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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    A lot to catch up on. I took my DH to get his blood tested, then hit the gym, followed by RSV shots for both DH and myself. I take it back, CVS had a nice set up for vaccines. It was zero co-pay for us, and I appreciated that. It hurt though! I didn't say anything but while the actual "stick" didn't hurt, the vax did! I am expecting my arm to be sore.

    I received all the blood test results and most everything is normal except A1C is still "pre-diabetic" although glucose was normal. I did get a bit of a scare because my ferritin level was off the charts high.(over 300) and my TIBC was low.) Of course, I went right to Dr Google for an explanation and the first thing listed was cancer, all types of cancer. That was all the first site said, so of course my stomach was in a knot as I looked at other sites. Then I read it can also be due to inflammation. I knew right away that has to be the reason. My body is one big ball of inflammation! I haven't heard back from my PCP, but I am not at all worried now.

    Betrayal, are you planning to go back to work? I would think nursing insurance would cost a nice chunk of change, or not? I am glad your PT seems to be helping! Your upcoming vacation sounds amazing! It is so nice to read about everyone's trips to wonderous places! Carole's trip is coming up fast!

    The fugitive that broke out of a PA jail last week is still at large. I assumed he would have been caught by now, but the last I heard he was still on the move. I just hope he doesn't kill anyone else before they capture him. I worry of what could happen if he gets to an Amish farm, or any farm where people are in and out of barns and give ample opportunity to taken by surprise. Crossing fingers he is caught soon!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.    -Marianne Williamson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Slow day here and I'm on late. Last couple of nights I'm not sure how much rest I got. Likely from a late dinner hour. I don't do well eating late — I think you are too busy digesting. Well, at least I know that I still don't need antacids all the time yet. Then again maybe it is because I cook a lot of my peppers before I eat them. Who knows. Just glad for now.

    Need to go to the bank tomorrow. A couple of late bills to do and then have to go re-sign my budget billing for the propane company.

    Had Dh talked out of the generator, and he talked to our electrician friend and his brother and its back on. Just foolish I think and making a gift of his portion of the funds to purchase it. We did decide to let the electrician Our good friend) wire things up just in case we ever felt we needed to get our OWN generator. Can't hurt to have the wiring in place for it I thought. Didn't think Dh would go back into agreement with his brother about the shared Generac. Grrr.

    Well, I'm in the getting shorter club myself. Far as I know it is less than an inch so far, but I'm not measured on a regular basis so not truly sure if its more now or not.

    My Carvedilol was dropped down again. It is ok with me, but I'm wondering why it was ever so high in the first place. It is one of the few meds that I developed se's hard to control. So, my blood pressure seems better all way around and actually it is nice to get out of bed in the morning and have decent pressure. For so long it would run quite low in the mornings. 60/43 or so. Now it is 80 or 90 at least — and I do not feel so sluggish and a bit out of sorts right out of the gate.

    Nothing special for the rest of the day. It is overcast and not too hot. Ground still looks a bit damp from the last rain a day or so ago. I usually need the sun, but due to the heat we have had I'm sort of glad since it could be steamy with sun.

    Hope you all have a good rest of the day as well.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Illinoislady, did not know that Generac made a portable generator. Sorry that DH got roped back in to contributing and hope you can get a return on your investment.

    We have their whole house generator and it has been a godsend in power outages that last for days. No more discarding of food from upright freezer or refrigerators. It is propane fueled as is my kitchen stove because there were no gas lines available when we moved here. Believe me living with an electric stove was my undoing. Grew up with gas stove, had gas stove in my first home and hated the electric stove that was so difficult to control temp for cooking. So when we remodeled the kitchen I found a propane gas stove with an electric oven. Now gas is available in this area but it would be too costly to install lines to house and the cost of the propane is negligible in comparison. We fill 2-75 gallon tanks maybe once every 2 years or more and sometimes they are just topping off the tanks.

    Heatwave is supposed to generate thunderstorms this evening. Grass was just cut by lawn service so it would be the first that they have not cut a wet lawn.

