Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    Hi Girls!  Just a "drive-by' this time...WinkSV know honey...Your Dad just wants assurance from you that you DO love him....He tried to get closer to you...But when he does that, or says those things, He is hoping that you will tell him that you really love him, but that sometimes you "don't like" each other!  It would be hurtful to you also, to hear that from him.....I know, we married women have shouted those words to our partners, but even though we DO mean it at that second, we don't REALLY mean it, at least for very long!  If they said it to us, it just cuts right through to your core!   It all usually comes at the peak of a drunken rage by them... So when your Dad says "I know you don't love me".....He is just reaching out.....And he WANTS you to tell him, "I do Dad, but it's just so hurtful when we scream at each other, & at that minute I don't "like" you, but I always "love" you.....  Just a thought.....Love you!  xoxoxoxo Jeannette

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2010

    Morning all. Humid here this morning but think Autumn is coming as the night was cooler.

    Jeannete just loved the garden, I have fairy lights and windchimes in mine, not so many flowers at present as it has been so dry that I have lost a few plants, next month will replant some things.

    Sv I do envy you the beach, would love to be able to wander along picking up bits and pieces. Maybe this Sunday we will get out for a walk somewhere like that. Problem of living in the city, I really miss the sea.

    Must get moving as I have a lot to get done today

    Big hugs to all


  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2010

    The Lousianna plantation home that's a B&B, and I was talking about it because my Sunday paper did an article... It's in Napoleonville, La. The owner is Keith Marshall and the place is called, "Madewood".  Rates start at $229, includes wine and cheese reception, candlelit dinner with wine, brandy and coffee, full breakfast and a tour of the house. or 1-985-369-7151.

    I'll bet, that there are tons of B&B old original plantation homes in Louisanna, this one has been added to, on the grounds, with other structures built around the same time and moved there to be part of the guest spaces. ... don't touch the spanish moss.. it's got redbugs. they hurt LOTS.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited March 2010

    Thanks for all the sweet birthday greetings and the cake and the animated pictures.  You ladies are very kind and giving.  Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday.Smile

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2010

    SV, doing the happy dance because you have wheels again!! You go girl.Parents can sure lay a trip on us and give us mixed messages, in fact many humans in the race have that facet in their personalities. I urge you to express to him what you really need to while he is still here.

    Chris, heal quickly and do what you need to do to "fluff-up", hon.

    I have restless legs too, sheesh it can make you nutz. I take Hyland's 'restful legs" tabs and it helps most of the time. A walk before I go to bed takes too much effort for me, lol.  I had it pre-chemo and it has been exacerbated since chemo.

    Alyson, please send some "humid" to wisconsin, ok? And Jackie, I'll take some of your sunshine and 70's!

    Connie, Happy Birthday to that little grandbaby, they can be so darling! Hold her close and love her like there is no tomorrow.

    I lived thru the 1st day of the audit....can't wait til the 2 auditors are gone tomorrow. There were a couple of tense moments but the guys treat me gently, pretty much. Tomorrow I expect it to be worse, just have a sense, hope I am wrong.

    Well I'm hoping to get to bed a little earlier tonight in hopes of feeling better for tomorrow. Sweet dreams dear PODS>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2010

    Tomorrow is court date for DD1.The court appointed atty never got in touch with her at all. She went with advice from a friend at work and dang it she didn't... hire herself a DUI lawyer.  pause. This is the one young lady that doesn't make, rather, hasn't before made tough decisions. Anyway court tomorrow to plea for her freedom and beg for mercy on the fines and penalties. I'm proud of her for doing that. I hope the judge is not too harsh, she needs a lesson. Truly, living with my mother should count for at least part of her sentence.   I'm not kidding.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Goodnight PODSisters! I have slept most ofthe day despite really wanting to do yard work. I tried to fire up the lawn mover-nada-that just so pisses me off when things do not work. My DD has spent like $500 in repairs on an $80 lawn mower-like lordy would he ever buy anything new?Oh well, it is his money-unfortunately, I have to do the yard work or it does not get done. And we have the killer beetles in the bark of our pine trees and two trees are dumping dead needles on the front part of the house. These tress are like 30 feet tall and need to come down. I love owrking with the chainsaw (bought one for me) and i would tackle the job if the 'boys' would leave for a week! But, I fear disaster looms so maybe not the chainsaw right now. Moby is still at the garage, no energy to get htere and to nauseous! Now they are finding somthing wrong with the computor and I am like ok $1000 later and I sort of think that would have been the first thing checked. But all of it needs to be done anyway so order doesn't matter I suppose. I am terrified of going to OBGYN (I had been able to cut back on Prempro for a month now, but the SE's are coming back again-shit) and I meet with the new ONC and I am still having terrific mouth sores and using majik mouthwash like what-eight weeks since chemo? Will it ever end? Suzie, i am so praying for the audit fairies to protect you tomorrow. Connie, did you celebrate GD 1st b-day in some way? CLisa, we need more flowers to drool over; carole hope you had a great b-day! love you all- CB, jackie, dar; chris-healing prayers your way; night Alyson; spar-how' the leg (you are probably so sick of it right now); melissa; Isabella; Kathleen and rita and patoo. I know I have missed ladies but sweet dreams to all, SV

