceled my dental cleaning appt., for the safety of the hygienist). But complicating matters is a very high mold and medium high weed pollen count. (My HK is feeling it too). Gordy is doing much better, and Leslie is fine (keeping her Paxlovid in reserve).

    Heidi is eating more now, and wants to snuggle a lot. Still can't get her to play (beyond trotting over to toys she sees me throw). Saw her turn her head when a cardinal flew by the den window, so I think she still can see and maybe hear a little more than she'd been letting on. Seems to have put on a couple more ounces—will find out Fri. if she's crossed the 9-lb. mark. (I've lost another lb. just by not eating after dinner).

    Will keep tomorrow's hand-surgeon appt., for a second opinion on the elbow fracture and possibly get an X-ray of the humerus and ultrasound of shoulder soft tissue. (He's with NShore—did my L hand/arm surgery in 2018; this elbow fx was dx'ed and treated at Northwestern Memorial, which didn't image anything above the elbow). Mostly, to find out if I need PT/OT and whether it's safe to do resistance training.

    Then may also bite the bullet and head over to the nearby Apple Store to upgrade this 6-yr-old 13" Intel-chip MacBookPro—which due to having only 8G RAM keeps slowing down & occasionally freezing—to a new M2-chip 14" one, which has an HDMI port so I can watch streaming on my actual TV circa 2014. (Tried to add Hulu & Peacock to its built-in apps, but it's a nightmare tackling entering those complex "safe" passwords via a remote control—getting flashbacks to the days of texting on the keypad of a flip phone).

    Betrayal, hoping Orthovisc does the trick for you. (Nagging Bob to get the shots, as he definitely struggles getting up from a low seat but is too proud to do anything about it). Kathy, glad you can swim in your own pool. I'm still too leery of going to the gym (and since styling my hair is labor-intensive, I'm loath to go swimming unless I need to shampoo anyway). Chris, hope your recovery proceeds apace—don't overdo or try to accelerate weaning off your meds. Tippy's behavior is indeed reminiscent of kids coming home after a weekend of being shamelessly indulged by the "grands."

    Big news around here is that the entire block of stores across Thorndale Ave. from the Armory parking lot (where the weekly Monday Market takes place) burned down overnight. Thank goodness I didn't have anything for repair at the jewelry or "Fix Your Kicks" shops.

    Since we're once again in for a prolonged dry spell along the north lakefront, have to resume watering the tomato plants.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Meditation is not some strange technique that we have to learn with
    great effort and difficulty.  Whatever we accomplish in this world we
    accomplish through the power of concentration, which is nothing but
    meditation.  Above all, meditation stills the wandering mind
    and establishes us forever in a state of peace.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Muted sun now and not sure if we had any moisture last night or not. The breeze fairies are bouncing some leaves around outside so hopefully we will have some air movement outside. Hope it is not too humid.

    Nothing special for today. Maybe a couple of bills. We go tomorrow to Marion VA. to get my check-up on the ICD. I'm fairly used to it but I'm generally always aware it is there. One spot has remained feelable so I'll find out about that tomorrow I presume.

    Had to have Spectrum involved again in our wi-fi issues. They did an upgrade awhile back and we upped our service to the next level (they said it would improve us a lot) and we have had issues ever since. I'd go back but Dh doesn't care to do that. He likely is right. I just know that we seemed to have gone for real long stretches before and now seems every couple of weeks we are having to call back in.

    Hope you all have a fine Wednesday.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    Seems DD and DSIL will be residing with us for awhile. They are having all sorts of inspections of the unit and their house to determine what has to be done to reverse damage to their combo heat and A/C unit since they have electric heat. There might be damage to wiring behind walls all the way to the electrical box. So inspections, estimates for replacement and damages to house, and then finding the company to provide the service. They were offered the same company we used for restoration and explained to the insurance company why this was not a good recommendation (I spent 3 years getting my house completely restored; was supposed to be a 3-6 month repair). So they are being referred to a nationally known company named Balfour. Not sure how long this will take but it would be hard for them to find temporary digs with all their animals.

