Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    REPRIEVE ...

    SIL called. Visit delayed until mid May!

    1. I am going to DD's in May so might not be here and

    2. That gives me two months to limber up, unwrinkle, look younger, and find a better hair style for my brillo pad hair and

    3. Gives me time to come up with the perfect rejoinder. I like your suggestion, Kathleen. Just have to put my slant on it. Do you think I could muster up some tears? 

    Think I can do it? :-)  

    I am afraid to add ANOTHER home remedy for SV's skin problem but.... I have been told Selsun Blue shampoo is a good treatment for fungal skin infections. I think if Melissa does ALL of this her skin will absolutely peel off! BTW, you are not post rads, right? I might try some of these suggestions on normal skin but wouldn't dare on radiated skin!

    Tinea Versacolor comes to mind. Google or Wiki it... some very good suggestions there. 

    I thought summer was on its  way!!! Drizzly and damp again today.  We had quite a storm yesterday. Tornado warnings right where we live! So DH decided we should go to the guest house ( one story, concrete block, small windows, hip roof ). I only went to be cooperative.  Pouring rain. He hadn't been there ten minutes and he was bored... time to go back. Pouring harder and blowing worse. We were both soaked and I was not happy. Men!!!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    CB. you crack me up! Actually, I have had yards of duct tape wound around me back in the olden hippy days when 'things' needed to be concealed next to the body. Unfortuately, I can tell all, from enormous experience that body heat melts duct tape and it is beyond painful to try to rip it, and the melted glue, off of one's body. Of course, ya never get all of it off so what is left, cakes with sand. Then you are like a walking emery board. Frankly, it is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. I am wondering if I was "Punked" and paid a fortune for it! I am so lost right now I simply have no idea what is going on or what to do. I feel like I am going to die and my labs are all perfect! I am trying to get things done but I still just feel so awful. Go figure. AND IF ONE MORE PERSON TELLS ME I LOOK GREAT (LIKE 25 TIMES IN 3 SENTENCES) I AM GOING TO POKE HIM/HER IN THE EYE!! Man huge storm and high winds going on outside. Front must be passing. Rained all day and all I could do was try to hose Moby Dick down. I got a billion pounds of sand and swamp mud from the bumpers and wheelwells & IT IS now caked in the driveway. And NS, we are here when you are ready to dump all of that garbage. Yeh, writing does diffuse it but it is so much more fun to share!!!! I am able to order "Michael Jackson: This is IT" on PPV today-I am trying to watch it as a show, but have too many doubts about him and little boys to enjoy any part of it. Talk about the elephant in the living room??? Errgh, likely crossed a 'no no' line. Oh Well,  ((((BIG POD HUGS)))) SV

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited March 2010

    I started to write this long post of all the stress I am under because of the health problems of my DH, DS and DB  but the mere typing of the whole situation has helped so I won't bother posting.

    However, I do reserve the right to change my mind in the near future.    Undecided

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    Morning girl-friends!!!!  Notself......Now why on earth would you not post when you are feeling over-whelmed?  Man, the rest of US do, Ha!   And I really think it helps....I know the DH, the DS, but what is the DB?   Oh, Dear Brother?  Okay.....just takes a minute....But how are YOU feeling girl?  Just remember that "One Day AT A TIME!"  And don't forget us!    

    SoCalLisa, that was such a beautiful rose!!!  Is that going on right now where you live?  It WAS pretty out here too...but "supposed" to snow tomorrow....or actually, they just can NOT predict accurate weather around here, because of the Mountains, (they say)...So we know what the weather is going to do, when we look out side & it is doing it!    

     Pam.....good suggestion for out truant kid SV!  

    And also kmccraw423 said something about "Anti-fungal" cream!  I don't think it would hurt to use the vinegar, either!   But VINEGAR brings to mind something I DID when I was young & even stupider......  See I had this terrible "yeast infection"....Well I couldn't stand it anymore....& I remember my Mom saying "Oh just use a vinegar dousche"......So Okay.....Maybe about a cup per water bottle would work......  WELL!!! MY GOD I never knew such pain!  I THEN had to run to Old Doctor Brown, (who delivered ME AND my girls)  & presented him with this problem, where-as he commenced to paint me with that PURPLE stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I could barely walk....I was mortified!!!!!!!!!!!  Once at home I told my fretful Husband what I had done.   I should have used about 2 T. of vinegar, but NNNNOOOOOOOOO, I thought if a little works, a LOT is better.....So bottom line, (pun intended) is I wound up with  a  Pickled Purple Pussy!   And sure, it's kind of funny now.....but every time I smell vinegar to this day, I am reminded of  what CAN happen!   

