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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    MM we usually head south right after Election Day. This year it will all depend on all my medical issues - neck, and nodules in lungs and thyroid. Pretty sure I’m looking at a biopsy of thyroid, but that consult isn’t until 9/27. Results could push it out. Or as I’ve said to friends, I could be in my big fuzzy fleece tops and winter boots before I have a leave date. If if I’m all clear, I’d like to go before the time change- daylight driving helps me.

    Chris, I wouldn’t focus on weight, you may be gaining muscle. Workouts are the best for sleep and the body too.

    Carole, most my FL gf’s have let their hair go gray in their late 70’s. So in the 7 or so seasons I’ve been going down they’ve gone from blonde to a salt & pepper mix. Your trip is around the corner! Thursday will be here before you know it.

    Betrayal you’ve done more gardening than anyone I know. My back hurts just thinking about the amount of mulch you put down. It must look beautiful.

    Harley, I can’t use a brush and a dryer at the same time either. Just not an option, unless I don’t care how it looks. The combo dryer brush for me is heavenly sent.

    Jackie I’m glad your enjoying your fall surroundings. We’re more suburban, my area all fenced in, so I don’t see deer in my yard. Skunks, woodchucks, rabbits, birds and squirrels are about it. I like fall to an extent - apple picking, baking to warm the house and making it smell great. I just hate closing the pool, to look out and see the dark cover, it’s like a sore thumb.

    Wren, no perm for me either. I think it’s been decades since my last. Although I still do have a “pick” from the 1980’s. It has a wood handle with metal picks. Now that I’m talking about it, it’s probably an antique!

    It’s 65 out, sunny too, but I don’t want to get into that pool nor get drenched by it’s water while fully dressed. It’s a love hate relationship. It won’t close itself so I might as well get going.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Betrayal said, "Chris, I hope the reviewers provide favorable feedback on your 15 year project. What a sense of accomplishment to have finished it and being able to let others see the product of your mind and research." My reviewers like it enough to contribute suggestions for developing the themes further. As for it being a product of my mind, one of my primary excuses for writer's block has been just that; hesitation to show others how my mind works. Lame, I know, but chronic de-evaluation and self-de-evaluation can do that.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited September 2023

    The official end of summer - closing the pool. I guess that means no more unexpected hot weather Cindy? Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow.

    Chris - I find walking daily helps with my neuropathy. Probably helps me sleep better too. Glad that you’ve gotten helpful feedback on your project. I’d like to reduce my gabapentin but found at lower doses I get more burning pain in my feet. Maybe I’ll try it again someday.

    Carole - eek a mouse! Your trip is coming up quickly. I’m sure you’re going to have a wonderful time.

    Sounds like you’ve been busy in the yard Betrayal. Fun to be outside in nature.

    Woke up last night with a pancreatitis attack. I’ve had them in the past, so when the pain came on suddenly I knew what it was. I didn’t go to the ER, since it’s a long wait and not much they can do. I just had bloodwork and my liver enzymes were normal. I had testing done in 2018 to see if there’s an underlying cause and they could identify one. Idiopathic. I eat a low fat diet and don’t drink. My Mom use to get pancreatitis, but it’s not genetic. My last attack was in May 2022.

    We’ve had rain all day. I needed to do some things today, but have mostly laid around and took a nap. Maybe tomorrow…

    Have a nice afternoon.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Chris, I too love writing. I never published, but hope to someday. My brother is an author and published a number of Childrens' books.

    I finally put up an avatar, at least I hope it shows up. Not of me but one of my favorite furry friends.

    Not getting much accomplished today. So much I want to do but with my DH around 24/7, mostly occupying his recliner in the living room. I used spray shampoo on our area rug, but need to vacuum it. It took longer to dry than I expected but have windows open and a fan on it. I think it is dry now, but DH is watching the Phillies play. It will wait.

    The cool weather makes me feel like cooking and baking. Having steak and baked potatoes and a veggie tonight for dinner.

    We may get some rain today/tonight. I have my fingers crossed that the roof is REALLY fixed and won't leak!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Given pain from cut nerves with knee replacement, reducing gabapentin will be down the road. I suspect that kinesthology tape on that ankle is on the agenda for Tuesday. The pain was so bad, I did my own research and found a video on the particular problem. I put some regular paper medical tape on it in that configuration. I am feeling good enough to go to the gym.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind.  You are as old
    as your doubt, your fear, your despair.  The way to keep young
    is to keep your faith young.  Keep your self-confidence young.
    Keep your hope young.

