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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Petite, thankful you will not be alone. We’re watching weather carefully as they say it’s hitting above Tampa. But Fort Myers wasn’t supposed to get hit by Ian like it did so we’re all a little skeptical. Safety in numbers, I’ll say again I’m glad you won’t be alone.

    Well I had my thyroid ultrasound and chest CT scan with contrast this morning. Appointment was at 7:30 AM and by 8:35 AM I had full test results in my patient portal.

    My thyroid has 3 nodules. There are different levels TR1-TR5 (new lingo to learn). One module falls into TR1, no need to follow up; 1 is TR4, next TR5 which needs yearly follow up for 5 years. The one at TR5 needs a FNA (more lingo, Fine Needle Aspiration). I called my endocrinologist, they were receiving a fax of the results, with intent to set up the needle biopsy with an Interventional Radiologist. Expecting a call possibly tomorrow to get that set up.

    My lungs show nodules in both right and left apex (apex lies above the first rib); 5mm in R, 6 mm in L. As well as a 3mm nodule lower. In texting with my stepson he said to reach out to my oncologist. It did mention scaring, and noted it could be from radiation from BC treatment. Oncologist PA contacted me after I sent screen shots of the results asking “now what” in my patient portal. She said they’d get me in for a consult with a thoracic surgeon and he’d discuss options, which will most likely be a needle biopsy of my lung. The surgeon I’ll consult with is the head of CT surgery at a local hospital.

    My “incidental” finding from the CT scan of my mouth floor (salivary gland), are proving to be more than incidental. I feel kind of blindsided because I never expected both tests to reveal such issues. But just like BC dx I'm diving into finding out as much information as I can handle. One of the ladies from my old gym days, we still meet to walk, she has had both dx before. Her thyroid was cancerous and she had it removed; her lung nodule was 9mm and biopsy was benign. So she’s clued me in to what to expect. Just got to roll with it.

    On a good note, we sold the remaining Trex and it’s out of my yard! There is no grass under where they sat for 3 summers.

    On a crazy note: the sale of exercise equipment seemed to be a done deal too, until the scammer tried to get me on a Venmo payment. Email showed up from “Venmo” with a gmail address, with a lower case “i” used in a heading, and requesting the sender pay $300 more to get my account boosted up to a business account. In FB marketplace the “buyer”said they got the same email requesting the $300, so if they sent me $300 would I send it back? I replied: NOPE. GOOD BYE. And then the FB account was immediately deleted and gone. I reported it to FB and Venmo; nothing will happen but I had to let them know about it.

    It’s been a long day so I’m heading to bed. I’ve got an appointment with a podiatrist tomorrow morning. LOL I’ve got more doctors than I care to admit, and it appears I’ll be adding more. Have a great night.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Medicare will not pay for the RSV vaccine. Our prescription plan (not Medicare) paid all but $58 each and according to the pharmacy the vaccine costs over $200.00 each. It is astonishing to me that Medicare is not focused on preventative care but will pay for a hospitalization due to RSV. That makes no sense to me.

    Dosage is 1 mL versus the 0.5 mL of the Covid vaccine so it is double the volume but again I had no SE and I have to use my dominant hand arm so that is a concern to me about injections.

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 710

    Petite, thinking of you and your friends. I rode out a hurricane in No. Carolina but I was a little inland—still, it was impressive. Let us know how it's going.

    Illinoislady, I specially liked your quote today. I needed to hear it. The only "I can't" I've used lately has been to set firm boundaries with others, including doctors, for my emotional, mental and physical health!

    Thanks Mavericksmom for the kind words about losing Preshy. I still can't believe she's gone. She was definitely my therapy dog-calmed me, loved me-I missed her when we had to leave her with a petsitter when we traveled. I mean she was closer to me than most of my family besides my daughter. It still hurts but I like to think she's with my dear dad, who was a consummate dog lover, and he's caring for her until I see her again.

    Here's a pretty photo I took a few years ago from Waikiki. My husband is retired military and we stayed at the military hotel right on the beach.

    I hope everyone else has a great day; Namaste!