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    Cutting down pine trees with chain saw is fraught with disaster, Our neighbor#1 complained to neighbor#2 (on other side) that there were three trees threatening his house. So neighbor #1 hired a guy to cut them down. Chain saw would not work so he left. Hired another guy... cut the tree and it fell  right across the hood of his truck! Hired a third guy He cut the last tree and it missed falling on neighbor#2's house by inches! Disaster averted.


    I was thinkiing today might be a good day for my calendar picture but overcast rainy stuff has moved in so photo shoot will have to be put off. Right whales are here. There was a picture in the paper of a surfer sitting on his board with a whale yards a way! Too cool. But it is against the law to interact with them and the whale police will get you :-)

     Even though rain has moved in our weathermen are saying winter is over for us. Hope we have some spring and it does not jump to 90F next week. Time to get out in the garden and do some clean up.

    In-laws are coming next week and I am stealing myself for SIL's thoughtless remarks. I KNOW I look older, I KNOW I move like an 80 year old, I KNOW loosing weight has made me wrinklier, I KNOW my hair is thinner and frizzy... but she will have to mention all of these things and make inane suggestions of why she looks so young (she doesn't!) even though she is older than I. ARRRGH!!!!!! 

    Well, in spite of drizzle, I am off for my walk. Hope I make it back dry.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    Good morning dear friends.  I pray that those nasty SEs clear up and that those in treatment will do well.  And no, it never ends.  Its called "life" and proves the theory that God has a sense of humor!

    BTW, the missionaries who came over to shovel  us out of the snow asked if they could use the snowblower - I told them you could if it worked!   They spent their time fixing it.  It now works so we won't see snow again for 20 years.

    Connie ... Happy Birthday to K!

    happy birthday

    SV ... I have always liked that phrase "It is what it is."  Its so darn profound in only 5 little words.  I think it is like the AAA;s motto of "accept what you cannot change."  I think that's why we are all so crazy ,,, trying to change things we have absolutely no control over.  I am guilty on all counts.

    I read somewhere that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing the same way and expecting different results each time.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    Wandering over the net and found this -- given the conversation, I thought it relevant!

    butterfly quotes

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited March 2010

    pj, you could come back at SIL and say that  you know things have changed, but remember Only Pretty Women get breast cancer.  I know I am a smart mouth, but sometimes you gotta do what a gal has to do.  

    I cannot possibly catch up with everyone, so a big Hug for all.   Today I do my income taxes and drop another car load at the donation center and arrange for them to get the 2 bookcases, sofa and desk I am getting rid of.   My new apartment will be pretty empty, but I am ready for something new and different.   It has a computer niche, so that should do for a while until I decide if I want another desk.   For now it is just a place to plunk stuff.  

    Monday I will transfer stuff from this storage unit to a new one.  Most is my son's stuff that he will eventually take to his house.  Since the baby arrived early and his transmission died on his car, he is swamped with more important things to do - besides work.  

    Grandbaby hit 5 pounds and got an A+ from the doctor last week.  Very lovely friend invited me for quick dinner on day I move.  She lives just around the corner from my new place.   She is about 80 years old and very active.   I can tell her "secret" - she has a male friend, after many years as a widow.   You should see her eyes light up and the smile on  her face - S W E E T....

