Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    Morning Girlfriends!  I did it AGAIN!  I was finished writing a post, & I went to click on "Picassa" to copy a picture, & I LOST the whole post!    Oh THIS post is done by moving your "thread" over to the right of my screen, & I pulled up "write", & it is to the left of my screen, so I can go back & forth with your posts, & not lose my "letter."..  

    I only know how to use Picassa, by Google...Just download it onto your computer....All of your pictures you have will go into that program!  Also any pictures you see on the web, just R click, then "Save as"...Then make sure it goes into "Pictures" & not "Documents".... So once you have your pictures in your "albums".....You can "click" on one, then at the bottom of Picassa,  on the left hand , there are 2 little green arrows...when you click on that, it will "hold" your pictures in that "tray"....Then when you are done selecting pictures, click "upload" (right beside it) & it will upload your pictures to their web-site, & into your album!  Just follow the directions....It will see if you have a "Google" account.  Once done, you can then click your web album & see your pictures!  If you want to "post" one, double click on it, to make it a little larger, THEN R. click to "copy" & drop it in your "post"......It SHOULD work great......  You can edit, crop & all sorts of things once you have Picassa!   Hope this helps....Just ask if you have problems....  

    SVMELISSA..... Honey, I had a whole post telling you about these thoughts, about you thinking about a double mastectomy.....And I just wanted to say....Make sure you have all of your facts straight about your cancer....Have a LOT of tests, to see if you even have it....I mean after that mega-chemo dose, you should be "free & clear!"....But after the tests, if you DO have a lump or mass, make sure you have a needle-biopsy....THEN if you DO have something suspicious, you can then decide what you want to do.  You have to ask...."If I DO have a double mastectomy, will I still have chemo & radiation.....How will I know that you got it all!  Will I be able to take Tamoxifen?  Or the other Hormone inhibitors?"....So just because you would have a double mastectomy, does that mean you are forever cancer free?   So little gal, make sure you ask these questions, & take a long time to think about this....And sorry about that "Redneck Dave" leaving just in the middle of things!  Don't you know, you're not supposed to fart OR puke around said friends?....Oh Lordy...... Actually I'm just glad you have someone to "play" with....You NEED diversions,  otherwise you get into too much trouble!   

    Suzie, so glad the audit went you are glad THAT is over!  Notself....I'm so sorry about all of your problems.....Not only with your family, but with you also!    Hope you will get some peace of mind through all of this.....  

    Jackie, that is unbelievable about the Micro-wave!  Wonder if the co-worker still has his job.....Sounds like he was just so sorry!!!!  At least you got a better one!  Okay girls....Love you all! xoxoxoxoxo         

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    Good morning....of course my vote is for Miss Kitty. -- what else.  My great love for cats. are so funny -- even when you are struggling with your "regurgitation" problems, you just keep the zingers coming.  Well, I do know a sense of humor does have some healing effect. 

    Jeaneatte, you are so wonderful to put on once again all the instructions for Picassa.  I have had such fun posting with pictures.  Hope everyone learns.....then we will all get web treats.  I will say that I had heard on another blog that they had a virus on their computer and when traced....found it had come from Photobucket.  Due to different settings etc. I don't think it would happen to everyones computer -- but for those who do have "incidents", this may be why.  My old computer would not even let me load Photobucket and when it finally did....I could not use it.  So, I know there can be glitches with it, but not everyone gets the problem. 

    Jeanette helped me through installing and using Picassa.  I don't think I use it like she does, but what I do seems to work so I'm not knocking it.  Having said that....I did try what you said Jeanette about how to place all the blog replies together on one side and write an answer right next to that and it did not seem to do anything.  I thought maybe it is because I have a Vista computer.....not sure.  Of course, like some of the rest of the ladies I came late to the computer and the "wizardry" of it often eludes me.  I have taught myself  to do what I do which is precious little, but still being without a computer --- just like my car which I was a bit late to come to, is totally out of the question.

    Anyway, I'm praying hard for those undergoing problems, and hoping that the sun comes peeking through very soon.  I'm going to get ready for breakfast and who knows just what else today and will be checking back later. 

    SV....I hope you can stay out of trouble for awhile.

