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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Looks to be another beautiful day.

    Karen and Chris, I too am sorry you don't feel comfortable posting here.

    Betrayal, your trip sounds amazing! I really enjoyed reading about your adventures and agree that even if you sat out on a couple of things, you had great adventures and built wonderful memories! I can't wait to see the photos. Thanks, about the pasta tip. I didn't know what they were, that was a gift from a relative. I am so sorry you are still feeling so poorly! I hope that changes for the better real soon!

    Illinois, thinking of you and wishing you well with your PET scan!

    taco, good luck with your new orthopedic doctor. I hope he/she can help you! Loved reading your comments about river cruises, they sound interesting. Also, that is awesome you were able to watch Ella's skating! I love watching skating competitions, though no one in my family ever participated in that sport.

    Cindy, congrats on the "no cancer" report! What a relief! Also, got to love it when your MO says see you in six months! I see mine in January as well as my breast surgeon and I hope I here the same from them! I can't believe it is already time for you to head back to Florida! My DS and BIL leave for Florida the first week in December. DH and I might fly down to visit them this winter.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    Here's a photo of the pasta which is called Aniello Siciliana or Aniello Palermitani depending upon supplier and is used primarily in casseroles. I found 2 packages relatively inexpensive at an Italian street market (but I bought him out), 2 in a supermarket that were even less expensive and one that was the most expensive. In tourist areas they were going for over $5/lb and I refused to pay that price. I love how the Italians cook pasta al dente which is hard to find here even in Italian restaurants. I like the chewier texture and they do NOT salt/oil their cooking water.

    Our tour guide told us that Italians do not dip their bread in olive oil at the beginning of a meal nor use butter on their bread. We went to a restaurant shortly after where the Italians sitting at the next table did pour olive oil on a plate and then dipped their bread in it. We had to laugh. Normally, they use bread to wipe up leftover gravy (sauce) which we also do.

    The 2 cats have enjoyed trying on the suitcases and I think are plotting on how they can go with us next time. I have not had the energy to unpack so I am doing it in spurts where I take a few items out and try to put them away. I gave my DD the one item I had purchased for her which is a small purse made of cork that is on a long shoulder strap and can serve as a "hold everything". It has a place for credit cards, money, her phone and other items. It has a lovely print on it and I also bought myself one for those days where I do not want to lug my big purse. I did unpack my travel purse and offloaded to my fall one.

    We visited a place in Modica, Sicily named Bonajuto, which specializes in making chocolates (love dark chocolate) and I bought a whole bunch of different flavored bars:: Settanta (70%); Fruttosio (Fructose); Limone; Salinae (Salt); Arancia (Orange); Mandarino (Tangerine), Vaniglia (Vanilla), Cannella (Cinnamon) and Cardamomo (Cardamom). We also received 2 free bars as part of our tour, a small box (each) of a chocolate assortment including a chocolate filled cookie and a tasting of their chocolate liqueur. It was a fun visit and we loved seeing how they make their chocolate.

    Lemons are a big part of both Sicilian and Sorrento's environs. I bought some items featuring lemons: runners for my island, tea towels, an olive oil pourer, a new ceramic lemon wall item, a scarf, etc. The tastings we had of their olive oil featuring selections of EVOO, I found too strong so did not purchase any. It is also difficult to transport and I don't like putting anything in my suitcase that might leak. I did buy a ceramic olive oil jar and could kick myself for not buying the matching vinegar (Aceto) jar. Although they talk about how they use leftover Italian bread to make Panzanella, we never found it available in any taverna and I love it. They lightly moisten the dried/stale bread, add ripe tomatoes, basil, and a vinaigrette dressing. Not sure they would like the crouton style bread we get here though. So like any other import, Italian food here has been Americanized for better or worse.

    Still coughing and having lack of appetite issues. GI tract is not accepting of most foods yet so finding this the worse aspect. Did manage a good night's sleep last night.

    Chris, not sure of why you don't feel comfortable here but I, for one, do enjoy your posts and would miss your presence.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    So much to comment on, but first the underground leak was not as bad as I thought it would be. It was only a few feet from the meter. Cindy, I use bottle water for drinking. Water in Florida tastes different in every area I go I am lucky I have county water. I had a house with well that I had to have every filter know to keep the sulfur smell away. When I was young, we would go places with wonderful cold well water right out of the ground. But that was 60 or so years ago.

