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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Overcast here in our part of Illinois today. It won't get above 40 either. Sigh!! It is the overcast part that gets me.

    I too hope you get decent news at your car dealer's tomorrow. I have lights a lot of the time on my car. It needs I believe a new computer chip and someone to sync that and one wheel so as to keep the light off. My car is 12 yrs. old and has about 157,000 miles on it. Since I plan to drive it till it won't go another mile, I decided not to spend the money on the chip. I haven't had to replace much on my car. An alternator, brakes and struts, one headlight, plus batteries. If it had a lot less mileage I'd likely do it, I feel like I don't drive much, but fact is — anytime we do something it is in my car. The truck is not as comfy as the car, doesn't hold extra people, and most of the things (bigger items) we buy these day's will actually fit in the back of my equinox with the back seat folded down. So due to that my mileage go up a lot faster — meaning that last mile could come way faster than I had hoped.

    Anyway, I hope you all have a good day today. Good weather too.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    Lurking and hope all with medical or animal issues have peaceful resolution.

    Had second surgery to repair carpal tunnel on left hand on 12/7. So one handed at present. Last one done in 2005 and was never pain free. Lots of scar tissue and hope this is solution. Next surgery scheduled for 12/28 to repair hernia from the laparoscopic surgery performed 10/21. Will also do some additional repair to abdomen for damage done by previous surgeries. So this month sucks. Dad's 14th death anniversary on the 8th, mom would have been 101 today (made it to 96) and his burial date is the 15th. Breast mammo, U/S and bx also this month 8 years ago but dx made in 2016.

    Finished Christmas shopping for grandchildren, DS and DD plus spouses given checks to buy what they want or need. DH and I buy what we want or need all year or on trips. Did pick him up some nice lined shirts to wear around at Costco. Bought a membership so I can go with DS now.

    Fox just trotted through backyard. Haven't seen him in awhile. Wishing everyone a happy holiday and happy new year.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Betrayal, good to read your post. Hoping for good results from your surgeries.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Betrayal, nice to see you. Dec. is definitely not a great month for you and then adding surgery on — just wow !! Sure hate to hear you will get more surgery before the month is done. Since it sounds so needful I will hope that ALL of it is a rousing success and that it will get you in good shape for trips or other things you might wish to do in the coming year.

    I did X-mas a little early this yr. since the t.v. in daughter and SIL's room was about to go. Dh and I buy things all year as we need them, so we usually don't get anything for each other either.

    I'm sure hoping that all my medical "work" will slow to a real crawl in the new yr. as well.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 354

    Betrayal - good to hear from you. Wow! December is a rough month for you. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for successful surgical outcomes.

    DH and I do not exchange Christmas gifts other than stocking stuffers. We buy what we need and consider our vacations as our presents to each other.

    Wishing everyone a good week.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Good to hear from you, Betrayal. In your pocket for your surgeries.

    Heidi took a dramatic turn for the worse. Yesterday despite the Mirataz, she would barely eat but at least she was drinking. Couldn't get either the Zofran or Gabapentin into her mouth—despite getting the syringe in, she spat up both meds. She did eat a bit overnight, and when I left for rehearsal this morning I thought she was holding steady. But the irony is that now that the Mirataz is working—she is hungry & thirsty—the jaw tumor is making it so she can hardly open her mouth. Her meows are tiny and high-pitched now (obviously in pain)—she used to be a yowler. She can't even lick at her food like she did this morning; and she is frustrated at the water fountain, pawing at the sides to scent-mark it "just in case" (which isn't going to happen). Urgent care vet said to try to get water into her via syringe; it's a battle, but I was able to squirt 3ml at a time twice, and she didn't spit it out. Every time she comes to me, I will cuddle and then try to hydrate her again. She is scared and confused. I hope she makes it through the night so my HK can see her one last time when we take her to the vet. Given her suffering, it would be cruel to make her wait for an in-home euthanasia vet. (And to compound matters, I have to be in the Loop by 6pm every night this week for the intensive mandatory rehearsals, so if by dint of miracle (sub-cu hydration and pain shot) she can hang in there till Tuesday it'd have to be early afternoon at the latest. Visiting vets often run way behind, in my experience.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    Sandy, sorry to read about Heidi's condition at present. You have been such a doting "Mom" to her. Hope your HK can make once last visit with her before she crosses the Rainbow Bridge. Tough time of the year for this to happen.

