Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2010

    Good afternoon ladies! The rain did find us in Central Illinois and it looks like it may stay around for much of the week.  That's O.K.  Hopefully it will help melt the last remaining snow piles that look so nasty right now.

    I picked up lots of sticks in our yard yesterday.  It's always a challenge to get things cleaned up in the spring when one lives in a wooded area, but I enjoyed being outside and actually like yard work.  I noticed that my daffodils and iris are poking through the ground but I'm not uncovering them yet.  We've had too many cold spells in March to expose them to the elements right now.

    Lisa, how lovely those poppies are!  All this talk of flowers is really making me have spring fever!

    Patoo........YEA on the weight loss.  Good for you gal!

    Pam, your patience paid off.  What fun you will have with DGS while your daughter and hubby are in Hawaii.  There's nothing like those "grandma days!"  (especially when you don't get to see them very often). 

    Jackie, I loved the "Anything's possible with enough coffee!"  How true!  I got a chuckle out of that!

    SV...get that tick area checked out.  That can be really serious stuff...........and you don't need anything else on your plate right now! 

    Carole, do you count points on WW or do the WW core program?  I like the core because I don't cheat as much on it and thus the pounds come off easier for me.

    Well, this is going to be a lazy day and sometimes that is good.

    Everyone have a nice Sunday.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2010

    Love those horses

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2010

    This was a centerpiece at party near here..

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2010

    Chevyboy - I identify with you completely. We can't leave SV alone for a minute! I mean, let's face it, who else but SV would post a blog about a FARTING WHALE? Now, here I am, I'm not supposed to let my foobs jiggle and shake and the first thing I see when I open this thread is a pic of a farting whale in the Antarctic. What am I going to tell my PS?Laughing

    I am on the mend. The girls are trying to get comfortable. They have  to "drop & fluff" which, I understand, takes a little time. One day at a time, one day at a time, one day at a time.....

    It's a beautiful day today which I am enjoying. So tired of the  cold and rain. SV - I bet it is gorgeous on the coast.

    I still get tired easy, but that will pass as soon as the meds work their way thru my system.

    Take it easy and hugs to ya'll. Chris

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2010

    Chevyboy You mentioned Spam was always on the menu.  I have a recipe for Spam sandwiches.  I was wondering if you have a different recipe for Spam?  Not any people like Spam.  I always have some in my cupboard .SV I love Ladies of he Sea or maybe Nymphs of the Sea.  Been reading all of your posts.  Cant wait to get out in my gradens.  Have already started my seeds inside.  Does anyone know if you can start strawberries inside then transplant out at the right time?  I want to put them in pots that dissolve in the dirt.  Thanks to a group of beautiful Sea Nymphs  Dar

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010
    OH YEH!!! CHRIS IS UP AND ABOUT. OK, HOW ARE YOU DOING? HOW ARE THE NEW GIRLS? CAN YOU ACTUALLY LOOK AT THEM YET. I IMAGINE YOU WRAPPED UP LIKE A MUMMY IN THE TORSO AREA. AND YOU WILL GET TIRED, MY DEAR, YOU HAVE BEEN THRU A LOT. NOW WHAT I DO NOT GET IS THE 'DROPPING AND FLUFFING.' ARE THEY LIKE SEA MONKEYS? WHERE YA ADD WATER TO SEE THEM 'FLUFF.' AND I STILL DO NOT KNOW WHAT SIZE YOU GOT. I AM LOOKING AT MY POOR TIRED GIRLS (WHO SEEM TO HAVE A MIND OF THEIR OWN) AND I MAY FIND A WAY TO JUMP ON THE NEW FOOB BANDWAGON. GEES, WE SHOULD BE MAKING A CALENDER OR SOMETHING. I WOULD LOVE TO DO A PHOTOSHOOT OF 'BALD HEADS; SCARRED CHESTS; ET AL' FOR BC AND FOR US TO MAKE SOME MONEY. LOVED THE MOVIE 'CALENDER GIRLS.' WE ARE SO TALENTED-SWEET DAR SENT ME THE MOST GORGEOUS THING SHE MADE-MY GOD WE are clever!! And dear Dar, I though strawberries took a few years to get fruit on them. I have never had luck with them but hink you have a green thumb! So glad the weather broke for Chris today and yes, it was gorgeous on the OBX. AND PODS, I went to the Duck church this AM and got rebaptized! Why do they do it when you are a freaking baby who remembers nothing and who can't spend any of the money or play with gifts? My dearest Pastor Ray did this as a complete surprise to me. We have been talking about it between us and he called me up to the alter today. Some 30 people followed me and I could not figure out what the heck was going on-until he started reading the recomfirmation thingy in the bible and I could have kicked him. No really, this was a God thing and I sorely needed SOMETHING FROM THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. but I was wearing my best clothes and make-up and he dumped a pitcher of cold water on my bald head in baptising me. I had on my Mom's wedding ring which I wear as a pinky ring and I just felt she was there and so pleased with me. It was so incredible as the whole church seemed to light up in diffused white light-gorgeous. And it followed me home. I just feel so blessed to truly make the decision to do this (not because I am a religious nut) but because I am feeling very close to God and I love the members of my church and my pastor. Chris, to get a real giggle or jiggle, you have to go back a few pages and find the posts on 'Moby Dick' (not the farting whale), my Merc Mountaineer that I drove into a pond last Sunday. Car is lost but will have mechanic give a go-over Monday. I feel terrible because David is ill this week. Am dragging him to ER monday if he is not better. I fear he got swamp fever or something deadly after hauling my ass out of the car and the swamp. I am getting spring fever (gorgeous poppies-make me drool) but I am still having terrible bouts of fatigue and was trying to push thru but now doing face plants into bed and sleeping 12 hours-geesss! Love you all, Kiss SV
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    SV -- what fabulous horses and how wonderful to have a feral/wild horse show off her beautiful baby to you. It is difficult to get anything feral to "share" what is dearest to them as the protective aspect is so close to the surface.  It is a good feeling though when it happens.  I have had feral mothers parade their babies for me but not too often.  Too many other distractions in the area most of the time. 