    Cindy, your Christmas Cactus is beautiful.

    Betrayal, what a wonderful trip!

    Karen, I will miss you. Do pop in now and then

    MM, Welcome back.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Wonderful health news Cindy and Illinois!

    Sounds like you came home with some wonderful treats Betrayal. Hope your cough and GI issues improve.

    Sorry your ankle is causing issues Chris. Hope the podiatrist can provide some answers and relief. Sorry that you’re not feeling welcomed on this thread.

    Carole - we’ve collected two bags of clothes that we need to drop off at the hospice center. Unfortunately, we don’t live a large enough area that we can schedule pickups.

    My cousins are moving forward planning a family reunion for May 2024. I had pulled together family email addresses back in 2019 when we had discussed a reunion and luckily had kept it on my google drive. We’ll see if this really happens this time around.

    Have a nice evening.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Every event offers us a blank canvas upon which we paint with the brush of humility or arrogance; modesty or pride; service or self-aggrandizement.  If we seek praise and position, we shall crash.  If we seek character and service, we shall soar.  Even if you do not have a highway named after you or you are not awarded the coveted job or prize, you will be at peace with yourself and your soul will be satisfied.

    Alan Cohen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Coming in late again today. It has been a long day — wearing since I started out this morning w/o being able to eat anything. It seemed to have zapped me of some of my energy as well. I had forgotten how Pet scans go. Mainly, that I had to have sugar water injected and then sit for 45 mins before getting the Scan. Oh well.

    Just made finally getting my first cup of coffee for the day and something to eat a little later. After I got home and did those two oh so necessary things I had to get in my recliner and rest. I don't know what is going on, but I sometimes get a feeling that my neck is not strong enough to hold up my head and I have a neck ache I guess from holding up my head. I fell asleep while waiting for my neck to feel better.

    Count me in for being sorry if Chris and Karen don't feel good about being here now. I hope I haven't done anything to cause that feeling. My humble apologies if so. We are rather diverse. and won't always agree about everything. I just bypass those things for the most part. I think each person has something nice to contribute and I don't want to miss them. I hope like the one quote says to "with the breath of kindness" blow away that which might not fit in order that I don't have to miss what does.

    I'm sure many people do this with some of the things I mention as I tend to see most of life in a slightly different leaning and I realize it doesn't resonate with everyone. Still, sometimes for the one person it might help I take the chance to mention it anyway. So, I am sorry if I caused discomfort.

    I hope you will find areas that you might feel more suitable, but it would be nice if you do, if you would come by and say hi now and then and let us know you are well and getting along in life. It is really all any of us want to do.

    I have a pretty clear calendar now until the 14th. when I go back to Glen Carbon to get stitches removed from my first cancer, and then turn around and have the second tumor removed. I will have that set of stitches removed at the local office here. So far it has been fairly easy to deal with caring for my face. Hope my nose will prove to be as well. I'm nervous since I wear glasses.

    Hope you all have a good day. Betrayal, glad you had a better night's sleep. I'M A VERY FIRM BELIEVER that good sleep along with a good attitude does much for what ails us. Hope that continues and you are soon back on your proper sea legs.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    Karen and Chris - I too will miss you. Tried to PM you but this older brain couldn't figure out how to do that.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    taco, go to the top of the page and click on the "envelope" next to your icon in the upper right side. The add the person you want to PM and your message and send. Easy to do, at least on a PC, not sure about a cell phone. Post again if you have problems.

    Today is super sunny, but cold. I love it! I hope to drive to a local apple farm today with my DH. We won't pick the apples as we have in other years but will buy some. I will definitely get my steps in walking later today, the sun is calling my name!

    I am still decluttering the upstairs, had paused during the heat, and then took another break due to not feeling well. I feel pretty good now, and plan to take full advantage of it!

    DD and family are going to Macy's Thanksgiving parade, but will be home in time to enjoy our traditional dinner. Her NYC office has huge windows from which to watch the parade. Dh and I will watch parade on TV as he can't function in crowds anymore, even if it is just going to and from DD's office.