     Now little SV......Just don't go frettin' have pulled yourself out of so much trouble, you will come out of this car business alright..... By the way, YOU LOOK GREAT!.....couldn't resist!   (ouch!  did you just poke me in the eye?)  Just work on that swamp buggy a little at a time, & it will eventually resemble something like a "car".......  And I love Michael Jackson's music.....Not so much him, but it's still awful to lose a life, like that....such a waste. 

     And is that "red-neck" talk, about the "elephant in the living room?"  Us City Folk don't know all the "terms" yet...... And it should make you feel better, just getting your lab work back, & not seeing anything critically wrong!   Except for maybe fungus infections, chemo burns, hair loss, black toe-nails,  mouth sores, & what else was that?  Honey, just don't MUST have passed the worst of it all... Hope the storm has passed!    This has just been the hardest, longest winter I can ever remember!   I am SO ready for Spring!   Okay, gotta get a giddy-up on...xoxoxoxoxo

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010


    "elephant in the room":  uncomfortable issue that everyone is thinking about but no one mentions."


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited March 2010

    Re Jungle Rot - my Dad got it in WWII on his feet and had it till the day he died.  He soaked his feet in half and half old fashioned Listerine and water, let them air dry and then wore only white cotton socks, washed with NO bleach or fabric softener.  I have used Witch Hazel on prickly heat rash and it worked very well (this was over 30 years ago when DS was a baby).  My skin is super sensitive - allergic to scrub soap (for surgeries) and adhesive tape.   Even the non allergic tape rips off a couple of layers of skin when removed.    

    Instead of Duct Tape, could you make a sling with and old Ace Bandage?   Hang around your neck and put the girls in to keep away from the body?  If the skin is not too irritated, you can try a cotton swab (q tip) dipped in nail polish remover to take adhesive residue off.   This works on items, like dishes, etc, to get the price tag glue off.    

    BTW, Listerine sprayed or sprinkled around keeps mosquitoes away from your body.   I used to be covered in skeeter bites when outside until I tried this.    

    One more cup of coffee then I tackle more packing.   Hugs and good vibes being sent for all,  Nancy 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    Good morning everyone. 

    Was going to get on here last night but I was pooped and figured I'd make no sense at all -- and I realize this morning -- I seldom make sense I bet.  My vote is for the vinegar ( in moderate amts. of course ).  You know there are always little pamphlets coming out with tittles like "Fifty Great Uses for whatever --- Baking Soda, Vinegar, Salt ".  I also Nancy would like to know more about the Listerine and mosquitoes.  I was told we can expect a bumper crop of the little pests this year and I would love an "easy" remedy.  My girl-friend told me to use Avon Skin Oil.  She and her husband were using it.....and the thing was they were both glistening like crazy.  Dh told me after we left ( he comes up with some zingers at times )... of course, they were not bitten.  The mosquitoes were sliding off before they could.  I did not want that much of anything on me.  The listerine thing sounds easy. 

    I too have had my thoughts about M. Jackson.  There is a high price often to pay for fame and great wealth along with it.  And on that note --- I have always believed that OJ did it.  In fact, there were several "incidents" after his long very public trial.  None of the rest had the fame and money to go along with it all....and all were convicted though we are still waiting for the final one --- a cop here  around Chicago whose wife turned up missing and has never been found. It was decided that he did actually kill his former wife whole death at first was ruled accidental. 

    Did not know you could use nail polish remover for stickers etc.  I always buy a product called Goo' B' Gone.  They soak right off in a matter of a couple minutes. 

    Jeanette, I think what you were talking about was Gentian Violet.  I got painted up with that for something when I was a longer remember why. 

    Ok, I got to go get more coffee and think about what I need to do today:

    Be checking in later on....when I figure out if I'm really me and what I can do about it.