    Claire in AZ

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    If we can forgive everyone, regardless of what he or she may have done, we nourish the soul and allow our whole being to feel good.  To hold a grudge against anyone is like carrying the devil on your shoulders.  It is our willingness to forgive and forget that casts away such a burden and brings light into our hearts, freeing us from many ill feelings against our fellow human beings.

    Sydney Banks

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Claire, wow, gorgeous picture! So calming and serene! Thank you for sharing! I love the name Preshy!

    RSV is covered under part D of Medicare, so it depends on what insurance one has as to how it's covered. I think mine should be 100% but I need to find out.

    Betrayal, good to know you didn't get a sore arm from it. As for Medicare, they are also only, for the first time, covering some of the "garments" for lymphedema, effective Jan 1,2024. Part of the reason I stopped wearing them, way too expensive! It is all about money, Medicare, like all insurance, doesn't make sense. Our medical insurance in USA is a ridiculously unfair, immoral, and irrational mess, but it is what it is.

    (((((Cindy)))) You poor thing! Gosh, you definitely deserve a break from medical issues! I hope the hurricane stays away from your house, but at least you aren't there now.

    Petite, still thinking of you and very glad you are not alone! I hope the hurricane stays away from your home and the homes of your friends too!

    I had my echocardiogram this morning, won't get results for 2-3 days, but expecting all to be normal so not concerned. It was routine, I hadn't had one in a while.

    Cloudy with rain expected today, but that suits me just fine. I have plenty to do inside today.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Cindy, I hear you loud and clear. As of today, I will be getting a dermatology appt. I have rashes and an odd bump on my nose. It was clear but last month or so got reddish in color. So, I'm itching in sooo many places and nothing I'm doing is helping much. I do think it is something maybe of a yeast variety — and maybe something to do with the amt. of wet weather we have had, but no matter. I'm still going to have to get involved with more Dr.'s. I've been working on less but seems the more I want that the more elusive it wants to get. I'm sure there is a happy medium somewhere.

    Keep thinking — good thing I'm retired because I don't have to get all these appts. around a work schedule.

    claireinaz, that is such a gorgeous picture. I have to admit that I'm almost always in love with any picture that includes a big body of water. Water to me has a deeply spiritual essence and I always get a peaceful and serene calmness. To have it all during a sunset with those gorgeous orange hued waves is special for sure. It is almost the only reason I miss Santa Barbarra and Ventura. Many happy hours were spent at the beaches there letting al those waves carry all my heartaches and problems away. I think it is why we love living here at the lake although our present home hasn't anything behind us, but we can look over to the right of us and see the water behind the next-door neighbor's. We do enjoy the quietness here as well as the wildlife that visits often enough to be a special treat as well.

    Hope you are ok Petite. You are on our minds.

    Nothing special today. but it will be a catch-up day for me. That was going to happen yesterday but taking Dh to his Dr. check-up sort of interrupted the day enough to sort of ruin it for getting much done. Another great reason for needing to be retired. I think back and wonder how I managed it all when WORK was the thing interfering.

    Hope you all have a marvelous day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Had second quote on adding foam insulation to interior of exterior garage wall. Third is coming next week and then I will make a decision. We need to decompress that section of garage and make decisions about new organizers for garden tools. Present one doesn't work for the tools we have now. It might work better if they were not mounted one above the other because the tool mounts are movable. Not sure if we did installation or if it was inherited from previous owners. Looking at possible replacements but not critical at this point.

    Finished weeding bed that has been plaguing me and it looks so much better. Now if a genie would appear and transplant some ferns into it and then mulch I would be in heaven. Added supports for the 2 rhododendrons that are misshapen due to the large trees that used to be behind them. I took off a big branch on the one because I could not get it upright. So both have supports now and perhaps may grow more upright. Trimmed the fir tree that overshadows the one as well. Need DSIL to cut several branches that are well over my head.

    Planted the hibiscus near the hydrangea that the deer decided to trim. So both are now enclosed in a chicken wire enclosure that will protect them. Had DH trim a scrub bush back and cut another thorny one down.

    At PT I was given exercises to do at home that address quads and will try to keep on top of them. One is a real challenge with increasing pain so I asked if I could decrease reps and she said to avoid causing more pain but try to still do them. I think I can do them, it was the reps that was the issue and I need to find a shorter chair than a kitchen one.