    My oldest sister needs hip replacement. I know some of you have gone through that, any suggestions for preparation would be appreciated! She plans to have it done in the spring as they leave for Floriday after Thanksgiving. She thinks the cold is making it worse and her doctor agrees with her.

    Dh made out well at the dermatologist. The spot he was concerned about was not cancer, thank goodness.

    Illinois, I thought of you yesterday. I never do well with anything needed to be injected into my veins as they are so poor and difficult to hit. I never had a PET scan, at least not that I remember. Glad that is over for you. I also hope you neck feels better.

    Betrayal, I LOVED the photos of your cats! Too cute!!! The pasta looks interesting, I have never seen any like that before. How will you cook it?

    Petite, so glad your water problem wasn't as bad as expected! That doesn't happen often, "not being as bad as expected," at least when it comes to home issues in my house. You are way overdue for good things to happen! Our water tastes bad too, so we mostly drink bottled spring water or filtered water.

    Chris, you too have had more than your share of difficulties. I hope your ankle feels better and you are getting some relief.

    Cardplayer, I hope the reunion happens! We used to have a big reunion on my mother's side of the family. We tried to have yearly reunions with my siblings, but they ended years ago as our families grew farther apart due to moving out of state. My DH's family still hold several reunions each year. They are so much fun. They have an auction after dinner and that is always full of fun and laughter.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Gratitude is one of the great positive emotions because it creates magnetism. A magnet is that which draws things to itself; therefore, by giving heartfelt thanks for all the good we now have, through the magnetism that gratitude creates, we will start attracting more good into our daily life. -Elaine Hibbard

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Nice and sunny today. Carole, we are back to having some of my favorite Indian summer days. The mornings are cool and one might need a light sweater or jacket, but later on the day becomes like a beautiful summer day. The kind where you can easily wear shorts. I never do it, due mainly to my age. My interior seems to know it is Indian summer which won't last more than a few days and so I'm still quite comfy in my slacks and medium shirts.

    We used to have great family reunions as well. Sadly, most of our parents have now passed and they seemed to be the ones who truly motivated the events. The 'adult' children of which I'm one at 78 don't always have the health, or overall stamina. We are also old enough to (even though my daughter and SIL live with hubby and me) have lost children through their passing or in some cases having to move far away to make a living. So, no one really takes it on now. Sort of sad, but time passes and changes come. It is usually enough to know we all love each other and would come running if help were needed. Sometimes a smaller version of reunion is put together with a number of family members gathering at someone's house rather than in the big park we needed when our parents were all still alive.

    I haven't had any replacement parts and hoping I won't. I have always heard from a couple of people I know that have, that hips are easier than knees. This made sense to me since there seems a different operation pretty much in the two. Knees are deeply bent, and hips are not. That said, I do think anything can turn up an issue since we are all different and there could be such a range of outcomes due just to that. I hope the replacement tuns out well. It sounds like it is a great pain reliever for most if not all.

    MM, I have always used my p.m. just the way you describe. The envelope is fairly small but since that and the bell, magnifying glass and your icon are ae all there you just have to remember to get all the way to the top.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day — and maybe even some Indian summer if you live in a climate that has some of it.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited November 2023

    Mavericksmom - I’ve had both hips replaced. A grabber is very useful. I got two, since I was always dropping my grabber. A raised toilet seat, unless she has a high toilet already. Shower chair is very useful. I had two walkers - from prior hip surgeries before replacements. It was useful to have one on different levels of the house for me. I had a quad base cane. Gave me more stability. Extra pair or two of compression hose. Her surgeon may provide some and may make a recommendation for sizing. Make sure she listens to her PT. PT can be hard, especially after surgery. But it helps in the long run.

    Keywestfan may have some other suggestions.

    Hope you’re doing well after your Pet scan Illinois. Sounds like quite an ordeal.

