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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    Illinoislady and any other veterans who post here, I thank you for your service to our country and for safeguarding our democracy on this Veteran's Day. My now deceased DF and 2 of his DB's were veterans of WWII, my oldest DB was a Vietnam Vet and my nephew was a veteran who served in Iraq; all served nobly.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I second the Thank you to military veterans. My Uncle Bob was a WW2 veteran, Army. Uncle Leo was in the Navy and had two ships shot out under him. My oldest brother was in the Army. That's about it. We're not a military family.

    MM, that is so sweet that your GS wanted a picture of your dh to hang in his room. He sounds like a dear child. Thank you for sharing that.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    Thanks MM. I got to the PM's.

    Spent this afternoon in a 3 plus hour training about Ancestry which I have used for years but the class made it clear that I taken very little advantage of all the things it can do. Good handouts though and I hope I took enough notes to get to the places she showed us.

    As I have noted, I am not at all tech savvy. Twelve year old Ella can usually get me straightened out but Ancestry is a web site she wouldn't be interested in. I need to be more willing to experiment and have more patience. Both are hard for me.

    Jackie, thank you for your service. What a nice request from your grandson, MM. I have a 3 person frame for Ken's grandfather (WWI), father (WWII) , and him (Viet Nam) in their uniforms. All were M.D.s in the Army Air Corps/ Air Force. It will go to Ken's nephew at some point. My Dad served as a Navel radar tech in the Pacific during WWII. His only grandson asked for the "picture" he had created with all his medals and I was delighted to give it to him when Dad died and Mom moved to a small independent living apt.

    Time to "pill up" as we say in my house.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Yes - thank you to all who served! My dad was Navy - anchors aweigh! My half brothers: one Navy, one Army; and my niece Army. Thank you for your service.

    A funny story where I could have been Army: gf needed a ride to sign her papers, I had a car so I took her. While there they were trying to recruit me to be her “buddy” enlisting. Prior to this they went through the list of things she needed - white bloomer underwear and white bras. Needless to say I was 18 and it was the 1970’s. I wasn’t wearing bloomers and most certainly wasn’t wearing a bra. So my adversity to bras saved me from enlisting.

    I went to a soap making class this afternoon with a gf. We attended a class with the same teacher over 3 years ago, always fun and creative. This time I used “sea salt” scent and gf used “ocean breeze” vs pine or mint for Christmas. And being optimistic, I’m having them shipped to Florida. It’s Farm-Momma-Soaps if anyone is interested in her products.

    I also had my cousin stop over to install my bedroom ceiling fan. Boy, there is a lot of work that goes into getting it all together. And I only put the fan blades together! It looks great, and I’m happy to have it completed. Check that off my “to do” list!

    Today I think we hit 45-47 and had nice sun. Tomorrow our high is supposed to be 39. I’ve got a soccer game to attend at 2:50, indoors thankfully. Everyone enjoy your Sunday!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    A day late, but thank you Jackie, for your service!

    Cindy, LOL about your close call with signing up! Did you keep in touch with your friend? What did she do in the service?

    I came from a military family and the other day, while looking through my dad's box of memories, I found envelopes marked War Department. I looked at the letters in them and they were from a buddy of my dad's when he was stationed in Panama. My dad left that base to go to West Point. Even though the letters were not from my dad, the were fascinating to read. I also found my dad's military drivers license from Panama, which had his picture on it. He was 19 in the photo and quite handsome. Also some gas rationing vouchers. I gave them all to my daughter. I can't wait to go through the rest of the box!

    Last week I stopped at a photographers office who is going to try to make a copy of the photo of my dad with the US President at the White House. Turns out he is a history buff too! We voted for different Presidential candidates, but our discussion was fascinating because we found common ground about so many issues! It was a great experience. We ended up talking for hours, and I only put an hour's worth of change in the meter. Thankfully, I didn't get a parking ticket! I never expected to be there more than 15-20 mins tops.

    I plan to work upstairs and make more progress getting things ready to donate. I can't wait for the day that I go upstairs and see two guest bedrooms, all ready for guests!

    I found my wedding dress. I have no idea what to do with it. The thift stores that accept wedding dresses don't want to take anything older than 3-5 years. Mine is 44 years old. It is beautiful, but I can let go of it, after all, it has been in my closet for all those years and I never took it out to look at. I have our wedding photos and they are more special to me. I knew my DD would not want it, I thought of making it into a Christening gown for my GD, but didn't. That makes me wonder if I could get someone to make a First Holy Communion dress out of it for my GD? I would need to ask my DD first.

    Sunny day, cold today, but I will take a sunny and cold over rainy and warm any day!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    My 3 brothers and I were all baptized in the christening gown worn by my Father and his brothers. It was fragile by the time my last brother used it and I still have it. My mother made my wedding gown and that of my bridal party as well as her own gown and coat. When my DD was born she presented me with a christening gown and hat made from fabric leftover from my wedding gown. It was as beautiful as my gown had been. Both of my children wore it. I still have it and my DH's gown as well. I still have my wedding gown in my closet.

    DD won a custom designer wedding gown at a local bridal shop that cost almost as much as her entire reception so she did not wear mine.