    I have osteoarthritis in my left forefoot from a fall over 10 years ago. I landed with the top of that foot hitting the ground and at first they thought I had a fx. I have had it injected with some relief but was ordered to use inserts in my shoes that I can buy online. They really help but are a tad expensive, but still cheaper than custom ones. The one quad stretch exercise means putting the top of this foot onto a chair so it can be uncomfortable.

    Feels good to finally be able to do some constructive gardening and get some of my projects done. The list seems to be never ending though but the efforts are being rewarded. Today the estimator told me how pretty our property was so that was a nice feeling.

    The photo is beautiful and Hawaii is such a lovely place. I hope the residents of Lahaina can rebuild that once beautiful spot.

    cindy: I had a bx of my thyroid nodules and they were benign. I just have a large thyroid or goiter as they prefer to label it. Sorry you are having so many "discovery moments" and hoping they all turn out to be not much of anything.

    MM: Prescription plan I have is Medicare Part D through Silver Script and it did not cover RSV. So I guess it depends upon who provides your Part D. This is through my DH's once employer and was prepaid through payments while he worked. It is for life.

    Hope everyone has a safe day. petite1, hope the storm misses your area.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Love the photos Puffin.

    Harley - I’ve had chronic lower back pain since 2005 and both hips replaced. I walk 2 miles every day to help with my CIPN. My back flares up every once in a while for no apparent reason. I use to get sciatica that would keep me in bed for several days. I have exercises that I do and when it gets really bad, I get an RX for PT.

    Thinking of you and your friends as you go through the storm Petite.

    Sorry to hear that you’re dealing with PTSD Claire. I hope that this group and any support groups you attend help you. Sending you a virtual hug. Best of luck as you start the new school year. Love the photo.

    Glad you like your new PCP Mavericksmom. I hope all of the tests come back favorable.

    Cindy - sorry to hear that you’re dealing with new medical issues. I hope you can get in to see the doctors quickly and forge ahead. Sending you a virtual hug. Glad you didn’t get scammed by a would be scammer.

    Illinois - Hope you’re able to get in to see the dermatologist quickly. Sorry you’re dealing with rashing and things that itch. Not fun in the summer heat.

    I don’t know how two people and two cats can create some dust and mess. DH says I don’t need to clean the same things each week, but I guess I’ve gotten more finicky about cleanliness as I’ve aged. Had a nice REIKI session earlier today so I had lots of energy when I got home.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful afternoon.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    No, I haven't seen Happy Valley or Broadchurch. My friend has the Shetland series on DVD and every week or so I go over to her place and we watch an episode.

    Regarding insurance paying for RSV. Someone told me tonight that if you get your shot at a clinic insurance covers, but not necessarily if you get it at the doctor's office.

    Next day's photos in Scotland. We took 2 ferries to Ungst, the most northerly island in Britain, to the Hermaness Nature Reserve, where we hiked the Saito Trail - a steep gravel trail that turned to a boardwalk that was about 3 miles each way (which is why I ended the day with 17, 946 steps). Saw heather covered hills (plus a close up of the heather). That's me all bundled up - the wind coming off the North Sea was cold.

    The hike was worth it as we got to see Atlantic Puffin up close. They are called Clown Birds, and a group of Puffins is called a Circus.

    We had another cliff filled with Gannet nests. Notice there is no photo of me hanging my legs over the edge of the cliff!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861
    edited August 2023

    Such delightful pictures. I'm with you — I don't think I'd want to sit on a coolish hillside and I'm glad you didn't. The gent looks fairly comfy though. The birds (Puffin) look to be a good size.

    The gannets look very plentiful in that spot. I can't even imagine that many steps. You must have looked forward to resting after dinner.

    I'm thoroughly enjoying traveling with you.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Puffin: Love the puffin and the info on what they and a group are called. That is funny and seems to go along with the bird's appearance though I think they are adorable. Thanks for sharing the photos. I would not hang my legs over the cliff either.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    I love all the pictures, Hawaii on to the Puffins. We saw puffins on Rathlin Island, out from Ballycastle, on the last trip to Ireland. Love them.

