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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Taco, the photos are from my phone, I don't even take my camera with me on vacation any more.

    A group shot of all of us. One gal is a marine biologist who lives in Seattle but works in Alaska. One gal is a retired microbiologist, one gal is a librarian and she came with her dad, a retired lawyer, and my friend and me.

    Windhouse is often described as Shetland's most haunted house. It was built in 1707, and was largely remodeled in 1885. The house sits on the top of a hill and has views for miles on all sides. This was once the location of a medieval church and burial ground, and skeletons dug up here recently have been dated to the 13th or 14th Centuries. There are a number of ghosts, apparitions and strange goings on which have been reported here, though we didn't see any.

    Lots of beautiful flowers.

    We were promoted to economy plus for the ride home and I had room to stretch out my lets for the long ride home.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2023

    Fantastic photos, Puffin—what a magical trip that was. Petite, Cindy, glad you were able to stay safe & dry during Idalia. Carole, you are in for such a treat! Belated welcome, claireinaz—we're "in your pocket" wherever you go for treatments, scans, etc.

    I hear you about the carbs—for four years I was doing well on the near-keto diet the NP at N.Shore's wgt. mgmt. clinic had me on, till I just plain got weary of not being able to eat like a "normal" person and having to ask for substitutions whenever we'd dine out. Ironically, the "food noise" in my head amped up several decibels—not just cravings but the constant questioning of when I had to stop eating, how late the next day I could start the "window" going, what my next meal would be and how I could make it "carb-compliant." Last time I tried to explain to my NP why my weight and eating was getting out of hand, she replied (not in so many words) "I'll see your deprivations & cravings and raise you my Type 1 diabetes and celiac disease." But she's dealt with that since childhood, so she never had to give up what she was never allowed to have in the first place. You know that old WWI song "how you gonna keep 'em down on the farm, after they've seen Paree?" Once you've been conditioned for a lifetime to enjoy starches & sweets (especially in a culture & religion whose holidays are all a variation on "they tried to kill us, they lost, let's eat"), eating nothing but proteins, vegetables and an extremely limited variety of fruits (basically, just berries and melons other than watermelon) gets old and fuels extreme resentment. First time around, I tried to make light of it in a song I wrote & recorded titled "Dead Animals & Leaves," but it's not funny (to me) any more—just emotionally exhausting.

    Oh, and BTW, "alkaline" diets are a crock—according to not just my doctors, the aforementioned NP, and the dieticians at the cancer wellness center. They accomplish nothing beyond introducing yet another obsession and draining your wallet to buy special "alkaline water."

    RSV vaccine coverage for those of us on Medicare is indeed fully dependent on which insurance company issues your Part D supplement. Even though we both have BCBS for our Part B supplement, I chose Humana for my Part D because of its larger "formulary." We both went to the same branch of Walgreen's for our RSV shots—mine was covered, no questions asked, no bills issued (in fact, I got in-store coupons as a "reward"). Bob's Part D is BCBS, and the pharmacy clerk insisted it wouldn't cover his RSV shot! (I did get an injection site reaction, sore arm, upper arm swelling and (4 weeks later) still tingling in my fingers—but that's because the idiot newbie tech injected me too low in the deltoid muscle and likely injured a nerve. I knew something was up when it hurt like a mother—-er going in, worse than any other shot I'd ever received).

    As for pneumonia shots, it used to be that if you had Prevnar 13 once and stayed current (every 5 yrs) on Pneumovax 23 (as I did), Prevnar 20 was unnecessary. But my PCP told me that the latest research indicated that Prevnar 20 was necessary after all, so he administered it in-office (and I barely felt it going in). I am in the "one-arm club," but when I had my L arm & wrist surgery they did put the I.V. in my R arm and nothing happened. My neighborhood CVS' pharmacist gives flu shots that hardly feel like anything—so maybe I'll take the next COVID booster in my L arm (as usual) and the flu shot in the R. I haven't heard anything about combining the two vaccines in one shot, just administering them both at the same time.

    Today was the Fox Valley Folk Festival—the first one held in person on Island Park since 2019. The founder and organizer of it passed away last year, leaving all the logistical details "in his head," not even having compiled a manual. The new organizer (who had been the lead volunteer) had to dredge up details from her and other volunteers' memories of 30+ years of running the festival. There were some glitches—especially when we in the Chicago Songwriters' Collective were given only one morning instead of our usual two, and put in the Storytelling workshop tent…with just two microphones for four people singing & playing guitar; and some of the sound techs were inexperienced. Think I'll volunteer next year. Our set went well and was better attended & received than in years past, though it was the first one of the day. And though it was quite hot (92F), the trees did provide some shade and fierce wind gusts did help the sweat evaporate. It was actually cooler out in Kane County than it was here by the lake (so Bob tells me—he stayed home taking care of Heidi, issuing prescriptions, reading EKGs, and watching baseball).

