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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    I called my husband who is in memory care. He wanted me to pick him up at a freeway intersection. I told him I thought he was at Rosewood and he could verify that with a caregiver. It's the most disoriented he's been that I'm aware of. Thank goodness he's in a safe place with lots of people making sure he's ok.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Wren, that sounds so scary. Is he worse upon awaking do you think?? I know there are memory changes that come, but not knowing where you are is off-putting for sure. I'm glad as well that you know where he is and that he is looked after well. My BIL was in memory care for over a yr. but he was having short term issues and couldn't be alone. He was able after a time to go to an assisted living and now after over three yrs. is home again.

    Not allowed to drive and the other brother that lives here in town as well, not only drives him but has to pay his bills and keep his checking acct. for him. He will never do those things again. Not great but manageable.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302
    edited December 2023

    I’m way behind on posts. We arrived past 4 on Monday. Unpack, unpack, and orient ourselves.

    A friend 2 doors over had used our bathroom while their home had toilets pulled as the entire house was tiled (removed and replaced), for a few days. They watch our house and do inside checks when we’re gone. Well, she “opened” our house for us! Hurricane shutters open, all lanai furniture back out, circuit breakers on, water back on too. You name it and they did it. Even dusted & vacuumed! AND left us a new laundry basket full of household stuff - toilet paper, paper towels, toilet bowl cleaner, glass cleaner, and so much more; big Welcome back balloon. I couldn’t ask for better neighbors. A great surprise.

    Drive down was uneventful, which was good. We drove through mostly gloomy weather, with some rain. I kept reminding myself that it wasn’t snow. We got to spend a night with my stepson. While there he had a call, his mom (my partners ex) had fell and fractured her hip - tripped over clutter in her garage. She’s only 67 so that was shocking. But we think leaving at a latter date, we avoided the normal race to Florida traffic.

    Wren, your husband’s call was sad. But it’s comforting to know he’s safe at his facility.

    Chris, good to hear from you. Hoping any issues work out well for you.

    Petite, busy is good! Glad to hear how active you are.

    Puffin, it’s hard with your dad, but you’ll both get through this. It’s good you’re still testing negative. COVID is in all of the states I traveled through, including where I left. A lot of people I personally know did not get the last shot. I try to inform them it’s a new shot for the new strain not a booster, they don’t care.

    Jackie, your appointment is coming up in 2 days I think, for your nodules. May yours be stable and you get good information.

    The day started out beautiful, went steel gray, and is sunny again. AND it’s snowing back in NY. I checked my cameras and could see it. I noted to my niece it wasn’t sticking on the roads. She said it was very slippery, only 29 degrees.

    Have a great day ladies! I’ve got so much to do I’m unsure where I’ll start.

    PS - Betrayal hoping you’re ok, haven’t seen a post in a while. Taco, Sandy, Harley, hoping you’re all good too. And anybody I missed!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength--carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength. Corrie Ten Boom

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Sun is mainly out today which makes me feel great. I'll have catch-up things for sure today. Blind led the blind yesterday. Dh got some new components to boost our router and needed help. It took all afternoon yesterday and four phone calls to get the components properly hooked up. One of the guys sensing that we were a bit older asked if anyone else was around —- I think he was hoping for a younger more tech savvy person. He finally sluffed us off directly to the company that made our product. That was the second two calls.

    Cindy, so glad you are re-settling back into your Fla. home. Your neighbors sure sound like great keepers. How delightful to come home to everything you need to get going again and to have many of the ASAP things out of the way for you. You are indeed fortunate. Blessings to your good neighbors.

    Glad you could visit on your way. Sorry about your stepson's mom. Falling in a garage would be horrid since they generally all have concrete floors. No wonder she broke a hip. I hope it is in an area that will heal well for her. Guess I'd be hiring someone to remove the clutter and re-arrange what is stored in the garage.

    My appt. coming up is in the respiratory dept. at Marion V.A. Precautionary and being done if I should be able to be a candidate for later surgery. I have a biopsy on the nodule now scheduled for the 19th. of Dec. at John Cockran in St. Louis, Mo early in the morning. Not going to be a fun trip traffic-wise. Hopefully though it all goes well. The next day I have an appt. at Skin Care which is just a follow-up for my facial cancer removals. Sigh !!! I'm hoping to start needling less appts. starting in January. Dec. started out being so light but a whole week of the month is filled now. Grrr.