    Luella F. Phean

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    I'm here late again but so enjoyed reading everyone's entries. I foolishly didn't realize there were enough to get me over another page — so I will be guessing about who said what. That said, I just hope at this point to remember some things. I think I'm going to have to get after myself because I'm kidding myself that my memory is better than it really is.

    Betrayal, I too am amazed at how much you do in your yard. Especially as you have some unusual areas to work with. I do hope you are able to find continued relief for now with your knees. It is for the most part really nice to have 'kids' around the house again. Our house is not huge, but okay as we do have three bedrooms and the main bathroom is quite large.

    Carole, hope you can figure out about the mouse before you are due to leave. We have 'luckily' only had one mouse who managed to evade all the cats for a while. He/she/it got into my pantry and one day when I was going after something on a high shelf it decided it had to run. I screamed. Not so much being afraid of it, but I was startled since most mice don't make it for long here. Of course, in checking found it had been there for a bit and so I had to put germicidal soap in the sink to wash all my storage containers, as well at tops of cans and parts of shelves. Took hours of cleaning for one pesky germy mouse.

    Chris, I don't blame you for feeling a bit timid about being critiqued. I wrote poetry for many yrs. My mother always wanted me to put in in a book. My first husband made fun of me and out of frustration one day I tossed it all. I regretted it, but it was done, and I haven't looked back.

    On the other hand, I did develop a few yrs. back the habit of sharing my feelings about spirituality. That was very difficult at first, but with time has gotten much easier. Some understand perfectly and others only partially and some none at all. So, I think we all are normal, but a part of a realistic spectrum since we all have different feelings, reactions, notions and every second being a new unit of time we are affected by things as they come and that can be quite different in each case.

    Cindy, I hope you can get your medical answers and away at a time that will remain convenient for you. I am a worry wart for anyone who is on the road. Just like with Carole. I worry when she leaves LA for MN and then I worry when I know she and hubby are on the road for home. Same with any of the 'travelers' here with two homes. I worry till I hear you are where you mean to be.

    I am saying hi as well to anyone I didn't mention and to anyone who doesn't post on a regular basis.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Chris, I think many women are always assessing their abilities/capabilities due to having grown up in an era when women's place was in the home, having and raising children, etc. I can remember my aunt telling my mother that my going to college was a bad idea because who would want to marry me? I was furious when I heard this and told her that I would never marry any man who did not respect a woman for her brains. Years later when her daughters went off to college I reminded her of what she had said to my mother and did she expect her daughters to remain single? She had no answer. Her daughters did marry.

    So I, too, can periodically have moments of self-doubt and then remember some of the putdowns I have endured. However, now that I have gotten older, I do not let anyone dismiss me, talk down to me or try the patriarchal role with me and this includes physicians. The male orthopedic surgeon who tried this was replaced by a female counterpart who listened to me, assessed my mobility and limitations, and discussed my options. So I feel I am in good hands now.

    I meant my comment as a compliment because you have done something that many of us just dream about, writing a publishable book. I like to write but it has always been limited to my past profession, based on research and creating educational case studies for my former students in the attempt to promote critical thinking. It took time and was a lot of work, appreciated by the knowledge seeking students but not those that just wanted the answers. I love mysteries and wish I had the wherewithal to write a mystery, but I'll stick to gardening since it allows me to vegetate and create beauty at the same time.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    I think part of the problem I face, getting into this, is that the review of a book of a Catholic and theological nature is difficult when the author is a woman. Priests usually manage such efforts, and that makes it difficult. But we have a deacon whose wife is qualified and interested— sort of a Protestant dynamic and strength. And, of course, there is my book club.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend and those of you who are celebrating have had special time with family, friends, and food. Made me hungry reading your food preparations.

    We beat the storm home from Maine. Really a good visit. Ken loved the bird watching.

    Debbie, our daughter who lives in Freeport, had several power outages but her new generator kicked in. She has resisted getting one for years but the power outage over Christmas really did her in. My sister on Westport Island lost power for about 12 hours but they were prepared. They live on a tidal river but the house is up fairly high. She did say a tree fell over their road.

    Getting into our AZ routine. Still quite warm here but I will get out the fall decorations before our weekly dinners resume Saturday.

    October is different as the golf courses are closed for 3 weeks and then 2-3 weeks of cart path only. In the past, I have been able to manage the walking so we'll see. The pain n my surgical knee is chronic and getting worse. Got the name of an orthopedist that I'm determined to try.

    We got the RSV shots before we left. Ken had a sore arm for a couple days but I was fine. We'll do both covid and flu in mid-late October.

