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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 354

    MM - very happy to see you post!

    Illinoislady - somehow I missed that you broke your left arm. Oh my- you are having a tough time. Hope you are able to catch up on sleep soon as it will help the healing process.

    Petite - sorry you had a rough day but certainly understandable given all you’ve been going through.

    Not much new here. Today was volunteering at the food pantry as I do every Friday. A relatively slow day as it is the beginning of a new month so SNAP benefits are renewed. As the benefits run low towards mid to end of the month, we will see more need at the pantry. Also still volunteering for one medical drive per week. They are a bit short on volunteers so I’ve offered to take a 2nd trip each week if needed. As we move into winter we may havve more volunteer shortages if people are sick or traveling for the holidays.

    Yesterday was DH’s birthday which coincided with his day off. A low key celebration as we went out to lunch at a new to us restaurant and then a hike in a nearby park. At one point we went around a curve in the trail and a beautiful buck was standing on the trail. Not sure who was more surprised - us or him. He quickly sprinted off before we could take a photo.

    Have a great weekend!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Harley, the broken arm is not real new (was about 3 or 4 yrs. ago now) but it broke so high up (nearly at the shoulder level) and a lot of the bone under the break splintered so it is now hard to lay on my left side for any length of time. The left side was my normal sleeping position before that break. I can't seem to adjust to laying on my back and I guess I'll always be a side sleeper. Sure, will rejoice when all my facial work is done so that I can get back to normal sleep positions.

    You are a great volunteer and I'm sure those who experience your help must be so grateful. Not everyone has the time or health to be civic minded. You are a true blessing.

    Happy Birthday to your other half. I sort of cherish more low-key relaxed celebrations at my age. Thinking of your meeting up with the buck — I always think it is a special gift when I see deer which come to our yard often this time of year for the nuts an acorns. Not sure why I think of them that way but I do. Sounds like it was a nice surprise for you and your hubby as well. Hope you have many more birthdays together.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I just attempted to add my signature back to my postings. We will see if it worked. I read my old bio written in 2009 when I became a member of I just told my dh, "I was 66 years old. That seems so young now."

    Yesterday I didn't feel well after having flu and Covid shots in left arm on Thursday. Plus my arm is very sore. Today I seem to be back to normal.

    DH is busy booking a Viking river cruise in Europe for 2025. The 2024 cruise is already booked up. That's optimistic of us, currently 84 and 80. LOL. The tv ads make the river cruises seem so relaxing and interesting. Has anyone taken one of those cruises? With travel in mind, I wonder why Betrayal hasn't checked in.

    It's sunny out and our weather is trending warm again.

    Happy Saturday to all.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302
    edited November 2023

    Keyed a long story and it’s gone.

    Took a nice walk yesterday in the local park. Big trees that were beautiful are now leafless.

    Had the painter here yesterday. He finished up the pillars and entire area between living and dining room. Love it, crisp clean white.

    We went to a car show today, after putting back everything moved from the painting project. Partner loves seeing all different models hands on. Nothing he had to have so just getting out of the house.

    We are invited to a concert tonight, Jethro Tull. I haven’t seen him in 45 years! Should be fun.

    Everyone seems to be doing good. May that continue!

    PS - my first post I spoke about my Christmas cactus blooming. And how I might be able to see it in full bloom because we’re not leaving for FL as usual.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    I intend to go on with my life by living it, not by buying into some notion that I no longer have the potential to become still better. I refuse to take seriously society's idea that at the arbitrary age of 65 I am suddenly a lamp going out. Roger S. Mills

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    It has been a nice day here but cool this morning. The afternoon much better. I got up late again. That seems to happen a lot to me lately. I still have this issue of getting up to 'go' after three in the morning several times. Well, all seems normal, so I'm not concerned, but I do feel odd getting up at 8:00 or 8:30. I've always been an early riser.

    So we had an earlier breakfast and a rest afterwards and then over to my friend's house to visit. We hadn't seen Jo for a bit, but she is busy with details of the house she will move into before Christmas. She will rent from a very good friend. He's a wonderful man and one that Dr. B though well of, so much so that before he passed, he asked him if he would help Jo. He has rental properties. The one she will move into will be a little nicer than most of his, but I think overall it is a nicer house. I think he might have even purchased it after Dr. B passed away — knowing it was in a good neighborhood and something Jo would be happy with altogether.