    Tomorrow we're catching the last day of the Van Gogh & the Avant Garde show at the Art Institute—which means no visit to the farmers' market. It'll be brutally hot & sticky out (as it was during last year's Cezanne show), so the air conditioning will be most welcome.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Taco (Marge), I have been thinking about that. However, having an account out of town and one in town is just too complicated. I like my finances to be simple. Like, my son sends me checks for things he wants from Amazon, and to pay off a debt he owes me. I have been depositing them in town but purchases from Amazon come out of my out-of-town account. Further, I don't know how long it will be before I have the money to move and survive a higher cost of living.

    I had a severely sprained ankle thirty years ago, and my ankle is now bothering me. My weak ankle tends to roll to the outside, which puts stress on my new knee. The ankle is very painful after walking even a short distance. I am using my bike more, but the battery is not holding a charge very well. A new one will cost $300, but, again, how long will it last? On the other hand, my ortho is beginning work leading up to surgery. I hope it will be a simple tendon transfer rather than fusion. Then I can get busy walking, and only use the bike for getting groceries and similar things. Many decisions.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Puffin, as always, gorgeous photo's!!! So glad you didn't encounter any ghosts or apparitions! Thanks for taking us along with you on vacation! I haven't been on a vacation since 2019. Between DH's health issues and money, not sure when we will go on one. Still, day trips or outings can be just as relaxing and interesting, at least that is what I tell myself!

    Cardplayer, I am the same about medications. I remember my maternal GM having a huge box of pills under her bed. My mother, who was a bit of a hypochondriac, had one too, in a kitchen cabinet. I swore as a kid I never wanted to be like that and up until my first breast cancer dx, I kept that promise to myself. My box is a decorative recipe card file box, but I still don't like taking meds.

    Betrayal, I can relate to the hours for certification. I had to do 20 unpaid hours of courses per year in order to keep my job with the school district. I remember the online child abuse one, also state mandated for my job. Years ago, a woman gave a workshop about child abuse and I said "child abuse doesn't surprise me because so many states still allow capital punishment of students!" She thought about it, not knowing exactly how to respond and after the workshop tried to recruit me!

    taco, enjoy Maine! When I was a kid we vacationed there many summers. I love Maine, minus the black flies. I love all of New England, but ME holds special childhood memories for me. That is where I learned to ride English and dressage. I had, and still do, have a passion for horses.

    Sandy, you would be great helping out for next year's festival! As for diets, I can relate! Two years ago I finally came up with an eating plan that worked well for me. I made simple changes to my diet and exercise one change a week. I started by not eating after dinner, then limited my intake of wheat to max of two servings a week, then downsized my portions.

    If I had a real craving for something, I would try to have that food in a small amount rather than eat something "healthier." I found that if I substituted something for whatever I was craving, I would end up eating more things and still not satisfy my craving. Thankfully I rarely get a craving for anything. I would also wait for at least an hour to pass when I had a craving because 9 times out of 10 the craving was not a true craving, just a "mind suggestion" from a TV commercial or something. I lost about 30lbs doing that, then got my BC Dx and surgeries and all of that went out the window and the weight found its way home! I don't need sweets to gain weight, my body will add the pounds without them! ugh!

    I am also back at the gym although definitely not exercising as much as others here. I go on the recumbent bike for half an hour. As my PCP says, that is a half hour more than I was doing. I don't care that I am not pushing myself right now, I don't think it is the right time to do that. I am simply trying to make the gym a habit. By the time I do that, hopefully my tests will be over and I can push myself harder, do weight training too, and get back to losing weight and having a healthier body!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Hope works in these ways: it looks for the good in people
    instead of harping on the worst; it discovers what can be done
    instead of grumbling about what cannot; it regards problems,
    large or small, as opportunities; it pushes ahead when it would
    be easy to quit; it "lights the candle" instead of "cursing the darkness."


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Puffin I too love those pictures and the stories/travelogs that go along. I think it could be fun to stay in a place with a ghostly history to it. Still, like MM it is likely really good that you didn't get a visit from the otherworld. Your trip home sounds like it was as comfy as it would get.