    Warm hugs, Jackie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited March 2010

    Listerine can be put into a spray bottle and misted around you.   You can spray the ground, lawn chair, picnic table, etc.   Avon Skin So Soft used to be recommended a lot, but it did not work for me.   

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited March 2010

    Vinegar in the private parts!!!!Owwww!!!!

    Keep the vinegar on the surface of the skin and away from eyes.

    I will write a bit about the stress I am dealing with.  My husband has been in poor health and various amounts of pain for years.  He handles it well but when the pain gets to much there is nothing he can do but go to bed.  Ladies, if you know anyone who has served in Vietnam they must get an Agent Orange Physical at their local VA hospital.  It is very important and the physical looks for things that the standard civilian physical does not.  Our closest VA hospital is in Little Rock which means a 6 hour round trip for every doctor appointment.  He averages one appointment a month.

    My sister has spiking blood pressure which is difficult to control.  This has caused problems with the blood vessels in the macula of both her eyes.  She has lost some vision and now gets a shot of the cancer drug Avista in one or the other of her eyes every two weeks to shrink the blood vessels and we hope stop the deterioration.  Since the doctors in our town are not qualified to do this procedure, we drive to Little Rock.  We try to coordinate her appointments with my husband's but it doesn't always work.

    My brother has just been diagnosed with oral cancer (Agent Orange hits again).  He is scheduled for surgery in Little Rock on March 23rd.  They will remove his lower teeth, part of the floor of his mouth, part of his jaw and then sew his tongue down to act as a bandage and a graft.  We won't know if the cancer spread to the bone until the path lab comes back.  If the bone is clear, he is Stage 1.  If it shows cancer cells, it is Stage 4.  We all know enough about staging to appreciate the difference. 

    He will be staying with us because he will be unable to eat solid food. I don't want him to live on Ensure so I will make all of his food for him.  Of course if he is Stage 4 the will put a peg line into his stomach and he will have to be tube fed.  I am worried about him maintaining a healthy weight in order to fight the cancer.  He is 6' tall and weighs 150 lb.  People with oral cancer surgery routinely lose 20-30% of their body weight.  My brother doesn't have it to lose.

    My ophthalmologist tells me I have drusen in both my eyes.  Drusen is the very beginning of macular degeneration but is a stage that can be greatly slowed by vitamins and diet.  I am taking Lutein and Zeazanthin and the drusen are not getting any larger.  Woo, good news!

    I am noticing the beginnings of depression.  I am hoping that the weather will warm up so I can work outside in the sun.  That always helps me put thing in perspective.  Today is cold and raining.  Yell

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2010

    Lisa, the rose picture is the most beautiful I have seen in a while

    The pekes belong to Melissa 1519 Can't remember the number after her name but the one that is a fireman nurse and lives in vegas.  I have more pictures to post for her and share with you all in a minute.

    first I want to say to SV Melissa, I am a nurse and DO NOT use duct tape on your body, the ace bandage is a good idea.  If it were me here is what I would do (and have used these treatments on patients)   Bath daily using selsun blue as the soap,  apply lotrimin or tinactin on rash twice a day,  expose rash to sunlight 15 minutes per day.  Do wash your clothes using bleach but put them through a double rinse cycle. 

    Here are some pictures from our other Melissa:

    Homesweethome.jpg missoui home picture by spark56_photo

    This is her home she is moving to when she leaves vegas

    Homesweethome2.jpg back of house picture by spark56_photo

    This is the back of her farm house

    Hawiiandog.jpg hawaiian dog picture by spark56_photo

    Here is her peke shaking the bootie with flowers attachedMelissasfamily2.jpg family picture by spark56_photo

    Some of Melissa's family, look at those beautiful smiles

    Melissasfamily.jpg family2 picture by spark56_photo

    More of her family.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2010

    Kathleen, sent you a pm

    Jackie, can't wait to meet you, it will happen.  I will be bring my camera for all the cats.  (and of course you)

    I think soon as possible I will play a game of miniture golf just because I like it.  I am now up to walking 3 times a day with the walker, sometimes 4 to get out on the deck.  I think I will post a picture of my furbabies now:

    000_1264.jpg Chee Chee & Gizmo picture by spark56_photo

    The long haired dapple is chee chee and the black with brown is Gizmo

    000_1267.jpg how does chico sleep that way picture by spark56_photo

    This is the man of the house that sleeps in weird positions, the puppies make him nervous

    000_1269.jpg Miss Gray picture by spark56_photo

    Here is Miss Grey looking in

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2010

    Chevy and Spar..glad you liked the rose, I took it yesterday...I am hoping everyone will have a good weekend...I also took these yesterday of  a snowy egret that showed up on a little pond near our house..Spar, that kitty is seems like he is looking at it...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Ok, am I the only one who cannot find the rose? oh, neverminds!!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2010

    All of your pictures are lovely!