    Warm healing hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Good Morning Pod Sisters! Suzie, glad about your bone density test though you did not give the results-are you ok? and what are the symptoms of having a Vit D, difficiency? man something is wrong with me-I think I did get some bad chicken yesterday. I am still barfing up chemo tasting chemical. I am trying to get healthy but it is one step forward and two steps back. I am living on gaterade, pedialyte, toast, soup and baked potatoes. And if I am still not drinking gallons of stuff I can taste chemo. Also am starting to use my asthma meds and inhalers and my mouth has turned to blisters again-horray for majik mouthwash! Man, I hope the rest of you chemo kids don't have these kinds of problems-I mean asthma meds tearing up my mouth? And M1, as a child coming from the "Gunsmoke" era (Marshaalll Dilllooonn-said with a gimp), I love the Miss Kitty thing-omg, I can just see you in a red wig and big red lips-Kitty definately had a few miles on her!! And I haven't gotten to the 4-5 new posts I have from you-too funny-you are truly a gemini! Oh man, I stand corrected-Miss Kitty is a Tauras-bullheaded-nah!! Yeah, CB, I have so much to think about and so much info to get before making such a rash decision as a double mastectomy because I cannot get off prempro without going bonkers (like really bonkers). What are you up to anyway my little redneck-gearhead-spammer? I haven't heard much about your fun days! And I am missing Alyson; Dar; Chris; Jo and, Isabella-how are you doing gal. Do you still have the farm hands?  Is it spring in the UK and are 'babies' dropping in the fields? How is DH and his sciatica and constipation??!! Carole, Ruth Connie-how are the girls and how is recovery!! Are you up and about a bit? AnneNYC, Oh the joys of getting old! Crappy day outside-just very dreary and gray. Jackie-you did it-and I love the post "no perfect people allowed!" I want to get things done today but I am out of energy. As to a secret handshake-orcas have flukes and fins and a blowhole. The flucky-flucky-shake-shake or the blowhards? ERRGH, I need more coffee! ((((MORNING HUGS)))) SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Hey Pods, well the doctor that I thought was to be my new Oncologist has just dumped me. Even as sick as I am (and that is the reason-I think a potential lawsuit in the wind-and he wants nothing to do with me as of today) I have to find another doctor. The new ONC says he was just giving a second opinion, that I no longer have cancer (tumor taken out) and do not need an oncologist-BUT that I just need a surgeon to have my boobs lopped off. Fuck Me! What is God's name is wrong with these people!!!!!!!!! I never and I would never or will ever practice medicine like the way these specialists choose to do it. I am so pissed off I am blind and too ill to do anything-nausea is awful-stress! (((((Hugs)))) SV PS SO I SEND HIM A FORCEFUL EMAIL ABOUT HOW IUNDERSTAND HOW DIFFICULT IT IS FOR HIM TO TREAT MEDICARE PATIENTS BEC HE JUST DOESN'T GET THE MONEY HE IS ENTITLE TOO-AND THE BASTARD CALLS MEON THE PHONE AND TELLS ME THAT HE IS STILL MY DOCTOR BUT THAT I STILL NEED A DOUBLE MASTEC AND HE IS NOT ADDRESSING THESE OTHER ISSUES BEC HE DID NOT GIVE ME THE CHEMO, ANOTHER DOCTOR DID THAT. God i felt like I was in a Mexican Brothel with Dr. Jose Acostemda-he could not talk fast enough and having spent much of my life in Mexico 'a salsa is a salsa.' And I know a salsa when I see one-I am such a bitch! Dr. A. pretty much confirmed that telling me I wanted treatment on my terms-yup because I cannot trust you idiots to do it right. Do we all have to become our own cancer specialists as well? He goes on to tell me that four drugs I am taking (chronic care) block the metabolism of Taxotere and he would never had used that drug on me to begin with. Now, this is a chronic problem I run into with doctors and there are very few times that I am wrong about my own body and what is going on with it. And if I think I know the cause of something-chemo-then the new symptoms I am having are caused by the bad chemo. But now says Dr. A. it could be anything including candida infection in my esophagus-never had that before chemo-oh don't mention chemo-and I need to see a gastro specialist and get scoped. Fuck me! Ok, my question is, is it me?? I am hardheaded? I guess as an addict, I pretty much know the quickest way to medicate myself (hell I have always medicated myself) and if the docs would just do what I say.... DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE THIS PROBLEM OR IS IT JUST ME!!! HELP PODS-SQUEEK-SQUEEK-CLICK-CLICK, OR WHATEVER ORCAS IN DISTRESS DO. SV