    Chris, I would define myself as spiritual rather than religious but I love reading all your religious commentary. I hope you find a reader that you are comfortable with.

    Ken is now on his third game of the day on our one TV. I'm going to take a shower and read.

    Have a good week everyone.


  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Well, so far so good with our roof, at least I think so. It rained last night, and this morning, and I don't see any obvious leaks but some questionable areas that I think might just be old water marks. After 43 years, in this house, there are quite a few old water marks on the garage ceiling and walls.

    As for sports, I was in my happy place last night watching my beloved Miami Dolphins beat the Patriots! You might wonder why they are my favorite team, but it goes all the way back to watching football as a teenager. My father loved football and I learned to like it from him. Of course, there was the matter of a VERY handsome quarterback by the name of Bob Griese! I have been a fan ever since, even through the many, (too many). years of being a losing team. Last night's game was fun to watch!

    Meeting my DS later today. I treasure our coffee hour(s) and realize that I have taken them for granted all these years. During Covid we talked on the phone or met on her screened in porch. My oldest and her youngest child were born three months apart. We are as close as two sisters could be and I love her so very much!

    The rest of the week is full of appointments. Tomorrow my DH has PCP appt in morning, I have my hair dresser appointment in the afternoon. Wednesday morning, I see my PS and in the afternoon DH and I will go to my sister's house because my DB and SIL are coming to drop off a box of things that belonged to our dad. I have a feeling it is a box I have already gone through, but I am the only one who is super sentimental about our parents "things." My DD is the same and was very close to my DF.

    DH has a dental appt on Thurs for routine cleaning, crossing fingers that is all it is, and Friday I have my test at the hospital. Then things will ease up and my appointments will consist of many meet ups with friends and family with only an occasional medical appointment! That is the way I like it!

    Cindy, I hope all your tests move in a positive direction and doesn't keep you in NY any longer than you originally planned! I saw fence post decorations on a house on my way to the grocery store and thought of you. They weren't fish, but had bird houses painted on them. Very cute. The house is at a corner by a traffic light so if I get stopped at the light sometime, I will try to take a photo.

    I am constantly amazed and impressed by all of your talents! Truly, everyone here is inspirational! Speaking of inspiration, I particularly liked your last quote, illinoislady!

    Looking forward to hearing from those who were celebrating the New Year. Happy Monday everyone!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    I would never want to carry around all the material objects I have acquired over a lifetime. It would be impossible. Yet this is what I do on an emotional level when I refuse to let go of yesterday’s mistakes and hurts. And I add to the burden when I take on concerns about tomorrow.      -unattributed

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 710

    Hi all,

    I realized I was spending a lot of time ruminating and worrying in my posts. I empowered myself by leading a hike 6 miles RT from 7000 feet to 8500 feet on Friday. I'm a member of a women's hiking group (we've named ourselves "the Traildusters" because we don't leave anyone behind-start and finish as a group). Here's a photo I took of the turn-around point.

    Mayo urology appt scheduled for Oct. 6. I'm hoping whatever the problem is that it is resolvable with not too much dramatic tx and is non-life threatening.

    Enjoy the photo of our local mountain, and have a great Monday, all!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Good to hear from you claireinaz. I was beginning to worry a bit. Taking the hike was fantastic and sounds like it did you a lot of good. That turn around picture is true beauty. Make me want to be there and I'd be lucky to hike a block.

    I hope you get good news in the form of any fix needed being easy to work with at your urology appt.

    Doing a few catch-up items today. Our evenings have been getting cool enough that I'm getting out some of my warmer pj's. Found a nice, red-checked flannel pair at Goodwill yesterday for $4.78. Very good condition they are in the wash right now. Also a thin sweatshirt and Ive been wearing those as well in the morning.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    I forget who asked, but we had a nice Rosh Hashana. My son came for lunch on Saturday so I had two of my 3 kids together. I was exhausted Friday when I was done cooking and I really didn't do that much (well for at least). I just don't have the stamina that I had before chemo and I've been done for 4 months. DD#2 left this morning for DD#1 and to meet her niece. DD#2 is doing all the grocery shopping and cooking while she is there. DD#1 gets spoiled by her parents and sister.

    My Nephrologist appointment for Wednesday was cancelled - he had a death in the family - The first available is October 31st. So 6 weeks till I get the news on my test results. DD#2 is friends with his daughter's and said one of their dogs just died - talk about awful. Talking to my DD#2 now and we had that the month my MIL passed away we had to put our dog down - and my daughter goes - that was a horrible summer!!! Yes it was. DD#2 is amazing - so much fun and perceptive.