    Did finish putting travel items away and just have jewelry to clean and then put away. That will be today's project. I cleaned it before we went away but find it picks up body oils anyhow and needs a good cleaning again. Hoping inlaid chest I bought in Sorrento will arrive before Thanksgiving. It was being sent out to have drawers lined with velvet prior to shipping. It will be interesting to see how much duty we might have to pay. I want to buy some anti-tarnish cloth to line jewelry storage boxes which should cut down on having to clean as often. So this will be a nice winter project.

    Clear and cool today. Sun is out but temps only in 40's so cold to me. I am not a fan of fall and winter due to the time change and the long, dark days/nights. Getting dark by 5 PM is depressing to me so I have to find things to keep me occupied and not focusing on the lack of light.

    The Japanese maple is covered with an almost burgundy colored leaves as well as some residual green ones. It is lovely and the cardinals seem to love hanging out in it. They, too, are changing colors and sort of blend in right now. This tree survived a direct tree hit about 20 years ago and only 1/3 of it was left after they removed the damaged sections. It is back to its former glory though you can still see the scars from that event when the leaves are off. I was so afraid it would not survive but it is my miracle. I fell in love with it and the lilac out front when we first viewed this house and they played a part in our purchasing it. Loved the layout of the house, too. We have put our mark on the home and so much of it has been changed over the 38 years we have lived here. Still love the home and the yard.

    Taco, where did you take the ancestry course? I am on ancestry but right now haven't been using it much due to frustrations with hitting brick walls. So I could use some new ways to discover leads, etc.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    It Takes Courage

    • It takes courage to refrain from gossip when others delight in it - to stand up for the absent person who is being abused.
    • It takes courage to live honestly within your means, and not dishonestly on the means of others.
    • It takes courage to be a REAL man or a TRUE woman, to hold fast to your ideals when it causes you to be looked upon as strange and peculiar.
    • It takes courage to be talked about and remain silent, when a word would justify you in the eyes of others, but which you dare not speak because it would injure another.
    • It takes courage to refuse to do something that is wrong although everyone else may be doing it with attitudes as carefree as a summer song.
    • It takes courage to live according to your own convictions, to deny yourself what you cannot afford, to love your neighbor as yourself!

    Author Unknown

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Sun is out this morning which will help the otherwise cool, cool day. Loved hearing the many wonderful stories of those who spent time in the service to our country. I did chuckle at the "bloomers" and bras being a good reason to avoid it as a female.

    My dad was in the military, and my mother wanted to go but she didn't weigh enough, and they wouldn't take her. She would have been fantastic though. I just barely made the wt. requirement (shh) with the help of my big heavy sweater and purse that I forgot to set aside when I got on the scale. Most of my extended family were in due to the draft, but most people had a lot of patriotism back in those days and likely would have done it anyway. I'm thankful for all I'm in company with so much.

    I haven't much on the calendar today. Dh is going to install new phones. He hates the ATT ones he got as they seem incompatible with our wi-fi and everything else in the house. Back to the Panasonics for us now.

    I hope you all have a great Sunday, good weather. and I'm with you Betrayal. I don't like it getting dark at 4:55 in the afternoon here.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    I know what you mean about the time change. I'm ready to go to bed and it's only 6pm.

    We just had a visit from the GS who is in the army. He gets out next year and wants to go to graduate school in business. We're hoping he comes back to the northwest.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    MM, my gf toured Iraq and Iran, ended up in personnel, and retired about 2 years ago. A full military career with (I think at least) 35 years.

    Betrayal I still have Ireland items on my dining room table. It takes a while to get everything put away.

    Ladies, I too don’t like it pitch black before 5 pm. When I worked I would leave the office in the dark. Now it’s an added chore to close the blinds as it gets dark, trying to keep the heat in. Plus I feel like I should be in my jammies.

    I’m piling up Christmas gifts to get them out of my house. Usually by now we’ve left for FL, and the gifts for gf & her family are already at her house. I may drop them off this week. It just makes it easier for me to pack up our bags for FL. Less stuff in the way. I’m trying not to stress over FL, but I am.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    I truly believe we can either see the connections, celebrate them, and
    express gratitude for our blessings, or we can see life as a string of
    coincidences that have no meaning or connection.
    As for me, I’m going to believe in miracles, celebrate life, rejoice in the
    views of eternity and hope my choices will create a positive ripple
    effect in the lives of others.  This is my choice.

    Mike Ericksen
    Upon Destiny's Song

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Starting out another beautiful sunny day. It will not warm up that much though. We will keep having coat-type temps now.

    Looking forward to this morning. I will get my hair cut later on. So good since my bangs have gotten way too long and it is a distraction I don't want while having to care for my face so much as I do now. I'll be so glad to get the stitches out tomorrow even though I will have likely more placed on my nose. The surgeon thinks she made be able to sew that spot as nicely as she did the one on my cheek. I am not terribly vain so if there were a bit of a scar, I could live with it. I'll just be glad that the offending cancer has been removed.

    Other than that, I don't have any big thing planned. I have to go to the bank and I'm sure there is something I'll need from good ole' Walmart because we didn't go yesterday. We also didn't go to Goodwill. Sigh !! All those bargains I missed. It is good to miss on occasion - that makes it a bit more 'fun' when we do go again.