    Hope you all have a good day and sunshine.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    Cindy - thanks for checking on me. Much better today. Had both a scan and a mammogram this morning. RO thinks that I only have the residual of a bruise I had earlier in the fall. It was a dosy and I don't know how I got it.

    Said she could check it again in 3 months or biopsy it and I choose the latter (which I think she would have too from he later comments). I don't want that hanging over my head for another 3 months. I doubt I can get the biopsy next week but I feel greatly reassured and will go off and enjoy our vacation.

    Also saw my Internist, scheduled before the radiological appointments came up. All my labs looked good and I'd lost a few pounds. Good until June with him but I did need a few prescriptions renewed before we went away.

    Just read two novels set in the '60's. Do you know we are considered historical history now! Really liked "Freshwater Road" about "Mississippi Summer". told from the perspective of a black northern college student who went south. At 20, I wouldn't have been that brave.

    The decorating I do takes about 15 minutes and I did even lesss this year. Feels just fine. I've given up almost all cards too.

    Busy day tomorrow - golf, book club luncheon and golf committee meeting. I did bail out of my usual Thurs. evening bridge. It seems to be feast or famine as far as my days go.


  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 354

    Illinoislady - fingers crossed for good results from your upcoming appointments

    Cindy - glad to hear you safely made it to Florida. Your neighbors are awesome!

    Taco - keeping you in my thoughts that the biopsy can be scheduled quickly and for good results

    Nothing new with me. I continue with my volunteer work and am finding I need to push myself harder to get to the gym for a workout. I feel much better when I exercise but with the cold weather it is much more enticing to sit on the couch wrapped in a blanket reading a good book.

    Hope Sandy, MM and the others are okay. Take care to all.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good morning. It is 35 degrees and I am not in the mood for my morning walk. Maybe later. I am the facilitator for the grief support group today. I am still doing prep work. I was going to talk about grief and the holidays, but it has been covered. I think I will bring the book "Understanding Your Grief " by Alan Wolfelt. It should open the discussion.

    Jackie, I liked the quote on worry. It fits my mood.

    Cindy, Your neighbors sound wonderful. It is so nice to have people like that for friends.

    Taco, Good to hear from you.

    Wrenn, that is sad, but I am glad he is safe. Cyber hugs to you.

    Best wishes to all that are waiting biopsy results. My friend with throat cancer is now cancer free. Yay.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Very sad about your dh, Wren. Hugs.

    Cindy, what great neighbors!

    We're having Louisiana winter weather. It's sunny out and 39 degrees, according to my laptop. I have a lunch date with two women friends at 11:30 so I can't spend as much time on the laptop as I'd like.

    Happy Wednesday to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never truly be fulfilled.
    If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with
    yourself.  Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way
    things are.  When you realize there is nothing lacking,
    the whole world belongs to you.

    Lao Tzu

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    We’re up to 65 with some sun so it’s nice out. I have to sit on a cushion on my front walkway to attack my overgrown weedy garden. It’s a full blown mess. If Betrayal were nearby I’d offer her whatever she needed to go at my garden.

    Dentist - I saw him on Tuesday. The tooth under the crown is broken in 2 spots that I could see. Computerized X-ray is so much better than old films. He won’t pull my teeth, from Fosamax use, so I’m off to an oral surgeon, but not until January 9.

    The dentist explained a timeline if I qualify for implants. Starts with 3 teeth pulled (front bottom), a cadaver bone graft, healing time, 2 pins placed, healing, snap on 4 teeth. Estimate IF I qualify is 8 months or so before it’s finished. And along the way there are no guarantees it wouldn’t fail at some point in the process. He said the oral surgeon would explain it in detail. I yi yi Lucy!

    If I don’t qualify, or the time and expense deter me, I can get a regular bridge. I’d get 3 teeth pulled by oral surgeon, see the dentist the same day for my Invisalign retainer (like last year) with 3 teeth - leaving my Maryland bridge. I’d come back for the regular bridge in 6 weeks. He said in 6 weeks my gums would fully heal and drop as low as they’d go. Oh me, oh my.

    Either scenario isn’t enticing. Six weeks without front bottom teeth, just the retainer- which you’re not supposed to eat with when it’s in. In the scheme of life, 6 weeks isn’t a big deal. But I’ll pretty much be eating at home everyday. Again, I know that’s not heartbreaking haha, just a blip on the screen. I’m guessing the fastest route is a regular bridge and I’ll be able to go back to NY in May with front bottom teeth. I’ll know more after the 1/9/24 appointment.