    Diets — the very word evokes things not to be liked. If you do get results it seems the only way to ensure continued success is if you stay on them for life. If they are too restrictive in some way that is not likely to happen. While I can't say I'm pleased — I am back to my wt. before open heart. That is the 170's. I was 20#'s lighter, and I think that was better overall. I can do ok at 170 - 175 but 12lbs. less would make me really happy. Sigh. Always more interested in (wt. wise) having a bit less rather than a bit more.

    I will have to look up black flies in Maine.

    We have horse flies here which are quite large and will bite. When they are around (seems to be less this yr.) I can turn into a windmill real fast.

    Nothing special on this rather humid day. We had thought to grill and have a lg. family picnic style meal. We might still but eat inside after cooking the meats on the grill. Have to check and see what everyone wants to do.

    Hope all have a good Labor Day.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    I don't know about the black flies in Maine, but the ones in Washington bite. You know it's black fly season when you see a camper wearing fleece pants and a heavy sweatshirt hoodie in 80 degree weather. We were so lucky on our first backpacking trip that a wind came up and blew them away on the second day. Much more fun without them.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Happy Labor Day!

    A trip to ME to enjoy the fall foliage and family sounds fun Taco. Have a great trip.

    I’ve been enjoying your photos Puffin. Thank you so much for sharing them and for providing background information.

    Glad you had a good folk festival Sandy. Enjoy the art exhibit today.

    I had a professional certification (Project Management Professional) that I let lapse when I retired. I think we had to get 30 training credits every year, which never seemed to be a problem. We had lots of available training classes (in person and online) that counted towards the credits.

    My Gastroparesis diet is very restrictive, so when we eat out I call ahead to the restaurant to see if they can make food that I can eat (after checking the online menu). Most often, I bring my own food and restaurants don’t seem to mind. I lost 35 pounds during chemo and so far have been able to keep the weight off.

    We get bothered by biting flies at the beach sometimes when the wind is coming off the sand towards the ocean. Boy are they nasty. DH always comes armed with a fly swatter and a can of Off. We don’t seem to have them where we live in VA.

    Busy with cleaning and laundry earlier today. Now it’s just a lazy afternoon. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Dug up some more ferns for transplanting today. So another 15 added to that bed. I thinned the fern bed that is overgrown and the hole is noticeable but it will fill in. Overreached for some weeds that were just out of reach and ended up rolling down the hill. Nothing hurt beyond my pride and I was so caught off guard that I was relaxed, so that prevented injury. Beds are surrounded by rock walls about 6-8 inches tall and I just slid over that as well. Got up, brushed myself off and went back to planting the last of the ferns with DD's assistance.

    Today is warm with temps in high 80's but a really nice breeze so it was not uncomfortable working in the shade. DH will purchase more mulch tomorrow so when I get the opportunity, I will lay some mulch. This week is busy with PT on Tuesday through Thursday when they had openings. Wednesday I also have an eye doctor check-up.

    Was able to knock off 2 more ceu modules today sitting on patio under an umbrella. Only 2 more to go and I will finish them tomorrow. Only so much of these you can take at one time. Won't be able to read after eye exam due to dilation so tomorrow will have to be the end.

    We are now officially in a heat wave expected to last until 9/6. Wish we could have had a few more of those low temp, low humidity days.

    DD and DSIL are preparing the burgers and serving the rest of the meal today. Wow, it is nice to have a holiday off. I did help DD with making the potato salad dressing but she did the rest.