    PT was grueling today and she really put me through the ropes. She had several patients today which was a first and I found out that one of the PT's called out so the two were caring for her patients in addition to their own load. Asked how I was feeling at the end and I told her "brutalized" and I meant it. I think the 10 minutes on the bike was too much considering the most I had done prior was 5 minutes. Hobbled in and hobbled out. Usually I feel less pain when I leave than when I entered. Today was the reverse.

    Stopped at Sherwin Williams to pick up some paint chip samples since painting the dining room is a future project. I will hire someone to do it because my days of climbing on a ladder are over. DS has a guy he uses who is reasonable and particular about his product. He painted a room for DS and noticed that his previous work needed a touch up in a few areas thanks to his children and/or dogs. He asked DS for the paint and did the touch ups for free.

    The German bakery is also in this shopping center so I went in for a dessert and left with rye bread, sour dough bread (BOGOF), 6 hamantaschen (one of each variety) and an apple pie.

    MM, license for RN in PA is over $100 for 2 years, the insurance is also over $100/year and the ceu's are somewhat cheaper. No, I don't plan on looking for a job but with a license I can volunteer to perform BP's, give injections, etc. Once I give up my license I cannot perform any task that might fall under the purview of "nursing" for fear I could be sued.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Betrayal, I think it’s a good idea to keep up your license.

    I’m shorter by a half inch or more, easy. Was 5’8”now 5’7.5 to 5’7”. I’m still tall enough that I don’t notice any difference in clothing or shelves. Knock on wood!

    I’m hanging out doing much of nothing. It was 93 today and just unbearable outside. Me & partner attempted to fix the garage door bottom seal - it’s moved over 6” to the right for some unknown reason. We realized it needs replacing, so I’ve ordered a new one. But that was my only attempt to do anything outside.

    Illinois at the Ring of Fire two women were talking about getting whole house generators, permanently installed. They have a fear of the “grid” not being able to withstand everything. It’s not on my “to do” list, yet.

    Hoping everyone had a great day.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Cindy, if someone is concerned about the grid and other issues, supplemental solar energy is the better option.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    It is raining this morning and I did not take my walk. This is laundry day and I will also do some cleaning. When it clears up, I will go to the post office.

    During COVID, the state renewed my license in case of an extreme emergency. I think it has gone back into inactive and I prefer it to stay that way. I enjoy retirement. I have not logged on to check it.

    Maybe I should change my name from Petite to Tiny. LOL

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Try saying this silently to everyone and everything you see for thirty days and see what happens to your own soul: “I wish you happiness now and whatever will bring happiness to you in the future.” If we said it to the sky, we would have to stop polluting; if we said it when we see the ponds and lakes and streams, we would have to stop using them as garbage dumps and sewers; if we said it to small children we would have to stop abusing them, even in the name of training; if we said it to people, we would have to stop stoking the fires of enmity around us. Beauty and human warmth would take root in us like a clear, hot June day. We would change.   -Joan Chittister

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    I'm taken with solar energy. We would though have to have some super serious tree removal around here. Then again — it could be possible to get enough for just one 1500 sq. ft. house. but we have been rejected by most of those offering solar. May change at some point though.

    Ground doesn't look much dryer today but it didn't rain last night. Sun not real bright, but there is some so likely to have a warmer day, but hopefully more normal and not sweltering. We may (fingers crossed) be through most of our more intense heat. August is usually the worst here, although strangely enough the nights can often get quite cool then.

    Just planning on some catch up of things. Have been feeling more okay lately so that should help with the problem of being enthused to take on my projects.

    Got a kick out of your mulling a name change to Tiny, petite. Hmmm — make me think because it is hard to see ourselves as older people, we often feel younger and after all the growth we do for years we end up shorter. Something going on there, huh ??

    Hope you all have a good day and a great week-end.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Betrayal, I come from a long line of nurses, aunts and cousins, and I guess I never gave it a thought about licenses need renewing. I definitely never gave thought to a need for nurses to have insurance. Makes sense, but I never thought about it. I was covered through my union membership, for lawsuits involving students/parents, and/or school district.

