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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302
    edited December 2023

    Fast update - tooth is in, 20 minutes and done. The inside of my bottom lip is sore but I don’t think from the procedure. I think the rougher material could be causing it. I’ll rinse with some warm salt weather and hope for the best tomorrow.

    Jackie, nice info on Gordie Howe. I’ll telling my partner about your adventure! We just saw an ad for the game we’re going to. It’s going to be a $3 LaBatt and $3 hotdogs night.

    Carole, nice that you enjoyed the woodworkers gathering. You really should post some pictures of his work on here. I know I’d be interested, and I think others have mentioned it before.

    I wrapped gifts tonight. Boy, under the tree seems empty in comparison to years past. When the grandniece was younger it was just so much easier to fill the place with gifts. The older, the harder and more expensive.

    Have a great Friday!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Cindy, yay on the tooth placement.

    Jackie, what a shame about the historic family house.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited December 2023

    The problem is a romantic issue. Some people say I am not worthy of him, but they don't know my full story. I often feel unworthy of him without other people telling me. He has been very persistent.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Love is the great transformer, turning ambition into aspiration,
    selfishness into service, greed into gratitude,
    getting into giving and demands into dedication.


  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Chris, I almost sabotaged my own happiness 28 years ago. Believe you deserve happiness, and accept it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    I'm with Cindy. I don't think you should let anyone else define you Chris. Your own intuitiveness should give you the right answer.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good morning. Just popping in. I went to a breakfast at church. It is a nasty, rainy day, so no walk for me. Though, I need it after all the pancakes I ate.

    Cindy, glad the dental procedure worked. The one I am having done is a front tooth, as well.

    Chris, wow.

    Jackie, hope all works out.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Oh, one more comment. When did people in their 90's start looking so young? Their is a couple of 98 year olds in my chair yoga class that are simply amazing.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Have confidence in the Truth, although you may not be able to comprehend it, although you may suppose its sweetness to be bitter, although you may shrink from it at first. Trust in the Truth. . . . Have faith in the Truth and live it. the Buddha

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Boo!! It is going to rain today. Not liking that. It is also moving day for my friend Jo. I hope they may have been able to do a lot more yesterday. No idea if they are renting a truck — which would be a covered vehicle or not. I hope so. I have stayed away since I can't really help and don't want to be in the way or slow any progress.

    Petite, I just read a 'piece' on aging and how quickly we get to that place that seemed so far away and we have now surpassed that by years. It is true that time tends to speed up. I recall not being able to wait till I was 21 and an adult not realizing age doesn't make you an adult.

    Couldn't imagine being this age of 78. Mentally I am still much younger. I think the people you are speaking of Petite sound like they have chosen to ignore the calendar. Too busy living to stop contributing to their life. Hopefully, we all do that to whatever extent we can.

    We have an appt. to take Millie to the vet. Her tumor is making is hard for her to walk now and we do not know what he will recommend, but this may be her day to c cross the bridge. We will have to see.

    I hope you all have a good day — and if fortunate not a wet one. I think this could being on our somewhat colder weather. It has been warm (in the 50's) for a few days now before the rain. Not sure what kind of Xmas we will have. We are going back to SIL's son's house again. Glad I don't have to cook once more although I may make some sweet potato souffle. They make the kind with marshmallow, and I make the kind with nuts.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I have a friend who is 89 who swims four times a week and does pool exercises for an hour. She looks great and (call me envious) still wears the same size clothes she wore when I met her 30 years ago. She had stopped playing golf because of sciatica issues but has started playing again. The younger women golfers call her Wonder Woman. In the meanwhile I am ashamed to admit that I have gone up four sizes in my clothes. And seldom play golf because my game has deteriorated.

    I was reading the Washington Post online this morning when I was astonished to see a photo of a scene in the Madisonville School library. Madisonville is the nearest small town, about two minutes away. We've had an issue about banning books in this parish (county) and the photo showed a display of books some parents had insisted be pulled from the shelves. Not the kind of publicity that makes me feel proud of my locale. I think it's fine for parents to monitor what their kids read but not fine for them to try to dictate everyone's reading.