    Years ago I had a Garfield cartoon that said " Diet is the word die with a "T" on the end". Think that about sums up my feeling about it. Unless you can commit for life, most that are restrictive fail. I am a WW failure x 2 and try to just watch what I am eating and doing portion control. It isn't always successful but I do try and that's what matters. I wish I could walk which was my preferred exercise but feel what I do in the garden also counts even if not daily.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day. Loved the MLK quote and both my DF and DFIL were staunch union steel workers. I was in a union for most of my professional life and have no regrets since it secured for the most part equal pay, for equal work.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Hi all,
    As you all know, I've been MIA. Thank you to all who asked about me and sent good wishes.  I needed a break from all things cancer.  The past 6 months have been quite a roller coaster.  It seemed like there was one thing after another health wise - or at least to worry about.
    Regarding the MM - treatment was stopped early due to toxicity from the meds.  I'm not in total/complete remission :(  but overall my light chain numbers are okay.  My calcium is rising again so that is a concern if it keeps rising.  Due to the chemo I had for BC (TAC) I am limited on treatment options for the MM.  
    DEXA scan - still osteoporosis after 4+ years on Prolia and two infusions of Zometa (while on chemo).  Endocrinologist is not going to put me back on Prolia.  She says Zometa lasts for a year - I see her again in May - she is not sure if she will continue with Zometa or something else.  I forget what the other category of meds she was talking about as I didn't write it down.  I will talk to my medical oncologist in October about this.  Hematologist said to talk to my  endocrinologist about the bone density.  I was hoping for improvement as after two years of Prolia there was improvement.  But both my PCP and my endocrinologist said stable is good - there was no change in my DEXA scan from two years ago.  Endocrinologist says after the first couple years there is generally no improvement so they look for stable.
    I have a bulge in my right groin area - PCP thought it was a hernia - but ultrasound showed it was a cyst and evidently I had it in March (not sure what scan it was on as I've had so many) but it is larger.  No treatment.  I was really worried if it was a hernia and if so the need for surgery, so cyst is good news.
    I will see my Nephrologist in a couple weeks.  My kidney function is more or less stable - stage 3 CKD.  Hope it stays that way.
    Medical oncologist in October and Hematologist in November.  I'm hoping medical appointments are slowing down as I had so many in the past several months and too many scans.  I'm surprised  I don't glow in the dark.
    My endocrinologist said I'm complicated and the transplant doctor said I have lots of nuances (I'm not a candidate for stem cell transplant due to previous chemo as too much of a risk for AML).  
    In between all the medical appointments and treatments, we did get to Toronto twice to see our granddaughter. She is 3 1/2 months old.  My daughter updates us on changes - she found her feet yesterday!  We also spent 12 days in Israel.  We need to plan our next trip to Toronto (Israel too).  DD#2 is coming for the holidays and will go visit her sister and meet her niece while on this side of the pond!!
    The school year is back in full force.  I went back August 14 and the kids started August 21.
    Today is our 46th wedding anniversary.  We spent the week-end in the mountains hiking .  My husband grilled steak for dinner (with half a sweet potato each).  The weather was gorgeous and it was nice to get out of the heat.  
    I hope everyone is doing well.  I'm still overwhelmed with everything but I'm okay.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    Happy Anniversary Karen. Sounds like a good weekend.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Happy Anniversary Karen. Glad you are relatively stable. I hear you about seeing Dr.'s and all the tests. I'm sure it has been overwhelming and easy to feel weary over it. I'm tickled that you got to see your granddaughter. That is a wonderful spirit lifter as likely just as much as the trip to Israel. More of that sounds like it could be a delightful pick-me-up as well.

    Good to hear from you again. Hugs.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Mavericksmom - congratulations on joining the gym! Please don’t concern yourself with what others are doing at the gym. There will always be those that are in better shape than us and someone who is struggling more than we are. It’s awesome that you are working out.

    Chisandy - glad to hear the music fest was well attended and I’m sure much appreciated. Given our weather, I’m glad the fest went off relatively smoothly

    Karen - wow! You have been through the wringer. Wonderful news about your granddaughter. The early years are fascinating to watch as they discover the world around them.

    Illinoislady -the quote about hope is so true and a good reminder to look on the positive side of life.

    I can empathize with several of you regarding weight struggles. I’ve lost 40# since my BC treatment and so far have managed to keep it off, but it’s a daily struggle. I really could use to lose another 10-15#. I find if I restrict my diet (in terms of types of food or amount) too much that it backfires and I end up consuming more calories and being crabby due to the deprivation. If I’m craving ice cream with fudge I’m better off giving in and having some (just not a lot). Also, I need to focus on drinking more water and less Diet Coke - another daily battle.

    Not much going on this week beyond trying to stay cool. We’ve got another day of 90 degree temps and then it should start to cool off a bit so I can get back outside to walk and bike. I don’t have a guest this week that needs to be driven to a medical appointment, however, I need to make a couple of salads to drop off for a veteran’s dinner on Wednesday. Friday will be volunteering at the food pantry as usual. We are continuing to see an increased need and some weeks are running out of some types of food. Fortunately, we are always able to pack of few boxes of food for each family.

    Have a good week!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited September 2023

    Karen, so glad to see your presence here!! At least you got some good time with treatment. Sad that they couldn't push it into total remission. Happy that you are back at work, though.