    Beautiful sunny day again here. More of the same tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581

    mcbaker - I don't comment and don't always read everything, but I was always interested in the things you were making. I always tell my mom. She loves to sew, I told her about the silk pillowcases you made and told her those would be a great Christmas present for the girls.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    Chisandy, I did look for Voltaren gel while in Italy and was amazed that I was able to purchase 120 gm tubes for about $13 each whereas I pay $8/100 gm for the generic. I have not checked the comparable price here for the Voltaren gel but think it is likely double what I paid and it comes with this very nice applicator top. Did get 3 tubes to bring home and will save. Thanks for mentioning that in the past.

    I did just get a refund from my SilverScript prescription plan for the RSV vaccine out of pocket expense I had to pay. Don't know why they cannot get their act together and realize that preventative medicine costs them less than any hospitalization.

    I am feeling a bit better today and was able to focus on laundry from trip. Still have to dump stuff from suitcase but am pleased to finally have some energy. My ribs hurt from coughing on the side I had radiation and I am hoping I did not break any.

    Love my PCP. I have a CT scan of abdomen scheduled for Monday and today she notified me that radiology suggested she also add pelvis to order so she did. So no surprises on Monday since I know about additional section. Interested to see what they find since last one was pre-GI surgery performed in 2021.

    Will see hand surgeon about my left wrist next Tuesday. Have had bilateral carpal tunnel surgery and resultant left thumb release surgery but have recurring symptoms in left wrist. Mostly palmar and wrist pain and EMG was positive about 3 years ago. It quieted down so I put off seeing someone since I was still on AI's. Not looking to have surgery if I can avoid it because I do not permit blood draws or BP's on left arm for fear of developing arm lymphedema. Have mild truncal lymphedema which is well-controlled but not pushing my luck.

    Petite1, glad leak was not a major fix and that you were finally able to settle the estate. Having been executrix for both parents I know how trying this can be and how they drag the process out. It's almost like they want you to quit out of frustration rather than give you your due.

    I aim to get luggage put away by Saturday as well as the contents that are still remaining. Hope everyone has had a good day and an even better one tomorrow.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Betrayal, great that your PCP and radiology actually communicate! I am impressed! I doubt radiology or any department at the hospital I use ever communicates with any doctor. I hope your test goes well and the results are good. I always felt that if there is something wrong, better to know sooner rather than later, so it can be addressed. I also hope you have a good appointment with your hand surgeon. Very happy that you are feeling better. Be kind to yourself and take your time getting the suitcases unpacked and put away.

    I have an appointment with my glaucoma doctor next Wed. but it is just routine follow up so I do not expect any surprises. Then both my DH and I will be free of doctor appointments until January. Just the thought of that feels good! I was supposed to see my breast surgeon days before Christmas, but asked to push to January because I had my Christmas ruined once by breast cancer in 2019. Not allowing that to happen again, even though that appointment "should be" routine.

    Sandy, I thought of you because I have a Subaru too and my key fob stopped working. I had two, gave one to my DH, so we switched. Since he no longer drives I thought the problem was solved. Nope. My husband went to get something out of the car and set off the alarm. When your key fob breaks, you can't turn off the alarm, in addition to needing to use the key to open the door, which can only be used on the drivers side.

    Thankfully I was home at the time the alarm went off, so easily silenced it, but had I been out with my sister or a friend, my neighbors and my DH would not have been happy! I had to order a new key and had no idea how expensive they are! With visit to sync it with my car, it is just under $400! I have an appointment on Monday to pick up my key and have them sync it to my car. My BIL had the same thing happen to his car key, but his key just needed a new battery. If he needed a new key it would have been hundreds more than I paid. He drives a Toyota hybrid. I went to the dealer and they put a new battery in it but it still wouldn't work.

    Cindy, my Christmas cactus is full of buds too, but none bloomed yet. I am glad you finally got to see yours in bloom! Beautiful!

    My sweet GD turns 8 next week! I can't believe how fast they grow up!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Be the first to forgive, to smile and take the first step, and you will see happiness bloom. Be always the first. Do not wait for others to forgive, for by forgiving, you become the master of fate, the fashioner of life, the doer of miracles. To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return you will receive untold peace and happiness.   -Robert Muller

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Beautiful sunny day out but cool SIL started out this morning and came back in to get his coat. We do dip at night, and it takes time to get 'warmed' in the morning. Yesterday was nice and I hope it warms as much today. SIL was using our leaf blower that looks like a lawn mower. He didn't like it. It moves a lot of leaves easy but our land is hilly and has some ruts in the yard. so while the leaves really "move" the machine is often difficult to push.