    Chris....I got a big laugh out of what your PS would say when he found out you were shaking like a bowl full of jello.  

    Hope you all had a fine day.  We have had a couple very minor 5 minute type rains.  Shades of what is to come --- starting tomorrow I think.  Unlike Rita.....I won't care too much for the rain as the places I need to be in to feed the feral cats ---- muddy, slippery, and at least three areas where there is no cover of any kind.  That means if the weather is too bad....the cats don't eat till it gets better. 
    Also, I need sun to feel enthusiam and energy.  Have always been pretty much that way.  In deeper summer though I love a quick 20 min. pour down as everything smells so clean and fresh afterward and we are usually rewarded with a rainbow as well. 

    Anyway see you all.  Warm healing hugs,


    p.s.  Lisa I absolutely love those  poppies and  would love to see  a whole field full.

    Melissa -- Go Cardinals.   

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited March 2010

    Lisa - love that centre piece. Gorgeous photo .

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    Hi guys- I have had a busy weekend and quit NOW to have some me time. I washed both Pekes today- Ling Ling has SO much hair and I have NEVER trim any of my pekes over the years However, Ling is so small and low to the ground that I trimmed her under cariage today -- she just gets to dirty to fast- and guess what? she looks good.

    DH is in Mo. --- I am happy that he likes the house so much considering I bought it without him ever having seen it. His DD came down and there has been deep water under that bridge- if you get it. I am glad that they are ironing things out and I will be (I am SM) so glad, as even though I never had children I can be grandma to her 2. I can't wait- I have a brand new tent and we can "camp" in the back yard- DH says one is a woos and I guess I get to show him how to be a big boy- I can't wait- camping and fishing- I will de-woos him. Pam, I never knew my grand patents and act a grandparent to my best friends' 2 as their real GMs' don't do anything with them-what a shame.

    Jackie last year I sent the family tee shirts that read " I have two favorate baseball teams. The Cardinals and anyone that beats the Cubs" Hope you don't cheer for the Cubs--- my dad did.

    Love the Center piece and the poppies- love them!

    Do you guys watch HOARDING? WOW those poor people and their families- I get real nervous and want to go clean something--ANYTHING, when we watch it- DH laughs at me- while he is gone I am going through all of MY stuff- he only owns HIS clothes- Why is that??? Oh I guess because he doesn't use the pot,pans, Tupperware, dishes, towels, sheets etc., etc.etc. You guys understand I am too sure. I really don't care I just think it is funny.

    More rurals this week- I not sure where I am going except on Monday night- to a wooded area of NV---the drive used to be really pretty but now it is all built up. Amazing, and there is one in 8 homes here in forecloses-maybe we didn't need all thoes subdivisons. SV when I drive up north to  one of the last rurals there should be wild horses -the residents don't like them but the people moved into the area which belongs to the horses. They are beaitful- in a shabby chek way.