    I am becoming a slave to my Fitbit. Wednesday, I logged 150 zone minutes. Thursday I was depleted. My readiness score was 1. I backed off on physical activity until yesterday, when my readiness score was back up to 79. I logged 84 zone minutes, got a lot done. Today my readiness score is 54, still good, but I need to maintain the zone minutes at around 50 to 65, my long-term average, eliminating the 150 minutes outlier. I am wearing my ankle brace on my right ankle, and I think it does help. I also need to hydrate to get good sleep.

    After reading MM's post, I can offer the reflection that this thread is generally about wellness (in all areas) afterwards.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Karen, SO GREAT to hear from you! I have been thinking of you often. I am impressed with your progress and attitude! Also, VERY glad you got to travel and see your sweet granddaughter! "Finding ones feet," is a milestone for sure and instantly brought back happy memories of my grandkids! I wondered if you were back at work or decided to retire.

    I am glad to hear you are back at work. For one thing, you seem like you would be outstanding at your job, and students need that! Secondly, while retirement seems as if it would let you do things you really like to do, visit your grandbaby more, hike, etc, the truth is it also gives a lot more time to self-reflect on one's life and medical issues, most of which are out of our control, and that can be a real negative.

    I feel frustrated many days because I don't feel I accomplished anything. That's why going to the gym is so important to me, at least I can say at the end of the day, I exercised! I thrive on schedules and my job provided me with that. It is harder to get into a rhythm at home. I also feel all my focus is on health issues, mine and my DH's. That is why October can't come soon enough! That is when I will hopefully have a break from all things medical until January, or what I like to say, "next year!"

    Harley, I hear you on the weight control. I am eating so much less, but still can't seem to lose weight. Patience has never been something I am good at. I want everything done yesterday, but I need to wait until I know my blood work and US are normal before changing my current diet and exercise routine. I try to look at my diet as a "lifetime commitment.

    Good news! I just got a call from my construction guy and our roof will be repaired tomorrow. Cost is far less than a new roof would be, so I am very happy it can be patched.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    So good to get your update Karen. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you’ve been enjoying your granddaughter and traveling to see your family. I’m glad to hear your health is stable and that you’ve started the school year.

    Mavericksmom - glad your roof work will begin tomorrow. It’ll be nice to get that repair taken care of. Do you go to the gym on a regular schedule (3-4 times a week)?

    Had GEICO get my car started this morning and we took it in for service earlier today. They’ll probably replace the battery. I will be glad to have the car in working order since DH and I are driving to SC later this month.

    Hot again here today. Heat advisory and mid-90s. Glad we walked early this morning. Hope everyone has a good day.

  • ladymadonna
    ladymadonna Member Posts: 1

    71 year old: DX Grade 1, ER+,PR+, HER2+ IDC 1.1 cm tumor size in greatest dimension.

    2 lumpectomies in 2019 @ age 66 (b/c second opinion said margins not clean) Followed by 0 Radiation, 0 Chemo, 0 drugs.

    NOW: Early 2023 mamo changed from prior clean years, to suspicious.

    Biopsy: 2023 a positive IDC : for a third round of lumpectomy.

    Do I have any other options, other than surgery first? What drug now to prevent from reoccurring a 4th time down the road.

    Thanks, Anyone? Have comment?

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    ladymadona, I just turned 70 a few weeks ago. Welcome! Short version: I had breast cancer three times. First, in 2003, premenopausal, treated at my local hospital, I also had two lumpectomies due to margins not being clear, removal of 24 lymph nodes, (IDC), 4 rounds of chemo (AC+T), 32 rounds of radiation. I declined Tamoxifen due to fear of ovarian cancer.

    Then in 2018 I was diagnosed in the same breast with ILC, but was refused the bilateral mastectomies I requested and had a single left mastectomy with DIEP reconstruction. This was done at a Philadelphia cancer hospital. No chemo due to Oncotype score of 21. I went on Letrozole for 6 months and quit due to increasing cholesterol.

    In August of 22 I was diagnosed with BC in my right breast, this time IDC and DCIS. My records had been transferred back to my local hospital prior to the mammogram and Dx, so, I had a right mastectomy with TE, there, the same hospital I was treated at in 2003 but different breast surgeon. I had my exchange surgery with an implant in the spring of 2023. I am back on Letrozole and will stay on as long as I can. (likely the rest of my life)

    If you are in the USA, YES, you definitely have options! Personally, I would not do a third lumpectomy, but it is possible to do that if your surgeon suggests it and that is what you want. What a woman chooses is personal, and takes into account her age, health, lifestyle, insurance, help at home during recovery, and family history. I am sure I am missing some things, but you get the idea.