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    SV.....I think this may be a picture of your last two Oncologists:

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    OMG JACKIE, I JUST FINISHED RANTING AND ADDING POST SCRIPTS AND THEN I SEE YOUR PHOTO AND I AM HYSTERICAL. A TERRIBLE CASE OF "OCCULAR RECTITIS" (HEAD UP THE ASS) I HOPE IT IS NOT JUST ME MAKING THESE DOCS SOUND SO INCREDIBLY STUPID-BUT THEN I THINK BACK ON THE DUCT TAPE SOLUTION, "TAPE THE GIRLS TO YOUR SHOULDERS" like for real and said with a straight face from Dr. A.---ARRRGH! Am I the only possible lunatic patient (well, at least I know that I am a lunatic). And yes Dr. A. I know I suffer from Depression and Anxiety-had it my whole life-treated and stablized for the last 15 years. Dr. A. says it really all must be the depression and absolutley no chemo should be left in your body now. Help PODS, I am going into orbit! Really, the huge problem is that the docs who live on the Outer Banks are just like the rest of us-we just want to fish and have fun-work (I think not). People who live here do not want to work. rant rant-THANK YOU THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU, Jackie. SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    Hi Jackie!  Okay, move the page over to the right....Then on my screen, which is the AOL welcome screen, at the top it says "Write"...or maybe it will say send mail, but I have Vista also..Or do this....Just write an email, like you are sending someone an email... Then  click on this website, & go to our posts....(leave your writing there, but move it to the left) you will see our posts....Move them to the right...& you can go back & forth that way.  Then when you are done writing all your post, just highlight, then hit copy, then drop it with "paste" at the bottom of your post page where it says reply.....  

    Now, my my, MY little SV!   Are you 3 kinds of pissed?  Those Docs just don't DESERVE you as a patient!  I think you scare the crap out of them!   Man, I don't know what you are going to do.....But I would NOT believe anything they tell you..... and I wouldn't ever go back to any one of them!  You might as WELL be in Mexico, for God's sake!   At least THEY would probably give you better care than any of your Docs have!!! And I would NOT trust any of them with doing ANY kind of surgery on you!  Damnit!!!!! And yes, it's just fine if you rant....hope the rest of our pods don't take offense to our rather brash statements....Ha!   

    I just don't feel good....I don't know if I am just not happy, or if I am depressed....It's just me....Is it the Tamoxifen?   And I just HATE anymore Winter!!!!!!!  I think I am in a funk!  And my knee hurts.....Okay, that's all.  Compared to the REST of you gals problems, I don't have any.. Jackie....the photo?  Too damn funny!!!!!!!!  xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2010

    I'm a bad dog....I'm writing while at work...tee hee.

    CB...for some reason I am unable to "move my screen"  but and it is a BIG BUT  I get the part about opening a "new email" thank you, I will try this in the comfort of my own home on my own time Innocent.  It must be a combo of things that are making you feel so rough today.  Please hang in there, sweetie. Perhaps spring will come tomorrow.

    NOW FOR YOU SV/ is deplorable and untenable the way you are being treated by these so called professionals!  There is no excuse for those assholes and it is embarrassing to claim them as part of the medical profession.....enough to make me want to bail-out. ( I can't even imagine what it will be like if we get national health care...I won't go there!!)  I wish I had some answers and suggestions for you but I feel impotent and powerless.  All I can offer you is my "ear"  and shoulder via the internet for you to rant and cry as you need to do.  gentle hugs, hon, please hang in there.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010
    Did someone say BIG BUTT? I have one of those. Now why don't we get cancer of the cheeks-I could stand to lose a few pounds there-ok like ten pound each side. And i have spent the afternoon trying to plop each boob on a scale to see what it will weigh-like how much weight will I lose if I go for the bi-lat. Truthfully, i am the worst patient to have because I demand a quality of life while I am going thru things and I have tackled some incredibly tough things and maintained a quality of life. This, however, is not one of them and it is so frustrating and depressing. no one is offering that great hand of hope to say hey, you're cancer-free or you will be. They don't even know that in my case. Docs want patients who will do what they are told-they just don't have time for people like me. It has just beeen a common thread running thru my medical experience. i don't ever remember seeing a doctor until these past few years and it has been a nightmare in many cases. At least for me. I simply do not know what to do. Dr. A called back and said that there is a 70% chance my cancer won't come back if I do nothing and he says he thinks i will likely die of something else. That just seems so wrong! I am so over this and I am so pissed off and cannot take any action. I have ended up depressed and crying for two days because I have a broken brain that doesn't work-along with a broken body. I am so sorry for sniveling with so many people dealing with issues like Agent Orange but damned, i don't think I am asking that much. I talked to my best friend Jane in Utah and she says that you never change oncologist midstream and no other onc wants to take on what has been done nor be responsible for the outcome. She said she did it when her Mom had cancer and they went thru 5 ONCS and finally had to literally beg for the last one to take her mom. Point being, research your ONCOLOGIST. I thought I did everything right and I guess I didn't. YellCrySV
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010
    Take 2 and the rest of the world can go to hell for up to 8 full hours. 