    I think we are planning on quiet holidays this yr. Both of them. If we have turkey, it will likely be loaf style or something like that. I'm not wanting to spend the whole day cooking now. Not totally sure I could hold up to all the work.

    Not sure about daughter's job now. Her boss on the night crew passed away. That was the funeral we went to. He was about her age. They still didn't have any of the night crew called back since it takes time for them to start getting enough orders (they worked on car parts for Ford) to run the third crew line. This isn't great for the coming holidays either. Hopefully, someone will have some information soon on if and when that line starts back. Also wondering who supervisor for it would be.

    Hope you all have a marvelous Monday.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    A little late, but thanks to all who served. My Dad and FIL were in the Navy, MIL was an Army nurse during WWII. Dad served in the pacific. FIL in Pensacola. MIL was in San Diego.

    MM - it’s not me having leg cramp issues. Sounds like you had a nice celebration for DGD birthday. Very sweet that DH was GS hero. I’m sure DH enjoyed it.

    Taco - my DB#1 has set for our family. He’s done all sorts of research, joined groups, gotten pictures of graves, etc. it’s quite extensive. Whenever a new family member is born, he’s asking for all the details so that he can update the family tree.

    Illinois - hope you get your stitches out soon. How are you feeling?

    Betrayal - are you feeling better?

    We have a few thanksgiving traditions, in addition to the usual - dirty rice that my uncle makes. He’s from Baton Rouge originally. And my aunt always makes a pumpkin trifle. I serve an assortment of pickles and found some pickled watermelon rind to serve this year. My DIL always makes something vegan, which is interesting.

    Saturday I attended a monthly support group. We put together the ingredients to make hygge soup ( Scandinavian comfort food). DH and I took a walk in the afternoon as we always do. I’ve been cleaning my baseboards, which has been keeping me (and the cats busy).

    Hope everyone is doing well.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    CT scan of abdomen results not good. Had study at 9:30 and results were posted almost immediately (11 AM). PCP wants me to see general surgeon so made a new patient appointment at earliest date which is 12/8. Seems I have a bi-lobed ventral hernia at site of past GI surgery (2021). Had laparoscopic surgery so guess this is a gift from that. Knew there were changes in abdominal appearance and discussed these with PCP at last visit so she sent me for CT scan. Had discussed bloating with GI doc but she just suggested Miralax, simethicone and ILUVUabdomen massage. Don't see her until March though.

    See hand surgeon tomorrow about recurring carpal tunnel issues with left wrist. Can't wait to hear what she has to say.

    Not sure how this will play out but do know hernia needs to be addressed due to location and size. So how do I fit all these surgeries in between trip in January and knee surgery in February? Knees have been good lately and am happy about that. Not going to angst about this because not in control of surgeon's schedules, just mine. Do need to get some good news for a change.

    Lovely sunny day with temps in high 40's. Hate when sun is so strong through bay window that I cannot see computer screen or TV screen without pulling drapes. Want to let the sun in, not block it.

    Plan on putting out the Thanksgiving flags today.

    Cindyny, like you I still have some "gifts" (to me) to deal with from trip. Bought new ceramic lemon decoration and have to get hook to hang it in the wall with the others. So these few residuals will be dealt with. LOL, they are not going anywhere.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Off to deal with clutter.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited November 2023

    illinois, I especially loved your recent quotes! They really made me smile! I hope all goes well with the dermatologist! My recent mole biopsy areas have finally healed. I am just thankful they were benign!

    Cindy, how interesting about your friend's years of service! I had a friend who retired from the Army a number of years ago. She still works at the Pentagon as a civilian. She was an MIT graduate, but I don't know exactly what she did in the service. I know she was stationed in Germany for years.

    I am in the minority, but I love waking up with light and don't mind the evening darkness. What I could not do is live in Finland where my nephew lives. They get six months of light, six of darkness. I would hate both! I also don't think I would want to live in the Pacific NW with all the rain, although some of their weather may have changed due to global warming. It does take time to get used to the cold again, but I would rather be cold than hot. I love fall, winter and spring, but hate the summer! My body doesn't function well when in hot, humid weather!

    This morning I drove to the car dealership for my new key fob, to get it synced with my car. I also replaced the rear windshield wiper and asked them to change the time on the clock. I thought it was me, but my former co-worker also has a Subaru Forester and she could never get the clock to change either! Of all the cars I ever had, the changing of the clock and the radio are the two things I really hate about my car! Fortunately I love all the other features, gas milage, the way it handles in all kinds of weather, the comfort, etc. Most of all, I love that I don't owe money on it!

    I also had my weekly coffee with my DS at Starbucks! Very happy that we do that.

    Cardplayer, I don't know who had leg cramps, but whoever it is, I hope they are better.

    Where is Sandy? I miss reading her posts, always interesting! I hope she and Bob are doing well!

    Tomorrow after we go to BJ's I want to get back to working upstairs. Will that ever end? After the upstairs is complete, at least better than it currently is, I need to go through things in my kitchen and in my China cabinet. That is something I hope to do in Jan/Feb.

