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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.  People are just people, and all people have faults and shortcomings, but all of us are born with a basic goodness.

    Anne Frank

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    The sun it out, but it is below freezing right now. I think later in the week it will get up to 50's again in the daytime. That's good if we have sun. I've become fairly cold natured now with age and health issues — so comfort for me is much warmer than the 50's.

    I'm sorry to hear your still having issues with your flu, Sandy. Having to get around in the city when it is cold just sounds difficult and extremely un-appealing, and worse if you're not totally well.

    I hope as well that little Heidi can hang on for a while. It is hard to lose our furry friends. They add such depth to so many of our days and make walking through our doors a great joy. As you say HK hopefully will be able to spend a bit of time with her friend.

    Minnie is very missed. She made a lot of noise in our house. Millie is quite quiet. We seldom hear a bark out of her. Truth is, I was more prepared (knowing she had a VERY negative health status) the day we brought her into our home, for something to happen to Millie. Minnie always got good reports on her Vet visits. Well, we will get used to quiet — but seems it will take some time.

    Nothing special for today. Just my usual daily items needing done every day. We did a kitchen arrangement yesterday which took a big part of the day. We moved some shelves and replaced with smaller in the areas where we put some back. It looks a lot less congested in there. For a big open kitchen, I have little counter space. I could have some built ins put on the other side, but likely would remove our ability to have it be a eat-in kitchen — so I'm going to have to go w/o something. I have kept at other family members who find it easy to deposit things on the counters or pantry floor. If I can hold that at bay — then I can make the counters continue to work. I don't really want to put a "dining" area in my living room. The room is there, but I just don't want it that way.

    I hope you all have a great day. Adding hugs for petite and Puffin and father.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    I’ve had no call back from thoracic surgeon office, and I believe it’s because he hasn’t seen the results yet.

    We’ve started packing, going off my list for things we don’t need to use. I’ve got an appointment at my foot guy tomorrow to just check on my newest orthotics. Afterwards I’m dropping books & a gift to a gf - drop & run.

    I’m left hoping I hear from surgeons office tomorrow so we can leave for Florida on Thursday. If not, Friday it is! We’d pack everything in the car that won’t freeze, the night before and leave from the appointment.

    Sun on and off here, it was 29 earlier after overnight snow dusting. Up to 33 now but getting windy and the Alexa screen shows a snow flake. Flurries I see now!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,545

    @cindyny we too hope you hear from the surgeon by tomorrow! 🤞

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good morning. It is 32 degrees in sunny Florida, this morning. I will have to bundle up to do my morning walk. I have yoga class today and a planning meeting for the grief social group through hospice. I am glad I got involved with grief support. It helps me and I can help others.

    Jackie, I am sorry to hear about Minnie. I am still grieving the lost of Miss Felix.

    Puffin, I am sorry to hear about your dad and you having to deal with COVID. In September it made it's rounds through the extended family. I was spared.

    Cindy, good on the CT. Have a safe trip back to Florida.

    Sandy, getting on a train does not sound pleasant with or without a mask.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Knock on wood. So far I have not had Covid since it was identified. Two summers ago dh had a mild case but I didn't catch it from him. I think I had a severe case in 2019 before it was identified. I was in the hospital for 6 days with double pneumonia and the coughing was indescribable. I was a healthy person with no serious health conditions. The whole experience was like being in a dark dungeon for days. I had never been so ill before. There was some admission by the medical world that Covid had been in circulation prior to being named.

    Today is a pretty winter day. I plan to go to exercise class at the gym at 11:30.

    Travel safely, Cindy. You have definitely had more than your share of health challenges recently.

    Wishing everyone good results in tests and effective treatments.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Pessimists see only the dark side of the clouds, and mope;
    philosophers see both sides, and shrug; optimists
    don't see the clouds at all--they're walking on them.

    Leonard Louis Levinson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Gorgeous day today. Cold as usual, but up to 45 degrees. Buddy, the indoor/outdoor cat just left a dead squirrel by the back door as a gift for us. Uh, no thanks. I appreciate your prowess, but I'm just not into those kinds of presents.