    No call backs from any drs today. But I did get a call from ENT nurse, who was giving me the same salivary gland info she gave me over a week ago. Sloppy work. She said look into the new test results and she or the Dr would call me back. That was at 8:45 AM.

    Podiatrist was very nice, my first visit meeting her. The tiny bump on the side of my 2nd toe is a ganglion cyst. She numbed my toe and attempted to drain it, but said it’s so tiny she poked many holes and was squeezing it out. Her gloved hand was covered in blood - not a lot but enough to make me flush. The older I get the worse I am- is it a hot flash or am I getting faint?

    She then checked the nail on a different toe, other foot. I wasn’t sure if I was getting a double nail. Turns out the toe is going under the toe next to it. She said it’s an easy fix, surgery done in the office - numb the toe, go to the underside and cut the tendon to extend the toe. Maybe that’s when I felt flush, haha. We agreed to hold off until I have the other medical appointments set up before letting her cut that toe. Enough!

    Idalia is moving up the west coast of FL. I’m hoping you’re safe Petite! My home area in Fort Myers had some rain, small breezes and a tornado watch until 6 AM tomorrow. The beach area flooded at high tide but nothing like Ian. I watched a live camera at the Pink Shell resort on the beach - water was rising but later it didn’t appear that it breached their pool.

    I was just mentioning to my partner how sad it is that we hope so much that the hurricane doesn’t hit us, but we know it’s hitting somewhere and causing destruction. His reference was that we know it will hit, just hope it’s in less populated areas and causes the least amount of damage.
    Everyone stay safe.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Puffin - great pictures. I had no idea that a group of puffins was called a circus, although it’s an appropriate term for them. Wow - a 6 mile hike. You are a trooper - I don’t think I could hike that far. And sitting on the edge of the cliff at that height - NO way.

    MM - great news that you like the new doctor. Hopefully this will be a long term relationship with compassionate and quality care. I got a new PCP this year after my NP moved out of state. I liked the new doc at my initial visit but communication with her and her staff leaves much to be desired. They don’t return portal messages in a timely manner and sometimes not at all. It just took them a week to acknowledge a prescription refill request after a refill request was sent through the portal followed by a phone call after 3 business days of being ignored. I guess that’s pretty SOP around here. As long as I stay fairly healthy I think I can put up with the lousy service (fingers crossed). She is very focused on cardiac health. While I do have high LDL, my BP has always been normal, I’ve lost significant weight, have no symptoms, exercise 5-6 days/week, eat mostly healthy and my heart calcium score is zero yet she ‘feels’ I must have heart disease but has not been able to prove it with testing. 👀. Beyond cardiac issues and diabetes she’s not much interested in any other issues so I’m concerned that she may overlook other issues of note. My WBC has been steadily declining since I was diagnosed with BC however, she feels it’s nothing to be concerned about. God help me if I really get sick and need care

    Illinoislady - I needed to read/hear your quote on forgiveness. Holding a grudge is a bad habit of mine and I’m working on letting go. Hope the dermatologist can resolve the rash issues quickly.

    Petite - glad you are not alone and hope you are safe.

    Cindy - sorry to hear you are dealing with new health issues. Hope the scans and biopsies can be scheduled quickly. Wishing you the best.

    Appreciate everyone’s input on the RSV vaccine. Sounds like a bit of a mess whether insurance will cover it or not. I plan to get the Covid and flu vaxx this fall and am taking a wait and see approach on RSV.

    I plan to enjoy the outdoors over the next 2 days with a beautiful forecast in the 70’s. We are headed back into the 90’s over the weekend and into next week.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Good Morning! Cloudy this morning but NOT a hurricane so I am happy!

    Puffin, gorgeous pictures. I agree with everything illinois said! No hikes that long or cliff hanging for me either! That said, I also wouldn't get the rewards you did. How breathtaking to view the wonders of the world! The Circus of Puffins reminded me of a Loveliness of Ladybugs!

    Harley, yes, it feels good to have a doctor who actually listens to me and then responds with appropriate answers. I hope you get the care you need!