    Off for EKG and blood work and hope all is well with results.

    Sun finally out after a day of heavy rain and gray gloom on the others. Hope everyone has a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    To get the most out of life, we must take the time to live as well as to make a living. We must practice the art of filling our moments with enriching experiences that will give new meaning and depth to our lives. We should take time for good books; time to absorb the thoughts of poets and philosophers, seers and prophets. . . . Time for nature; time for flower gardens, trees, birds and sunsets. Time to love and be loved, for love is the greatest thing in the world. -Wilferd A. Peterson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Good morning. The sun is out — which should make a pretty good day for me. Sandy, I am so sorry to hear that Heidi had a major downfall. I too hope she can see HK once more.

    Well, heard from Dr. Dave this morning. Surprise that he called almost on time. Anyway, my breathing test registered that I would not be great for surgery. Dr. Dave says that radiation is possible, but I still need to do the biopsy to be sure what kind of growth and to determine how much radiation etc. I'm leaning that way as well because my Pet scan didn't show anything.

    Dr. Dave will send two inhalers. One to use daily and one if I ever feel I needed instant relief. Dr. Dave says I have very mild COPD. I think I'll have to quit coming in and going out through our screen room since my kids smoke out there. A window is left open, but I doubt that is enough — especially during winter when the fan is off. It is not open much. Way too cold some days and nights now.

    Carole, hope your car issues went well today.

    I really like my car and just hope nothing gives up on me till I have a lot more miles on it. Chey's have a good shelf life for the most part although some engines are better than others.

    I hope you all have a good day. Saying hi to all those not posting right now. You are cared about and hoping all is fine with you.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Heidi is at peace now. The urgent care vet called this morning with the path report on her jaw tumor: carcinoma, almost certainly squamous cell. Unlike in humans (or at least cutaneous squamous), in felines it's a highly aggressive form of squamous, with a tendency to grow rapidly and metastasize. Inability to open the mouth is a classic symptom of advanced squamous oral; and the odds are that the tumors in her abdomen & thorax are mets from the jaw. The vet agreed that we shouldn't let Heidi suffer a moment longer than possible, and not try to make an in-home euthanasia appointment. Gordy came over, and he, our HK and I took her to the scheduled regular vet appointment.

    Her vet finished surgery early and was able to perform the euthanasia herself (rather than have a covering colleague do it). She & Heidi had been simpatico for years—Heidi trusted her and was one of her favorite patients. Per instructions, I was able to give her a dose of Gabapentin a couple of hours before the appt. to calm her. The room had a towel covering the steel exam table, the scale was removed, and there was a soft pink cat bed and blanket. Unlike Happy, she did not struggle, but purred all the way till her breathing stopped. Our HK couldn't bring herself to watch, but cuddled her both before we left and before the procedure. Gordy & I petted and kissed her the whole time. We will get her ashes & memorial in a couple of weeks. (Both the procedure and "aftercare" together were far cheaper than had we had Lap of Love come over to do it like they did for Happy).

    Jackie, sorry your doc considers you an iffy surgical risk. The combo (steroid & long-acting bronchodilator inhaler) is for daily maintenance; the other is a "rescue" inhaler for any "breakthrough" attack. Great that the PET scan is clear.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 354

    Jackie - I’m sorry to hear you are not a candidate for surgery. I hope the inhalers will help so that you can breathe comfortably.

    Sandy - you were such a good mom to Heidi and it’s comforting to hear that she was at peace as she went over the Rainbow Bridge.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Sandy, I'm very teary-eyed at the moment, but so glad that sweet Heidi is at peace. Hard to say a good-bye, but watching suffering is just (if not in some ways) more painful. Glad you did not have to be alone, and that Heidi had her other loved ones nearby as well. I think I'm still a bit touchy for having just lost Minnie so soon and now watching Millie who's in-operable tumor seems to grow by the day. Millie has not wanted to go outside since Minnie passed. We use potty papers for her to go on and she is very good about using them.