    Just wow about Florida being colder than it is here in Illinois. While I think it possible that 32 could feel different in most states (such as if you are close to water and it's 32, or if you are somewhere windy) in my book 32 is darn cold period. Do bundle good petite. It is good to hear you are feeling benefit from your grief support interactions. It always helps us in some way to help someone else.

    Carole, your pneumonia/likely Covid, before Covid was identified sounds horrid. Since we have had so many vaccine shots now, it is almost hard to recall the many deaths, and need for respirators, and how very sick people were when the pandemic began. I haven't truly heard of anyone (though likely there are some) needing a respirator for a long time. Leads me to wonder, since we don't test much anymore, if there are people who had a cold — who might have actually had a bout of Covid un-aware. Knock on wood, I haven't had any of it, even though I worry. Even more so when I have to go to hospitals for some reason. Why it bothers me more to be there than anywhere else I'm not sure other than it is where you most certainly expect to find people who are ill.

    Cindy, add my wishes for a safe trip to your Fla. home as well. Always nice to skip the cooler weather for Fla. A lot of people from here use to go to Texas for the winter. I'm hoping our winter is tolerable but don't pay much attention to what is predicted. For many yrs. they have just been so wrong. Most of the time they seem to predict something close to the worst winter ever and what we have gotten those yrs. has often been rain on X-mas day. Not even a dusting of snow. So, I'm resigned to make the best of whatever happens w/o relying much on what is predicted.

    In addition to the pulmonary test to be done on the 8th. I will be getting a call from someone at John Hopkins (which is V.A. in St. Louis) for an appt. for a biopsy of my nodule. I'm not at all happy with the hospital there but it was mainly a negative time of it when I had to stay overnight on the floor. I haven't had issues with just going for tests or consults. Hopefully, this will be an in and out thing so that won't be an issue. I don't like having to go into the city, but my BIL usually drives us there — and hopefully he will be able to for this visit. Even though he says not too, I always give him a pretty good tip for it as well as fill up his gas tank on the way back to our house. The filling station is right up the road from where he lives about three blocks — so he is not out ANY gas. If we are very long, I also buy him lunch. Not a bad deal really. He always says not to do it, but I do appreciate it, very much. As well, frankly, I know him and know what 'might' and likely would be mentioned at some point if I didn't.

    I hope all have some sun and warmth and comfort and a super day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    We should take it for granted that no life can be entirely free
    from vexations, trials, troubles, sorrows, and disappointments;
    but we should resolve that these things shall not be allowed to
    disturb our peace of mind, or to destroy our happiness.  It is as
    amazing as it is sad, that we go about largely burdening ourselves
    with strivings that are of no consequence, and miss the gladness
    and exhilaration of living.  No life is successful until it is
    radiant with happiness.

    Orison Swett Marden
    The Joys of Living

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Good morning. I think it might rain today. It is gray out and there is a wind — likely helping that rain get here. Won't make me happy, but I have a few errands and will get out and take care of them. The last couple of days I've felt a bit better.

    The Cardiac NP allowed me to try and add back another Carvedilol, which would get me back to the full dosage per day. Backaches returned with a vengeance and blood pressure became shaky again. I went back to what was working. The full dose in the morning and half a dose at night. Sigh!! I didn't really try cutting the rather small pills in half like I did when I went to full dose in the morning. Maybe when I feel stable, I will try again. Those little pills are so hard to cut though.

    I hope you are all going to have a good day. I think our Circle K is going to have a Sr. few hrs. where the price of gas is drastically reduced — like 55% off. We will be in line if that is the case. Only on from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. We will have to check at our station here though.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    We’re packed, the car trunk stuffed. But there is more room, without stopping in Texas. I usually have a bunch of Christmas gifts tucked in.

    I was a mechanic this afternoon, removed partners Fiat battery. We watched it on YouTube as it’s set up different than our other cars.