    Solar is a great way to get energy, but I would think twice before putting panels on my roof. If you have a house fire, it isn't as easy to put out when you have solar panels. Homes have burnt to the ground around my area, due fire departments being unable to put the fire out with water.

    I am mesmerized by windmills! I love road trips and prefer to drive vs fly. I remember years ago we passed trucks carrying these long white "things" that we had no idea of what they were. Then, at some point, we went over a hill and on the other side we saw a "windmill" farm and realized that we were seeing the blades of windmills! We also stopped at a rest area that had one set up in front of it so visitors could see how long they are. I have a picture of my husband standing next to the blade and at 6 ft, he looks tiny!

    I went to the gym this morning and did 30 minutes on the bike, then came home and DH and I went to BJ's. It's hot outside again, so I will spend the rest of the day inside.

    Cardplayer, your sweet GD turned 1? (your post was the last on the previous page, so I forget details) It seems like you just talked about her being born! She sounds precious! The first year of life is truly a miracle! They go from helpless infant to "little person," and each month is full of new discoveries. I think it was Karen who said her GD just "found her feet!" This is what we all live for!

    Petite, LOL about going from Petite to "tiny." Enjoy being either, because neither word will ever describe me, but a girl can still wish!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Solar would not work for us either due to presence of Tulip poplars in excess of 100 feet tall. Taking them is a trade off for solar power versus the benefit of them cooling the house and improving the atmosphere. I vote in favor of letting them live and providing a cleaner air.

    However, for Texans who are not on the national electric grid, this is something they may wish to consider given their large power outages related to heat and bad weather. Not sure how that works if the causation is heavy downpours.

    petite1, a name change because you are now shorter? I always envisioned you to reflect your moniker, short and tiny framed. I know I have lost height since I was once 5' 2" and am no longer that height. I haven't been officially measured but imagine I am about 5' now. My DGS is taller by a few inches and he is 13. DGD is catching up as well and she's only going to be 8. However, in my mind's vision (wishful thinking at this stage and age) I am still taller and thinner than actuality. What was your license?

    We did not get the predicted thunderstorms last night. All the hype by forecasters lately has been disappointing. They wax eloquently on the heat wave and after awhile it gets old. If they have nothing to add, let's leave the crystal ball predictions to fortune tellers.

    It is sunnier today than yesterday and already 80 degrees but headed to the 90's. Not as humid as the past few days.

    The science project tomato plants my DD got us from her neighbor have been a surprise this year. Last year they were sort of duds. Out of the 5 we got this year, 3 have steadily produced small numbers of very sweet grape tomatoes. I just picked 5 and there are 3 new flowers on the plant plus about 6 other unripe tomatoes. The other one has several tomatoes as well and one only has one green tomato.

    I planted a package of wild flowers I had received in the mail and one flower has grown to be about 30" high with lacy looking leaves. There are now 3 buds and a lovely purple and white flower at the top. There were several other flowers that bloomed as well to my surprise. They are in a small planter on the patio. My day lilies are blooming for the second time this summer. The bumble bees have loved the perennials I planted in the patio beds this year.

    Plan for today is to work in primary bedroom hanging the drapes that used to be in there when we had the tree strike. They are a lovely dark blue and I want then to be up for the fall/winter season. I'll probably have to steam them in place to get the creases out. I need to clear some of the clutter in the room from my decluttering of the closet.

    Knees are a tad sore today but do feel that PT is helping with the pain. Hobbling is getting to be less as well and that is a relief. Makes me look and feel older when I am trying to be mobile.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    We’ve already had one rain shower today and thunderstorms are predicted for later today. Figures since we have plans to go to an outdoor concert later that starts at 7. It’s an Eagles tribute band and the last of the summer series at the museum.

    DH checked into solar. It’s expensive but they say it pays for itself in 15 years. It’s against our HOA rules, so if we went in that direction we’d need to get board approval. My in-laws had solar panels to heat their pool during cooler weather in FL. It was definitely a good investment for them.