    Doing something with the leaves here has never been easy. The easiest way (though it too is not pleasant) is riding the lawn tractors that have the mulching blades. It is quite dusty when its been some time w/o rain, but it is as fast and efficient as well as taking the least amt. of work over-all. I seem to be a party of one in thinking —- just get on the tractors and get it done. Dust and dirt come off in the shower and wash machine.

    I don't have anything special planned for today and sometimes I'm thrilled. Tomorrow, we have a funeral.

    We have had some of those key issues you talk about MM. My can is an Equinox. We bought two new key fobs. One works well and for some reason the other doesn't. It came with instructions on linking so we did something wrong I guess on one. Anyway, Dh gave me the one that works best which is the one that will again lock the door or open it. We also have the arrangement where only the driver's side has the lock. I nearly fell over when I first noticed. Also had to need it before realizing there is no place on front to hook on if you need to pull the car for some reason. Even in a half a foot of snow you have to lay on the ground and hook on something underneath.

    Still, I do love the car. It has been a jewel for not needing repairs that are too expensive. I hope this continues since I'm around 155,000 miles. I would love to have a Subaru as I think overall, they and some of the CRV's are really great cars, but I'm far from ready. That said, if I needed a really expensive repair, due to my mileage I would likely get it fixed and then start looking for another car. I dread that as it will have to be used and old enough not to have features I don't want. Like complicated electronics etc. I do not want my car doing too much for me. When I can't apply brakes at the proper time — it is time for me to stop driving. I also don't want a car that drives itself. No thanks.

    I hope you are all going to have a wonderful day today. Free of health issues or mild ones if you do have them.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    We started off cool today and it warmed up to mid60s. We had a beautiful sunny day and then suddenly a front came through earlier than expected. It’s still warm, but we had rain and the sun has disappeared. Tomorrow should be back to fall weather. Just saw our long range winter forecast- 30” to 48” of snow. More in the mountains. Ice storms are expected too. Ugh. I guess that’s nothing compared to what some of you get.

    Busy afternoon. We dropped off our bags of clothes at the hospice center, stopped at the grocery for a few items, and then headed to Costco. Costco was a zoo. Guess people are doing early shopping for the holidays. I drop off my HA to get them cleaned, which they do for free since I purchased my HA there.

    Going to a friends house for lunch tomorrow. DH is meeting some friends for lunch and will drop me off on his way. Will be nice to catch up with my friend tomorrow.

    Have a nice evening.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Thursday I took a walk with my gym ladies in the local park. I was COLD, 37 with a lot of wind. We were in multiple layers to stay warm. At one point we were the only ones out there walking.

    Last night I went to the last craft class of the season. We made a set of 4 note cards, with a folder pack to hold them. And we decorated a pillar candle for the holidays. I was amazed how easy it was, and how beautiful it came out. I’ll post a pic later. Rubber stamp on tissue paper, you color it in with markers, then using wax paper & a heat gun it melts it all onto the candle. Pretty cool.

    Today was a hair appointment for cut and color. I needed it badly. I also ran into Macy’s and purchased a summer robe to take to FL. I ran some more errands before dark - gas at BJ’s and a new ceiling fan at Lowe’s. They had quite a few ceiling fans on clearance, guessing because summer here is gone. I think I saved about $60 on Hunter brand. Mind you, I had to get one because our bedroom fan made a horrible noise then quit. If we waited until we get back, I know we’d forget it until we went to use it. (who had the appliances breaking …I can relate!)

    I received a letter from ophthalmic plastic surgeons office to contact them for an appointment. Not sure if I’ve already mentioned - I have a small, tiny cyst on the edge of my eyelid, been there for years. When I asked my dermatologist about it he said it’s delicate surgery and said they’d refer me. I was nicely surprised they’ll get me in for a consult on 11/22. So I’ve added another doctor appointment to my list. It never ends, does it? As we keep on going, I’d guess not.