    Rained this morning and it is overcast and in mid 70's. Supposed to get more rain and not sure what AQI is today but is haze from Canada or rain?

    Doing laundry at present and made plans for tonight's dinner: roasted pork loin ( one BBQ and the other teriyaki seasoned) with oven roasted potatoes and fresh string beans. Had loins in freezer and they are thawing. Bought blueberries to make blueberry pancakes tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884
    edited July 2023

    Sorry to hear things sound possibly substantially worse for DD and her DH, Betrayal. I'm with you — having the company that did your work just sounds like a forever job almost. I hope the new company will do a really good job efficiently and as quickly as is possible.

    Turned out to be nice today at about 82 and I didn't really feel any humidity. Hope it is okay for tomorrow as well since we will go to Marion in the morning.

    We went over today to get started at BIL's house. It is going to be a sort of piecemeal thing it sounds like. I have started in the kitchen but already cleaned off the counter, scoured the sinks, and did up the dishes that were out. I also was able to un-load the kitchen table so feel I made some real progress. There is a ton of other things — things no one else could really do too well. The cupboards need cleaned out and washed along with all the food in the fridge with a good bleach wash out afterwards. I'm trying to find times that my BIL (house owner) won't be around as he is something of a pack rat like all of us and I know he will try to keep too much. Someone is going to have to take some charge I think after he is home to try and keep things from going downhill again.

    In the meantime, I'm hoping to have some stream left for my own. I'd say I'm too old for this, but really I'm not. In fact, movement for me is good — even if sometimes difficult.

    Hope you all had a good day.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Taco - Your pantry serves 1500 people per day -wow! It is sad that there is such a great need. The pantry I am at serves about 100 families per week. We are only open on Fridays and there is no income requirement or registration required. We are supported by a regional food bank as well as a couple of local grocery stores. There are several other pantries in the area that are open additional days of the week and their requirements vary. The hot weather you are experiencing is scary and sounds difficult to endure, especially with no end in sight.

    Petite - happy to hear your A/C is working

    Betrayal - I feel so badly for your DD and DSIL. Sounds like an extensive and expensive reno. It’s good that they can stay with you while this is sorted out.

    Illinois - you made a lot of progress at BIL’s. I sure hope all your efforts are appreciated.

    My lower back and right hip have been bothering me for the past few weeks. I’ve had a problem with sciatica for most of my adult life, although this feels a bit different. It’s not excruciating but is very annoying. A CT scan two years ago for an unrelated issue indicated moderate to severe degeneration of my lower spine. I’m trying to decide how long to put up with this before I schedule an appointment with an ortho doctor. I figure I’ll be told it’s wear and tear and typical of aging so I figure why bother getting it checked out. I feel better after exercise (walking, biking, elliptical, yoga) but sitting is uncomfortable so I’m trying to get up and move more often. I sleep fine but am sore upon waking.

    Have a good rest of your week.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Betrayal, hope Balfour is thorough but far speedier than the crew that held your house hostage. Sounds like DD & DSIL have their hands full with that malfunctioning heat pump.

    Jackie, dry, clear and mild up here. They're predicting a short shower after dawn, with humidity ramping up. But the storms should be mostly south of I-80 and east of I-57. Dodging another weather bullet.

    Went to my hand surgeon (the guy who did my L arm/hand/wrist surgery for an identical "FOOSH" shoe-malfunction fall back in 2018) at N.Shore Skokie to make sure that NW Memorial got my R elbow fx dx correct (they dropped the ball about not warning me to expect pain in my humerus & shoulder as a result of falling on my hand). He says the fx is healing nicely (would have termed it "hairline" rather than "nondisplaced") but wants me to do PT for the shoulder before I consider strength training in general.