    Chris, I am happy for you if you've found a compatible male companion. That just might be causing some jealousy.

    It's sunny and mild here today but the forecast is for more winter to arrive. Fine with me as long as the central heat works.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    "Chris, I am happy for you if you've found a compatible male companion. That just might be causing some jealousy." Yes— just maybe? 😉 Part of it, I am sure.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Optimism is a strategy for making a better future.  Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so.

    Noam Chomsky

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Brrr, it is chilly out and cloudy. Rained yesterday and some more through the night. Maybe more later. Well, I have things to do so maybe I won't be as bothered as I usually get.

    I feel fairly good despite hating the grayness of the weather. That is good for me. I hope all of you will have a good day and accomplish everything you want to —- even if it is just relaxing through a football game. Enjoy your Sunday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Cindy, try Anbesol (or generic "oral pain relief") liquid or gel for that lip soreness. It got me through the first few days of Invisaligns. Chris, glad you may have found the right companion. As for others' jealousy, a raised middle finger (this time of year, while wearing mittens) is a great way to blow off steam without causing further conflict.

    Bar Show rehearsals went on hiatus yesterday afternoon till Jan. 4. I've thrown in the towel over attempting to get a second updated COVID shot (despite meeting all of the CDC's eligibility criteria) after my Sept. 19 shot—someone in my neighborhood just caught COVID despite having gotten the new shot in November. Instead, I will mask everywhere—even if we go out to eat (Bob insists on weighing the degree of risk he's willing to accept vs. what he's seeing among patients who seem to be getting milder-than-previous cases). We may hang with friends (a very few of them) for Christmas—the weather will be warm enough to throw open the windows, because if I do catch COVID that day I should be over it by the time rehearsals restart, provided we stay in alone New Year's Eve.

    We've had several cast members sniffle & cough (unmasked or wearing just cloth masks) at rehearsals, only to test positive the morning after. So we've been advised to home-test &/or mask up at rehearsals. I've been doing both. Not as hard as I thought to choral-sing and do rudimentary choreography while masked. (Even hit a high E at full volume). I took it off only for the two brief sketches in which I have the lead solo. There are three group production numbers in which I only sing into an offstage mic—either not enough time for costume changes or balance issues (inner-ear disturbances), plus inability to twist, jump or hop due to surgeon's warnings not to loosen my knee implants. (My surgeon was, before he retired, the husband of a fellow cast member). I am the second oldest female cast member—the only older one is 78, but she doesn't dance (barely sings) and instead has been the longtime head of costumes & props. But for my back and the "left foot from Hell" (recurrent stress fracture, bunion, hammer toe, and callus/wart over bone spur) I am still trying to wrap my head around turning 73 next month.

    I am still imagining hearing & seeing Heidi everywhere—in every shadow, floor noise, door squeak and even sudden seemingly inexplicable noises. The one from the kitchen turned out to be an opossum banging on the outside of the window, and the one in the living room was a loud "click" from the timer for luminarias behind me turning itself off. But I still wake up thinking "am I late to feed her?" and wondering as I drive home whether she'll be mad at me for making her wait too long for her dinner. When reality finally sets in automatically, then I'll be ready to adopt another furbaby. (As long as I don't find myself comparing it to her). Doesn't help that Friends of Petraits just sent me an e-mail soliciting for adoption a year-old black girl kitty who looks just like her, but for yellow rather than emerald green eyes.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    I had a long post but think I got out of this site for something and then it was gone.

    Carole, I’ve gone up 2 sizes since covid and then my hamstring surgery. I don’t like it, but back then I worked out hard 5x a week. That gym closed during covid and there ain’t no going back. I drive by it and look in, for what I’m not sure - it’s a basketball training facility!