    I'm still tired today. I have a ton of paperwork to complete for my intermittent FMLA. I guess I best do it tonight. I'm leaving work 2 hours early - since the start of the school year, but at first it wasn't approved so I just took the 2 hours daily - I think that was easier. Oh well.

    Nice weather this week.Low 80s for the high and mostly sunny and mid to high 50s at night.

    MM - glad your roof is okay. Good luck with all your appointments

    Claire - great photo.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2023

    Karen, cardplayer, Wrenn and all others who celebrate, hope your Rosh Hashonah was a good one with a sweet year ahead. "In your pockets" for all who have upcoming scans, procedures & tests.

    It's been an interesting two weeks—what with the broken toe Labor Day and toenail removal the following Friday; COVID scare with Bob (tested negative but won't re-test; worried about his coughing jags but realize they only happen when he's home and smoking out on the deck or porch; physician, heal thyself); friend having pulmonary-valve replacement surgery today (Bob reports he's extubated and already having clear liquids). Meanwhile, my COVID shot was postponed to Wed. because CVS won't have its supply till then. Still masking, of course.

    Back is slowly getting better. Woke up Sat. morning to an unpleasant surprise: blood in my urine, and burning. Hightailed it to my health system's urgent care—the instant dipstick UA indicated an infection due to the presence of blood and white cells. My first ever UTI—surprised I made it to 72 without one. (Culture came back today positive for e.coli, the most common UTI bug—a relief, as it rules out kidney stones and tumors). Was prescribed 5 days of cefpodixifime (Vantis) but CVS had only 2 days' worth (4 pills). Since it was a Saturday and they and all other branches in town were about to close, they assured me that the new supply would arrive this afternoon.

    Well, it didn't. They don't know when they'll get any, but were able to call a different branch (in Gordy's neighborhood) for the remainder of my 10-pill script. Bought it, brought it home…and it was only 4 pills. The idiots at my understaffed third world/banana republic CVS branch transferred not the original 10-pill script, nor one for the remaining 6, but an exact copy of the 4-pill one they sold me Sat. So I have to wait till Wed. afternoon (after having taken the last pill in the bottle) to get the other 2 pills…at least it'll be at the "better," well-staffed CVS. Unfortunately, I have my COVID shot appt. at yet another CVS (this one inside a Target, en route home, at—knock wood—3:45pm). Meanwhile, I canceled the CVS flu shot—since I got mine at urgent care. (Just that morning I got a nagging reminder in my patient portal).

    Watching "Antiques Roadshow" throwback to 2007, with updated values from 2021. Most of the stuff has declined in value (and probably even lower now). But what I found depressing was that so many of the people bringing in their treasures (and likely most of the experts) are probably dead by now. (I now have an earworm of that Death Cab for Cutie song—"Here to Forever"—expressing the same observation).

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Tried to find someone to replace the door seals on the commercial grade upright freezer I got from DD many years ago. The company went belly up and no one can fix it. The freezer ices up and is a nightmare to defrost. So today I decided I cannot defrost it anymore because carrying hot pans of water up and down the garage steps is dangerous with my knees. It is really iced up this time.

    So I looked for a garage upright frost free freezer online and found one sold by a local appliance store which had it on sale. DD and I went to the store to look at it and it was actually cheaper in the store than the online counterpart. Delivery fee includes removal of old freezer as well. I will need to offload contents to in-house freezer, bottom freezer of garage refrigerator and put surplus on dry ice in camper ice chests. I know there are some hidden treasures that have not aged well in there and this is a good time to purge them. I had bought organizer bins for the freezer awhile ago but had not purposed them yet. This is approximately the same size as the current one so that was a selling point. The larger one had "crisper" bins in the bottom and for the life of me I cannot imagine what use a "crisper" bin is in a freezer. If someone knows, please enlighten me. I also did not want glass shelves and this model has the adjustable coated wire shelves. The current one has wire shelves which are not adjustable but they were easy to clean.

    I saw pain management and was prescribed an anti-inflammatory to take especially while on vacation. She suggested I reserve it for those days where I know I will be very active and skip it if I have a low key day. I need to run it by GI MD first prior to taking it.

    Ran to PT this afternoon, had it with practice manager due to time and was able to discuss what I should plan for pre-surgery. She did manipulations my PT hasn't done and I am sure my hips will protest tomorrow. Sometimes it is nice to have a different approach but know that this supports what my PT has been doing. So plan is to resume PT after I return from vacation and possibly continue it until the end of January. I guess Medicare will weigh in on this but she felt they can justify continuing it. I have home exercises and have been religious about performing them but know that some that I do need to be supervised or actually performed by them.