    Meanwhile, I'm still feeling crummy. Been 48 hrs. so I tested again…and again, negative. Forgot how badly a common cold can knock you onto your butt. The symptoms, and their progression, are exactly the same as what I had back in Dec. 2019 (till his dying day, my PCP was still on the fence as to whether it was an adenovirus or parapertussis…guess it was the former). Back then, I was part of an on-air holiday concert at a suburban NPR station—and halfway through the song I had a sudden coughing fit. The DJ thought I was acting, because the song was "It Sucks Being Sick at Christmas." Come to think of it, that's exactly how I felt when I wrote it a few years earlier. It was the first song I ever wrote for which I had to pick out the melody on guitar because I had laryngitis and couldn't even hum, much less sing, it. (Happened again in 2019, a week after the radio show—I wrote a song on spec for a concert featuring a travel guitar that was making the rounds, but couldn't perform it because I couldn't sing without coughing). Also reminiscent of the notorious Beijing "throat cold," which I caught on a frigid raw late March day on a tour of the Forbidden City in 1994.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    A little faith goes a long way in clearing my mind, in restoring inner peace, in allowing me to function as a person who is capable of great things, for indeed I am. Faith in God in me and in others develops courage, patience, understanding, hope, and so much more. It strengthens me and every aspect of my life. Each thought or act of faith is like a single fiber that, when woven together with others, creates a lifeline that connects me to health, peace, prosperity, and great opportunities.    -unattributed

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Sandy, so sorry to read that you have a bad cold! I hope you start feeling better soon!!!

    Betrayal, I also feel sorry for your DD and DSIL! Wow, what a mess! They are so lucky to have you to stay with while the work is being done!

    illinois, you are so inspirational and kind! I love what you are doing for your BIL!

    We had a wonderful time with our DS and family! We had our other two grandkids overnight and that was fun too! Sunday we had 8 other relatives come to visit and my house was packed as the weather was rainy and we don't have a covered patio. Somehow it all worked out ok. There next three days went way too fast! Kids, both young and old, had a great time with the dollar store outdoor toys I bought! A three "pronged" boomerang was the hit of the day and I went back to the $ store and bought more! So much fun! Now the house is eerily quiet! My husband and I are relaxing, but missing them terribly! Last night we went out to dinner and they left for my DDIL's parents house directly from the restaurant. I didn't think I would feel emotional, but I did. As I tell them, those feelings mean they are loved so much!

    I was able to move up my Sept appointment with my MO, to next week. I assume my bone pain is from benign issues, but I want to be sure it isn't from metastasis.

    Taco and Harley, it is truly inspiring that you both serve your communities by working in the food banks. In today's world there are so many reasons for people to need food, especially now with the cost so high. It truly is a lifesaving service!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Again, I’m way behind. My niece was hospitalized with a 4.5 mm kidney stone. We were hoping they’d do a procedure but alas she was released after 3 days with meds to relax the urethra, and pain meds.
    My house still in disarray. Now the refrigerator can be delivered on Monday, but we’ll be in Cape Cod. So it’s pushed out until 7/31. Kitchen chaos.
    Add to the mess, we’re packing for the Cape. House rental requires we bring our own sheets and towels or rent them from another company. I spent hours updating Norton on my laptop so I could print out my Cape packing list, only to discover I couldn’t find it. So I started one and have printed it out and crossed off all that’s already packed.
    Prime day deliveries have rolled in. I have a new Shark robot vacuum sitting in a box in my tiny living room. With piles of stuff laying around, it will wait until we’re back to be programmed. Also ordered a espresso machine for partner, who mentioned while in Ireland how much he enjoyed one at the Airbnb. May take it to the Cape. Right now counter space in kitchen is premium. I’ll deal with it once we’re back home. I feel like the best laid plans are burnt to hell - getting new appliances installed (hahaha!) and moving on with life.
    I’ve seen my endocrinologist who said my dexa was above average. He said I could see him in 5 years, if he’s still there. Or I could just have my GP follow up with me. It was hard to get into him, I needed a referral from my oncologist so I said I’d prefer to still see him. He booked me out 2 years.
    Cardiologist said BP great, ekg all good, and I had a calcium test (heart CT) right before I saw him and that was great too - score zero. He too offered to let my GP track me. Again I had to say no, I’d prefer to keep visiting 1x a year so if any changes happen, they’d see them. My dad had heart attack at 62. I don’t know about you ladies but my GP is just that GP (or now called PCP) I’d prefer to see the specialist who knows his/her stuff.