    Sandy, my mouth is feeling better. But I’ll file that info away, I may end up in a Invisalign retainer for 6 weeks! Cross that bridge when I get there. I understand your seeing and hearing Heidi. When one of my sisters German Shepards passed, I heard her at the door many times we visited.

    Petite, I hope you faired well with the storm. We had rain, but not real bad. But I think winds must have picked up in the early morning. My solar snowflake spinner was laying in my driveway, and fire fly solar lights - 2 of 4 were laying flat too.

    Jackie, after a dark rainy gloomy day yesterday, today was beautiful. Cooler than normal but sunny. I was sad to see the sun set.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    What a great picture of your setting sun, Cindy.

    I had an interesting time of it just now. I read in a news feed that Quaker Oats was recalling some of their Granola Bars and Granola Cereals. I looked and sure enough I had one of the boxes that was recalled. So, I got on their website and did fine until it wanted the UPC number. It kept telling me to try again each time I put the number in. I know the number was the correct one because when they wouldn't take my copied from the box version I went to the website they had that described all the recalled products — UPC plus all descriptions up to and including a picture of the box. I copied and pasted, but it was to no avail. They kept telling me I had it wrong. I will take the product back where I bought it tomorrow.

    I think Walmart might be sticklers for having a receipt and I likely do have the receipt, but I'm not going to be happy going through the pile I have to find it. Then again — they may not give me a lot of flak . I'm really irritated, and I plan to call the Customer Service number tomorrow (if I don't have to wait too long on the phone) and tell then how much I love their product and hate the website they used for we who wanted to handle the issue over their stated web directions. Phooey.

    Okay that's my rant for this evening. See ya'll tomorrow.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    A recall is a recall, receipt or not. Whether you bought the product or was given it, the vendor MUST take it back and refund the price (including tax).

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Jackie, I looked at the list of recalled Quaker Oats products, too, but our favorite wasn't on the list. The box of old-fashioned oats that takes 5 minutes to cook. I just bought the large box for dh to make his oatmeal cookies that he makes every Christmas.

    Cindy, my weight gain was gradual, beginning with bc in 2009 and taking the "little white pill" for 5 years. Arimidex. When I stopped taking it, I never managed to lose those extra pounds and kept adding some extras. I cannot stand wearing tight clothes so the latest larger size is actually a little loose but comfortable. What I really dislike is having a protruding stomach.

    Our weather forecast is for stormy weather on Christmas day.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good morning. If I had some of the recalled Quaker oats, I ate them. Had to go shopping, yesterday. I was down to just about nothing. LOL I am stocked up now. I will go out at the end of the week, when we figure out who is making what. I have not gone for the morning walk and it is nearly 9:30 and still in my bathrobe.

    Cindy, it was wet and windy, but no problem where I am. My waterfront friends had some minor flooding and could not leave their homes until the roads cleared. Nice picture.

    Other than shrinking 2", I am about the same size as when I was in high school. It takes some work to keep it that way. I walk most days, do bone strengthening exercises, yoga 2 times a week, and minor weight lifting. I avoid fatty foods (high cholesterol). My family is big and loves good old southern cooking. I met 2 of my dad's cousins, at his funeral, that were built like me, so my size is from my dad's distant family.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    While great brilliance and intellect are to be admired, they cannot dry
    one tear or mend a broken spirit.  Only kindness can accomplish this.

    John M. Drescher

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886
    edited December 2023

    Cold outside today, but at last some sun. Gray gets to me so fast. I knew it would get colder after the rain. So far though — not one drop of snow and seems like the rest of the week will be fine. Not expecting much of anything. Suits me.

    At my highest I was 220 's. Can't say it was fun. I'm not at around 170-175. Tends to fluctuate depending on how well my water pill behaves. I might have been much bigger although I was skinny most of my life. When I got into my 50's things changed. My mom's side of the family was mainly bigger women, while my dad's side seemed to be smaller — so I guess 50/50 for me.