    Being a cat person, I really love that picture of Miss Grey looking in!  What a gorgeous cat!

    Hey Jackie, do you think it would be possible to catch those little black kittens while they are little and tame them?

    Hey Melissa........what a lovely family you have!

    And Lisa..........just keep your beautiful pictures coming.  You really have a gift.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    It's so fun to share the pictures of our families!  It just makes us know you better!  And I always love our little fur-ball pictures!  Smile

    Notself.....I'm just plain sorry for all that you have on your plate right now....and it's something you just have to deal with.....So much for one woman, but so much for you DH & your Brother & Sister also!  And they YOU have your own health problems....Man, One Day At a Time, isn't enough for you....I think you need just One Hour At a Time!.... If it helps to come to us, I'll always be listening.....Your heart has to be so heavy, & I'm so sorry........ Just love them all for every minute you have them....  (((((((((notself))))))))))  Just little hugs for you.....

    SoCalLisa.....So fun to see your pictures!  You made a collage!  Good Job Girl!  And Spar...Your pictures, just make me smile!  LOVE the "kids"..... So nice for you to post the pics for Melissa!  Her house looks like a perfect place to be!  It would be so nice to be "away" from the neighbors like that! 

    I cleaned the bathroom today.....I mean REALLY cleaned the damn thing!  I came to a conclusion.....I think I hoard bath soaps, shower gels, scented sprays, & lotions!   I don't MEAN to buy them, but when they are ON SALE, a person just has to do it!   So if I take a shower like 3 ro 4 times a day for the next 50 years, I will have plenty!   But I love them all....And I use a lot of creams & lotions here in THIS DRY!  

    And THEN I watched the funniest movie!  " Diary of a Mad Black Woman"....with Tyler Perry, & I forget who else, but I laughed so hard, and then I cried like a baby towards the end, when they were in Church!  It was powerful!  Great Movie!  But I don't want to buy it, because my Husband would think I was nuts with tears rolling down my face!   We have totally different tastes in TV & movies....But I just watch what I want on my own TV in the bedroom, Ha! 

    SV.....Did you find the rose?  Just scroll up, it is at the top of the, it must take you both hands to find your butt!   And your car cleaned up beautifully!  All you need is a mattress now, & you can drive to San Francisco with a flower in your hair, Ha!   I'll bet you wish you could go back to days of yore!  Wink  I just hope you are feeling better.....  Love you girls! xoxo

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    Great photos, everyone! 

    Melissa1819?, That hill is going to be a challenge when you tackle it with a mower! Better get a cow or a goat :)


  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited March 2010
    I ate some chocolate and I feel better.  Thanks for listening.  Laughing
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010, you have your hands full.  My cousins husband deals with Agent Orange from V.Nam.   Terrible stuff.  I know it truly makes your life difficult and then to have the added burden of the medical issues your other close family members have.  It is interesting -- we do what we have to do, because there really isn't a true choice.  I'm sure you must feel dread at times, but not caring for those you love in whatever way they need just isn't an option.  My prayers are with you always.  Glad you got that can do wonders at times

    Oh my --- so many adorable animals....all of them.  Of course, I'm a dyed in the wool animal person.  Lots of people have let me down, but my animals never have.  They are patient, loving, gentle, understanding, soothing, and never mention a word of what I say to them.  I'm totally sure they understand it all -- every word. the pic of where you will be living....I love the more rural spots.  Nature, including is my idea of heaven.  Glad too to see the car is sort of in one piece and can be operated.  Thank goodness.

    So much I wanted to say but it is so late and Dh will soon be home.  I had quite the adventure today.....maybe I will copy and paste the gist of it as I'm not sure I could get through it again..

    See you all later.