    I have a family history of BC, my mother and two of my three sisters and a cousin all having it, even though I was the first to be diagnosed in my family. That was another huge reason why I wanted both breasts removed.

    I think having breast cancer two, three, or more times is increasing in our society. Last year when I was working in a very large middle school a co-worker also found out she had breast cancer for a third time, and then I found out the same about a woman who lives on the other side of my neighborhood. I can't tell you how many I have run into since with the same story. A dear friend of my husband was diagnosed for a third time this spring too! She is now in her 80's. Oddly, this woman decided after learning of my second Dx that she better keep up on her mammograms, and low and behold, she was diagnosed with early breast cancer in 2019! Her latest diagnosis was only months behind mine again! Strange, right?

    I would NEVER tell anyone what to do, but will tell people what I did and reasoning behind it. If you have any questions, I cannot guarantee I will have an answer, but I am more than happy to listen and offer support!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    ladymadonna, welcome to this forum. I am wondering why you did not have radiation and an AI after your first bout. Was this on the recommendation of your breast surgeon? Were you referred to a medical oncologist and a radiation oncologist after your first diagnosis? I was under the impression that HER+ required follow-up. Were you IDC on the first round? This is a nice place to visit and stay for awhile.

    As you can see from my profile below, I had radiation followed by 3 different AI's due to side effects from the first 2 and the third was the charm. I opted to take the AI for 7 years due to the ILC in my mix. I did not require chemo and this was confirmed by the test, Oncotype DX, they do to determine if chemo is warranted.

    Karen: Glad to see your post and to see that your life has been busy between trips and new granddaughter. Hope whatever regimen they have you on now will keep MM at bay. Belated happy anniversary as well. What a milestone to reach.

    Just returned from PT where I hobbled in due to right knee pain and after an hour of exercises and her using some manipulations to joint, I was able to make a quick stop at the grocery store. I went to buy myself a bouquet of flowers and ended up with a basket full of other items not on a list. All edible and not one junk item. I haven't had corn all summer and did buy a dozen ears today. Family loves corn and hopefully this is local corn. White corn called Silver Queen is my favorite but I would most likely have to drive to NJ for it. This corn will most likely be yellow and it is a surprise because it needs to be shucked.

    I am focusing on portion control so did buy a few items that are lower in carbs (also calories) to help with that. I like the 647 bread and bagels and was lucky enough today to find the bagels.

    It is extremely hot and humid so no outdoor gardening planned. DH got 10 more bags of mulch and will send him to get 10 more tomorrow. On the next nice day where the temp and humidity don't match, I hope to spread 15 bags. DSIL can carry them to where I will need them and then I can spread. I can lift them once they are in position, but not able to walk up the hill with them so he can be my helper. My years of lugging and then spreading over 200 bags are in the past I'm afraid. However, I am not ready to quit either. If my knees were cooperative I would give it a try. I have accomplished most of what I set out to do in the garden this year and the mulching will be the end for this season. It's a good feeling (in spite of the objections of my darn knees).

    Hope everyone has a lovely day. As long as the sun is out, it is a good day even if too hot.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    I will greet this day with love in my heart.

    And how will I do this?  Henceforth will I look on all things with love and
    I will be born again.  I will love the sun for it warms my bones; yet I will
    love the rain for it cleanses my spirit.  I will love the light for it shows me
    the way; yet I will love the darkness for it shows me the stars.  I will
    welcome happiness for it enlarges my heart; yet I will endure sadness
    for it opens my soul.  I will acknowledge rewards for they are my due;
    yet I will welcome obstacles for they are my challenge.

    Og Mandino

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Welcome ladymadonna. Glad you found us. I'm so far out from my dx. that I don't have too much to offer. I think a lot has changed since These ladies are knowledgeable so I hope you will come often. Wishing you well with your decisions. I do think there seems to be more of all kinds of cancers these days and while I wish it weren't so, more than once of breast cancers.

    MM, I too to often feel un-productive in my day. I was always so busy before. I'll have to remember that I am really going for changes brought on by more medical adventures then I'd like, and it will be my job to see how to navigate through them and hopefully come out with something workable that will allow me to feel like I'm contributing my share. Getting older is another consideration. In the meantime, I will try to feel gratitude to just be here and able to share everyone else's day with them.