    I would like to get back to researching on Ancestry again, but that too needs to wait until after the holidays too.

    Edited this because Betrayal and I must have been typing at the same time.

    Betrayal, I am so very sorry to read about your CT scan! I hope all goes well for you with that! Health issues, the gifts that keep on giving! ugh! I really hope your wrist appointment has better news! I am sure the scheduling of all the surgeries will work out, maybe not as you hoped, but as they are meant to happen. I know it is a lot to process, but you will get through it, especially since it sounds like you have confidence in your doctors!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    I heard from my PCP this afternoon. So, I rushed in here to share the news. First thing I saw you had posted Betrayal. I am sorry to hear your news. It seems once again I'm thinking —- so good so many of us here are retired. We seem to need the time for all the doctoring we seem to need so much now.

    In talking to my PCP about the fact that other than my first bout of breast cancer (she was not my PCP then) she has been around for my long spate of "troubles" beginning with my broken arm. She and I have weathered all the storms together and she has been upbeat in just enough amounts and inspiring me to be as cheerful as possible no matter how rough the path looks before the first footfall on it. We have come to depend on each other accordingly.

    I am going to hope and pray for whatever you have to do Betrayal to be as quick as possible and as trouble-free as possible. Good news on the knees and I know everyone hopes they stay that way for you.

    So as to my Pet Scan. No red lights from my head to my thighs — which is all the further they went with the scan. Dr. Dave said if I had a fungus (the most common one is Aspergills, although I may have the spelling wrong, it would light up red on the scan as well. There are others not as common. I don't know if all of them light up the Pet Scan, but he did do a blood test with at least three vials of blood — so he is doing a fair amt. of checking likely. I presume I could still have something there.

    Anyway, he won't have those results for another few days. Once he gets those, he will determine what he thinks is the best course of action at this point. If I actually do have a fungus, he will treat it. If not, he may want to still biopsy the nodule. I have a phone appt. with him in the morning of the 20th.

    MM, I giggled a little because I use to have to take my car back to the dealership to get its clock set too. I have managed to learn how but it is a struggle and "re-learning" every time. I took it back three times in a row (the guy helping me didn't seem to know it either, but the date can seem confusing. If memory serves my car shows 22nd. day of the 3rd. month and then the last two digits of the yr. It is not so bad when we get up to months that have double numbers — but to have the days first always throws me. Not sure how long it took me to figure out the car was not actually wrong, but I was. Makes me feel really dumb, sigh. Almost anything with a computer will do that at some point with me.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302
    edited November 2023

    Betrayal you have your plate full of medical issues. It’s a good thing this Dr sent you for the CT. It sounds like all along you knew something was off. Your wrist surgeon may opt for braces, if you’re not already wearing them - a way to get rid of pain and maybe avoid surgery.

    Illinois, such good news on PET results! That had to be a relief.

    Cardplayer, your hygge soup sounds interesting.

    MM , you’re staying busy with your upstairs and making plans for your kitchen. I wonder where Sandy is too. I hope they’re doing ok.

    Well, my woes continue. I was eating a PBJ on a wheat bread when I crunched on a hard oat or seed or something, and heard a noise. It was one of my bottom front teeth breaking. These are the 4 front bottom crowned - which I’ve had work done on, saw bone growing into them, etc. One I had pulled and replaced with a Maryland bridge. Well, 2 teeth over from that broke. It’s still in my mouth, my dentist says being held by soft tissue and ligaments. Dentist would need to get me a referral to an oral surgeon BUT we’re leaving in 2 weeks IF my lung CT shows the nodule remained the same.

    Tomorrow I’m calling my FL dentist to see what needs to be done to get me into the same oral surgeon I had used, to set up pulling the other 3 teeth. And setting up an appointment with him to get a bridge from canine tooth, to canine tooth. My bone in that area is too thin to do implants, both dentists and surgeon said it’s common among women. But for all 4, maybe bone graft and implants? Who knows.

    I took the retainer (Invisalign thing) that had a fake tooth in it (before Maryland bridge) and pried the tooth out of it (cut a little) and wore that for a few hours over all my bottom teeth. It’s to keep my tongue from pushing on the broken tooth - I could wiggle it like a baby tooth. And I’ve ordered teeth guards for grinding teeth - you heat up and bite while pressing them on your teeth. Like a sports mouth guard but not as big or thick.

    I can’t make this stuff up! I’d throw in the towel, but I need my towels.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    Doing genealogy can be very addictive but it has been an adventure and a fun retirement hobby. Had to laugh at DD yesterday. I was applauding her for some research she's done (of an entirely different nature) and she said she must have learned that from her Mom's genealogy. One of the things I learned at the seminar at my local genealogy society was that my sister can not only see but edit my tree without her own account. I just sent her the link.

    Wedding gowns - my Mom and I made mine, my "going away" outfit and DS's and another bridge maid dress. My DS wore that gown with a very different vail when she married 3 years later. We saved it but it became clear that neither of our daughters would wear it so we let my niece wear it as a costume in "Pirates of Pinzanne." Ken and I drove from Maine to Boston to see her performance. I suspect my sister still has it but I can't imagine any of the next generation wearing it either.