    Suppository that eliminates melancholy and loneliness by reminding you of how awful they were as teenagers and how you couldn't wait till they moved out! 

    Plant extract that treats mom's depression by rendering preschoolers unconscious for up to two days. 

    Liquid silicone drink for single women. Two full cups swallowed before an evening out increases breast size, decreases intelligence, and prevents conception. 

    When taken with Peptobimbo, can cause dangerously low IQ, resulting in enjoyment of country music and pickup trucks. 

    Increases life expectancy of commuters by controlling road rage and the urge to flip off other drivers. 

    Potent anti-boy-otic for older women. Increases resistance to such lethal lines as, 'You make me want to be a better person. ' 

    Injectable stimulant taken prior to shopping. Increases potency, duration, and credit limit of spending spree. 

    Relieves headache caused by a man who can't remember your birthday, anniversary, phone number, or to lift the toilet seat 

    A spray carried in a purse or wallet to be used on anyone too eager to share their life stories with total strangers in elevators. 

    When administered to a boyfriend or husband, provides the same irritation level as nagging him, without opening your mouth. 

    Couldn't resist!  xoxoxoxox
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    Hey Miss Sweet Vertical.  What is right when out of the blue ( does not even matter if you let a mild suspicion creep into your brain for just a bit ) you are told you have cancer and your whole world comes tumbling every which way.  I imagine ( we have talked about so much that my brain just does not recall )  that like so many of us, you were planning everything but cancer and if you were like me ( I had such a great denial system in play ) even having a biopsy was looked at by me as just a precautionary measure.  I was not going to get one in my family had ever had BC that I knew about, I had the next few years lined up to do other things, and felt nothing like that could ever rear it's ugly head.  I was 61 and though I knew I would continue to work.....cancer was not part of my game plan. 

    I stayed in somewhat of a denial mode right up until I had to start chemo and then if finally came flooding in that my life story was being re-written and not in a way that pleased me or even seemed right.  Although, chemo was very difficult for me -- lost 38 #'s through it all, it was still a rather un-eventful time.  I had nothing of what you have undergone and I for sure was not deserted by my Oncologist.  You have every right in the world to be upset. 

    I do understand that another Oncologist may have some reservations about treating now....either way it is not good.  If he gets you on your feet really well --- he may have to testify against his colleague --  the first one that did such damage and then hung you out to dry.  If he doesn't, it will seem that he is just as inept as the first one.  You are in the unenviable position of almost being a paradox.  It also sounds like people from the OBX are hard pressed for qualified Dr's for treatment of probably anything....let alone cancer.  This is when I wish you could just find a huge cancer center with all highly trained and experienced personnel but I know that is like saying next week I'll have a shuttle ticket for you to go to the moon.  Just not going to happen I don't think. 

    So, in lieu of that I hope you can feel me holding your hand and trying to shoulder some of your burdens for you, because if I could, I surely would. 

    Jeanette, I will try to implement some of your suggestions.  You sure made me a shining star with the Picassa and moving pictures to the net, email, or blogs. 