    Teeth!! It never ends. I floss and brush 2x a day and will floss anytime something is wedged in a back molar. And I get cleanings 2x a year. I kind of thought, naively, that I was good.

    That’s my rant on teeth for the day. May you all have a great day! I’m off to floss & brush. 😁

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Sun is out bright so I'm a happy camper. I was sort of in the doldrums for a few days, but with the sun out strong I immediately start to feel much more positive, reasonable and more like I can make a success of things. There is a bit of wind, but I think other than cooler than what I like the sun will banish those cares.

    A trip to Mt. Vernon in my future. Dh is returning the tower extenders we so laboriously set us. An afternoon wasted on them. Seems they didn't improve his ability for the speed he needs to run his computer and so no improvement in the printer either. I presume Dh needs a different printer. He did not buy HP's cartridge quota and that is he said when the printer stopped working. I have no idea about things like that, but he is not going to use HP from now on. I think having a printer will continue as an issue. Wish I could be more optimistic, but the last few yrs. Dh seems to have had issues with almost all his electronic type purchases, be they phones, printers, computers or accessories for all those things.

    Otherwise, a good day I think. I'm happy that the price of gas has not gone up here. We are at $3.02 a gallon. Dh just came in and said his computer just QUIT. I'm not going to say anything because if I did I'm not sure how I'd disguise the swear words. Anyway, I'm hoping that holds. There are things at the store that have gone down in price, so we are fine for now. Hope all of it holds but you never know.

    Pulmonary test tomorrow at Marion. Always takes a bike out of our day since we easily use up three hours on it.

    Hope you all have a good day and hopefully great weather.

    Saying hi to all.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2023

    Sorry for being AWOL, more about that in a bit. Wren, heartbreaking about your DH's dementia progression. It's something that scares us all. Cindy, hope you find a satisfactory solution for your teeth. (Maybe you can eat tepid soft stuff with the retainer in, so long as you rinse before putting it back in)?

    A kibbutz is a collective farm (some also have light industry and a resort section for tourists). All resources and equipment is pooled and shared, and revenue distributed equally. (As opposed to a moshav, which is a cooperative collection of family farms where equipment is shared but each family keeps its own proceeds).

    I finally am over my flu (had to blow off the Nov. 28 rehearsal lest I spread germs, but started back last Sat. and again this past Tues. night). But that's about the only good stuff going on for me right now. Heidi began being extremely inappetant Tues. evening despite getting Mirataz Mon. afternoon—and yesterday she began drooling mucus out the right side of her mouth. Still drinking & using litterbox, and coming upstairs to wake me in the morning. But getting weaker and just licking at her food (if she doesn't outright reject it). Also can't get up on to the loveseat, which is her hangout spot, w/o being picked up. Called vet this morning—can't see her till Mon. morning but suggested we take her today to an urgent-care vet ("Scout"). We did—and it's not good. Not only is her thyroid uncontrolled, but there is a firm palpable mass under her jaw (vet was able to feel it inside the mouth too), which was needle-biopsied. But that's the least of it: X-ray revealed a mass (likely sarcoma) on her abdominal wall behind her lungs; air in her esophagus (likely from gulping air while drinking), a high white cell count, slightly elevated kidney levels, heart murmur and gallstones. No point in biopsying the ab mass, as treatment plan wouldn't change regardless of results and a guided biopsy would require sedation which she might not be well enough to handle. Urgent care vet agrees that even though hyperthyroidism is the underlying problem, with all the other stuff going on treating it would only make her suffer more. It's possible that the jaw & ab tumors may or may not be related—but in a 19-yr-old cat it's not unexpected. She is down to 6 lbs 2 oz.

    So the plan right now is palliative care: they gave her fluids, gabapentin & Zofran shots; put her on daily Mirataz (and BID oral Zofran) to stimulate appetite and prevent vomiting (and perhaps the mucus-drool), and liquid gabapentin PRN for pain up to 3x/day). Goal is to get her eating and keep her comfortable till her regular vet (who is the urgent care vet's BFF) can see her and decide whether she has shown any improvement over today. If she hasn't, time to arrange for in-home euthanasia and let everyone who loves her say goodbye.