    Hope they get things figured out, Betrayal. I'm sending you a PM.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Betrayal, best of luck in resolving the health issues you described in your post. I admire your calmness. But you are a nurse, I recall?

    I read an article yesterday about whether taking magnesium was helpful. Some commentors said they stopped having night leg cramps after taking magnesium. But I forget which kind of magnesium. The article was either NYT or WAPO. I read both of them online.

    Gosh, Cindy, you are having more than your share of challenges. But you, like Betrayal, seem to handle everything well. Hope everything works out in the best way.

    For some reason, I have never been interested in Ancestry. I'm sure if I once ventured into it, I would find the research fascinating as many of you do.

    Jackie, turkey in a loaf? You must use ground turkey for that. Sure hope your daughter's job continues.

    We're being blessed with some light rain. I hope it continues all day since all the vegetation outside needs watering.

    Sandy is back. She has just been very busy with her involvements.

    Happy Tuesday.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    This is my second attempt at posting after losing the last one. Saw hand surgeon this morning and she was nice and informative. I do have scar tissue at site of original carpal tunnel release and arthritis in thumb. In 2004, I had carpal tunnel release and in 2005 had left thumb release. Trying to get these records for her was a real obstacle course so it was simpler to call the office to give them dates so they could request them. She also requested I try and obtain record of EMG performed about 3 years ago so I called them and am awaiting a call back. Wonder how long that will take?

    So do need surgery for scar removal and have scheduled for 12/7. Since I do not use left arm for BP's or blood draws, she is willing to perform surgery under heavy local which means no compression of left arm. I can drive after but will have DH drive because I won't be able to use left hand for opening car door. Seems they now wrap the nerve with some bovine tissue (?) to prevent recurrence. I have had both hands done and this one has been a problem since the initial surgery. It never felt right and I was frustrated by the lack of concern from that surgeon so I never went back to him after the thumb release. The right hand (dominant) was done by another surgeon and has never had any issues.

    So one problem dealt with and on the day before I see the general surgeon. So glad I do not have to have anesthesia or that bill to deal with. My PCP has been wonderful about referring me to physicians who I feel comfortable with and who are competent.

    Disappointed that GI laparoscopic surgery took care of one problem but caused another to occur. My former "innie" belly button now looks like mine did at the end of a pregnancy flat and round. Don't know what surgeon will offer but I do need this fixed before it becomes strangulated and then an emergency.

    Tired of having medical/surgical issues and can so identify with you, Illinoislady. Can't even catch my breath before I am slammed by another problem. PCP ordered echocardiogram due to vague finding on CT scan but really can't deal with it at present. Surprised that CT scan of abdomen and pelvis actually included chest. Showed decreased aeration in left lung and that is related to my ongoing cough. I sound horrible when I cough but actually don't feel bad now.

    Carole, I am a nurse and while I no longer practice, I have kept my license UTD. It does have some impact on how I react at times but right now I am feeling slammed and a tad overwhelmed.

    It was this time of year when my BC was first identified so the months of November and December are a real challenge for me. I haven't really celebrated Christmas, which was my favorite, since 2015. That was the last year I did any decorating though I still have them in my attic and am reluctant to part with them. My repeat mammogram was on 12/24 and my bx on 12/31. It's painful to remember even now. So I struggle…

    My mammogram is 11/22 and if it is normal, I think it will be my last. I am tired of scan anxiety and now that it is routine rather than dx, don't see the need. I see my MO on the 29th and will discuss it with her. My mass was not palpable in 2015, I have dense breasts, even at my age, and they don't do any other dx exams so why bother. If it recurred, I most likely would not have treatment since that is another whole set of traumatic events. So with BC, I am a hot mess, but can deal with other issues more easily.

    If anyone can identify, I am sorry that you can. If you can't that makes me happy because it didn't screw you up.

    Today is sunny, in the low 50's and I was able to put my jewelry away this morning. I think there is one more trip related job but it is quite simple. I just have to hang my ceramic lemons on the eat-in area wall. Simple and hope to get to it today.

    Hope you all have a good day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Betrayal, I sent you a PM.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Betrayal you’ve got so much going on but you keep on keeping on! My radiation started on 12/26/2017, so I understand the holiday association. These dates are burnt into our subconscious. I went to a wedding right before my lumpectomy so I mark my years based on their anniversary! I’ve never said it out loud.

    Teeth! I called my local dentist back to get the referral to the oral surgeon here in NY. Then I called that oral surgeon office to find out about insurance, cost, and how soon I could get in. So …they don’t take my insurance, it would cost $650-$900 minimum, and they’re booking out to the end of January. Well none of that was good news. I thanked them for the info but I’ll be getting it done in FL.

    Then I called my FL dentist and they got me in on 12/5. He’s a much younger dentist, into cosmetic dentistry, and willing to work with you. He may be able to help me without seeing an oral surgeon. Now I have to make it 3 weeks with the wiggly crown- I’m hoping it’s just the crown but I’m too afraid to pull it off to see. I’ve been putting the retainer in to eat. It’s not the best solution but it will have to do.