    It rained today so I am hoping tomorrow will be cool and not muggy so I can address the weeds that sprouted in a bed previously weeded. I have mulch so once I am done weeding, I will mulch to suppress new growth. I will need a few more bags so DH will make a Home Depot run.

    Drove past hardware store on my way home and saw they had lovely pumpkins on display. All colors, shapes and sizes. They get them from Lancaster farms. Some were very inexpensive and some were very expensive but I avoided the latter. I ended up with a larger selection of various colored pumpkins that I will use to decorate the front steps and front porch. At the end of the season I found that if I crack them and place them in the woods, the deer and squirrels have a field day eating them. It was fun to watch the deer have a tug of war over some of the pieces…like small children. What they left, the squirrels demolished until there was nothing left.

    Claire, your photo was lovely and I loved going to AZ for spring break and seeing snow on the ground in the Grand Canyon and Flagstaff areas. Photo reminds me of those taken by Ansel Adams. Summer there is lovely, too. Just eye candy every where you look in AZ.

    Karen glad you were able to enjoy your holiday with your children. Hope the fatigue passes quickly.

    Hope everyone had a good day and an even better day tomorrow.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Claire - that’s a stunning picture. Sounds like a great hike. Fingers crossed that your October 6 appointment goes well.

    MM - glad your roof held up in the rain and hope it continues to do so. Good luck with your medical appointments this week.

    Chris - it’s amazing that you are publishing a book. What an accomplishment.! I do think we as women are too critical of our abilities. Please give your self some grace and enjoy your project.

    Cardplayer, Karen, Cindy and all who are dealing with health issues - you’re in my thoughts that the issues are resolved soon

    Carole - have a fantastic trip.

    Betrayal - your yard must look amazing with all the work you have done. I need to motivate myself to get out and do some weeding. We have one bed right off of our family room that needs some serious clean up but that may wait until spring when I can figure out what I want to do.

    Illinois lady - as always, your inspirational quotes and the time it takes to find the ‘right’ quote are much appreciated.

    Chisandy - hope you enjoyed your holidays. Sorry CVS is such a pain to deal with. I’m within a few minutes of a CVS and a Walgreens but I tend to go to Walgreens for my vaxx. No real reason - it’s just habit.

    Our pool is still open as we typically close it mid/October but turn the heat down if we aren’t using it. As the forecast calls for 80 degree temps later this week, DH turned up the heat tonight so we can use the pool. I like the water temp to be around 86F.

    I have a hair appointment tomorrow and volunteer work on Wednesday and Friday. We hope to go apple picking when DH is off on Thursday. We have tickets to see Hamilton on Sunday.

    I finally worked up the courage to make an ortho appointment for the hip/low back issue. I was pleasantly surprised that I could get an appointment on October 2nd with a pain management specialist. I really hate going to doctors and I’m a lousy patient. I don’t want to have to give up the gym, walking and biking but the pain last Friday and Saturday was almost too much. Aleve took the edge off the pain but didn’t fully mask it. I’m guessing the 4-5 hours on my feet at the Food Pantry every Friday may be aggravating the issue but I don’t want to give that up as it’s very meaningful for me. I’m not expecting much from the appointment as I strongly suspect it’s arthritis and age but I would like confirmation on what’s causing the pain. Perhaps PT or some type of non-surgical and non-drug intervention would provide some relief.

    A warm hello to anyone I may have missed.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    I read everything late last night and was going to post but was too tired. I did love that picture posted of the hike, beautiful spot.

    Covid shots for both of us were canceled for today, lack of the vaccine being delivered. They text us both to let us know. Then we went on the website and rescheduled for Saturday. Fingers crossed.

    Lungs - the thoracic Dr seems very nice and he has worked with my breast surgeon. Nodules could be from 3 things: inflammation/scar (rads anyone?); infection; or cancer. He gave me three options: 1) repeat CT in 3-6 months; 2) needle biopsy by radiology BUT he said it’s small and hard to get (pencil eraser size), 80% accuracy, 5% risk lung collapse (he then took this option away; wouldn’t recommend it); 3) video thoracic surgery - he’d take a wedge (apex/top tip portion of the lung) I’d get 3-1” incisions in my back, in OR 1.5 hrs, in hospital 3 days, recovery 2 weeks; I’d also have a drain tube that would be removed before I left the hospital. SCARE ME! The wedge is big enough to ensure clean margins (sound familiar?). He showed me the MRI, pointing out nodules; he had a print out of lungs, marked up my nodules and wrote his notes on what they could be and my options. I’ll try to post a picture, nothing on it is private secret info.