    But that's just the half of it. Yesterday I had my annual screening mammo, from 3:50-4:10. They said I could go home, so I went to get some minor car stuff done & refill my gas tank. Got home, and patient portal message said mammo "incomplete:" L breast BIRADS 1 (neg.), but R was BIRADS 0, due to a "new calcification in area of previous tumor bed." Here's the kicker: the report was issued at 4:16! Pretty quick reading, including comparison to prior mammos. (Highly unlikely this new radiologist even saw my prior history, in which an earlier radiologist did a spot compression mammo & ultrasound and found only scar tissue surrounding the shrunken seroma, with some crystallized fat necrosis). So tomorrow afternoon I have to go back for a spot compression mammo and possible ultrasound. I also saw the words "medication imaging" but I couldn't find anything on the internet about it except for heart issues. Does that mean "PET scan?"

    Anyway, how can there be a "calcification" in the lumpectomy cavity, where there's no tissue, just serum? Hoping ultrasound won't be necessary, much less a PET scan. (Would the latter mean "skip biopsy" and just check for mets—because if there are mets there's no point in removing the tumor)?

    So put together caring for my dying kitty (and maybe arranging in-home euthanasia), dealing with a possible recurrence (or new primary), and intensive Bar Show rehearsals starting Sat. and daily through 12/16…and maybe I should be posting this in Crazy Town.

    Oh, and Happy Hanukkah.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Oh Sandy, your news is quite distressing for both you and Heidi. I will say though that for a cat Heidi is quite old and I know from your keeping us up that she has gotten the best of care and such a generous and long abiding love. Seems to me having kept cats so long myself that if they have a good home and lots of love they don't look on their life as having been too short like we do. We always want more for them because they have given us such joy and comfort. Kept all our secrets and lifted our spirts so many times. I send my love and hope for all the comfort possible for sweet Heidi as she goes through this stage with you.

    I hope that there will be enough review of your previous records with a comparison to what you do tomorrow and that things perhaps will cancel need of anything else. I've never heard or seen anything about medication imaging. I have had 3 Pet Scans and they do inject materials that light up red if you have any cancer present.

    You really didn't need all that on top of the misery it was to get the report on Heidi. I so hope that things work out with tomorrow's tests so that you can focus on other aspects. Big hugs.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Thanks, Jackie. If Heidi were human, she'd be 92. Still too soon to say goodbye. When she passes, this will be the first time since 1997-8 (late Sept., when Pickles died till early Jan. when we adopted Misha) that there would be no pets in our home. We will allow us time to grieve before we decide whether to welcome another furbaby at our ages. Our friends are as about as old as (one is older than) we are—one of the older ones (who gave us Misha as a kitten) lost his 20-year-old tabby last spring and I don't think he adopted another one. I'd never known him not to have at least one cat. Another couple have an 11-year old who is having digestive issues. They adopted 4 years ago from a strange little foster-rescue in an apartment, rescuing "odd-looking" or "misfit" cats from kill shelters, and were told their kitties were ages 3 & 4, respectively. The one who was supposedly 4 died of lymphoma at what the vet estimated was 12 or 13, not the 8 yrs old he would have been had the original representation been correct. We don't know from what the remaining kitty is suffering (pooping everywhere but the litter boxes), but they adopted him despite his wet "slurpy" breathing. And Gordy & Leslie have a dog (she's not a cat person).

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    Sandy I'll chime in to say we've missed you and I am sorry for the reasons for it. Big hugs to you (and Heidi). Praying for good outcomes and strength 💪 to manage each thing. ❤️🙏

    I had a full day migraine that sent me to bed on Monday ( and caused me to miss a concert). Tonight my SIL and I went to the art museum in town and heard a jazz trio. A real day brighter for me. Music has a way of doing that.

    Yesterday was exciting in not a good way as kitty #1 or #2 pried open the apparently almost- closed garage door, which set off our security system, leading to texts and phone calls ( we were both out, me in the hairdressers chair...). Thankfully DH made contact. After validating all was well. No police needed. The likely furry culprit was cowering under the sofa. And looking very sorry! The alarm probably scared the crap out of both of them.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Heidi is a well loved cat, and she knows it. So sorry you may have to let her cross rainbow bridge. Best of luck tomorrow /today with your follow up tests. We’re in your pocket if you need us.

    Reader, a full day migraine makes me cringe just thinking about. And you’re right, your cats must have freaked out with the alarm.