    Que sera, sera - whatever will be, will be.   The future's not ours to see.   Who sang that?  I can't put accent marks, but that's ok.    Hugs for all, Nancy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    Nancy -- Doris Day sang that song.  I loved it, but I was young and much of the turmoil of later life had not happened obviously so the meaning is more poignant now.  As much as I hate to say it, I think in most cases we would not really want to know our future.  What spontaneity would there be --  yes, maybe we could soften the blow of so many of the "negative" incidents, but it is all about learning and conquering those things ---  the very things our soul knew ( even if it doesn't now make sense to us ) that we would need to know to continue our journey into eternity.  I feel certain this knowledge comes to us much quicker since we choose to learn it here and now, rather than in our eternal time.  There is a time and season although even I have to admit I am so often puzzled as to why I "always" have to learn the hard way. 

    Does not truly matter if it comes easy or hard....there is great meaning and we will incorporate this learning to further ourselves and others on the eternal level.  Sure makes you feel better knowing that doesn't it ???  It is a difficult time and sometimes you don't feel like you are being rewarded too well for what you are enduring --- just know that if you give it your best, you will have attained what you needed too.  Our blessings  ( only in selected cases -- like grandchildren, etc. ) are not here --- we are on our proving ground and hard to believe it is our choosing --- because our souls accelerate faster at this level.  It's like eating the vegetable you don't like first so you can enjoy the rest of the meal. 

    Kathleen....loved what you shared from the net, and Pam, what a great comeback.  Our families can be such trials and so tiresome --- but I think we are better for their bad example.

    Hope you are all having a wonderful day.

    Warm healing hugs,


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2010

    Hello to all you sweet ladies.  I am getting stronger using the walker everyday now, my leg hurts really bad walking on the broke bone but that is what the dr. said to  do so I am doing it.  Connie, I have restless leg syndrome too, ever since I was a kid, my dr. won't give me the rls meds because he said it is too expensive and basically the same thing as valium so he gives me 5mg of valium at bedtime and it works and also decreases the muscle spasms I have in my calfs.

    Jackie, I do so want to go with you one day to feed all the cats, cats and dogs just liven up my life so much. 

    I have a picture of our Melissa the firefighter fur babies I am gonna post.  they are just precious.  Much love to all members of our POD

    Melissasfurbabies.jpg Melissa's fur babies picture by spark56_photo

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2010

    I forgot, Kathleen I also love what you posted from the net.  It is so true.  Carol and Rita you getting any golf in??  I am planning on learning to play this summer.  Aren't I counting my chickens, I am assuming I am walking again, actually I want to run.  LOL

    SV, so glad you got wheels again, just tell your dad everyday you love him.  No matter what.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Ok ladies, i need help with this one. met with new ONC and he is a strait shooter. he thinks that I have been right all along; that the recovering alcoholic is different and my liver simply cannot get rid of waste like chemo and junk from rads or tamoxifin. He thinks it all a waste for an energetic woman like me and what about....a double mastectomy and get on with my life? ARRGH! Ok, the girls have been everywhere and done everything they are supposed to have done and all they do now (because they were so gorgeous at one time) is give me a pain in the neck (for real). he doesn't think I will ever get off of Prempro (met with OBGYN too today and all feel the same) so conventional cancer treatments, not for this special gal." So he thinks I am still very physically ill from the chemo and giving me another four weeks and then I have to make a major decision. AND CB YOU DELETED A POST???? PJ tell the SIL that only women who have had "hefner action" get BC and you are made of tiger meat wrapped around steel! OMG, I love the Peks-long live the Peks-they are darling and I hate little dogs. Spar, yup, leg is going to hurt but you are getting around-good girl!! I just got home and Moby is FREE-oh my lord, I have steel wrapped around a motor and one seat. It sounds like a race car sitting inside of it and I feel so "red" I just cannot stand it. Glad i get to see under the carpet (all pulled out) because the frame is loaded with sand and doghair. I have a true cleaning job ahead before Moby gets new innards. Sorry gals, i do need to print off posts-mostly bec I love the sayings and things today and want to share them, but i feel so bad when i cannot get in on everyone's life!! Isabella how are you?? Hey Alyson and rita-gonna dash and get to printing and reading. So sorry for all of the mispells, i am not an idiot (well...) i am too damned lazy to clean my keys and they are sticking all of the time. ((((BIG HUGS))) SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    Hi Best Friends!!  I tried to post a funny email earlier with a picture, & it didn't work!   Bummer!  So I didn't have time to write then....