    After that good ole' Walmart. We did have to replace our old cat boxes. Still useful but just really old. In time we can clean them good and donate them to the House of Hope here that finds homes for animals.

    Cindy, your cactus is quite large and beautiful. What a treat to see it profuse with blooms. I've always liked the flowers on the Christmas cactus. I had a huge cactus garden by the side of my driveway when we lived in California. Some of the cactus were over my head even and I think even though my house was not old that cactus garden is what sold my home. The lady buying it and her husband were of Mexican decent and I think she felt like it was home immediately with the cactus there.

    Your concert sounds like it will be a great trip down memory lane perhaps. Hope you have a wonderful time.

    Carole, I got both of my shots at the same time this yr. and my arm was quite sore. Had them both in the same arm. I didn't feel anything from either of the injections that I noticed but my arm was sore for two days pretty much. After that — back to a normal nothing. It feels good to know that is done since we do have that newer Covid. I don't hear of its being a major issue anywhere, but I keep my eye out here as we live in a retirement type community as well as having a number of communal living homes. A number of rest home and assisted living facilities so I check the health department bulletin frequently.

    I hope everyone had a delightful day. Hope we all stay well and have good test results if we need that kind of attention. Clocks go back tonight, grrr. We always wait till Sunday though. Just find it easier then.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Carole - I have had several friends who went on the European river cruises at advanced ages. It's something I'd really like to do. Apparently they dock right off the streets, so if you have places you want to see on land they are easy to maneuver around. Also the wine is apparently included so you can enjoy sitting on the deck with a toddy in the evening watching the sights. I'm just a year younger than you and would really like to take several of the cruises. I'd also like to take the "Lewis & Clark" cruise from Idaho (?) to the coast of Oregon.

    I was fortunate to FINALLY find someone to do my Covid shot in my thigh. It was sore for a couple of days.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    DS sent me a message:

    "Don't forget to set your clocks back from sunshine and happiness, to misery and despair this weekend."

    I find the early darkness hard to handle, at least at first. I can no longer drive at night so it really cuts back on what I'm able to do.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    We may think that happiness is a result of happy circumstances.
    A more mature view of happiness is that it is a by-product of
    sharing our good and serving others.  It is a sense of doing a
    job well, honest communication with another, visiting someone
    who may be ill, or sharing a sense of humor.  Happiness is a
    spiritual principle that we can lay hold of and use, regardless
    of outer conditions or circumstances.
    It isn't necessary to wait for circumstances to bring happiness.
    When we try to give it to others, it returns to us multiplied.  We
    can make our own joy, and let it act upon circumstances!  One
    of the great paradoxes of truth is that a happy heart draws to
    itself what it needs for happiness.

    John Marks Templeton

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Those river jaunts do sound quite interesting. Sort of like discovering some of the outstanding places in your home state that you sort of never knew were there. I think I would love that type of cruise.

    I found a website at one time about the interesting, but actually little-known places to visit and while I couldn't visit any of them it was such fun to read about them at least. Sadly, I changed computers and lost it and have not 'recalled' the phrasing I used when I first found the site, or I'd still be arm-chair visiting.

    Wren, I'm sorry to hear that you can't drive yourself at night. I do understand as it is getting difficult for me as a Senior with cataracts. My eye Dr. keeps saying to hold out as long as I can. I don't use my left eye. It went lazy when I had rheumatic fever as an 8 yr. old. 78 now and so because you can have some negatives in cataract surgery, they advise I wait since I can only actually depend on my 'good' eye. It's always something but one of these days —figure by next yr.

    Pretty morning here. The time change (if I can keep up early enough) will have the bonus for me of watching all the great colors come in from the East as the sun comes up. I always find the deep, deep orange hues that begin it just amazing. Slowly it becomes lighter and lighter as the magic fades and you finally see the sun. I hope I never tire of it.

    Hope you all have a bright sunny and happy Sunday. Hi to everyone who isn't posting much lately.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    Hi to everyone and it is nice to find that my postings which have a tendency to ramble were missed. We returned from Rome last night at 6 PM but left hotel in Naples at 3:45 AM to catch 6:30 flight to Rome. Sat in Rome airport for over 4 hours for our nonstop flight and breakfast options have changed since out last trip: no true breakfast foods, only the 3 P's to choose from: pizza, pasta and pastry.