    Jackie, I’m glad the sun brightened your day. Hoping you get some sunshine tomorrow too.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Sandy, thanks for explaining kibbutz. Sorry for all you're dealing with.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    Sandy, Hugs for you and Heidi. It's so hard when they reach this stage. I know she knows she's loved. Good luck with the Mammo re-do.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 354

    Sandy - (((HUGS))). Sending good thoughts that Heidi’s remaining days are peaceful and fulls of snuggles. In your pocket for the Birads 0. Hopefully you’ll have an answer soon. I wonder how the doctors cannot understand that the vagueness strikes fear in the heart of a breast cancer patient.

    Wren - so sorry to hear about your husband’s call and related dementia. Praying for strength for you (((HUGS))).

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    I make it a practice to avoid hating anyone.  If someone's been guilty of
    despicable actions, especially toward me, I try to forget him or her.  I used
    to follow a practice--somewhat contrived, I admit--to write the person's name
    on a piece of scrap paper, drop it into the lowest drawer of my desk, and say
    to myself:  "That finishes the incident, and so far as I'm concerned, that person."
       The drawer became over the years a sort of private wastebasket for
    crumpled-up spite and discarded personalities.  Besides, it seemed to be
    effective, and helped me avoid harboring useless black feelings.

    Dwight D. Eisenhower

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    I am here late today. Sending positive vibes to you Sandy.

    We had some good sun today for our trip to Marion. I had my first lung function test. I didn't do badly although the tech did say that I had one lung that could benefit from an inhaler. We will see. Anyway, the tech, an older gentleman made it sort of fun to do. We were done with the test in a bit under an hour. Lots of explanations for it all.

    I think overall I did fine, but he did say the application of an inhaler (a standard part of their test) did show that I might benefit from an inhaler somewhat. I don't have sleep apnea or shortness of breath or a huge problem with stairs if I go slow, but I do know due to the heart issues I have slowed very considerably. I need to build up what stamina I can. Anyway, I was surprised. I will know more when I talk to Dr. Dave on the phone on Monday.

    Hugs to Wren as well. Having stayed with dementia/Alzheimer's patients for their families for a good while I know these issues are challenging.

    Reader, I too am sorry for the migraine. They are horrid. Only had one in my whole life and I've always been so thankful that is all I had. They just tend to make you sick all over.

    Taco, sure hope your biopsy results free you up from all upsets and you can be at ease.

    Hope you all had a good day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Jackie, no shame in depending on an inhaler. I keep a "rescue" one of albuterol in my purse and in every room I frequent—usually can go a month or two w/o needing it, but during my flu I had to use it 4x a day. Gordy. whose asthma is much worse than mine, uses a combo inhaler prophylactically plus a rescue one every few days. Might be a good idea to get a fingertip pulse-ox monitor (or an Apple Watch Series 7 or higher, which has a built-in pulse-oximeter). You want your O2 sats to be at least 95.

    Spending the evening home alone with Heidi—Bob insists on going to the Christ Hospital holiday dinner (a freebie sit-down) all the way out in OakBrook, but he won't get off work till 6 and it's a hellish hour-plus commute out there during rush hour. Stupid for us to take two cars, too (if I were to cab it down to the clinic and we drive together in his car, at least he could drink). I'm tired and not feeling too celebratory, though. And the last thing I want to do tonight is get all dressed up. It's likely his last Christ Hosp. dinner, as after 1/1 he will be admitting his Union Health patients to only UIC (where he did his residency & fellowship and is right near the Medical District clinic) or Little Co. of Mary in Evergreen Park (a few blocks from the clinic's Beverly location). We will still attend the latter's dinners, especially the Crystal Heart Ball fundraiser in Feb.

    At least I got the breast imaging out of the way. As we suspected (and I hoped), a whole lotta nothing (the radiologist's words were "looks pretty benign") but I'm back on the 6-month diagnostic schedule, at least for that breast. Heidi is hanging in there as best she can, thanks to appetite stimulants and availability of gabapentin, the latter of which she doesn't need yet. She's daintily "grazing" tiny amounts of wet food and drinking often. Can still get to her litterboxes, which is good. I couldn't give her Zofran as a pill (not even the tiny half-pill) because no matter how I tried, she still spat it out. So I crushed & dissolved it and squirted it in, holding her mouth closed till she swallowed it. (The Zofran is both anti-nausea and appetite-stimulant—she gets that BID and an "ear-rub" of Mirataz daily, also to make sure she eats enough to be comfy). We're hoping she doesn't suffer yet, at least not until next Sun the 17th, which is the first day of rehearsal-hiatus. There's no point in treating the hyperthyroidism, which in her is "paradoxical" (most hyperthyroid kitties eat ravenously and are constantly running around burning off energy, but she's just the opposite) and she can no longer tolerate the methimazole, which worked well for 7 months…until it didn't.