    Isabella....I've heard about the feuds between neighbors about "easements" and all the problems it causes....Hope you get it straightened out! 

    And how are you little SV?  How is your Dad?     Did you get your car back, & up & running?  How are you feeling,   and what have you & Dave been up to lately?  You musn't tell him what we say about him, Ha! 

      And how is the kitty Susie?  You must be having so much fun!  And how did the damn audit go?  I like your idea about a bottle of scotch with a nipple on it!  Girls ROCK!!!!

      Melissa 5-19....(Miss Kitty!  That just made me crack up!  Who else would have any idea what you were talking about, except "us girls"...Ha!   

     kmccraw423 ....  I so understand how you feel....I know, I was very lucky, that it just worked out that way!  And it was worth it....All those years, but it happened, and then for SOME reason, it all turned around!  I think God works in mysterious ways!  Dad needed me...after Mom died...& I just happened to "be there"... My Brother didn't get that chance....He had just lost all feelings I I understand.

    And Connie, & you other gals....The Restless Leg Syndrome thing....Is that what it is when my legs just start cramping up in bed?  Not during the day, but at night!   Sometimes it feels like a cord, or band, tightening up from the top of my leg down to my foot!  Man!  And it takes forever for it all to quit!  I thought it was just "leg cramps!"....And I swear I think I have Restless Brain Syndrome!  I dream the whole damn night!    I think it might be the Tamoxifen....because I was fine until I started taking it....But it if helps me from getting cancer back again....I'll do anything!   I was going to buy some Melatonin, but I'm just going to drink this Chamomile tea I have before I go to bed, & maybe that will help! Of course I'll be UP ALL NIGHT GOING TO THE BATHROOM, HA! 

    And kmccraw423 ...(again)....I loved your poem!  I saved it....And that's so true!  Spar ...... I love the picture!  Cutest little "fur babies!"  And they POSED! 

     Little SV! You posted again!  Yeah!...  At least you went to see the Onc!  It sounds like he knows what he is talking about!   You know, sweetie, just take it easy....No need to decide anything for awhile....Talk to that Dink Dave, & talk to your Dad....Tell them how scared you are!  At least I would be!   If you think about something long enough, especially at night when you are alone, You will find the answer, & God is just waiting for you to ask for help!    Just know, I love you little Spam-head 

    The ONLY way I can see what you gals say, so I can answer, is to "move the column of posts, over to the right, THEN I click "write"  & move it over to the left, so I can see "both" at the same time!  Then I answer the posts, & that way I can scroll up or down, & even go "back" pages!  Then I just highlight, then copy & paste to the end of the postings!  And I don't "lose" everything I have written.... Long THIS time, isn't it....Love you gals! xoxoxoxo  

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Oh oh and get this! I still have 'candida infection' only the new onc, who is Mexican and has seen everything south of the border, doesn't think it is candida. OMG, me thinks , I remember I had jungle rot in 1980 when I was in Nepal and India. so I have jungle rot under my boobs? He won't say the words, 'cept to give it some Latin Name. SO the onc says, you have to throw out all of your clothes because they are contaminated-yup, jungle rot-and wash sheets etc in bleach-jungle rot-and then (as I am listening to the tape I made of our session) he says, ' i want you to lay naked spread out on your bed and have a fan blowing air on the affected areas full force." This can only be, jungle rot! And "when you go out, do not wear a bra" (this is the kicker) "duct tape your boobs to your shoulders so they are not lying on your chest causing more rukus (for real he says this)" and finally spray affected areas with lamosil--jungle rot. and he gives me another prescription. DUCT TAPE MY BOOBS TO MY SHOULDERS??!!  I will die of jungle rot before anything else. Then he tells me he thinks I have Shy Drager's Disease--f#ck, that kills people within 7-10 years of the diagnosis. Oh please put me back in a chemo coma and wake me when it is over!!!

    and CB you are a freaking computor whiz. I am still printing and reading.