    Needless to say I opt for a repeat CT, he agrees. So they’re booking an appointment 3 months from my last one (8/28). I have to wait for a call back with that date and a follow up date with him.

    Neck - MRI shows pretty normal for my AGE. Dx is cervical radiculopathy, google says pinched nerve. I can get a selective nerve root block (targeted), a SURG, under live X-ray/fluoroscopy to hopefully deaden the pain. For this I see a different doctor, but not far from my house. I have to wait for a call from the Dr secretary to set that up. My dr indicated sometimes you need it done more than once. She gave me a follow up appt 11/27; and said if the pain feels better I can cancel.

    I know health comes before leaving for FL, but no planning can take place for us to leave until we have dates from various doctors. We normally leave after election day. Limbo until we hear something. We could go as planned, visiting the 2 grands in Texas on the way, and then I could fly back for CT. Or we stay put, so if CT shows any growth I’d be here to set up some procedures.

    I'm just hoping for some calls today or tomorrow to get the ball rolling which will help set up our plans. And to think, I thought I was healthy! All these “incidental” findings will keep me running to doctors.

    And the endocrinologist appointment isn’t until next week. Haha! Should I just start planning Thanksgiving at my house now?

    It rained here all day long yesterday. So stress, rain and dampness were all part of the day. I didn’t sleep well the night before, so wrapped in my fuzzy winter robe, I snoozed thru a PBS show we had recorded. Partner, he saw it all and knew I dozed off. We didn’t delete it so I can catch it later.

    Today is partially sunny, on & off, but cool 64 now, with a lot of wind. My newspaper was blown across the street again. We’re on a semi busy road, more traffic at rush hours, and I went out in my fuzzy robe to cross the street to get it! A vision of loveliness. Does it count if I didn’t have my contact lenses in and I couldn’t really see the people in the vehicles?

    Wishing us all better health and better news to go with it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Every decision you make—every decision—is not a decision about what to do. It’s a decision about Who You Are. When you see this, when you understand it, everything changes. You begin to see life in a new way. All events, occurrences, and situations turn into opportunities to do what you came here to do.     -Neale Donald Walsch

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Cindyny, sorry to hear about the medical dilemmas you are facing. A lot of things being thrown at you all at once and it is overwhelming trying to make informed decisions. He gave you his perspective and now you need to decide what is in your best interests. I am going to posit some questions that may help you think about the options:

    Do you know if your TB skin test (the PPD) is positive?

    Was your BC left sided? If so, which quadrant?

    Did he recommend waiting the 3-6 months for CT?

    Did he think lesions will remain stable in the interim?

    Would you have to return for CT and follow-up visit with him?

    Do you have a previous CT scan without these lesions?

    How do you feel about postponing it?

    Which option would provide the most ease of mind?

    I find that since my BC dx I have difficulty making medical decisions associated with that trauma and yet, had to have major abdominal surgery in '21 which promoted a lot of anxiety. Now I need my knees done and this is not an easy decision to make because the outcome of being as mobile as I was is not a given. I tend to mull things over and write down the pros and cons, talk to myself a lot (not crazy yet) and sometimes bounce it off my DSIL who is also a nurse. Even then I question my final decision. So talk it out with your partner and anyone whose advice you trust. We're here to listen whenever you need us.

    Got bed by road weeded for the second time and it is as good as it is going to get because there are some that are difficult to remove. Hopefully mulching them will kill them. DH will go get mulch tomorrow and I will try to mulch on Thursday.

    Next project is cleaning out old freezer, redistributing what I am keeping to other freezers and then thawing it. Garage will need to be cleaned out for foam insulation installation and will get date for that later today. We he has the info as to where to take them, he hasn't made any overtures to do so. So remaining contents will be sorted through, disposition to be made and then shifted to far side of garage until wall is completed (needs sheetrock and painting). I should be able to pull my car into that side temporarily while we wait for other jobs to be completed. I think we will be busy in November ensuring this gets done. Painting may be delayed until spring at this rate. Lots of stuff needs to just disappear incluneed to move everything within 4 feet of the wall to be done and this means DH (who is procrastinator personified) will need to relocate items currently hanging on walls. We have 3 old bikes to donate and whileding many of the flower pots I have accumulated over the years.