    Patoo- you go girl- as I eat my waffle ice cream. I should join you---in a minute.

    SV is David coughing with high fever- maybe pneumonia--certainly hope not. We want a full report on MOBY and David- I can just see it as a planter- the MOBY ORGANIC PATCH.

    Darolyn that strawbeey  question is good - I will try to goggle that.. I have so many graden needs as I am itching to get out there in REAL dirt.YEAH! I was bitten by the gardening bug early in life- my GP owned a greenhouse and my uncle inherited it- I have the BEST memories playing in the greenhouse. Uncle Bill actually developed a new geranium-

     better run ladies those of you who have had surgery- you are so on my mind- I am wishing you comfort and a speedy recovery. Thoes in treatment- hang in, you will make it and those who have decisions to make- take a deep breath and weigh your choices. Much love , night

  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2010
    Hi everyone, Happy Monday, I hope  that everyone has a good week.I have question for you gardeners.  I have an Amaryllis that soeone gave me two years ago  for christmas.  This plant has never had aany flowers on it , it just grows staraight up.  Is  there a way to make this  plant bloom? any advice would be helpful.
  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    Tarry that is very interesting- I was given one this year and it was amazing!- I will look into it and the strawberry thing as i am a member on more that one gardening organizations.

    I have rural fire dept. education three nights this week -so I will be checking in late. Have aa great day and keep positive and comfortable. Love you ladies M1518.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    Morning girls!  Everyone sounds like they're doing good, Ha!  Must be the change in the weather!  You know, I went to the Ross store, & found a "Hanging Strawberry" planter!  I couldn't resist.... So I'm going to try hanging them, along with the hanging tomatoes I grow!  They really are fun to grow...and I had lots of cherry tomatoes all season!  The main thing is to make sure they don't get too hot...& to keep them watered.

    Chris!  Good Job Girl!  I mean you AND the "girls!".....How funny your PS told you they must "drop & fluff".....My Radiologist told me, that  that lump in my breast was my "Goom-ba!"....Guess that means little "friend" in Italian....Hah!   Those words they come up with, just take the tension off I think! 

    And SV.....If I have to come OUT there!!!!   And if you keep it up, I'll just have to shut your door!  And no more TV for a week!   Geez, what next? Oh never mind...I don't even want to KNOW!!!    Hey girl, I'm so glad you had that experience at church!    Yes, you need all of those folks in your life especially right now!  And tell that Dave he better get well fast.....that pussy!   

    Dar....I just LOVE Spam, Ha!  I like it fried, with eggs...Or cut up & fried, with scrambled eggs!  DH like is just cut up & make a sandwich!  And it's really good to make Scalloped Potatoes with it, or Potatoes O'Brien, fried, with peppers & onions!  Better than using ham!   They even have a can ask this little "red-neck" ANYthing about Spam, Ha!

    I've been using those little peat pots for years, to start my seeds, but I think Strawberries should be bought at like Home Depot, then planted right in the ground, when it is warmer out!  I use the little "formed" pots, that come in their own tray with cover, & I just bought the "seedling mix" to start my tomatoes....& I put them on a "heat mat"...& under fluorescent lighting when they pop up! I made notes last year of what I would NOT do....Ha!  Like what I WON'T try, or NOT grow, & where I CAN'T plant it....

    IllinoisLad.......I love the rain too!  I can hardly wait for Spring to come!  It is kind of "misty" out right now, & it smells so fresh!  

    melissa-5-19 ....I watched that Hoarding show too!  Wow, what a mess! And my Husband just CAN'T get rid of his "stuff!"  I cleaned out my clothes, small appliances, & gave them to a shelter...But  the old DVD'S....& VHS tapes that we will NEVER watch again, but he won't put them out any further than the garage!  He "has to go through them!".... And don't even TRY & clean out his closet!  That stuff is here for the duration.....even though he hasn't worn some of the things for 10 years!   But I think it's because we just didn't have anything when we were kids, & he has a hard time getting rid of anything.

    Okay girls....another day to enjoy!  xoxoxoxo  This is my "Fairy" Garden, last year!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010


    Your garden is so sweet and colorful and so artistic. Do you have to start from scratch each spring or does anything winter over?


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2010

    Chevy........what a lovely array of flowers!  Now I'm really getting spring fever!

    Oh no!  Am I the ONLY Cubs Fan on here?????  I even drive a Cubs golf cart!