    I picked up a wicked cough that started during the flight home and today I feel boneless and headachy from coughing all night. First true URT infection since 2019 so I shouldn't complain but I will whine a bit. Most certainly didn't miss feeling this way in all that time.

    Learned that 80% of Italy is hilly and with dodgy knees this was a real challenge and for some walks I decided to recognize my limitations and just sit to people watch or talk to a fellow traveler who could not do the inclines. DH went on walks taking photos but my philosophy was "I couldn't miss what I hadn't seen". Trip to Sicily was first and we had one brief shower in those 10 days. Hotter than anticipated for this time of year but bearable. Fellow travelers were a mixed bag with one annoying guy who would hit every gelato store and request a taste test of up to 22 flavors which he would share with wife and then they would get one cup of 2 scoops to share! Maddening if you were standing in line behind them. Tour guide was marvelous and eager to share facts about the sites we visited. However, many in this group spent entire trip complaining about just about everything including weather, meals (which were delicious) and hotels not realizing that hotels in Sicily are not as posh as those in Rome given socio-economic conditions and the fact that some were in smaller towns. They were clean, comfortable and we quite frankly got tired of the complainers. Did finally get to visit the church featured in the Godfather where Michael married Apollonia. The last time were there the church was closed due to a wedding.

    We finished that tour and flew from Catania to Naples and were transported to Sorrento by private car. We stayed in this beautiful old hotel in Sorrento with very posh furnishings and decorations including a Murano chandelier in the bedroom. We took a day trip to Positano and Amalfi, went to a 3 Tenors concert in this old museum and revisited a restaurant we have eaten at every time we have been in Sorrento. It is under new ownership but I met the owner at lunch time, told him our repeat story and he invited me to reserve a table for dinner. I passed not knowing when we would be ready to eat and it was one that served before 7:30 which is dinner time there. When we went back we were served Prosecco and OJ cocktails and limoncello after the meal gratis. My meal was delicious though they seem to have done away with the pork cutlets they used to serve.

    I purchased an olive wood and elm 7 drawer upright chest that I plan on converting into a jewelry chest. It has inlaid flowers and is just gorgeous. It caught my eye as we were leaving the store and after looking at 2 smaller chests that could be used as a jewelry armoire and a very pricey and far too modern true jewelry armoire, I went for the chest. They will line the drawers with velvet for me as part of the cost, with free shipping, and insurance.

    After 4 days on our own in Sorrento we picked up the second tour which was Southern Italy. If you are into Baroque churches this would interest you but I was not enthralled. Highlight was Herculaneum which is better preserved than Pompeii. It was too hard for me to walk so DH took photos and I will look on Youtube for a show on it.

    Each group brings a varied mix of personalities and we had those again on this trip. They were for the most part tolerable and we only had to spend 10 days with them. There was one overbearing couple who did not learn that humor at someone else's expense is a form of bullying and the tour guide did not do much to try to thwart this. I hope they tipped her well. Again the weather was warmer than normal, one rainy day and early days. As our first guide said, "A vacation is where you go to the beach, sleep in and do next to nothing. However, a tour is early mornings, long days and you get to see a lot."

    Tried to play catchup by reading posts but cannot remember the content of most. For those with medical challenges, I hope they are quickly and easily resolved; for those in pain, I wish you relief; and for those who I have failed to address, I will try to play catchup.

    DSIL just returned from pharmacy with cough medicine for me. What a gem he is! Have a good day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Betrayal, welcome back! Sounds like it was a great trip, even if you sat out a few adventures. Sorry you picked up a cough.

    We went to the Jethro Tull concert last night which was fun. He can still play the flute like nobody’s business, although his voice didn’t allow a lot of songs we’d have liked to hear. I believe he said he’s 76, and can still dance - it just isn’t pretty. He had a full head of hair and danced the full stage in the old days, I last saw him 45 years ago- we were both younger haha. I wouldn’t have recognized him in the street today.