    Sandy, I wish I could "rent" Bob! 🤣 I received my echocardiogram report on my portal but as of yet haven't heard from my doctor, and don't expect to. I will message them and ask if I can assume there was nothing I need to be concerned about.

    The thing with ailments and test results is that in the eyes of the patients, some things can seem dreadful, but a doctor takes the results and their experience with patients over the years and some things are much different than the way the report sounds. In other words, what I see as something bad, is really something quite common and part of aging, not disease. My training as a veterinary technician made me very good at blood test results, and reading x-rays, not ready specialized tests. It also taught me that the more I know, the more I realize I don't know.

    ((((Petite and guests)))) Keeping you in my thoughts!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    Thinking about Petite as I watch the weather news.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    The awareness we experience in solitude is priceless for the peace
    it can give.  It is also the key to true loving in our relationships.  When
    we have a part of ourselves that is firm, confident, and alone, we
    don't need another person to fill us.  We know that we have private
    spaces full of goodness and self-worth, and we grant the same to those
    we love.  We do not try to pry into every corner of their lives or
    to fill the emptiness inside us with their presence.
    As always, look at the world around you.  The mountain is not restless in
    its aloneness.  The hawk tracing circles in the sky is not longing for union
    with the sun.  They exist in the perfect peace of an eternal present, and
    that is the peace that one finds only in solitude.  Find this peace in yourself,
    and you will never know another moment of loneliness in your life.

    Kent Nerburn

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    As others do, I have Puffin and her guests as well as all Floridians on my mind. The storm is all that has been on the news this morning in Illinois. There are always storm events somewhere — even places of just almost un-endurable heat. Just do hope and pray that people are spared and can adjust to aftermaths.

    Harley, glad you found the quote speaking to you. It is so hard to learn to "adjust' to people who have done or said negative things that put us down in some way. My sister always said how happy she would be when SHE or HE gets theirs. So I said it the same thing a time or two. When these people did get theirs and usually, they actually do, I found that it didn't create anything positive for me. I stopped saying things like that, but it still took several more yrs. for me to realize that being resentful for the short sightedness or negative things from others only wasted my energies, and for the most part — they never knew or felt anything. I was stewing all by myself. Time for me to move on.

    It is difficult to feel like you really matter to medical professionals I think MM has it correct. We are often not highly trained and worry about oftentimes things that are normal and therefore mundane. There is a chasm between being urged to keep up with our medical issues and then having 'others' keep up with them too. We don't always realize something is not important. How nice if every office had someone who could be the "communicator" for the office, but its catch as catch can.

    Got most of my bills paid again. A couple others are coming. Hope it will be decent outside. Expecting some medication today for my itching. Been wondering if I've developed an allergy to something since I'm not normally an itcher. New word there I think.

    Hope you all have a good day — prayers continue for Fla.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    I’ve got the appointments set up this morning.

    9/18 thoracic surgeon. I reread results, and like MM said I don’t “get” it all. Depending on his expertise, I could be someone they will do another CT on in 3-6 months. But you know my/our BC luck, 1 in 8 women. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

    9/27 for my endocrinologists PA, he said she’d see me sooner than he could. I also asked to be put on the cancellation list. I know this appointment is just to review the ultrasound, it’s not the fine needle biopsy.

    And I called the podiatrist to set up the toe tendon release. Office is closed but tomorrow someone will get back to me.

    I’m not sure where Petite is located exactly. But still hoping her home and area were spared.

    I’m going out to slap on some stain to the older part of the privacy fence, 2 panels with bottom extensions. Then the whole row, all 8 panels (garage edge to gate at driveway) will be done. 76 & sunny here! The pool may see me after staining.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Thinking of you Petite and hope you and your friends are safe.

    Thank you for sharing your travels with us Puffin. I’m enjoying your photos.

    Cindy - sorry you’re dealing with some foot issues too. Glad you have your other medical appointments setup.

    Harley - my PCP order me a carotid artery ultrasound. My cholesterol numbers are good now after years of being high, so she took me off my statin. However, I have a family history of heart disease. Turns out, my carotid artery is 50% blocked so I’m back on the statin.