    We have a gas generator that we’ve used once in the 5+ years we’ve lived here. We purchased it when we lived in our previous home. Our power was out for 5 days many years ago. Lost everything in my freezer of course. DH purchased a generator after that experience. Used it several times in our previous home.

    Illinois - sorry you’re having low blood pressure issues. Hopefully they can get it under control by adjusting your medication.

    I’m surprised they have your ride the bike for more than 5 minutes Betrayal. I thought the bike was for warming up before you progress to other exercises.

    I haven’t measured myself lately petite, but I’m rather “petite” (almost 5’1”). I imagine that at some point I’ll start shrinking too since that seems to be the trend for the women in my family. I had to stand on a step stool this morning to get into the microwave.

    Hope everyone has a good afternoon.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    After today, I WILL do the stairs (12 * 2 * 3) before anything else at the gym (everything is ground level here).

    I do not have osteoporosis. I am 5-7 as I have always been since I was fifteen.

    I had a bad ankle sprain 30 years ago, right ankle. Weakness in that ankle is slowing my recovery from the knee replacement, so I have an appointment with my orthopedist, to ask him what can be done about it.

    They are predicting rain Sunday-Tuesday. They do like to be optimistic.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    DS has solar power. The company decided to "rent" roof space in return to electricity to run their houses. They buy any extra electricity generated. He has an electric car and can charge it at home overnight with no charge. Once they sent him an email saying he wasn't generating any power. He sent them a photo of the 3 ft of snow on top of his car. It's not as useful in Seattle since we are gray for days on end in the winter and only about 7 hours of sun if it isn't gray.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    I would not give up my woods for solar power. We are just behind a small row of trees that hides us from much larger properties in front of us. Then our own yard is full of trees. We have lost a few that were not great trees anyway, but still the yard is rather full. Then, more behind our house and going down into the ravines. Mainly wistful thinking.

    We heat and cook with propane here and I've always been satisfied with that. We also can be on the budget billing with propane as well which is good for us. For some reason the cost went way down this time — will be about half of what last yr.'s bills were. $70.00 a month this coming cycle.

    Not only do I love the woods, but I also like the fact that we seem to get more animal visitors then you would ever see otherwise. Never have seen a coyote around here, but we have had visits from bobcats. They are hard to catch sight of since they are quite shy of humans.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    I have osteoporosis and so far have only lost 1/2 - 1" or so. Endocrinologist is not sure what she will put me on next since I stopped the Prolia and had Zometa when I was doing chemo. She says Zometa lasts a year - but that is in regards to osteoporosis. I will talk to my medical oncologist next month and see what he thinks - but I don't want to play one doctor against another. I will also have to see what is happening with my calcium.

    MM - I keep my own liability insurance on top of what the school district provides. It's only $90 something a year for 1 million. I hav my national certification and my CO license to that is expensive including taking professional development - fortunately I get lots through work. My national certification renews in 24 or 25 (don't remember which) and CO license in 25. They increased the CO license to 7 years during Covid - wonder if they'll go back to 5 years, but this will probably be my last renewal. Might renew national certification one more time after 24 but once I retire I can keep national certification for free as long as I don't work.

    Stocking up the freezer and baked this afternoon - 2 cakes (honey in a bundt pan, nut cake in loaf pan - my grandmother's recipe and mandel bread cookies. DD#2 arrives late Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning. Rosh Hashannah starts Friday night then a month of holidays. DH and I eat sweets but not a lot. A bundt cake will last us over a month. I cut it in 5 pieces, wrap each in plastic wrap and put in zipper bag. I used to bake weekly and I miss baking but we just don't eat enough. I used to bring my mother cookies and mailed my MIL cookies. I miss being able to do that for them. Tonight and tomorrow is my MIL 4th yarzheit.

    Have a good week-end.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    We’re having storm after storm. Rain pouring in my open windows - we ran around closing them with a towel. Thunder and lightening blanketing our area. Severe storm watch through 11 PM.

    Not a lot accomplished today. Pressed the app to run the robot Shark vacuum. I ran to CVS to pick up a script & allergy meds and got home before the next storm started.