    Today's my "stay around the house and catch up day" so I need to get moving.  I'll be back later.\


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    Okay, I am finally caught up!!!

    CB ... the only things missing from that garden patch is a comfy chair, a side table and a glass of lemonaid!!!!!  I could stare at it all day.

    Lisa ... as always you take the most beautiful photos.  The truly are art.

    Meeting that woman at the cafe was just one of the miracles God performs everyday.  When we need something, He provides.  I can't tell you how many of these tiny miracles turn my mood right around and I pray I have provided some "pay it forward" in return.  If I am out and about and admire something someone is wearing, someone's children or grandchildren, or pet, I stop and compliment them - perfect strangers.  I know how much it means to me so I payback.

    SV ... you are a stitch.  Whenever I feel really low and think what's the use, I think I might miss something if I kick the bucket.  I am so nosy, I don't want to miss a thing!

    Jackie ... I live by that motto (about coffee)!  That was a beautiful poem which I had never heard before.  I will print it off.

    In prior years the Washington area would get a tiny monsoon season to signal the changing of the seasons.  All the seasons. The weather has been so odd, who knows.

    Oh, and Tarry ... I most definitely do NOT have a green thumb .. whenever I bought home an aspargus fern it would start dropping leaves and dying as I crossed the threshhold of my front door.

    Isabella ... all the women in my family worked (out of necessity) going back to my great grandmother so I was not taught anything domestic.

    I know I have missed a ton of sisters but .... I pray all of you are doing well and I pray that your pain goes away and I love all of you very much.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    GOOD MORNING PODS! Oh, crack of noon to ya'll!

    Ok, the only thing I have growing in my yard right now is sea oats! WAAAA! Spam? SPAM? Spam is 'road kill' for rednecks and really old redneck gearheads-teehee. Chris, OK waiting for any update. I feel like we need to christen the 'gals' into the club. Melissa-I too watch the "hoarding show" and am like, what is wrong with these people-then i look at my living room and take a klonopin. Oh CB, how dare you taunt us (me) with such gorgeous gardens!! lisa-gorgeous photos! Rita, yes you are the only cubs fan; Tarry, the Amarylis bloom once a year-is the pot it is planted in too big? Mine bloom indoors beautifully and are in small, shallow pots. But they do not have a long life for me. Hey Jackie, pam, Dar; Spar-wha'd up with the leg??? i know i have missed half of the POD but warm hugs to all. Moby Dick got towed to garage by mechanic who just drowned his new Jeep in a river (flashflood and he was under 12 feet) and says he saved his car-SO MOBY DICK MAY NOT BE A PLANT HOLDER AFTERALL-we southern people have this thing about water and cars. I think it is genetic-stems from running from the 'law' back in the day when my granddad made moonshine and i was running it in the backwoods. David is actually alive today and he is out and about. Only left to avoid my dragging him to the ER-God, I was so worried. AND, OK I RESCHEDULED MY NEW ONC VISIT FOR THIS WEEK. I am seeing perhaps a glimmer of hope as i am trying to wean myself of prempro and past 30 days I am down to 1 to 2 pills a week and that is all. Still ONC and GYN very worried about me coming completely off the drug. They are of a new theory that a small amount of estrogen isn't going to do anything one way or the other-but may or may not affect my ability to take Tamoxifen. i still have not had rads or other proposed three chemos. My hair up top on my head is awful. I LOOK LIKE A CHIA PET! My hair down south is finally carpeting both sides of the canyon (so to speak). Man I was worried about going thru life with half a racoon. Love You All, SV

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    I'm checking in and :

    S. V. you and Melissa 5 19 are still just way too funny.  Sure hope your car makes it.  They are so very expensive now-days.  Mine is going to have to last for a very long time and I am really doubting I ever get a new car again.  Doesn't bother me too much.  The two or three I did have I worried constantly that I or someone else would give it an owie -- and eventually that does happen.  This way, I try to pick one that has very low mileage and if there is a little bump somewhere than I can go about my day w/o so much as a care in the world where the car is concerned. 

    Not up to too much today.  Sent Dh with some friends for part of the day so I could have some time to myself.  That said....I'm off and running.  The sun is out for a bit --- I do love that but I think the rain starts tomorrow and goes for several days.  I'm ready to cry now though......I would just rather keep that sun for a bit longer.

    I'll be checking in later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2010

    Chevy, I wish I could also grow them..yours are great...