    In these days where you can google information so easily, getting test results so quickly (in a portal) before you hear from your doctor can lead you down some scary rabbit holes. I guess I’d rather have the results, but will call if I don’t hear anything after a couple of days. I’m glad that many practices I deal with have NP or PA that seem to be more available to speak to me.

    I saw my neurologist NP today. I mentioned to him about the dental issue that I’ve been having. He thought that it could be related to the nerve issue that I have in my face. Makes me glad I just had a root canal and didn’t have the tooth extracted. I’ll give it another week before contacting the endodontist.

    Have a nice evening.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    My cardiologists nurse sent me a message via the portal. She said he signed off on the echo without changing treatment or meds so I don't have to see him until June. That's fine with me.

    Today while I was in the backyard, I glanced at our garage roof and there is a basketball size dip near the bottom that wasn't there before! Ugh. DH told me to start calling roofers, that we might just as well get our new roof now, to which I said " and where do you want me to get the money for that?" He didn't answer because again, it is on my shoulders to figure out. The bad thing of having a DH who is so much older and has been retired for over 20 years, is that I have to do most everything. Not complaining, just fact. I am just glad he is alive, so all is good.

    Tomorrow instead of doing what I had planned, I will come up with a plan to pay for the roof and make a stop at the credit union. I will also start calling some roofers. We also need a new driveway and I want to change out our tub/shower into a walk-in shower. Always something with a house. I can still hear my friend saying "if you can throw money at a problem to make it go away, then it isn't much of a problem!" So true!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited August 2023

    I did not get a reply from Karen, and she has not been on Facebook for some time. She still has an account, but that does not necessarily mean anything. Sandy, do you have any resources?

    Prayers for Petite.

    Puffin, what beautiful pictures!!

    Welcome, Claire!!

    Re: Transactions on Facebook Marketplace. I only do cash, in person.

    I weeded and watered my beginnings of a flower garden. There are some sprouts, but with the drought, it is better to get it growing now. I have some perennials from the same mix in pots up by my place, thinking of transplanting them to the garden.

    The knee is fine, but the right side of my lower leg is aching pretty much all the time, more so when I walk more than a few blocks, although I tough through that. I think it (like my torn-up patella) is related to the bad sprain I got many years ago. I may be headed to another surgery.

    I have been banking out of town for several years, and it is becoming more and more inconvenient. Decided to move my main account into town, and start officially reverting to my maiden name. I know, it has been a long time. It is complicated, and the transition will take a month. I hope there are not any glitches.

    I am done writing, at least for a while. Looking for other things to obsess about. EGT (electric granny trike) is having troubles, and my brother is building a tadpole recumbent photovoltaic trike (TeRPT) for me. He wants me to educate myself on the technical aspects (California is swarming with electric bikes— has not yet hit Wisconsin significantly, probably because of the weather). For those who do not yet know me, cars are expensive and bad news ecologically.

    Tippy now has a water fountain, and drinks distilled and filtered water. He seems to like it a lot better. Vet says his pee is good, even though it is neon yellow. Probably a result of the (MM alert) DL-Methionine he takes to prevent crystal formation. He is staring at me right now. Time to shower and get EGT out for my morning ride around the neighborhood. We usually do not turn around until poop has been accomplished.

    Returning to silence.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    Count down to departure on Sept. 10. I have the urge to do things in preparation for leaving but it's still too early.

    Yesterday I printed out some travel documents for our trip to Ireland and Scotland. The trip is starting to seem real.

    Hoping to hear from Petite.

    Glad you seem to be doing well, Chris.

    In addition to Wordle, I now have become addicted to Spelling Bee in the NYT games section.

    Wishing everyone a good day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Carole, packing up to leave on 9/10 is right around the corner. I’ve added the NYT new game “Connections” too. Some I get spot on, others I’m lost. But all fun and I learn the game as I play more.

    Chris it seems like you and Tippy are doing well. I’m new to using marketplace and glad for input of cash only. The exercise equipment is still out there.

    MM roofers are expensive. Call around (and ask neighbors too) for multiple bids/quotes but also know the cost to replace wood/plywood. Some jack it up high, and seeing a dip on it now means you know they’ll need to repair some wood, not just lay shingles. My NY roof was done by my cousins ex wife’s boyfriend. Cousin doesn’t like being up high on roofs anymore. My back porch needed all new plywood.