    I’m kind of bored if I’m honest. Not getting my toe wet, not walking too far because it starts to hurt; plus two days of storms. I may attempt a craft with the old fence pickets. It’s still on FB marketplace and a woman was stopping by today to grab a few pieces for a craft project. So I started thinking I liked these fish made from old fence. I’ll attach a picture, and let you know if I attempt one.

    Another one I saw used a bottle cap nailed on as an eye. I can see 3 of these hanging on the side of my garage back by the pool. We’ll see if I can make 1!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Those fish are super cute and colorful. I'm not a crafter of any kind. All thumbs almost all the time. I bet you do a marvelous job of it if you do some. Enjoy !!!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    If you had a scroll-saw, you could get a real cool fish-shape, as in the first picture.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Cindy, cute fish! I can't wait to see what you can create!

    I too am not a crafter, but my DD is super talented and extremely creative. I think it's a gift.

    Karen, sounds like you are doing well. I understand not wanting to play one doctor against another. The only problem is when they have totally different opinions, and you get caught not knowing which to follow. I hate when issues overlap specialists' expertise. As for your cakes and how long they last, I can understand why you are so thin! In my house whole cakes don't last long. I must follow the "say no once in the store, or over and over again at home" advice from WW's. I try to keep sweets out of my house.

    I am currently on a modified version of the Mediterranean Diet. It is the only "diet" that works for me, makes me feel good. I am eating small portions of healthy foods. It was my way of life prior to my last breast cancer diagnosis, Unlike Karen, I put on weight, all the weight I lost in the previous year, because I could only eat carbs due to nausea and I wasn't getting much of any exercise. I know it will take years before I will feel more normal, but I still wish it would happen sooner. For now diet and exercise are the only things I can do and I tell myself that at least I am doing something about it!

    I am bummed. I planned to watch Penn State football game today, but it isn't being televised on our stations, only streamed via Peacock! I pay a lot for cable TV and I am NOT paying more to stream anything! It always worked for us in the past as far as sports go. I hate that local teams are being replaced on local channels by mid-western and western teams that few people in the area even care about! So, if this is what they are going to do with sports, (they even did it with a Phillies game), then I don't know how long I will continue to follow sports.

    illinois, your home setting sounds lovely! Believe it or not, I live in a suburban neighborhood, and we had a fawn in our yard a week or so ago. I have seen herds of deer, coyotes, fox, racoons, groundhogs, and skunks (I could do without the skunks) while walking or driving in my neighborhood. I know I am not in the majority, but I don't like trees close to my house. I think part of that comes from our yard being overgrown with trees and needing to have them cut down, which is very expensive. I like yard, with gardens but no trees. We have trees behind our house, but they aren't on our property.

    Betrayal, we have propane heat and one reason we switched to that, other than being a cleaner burn than oil, was to get a Generac whole house generator. Believe it or not, our "heater guy" talked us out of getting one. He said they need to be maintained regularly and so many people are having difficulty with them. It doesn't sound like yours gives you problems. I don't remember what the issues were exactly. Fortunately, we were only without electric for days, one time, years ago when hurricane Sandy hit our area. We only had a few outages since, lasting minutes, not hours. The electric company did massive tree trimming projects in our area which really helped keep the electricity running.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Whether it’s Mother Teresa’s acts of charity, Gandhi’s perseverance,
    or your aunt Betty’s calm demeanor, as long as you’re motivated to be
    better today than you were yesterday, it doesn’t matter who inspires you.

    Timber Hawkeye

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Sure sorry to hear you missed your game MM. We used cable t.v. for a really long time. Then a couple of yrs. ago it seemed like every time we turned around, we had to drop tiers or pay through the nose. For yrs. I had been talking about using one of the popular wi-fi services and finally settled on HULU.

    It too has gone up but not like cable. We also added Netflix for just a bit more — and so far, we have been really happy with it overall. We get a lot of free stuff with it and I get travelogue, documentaries and biographies which can easily keep me satisfied and viewing happily.