    TMI - I had terrible intestinal cramps last night. I was drinking Benefiber in pint glasses of water, I took some aid to help me, and ate a high fiber bar. No help. I was up twice in the night from all the water I ingested. Seems to have gotten better today. I never have that problem, of which I didn’t name. LOL

    I’m thrown off with the time change. Awake at 7:40, breakfast before 8 means I’m hungry again. Overcast and 54, so not horrible, just not great.

    Grandniece has a soccer game at 5 they just told me about last night. I’ll go to it but and I have dinner reservations at 6, so I’ll leave it early. Other than that a quiet day. Hoping yours is too!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    Meant to mention that we went through time change in Europe last weekend and came home in time to do it all over again this weekend. So try it twice ad you really feel out of it, LOL.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Welcome back betrayal. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip, saw lots of interesting sites, enjoyed the food, etc. can’t wait for you to share some photos when you have time. Hope you feel better.

    Love the Christmas cactus Cindy. Glad you enjoyed the concert - what a trip down memory lane to see Jethro Tull. Hope your gut is feeling better this afternoon.

    I’ve never done a river cruise Carole, but sounds like a nice way to enjoy various cities and sites.

    Minus2 - my ILs did a river cruise on the Mississippi years ago.

    Sorry day light savings has limited you and that you’re unable to drive at night wren.

    Illinois - glad you got to catch-up with Jo.

    We’re enjoying warmer weather again. This trend should last for a couple of days. Hope everyone is doing well.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Betrayal, sounds like you had a pretty good trip all together. Sorry that you had some of 'those' kind on the trip with you, but you are so right. There is always someone who doesn't seem to get that keeping things moving while not making a spectacle of yourself is the best way to do things when you are captive in a group.

    Makes me wonder if you put out a gentle rules of behavior list if these types would recognize themselves enough to heed it, even partially.

    Sorry that you seem to have picked up a bug, but at least it waited until you were on the way home. We all missed you and are so happy to see you back, though wishing you came back as well as when you left.

    Cindy, the concert sounds like it was fun. Well, we aren't any of us what we were 45 yrs. ago. I'm going to have to stop a minute to even think where I was 45 yrs. ago. was married (not so long right then) to Dh and we lived in the family section of a big mobile home park. My children were fairly young then — neither in school yet.

    Again, so glad you are back Betrayal and hoping your cough goes away quickly and you nip anything going quickly.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Welcome back, Betrayal. I didn't realize you would be away this long. Your trip locales sound very interesting. DH and I will probably never do another tour that involves early departures and multiple hotels. That's why we find the Viking river cruises appealing. DH says he'd rather unpack once and sleep in the same bedroom. Beer and wine are complimentary on the Viking cruises. That's definitely appealing to us.

    Our neighbors just returned from a trip to England. They picked up a car in London and drove themselves. They were in the Cotswalds (sp?) where Stone Henge is located. They're in their 60's, so quite a bit younger. In the spring they're doing a European river cruise with Viking. It will be interesting to get feedback from them. They were advised by an acquaintance employed by Viking to take a lower priced stateroom because much of the travel is at night.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Wonderful trip Betrayal.

    Carole - I have friends who have done several European river cruises. Paris south through Tuscany and then Germany past the castles into Holland during the tulip season. They said the same thing about cabins because they were always on the top deck during the day anyway - drinking the free booze no doubt.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    MM - glad to see you post. Sometimes a break is all one needs. Sounds like an interesting trip, Betrayal. Sandy, I've forgotten why you and Bob are going to Florida.

    No trick or treaters in our retirement community.

    We have done river cruises - two in the states and 3 in Europe. The hardest part will be the flight. Also check to see if there is an elevator if a flight of stairs is an issue for either you or DH, Carole.

    The one from Amsterdam to Budapest was the most scenic but I found going from Budapest to Bucharest most fascinating with the post war recovery. I have always wanted to do one in Portugal but I think it will probably remain on the bucket list.

    I love them. Small ship with mostly friendly older folks who are looking for something different. Most dock right "in town" so you can do as much or as little as you want. We often just found a street cafe to people watch. The one we went on with AMA waterways 7 years ago also had walking tours for two levels of walkers.

    Unusually busy weekend for us. The food bank had their annual Gala last night. First time I haven't had any "hostessing duties" so could sit back and really enjoy instead of running around. Great music but too loud for comfortable conversation at our table of 8.