    Tomorrow the kids have the day off and my 14 yr old grandniece will be down. No other plans that are on the books so to speak.

    Has Sandy posted and I missed it? I thought she was back from FL.

    Petite, many folks by us only drink the bottled water too. We have the whole house water filter and the filter in the refrigerator so it’s double filtered. You’d think the municipality would filter at the water plant.

    Jackie I’m hoping your PET scan results are good. I’ve never had one so I’m unaware of the process.

    I should have taken notes, but hoping all medical issues work out for everyone. And we all have a good Friday!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    cindyny, not only are you handy, you are also so creative. Very nice cards, folder and the candle is lovely. Can you do more candles to gift them? I love receiving gifts that have been made for me, rather than purchased.

    Foam insulation company never called yesterday to confirm appointment for today but received call about 30 minutes ago they were on their way. Glad I woke early and had showered already. So I am ready and had to move my car out of the garage so they can access outer wall. DH is moving storage shelves that are in their way as well. Now I need to get DB to install sheetrock and then hire a painter to paint entire interior. Will most likely use the guy my DS uses. However it means shifting contents on a regular basis to accommodate painter. Can't wait until it is completed.

    Barely 50 degrees, damp and overcast today so far but hoping we do get some sun later. Still have cough though not as bad or as often. It is chesty sounding. GI issues ongoing so I have been trying to eat foods to not make issue worse but not sure it is helping. Not sure why it is persisting.

    Ironed yesterday so I need to get it into the closet today and put away the last items from the trip. I store trip items in a spare bedroom closet in labelled bins so I just need to return them to their proper place. I also need to sort through medicine overflow storage to better organize what I have. So today will be spent just tidying up and light cleaning.

    DD and DSIL picked up their critters last night so I feel like my home is almost back to normal. They have been a pleasure to have here and now that their home has been repaired, we all can have some normalcy in our own homes. They have their routines and we have ours and sometimes they just don't overlap. I will miss them though, they really were a big help with work around here. DSIL likes to clean so that was a plus.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    One feature of my Prius that I really like is that it won't lock the doors if there's a key fob inside the car. So there's no danger of locking yourself out of the car. I also love starting the car with pressing a button and locking it by touching the handle on the driver's side before walking away. DH's truck requires a key to start the engine so I have to get used to that when we go north for the summer and his truck is our only vehicle.

    Last year I had to get new batteries in both key fobs and the price was reasonable. I would be okay with a car that had some advanced features like controlling swerves toward another lane and automatic braking to prevent collision. But I don't plan to buy a new car any time soon. My 2014 Prius has very low mileage since we drive it mainly short distances and it sits for four months of the year.

    I bought the Prius and it is "my" car but dh takes it instead of his truck if I'm not going anywhere. It's so easy to maneuver and park and stowing groceries and purchases is easy with the hatch back. Gas mileage is great, too. I sound like a commercial for Toyota! LOL.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Betrayal, I’m not sure if I could make my own decorated candle. The markers she had us use I think were alcohol based, and I’d have to try it with my hair dryer because I don’t have a heat gun. Worth checking out I suppose.

    Guests, even family, I love their visits but also love when they leave and we get back to normal. When people visit in FL they’re on vacation and I’m on hostess duty. But you open your doors and get by.

    Keyfobs - I’ve replaced the batteries in our key fobs on my own for two cars. I google it and watch a YouTube video to walk me through. Knock on wood , I haven’t had to buy a new fob. I’ve even grabbed the 2032 button batteries at the $ store.

    Gloomy 50 degrees today. Grandniece is still ok on her own, she’ll let me know when she wants to be picked up. Nothing else happening.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited November 2023

    We started out with a high of 54 and it’s dropped into the low 40s. Rainy and cloudy for most of the day. DH dropped me off at my friends house for lunch on his way to meet friends about 30 minutes away for lunch. We have two cars, but only one we trust to go over the mountain. It worked out. He enjoyed his lunch and so did I.

    My friend was my boss many years ago. I followed her to another company. We both retired at the same time (along with another colleague) and started meeting for lunch every month. This was 6+ years ago. During the pandemic and my treatment, we lunched over FaceTime. The other colleague has since moved across country, so we include her via FaceTime.