    Harley, knock on wood, I don't really have any symptoms of COPD that prevent me from doing anything. I do stairs, and carry groceries (sometimes several bags at a time) all the way into the house from where we park outside, as well as a couple of 20 lb. cartons of cat litter at a time. Also, I use our outside up to deck stairs for some of the groceries.

    Dr. Dave says the COPD is VERY mild, but still thinks overall I will benefit from an inhaler. He says I'll never feel the daily one, but to do it anyway. I'm more okay with that then taking pills which I don't like but will do naturally. I do question every medication and just as much when there is a dosage change in the medication. Tonight, I will resume trying to up the Carvedilol again since I now have the different size pill and can cut them better — at least, I hope. We will see.

    I'm going to try to send you something by pm Betrayal.

    Big hugs again Sandy.

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    So so sorry Sandy, and though letting go is the hardest, it is the most empathetic and kindest act we can do for our beloved fur babies. My 6’4 middle aged son stood on the sidewalk on Green Bay Road and sobbed when we said goodbye to our Mira. But it was peaceful for her and stopped all her pain. Heidi had the ultimate in luck in having you. But the emptiness overwhelms.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Sandy, so sorry about Heidi passing. She was blessed being surrounded by love.

    Carole, a Christmas concert and dinner sounds great. Good luck with your car.

    Jackie, with your car, I’m with you, drive it till it dies. Sorry to hear you’re not eligible for surgery, but great news the PET scan showed nothing. As for the smoking, they may have to move outdoors. Can you tell I’m an ex smoker? Quit 8/5/1985.

    Betrayal your December is a rough month. Hoping your carpal tunnel heals quickly and pain free. And your other procedures go smoothly.

    Harley, it sounds like all of us ladies here do pretty much the same for Christmas. It’s been quite a few years since we realized we don’t need anymore stuff, and any real needs we purchase as we need them. I’ve been trying to get experiences for my niece rather than things. This year it’s tickets to a hockey game for 4 of us. But I’m off my game from health issues holding me in limbo, all ok, but I’m playing catch up, or so it feels. (last year hurricane Ian necessitated a new roof, we said the roof was our Christmas gift)

    We attended an ice skating holiday celebration on Sunday. Very enjoyable. I’ve got a ladies lunch/brunch tomorrow at a gf home. The dentist on Thursday will bond my wiggley tooth. I’m so sick of teeth issues I could scream. No pain this year vs last year, so there is that to be thankful for. I’ve got some stocking stuffers to get and to send some cash via Zelle.

    I put up all the rest of our Christmas decorations today. So it’s done except for all the ornaments on the tree. HA! And I only did one tree, I’m skipping one on the back lanai. I blasted Christmas music as I danced around. Even had a fir smelling candle burning to make the house smell great.

    Oh, I did try my theory of walking while I listen to an audio book. I got just over 2.5 miles in, but I had to rewind the book a few times due to the noise of the landscapers and a telephone call. Meryl Streep is reading it which is nice but at times very quiet. As long as I’m not tested on what I heard I’ll be fine. Good night ladies!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Good news on the car repair. The gas cap needed to be replaced. The dealership didn't have the cap in stock but should have it this morning so I should be able to pick up the car when dh gets home from playing golf. I sure did miss it yesterday when I had to drive dh's Tundra, which isn't nearly as easy to park.

    I realize now I could have driven the car with the warning light on but I had no inkling what was wrong.

    Heidi was a fortunate cat to live in her home with you and HK and dh and your son, Sandy. I know you will miss her but she had the best care.

    The Viet Nam Vets van will come today and take away the huge bags of donated clothing and miscellaneous items that have been sitting in the foyer area. It will be good to have them gone.

    I won't be doing a lot of Christmas shopping but hope to get it done this week.

    Happy Tuesday to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    When we love a person, we accept him or her exactly as is:  the lovely with the unlovely, the strong along with the fearful, the true mixed in with the façade, and of course, the only way we can do it is by accepting ourselves that way.

    Fred Rogers

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Sun out today, but brrrrr. It will though warm to the 50's. I hope to get a lot of small catch-up things done. Need to get a check for our newspaper carrier, which is the only 'gifting' I have left to do. Would like to try and get a few minutes in with my friend since she will be moving on the 16th. I have appts. on the 18th, 19th, and 20th. so no visiting then. Have a few more cards to send out. A couple of bills too.