    Went down to 146 when I had the mitral valve failure. I had not been that small in 25 yrs. Slowly but surely, I got back up to the 170's which is where I was when the failure happened. I presume that 170 number became more of my SET wt. for my age and life activities now. I don't mind it, but like you Carole I do not like the 'stomach' portion. Everything else seems to be in proportion.

    Nothing special today but getting ready for tomorrow's trip to Missouri and John Cochran's for the lung biopsy. I should have a slightly quieter time of it after that. Already got a call to expect an appt. for radiation. Dr. Dave wanted to get that going for me since he feels fairly certain that is the way things will end up for me. Still, they feel knowing just exactly what sort of growth the nodule is will help in determining how much radiation etc. I do not know anything about shrinking growths with radiation. I'll have to ask Dr. Google about it.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day. Hope for sun and no gloomy weather.

    ETA: I will deal with my box of cereal today likely. I don't think the regular Quakers Oats was affected. Seems from the website to be only the granola type bars and cereals. Hope all have checked though.

    I have eaten some of the cereal in the box, but it is the one kind of cereal that I eat the "stated" serving or less, so I didn't notice any adverse effects. Didn't sound like every box of it could be a problem, just that the possibility existed — so the company wants/hopes to get it all back. Okay with me. I don't look for opportunities to be un-well. Quite the opposite.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Sorry to learn about the radiation, Jackie. Glad it's an option but still sorry you have to endure more treatment.

    Petite, I admire you for keeping your figure. It's no small accomplishment.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    My high school weight was maybe 107 and at 5’8” so I’d look emaciated now at that weight. Years back I dropped to 132-135 and I looked really gaunt. I think my stable weight if I’m working out and eating whatever I want is about 157. When I worked out to get to 152, and watched everything I ate, I could do it but it took the enjoyment out of life. It was a fight. I’m 170 now. LOL So 13 pounds should be in my reach to lose.

    I walked 2.45 miles this morning, in 39 minutes. I may have to pass by my house and double back to add time and distance. I’m up to chapter 5 in the audio book, and loving it. It was a beautiful day here today.

    In upstate NY it was pouring buckets and I was here in FL watching the camera in my NY basement. I kept taking screen shots to compare water levels as it increased. It never got high enough to go over the blocks my boiler and water heater are on, thankfully! It’s a dirt floor basement without a thing being stored down there. Other friends weren’t so fortunate; one had 6” of water in their basement.

    Jackie, I’m sorry to hear radiation may be in your future. Not something any of us want to hear, once was enough. Best of luck with your appointment.

    Petite, glad you made it through the storm without problems. I think some on Fort Myers beach had flooding again too. I think waterfront properties are always in danger from water.

    Covid - a gf went to her daughter house to help out cleaning, they just bought a new home. While there her daughter mistakenly took drinks from her coffee, thinking it was her own. Next day daughter informs her she’s covid positive. Today the SIL and granddaughter tested positive as well. Odd 2 out, so far, are grandson and my gf. I told her that the odds are working against her. Hoping she dodges that bullet.

    Everyone have a great night!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    I lost the 30 pounds post BC through increasing my exercise, no real change in diet. Tippy is a demanding coach.

    We are getting better at communicating nowadays. I got the buttons out with "snack", "brush", "walk", and "birds" recorded on them. Hopefully this will get even better. Yesterday I went to the bathroom, And he sat at the bedroom door, expecting "nap".

    It was laundry day, and I had two Zoom meetings planned. All three went well. I think my oversharing problem here is going to get into control. Getting ready to do some more step-work. Yes, I am a raging codependent.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    I went to the Wildlife Park for the Christmas Celebration of Lights. It was beautiful and the manatees are piled into the river to keep warm. See Attached photos

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    I think one fell off

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Love the Christmas lights, Petite!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Great pictures! I hope to get our visitors to our manatee park.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Beautiful animals. I would love to be able to do more traveling to places like that.