    Like you MM, we have only had one really serious electrical outage and at that time a number of yrs. ago, straight line winds came through our area. Most of our town (save for those with generators or who could lay their hands on one quickly) was out and damages were so extensive we were without for about a week. I still don't feel I can justify buying or even sharing the cost of a generator. Hubby is 84 and I am 78. Anything portable (along the line of a generator) will be almost impossible for us. We do have our SIL and daughter living with us, but it is still in my mind a major cost for something we likely would seldom have any use for. We already have loads of warehoused items and I'm reluctant to add to it. Just have to see how it goes. I am okay though with getting a hook up that would operate from our garage.

    BIL is calling this portable generator, a Generac. I haven't seen it and I don't really know for sure. So, when I mention it here, I am using BIL's description. Whatever it is, it is just under by a small amt. $1,000.00 Seems quite an amt. for something we might never need or use although our part would only be $300.00.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    We have had our Generac whole house generator for about 5 years and have a service contract. We have not had any issues with it and it performs a prescheduled check on a weekly basis. It was this or a divorce so DH capitulated because I was tired of losing food and being without power in the winter or summer due to being on a grid that was usually last in line to get power restored. Our power outage could be generated from the next town over with a downed tree and yet the neighbors behind us, on another grid, had power. It has paid for itself and I can only think your heater guy may have been biased because he couldn't install it. PECO is not known for maintaining the grid like it should so power outages may occur with increased patronage and demand which we are seeing with climate changes and population buildup in my area.

    Had storms last night and some rain. It's in the 80's but haven't been outside to check humidity. It seems to be in the high 70's which means it will be uncomfortable out there.

    Got drapes and sheers up, windows are clean and room has been dusted. Ran the dust mop but need to vacuum the area rugs. Room looks great but will need to steam drapes because gravity failed to remove all the creases. Have a box of displaced items that I need to sort through to determine final outcome. Plan is to finish room today though back spasms were generated by yesterday's work. If it's not the knees, it is the back. So using TENS unit to try to break spasm. I have a med I can use but only at night because it makes me dizzy if taken during the day. Hopefully TENS will knock it out.

    Dinner is easy since I have potato salad, cole slaw and corn on the cob available. DD wants hot dogs cooked on the grill so may do corn on there as well.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    It’s 82 here and dew point makes it feel worse. I went outside to take my transplanted black eyed Susan’s down to 2”. Some were ok, some were half dead. I’m hoping by doing that it will give the roots a chance to survive. I spread the seed heads all over that garden.

    I painted up a “fish” last night and it looked ok, but nothing great - like my pictures. So today after puttering in the garden I grabbed the jigsaw to cut it out. In hindsight I should have cut it first but it was inside, rain was outside, I just went with it. It needs some work with my Dremel before I’ll show it. Jigsaw just not that easy to use for details.

    Who was repainting a metal butterfly? I think I recall someone updating one. I love crafts, and I’ve probably kept more crap in the garage because I can use it for “something!” I don’t think that woman who wanted some of my fence for a craft ever stopped by during that storm.

    Grilling chicken for dinner and maybe some corn on the cob too. Only one more day with my bandaged toe before I can get it wet. The pool has been calling to me for days. Enjoy the weekend!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    That would be me and I haven't gotten to it yet because it has been too hot. I did do one wing but decided that the foam brush was not giving me the look I wanted so I went to Michael's and bought some sea sponge that should give me the splotches I want. So I will have a re-do on the one wing and paint the other. It shouldn't take long, I just need a cooler day because the paint dries too fast otherwise and I wilt. Need a large surface to hold butterfly so have to use a patio table. Too large for kitchen table.

    Glad to hear toe seems to be doing well.

    We will be eating outside tonight since it has cooled off some. Big wind blew through that was tail end of storm for others. Hot dogs from grill, potato salad and corn on the cob are on menu.