    I don’t have any dr appointments until 11/22. I’m trying to get together with some ladies to walk on Thursday, weather then should hit 57 so we won’t freeze.

    Tomorrow I going to my nieces at 3pm to be there with the painter. She has a hair appointment she didn’t want to miss, and I don’t blame her.

    It was 47 high today but not sunny until it was setting. It’s 40 now and feels damp. Hope you all have a good night!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    To let go isn't to forget, not to think about, or ignore.  It doesn't
    leave feelings of anger, jealousy, or regret.  Letting go isn't about
    winning or losing.  It's not about pride and it's not about how you
    appear, and it's not obsessing or dwelling on the past.  Letting go
    isn't blocking memories or thinking sad thoughts, and it doesn't leave
    emptiness, hurt, or sadness.  It's not about giving in or giving up.
    Letting go isn't about loss and it's not about defeat.  To let go is
    to cherish the memories, but to overcome and move on.  It is having
    an open mind and confidence in the future.  Letting go is learning
    and experiencing and growing.  To let go is to be thankful for the
    experiences that made you laugh, made you cry, and made you grow.
    It's about all that you have, all that you had, and all that you will
    soon gain.  Letting go is having the courage to accept change,
    and the strength to keep moving.  Letting go is growing up.  It is
    realizing that the heart can sometimes be the most potent remedy.
    To let go is to open a door, and to clear a path and set yourself free.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2023

    I'm finally back here (on BCO—I returned from FL a week ago). As Cindy indicated, I've just been dealing with a whole raft of minor "first world problems" that dealing with one or two individually would have been just annoyances, but in the aggregate somewhere between "aggravation" and "giant time suck."

    FL was a short but pleasant trip (except for the bout of diarrhea I briefly suffered as I finished brunch the first day—turned out to have been from drinking the hotel bathroom tap water to take my meds & brush my teeth, so I used bottled water the rest of the time). Turns out my 94-yr-old cousin is sharp as a tack—he wanted to see us (my sis & I—Bob had to work) and reminisce while he still can. We went out to dinner at his retirement village full-service dining room, with the two ladies who are his dining companions when he can't spend the evening with his girlfriend a couple of towns north. (She's 84 and runs a travel agency specializing in luxury tours to Africa). The night we arrived, we went to dinner with his daughter and her longtime boyfriend (who have an amazing mansion) on a canal—they go scuba diving off their back deck).

    The Sunday before last after shopping, I decided to save myself an extra trip from the car up the deck stairs, so I carried all my plastic grocery bags in my right hand so I could hold the banister with my left. Ooops—one slipped and twisted around my index finger. By that night, the finger was swollen, stiff & misshapen. Bob was sure it was dislocated, fractured or at least "triggering," so next day I went to urgent care for X-rays. Amazingly, the rads report said merely "mild interphalangeal degenerative changes." (IOW, arthritis). Earliest appt. I could get with my hand surgeon (who did my trigger thumb injection) is tomorrow morning. Had planned to blow it off because it was improving, as I'm seeing him in mid-Dec. as a followup for the paresthesia in my L arm (courtesy of the incompetent kid at Walgreen's who gave me my RSV shot too low on the deltoid); but at dinner tonight (dissecting a rock lobster tail from an excellent bouillabaisse) it got stiff & sore again (and is still misshapen). He'll ultrasound it, and if he sees a nodule on the tendon he'll give me a cortisone shot to tide me over till my schedule's clear enough for tendon-release surgery.

    Heidi's health has been a seesaw—cycling between extremely laid-back (with her normal picky appetite) and lethargic & inappetant. At her monthly OA shot & nail trim last week, the tech reported she'd lost a pound in 6 weeks and is back down below 8 lbs again (her weight when she was dx'ed with hyperthyroidism in April). Since April her medication had plumped her up to nearly 9 lbs. The vet & I suspect the onset of kidney disease, so she'll get an exam & full bloodwork on Fri. (The tech—a DVM back in his home country of Pakistan—who'd been willing to do housecalls to sub-cu hydrate Happy still works there and can do so if it turns out Heidi needs it. For our last kitty who needed it—from age 16 to nearly 20—Gordy, his then-gf and I had been able to administer a drip for 10 min. daily—but this time it'd be just me since Gordy is married, working full-time and no longer living with us; Bob is working 5 days a week (every other day) and my HK is going back home to AL for T'giving. We're hoping Heidi makes it to 19 next month, and hopefully beyond.

    Bar Show rehearsals & music-woodshedding (we "mezzos" always get the tricky lines that create the weird chords) are proceeding apace. I had to drop out of one number (other than singing at the offstage mic) because the choreography includes some jumps & spins…and osteoporotic "Homey don't play that." (The director agrees with me that falling would be upstaging of the most obnoxious sort—which actually happened to me decades ago at Disney MGM. Standing-Os are great, but not as a result of being picked up and wheeled offstage into an ambulance). Also, not enough time after that number for a major costume change for my featured lead in the next scene.

    A belated thank-you to Jackie for her service; and sending healing vibes to Betrayal that she bounces back from her hernia repair. I'm not ready yet to give up my annual mammos (even though they've reverted to routine-screening) because my bc was not a palpable lump—it was discovered on my 20th annual mammo. My ocular melanoma was also an asymptomatic "incidentaloma" found by accident during a dilated eye exam.