    Warm hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010
    27 minutes ago IllinoisLady wrote:

    Hi all, another long day and my long post just went by-by, who knows where so will try one more time.

    Very interesting day.  Met Maggie for breakfast.  I already had to go to Mt. Vernon for a follow-up to my trip last week to the ER at Marion for the flu-like symptoms that did not seem to want to abate -- nor actually make me truly sick. 

    Maggie came in telling me her microwave the night before just up and died.  Just blinked a couple of times and that was it.  The engineer walked out and never came back to run the turn-table....not so much as a nasty growl left. 

    Told her to come on along with me as the V.A. office is right behind Sears.  Got there and picked out a really nice unit.  We went and scanned and Maggie stood in the hall while I got the car to the loading dock.  I then rushed back in and whew.....Maggie's name is still on the ready list....but just then a strange thing happened----her name disappeared.  A guy came walking past and asked me if I needed something.....and I a matter of fact, a microwave.  He said, oh, I just loaded that into your blue van.  I told him you are a wonderful guy for that but I hate to tell you......I don't have a blue van.  I have a gray Blazer out at the loading dock.  He went running out......but lo and behold, the blue van was gone. 

    As I was now late for my appt. at V.A., I waited for the couple of  very quick calls he needed to make and then told him I had to try and save this appt. but would be back immediately after.  More about that later, but as I walked out of the Hub I looked back and this poor guy was holding his head in his hands.

    Had my appt and returned.  People in blue van apparently chose ( all very legal since they were "given" the boxed mocrowave loaded into their van with a smile ) to keep the microwave since it was a better slightly more expensive one than they had actually chosen.  This then meant, since that apparently was the last one the store had, that Maggie was in fact moved up to the next higher model than she had chosen.  That certainly was a win-win situation I guess for both parties.  I still feel sorry for the guy --- but he was in charge of delivering from the back warehouse and nothing to do with any one else.  Honestly, had it been me.....I would have returned the "wrong" microwave I think....but it is just a matter of personal ethics.....if the store gives you something better --- even though its a are not required to bring it back and can keep what you are sent home with at that time. 

    Alls well that ends well I guess....made for a long day for me.  Just before 9p.m. by the time I got home and I left home at 10a.m. this morning.

    Anyhow, I did find during my medical visit that for some strange reason no one can quite figure out....the ER Dr. at Marion D/Ced my Arimidex when I was there.  The only thing any one can come up with is that my white blood count was a bit on the low side --- but a very little which might have all been just due to the viral thingy going on.  I would ER Dr. without really GOOD cause would not D/C a cancer med w/o first checking with the Oncologist on the case.  This really makes very little sense to me.  Maybe a couple of you nurses can throw out a thought or two on this.  I'm not at all upset...just surprised....but had I turned up this information in a couple of months when I went to "refill" my Arimidex....I might have felt a little anger.  As is I have plenty of time to do some checking around and get the record straight as to just what is going on and why. 

    Also,I will go in on Tuesday and have full labs done again including for the first time a Vit.
    D test.  That should be quite interesting.  I feel like I could not possibly be deficient.....but who knows...

    This is about it.  The rest was just some names.......Had quite the day.  See you all in the morning.


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    OK YOU GUYS I HAVE HAVE TO SPEAK ABOUT THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM- SOMETIMES i FEEL AS IF I HAD IT TOO EASY TO BE HERE- bmx AND THAT IS IT- I MEAN I JUST HAVE ADJUSTMENTS AND SEEM TO BE SAILING THROUGH THOSE AND YES I GOT DEPRESSION TOO- SO WHAT? BUT I FEEL TERRIBLE FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT GO THROUGH SO MUCH, HAVE SUCH BIG CROSSES TO BARE AND SO MANY COMPLICATIONS. I AM GRATEFUL TO GOD THAT I HAVE BEEN SPARED AND EVEN THAT SOUNDS CRAZY AS I DID HAD A 5 HOUR SURGERY AND WAS LOOKING FOR THE TRUCK THAT HIT ME AND ENTERED THE BUSCH NASCAR RACE DRAGGING ME BEHIND IT! OH MY I AM YELLING---SORRY. bad things happen to good people and I will be praying very hard, reading my Bible and praying some more for each and every one of us and for those who have not made it to this site.Just for the record if the "thing" in charge of handing out "Bad stuff to good people" is listening in,--- I am not complaining , volunteering or hinting that I should get a second dose- I put the Harley Davidson Bell that my DIL gave me for my Christmas tree on my purse handle to ward off any evil or illness badness of any kind- I am working on trimming a room in rabbits feet and lighting incense- I have Holy candles and if you can think of anything else let me know. One last elephant subject- that ER doctor if he is worth anything should have called your onc Jackie before taking you off your medYell