    Today I was at Ella's skating competition. Haven't heard how she did in her individuals but it was fun - just very uncomfortable bleachers.

    Seeing a new orthopedic surgeon on Thurs. My knee replacement has never been "good" and the pain is getting both more frequent and worse. Chris, how are you doing?

    Hope everyone has a good week.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2023

    Just saying hello and bye! I'm going to stay with two other threads, but I feel like I wore out my welcome here and no longer feel welcome here. I've been on bco for too long to give it up as well as the friendships I've made on other threads.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    Wishing you all the best Karen!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Taco, thanks for the feedback. The cruise we have booked is Amsterdam to Bucharest, 23 days. Airports are difficult for dh but he realizes now that he will need wheelchair assistance. I am still able to walk. We paid extra for so-called "premium" economy. Business class is too pricey unless we win the lottery in the meanwhile. Our travel friends, Linda and Bob, probably won't be making this trip with us. They have a grandson graduating in 2025, plus the cruise booked up before they could book a reservation.

    Karen, I think you're quite welcome on this thread but you have to decide for yourself.

    My memory kicked in and I realized that each time I had the Covid shot, I experienced the same reaction I had on Friday. It shouldn't have taken me by surprise.

    I need to get more physically active. I'm sitting too much and crocheting has given me an excuse to sit. With that said, I am creating some pretty chemo caps. I love the different yarns.

    Happy Monday.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    MM: the pasta photo you posted is tortellini. The Sicilian pasta I was searching for is named Aniello and it resembles skinny Cheerios. I did find one chain restaurant at the Catania airport that had it prepared in its signature casserole and it was as delicious as I remembered it. I managed to buy 3 bags in Sicily and 2 more in Sorrento so I have my stock for now. We have a local Italian specialty store and I will have to see if they carry it as well. Luckily I never tire of pasta even after eating it almost daily for 3 weeks. No, I do not have even one drop of Italian blood in my DNA.

    Still feeling under the weather so I cancelled skin cancer check scheduled for tomorrow and wasn't able to reschedule until April, 2024. Also cancelled teeth cleaning but able to reschedule for end of month. Act of just dressing is exhausting so better to cancel for now. Spent night coughing again even though I am taking cough suppressant medicine. I am as the saving goes " feeling knee high to a grasshopper."

    Can sort through mail again today to deal with those that require follow-up and organize those that require filing. Will try to do some laundry but will even play that by ear.

    Lovely photos of Christmas cacti, fall leaf changes and others posted.

    Karen, sorry to hear you want to leave this supportive environment but only you can make the decision as to what best suits your needs. I have appreciated your "sharings".

    Lovely sunny day with temp in 50's for now. Hope it stays this way. Have a good day everyone.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 354

    Betrayal - welcome back from your trip. Sounds like a great trip if a bit strenuous. We have also found there is always one annoying person on group tours and do our best to avoid them. Two families members spent three weeks in Italy in September on a hiking and biking trip and commented on the steep inclines on the hiking portion of the trip. I hope you start to feel better soon.

    Carole - Amsterdam to Bucharest sounds lovely. You can do as much or as little as you want. Friends took a Viking river cruise to Portugal earlier this year and really enjoyed it. We haven’t taken a river cruise, but will be going on our 2nd Viking ocean cruise in February. The first trip was to Cuba in 2019 when it was legal to cruise there. The February trip will be an 18 day cruise sailing from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Santiago, Chile. We also will be flying premium economy as the thought of 13 hours of flying time from Chicago to Buenos Aires and back from Santiago (connecting flight in Dallas) is more than I can handle. Business class pricing was exorbitant.

    Taco - good luck with your ortho appointment. I hope the pain can be relieved.

    Karen - you will be missed. Feel free to come back if/when you are ready.

    Have a great week!

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Sorry to see you go Karen. I hope you return some day when you’re feeling comfortable. Stay well.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Principles have achieved more victories than horsemen or chariots.   -W.M. Paxton

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Long day for me. I'm sorry to hear you want to leave the thread Karen. We have enjoyed your posts and were glad you shared your time. I hope as Betrayal says, you may choose to come back after a break.