    Also want you to know that I think more than likely anyone in our moccasins gets some downer days.... just because.  There have been a few times when I really did feel like an alien almost.  This town I grew up in and have called home again for the last 12 years started to feel like such a poor fit along with looking a little ugly and totally un-inviting.  Now and then I think I'd just like to sit down and quit, but it is not a real option --- just a soothing thought while I allow myself to day-dream of happier times before my story changed.  I'm also a great believer in the power of the sun to lift your spirits and renew your hope, enthusiasm and energy.  In the end, we just have to keep on, keeping on.....till the sun comes out and warms us with Gods loving, healing energies.  We can do this ---- even struggling and grunting with every push forward.  We can do this...together.

    Hang on and I'll be checking up on all of you later.  Love you all.

    Warm healing hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    Jeanette...I did do something, but i don't think it was anything to do with what you suggested.  There is a tool-bar or was at the top of my page.....thinking I should look there with what you told me, I found a place that said page compatibility view.  This is what I have been wanting for a long time.  Shortly after I got my Vista pc instead of what I wrote or read going from side to went more up and down.  Took me such a long time to get used to reading and writing like that.  Well, just for the heck of it, I hit the box that said page compatibility view and low and page went back to going across the whole page like it used too. 

    So, though I still have to work to do on the other thing....hooray -- hooray -- hooray...I can't thank you enough for this.  I so hated the feeling that I was somehow wasteful --- like I was wasting paper.....while it was difficult and unwieldy all the time.  I am a most happy camper. 

    See ya,


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2010

    I will probably get kicked out of the POD but I truley find the language very offensive.  the F word is the most ugly word in the english language and I hate hearing it.  It makes me cringe so I think I will just stick to my mountain thread.  Sorry PODS. 

    Kathleen, I sent you a pm

    Isabella if you are on facebook, look me up

    Melissa1519  I vote for Miss Kitty, if you still want to do the road trip you can contact me on the mountain thread.  Sorry to be such a prude but I just can't stand it.

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2010
    Jackie  - Love the pic of the kitty. Adorable.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2010

    Hi all, long day and I missed my siesta...

     Spar, I am with you and the trash need for that in my opinion

    I guess I am a reformed champion cusser...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    Ditto Spar & Lisa

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Ya know, a simple PM to me would have done it. Sorry for any offense to all and the public lashings, well noted. SV

  • Tarry1
    Tarry1 Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2010

    Good morning everyone, I hope you are all fine.  I've been reading the different posts to keep up with what's going on even though I don't say anything.  The pictures are so nice and that rose was beautiful.  SV I am sorry for all the nonsense that doctor is putting you through. Nothing ever seems to go smoothly nowadays.

    Even though I had my last chemo treatment last Thursday, March 11, I am kind of bummed out. The surgeon had indicated that he wanted to clean up the margin,(back in January).but that maybe the chemo might clear it up. Maybe????? Then there was an MRI that was ordered but no no one got back to me on that, I was told they would contact me so I tried to find out what was going on and was told I would be contacted by mail, never happened. So I called the surgeons' receptionist/secretary and she gives me attitude and a different procedure for the MRI now. The radiologist cancelled my appointment Monday, because I'm due to get my markings on the 22nd, but they still haven't discussed if I'm going to get the margins clean or do a radiation boost and they don't have any current information to go on.  So now I'm confused and scared again and I'm starting to panic,but I haven't had a full blown  panic attack yet.  I'm going to talk to the onc or np today again. 

    Thanks for listening, I really needed to get that out.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2010

    Tarry, I do hope you get some better answers assertive and push for some rock solid information.  I know how so often we are blind-sided by the docs when we are dealing with BC.  I just wish they would lay it all on the table AND WRITE IT DOWN (chemo brain taken into consideration) to let us know what may lie ahead. When my onc told me 4/6ths thru my chemo that I had to have rads I blew up and said some very descriptive expletives.  I had NO CLUE that that was part of my treatment plan. Not everyone wants to be informed of what may lie ahead, but I am one who does (To be fore-warned is to be fore-armed) then I can get my defenses in place.



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    Good Morning Girls!  Tarry1..........  I'm so sorry about what your "Team" is doing with your, or NOT doing!  You have to keep on them....Just make sure they don't drop the ball your MRI!  Ask them, & tell them how you feel!  Just keep calling them, & tell them you need some answers!  I know how if feels to be so afraid!  But we are here for you...Don't panic, just post....Hey, that sounds like a good motto here, ha!   