    Toe tendon release is set for Tuesday, 9/5. Scheduler said I get a bandaid and walk out. I’m hoping it’s that easy!

    I was out yesterday staining the last 2 fence panels for all of 5 minutes when I was stung by a bee. I’m not sure if he was walking on my shirt and I put my arm down on him. Either way, after jumping around like a chicken, I swatted it off my skin with the paint brush. It hurt and I immediately started to curse like a trucker. I put everything down and went inside for ice. Kept ice on as it melted, then went back out to finish.

    I don’t know about your areas, but here for the last few weeks it seems like the bees of fall, all hurrying around. They walk all over us. Partner had one walking on his ear as we sold the Trex. They don’t usually sting, that’s why I think I might have pressed on him not knowing it. A few hours after the fence was done I put some hydrocortisone on it and only saw one red spot. Check that fence project OFF my list. I don’t care if I ever stain a fence again in my lifetime.

    Looks beautiful out, less humidity and 64 right now. Enjoy your day!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    The world needs all of our power and love and energy, and each of us has something to give. The trick is to find it and use it, to find it and give it away, so there will always be more. We can be lights for each other, and through each other’s illumination we will see the way. Each of us is a seed, a silent promise, and it is always spring.    -Merle Shain

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Another 12,538 step day, hiking along the cliffs and across the moors. We stopped to pet some Shetland ponies. Saw a Lapwing. In the afternoon we walked along the shoreline looking for otters. James and our gal who was a marine biologist explored the tidal pools and came up with this crayfish.

    Shetland provides the mussels for all of Scotland and we'd often see mussel farms in the ponds as we'd drive by. Devises floated in rows on top of the water with nets hanging below, and the mussels are harvested from the nets. We got to see some of the devices close up on a dock.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    I have not contacted roofers yet, but will in a bit. I have some in mind. Nothing is ever cheap these days.

    Cindy, thanks for the heads up on plywood! So glad you finished the fence, but sorry the bee rewarded you with a sting! I am highly allergic to bee stings, thus I don't do much gardening any more. I noticed our bees seem to be acting like fall is here too. I expect another month or two of hot weather before it really feels like fall.

    Chris sounds like you and Tippy are doing well. Hope today is a good one for you!


    I signed up for the gym today and it was super easy. Hope to go tomorrow, maybe later today.

    I also made appointments for my DH and I to get RSV vaccinations next week. I stopped at the CVS where our insurance is linked and they looked up our insurance and said there shouldn't be any co-pay for it. We shall see. We didn't think there should be since our insurance is from my DH's retirement benefits from a major pharma co, who the RSV vax was created by. Even so, I still never feel 100% sure until after I have the vax.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Chris, hope all works well with your banking. It is time consuming to make changes, but I do think much better when it is close (same town) at hand. If you don't post as often you will be missed. We look forward to knowing you're okay and that you and Tippy are enjoying life together.

    Carole, seems to me the time has passed fast this yr. especially in MN. Seems like you only just spoke of getting your home away from home ready for the yr. and now time to come back. I hope all goes smoothly. You do have that great rip to look forward to.

    Cindy. How awful to get stung. We seem to have mainly wasps around here. As a kid, I got stung a couple of times because I never wanted to have to have shoes by the clover bees. Avoided any more till a few yrs. ago when for the first time in my life I was stung on my inner lower arm by a wasp.

    It was my first wasp sting and I hope the last. I recall the pain at first so intense that I dropped the things I was carrying in that arm. Scared me really to have something so intense. And to boot, I wasn't totally sure for a while what it was. I hope you and SO avoid any more. It is an extremely painful and un-pleasant experience to say the least and really calls for blue language. I was too stunned at the time or I'm sure I would have mentioned many of the same words you used.

    Really cool this morning and I do hope we gentle into its being a bit cooler now and hopefully less humidity. I can't say I welcome Fall so much — lots of work here then, but mainly I will miss all the lovely clothing the trees have on. When I look out of my window right now all I see are thick leaves hiding the outside world. Sitting inside really gives us the ambiance of being deep in the woods but we are just barely there actually.