  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2010

    SV, Your life has become a roller coaster without end. I KNOW you didn't sign up for all this crap to be dumped on you. I want you to have a chance to recover from one thing before having to tackle another, and I know you would do it that way too, if you could. YAY for getting the stripped Moby back. BOO for even thinking about cleaning it. Holy Cow on the skin issues, I was reading on another thread and one suggested that instead of corn starch, which is what I used on my rads burns, to use Witch Hazel, dabbed on with a cotton ball. I can't believe he told you to do that with duct tape. First of all, duct tape is not nice to fragile skin. Second, it's gotta hurt, if not in the holding pattern but when you try and remove it. Since he suggested it, like he did, I might try it... probably take more than one piece per side. I can see me trying to fashion a boob lift and hold device with duct tape. . . .Bleach disinfect your linens and lie naked with a fast blowing fan... do you turn and baste every hour on the hour?  Sorry, I am cynical sometimes.


  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2010
    IllinoisLady - Jackie, I'm going to PM you -- I have a question. Chris
  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited March 2010

    SV, Try painting exterior of private parts with full strength betadine.  Let it air dry. Check with your Doctor and  DO NOT USE ON ANY INTERIOR AREAS...

    Betatdine keeps working even when dry and will wash out of clothing.  My husband cured his jungle rot (from VietNam) with betadine.  It was on his chest, feet and groin.

    It sure beats duck tape.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    SVMELISSA....are you kidding ME??????  It's like, "Okay, let's just see what we can throw at her, & see if she takes it!"  I can't beLIEVE it!   Well, yes I can!  It's like if anything can go wrong, it will.......Who knows, maybe this is the only guy that knows what he is talking about!   Airing it all out sounds good!  And treat your clothes like they all have poison ivy!  Notself had a great suggestion with the Betadine!  You must keep the "girls" from hanging down to your toes!   So if you can't use the duck tape, just walk around holding them up!   Honestly....I would try ANYthing!    Yeah, & you diving into the swamp probably didn't help!  Damn kids!   Can't leave them alone for a minute.   Did you research that .....what is it?  JUNGLE ROT?  Eeuuuuuwww!   Actally when I was a little girl, & had SOMEthing all over my stomach, that was spreading up over my little chest under my arms.....Old Doctor Brown had me lay on a table, & put me under this "lamp"....probably ultra-violet or something like that...And I had to lay there to maybe dry it up, or something!  It went away, but I just remember lying there, under this lamp, just mortified, because I almost had breasts, & they were bare!    So bottom line is DRY IT UP!   You know what else?  I used to get this "rash" on my legs....I was told what it was, & after I looked it up, I saw "Domboro".....You mix these little packets with water, then "splash" it all over the place, a couple times a day!  But you let it dry out!!!!!!!  It has something like aluminum sulphate I think!   You could always take a picture of your little taped boobies though!  Wink Now don't come up with anything else today, Okay?   KIDS!!!!!   Can't help but love them......xoxoxoxoxo

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    SV Melissa ... I so wish I were closer because you need a great big ol' bear hug.  If I taped anything on my body with duct tape I would have whelps everywhere that tape touched ... I think I would do that thing of laying naked with a fan.

    Pam ... I think I would ask SIL after a comment like, while you are battling breast cancer, what exactly does she get out of hurting you.  Say it very, very calmly.  Calm and quiet really drive them nuts.  That's what I am telling you to do; me, on the other hand, would like to smash her face into the wall (but that's just me).  The firt way is so much classier than the second but doesn't have the same gratification.

    Spar ... I will be dropping by soon to pick up those adorable Pekes!  I mean, how cute can you be before its illegal?  BTW ... is this the same doctor who told you to stay off of tht leg for months?

    Jackie ... right on sister!  I say one one diaster follows on the heels if another, I look up at the Heavens and ask God "was that really necessary?"

    CB ... restless brain syndrome - I love that.  I have suffered from that for years; I just didn't know the 'official' name for it.  You are brillant!

    Seriously, I have always known that when doctors don't know what the hell is the matter with you they make up something.

    Calling all medical personnel ... for over 5 or 6 years I had pustles break out across my shoulders and back.  I have seen, over those years, 5-6 doctors, none of whom could tell me what it is including the dermatogist.  They just appear one day and then I pick at them making them bleed.  Eventually they clear in one spot, leaving a scar only to pop up somewhere else.  I have been wanting to take swimming lessons because of joint problems but I look like I have leprosy!