    Then I ran to my nieces to help her take out her old broken, over the range, microwave, and install the new one. Appliance technician could go on the resume. It wasn’t truly difficult but neither of us had ever done it before, and you know the previous holes drilled in the cabinet didn’t line up with the new ones… of course! Looks great and she’s happy.

    After that I ran to CVS to pick up a refill of omeprazole. I called earlier to see if I could get it done sooner than scheduled, a vacation waiver of sorts and they did it.

    I put our cable/phone/internet service on seasonal. Contacted the garbage company to stop pick ups thru May. For our mail to be forwarded, I went over to the post office. New rules there required I show my license, I couldn’t put his in - so partner had to go over on his own with his license. The clerk said they've had people put in changes that were for a bank. Many problems.

    I feel like Santa- checking my list twice, even repeating it all here is comforting - it helps me believe that I haven’t missed something.

    Thoracic surgeon appointment at 8:45. I already have seen the report, nodules are stable. As soon as we get out of there we hit the road. Tomorrow evening we’ll be in Harrisburg, PA.

    Everyone have a nice day, I’ll try to check in tomorrow night.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Have a good trip. Wishing you safety all the way with good driving conditions and no problems on arrival. Your list abilities sound as good as your home repairs. Keep up the good work. Hugs for your trip.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 354

    Cindy - I envy your home / car repair abilities. Glad to hear the nodules are stable. Safe travels!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Safe travels, Cindy. You're a marvel, so energetic.

    I would like Sandy or any other knowledgeable person to briefly explain the modern kibbutz in Israel. I googled kibbutz and still am not clear on what it is. I get that it's a community or village. There seem to be quite a few of them.

    Chris, you've been MIA for quite a while. How are you getting along? Did you move?

    Puffin, I hope your dad is recovering from the Covid.

    It's dark outside thanks to rainy weather. It's not pouring rain so I plan to go to the gym for Molly's senior exercise class.

    Happy Friday to everyone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Hope and patience are two sovereign remedies for all,
    the surest reposals, the softest cushions to lean on in adversity.

    Robert Burton

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Overcast today here. Not sure we will get rain. SIL said it felt rather warm when he came home from work last night at 8:30 p.m. It may get up to 50's today, but the heat is on for now. I have some running around to do, but nothing major. Hard to believe it is already December — well okay, today is just the first day of it, but the year seems poised to slip away rather quickly.

    We won't have to do cooking this year for any of the holidays including Hew Years. That is good for me. Putting meals on is a major undertaking and I'm (not completely resigned) compromised a bit on energy and stamina and have to acknowledge changes come with age and health.

    Hope you all have a good day and some warmth if cool. Good traveling weather, Cindy. Less life complications Sandy and hope Heidi is good.

    Saying hi to everyone one else.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    The nurse put a sign in the inside of Dad's door that said "You have Covid, stay in your apartment" since he doesn't feel sick. Dad called me a couple nights ago and asked what this Covid is all about. As I started to tell him he said "but I don't have Covid". I said yes he did, he asked how do they know that. Well, I said, did the nurse put a stick up your nose? Yes, he remembered that. Well, that stick came out with covid virus on it.

    Ok, but then he asked What's Covid and my heart just sank. So I explained that it was a virus that's been around for almost 4 years, and that when it first came out it killed thousands of people, but there's vaccinations now which he has had and that's why he didn't get very sick. But that he can't go out of his apartment because he could give it to another resident who hadn't gotten their shots and they could die. I had him write the date on his calendar when he can go out of his apartment again, and told him that his friend Wayne also had Covid and that he was isolated in his apartment too.

    Tonight at social hour at my building I learned that one of our men who is 88 has Covid, and is in the VA Hospital with pneumonia which caused a heart attack. When I emailed Dad I told him about Dave and that he should be grateful he only has a hoarse voice.

    I'm still testing negative and it's been over a week.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Fingers crossed you won't have to deal with Covid Puffin. I feel for your Dad, but hearing his friend is having to stay in his apt. may help him realize his and his friend's illness is real. Hopefully, he won't be on quarantine too much longer.