    SVMelissa.....Jackie is right,  about another Oncologist, & any thing that would be said about your "old" Oncologist...I tried to read your post about that, but they were gone!  Are you  thinking seriously about bringing charges for what they did?   Man, you have every right to, but if doing so would hurt your chances for further treatment, from any more of them, you kind of have to re-figure that out.    

     And you being my friend, I can understand how upset & just frazzled you can get, especially in YOUR situation, I mean about EVERYthing....It's like what ELSE  or how MUCH can you take?  And I can understand you wanting to let off steam here, are my friend......And I wouldn't scold you here, either, I mean if you ever offended me....(like that would ever happen )  Sometimes we just get to the end of our rope, & we let other people know it......oh well.........  I'm sorry for any hurt feelings, but scolding someone in a public forum, just hurts.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    Lisa ... you definitely have an "artist's eye" as it is evident in every picture you take.

    Terry1 ... all you can do is keep up on the research being done, cutting-edge treatment studies and "take life with a grain of salt, some lemons and tequilla."

    What is it about doctors that they don't want even the patients to know the results of their lab tests?  I understand the HIPAA laws about secrecy around a patients medical records -- but I don't think this HIPAA law meant the patient!

    SV-Melissa lll all we can give you a place to rant, support and love.  Things must get better.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    Spar ... your animals are precious

    Melissa 5-19.2 ... love that house

    After working 6 years in a newsroom I cvan cuss with the big boys; however, as a Chistian, I decided cussing was a sign of a poor voculary so I try to hold my tongue and use more of a description.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,342
    edited March 2010

    Good morning everyone.  It is going to be a day of sunshine here.  I hope everyone will be getting some and I also hope we can learn and grow from this day forward. I know SV and others that is it hard to be chastised in public so to speak - believe me I know, so lets just move on and go from here.

    Kim, how work in a newsroom....and my peas sized brain does not recall ( SIGH) hearing that is what you did before.  I'm thinking how interesting it sometimes is with our morning news.  Of course, I also think of how little we are sometimes really hearing.  A huge build-up for something at the start of the next half-hour and that gets dragged more to the middle of it and turns out to be not so much after all.  Probably just as well.....who wants to feel permanently depressed with too much "real" news every day at 6 a.m.. 

    Tarry, I too an sorry you seem to be in a giant run-around after finishing your chemo.  I think ( at least it happened tha way for me ) that you do not have to start the rads right away and you will still be fine ---- just meaning that if it takes a bit to "discover" what is really next you should not have any harm from not moving on immediately.  Sounds like no one is sure what to do.  Most of the ladies I hear about get the margins clear first and then go on with the rest of the steps -- whatever the Oncologist and they have chosen.  That is the way it seems to be.  Maybe things are done different where you are.  I just hope it all gets sorted out soon.  You always feel such a lack of control when this happens and that just makes you nervous and scared.  I think some persistence is in order here. 

    Well, I need to get ready as I have to go to Mt. Vernon V.A, office for a blood draw and will be late if I don't get going.  I'll be checking back in later.  See you then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010


    I am just wondering if protocol is different in the Canadian Healthcare system. Can you make a fuss about non-responsiveness? Are you able to question your treatment plan or does your team follow a format that is predetermined by your particular situation? Not that those "rules" should keep you from being informed about what and why the plan is! SO FAR I have felt like everyone but my radiologist has been very open with me. He, the radiologist, is a young guy but NEVER directly answers a question. He is from Brazil, I think, and kind of has a macho man "I know so you don't need to" attitude. When he was out on vacation I learned so much more from the nurse practitioner. So now I am getting reminder notes from his office that I should come in for appt. Why? He never tells me anything, hardly looks at me. Well, he did look at my  BACK during rads and said I had a couple suspicious moles... and he was right. OK, I've just about talked myself in to going to see him again.... but not every 3 months, I will stretch it out to 6 months.

    Is anyone reading the Arimidex threads? It looks like it will go off patent in June BUT continue to have an exclusivity (?) for 2 more years. It's complicated and no one knows for sure but don't start spending your "drug money" elsewhere :(  All I can say is this stuff better be working! Between the SEs and the money I am going to be really mad if I get a recurrence! Do you think they have a money back guarantee? Wouldn't that be great? And if your doctor did not "cure" you then you did not have to pay?  