    Shanagirl, sorry you’re going through mets. But glad you’re stopping by with us.

    Harley, air quality here has been bad again until we had torrential rains with flooded out roads on Tuesday. I believe we’re normal again. (well, not us but our air anyway!)

    Cris, I’m glad you’ve got the bike back. Tippy will fall back in line soon.

    Sandy, sorry to hear about Gordy & DIL; but glad they’re improving. Ring can use your Alexa devices (so many I don’t remember all the names). I’ve written down the site to hear you tonight. I’m with you on the ragweed. My last cold caught in Ireland lasted 15-17 days. I lost my voice for a few days from it. I’m thinking of setting up an appointment with my allergy Dr to see if there are any better meds out there, maybe prescription. Claritin D is my go to. Allegra caused so many sinus infections I thought I’d die; it doesn’t work for me. ZyrtecD works but it’s only a 12 hour med and I was always forgetting the 2nd 12 hr pill.

    Betrayal- Your DD & DSIL are lucky they woke when they did. And so good they didn’t take the same company you had. Your DGS sounds like a blessing for you in the gardens. I’ve pulled quite a bit of weeds in the stones that go behind the garden to the house. I hate all this rain but it does make pulling easier. (same rain that let them all grow so big!)

    Taco, the food pantry feeding 1500 a day shows the food disparity. That’s a lot of hungry individuals. You can make as many unpaid announcements as you like. Books, I just saw a new one come out “Crook Manifesto” by Colson Whitehead. He wrote “Harlem Shuffle” which I very much enjoyed. So I put the new one on my list.

    MM -I hope you enjoyed your family get together and that no one caught even a cold.

    Carole, your cool weather sounds glorious. Here it’s either raining or too hot to go outside.

    Illinois, my various Dr appointments all start with the scale! I’m tracking at home. So 170 naked and afraid (ha!) but after breakfast, lunch, and fully clothed at a drs office it’s been 174-176. Ears, my partners ears overproduce wax. He’ll use an ear drop to help remove it. Spectrum, that’s who we have in NY, no other cable only Fios that require more wiring. We hate them; I hope they resolve your issues. Your BIL house cleaning seems to have begun. Pace yourself!

    Petite, so glad your AC is doing great. Growing up my BFF was Mary Ellen. We called her Mare and still do.

    If I’ve missed anyone, apologies. I plan on picking up my nieces daughter, grand niece and bringing her down to swim. Tonight we’re going out to dinner with another couple. Then it’s buying some things to pack up for the trip. It’s supposed to rain again tomorrow, surprise. Enjoy the day!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    I forgot to add that last Saturday, there were flash floods near my home. 9 people were swept away, 5 drowned and two are missing. The missing are two young children, a 9th month old boy and his 2 yr old sister. The dad and a four year old, as well as the grandmother, survived, the mother drowned. Absolutely horrific! They did not drive through water; the flash flood just rushed across the road and took the road with it. I am praying they find those sweet children! The family came up from SC to attend a family BBQ.

    Another reminder of how precious life is!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Checking in late again. Had the Marion trip to make this morning. We went in the rain and returned in rain, but it never was bad enough to get my knuckles tight on the steering wheel. The visit went well and there was a little adjusting done to my ICD. I also got a referral to a NP that specializes in heart patients. This would be in addition to any other cardiac Dr.'s or ICD specialists I see.