    Hope you all have a good day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Puffin: You must go to Africa to see some of the exotic birds there. I was fortunate enough to see a Secretary bird twice, roseate spoonbills, storks, flamingos as far as the eye could see, oxpeckers (yes, that is their name), ibis, different species of vultures (not pretty but very unusual), weavers, plovers, and great hornbills to name a few. I am not a true bird watcher per se but enjoy watching birds wherever I go.

    Petite1: hope all is well with you and that the storm bypassed your area.

    MM: word of mouth works real well with finding a reputable roofer. Can you access the area that is dipping in your attic? See what shape the joists are in since that can cause a dip as well. Glad your insurance covered the RSV vaccine.

    Today is cooler and less humid with a nice breeze so the plan was to work in weeding my "secret garden". It is a section of my yard off the left of the house that is below grade of the front lawn. I didn't know it existed because it was all overgrown when we moved here. It has a lovely natural stone wall with several drainage pipes exiting it. Over the years I laid slates for a walkway and when the house next door was just a rental property I asked about taking some of the roadside ferns to transplant here. I would drag my children's Radio flyer around there and load it with ferns. Those transplanted ferns now account for all the other ferns in my yard because as that bed got crowded I would transplant the extras to other areas. I did buy some to add variety. I got about 90% done in the upper section when the ground bees decided they did not like me working there. They buzz you and normally are not aggressive but today one of the females stung my right middle finger through my gloves. There is no stinger to remove and it was painful at first. It is slightly swollen, reddened and I can see where I got stung. It doesn't hurt now. So today must be "sting" week since cindyny got one as well. So my plan to finish this area was thwarted by the bees. I won't kill them because they are harmless and will be dying off soon. The weeds are going nowhere.

    My knees have been a bit better with the PT exercises though I still wake at night with some pain. I am hoping this will get me walking better by our trip in October.

    Chris: nice to hear from you and glad that all is well with you and Tippy. Hope you get some answers and relief for the pain you are experiencing in your right leg. Hope you can avoid surgery. Returning to your maiden name is work but validation of you.

    Carole: I hope your trip is wonderful and you can post photos of what you have seen. It gives us a chance to escape as well even if vicariously.

    Illinoislady: we are having a lovely day today but next week will return us to unbearable heat plus humidity and no rain for over a week. With my DD and DSIL here until their home is repaired, our electric, and water bills are higher. It is nice to have them here because they are helping out with yard work and indoor cleaning. DSIL loves to vacuum…he's my Roomba. I love the tree canopies at this time of year even though they will be disappearing in a few months.

    If I missed anyone I apologize. I will wish everyone a wonderful day.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    DH came in from working in the yard with two bee stings. We have some Benadryl cream that he’s using to keep the swelling down. Hopefully he won’t get a worse reaction.

    Another great set of photos Puffin.

    Glad you heard back from your cardiologist Mavericksmom. Best of luck dealing with your roofing and other home projects. We’ve been watching lots of roofing projects in the surrounding neighborhood. We figure the houses must be 20-25 years old. Either that or a really good salesperson came through their neighborhood. I hope you enjoy the gym.

    Chris - is that a solar powered trike? Is your DB teaching you how to maintain it? Sorry to hear you other knee if giving you problems. Glad Tippy is better.

    Carole / Cindy - I do Wordle and the Mini Crossword Puzzle. I sometimes do the spelling bee.

    It’s cooler here today - high 72 and breezy. It’ll start to get warm again, but no rain in the forecast for a week or two. The grass is really brown. It’s DH birthday today. I’m him a nice dinner. We’ll have lunch with family next week and will see the kids (for GD birthday) next week. He likes to keep things low key. It’s also my 2nd anniversary since completing treatment.

    Have a nice afternoon.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited August 2023

    Cardplayer, yes solar. He might end up showing me how. But I have a mechanic in town, except he hasn't done solar yet. And I really don't know how competent he is. EGT has some brake problems, and the battery isn't holding a charge as well as it used to.

    No, it isn't my other knee. I had RTKR, and now my right ankle is a problem.