    We didn't do a cook-out after all yesterday. Heat sounded just too un-pleasant for everyone. Had good food here though since I made a couple of cold salads just in case.

    It has rained off and on today. So, it stayed cooler, but then hard to enjoy since you didn't want to be out and getting wet. One more stop to make that I didn't get to today.

    Have an appt. tomorrow in Marion I think. Was I though due to be a phone appt., but now seems to be changed. That will wreck tomorrow, but it is the new cardiologist program. I think it has helped to a degree and maybe she will have different things for me to try. Hope so because it is a long way to drive and three hrs. all together of drive time to keep the appt.

    Since I have salt restriction for my diet program, I back off mainly on desserts. I have found that three nice sized Spoonfuls of anything tend to be pretty much enough to satisfy me, but it took a while to learn to see and feel it. For salty foods, if I want them I tend to play little games that so far have worked. I will eat regular bacon for instance. I do have to read labels though and get the one with least amt. of salt — and there are one or two brands. Then I cook an extra piece in someone's else portion and keep it for myself breaking in half. That way I have two pieces like everyone else. Most of these things are sort of silly solutions, but my plate pretty much looks like everyone else's, and I have felt satisfied.

    I hope you have all had a good Tues. after the long holiday week-end.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Just lost a long post which I'm not going to retype since I'm also watching the US Open. Glad to hear from you Karen. So happy you got to see your grandchild (sorry but I'm no longer am sure of the sex although I'm thinking girl). You have been through a lot this spring and summer.

    LadyMadonna - There only a few of us here that are TP. Please check out the triple positive thread too. Treatment plan for HR2+ includes chemo. I suggest you talk to both an oncologist and a radiologist. I know many ladies are getting surgery last instead of first. I am a one-timer (so far) so my advice about surgery may not be appropriate but I found the lumpectomy the least difficult of my treatments. You have options and shouldn't be rushed into making a decision until you are comfortable with a plan. We are here to support you, whatever you decide! Stay close. We send hugs.


  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Karen glad to have your update!

    Ladymadonna, welcome to this group. I’m sorry you’re going though all this again. My dx was stage 1, grade 2,ER+, PR+, HER- in 2017. As Taco suggested, the triple negative group may have more input.

    Betrayal, I like your spunk or is it moxie, having rolled down the hill and only injuring your pride.

    Ring of Fire on Sacandaga lake, which is actually a reservoir. The sign “I love Lucy” was in reference to their dog that passed a few weeks back. Beautiful fireworks display provided by a neighbor. No humidity up there, very comfortable.

    This morning as I was leaving for the podiatrist my cell rang, it showed endocrinologist office so I took the call. They said my endo Dr wants me to have an ultrasound of my thyroid. I said I just had one, that’s why I’m coming in based on results. She says Dr wants me to have another one. They booked me a half hour before I see the PA on 9/27; 2:00 & 2:30.

    I got to podiatrist early and they took me in right away. She cleaned my toe off with bentadine, used the ice cold spray to help with injections, then used a needle to “poke holes” in the tendon to extend it. I think it took less than a half an hour for everything. Sandy, your toes probably hurt more than mine.

    She told me to keep it dry for 5 days. I have a waterproof protector I used a few years back for DeQuervain wrist surgery and I used it to shower tonight, put my foot in it, up to mid-calf. Not used as intended, but it worked. I may use it again tomorrow for the pool when the heat goes up to 93. Today it was bad at 91. I go back in 3 weeks for a check.

    I had my RSV vaccine Saturday, I think I’ve already mentioned. My arm is still sore if you pull your sports bra over it, bathing suit top, or the like - it lets you know it’s still there. Otherwise, it’s fine.

    Last shot, foothills of the Adirondak mountains. Hope everyone’s day went well

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Lady Madonna, I had HER2+, and had Herceptin infusions for a year after. Which breast? I would go for a mastectomy, if it was all in the same one.

    We don't have enough details. Take a look at my signature.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    I wish you love, and strength, and faith, and wisdom, goods, gold enough to help some needy one. I wish you songs, but also blessed silence, and God’s sweet peace when every day is done.   -Dorothy Nell McDonald

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Welcome Ladymadonna. I’m triple positive, but just one time BC. I had chemo first and then had a mastectomy. My large tumors were gone with chemo. No cancer in my lymph nodes, so I didn’t have radiation. I went with mastectomy based on tumor size and family history. Followed up with a prophylactic mastectomy a year later.