    Just read a piece that makes it sound like there is worry about several health problems this year all at the same time. Flu, RSV, Covid and pneumonia — with numbers of people having to be in hospital at the same time. Sounds like not only people who are ill but the possibility of being wearing on medical personnel again.

    I'm really starting to wonder about going back to using a mask. Well, at the moment we have had no word from our health department but I'm going to keep my ears open and maybe will check in with them. I do get alerts on my computer about a number of local issues, but nothing showing up at this time.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Puffin, you're a good and kind daughter. I hope your dad continues not to be seriously ill with Covid.

    Our 5 inch rain gauge is overflowing this morning and it's still rumbling and raining off and on.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    What I am suggesting is that each of us turn from the negativism that
    permeates our society and look for the remarkable good among those
    with whom we associate, that we speak of one another’s virtues more
    than we speak of one another’s faults, that optimism replace pessimism,
    that our faith exceed our fears. When I was a young man and was prone
    to speak critically, my father would say: “Cynics do not contribute,
    skeptics do not create, doubters do not achieve."

    Gordon B. Hinckley

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Another overcast day here. I didn't look at the forecast since gray tends to put me in the dumps rather quickly.

    Carole, that is a lot of rain. Hope it stops soon. Is that unusual for LA. this time of year.

    I haven't sent out one Christmas card yet this year. I'm going to have to get busy if it is going to happen.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Few of us, indeed, realize the wonderful privilege of living;
    the blessings we inherit, the glories and the beauties of
    the universe, which is our own if we choose to have it so;
    the extent to which we can make ourselves what we wish
    to be; or the power we possess of securing peace,
    of triumphing over pain and sorrow.

    John Lubbock

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Overcast and windy, but it rained last night so is warmer this morning for that. Still won't feel great with the damp wind.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited December 2023

    Carole, I haven't checked our thread for a week, maybe. I am weaning myself off of it. No, I haven't moved. Going through some interpersonal problems, and don't want to talk about it in a public place. Some other things happening that I don't want to talk about publicly. So much going on, good and bad. Now I know how a yo-yo feels.

    Glad no serious problems have happened in my absence. I expect to get back once these things get sorted.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Chris, thanks for checking in. Hope the good over rules the bad in whatever issues you are confronting.

    Wishing everyone a good Monday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Good morning. Some sun outside today after a wild early morning storm. Thunder so loud it seemed as if it shook the house. 60% chance of more rain through the day. Well, I'm going to enjoy the sun as long as it is willing to show itself — wishing for weatherman to be wrong and we get to keep it all day.

    Chris-count me in as well in hoping that you have good or better results to all your situations. In fact, I hope that is the case for everyone. Hope you are able to move through all your issues quickly.

    Nothing much here again but catch up. That has become my standard now it seems. Always something to catch up while keeping up all the things that make our house work well in the first place.

    Hope you are all having sun or otherwise good enough weather, freedom from aches and pains and nothing too difficult to deal with as well as good results if you have had tests lately.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Hi, just popping in. I have been staying busy with the support group, the social group, church, yoga and my friends. I am so thankful. This is a bad month. Mom died the 22nd in 2019 and DH the 29th 2022. Of course my little Miss Felix, too. So busy is good.

    Chris, good to hear from you.

    Cindy, I still think you are like Wonder woman. Have a safe trip.

    Jackie, Love the quotes.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Nothing can produce so great a serenity of life as a mind free
    from guilt and kept untainted, not only from actions, but purposes
    that are wicked.  By this means the soul will be not only unpolluted
    but also undisturbed.  The fountain will run clear and unsullied.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    The three hardest tasks in the world are neither physical feats nor intellectual achievements, but moral acts:  to return love for hate, to include the excluded, and to say, "I was wrong."

    Sydney J. Harris

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Sun is shining here. Should be a good day. Not a lot planned. Hope you all have a good day.