    Wasn't sure it was for me, but when presented as an ADDITIONAL resource, it sounded worth trying. She is versed more it sounds like in helping to fine tune people as in are you actually getting dehydrated or going the other way and too much water. I will have to start weighing daily again — first thing in the morning and likely taking pressure too. I enjoyed not having to do that, but I'll re-learn to start my day that way again. Since I have to 'check' every time I want to take a heart med I was enjoying only doing it when it is time for medicine.

    Anyway, right before we walked out the door of the VA to come home my BIL called and said he and the other brother were hiding out in his garage. Apparently, the wind came up rather fiercely around here along with thunder and lightning and lots and lots of water coming down. We basically had rain almost all the way home, but by the time we got within 20 miles of home we had only blue sky's to look at and a roadway very wet on the sides but nearly dry in the middle. By the time we got home there was sun. So — we missed the whole display. Our SIL was still home and was quite worried watching all the trees sway out here in our yard.

    It can be wild when you live in a yard full of trees.

    I will have to come back later to finish.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Cindy - I liked "Harlem Shuffle" too. I struggled with his first one, set in a Florida boys juvenile justice system.. Can't remember the name. I'm still not certain I understood the ending. But I read HS and will probably read the sequel.

    Right now am reading "White Swan", about three generations of Chinese women. Hard to read in places but glad that I am. Book Club discussed "Ghengus Khan" today. We all agreed that we really knew nothing of the history and it was really well written although our discussion wandered more than usual.

    Just got off VBRO looking for some place to rent in the White Mountains next month. Our schools start in early Aug. so there were more options that I expected. It should be 20-30 degrees cooler up there.

    Sounds like a great weekend MM. No grandkids for me and our daughter lives way too far away.

    Stay safe everyone.

    Taco - Marge

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good morning. Yesterday afternoon was frustrating for me. I had a nice lunch and trip to the library with my BFF and when I got home problems piled in. The estate is still in probate. The estate guy from the investment firm called wanting an estate ID number from IRS. I had to run to the attorney to get that. With the house and one rental in probate, it need "Estate of" insurance, as all policies expire in August. The company that insured my house for 14 years is pulling out of Florida and it is next to impossible to find insurance. My insurance broker was suppose to call back and hasn't. The CPA's office called, telling me my CPA hadn't done anything about the over payment to IRS (in March) and she was going on vacation and didn't have time to talk to me. I was rather hysterically rude to her. I might call and apologize or maybe not. I did have a major meltdown after all that frustration in a matter of hours. Ladies, make sure beneficiaries are listed on every little thing. Even when you have a will, it is still a nightmare.

    The good thing, after all that mess, my DN called and is coming up on Saturday for a visit.

    Betrayal, I remember you repairs nightmare. I am sorry your DD & her DH are going through that.

    Sandy, the HDMI settings drive me nuts. So I keep one TV on HDMI 1 and one on HDMI 2. The HDMI 2 is for ROKU, HULU, etc. and streaming. HDMI 1 is for cable.

    Sorry to be so wordy.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Petite if it’s any help in FL we have a company called Safe Harbor. We went to a local Allstate and they farm you out to whomever they work with. The main carrier is Cabrillo Coastal General Insurance. Two numbers were listed. 1-866-896-7233; and 1-866-483-5246. Wishing you good luck, I hope you can get some relief from the stress of insurance.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    MM, that story about the two children being swept away in the flooding was on tv. I felt sad for the family. Nature can definitely be cruel.

    Cindy, I love your busy life and your spirit.

    I have looked up exercises for lower back pain and have started doing them. On Tuesday I played about 12 holes of solo golf, then did some cleaning chores (mopped the gut hut floor and vacuumed the laundry room). Not sure whether it was the combination that made my back hurt. When we get home from the trip to Ireland and Scotland in September, I will investigate the status of my back. People tell me you have to see a pain specialist not a bone and joint doctor. The pain is better today so the exercises may already be helping.

    It's nice and cool this morning but next week is supposed to be hot.

    Happy Friday to all.