    Chag sameach for night #2 of Hanukkah. At least I'm doing the menorahs (candles in the kitchen, LED in the window) and the blue & white lights. (We also have the multicolored lights year-round on our arborvitae & white ones on the magnolia out back. The colored lights are not only cheerful, but it helps people (especially cab drivers) find the house. Maybe latkes and salmon tomorrow night if we don't go out after my rehearsal ends and Bob gets off work.

    Heidi just came to me for brushing, "making biscuits," and face-snuggles…and some fresher warmed-up wet food.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Sandy, great news on your breast imaging, even if you’re now back on a 6 month schedule.

    Today is our anniversary, 28 years. We wanted to go to a great little Italian place I loved. I had lunch there this past May before we left for home. Well, it’s gone, out of business. Next best place is very nearby but won’t take reservations on Fri or Sat, so we went early, very early. Haha! It was delicious but I got giggling that 28 years ago we were out much later.

    I put up our outdoor Christmas lights this morning. As we came home from dinner I had proof that I set the timer up correctly, everything was light up. I’m trying to do a little at a time.

    Last year I bought a mystery box for $2 at a Bin store here in Fort Myers. It was candles for the windows at Christmas. At the time I thought- what am I going to do with them, I have plantation shutters on all windows. Well I pulled them out when I was doing the outdoor lights and tonight figured I’d stick them in the bedroom windows. Well, you get what you pay for is a fact. They are not “eye” sensitive for dusk to dawn; they don’t even have a rocker switch for on/off, I’d have to pull the plug nightly; and once I put the bulbs in them, not one of four worked! I even changed out a “fuse” in one, and tried a light bulb I had for a night light. Nothing. I’ll test the bulbs to see if they’re trash too. Oh well, nothing ventured nothing gained. Just glad I didn’t gift it to someone else.

    Hoping you all had a decent evening.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Cindy, I hope there was at least something decent in your box. Unless the store tried them no one would realize they had died of old age before they could be bought and used.

    Sandy, I'm relieved to get your news. Heidi is steady for the moment, and you only need 6-month checks. Alls well for now. I do think as someone already said, some Dr.'s don't seem to realize how easy to get you stirred up by what they say after you have once gone through a cancer dx. and treatment. Well, maybe a lesson was learned about not rushing a dx. before you check all the angles.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Good news, Sandy.

    Happy Anniversary, Cindy.

    Good morning to everyone else. Hope you enjoy your Saturday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Imagine your mind as a garden and thoughts as the seeds you plant.  Habitual
    negative, unhealthy, self-critical thoughts produce the weeds and thistles of
    depression, discontent, and anxiety in the garden of your mind.  Luckily, the
    opposite is also true.  Consistently planting positive, healthy, constructive
    thoughts will yield a crop of beautiful feelings, such as gratitude, love, and joy.

    Sue Patton Thoele

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    A bit overcast today. I guess everyone is busy with the holiday since we seem a bit light on posting. Hope everyone is okay.

    Nothing special today. Rather glad to have the past week done. Dreaded having to go to Marion. Busy sort of month (even though we ourselves don't do much) so dislike crowds and traffic and other aspects we undergo. Also thinking about having to do up-coming things as well.

    Hard to believe we are almost at another yr. I hope the next one is better than this one for everyone.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Today is partly cloudy, cloudy at the moment, and it appears to be very windy based on the swaying of tree branches. We are planning to attend a Christmas concert this afternoon and then go to dinner at my favorite restaurant. This is an annual holiday event for us.

    An alarm light has appeared on the dash of my 2014 Prius. I have an appointment to take it in to the dealer tomorrow morning at 9 am. The cost of trouble shooting it is $150 but that amount will be applied toward any necessary repair. This is the first time to have any issue with the car except for replacing the starting battery and replacing the batteries in the key fobs. I'm hoping nothing much is wrong.

    Happy Sunday to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. J.B. Priestley