    Called CVS pharmacy yesterday 10 times trying to find out if they had the new Covid vaccine. I was disconnected each and every time before I reached a human. DSIL finally found a local CVS that has the vaccine in stock and we have appointments for Saturday morning. I will get flu vaccine before we leave for Sicily. Haven't been notified that prescription was filled either but DH will stop by on his way home from the dentist.

    Arranged pumpkins I bought on front steps and porch and they look so nice. They are all different colors, sizes and shapes so it provides real visual interest. I am done for the day outside. I plan on relaxing a bit since my PT exercises have been done.

    It is hazy and in the upper 60's with a light breeze. Initially I had a lightweight fleece on but worked up a sweat so it was peeled off. Nice day though and hope all of you have the same.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    ((((Cindy)))) I can relate to being on the "medical train" of one thing after another. I am so sorry you are going through all of this. I would have chosen to repeat CT scan too. Either I forget or missed when you originally posted about these, but you said both lung and neck were found incidentally. Of course, you don't have to answer, but may I ask how were they found?

    I am still trying to play catch up with specialists I put on hold until I was finished with my cancer treatments.

    Sandy, I am so sorry to hear about your UTI! Yep, they are super painful! I have an appointment next week with my urology PA. I am overdue for my cystoscopy, this is one of the appointments I put off. I really hope you are already feeling better! I have had numerous infections, but never blood I could see in my urine. I keep dip sticks around to test whenever I suspect a UTI.

    Betrayal, I think you should take out stock in the mulch company! Your husband is a saint for getting all the bags for you! Be glad he can. Your gardens sound beautiful! Also, good luck with the freezer. We had a huge upright freezer for 40 years and bought a smaller one in the fall of 2019. So thankful we did because I don't know how much longer our freezer would have worked. The poor people who needed appliances during Covid had a hard time getting them. A "chest" freezer wouldn't work for me, I need upright with shelves.

    DH had a non-eventful PCP visit, and I had my hair done this afternoon. I am a happy camper today!

    DH and I have appointments for Covid booster on Monday. I thought about scheduling them earlier but was concerned about what many of you are facing, that the pharmacy wouldn't have them in yet. Next week we are more flexible so if either of us have a reaction, we can chill and not have to push ourselves. I had a fever the day after two of the boosters, but not the last time. DH will get flu shot too, I will wait until October to get the flu vax.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Does kinesthology tape provide benefit for ankle pain Chris? I’ve never used it, but wondering if used correctly it helps with pain in different locations. 

    Taco - glad you made it home safe and sound from Maine. Hope you’re able to enjoy some golf once the course reopens. Hope your knee pain lessens. 

    MM - hope the roof does leak. Sounds like you’ve got a busy week of appointments. Enjoy coffee with your DS.

    Claire - a 6 mile hike sounds hard at that altitude. How often do you and the Traildusters hike? Love the photo.

    Glad you had a nice holiday with your family Karen. Sorry to hear that your appointment was delayed. So hard to wait when you want to get answers. I hope you feel better.

    Sorry to hear about your UTI and the fiasco with get your antibiotics from CVS Sandy. I hope you’re able to get all of the medication or get them to transfer it to another pharmacy. 

    I really miss having a small freezer Betrayal. When we moved our extra freezer conveyed with the house. Every once in a while I price small freezers, but we’d need to get an electrician to add the appropriate wiring in the basement. A frost free one sounds nice though. 

    Sorry your lower back/hip are bothering you Harley. I hope orthopedic doctor is able to provide you with some relief. You’re lucky to have gotten an appointment so quickly. Does swimming help?

    Sounds like your thoracic doctor was being very thorough in laying out your options Cindy. A pinched nerve sounds very painful. Thinking of you as you are making your medical decisions.

    Illinois- have really enjoyed the last two quotes.

    Carole - have a wonderful trip!

    Busy couple of days. Trying to catch-up on cleaning as usual. Today I had my REIKI therapy. On the way home, I stopped by the local market and cannery to pickup something for my BIL and SIL since were visiting them Friday - Monday. I got them corn salsa and summer salsa. I also bought pickled watermelon rind, which I’ll save to serve at Thanksgiving.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Cardplayer, I tried some medical tape day before yesterday, and it seemed to work. I went to PT today, and discussed the results of internet search on my ankle problem. PT assistant confirmed that would be a good choice. Will continue with medical tape until the KT tape arrives. So hopefully, that with gym and prescribed exercises will get me to the point that ten-block walks with Tippy will be possible. Is a good place. He earns the money for the website through his recommendations of items on Amazon.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Betrayal, yes left breast had rads in a pretty good sized rectangle area, right over the lung and I believe with radiation scattering it could easily have caused scaring. I haven’t had a TB test since maybe 1991. And I have had no previous chest CT scans. No call today for an appointment. I’ll follow up tomorrow or Thursday

    MM, after I had a tooth extracted in FL, I ended up with a lump under my tongue. Oral surgeon said it was my salivary gland. I followed up w ENT in Albany; he requested the CT w contrast of the floor of my mouth. The lump is/was a cyst, but he discovered the nodules in my lung and thyroid on that CT.