    DSIL just sent tape of my nephew (by marriage) who is an assistant head coach at Florence, NJ, HS. The head coach is retiring so they had a tape of his last season opener and Zach got interviewed. It was a good plug for him as well since he was a star player at the same school. He's a phys ed teacher and his wife, my niece, is also a teacher but she is still on maternity leave with her new son. Her daughter started kindergarten this week.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    We had rain yesterday afternoon and calls for severe thunderstorms. DH and I decided to not attend the outdoor concert. I rained around 4pm and we saw lightening, but the severe thunderstorms that were predicted never arrived. From the video I saw of the concert, it looked like they had some rain, but nothing too substantial. We got DH dinner grilled tonight before the rain started. He had steak, shrimp and corn. I had egg whites and sweet potatoes.

    I am not a artsy / crafty person at all. I hope the fish turn out well Cindy. Post pics when you’re done. Hope your toe is better.

    Sorry you couldn’t watch the PSU game Mavericksmom. DH has been watching football all day - Colorado, Clemson, then we switched to Tennis (yeah Coco). NATS are on rain delay so it’s more football. I might go in the other room to see if I can find non-sports to watch.

    Karen - my Mom use to make my Dad cakes for the holidays. He was diabetic and she’d make things that only he could eat and enjoy. She did make a nice apple sauce cake.

    We still have cable Illinois. We also enjoy Netflix (which is include with our cable provider), but enjoy some of the streaming services. Also like the documentaries and some of the series.

    Have a nice evening.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Cardplayer, sorry you missed out on the concert. I still love listening to Eagles music, they are part of my play list. I'm glad your DH had a wonderful birthday anyway!

    Cindy, sounds like you had a productive day in spite of the heat!

    Unfortunately our new roof leaks! ugh! Glad we didn't pay them yet! Will call tomorrow. I took pictures. If it clears up today, I may call today, but they won't be able to do anything about it today anyway.

    I am feeling kind of down today, even before finding out the roof leaks. Actually, I have been fighting these feelings for awhile. I don't seem to be able to adjust to changes like I once could and while retirement has benefits, it also has a downside. I try to keep busy, but my DH's age difference has never felt like the huge divide it does now. He can't walk without a cane, but that isn't the problem. He doesn't seem to want to do anything or go anywhere other than Home Depot and BJ's. To be honest, going to those places with him tries my patience to the max. I persevere and bite my tongue because I know how important it is for him to get out and about.

    I am having lunch with my sister tomorrow; her DH is the one who recently had a stroke and decided to stop taking certain medications because he read the possible SE's. Good grief! Our weekly sister meetings for coffee are therapy for both of us. Our DH's get along, but not to the point that they would do things together. I wish my DH would be interested in joining a group or something, but he won't. He met a group of men when he used to walk at the local mall, and it was great social interaction for him, but that was just prior to Covid. Once Covid came, he lost contact with them. I told him that I want to take him to the mall to walk again, but I am not sure he will. I feel in some ways that I lost my "life partner" and will never get him back. BTW, cardplayer, I did manage to put a small chair in my bedroom next to my secretary desk and while not a comfy chair to sit on long, it does provide me with an escape when I need it! The gym is my salvation too!

    OK, enough depressing thoughts. Nothing exciting today, I need to do a thorough cleaning of my kitchen, clean off the top of my refrigerator (no cabinet above it) scrub the counters and of course wash the floor. I wasn't able to keep my house as clean as I wanted this past year due to BC, but I am finally feeling as if I can do a thorough cleaning again. I can't stand a dirty or cluttered home. The clutter now is really just downsizing "things" at this point, will happen when the weather gets consistently cooler.

    A huge relief came yesterday when my DD and DGD stopped over. I told my DD that her brother was getting the picture she wanted for her son. I told her I would get a copy of it for my GS. I plan to take it to a photographer to copy the photo because it isn't something that can be done via Snapfish or CVS photos. I plan to give my kids the few things that are truly precious to me while I am still alive.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Had a rainstorm blow through overnight and into this morning so temps are lower but humidity is still high. We noticed a rabbit in the yard several days ago and this morning he was racing around the bed where I had transplanted ferns. It was fun to watch him from the upstairs main bath window. It did several laps before it settled down to eating some weeds in the lawn. Just now noted a male cardinal sitting at the top of one of the evergreen trees we have and it looked like an ornament. Nature continues to amaze me. The ferns have responded better now that it has rained than when we were watering them. Hopefully within a few years they will have filled in this bed. Too wet to work outdoors and too humid.