    notself- You must have a Garden of Eden waiting for you,where everyone is fresh and clean , water from the purest well to drink, birds from Heaven and where there is never any pain or suffering to get that load. What can we do but love you and support you.I too am somewhat of a left over hippie-I was against the war and I believe we did terrible things as all warriors think they must- God please save us from ourselves!

    pam- yes "THEHILL" John Deer has great riding mowers-for DH to drive LOL-

    SV we have everyone talking to both of us at once I like it-it is all good- SV posted my pics- bless her I am either to stupid, lazy or to  busy to learn to post them here- the picture looking from the back to the big yard (flat haha) is north and i plan to progressively plant wide flowers there starting at the every edge of the woods so that eventually the entire no. yard will be all wild flowers.10 or 20 feet/year. DH is busy painting the interior- he is working so hard and I know it is to give me a WOW factor.

    OK _ Chevy you can't be hoarding lotions, soaps, bath salts and body scrubs! That is MY JOB. How can people have so much alike and not be related" But then my DAD was loose and a traveling salesman. I will rent the move while DH is away- he had a little wart on the palm of his right hand , it began to grow and grew  into the TV remote control. I never get to touch it unless he is out BUT he keeps me supplied in computers so who cares?

    Jackie I had that kind of a day too- The 65 y/o cleaning lady at the FD live  on an $800.00 a month retirement-so when I went through my closet I offered her everything I was discarding due to the move and a new/ different life. While taking her home she told my about her money and offered to clean my house, so i counter offered to pay her to come over and help me sort out and re-wrap Christmas ornaments. She was going to call me at 10:30 and I would then leave to pick her up. She called at 2PM. Surly it was 10:3- somewhere in the world. Undecided

    The non-profit, Helping Kidswas going to come get my freezer (OLD_GLAD TO SEE IT GO) at 1:30- they showed up at 3-no one can tell time or keep time and now tonight we are going to confuse them more by turning the clocks forward (almost said "turn the clocks back" And I ask you Who is confused?

    .People all over this town will be late tomorrow!

    Rita(et al.) the young mother you see in the picture is my SD and was 2 fits full in her teenage years- the poor little boy in the wheelchair has Cerebral Palsy(should have been avoided -but that is another can of worms)- the younger boy is a lamb and I can't wait to be a grandma to these two. That is DH and the gray-turning-white headed lady is me. The picture of the 5 folks laughing is my older sis , my younger sis and the 2 nephews of my Dear eldest sister, Linda,who passed when she was 31 (the boys were 10 &7)- the two boys pick me up and pass me around saying"Look, it's grandma". Then they cry. The peke with the flower in her tail is LING-LING.She picked that up while out side and every time we called her Hanalui (hope that sounds Hawaiian)- she would just shake he little bush "jes'a little"- we laughed and laughed as it stayed on a really long time.

    SV I need your address as I have something to send you ASAP PLEASE- just PM me.And MOBY_Lets paint it all psychedelic- comeon it can be "MOBY THE LOVE MOBILE"- I will bring the brownies HAHA

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Oh F----?!!! Am I the only person in the world who missed the "IT'S DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME!!!!" Oh crap. I have just been laying in bed looking across the sound to the edge of the continental USA and my bedside clock says 8, when it is really after 9??!! Oh man this is so not right! GOOD MORNING TO SPRING AND GOOD MORNING TO PODS AND MELISSA19 WHAT ARE YOU DOING AWAKE AND POSTING SO LATE OR EARLY IN THE MORNING?!!! I FELL ASLEEP READING POSTS-GOD I AM SUCH A BAD ORCA!! Now i am glancing thru stuff and I missed some really ijmportant posts. Man, I am so sorry. And M2-its not that your crosses are not as big as some of us-there are those of who who simply bitch much louder than the rest of you do!! And M2, you like totally forgot the sage!! I only remembered because I spent last night burning a sage bundle in the house to clear it of negative things-like my brother!! (((BIG HUGS)) SV