    I just take pix of them...

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2010

    And your pictures are always just gorgeous, SoCal Lisa!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    GROWING OLD WILL SET YOU FREE.................. 


    I would never trade my amazing friends, my  wonderful life, my loving family for less gray hair or a flatter belly.  As I've aged, I've become kinder to myself, and less critical of  myself. I've become my own friend. I don't chide myself for eating  that extra cookie, or for not making my bed, or for buying that silly cement gecko that I didn't need, but  looks so avante garde on my patio.  I am entitled to a treat, to be  messy, to be extravagant.

    I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging.

    Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 AM and sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 60 &70's, and if I, at the same time, wish  to weep over a lost love .... I will.

     I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves with  abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set.  They, too, will get old.

    I know I am sometimes forgetful.  But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And I  eventually remember the important things.

    Sure, over the years my heart has been broken.  How can your heart not  break when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody's beloved pet gets hit by a car?  But broken  hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion.   A heart never broken is pristine and sterile and will  never know the joy of being imperfect.

     I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning gray, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face.

    So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver.

     As you get older, it is easier to be positive.  You care less about  what other people think.  I don't question myself anymore.  I've even earned the right to be wrong.

    So, to answer your question, I like being old.  It has set me free.  I like the person I have become.  I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could  have been, or worrying about what will be.  And I shall eat dessert every single day (if I feel like it).


    I just got this in an email, & wanted to show you gals!  And thanks for the sweet things you say!  xoxoxoxo

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited March 2010

    Isabella, you have a lot of energy to accomplish all the things you do!  I get a little fatigued just reading about your activities!  Farming, gardening, sewing, redecorating, raising dogs and shopping!  I always enjoy the glimpses into your life, which seems more exciting than mine.

    Chevyboy, just let me know when to come over to sit down at your table.  I can bring the Spam!  There's a can in my pantry, the "lite," just to be healthy!    You'll have to try again on the picture.

    Pam, I know you're looking forward to the trip to CA.  Whatever money you save, you can spend on grandkids! 

    SV, please, not Lyme disease on top of everything else.  Are you feeling better? 

    Today is March 8, my birthday!  Dh and I took my mother and my younger sister to lunch at a favorite seafood restaurant.  We had some delicious food and the company was most pleasant.

    Happy Monday to all. 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010




  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    Happy Birthday.  Hope your day...heck you whole week is very special:

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    Chevy/Jeanette...I loved every word of that email you got.  It is so is for the living and hopefully we do reach that time where we can do it with some gusto.  So much of that piece reminds me of the things Erma Bombeck said in a piece I think she wrote before she lost her cancer battle.  We do tend to save things instead of use them....and put off other things because we think it is not the right time.....well, we really should use the good china every day, and kiss our loved ones a little more and not berate and scold maybe quite so often. 

    Even though I think we are here to learn many different and sometimes very tough lessons about life and living....I also think God meant us to have fun and enjoy, as well as have lots of joy in our lives.  I think we are meant to smile at strangers....even if they don't always smile back....and send a card to a friend if like me ( I am so guilty lately ) you are not able to go visit even though you keep saying you are coming.  I think we all should spend a few minutes ( whatever we can spare ) thinking about people who really have it bad -- like the recent earthquake victims and their families and then rejoice that we are not there trying to deal with all those things.  We don't always have it great and we won't....actually we would not learn very much that way, but sometimes I get to thinking even my so-called bad days aren't in the same league with a lot of the worlds people.  So, I'm always a little short of money -- well who isn't.  At least, I have my home, my animals, husband, all my belongings --- I have not lost everything and I am probably not going too.  I have a job....and so many people can't say that right now.  So Jeanette....your absolutely right.....middle and old age -- no matter which side we are on of those two is not at all bad.  Certainly not when I think of the alternative -- and so I think we should have a celebrate life day.  Probably already is one of those..........but tomorrow I plan to celebrate all of our lives -- we are ok people. 

    I'm fixing some soup for my friend who is sick, but I'll be checking back in with all of you later.

    Big warm hugs, Jackie

    p.s.  Lisa --- as always....thanks for the flowers.  They are magnificient.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2010

    Happy Birthday Carole..It is also my son's birthday...he is 41 today...

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited March 2010

    Carole: Happy Birthday! Many happy returns.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    Flowers are magnificant!- the cake is absolutely Royal- it would hurt to cut it- until I sunk my teeth in! Happy Birthday Carole! SV I agree with everything you said about aging- besides you can never retire if you get younger-.happy day to all- I am on my way out of town for a teaching session- home later tonite

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2010

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CAROLE, have a lovely day. Are you going out tonight at all ?