    Cindy - love the note cards. You are so creative.

    Carole - I don’t think we’ve ever had to replace the batteries in our key fobs. Or maybe DH has taken care of it and I was oblivious.

    I don’t have any scheduled doctor appointments until after the first of the year. Happy to have a break. Hope everyone is doing well.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    We in the West don't think much in terms of balance, and obviously we should.  Even the very thought of an exquisite union and balance of all our forces, both physical and mental, has a gentle, hopeful ring to it. . . . All of us must find a bridge between our physical and spiritual parts.  When that balance is achieved, what a happy comfort for ourselves!

    Edward J. Lavin

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    It was beautiful sunny morning here, but I got up late. Just enough time to have cofree, wash up, get dressed, have a bite of breakfast and off to wake and funeral for my daughter's boss. Dickie was as well the SIL of one of my friends. I mainly went for her and her daughter as I did not know Dickie well at all. It was a lovely service though.

    I envy anyone who is good with their hands and crafts of all kinds. I have tried a number of things and never felt like the time, effort, and money was well spent for the results for me but I do so enjoy what others can do. Everything is quite pretty Cindy. I can't pick out a favorite — they are all very nice.

    Carol, when my car got hit (two or so yrs. ago now) I rented a car (brand new Chevrolet Malibu) and while using it I had to be careful being not used to it, I had the one that had push button start and you just had to keep the key fob usually in the center tray. I did like that a lot. I had wanted a 'sedan' when we got our Equinox, but they didn't have a good used one. Once we had to rent a 'sedan' I realized that most of the newer sedans mean you sit "down" into them. It is something very uncomfortable for me. I need something I can continue to slide into like most of the older sedans. Sometime before SUV's became so popular. With them I can pretty much just slide in.

    Glad you are getting better rest now for your cough, Betrayal. Hope your stomach issues ease up as well. It is sometimes a strain to have our adult kids around for some time. We do okay here (mine are here for life I think) but we have had a few testy moments. They are young and we aren't, so we expect to find a few things that we have very divergent views and feelings about. So far not too often and easily repaired. We obviously haven't gotten any younger since they came. This Dec. will be our second Christmas together.

    Nothing special planned for the weekend. Monday I will go and get my hair cut. I'm about a week and a half late. I put a 6-wk. mark on my calendar and then just kept putting off making the call.

    Tues, I go back to Glen Carbon for the other tumor removal from my nose this time. Stitches out from the first spot. I'll be glad when that is done. I'll have a phone appt. on the 20th. with Dr. Dave who will give me the results of my Pet Scan. As he thinks I may have some lung fungus it does sound like I will have to have more work done. I think in order to treat lung fungus they first need a biopsy. There are I think a few different kinds, but likely only four which are prevalent in my area here. Well, I'll know soon enough.

    Anyone having rainy, or cool weather. I'm hoping it gets better. Same for any aches, pains, etc.

    Have a great eveing.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Jackie, the cartoon fits my thinking perfectly. Out of coffee is definitely an emergency.

    I have some wonderful note cards aging in a drawer and a supply of stamps aging along with the cards. LOL. The post office doesn't get much business from me. Our mail is mostly throwaway. A book of checks lasts a long time since we seldom write checks. Bill paying is online. I use a credit card for payment everywhere but we do keep some cash. I keep waiting for identity theft but it hasn't happened yet, to my knowledge.

    Today is overcast and gloomy outside. I hope to go through some drawers and get rid of more stuff and add to the growing accumulation of big bags to be donated.

    Happy Saturday to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    I move through my day-to-day life with a sense of appreciation and gratitude
    that comes from knowing how fortunate I truly am and how unearned all
    that I am thankful for really is.  To have this perspective in my everyday
    consciousness is in itself a gift, for it leads to feeling “graced,” or blessed,
    each time. . . . Every time I see beauty around me I appreciate what I am
    seeing, and simultaneously I have this sense of appreciation—for being
    alive to have this particular moment.

    Jean Shinoda Bolen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    It is very sunny outside but was definitely a brrrr morning at 29 degrees. That little extra dab of Indian summer may finally have come to an end. Not sure we will go much lower in the nights/mornings for now but we may not warm as much as I enjoy.