    Sandy, years ago I used to get UTI’s w/o symptoms. Then it would work it’s way up to my kidneys, then I’d have pain and bleeding. I’m hoping your meds work on yours quickly.

    Cardplayer, they used to put the KT tape on my thumb, wrapping ny wrist. It worked well but I’d sweat it off at the gym.

    Chris, Asics are my go to footwear. They hold up well and fit my orthotics. My last foot visit I was told to buy size 9 to fit the new orthotics he’s making. Apparently my left foot has elongated. I won’t ask what’s next.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    cindyny, RO denied emphatically that there is radiation scatter but I opted not to believe her especially since I caught her in other lies. Plus having several CT scans of chest during radiation just upped the dosage I got which was the maximum of Grays you can receive. Sorry, I missed that you had opted for repeat CT scan so I apologize for "butting in".

    Chisandy sorry you are experiencing an UTI and E. coli is the culprit, especially in females. Not fun and hope they offered you pyridium if you were having any bladder/urethra spasms. Drink until you feel like your kidneys are floating is one of the best practices to rid yourself as well as complete your AB.

    Chris, nice that PTA offered advice on footwear and exercises. Hope they help with your ankle issues.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    $126 spent. That is rare for me, but this is desperation. The shoes and the KT tape. Right now I have the medical tape on it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    To love very much is to love inadequately; we love--that is all.
    Love cannot be modified without being nullified.
    Love is a short word but it contains everything.  Love means the
    body, the soul, the life, the entire being.  We feel love as we feel
    the warmth of our blood, we breathe love as we breathe the air,
    we hold it in ourselves as we hold our thoughts.  Nothing more
    exists for us.  Love is not a word; it is a wordless state
    indicated by four letters.

    Guy de Maupassant

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 710

    Good morning all,

    I want off the medical train… saw my GP for my annual and all was great, except she did review my CT scans and now wants me to get a pelvic ultrasound since the CT scan last month recommended it due to heterogeneous something adjacent to my ovary. The read said due to “little peritoneal fat and multiple loops of bowel” US was recommended. So now I wait for still another exam and test (I had my annual pelvic exam in March, and pap, and all was well). I don’t know what to even think or respond to anymore. Is it a recurrence or ovarian cancer? Or nothing? Argh, I’m weary of one report begetting another exam/scan/test. Will it ever end I ask myself.

    Someone asked about how many times my hiking group hikes. Weekly, but I often can’t go because I’m prepping for teaching that day. I don’t teach Friday so I was able to get out. We are all in the same age range from 70+ to 50, all women. It’s fun and I appreciate hanging out with women my age since most of my time is spent with 18-22 year olds.

    I hope everyone is doing well today. Is today the first day of fall?


  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    I had a great visit with my PS this morning. It is one of the few doctor appointments that I went to knowing what I want to do, and having the doctor be in agreement 100%! My lymphedema surgeries are on hold. My focus now is losing weight and he referred me to a doctor who specializes in weight loss/management at another hospital in my healthcare system.

    I have a telephone visit with this surgeon on Oct.9th. Initial visits can be done that way because his office is on the other side of Philadelphia, and he does this for my PS's patients. I need help. I've had weight issues most of my life and it's impacting my health. I am not having bariatric surgery, but my PS said this doctor has many different treatments. Certainly worth a try.

    My abdominal US is on Friday, just to rule out other reasons for my issues. My diet is mostly plant based. I don't eat junk food very often. I went to WW's three times and tried all kinds of diets and only had limited success. Anyway, if nothing else, this gives me hope. Hope is something I have not had much of in over a year, so I will take it!

    Chris, I am glad your PT is helping you! I had a co-worker that swore by that tape!

    Going over to my DS and BIL's house in a bit to visit with our DB and SIL. DB has a box of things from our dad.

    Carole, have a wonderful vacation!

    Illinoislady, thanks for the music, I will listen to them later!