    I did TRY and write Happy Birthday in big red letters, but this was the best I could do ! I am completely hopeless at these things. I know I CAN do big coloured letters when I email, as I often send silly emails to one of my G/daughters, and we exchange big words, and silly things that come with the email set-up, it here ?? no way  !!! I am quite sad about my g/daughter, she has just turned 13, and I haven't seen her for 16 months now....I am really missing DS and family moved away, and I have to keep peeking at her Facebook to see how she is changing, and growing away . We were very close when she lived near me, and there's a real void now I don't see her....I miss her coming shopping with me, and buying her clothes she fancied. I have not been able to get to see DS as its too far to do in a day, can't leave my animals alone for so long. DS has been back here 3 times, but never thinks to put the grandchildren in the car so I can actually HUG them.... we have a bit of a strained atmosphere going on at the moment about me not seeing the children. DS says I should "'make the effort, shut the dogs up, and get down to visit them'' ( he isn't the worlds best understander of animals, and their needs ! ) but I can't just shut up dogs for over 24 hours with no-one to look after them,... I think DS is just trying to make a point, and if it wasn't for the fact there'd be a major incident I would pick the 'phone up and read the riot act. If I do that I'm pretty sure  I would never see any of them again. I shall probably see my little Amy next when she is 21 !!

    Pam you were asking about my DDs corsets !! They're the sort of thing Madonna wears ! Not quite so pointy, but that sort of thing....all the youngsters wear them to the nightclubs. My DD is 41, but still thinks she is 21, I complain about her, but really I see what she is doing, trying to get the last drop she can from her life. She was diagnosed with a horseshoe kidney last year, and isn't in the pinkest of health ( so shouldn't be out clubbing, smoking and drinking !!) She is on just about permanent antibiotics, for repeated kidney infections, and has trouble with kidney stones. BUT.....she has assured her doctors that she no longer smokes or drinks, no longer rides her horses, and then goes and burns the candle at both ends ! She was told to not ride anymore, because her kidney is quite vulnerable, so what does she do ???? walk out and buy a second horse.!! She has been told she will be on course for dialysis in another 5 years or so.

    Melissa...takes me back, bathing Pekes, as I didn't show them I used to clip them all in the spring,  to give them a 'panting free' summer, but bathed them all just before Christmas, when the coats had grown again. I used to curse those coats, always knotty, especially the boys !

    CB loved your Fairy Garden, gardening is a passion of mine, I must spend a small fortune on plants and 'things' for my garden. I had a greenhouse, it was always full of tomatoes, peppers and exotic house plants, but, gave it up as soon as I was diagnosed, no way could I keep up with everything. I regret it now, and miss having somewhere to escape to...but DH would have a fit if I went out and bought another. He had to put my 1st greenhouse up, then he had to take it down, so if I said " I have another greenhouse coming" I think he might have a fit !!

    DH is quite a big hoarder. We have farm buildings full of rubbish, he will NOT throw anything out. If I can't break things up into small pieces, and put them in the household bin, I have to wait until a Tuesday !!! Tuesday is the day DH is out all day, so I will have a fire while he has gone, and get rid of my 'stuff''. DH cannot understand that furniture has to be chucked out when its reached the end of its life, we have had some real good shouting matches about new furniture !!! Believe it or not DH is sleeping on a single bed which I bought for myself when I was a teenager, nearly 50 years ago. I have tried and tried to get him to sling it out, he has bought 2 new mattresses for it, but the bl**dy old horrible bedstead he will not part with. I tell him, if he goes first I will bury him in this bed. The first thing I will do if I am last man standing is get a scrapman in to clear everything out, and a bulldozer in to demolish his untidy wooden buildings that lean !!

    Off to see my Aunt tomorrow, but NOT calling at a supermarket near to the hospital she is in, its an awful district. I came back to my car after going round the supermarket last week, and was unloading my shopping when 4 teens came up to me and called me a 'rich bitch' !!! I got in my car and didn't half get out of the carpark quickly, didn't even take my cart back. They were all dressed scruffily...I was tidy ( for once)  and was driving a big sports car, so I know not to do that again. I suppose if I'd been in my work clothes, in the scruffy old Land Rover, no-one would have hassled me !! WHAT is this world coming to ???