    In the midst of all that it going on in our lives, thank you very much for saving my sanity.  Love you all.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2010 glad you are up and moving on that leg.  It sounds like it might be working to strengthen it, even if there is a little pain involved.  If you keep it up, you could easily learn to play golf this summer.  If nothing else, you could start with putting and work up to the full swing.  We all need a goal to work toward!  I haven't been on an Illinois golf course since last fall.  Our courses are still to wet and I'd sink in the spongy ground.  Hopefully these sunny days and the wind will dry them up so we can get out in another week.  I definitely have spring fever.  You continue to work away at getting stronger!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    Spar -- and any of the big animal lovers here, I would love to have you along when I go to the feral feeding stations.  Such unique and often comical personalities.  All kinds of cats too.  Over at one area the the last batch of kittens for the year come out --  three black ones.  The one rushes me --- coming straight at me like a freight train....then stops on a dime right in front of me looking up as if to say ---- your're too slow Miss Meals On Wheels.  Then, it will scamper about and do this two or three more times til' I get the bowls cleaned, fresh water poured....and the food finally down.  There is a huge Siamese that comes there as well. The black kitties are still small in size and may never get real big.  They will always seem like kittens. 

    Jeanette -- I am going to have to try figuring out how you click things around so you get to see what everyone has written....I end up scrolling up and down and having to re-read everything over several times to make any half way coherent answers.  This is not chemo-brain.  I was just like this long time ago.  I don't like it, but there you are ---- stuck with it.  I blame it on thyroid blow-out and stroke, but I think I was always a bit casual about "remembering" --- well, at least I can say I'm always learning something new.  Just a shame it is due to faulty memory. 

    SV...glad you heard from the second Oncologist.  I'm also glad that he has what seems to be viable information that another Dr. can find agreement with as well.  No matter what may come of this --- what you decide, you know you have some options now. 

    I think I myself would have little trouble having a double mastectomy.  For one thing.....I always thought if I were in a sit. where one had to go I would want the other gone as well.  There is just something in me which demands symmetry and I was always small chested till I took hormones.  Found out too can get much larger and rather droopy after that.  Have never liked that part at would not be too hard a step for me.  This I think saves the back and shoulders and overall posture but then again.....after some reading, studying, thinking etc.  I just hope that you can get through all the detoxing and come out on the other side.  Sounds like it could take a longer time than it is for most.  My heart is with  you. 

    Well, I am at work so will have to go for now.  Can only be on this machine so long as it is the ones the agents use.  Hope you will all have a good day.  Rainy here....grrrr.  Don't like that for my feral cats but into each life some rain must fall.  See you all tonight.

    Warm healing hugs,


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2010

    A friend of mine was in the Navy on an aircraft carrier...the arresting gear snapped and

    took off both his legs at the knees...eventually, he could play golf on his prostheses and

    ended up being a golf pro... ( he did use a golf cart around the course )

    So I say go for it if golf is a goal...

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited March 2010


    Bacteria on the surface of the skin are relatively easy to get rid of.  The cure is Distilled Vinegar.  Take your shower as normal.  Before you get out pour full strength vinegar over the affected area.  You will smell like a salad for about an hour or so but let the vinegar dry on your skin.  It will change the pH of your skin and the bacteria will die.  You should see a difference in a day or two.   It will take longer to completely heal and clear.

    Vinegar is an excellent rinse for the hair, too. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    Morning Jackie!  Try this...maybe I can explain it better.....At the very top of this page,( the blue part,)  put your curser over it, & move it to the right, just so you can see all the posts.....

    THEN at the top of my screen, I have "READ , WRITE, IM, PEOPLE, & etc!.  Click on "WRITE"....Then move that screen to the left of your forum page.... That way you have both pages on your screen.....Then just start typing... And you can go all over the place  with this forum page, even back several pages, and type or answer the posts you want to.....but always on the "write" page....Then when you are all done, just "highlight", then right-click "copy"....then take it to the bottom of this page, to "Post a Reply"  and then right-click to "paste"....and it will be there.....Hopefully, ....But since I've been doing it this way, I don't accidentally lose my posts anymore.....Good Luck!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    I consulted my sister, who is a physician that has volunteered her time, expenses, and training every year in third world countries (India, Veit Nam and Cambodia).  Without actually seeing it, she says Jungle Rod is merely a yeast infection which can be handled with over the counter antifungal cream.  I PMed SV with this information.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2010

    I did take a nice walk is beautiful outside