    We took a Viking river cruise in Sept. 2012 (less than 3 mos. after my R knee replacement). We sailed from Budapest-Amsterdam. For the river cruises on those small "longships," I concur that it's not worth spending extra for a veranda stateroom. Most of the travel is at night; during the day-sailing, we went up to the glassed-in lounge. The little oblong porthole high up the wall is good enough, as the bridge's front-facing camera is on one of the channels on the room TV. Our Mediterranean cruise in Dec. 2015 (after completing radiation) was excellent—and all the staterooms had verandas. In Palermo, we were served "annelletti" (doubtless the inspiration for Spaghetti-Os) with tomato sauce as individual casseroles that were inverted on to our plates from the bowls in which they'd been baked. I should have bought some while there, but we were on a tight schedule. I searched high & low here, even at Eataly, with no luck—finally found a package on Amazon, made in Palermo.

    I agree that Italy can be a challenge for less-than-robust feet & knees. Rome was the least hilly. Cushioned sneakers are a must, especially on cobblestones, as is a good cane or hiking staff. We used some timeshare points at a resort condo just outside Selvatelle in Tuscany, and the terrain was quite steep. As we drove from town to our resort in our rental car, octogenarians hiking robustly up the hill in the 100-degree heat, carrying their groceries in string bags, stared at us and shook their heads at we "wussy Americans." (Perhaps that's part of how they got to be octogenarians).

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    ChiSandy: Glad you had the allure of anelletti casserole. It may have been the impetus for spaghetti-o's for shape only because they do not represent how this pasta truly is, firm in texture and slightly chewy which I loved. We were able to purchase some in Sicily and also in a supermarket in Sorrento much to my surprise but never saw it on the rest of our tour of Southern Italy. I bought 5-1 lb packages so I am set for a while and am hoping the local Italian store carries it.

    In Bari, some brave souls were purchasing freshly handmade pasta offered at street side tables but when I saw the flies crawling over them, it was a turn off to me. True, they were buying the bagged versions but shortly before those had been displayed on the tables to dry. Yes, the Italians are acclimated to their largely uphill country and do not find those streets a challenge but I am a flatlander so steep terrains and high altitudes give me a run for my money. Currently my knees do not permit long standing in one place or a pace that is just short of a 5K. Hopefully I can resume my favorite form of exercise once my knee is replaced. Going from over 10,000 steps/day to less that 5,000 in just a years time is disheartening.

    Hope you can find a solution to your finger issue and that Heidi does a turnabout now that you are home.

    It's overcast today and only in the high 30's at present. It is supposed to warm up later this week. Hope everyone has a good day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Pretty sure that whoever "invented" Spaghetti-Os (not Chef Boy-ar-Dee but the misnomered "Franco-American") must have been Sicilian, likely from Palermo. When annelletti were served to us, we thought, "Really? Are they just catering to what unsophisticated Americans think is Italian?" But when I tried it I was hooked. I love my pasta al dente (and miss it acutely when I'm trying to follow my low-carb diet).

    Last warm day today—it hit 62 this afternoon. Was able to go out this morning with an open jean jacket over a Bears jersey. Went to the hand surgeon, who confirmed that what I have is garden-variety OA. Basically, unless my finger starts "triggering," all I should do is keep taking Tylenol and using topical Voltaren when it gets too stiff & sore. (He says oral NSAIDs are more effective, but knows I get occasional GERD "breakthroughs" despite PPI maintenance therapy). Most of all, he says to keep the finger moving—even if I have to use the other hand to do it. "Use it or lose it" is the mantra for retarding the progress of OA. He also confirms that the paresthesias in my R ring & pinky fingertips after breaking my elbow in June have improved only as much as they ever will. He'll see me for my L arm paresthesia followup in mid-Dec., and concedes that PT/OT probably would do nothing other than either desensitize me to the discomfort or perhaps (remote possibility) suggest strategies to minimize it. But he also says it'll likely continue to heal, albeit slowly. If it hasn't done so by Feb. when I see my neuro (at Rush, where she moved from NShore), she'll likely test further.

    Knee replacement (TKR) rehab is painfully challenging and much longer than that for hips (although the latter has more positional restrictions at first). But it was so worth it for me (both knees, a year apart). After about 3 months, the realization hit me that the improved mobility was definitely worth whatever residual discomfort I still had. I look back at my pre-surgery years and recall how painful it was to walk only a couple of blocks—and how a treadmill stress test hurt my knees but didn't make me short of breath at all. I suggest you check out some residential rehabs and make a reservation; if it turns out you can rehab at home you can always cancel. I also heartily endorse "prehab" at a PT clinic, as it'll make you more limber and make post-op rehab easier to take. I didn't do it for the R TKR but did for the L—it made a huge difference and let me wean off the opioids much faster.

    Heidi's having a good day—for the first time in a week she came upstairs to wake me up! She seems to be "filling out" a little, though I concede she'll never again be as plushy as when she was a 10-pounder.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Nice to have you back, Sandy. Glad Heidi seems to have perked up some.