    What fun Cindy and what a way to send off summer. Thanks for sharing the photos. Hope your toe feels better and best of luck with the ultrasound.

    I hope your appointment went well Illinois.

    Hope everyone has a nice afternoon.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    cindyny, beautiful photos and what a loving tribute to their dog. Yup, only my pride was hurt as I hurtled down the hill. Woke up the next day with only usual aches and pains.

    PT is addressing balance on uneven surfaces because this is what we will encounter in Italy. I had bought a collapsible cane that fits in my purse and is for vertically challenged individuals like me. She had never seen one like this so was amazed at the appearance (Butterflies on the shaft) and how small it can get. PT demonstrated how to use it today and advised me to change sides to support whichever knee is acting up the most so practiced using both left and right hands to grasp handle. My knees buckle and that is scary because I do not wish to face plant on a hard surface. It's also light weight so putting it in purse adds little to no weight. Found it on a site called They had a peacock one that was pretty as well.

    Chris, thanks for offering recommendation to ladymadonna. I was HER- so could not address that but from what I've read on other forums, those women who were HER+ had Herceptin treatment.

    Our heatwave continues with temps in the 90's but the heat index around 102. Definitely uncomfortable so no mulching until the temp and humidity drop to more comfortable levels.

    Have home exercises to perform for PT in addition to those I do while there. She is changing them up so I am not bored and challenged by some. Knees hurt less after than they do when I get there but by the end of the day, I am hurting again.

    Trying to catch up on things around the house that get waylaid when I am gardening. So I have cleaned up quite a bit of paper work that was non-critical and some that was critical such as applying for renewal of RN license, paying for RN insurance an completion of ceu's needed for renewal. So that is off my "to-do" list.

    Received a letter that has me wondering why I was notified that the Ortho office that performed knee injections received an over allowance. The letter states the claim is under review and my next Medicare Summary Notice will be revised to reflect this. It seems I don't have to do anything but await the outcome. Hope they can resolve this without me.

    I have PT for the 3rd day in a row and next week am switching to a M-W-F schedule that they were unable to do this week. Yesterday I showed up too early for my appointment because I thought it was earlier than it was scheduled. They took me anyhow because several appointments had been canceled. A patient came in and sort of aggressed me which I thought odd but I acted like she was kidding. She kept at it and I could see the PT was taken aback and she introduced us, I think hoping this woman would back down. As I was leaving this woman made a comment about I better not take her PT again. I was at the door exiting the place, so just I laughed and told her she was no longer on my Christmas card list. Today my PT was apologizing profusely about how this woman acted and hoped that I was not upset by the encounter. I wasn't and told her that I just thought the woman was a bit wacky. Hope we do not have overlapping appointments in the future since she is a tad deranged. I like this place because they only have PT's and no PT ancillary staff. If appointments overlap it is only by 15 minutes at the beginning or end of the 1 hour session. Other places I would see the PT for 10-15 minutes and then be palmed off to a PT assistant for the rest of the time. So care was mostly unsupervised as you did whatever exercises you were assigned.

    Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow and that we can break out of this heatwave.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    ladymadonna, welcome

    Karen, good to hear from you

    Puffin, loved the photos

    Cindy, loved the photos

    Yes the 2" lost is accurate. It may have been slower than I think, but when measured in 2019 I was a little over 5'2" and now barely hitting 5'0". Dresses are definitely longer and the top shelf is farther up. LOL. Both measurements are from the cancer center. My 5'2" friend and grandniece are taller.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    I'm 4 inches shorter than my middle age. I agree about shelves getting taller. I'm officially the shortest person in the family. My tallest GS have to stoop to hug me.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Waiting for thunderstorms to either pass us by. We had one last night but it didn’t last very long. We have this weather pattern for the next couple of days. Hot, humid and thunderstorms and soon we get to our cooler September weather.

    Today is my DGD 1st birthday. Boy do they go through big changes in a year. She’s crawling and starting to stand. We’ll see them Sunday for a celebration.

    Wow Betrayal. Interesting that you encountered a rude person at PT. Sounds like you handled it nicely., especially in a room full of weights. We have a several weeks at the better PT offices to schedule appointments. Shortages of PTs and PTAs. The local university has a good program, but a one year wait to accept new students into their PT and OT programs.

    Hope everyone has a good afternoon.