    Sure glad you didn't have too much going on with your car Carole. The newer vehicles with computers have sensors all over it seems. That is what is on with my car and the module I need is over $200.00 and has to be synced with one of the back wheels. Sigh !!! I have just let it go since I don't plan to let go of the car any time soon. I have yet to do anything about the piece of wood that few off a truck and hit my car while my SIL was driving. It made a straight up and down (a little jagged on the edges) about 3 ins. long and due to the color of the car is not that easy to see on the front bottom panel. I may leave that as well. If the car was newer with way less miles but since I intend to keep it as long as I can it won't be a trade-in when the time comes — so perfect won't be needed.

    Thinking about those hockey tickets Cindy. When I was married to my first husband we lived in Detroit — not all that far from the Reed Wing Stadium. Back in those days (mid 60's) we could go for $5.00 a ticket and you could generally sit anywhere you wanted. I learned to really enjoy those games. Being there I could follow it fairly easy. TV games always threw me so once I moved away and never lived close to another 'stadium' my hockey days and Gordie Howe were pretty much done.

    Hope you all have a fine day with some pretty sun to cheer you.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    My Prius is back in its place in the carport and I am sooo glad to have it there. The bill was $108. It was reduced by a Christmas coupon that we got in an email from the dealership. I was expecting to pay at least $150, since I was told that was the price of troubleshooting the problem. Here's hoping that little check engine alert doesn't appear any time soon.

    I didn't grow up watching hockey and don't care anything about the sport even though I admire the skating skill required for playing. DH's nephew who loves the game had his little boy on skates by the time he was two or three and they've spent a fortune on equipment, lessons, memberships, travel. It's a very expensive child's sport and only children with parents of means can participate. Of course, it's almost the same with golf and tennis. It's mostly country club kids who get really good at those sports.

    I say "mostly" because the Williams sisters were taught tennis by their father at public courts.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2023

    Jackie, so sorry your Millie's tumor is inoperable. Hope palliative care is effective for as long as possible. Our furbabies bring so much joy into our lives but ultimately break our hearts when they go. Hugs. Make sure you take that daily inhaler: the steroid component keeps your airways less "reactive" and the long-term bronchodilator part keeps them open. Make sure the rescue inhaler is always at hand for breakthroughs.

    Sorta sleepwalked through rehearsal last night, but the director & music director comforted me and said I'd done okay. Easier part to rehearse tonight. 5 more rehearsals to go before holiday hiatus.

    Had a major scare last night. I was down to one bupropion (generic WellbutrinXL, a DNRI antidepressant), but hadn't worried because it's on auto-refill…till I realized I hadn't received a "ready for pickup" text from CVS. Went to the app…and it was listed as still "in process" (along with my updated second COVID shot appointment). Went online and discovered to my horror that generic burpropion is in acute shortage in the US & Canada because most of its mfrs. discontinued it "for business reasons" (likely safety crackdowns on the Indian & Chinese factories making it). My Humana Part D plan will cover only the generic, not Wellbutrin—and by the time my PCP (my shrink retired years ago) could submit and get a "prior authorization" approved I'd be in serious (if not critically dangerous) withdrawal. Bob said if need be to use a GoodRx coupon for a month of the brand name Wellbutrin—out of pocket at $2500—while my PCP works out a slow & safe weaning plan or finds a substitute (Contrave, a combo which includes the opioid Naltrexone for weight loss, or a new combo that adds dextromethorphan; or an SSRI or SNRI antidepressant). I was up till 4 am last night online researching the situation and what to do, including portal-messaging my PCP. (This on top of having had <4 hrs' sleep the night before…because Heidi).

    Woke up this morning—no reply from PCP, and CVS still listing the 'script "in process." I called the latter & navigated the new AI phone-tree system, eventually holding for the pharmacist for 20 min. The tech finally answered that the drug "just came in today" and would be ready for pickup when I'd planned to get that second COVID shot…which was denied because I am insufficiently immunocompromised to need it. Picked up the pills, whew!