    I ordered a “crown repair” item from Amazon. After googling about the loose tooth/crown, it suggested a “splint.” So I took this material and smushed it between the loose crown on each side. I don’t want to jinx myself but it seems to be keeping the tooth/crown from wiggling. I seriously wonder why my dentist did nothing for me knowing it would be months before I’d see an oral surgeon. Thinking of switching dentists.

    I was also up to my nieces for the finish of her bedroom painting. It looks beautiful and her joy, smile & dimples let me know she was pleased too.

    I also dropped off those Christmas gifts today. Now there is room to put a suitcase on the guest bed and get it packed with things I don’t need now - bathing suits, shorts, and the like.

    Weather was ok today, not freezing and we had sun. Tomorrow I’m meeting the ladies to walk in the park, and it should be 50-56 max. I’ll dress in layers and know I’ll be sweating when it’s over.

    Enjoy the night!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2023

    Betrayal, I recall reading that the southern Italian practice of using bread to sop up tomato sauce/gravy is called "shaving the cat," for the plate-sweeping motion. Explains the "shaving" part, but still puzzled about the "cat."

    Speaking of cats, one reason my visits to BCO have been so sporadic is that my lap is so often occupied by Heidi, who doesn't like to share it with a laptop computer. We found a food she likes (Royal Canin "Aging" Loaf in Sauce), but it's very pricy (>$3 for a 5.1-oz can) and often out of stock. The vet says she can also eat kitten food (or even baby food sans additives or onion/garlic seasonings, which isn't easy to find). At this point, getting her to eat enough is paramount. Opened a can of Merrick Purrfect Bistro kitten pate—she's not "feeling it." So here we go again, trying different brands.

    My 9-yr-old Sony "smart" (allegedly) TV is showing its age—I can't add streaming apps that weren't already installed; because it's a pre-Android set, it's not voice-command (Siri or Alexa) capable. And now it's developed a "stuck pixel:" a fine but evident horizontal line just about halfway down the screen. I'd replace it, except we've got it (and every other A/V component) jury-rigged into a power strip run across the pass-through from the front room to a working outlet in the living room, because a couple of years ago Heidi was "exploring" behind it and she knocked the power cord loose from the outlet on the front room wall; our electrician tested it and found it was dead and couldn't revive it (or even trace it to the input connection on the outside wall). So before I buy a new one, I have to clear a whole bunch of stuff out from in front of it and then bring the electrician back in—I'm not about to set it up myself and I don't want installers doing contortions and injuring themselves. Not just that—it's a 40-incher with a stable horizontal bottom stand that fits nicely on the mini-etagere on which it sits; but TVs today have those flimsy plastic feet that are set too wide, unless I either get a long enougn board on which to put it or have it wall-mounted…in a corner so I can see it from my chair. And wall-mounting makes no sense, seeing as how we need to repaint for the first time in >30 years and might even have to replace the crown moldings (which leak air in winter, but won't hold caulk).

    Can you say "first-world problems?"

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Sandy, welcome back!!! I missed your posts! Glad to hear Heidi is feeling better, and back to waking you up in the morning! I had a little dog who got increasingly picky about her food as she grew older. What we won't do for our fur babies!

    Cindy, great to hear that you had a temporary solution for your tooth! I too wonder why your dentist wouldn't have helped you with a temporary solution.

    It does seem as we get older, it's one health issue after another. I knew it was too good to be true to be on a doctor hiatus! I saw my glaucoma specialist late yesterday afternoon for yearly visit. I had seen my regular eye doctor last summer and my eye pressure was 18 in both eyes. I expected to be in and out of the appointment, checking off another "must do" appointment. Nope. My left eye pressure was 28, right over 40! Over 21 is high. Trying eye drops, will see him again in two weeks. He is trying the least invasive option first, but did mention another surgery. Ugh.

    Sunny and supposed to go up into the 60's today! Have some errands to run. The photographer called and my photo copies of my dad and a former President of US, are ready for pick up. Now both of my children can have a photo! DD still wants the original, but that isn't happening. I promised it to my DS years ago. I did give her my dad's wallet his license with his picture on it when he was 19 and stationed in Panama, as well as some other items.

    Illinois, I hope you are doing well. I am crossing my fingers that the blood test results are all good! Thinking of you and happy I am not the only one who needs someone at the car dealership to set my clock! LOL I only did that because I find it frustrating and already had to take my car to the dealership for something else. It was a little annoying watching the guy set the clock in less than a minute when it takes me over 15 to do. It never works for me the first try, or second, third, fourth….!

    taco, I agree, Ancestry is addictive! I too love it!

    Carole, none of my siblings find Ancestry fascinating. What a boring world it would be if we all loved doing the same things! Hope the weather is good in NOLA!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I have to get moving earlier than usual today since I have a 10:15 hair appointment and will have a 30 to 40 minute drive to a new location. My hair stylist has always worked at her home where she has her salon but she has moved to a salon in the nearest town to her. Sadly I think she's having marital problems. I already had a fifteen minute drive to her house and this will extend the distance. I will give the new location a try because I really don't welcome finding a new stylist. I like her and like her cuts and color work.

    Happy Thursday to everyone.