    Got plenty of sleep after 1:30 a.m. Our one cat who gets to still go out didn't turn up on time — so I kept dozing, then waking up to come out in the living room (we left the outside deck light on which almost lights up the whole big living room) to look if Butter was on the deck yet. Last time (1:30 A.m.) I didn't bother to put my glasses on. I didn't see anyone on the table by the bank of windows and almost went back in my room — then decided I wouldn't sleep with only a half check. Went over to the windows and saw this yellow glob over by the far outer end of the deck. He came right in, and I was then able to finally get to sleep and stay asleep. It is just like having children you worry about and don't rest well till they are home.

    I wilt way too much if there is no coffee in the morning. It hasn't happened to us in a long time because it is so awful to realize not only do you have to get cleaned up and dressed — and go out a buy some coffee, but then have to wait till it brews. Then the smell of fresh coffee mocks you while you are waiting for it to get done.

    I have a couple of bills to pay, but I have to now get myself to the bank to make a deposit. Having he hair appt. will pretty much make sure it happens on Monday, since the salon is quite close to the bank.

    Carole, your getting rid of stuff makes me a mite jealous. I have this on my list but so many things have seemed to have interfered. It really is due to my lack of motivation which used to be so high but with the lower blood pressure seems to keep eluding me. I may enlist some help from the others here. Once I get started it can go well, but even then it seems hard to get back to continue any in-roads. Just that terrible lack of energy. Very strange for me because I could be somewhat hyper before where work and accomplishments were concerned. Oh well, I'll get there — but it does seem I'll be a lot later then I use to be.

    Hope you all will have a great Sunday,

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886
  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Cindy, the candle and note cards are beautiful! I am wondering if you can do the same thing with that candle as I did with a beautiful candle I got in Holland, MI years ago. After I burned it a bit, there was a small "well" that formed in the center, and I could put a small votive candle in there to preserve the rest of the candle. You are extremely artistic! Thanks for sharing all your project photos!

    Cardplayer, thanks for the hip replacement advice, I will pass on to my DS! I hope you are feeling better too. I hope I don't have things mixed up with others, but didn't you have some leg issues and cramping?

    Illinois, sorry to hear about all your health issues. I hope the biopsy on your nose goes well. I would not be able to get a hair appointment on a Monday. All the salons in my area are closed on Mondays. Ugh! Glad your cat came inside last night! I too would worry about my furry family member! Alsoyo good to hear your doctor will give you the results of your PET scan via phone appointment! So much easier than making a trip to his office and still gives you opportunity to ask questions. BTW, I love the cartoons!!! I too need my coffee!

    Betrayal, I too hope your GI issues are better! I thought of you when a map of the US popped up on my phone with each states "go to pie" for Thanksgiving. For PA they had Shoo-Fly pie! I am PA Dutch, and I never remember having Shoo-Fly pie at Thanksgiving! My mom made pumpkin pie and minced meat pie (that she also made for Christmas), but her recipe used meat, and raisins and quite a bit of rum and whiskey! I hated it as a kid but liked it as an adult. I have never had minced meat pie anywhere that was close to what my mother made, most are meatless. Her recipe was handed down for generations. Very time consuming, thus I never made it. Anyway, as someone who also lives in PA, I wondered if you thought Shoo-fly pie for Thanksgiving was weird too?

    Yesterday my DD and family came over to celebrate our DGD's birthday. The grandkids are so cute, we had so much fun! My young GS loves my DH and he is using him for a school writing. It is a writing about their hero. He wanted a photo of my DH in his Army uniform, then asked for a second so he could hang it up in his room! He melted my heart when he said that. Luckily with our printer and photo paper I could make that happen.

    Today I did my usual early morning grocery shopping, then DH and I watched college football, but sadly our team lost. It happens, especially with college teams. Tonight my DH will watch his alma mater's team play, but they will likely not win either. I just hope it is a good game.

    Our weather is also cold again. I just see dollar signs for heat! Ugh! I do love snuggling under lots of covers at night, and generally have a better night sleep than I do in the summer.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend everyone!