    MM, a 10 year gap in ages seems to be no big deal when you are younger but as we age, it is not at the same rate as you can see and are experiencing now with DH. It may depend on how active one is during their younger days as well as their mindset. If the interests they had are no longer easy to pursue, they will go the byway. I think of my grandparents and both of my grandmothers were truly elderly in their 60's. One died at 66 and the other lived into her 80's. The latter was more active but the loss of vision due to glaucoma put a damper on that. If DH is not interested in increasing his activities outside the home, this should not keep you from looking for opportunities to be more active. You will most likely meet people at the gym and perhaps this can lead to some new outings. You seem to attract people easily. My DH doesn't always want to do what I want so I am used to doing some alone or asking DD to go if she is available.

    When I worked full-time, I would have a "me day" in Lancaster visiting some shops I loved (many are now gone), visiting the stores I wanted at the outlets and having lunch at a place that had PA Dutch food. I visited some of the stores just to see what they had and bought nothing and others that had what I was looking for and cleaned up like at the New balance outlet. Now DD, DSIL, DH and I usually have one around President's Day. We missed this year so I see one coming up around Thanksgiving.

    Our local high schools offer low cost evening craft classes, lectures, cooking, exercise, etc that I have attended in the past. It gave me an evening out and I was able to connect with others. I took one many years ago for roller blading (grew up on roller skates) and used to meet one classmate to skate a local trail along the Schuylkill in Oaks, PA. Passed roller blades to grandson when I no longer used them.

    Has DH been evaluated for depression? This could be a cause for his disconnect from activities. I know you were going to take him to see a neurologist, how did this turn out? His mobility issues don't seem to be a major problem. Can you get him to go to the movies with you? Theaters today have senior discounts on matinees and joining one of their clubs (free) provides discounts on popcorn, etc.

    Today is up for grabs since I have many things to choose from as tasks. Cleaned parakeet cages, ordered new litter box for Misty at Petsmart, cleaned some items from garage that can be used for baking donations and need to put them in a plastic cover for storage, and discarded some of these that are of no current use. Already cleaned kitchen counters and stove so time to move on to another task. Did PT exercises for breakfast round (B, L, D assignment for PT exercises).

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday either relaxing or like me finding a task that needs to be done but is non-taxing.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    The painting is simple, it’s the cutting out that’s hard. Once they’re all dry I’ll try the smaller cuts with the Dremel. Worst case scenario I’ll paint the areas that should be cutouts in black. Who knows! It kept me occupied for a while, and took away some boredom too.

    Our weather has been strange again today. Drizzled early, on & off sun and then full on overcast with temps in mid 70’s. But it’s still humid. We’ve opened the windows because there is a slight breeze now and then.

    TV all day has been baseball and football. Yesterday partner was worried about not getting ESPN. So I pulled it up on the FireStick through our Florida account using the app with Xfinity. Some local FL sports are unavailable unless we use the FL house wifi. Go figure.

    Enjoy the rest of your day!

    PS-MM some of my FL gfs married older men while they were young. Some are now full time caretakers. You’re still getting out to the gym, meeting people and being active. I agree with others, keep as active as you want. Include DH with invites to it all, knowing he might not want to go. Another gf is retiring soon and her DH is 13 years older. She’s told him not to worry, he doesn’t have to go to everything. He is relieved. It will work out.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    I personally think women should marry when they are older, to men who are at least five years younger. When women are young, men who are at least five years older seem so competent to take care of them, and young men their own age seem so juvenile. But later in life those wants seem so short-sighted.

    Cindy, that is a good beginning with your painted fishes project. Stay with it!!

    Really eager to get out and walking. Working on leg muscles at the gym is a poor substitute. Aa friend suggested this morning that a brace might be a good solution. I need to start using my hiking pole again.