    Then I checked my patient portal…my PCP apologized that he's out of the office this week…with COVID. (He's a young, healthy, teetotaling nonsmoking slim snowboarder—so I have to assume he didn't get the updated shot in Sept. when it became available, as I moved heaven & earth to do). If he could get it and it turns out he had gotten the new shot, what hope is there for us?

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Sandy, I have tears for you and your kitty. It has almost been a year since Miss Felix crossed the rainbow bridge.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    Losing a pet is always hard. Sorry for your loss, Sandy. And for the memories that it triggers for many.

    BS did a biopsy in her office Friday and got results last night - no evidence of cancer. She believed that would be true but gave me the option of getting the biopsy or watching the lump for months. I will enjoy our trip so much more not worrying.

    I too am screaming at my devices. Lost my Kindle and am getting messages that make no sense about signing into my Amazon account now that the new one has arrived. I'll give it one more try and then call but assume it will be a long phone wait.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    1946taco: Happy dance for your news.

    Sandy: Heidi told you when it was time to go and her purring right up to the end was a thank you. Sorry you had to lose her at this time of year but she had a blessed life.

    Jackie, hope the doc can use radiation on those pesky lesions, Fingers crossed for some good luck for you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Blessed is the person who can enjoy the small things, the common beauties, the little day-by-day events; sunshine on the fields, birds on the bough, breakfast, dinner, supper, the daily paper on the porch, a friend passing by. So many people who go afield for enjoyment leave it behind them at home.   -David Grayson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Taco, I hope you can hear my big sigh of relief for you. You can celebrate with your trip enjoying every moment and every fun discovery.

    I am grateful every time I come to my computer and use it w/o issues. It upgrades on its own if I just leave it alone. Always bothers me. Once in a while I've seemed to have lost things I wanted. Likely they are around somewhere, but I'm not savvy enough to figure out just where and retrieve them. So I do dread upgrading for that reason.

    Netflix seemed to have upgraded and last night it proved to be good for me. Seems the signal was given more strength — and that seems to have been the case. First time in several weeks that my program didn't hang up during a commercial and stay locked there until I manually retrieved the program. I'm holding my beath for a bit though to make sure it lasts.

    Keep hearing that Covid cases are creeping upwards, but checked and so far, Illinois cases are according to the map, minimal. Sure hope it continues on that way.

    Hope you all have a marvelous day — beautiful sun here so wishing the same for all.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Sandy, so sad to see about Heidi's passing, although I know you held on as long as possible. I dread this for Tippy, am working to get a comfortable cushion in the bank for if he gets sick. I have logged 14800 steps the past few days, and nearly all of them because of his persistence and encouragement. Had to buy a new bra, using hiking poles increases band size. I need to breathe. TLC has one with a wide band for even more comfort $50.

    I have been on Effexor generics for a very long time, and it seems to do the job. I was beginning to wonder when this episode began, and even called the pharmacist, because they are phasing in a different brand. Nope. Pure situational. A "friend" spits nails at me every time she opens her mouth. I have some assurance that the problem will be taken care of today.

    That is not the only source of my discomfort, but hopefully the rest will be resolved within the next month. Back on quiet mode.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Jackie I told my partner about your Red Wings games, they’re his favorite team! He’s jealous. He mentioned a Gordie Howe hat trick: a goal, an assist, and a fight! He has hockey on now at nearly 1 AM, it’s coming in from Denver so a late game for us on the east coast.

    Taco great news on your biopsy. Much better to know, making it easier to enjoy your trip.

    Sandy my insurance had used CareMark for filling scripts via mail order. Then switched to Walmart for 2023. And now is switching again for 2024 to another mail order provider. Although nothing as serious as what you went through I’ve had to have my PCP send a script to CVS and I pay whatever, forget mailing it. I’m hoping this next provider works out better than Walmart mail order.

    Tomorrow I get the crown bonded to stay in my mouth until I see the oral surgeon and get a plan in action. So tonight before I showered I was flossing before brushing. And …you know where this is going. The dental adhesive cement I’ve been using for weeks now hasn’t been holding well recently. It’s building up on the back of the crown. So I gently flossed alongside the two teeth where I’ve been pressing in the adhesive product. PING the crown fell out, into my sink- I scrambled to cover the drain and I hit the crown up & over into partners sink! An I Love Lucy moment for sure. Lucky for me it just laid there. I closed his drain and picked it up. It’s a good thing I can laugh because truly having a missing front bottom tooth could make me cry. It will be bonded in tomorrow, so I can go to bed now and not worry about swallowing it.