    Ritajean, you asked me way back about our weather... Sunny and cool. Highs about 70F with a cool wind off of the ocean. Warmer inland. The trees (oaks, elms, hickory,maple-hardwoods) are starting to leaf out so spring is on its way. Everyone is still afraid to cut back dead looking tropical plants for fear of another cold snap. Normal years we would be up to 80F now so it is still colder than usual. Hoping this means we will have a cooler than usual summer. So sorry for the folks in the NE with the terrible flooding.  Hope everyone here is high and dry.  It's kind of nice to be able to complain about the weather though... no one to really blame :-)

    Wishing everyone a healthy day! Oh, how much more I appreciate good health now! I used to take it so for granted.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2010

    I am still trying to find the best way to

    get up off the floor, any suggestions??

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited March 2010

    SoCalLisa - get up off the floor? How did you get there? I usually need three men and a truck to get me off the floor.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2010

    O.K. gals.........I have a suggestion and you won't hurt my feelings if you don't like it.  I have often wished that I could send a card to some of you when you're gong through a tough time or pick up the phone for a chat.  On our Illinois thread, one of the gals has put together an information sheet.  Anyone who wants to share personal info sends her a PM.  Then they tell her their real name, address, phone number, email address, and birthday.  She puts everyone's info into an attachment and sends a copy of the attachment to anyone who volunteered info. Those of us who have chosen to participate have used this info several different times.  It's fun to send a birthday card and I used a phone number a couple of different times when I was in somebody's area and we ended up getting together as I was passing through that part of the state.

    I would be glad to be the contact person for this group if any of you want to do this.  You could either PM your info to me or you could PM me an email address and I could contact you with mine and do it through email.  After a few weeks, I would send you your own personal copy of the info and keep updating it as time goes on.    Let me know what you think! 

    In the meantime, I am going out to enjoy this lovely sunshine that is gracing us today in Illinois.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2010

    Lisa. Just stay here, enjoy the peace and quiet  !!!!

    I also HATE the F word....not getting at you SV, I just had to check back to see where this was written !! I CANNOT bring myself to F  at anyone.

    Here I tell a very small white lie. In just over 30 year I have F'd at DH TWICE. (never, ever F'd at DH no1 !!) It really should be twice a day the antics he gets up to, but I bite my tongue !!!!! I was brought up to think bl**dy was a terrible word....and as soon as I had my own household I thought I was oh-so-clever to bl**dy at every situation ! My DD swears like a trooper....BUT...I have never once heard her, she will not swear in my hearing, but DH says she is terrible out of my hearing. She will swear openly infront of her children, they swear back at her, but again never once have they sworn at me. Its just an everyday word to her, AND her children, which I think is disgusting ! I get told I am 'old fashioned' if ever I rant about swearing, and my sister told me to 'lighten up, and live a little' when I complained to her about DDs swearing !!!

    I have been having a quiet time, lots of pain from my slipped discs, and my 'bad' arm from my double mast. I tried good. Went onto Gabapentin, and THOUGHT it wasn't much good either, Dr took me off it, and now I am missing it !!! so it must have done a certain amount of good. I am keeping my head down, to try and avoid any stressful situations in the hope I might get some respite, but no such luck. Have tried to see my Dr, to get back onto Gabapentin, but have over a 2 week wait for an appointment, we have a terrible system here, so will have to put up with it 'til after Easter.

    Are you on your feet yet Lisa ??!!!!!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2010

    Isabella, I am up...if I can find a chair or something to hold on to I can

    pull or push my way up..not a pretty sight; however!!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    I thought I was the only one who looks like a beached whale if I get down on the floor !  

    I have stuff in lower kitchen cabinets that will never be seen again. We just bought a new fridge and for the first time I got a bottom freezer. Now regular food is at eye level and the freezer drawer pulls out so I can bend over and lift out stuff.

    If I just HAVE to get down on the floor I try to stay on my knees... once I am on my behind it is all over :-(

    I walk for exercise so  would think my legs would be strong. They used to be. I bought a Pilates DVD but every exercise is on the floor so am not doing it much. I know it would be good for me if I would. What is it with this total loss of abdominal muscle tone? I know I wasn't like this BBC... (before breast cancer).