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    Can't linger- just a QUICK  blog to say " I love each and everone of you New and no so new here and will be praying for you all"

    Happy Sunday I will check in later =

    - I am headed to the juccuzi for some self care. XXOO

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Hey Pod Sisters, OK I did reak all of the posts-man you ladies are trying to "Burke" me with all of those grotesque home remedies-i know what kind of house you all grew up in. yeah, my Dad used to paint my strep throat and tonsellitis with mecurichrome (spell?). He would use balls of cotton and just swab the back ofmy throat. Mom was kinder, she just used paragoric. ARE YOU LADIES OUT OF YOUR FREAKING MINDS-USE VINEGAR AND LISTERINE? AND PURPLE PUSSIES, OH MY! Now that is funny.SO TODAY, DAVE DROPS BY AND WE ARE EATING MY FIRST BARBEQUE AND I HAVE IMMEDIATE ATTACK OF PROJECTILE VOMITING THAT HAS GONE ON FOR HOUR NOW. GOOD GOD-THIS IS LIKE A REALLY BAD ACID TRIP! DAVID FINALLY HAD TO LEAVE. THERE IS NO GOD IN FOXHOLES, OR NO, MAYBE IT IS THE OTHER WAY AROUND. I do have amazing comments for those in emotional pain-i am so sorry-but need to wait until i can sit up for more than a minute TO WRITE COMMENTS-I AM SO SORRY BECAUSE I AM A REALLY BAD POD SISTER.. LOVE, SV 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Hello Sisters! OK SLisa, i caught you cruising another thread AND commenting on other 'flower power.' a corpse flower' that smell like welll...OMG! Please only post pretty pix here-I saw that flower and it looks like a body bag! NS..thanks for the home remedy, I will take the sod. bicarb-wet. i do not want to smell like a salad or a giant douche bag! AND CB, I am reading your directions for posting something....on the public highway. i think you worked with Oppenheimer in a past life. Are you building a nuclear bomb too? How do you figure all of this crap out?! And the purple pussy too-now that is a hoot-pass the vinegar. Kathlene and Pam, yeah, I use Selsun Blue on my dogs-they get awful fungal infections from living in such a humid climate. Angus has the most trouble so I really have to keep him shaved down. And I don't know Kathleen, this is like yeast on steroids-good grief. I have to be careful what I use because I am on steroids right now. Not good to use with antifungals and may be one reason why my skin is breaking down. Pam a reprieve from the dreaded SIL. Unfortunately, it sounds as if she will arrive just when spring is springing. We need to teach you some 'tongue fu" in prep for her visit. Nancy-as a recovering alcoholic, I don't use alcohol based stuff. I can just see me getting addicted to the new high-listerine spray, like up my nose! And nail polish, the only thing I have ever used that one, as a remedy is for 'chigger' bites! Mom used to paint my butt with clear nail polish when I was a kid-I played in the woods so long I was loaded with chiggers when I got home-OOWWEEEE! HeyJackie, I love the Avon skin oil-it is the onlything that keeps the pterydactyle misquitos at bay. Does nothing to stop the biting black flies!! Oh man, NS-I am so glad you posted. Good God what a lot you have on your plate. I am so sorry for your husband and brother-Oh Lord and Agent Orange. The carnage we did to our own men and women!! I worked as a counselor at the VA and men could not get sober to to eefects of Agent Orange on the brain. I am so verysorry about it all for you- the long drive to Little Rock AND can you really care for your brother and yourself? I know how you feel about caring for him, but honestly my caring for my Mom in hospice was brutal. Other people, no problem (or I am older now) but my kin are something else. Can you get in-home health care? I mean it. It is an enormous amount of work just to maintian a 'pic line'. AND you have drusen-lord no wonder you are depressed. Is that one of the bio SE's also of drusen or is it that and all of the other stuff too? Solid Prayers for you my dear one. Spar, you have completely confused my pea brain by posting photos for M1. OK, I know you are so sweet for doing it. CB had to post for me in the beginning as I had no idea what to do and photobucket crashed my computor! R U getting around OK on your walker-able to get outside at all? And are you and Jackie really hooking up. How cool is that? And chee chee and gizmo, how cuuuutee! now, who does Miss Grey belong too (great shot). Rita, are you going after feral kitties??? They have taken over the outer banks and i really have mixed feelings. They have eaten all of the native birds like the "bobwhites & quail" that run along the road. There are no ground quail left and I so miss their call. many of the feral cats here are very diseased. We just do not have enough natives (locals) to care for them. There is a troop of women who catch and spay them. Well they are not running thru the dunes madly with snippers-they catch them and take them to the vet-but still the cats are a terrible health problem for us here. SORRY, I love kitties but I am deathly allergic too. Dave and I spent the morn running around in Moby, my new tricked out ride. Dave is going to wrap it in a snakesskin pattern-just a line and put his business on it-and then I am going to make the pussy man pay out the nose. No, truly he did save my life-BUT I WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE IF NOT FOR HIM! Just had to see the horses! To top it off, I lost my brand new Cabela's windbreaker somewhere in David's truck-funny as i was watching super-hoarders and that is david's truck. I will wait for the important things to sift to the bottom and try to find my coat. Pussy man is off to Savannah on biz for a few days-I miss the little mite already-not really! well, yeah but the moment I got ill today and started projectile vomiting, pussy man ran for the hills leaving me to fend for myself. But OK as he is getting a new (used) ocean going sailboat-his stuff is MANUAL because he is such a cheap bastard so I am wondering what kind of engine he is planning on clamping on the boat. he is yakking about a new 15 horse motor-on man, that would not make it out of my bathtub. ERRGH-gotta lie down again. LOVE TO ALL OF YOU AND SWEET DREAMS. I am so ill still, I will likely be up posting later on. (((XXXOOO))) SV