    Betrayal, I was so in hope being back in your home, in your own bed would be highly beneficial. In many ways I'm sure it is, but coughing all night is not getting healing rest. Here's hoping that cough syrup kicks in and starts to be a lot more soothing.

    As far as I know I don't have much Italian in me, but I'm a HUGE pasta lover. And it has no salt to boot. I do make spaghetti a lot here as some of the jarred sauces have little salt. Lately, I have made mac and cheese using shredded Swiss Cheese with little salt. I do prefer yellow cheese for mac and cheese, but if I'm willing to make it with the Swiss Cheese I can eat a whole lot more.

    Taco, I sure hope your Dr. can help with your knee issue. I know nothing about those things, but I hope there is a fix that doesn't involve more surgery, knowing that the pain and discomforts need to be addressed.

    I saw Dr. Dave this morning. It was delightful and I hate to say it, but we had a good time. I got to be dismissed after enough "looks" at my nodule in my chest. I think generally, after four if he deems it you are stable. Anyway, he looked at my CT. and ordered blood work to be done before I left. The Pet Scan is tomorrow, and he suspects that I may have fungus in my lungs which he says would light up the Pet Scan. He did not see changes to the nodule which would make him think it has cancer in it — but nothing it ruled out till it is ruled out. So, I think it was good that I saw him before the Pet. He will call me when he has the results of both the tests — blood and Pet.

    I was exhausted by the time we got home (I never sleep that well when I have to get up and drive to Marion, Il the next day) so I needed a nap. Then some daily work for the pets, then dinner and finally here.

    I likely will be back on here in the morning before I go for my test as its set for 11:30. Ugg. Nothing to eat or drink but water after 5:30 a.m. I'll be looking for distractions for sure.

    See you all later.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Karen, I don't feel comfortable here, either.

    However, Taco just asked a question which I must answer. Taco, I am still having problems, but my orthopedist says I need to check with podiatry. My ankle rolls outward. I have been taping it, which helps. I got a brace to use on it, but it aggravates the bone on the top of the foot. It is the peroneal tendon (s), which was damaged in a sprain 25 years ago. I have to pay attention to the way I walk, because otherwise, the pain will radiate up from there.

    I am busy writing and I'm trying to wean myself off of the website.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Karen and Chris, I’m sorry neither of you feel comfortable or welcome here. (HUGS)

    Carole, that’s a nice long trip you’ve got scheduled! Your time sitting while crocheting is very productive, so don’t be hard on yourself.

    Betrayal, this Irish girl loves pasta too! Hoping you start to feel better soon. It was best to cancel those appointments and rest up.

    Illinois, I’m glad your visit with Dr. Dave went well. Best of luck with the PET scan. Although I won’t be awake at 5:30 to help distract you, someone might be!

    I had my 6 month check with my MO today. All is well, and she booked me out 6 months again for follow-up. I told her I would have my thyroid results tomorrow unless she could get them. Well, hours later I received a call from her - she had the front desk girls get the results. The thyroid nodule is benign! I still see the endocrinologist tomorrow morning and I’m sure he’ll have more information on the antibody flagged as high, and follow-up protocol. So no cancer was a good report.

    It’s actually tomorrow/Tuesday now, so I’m off to bed. Have a great tomorrow!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Good news from Jackie and Cindy on testing. No cancer is on the list of best news possible.

    I've been on this thread, posting or just reading, since 2009. At times the conversations aren't relevant and I just read or skim. Maybe I'm obtuse but I haven't read any exchanges that were intentionally hurtful.

    The three women who were my support group on a thread that is no longer active all dropped out of I'm the only one who stayed and moved on to Life after Treatment discussions. So isn't for everyone. The other women felt they had to put their bc experiences behind them and move on. I'm still in touch with one of them who lives in Canada.

    Betrayal, I didn't come home with a bad cough from our September trip to Ireland and Scotland but it took me a full week to rest up. Of course, I'm older than you and age played in.

    Another super fog this morning led to an accident on I-10 with at least one lost life.

    I have a dentist appointment this morning for routine cleaning. Not my favorite thing to do. Otherwise, I will continue going through my closet and dresser drawers and getting rid of "good stuff." I'll be amassing a collection for the Vietnam Veterans.

    Happy Tuesday to all.