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2010

    SVmelissa, how great is it that Moby is functioning again...your determination rocks.  What's with the projectile vomiting? 

    Lisa, are you a professional photographer?  If not, you missed your calling.

    I'm really behind on posting but have been reading all your wonderful entries.

    CB, is it you who teaches us how to post pix from picasa? I'm in need of some heavy duty instructions...keep in mind you're dealing with a chemo-brained uni-boob, ok? Plus am kind of a puter idiot.

    The on-site audit visit is finally OVER. I will be getting emails and phone calls with questions, etc.  The best part was at the end of Thursday when the auditors were leaving, the senior auditor said "it was a good audit"....that really made me feel good!

    I had my bone density test and MRI for my shoulder on Friday. The surgeon's asst. called me Fri. afternoon to say there wasn't much change from the last bone density and she wants me to have another Vit D level done (my 1st one was only half of the normal value, so have been taking 3000 units of Vit D daily, when I remember Laughing).  I get the results of the MRI on Tuesday afternoon. From all the pain in my shoulder I don't think I can wait until late June/early July to have the surgery.  Hopefully the orthopod will try another prednisone shot.

    We had beautiful sun today, the March winds are attempting to blow dry the earth and most of our snow piles are gone. The ground hasn't thawed yet so we still have HUGE lake-like puddles on our property.  It is sposed to get in the mid-50's this week.....wooo...hooo!  There is a God.

    gentle hugs to all my pod-sisters, good night

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    Hey 14 I am so glad about the bone density test- if you get photo instructions let me know- my computer just got trashed by something- so i am shy to go there.

    SV you and I could definitely get in big trouble.

    Spar darling your poor leg- is the walking supposed to build bone with the stree of walking?

    SLisa- you photos are truly lovely and you have a great talent.

    newbies and more seasoned BC.ORGERS- or is the ORCERS? Love ya all, prayers and I will sent out super positive vibes. Melissa1518, Melissa-5-29,  MISS KITTY, OR M1 TAKE YOUR PICK- I KNOW LETS VOTE NIGHTIE-NIGHT, XOXO

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited March 2010

    Do we need a secret handshake for our group?  I was discussing with a non BC friend and she suggested "wiggling our tail feathers", like when a whale breeches....    Hugs, good vibes, prayers and blessings as I read each message.   Nancy

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    Up early here in Vegas and headed to the jacuzzi- busy one coming up but maybe I will work in a

      massage..............on can hope, Love ya , Shaking  my blubber tail for ya'll, m1518. m019,Miss Kitty- until vote is in,