    I won’t utter what’s next, because I just don’t want to know! Good nite.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    The woodworkers guild Christmas dinner last night was an improvement over recent dinners. The venue changed to the Maritime Museum, which is much closer for us. The room was rather sterile since the only Christmas decoration was the centerpieces on the table. The food was better with a different caterer. There was a bar as usual with drinks included. The occasion is more for the men than the wives. The men are acquainted from attending monthly meetings but I don't mind accompanying dh. After a number of years, everybody looks familiar and is friendly. We sat at a table with the one woman member and her husband and two other couples.

    The gift exchange was rather comical for dh. The woodworkers all bring an item they made and place it on a table. They select a gift bag or wrapped package from the table at random. DH happened to pick a gift made by our friend Bob and it was two ornaments very similar to ornaments that dh makes. In fact Bob had asked dh's advice on making them. Everyone shows the home made gift to the group to be admired.

    Cindy, hope the dental appointment goes really well.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    The ingredients of happiness are so simple that they can be counted on one hand. First of all, happiness must be shared. Selfishness is its enemy; to make another happy is to be happy one’s self. It is quiet, seldom found for long in crowds, most easily won in moments of solitude and reflection. It comes from within, and rests most securely on simple goodness and clear conscience.  -William Ogden

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Yes, Cindy — about that hockey and hat tricks. Gordie Howe:

    Gordie Howe

    Updated: Oct 19, 2023 • Article History

    Gordie Howe, (born March 31, 1928, Floral, Saskatchewan, Canada—died June 10, 2016, ToledoOhio, U.S.), Canadian professional ice hockey player who led the Detroit Red Wings to four Stanley Cup championships (1950, 1952, 1954, and 1955) and to seven consecutive first-place regular-season finishes (1949–55) in a career that encompassed a record 1,767 NHL games played over 32 seasons (25 of them with the Red Wings). His extraordinary puck handling, skillful wrist shots (which he could make with either hand), and legendary toughness earned him the sobriquet “Mr. Hockey.” The Gordie Howe hat trick—a goal, an assist, and a fight within a single game—memorialized his style of play.

    Howe played hockey from the age of five; he moved to the United States in 1944 and was put on the Detroit Red Wings’ negotiating list that same year. He was signed to a contract for Omaha in 1945 and played a season there before joining the Red Wings in 1946. He soon became known for both his scoring and his competitiveness. As part of the Production Line, which also featured Sid Abel and Ted Lindsay, Howe helped Detroit become a dominating team in the early 1950s. He was a six-time winner of both the Hart Memorial Trophy for most valuable player (1952–53, 1957–60, and 1963) and the Art Ross Trophy as top point scorer (1951–54, 1957, and 1963). At the apex of his career, in the 1968–69 season, he contributed 103 points.

    Howe retired after the 1970–71 season to work in Detroit’s front office, but he moved to the new World Hockey Association (WHA) to skate with his sons, Mark and Marty Howe, for the Houston Aeros beginning in 1973–74. He scored 100 points in that first season and led the Aeros to back-to-back WHA titles. After finishing four seasons with the Aeros, Howe moved (1977) to the WHA’s New England Whalers. That team was absorbed into the NHL in 1979 as the Hartford Whalers, and Howe completed his final season (1979–80) with them; he played a full season, scoring 15 goals and 26 assists. At the time of his retirement, Howe had an NHL career record of 1,850 points (broken in 1989 by Wayne Gretzky) and 801 goals (broken in 1994 by Gretzky). Howe’s total professional career record stood at 975 goals and 1,383 assists (1,049 in the NHL).

    Howe later became director of player development for the Whalers and chairman of the board for a marketing company. His numerous honours include appointment (1971) to the Order of Canada. In 1972 he was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame, and in 2008 he was honoured with the first NHL lifetime achievement award. Howe’s autobiography, Mr. Hockey: My Story, was published in 2014.

    Normally I wouldn't put anything sports wise in here, but Gordie Howe had a very interesting career. He was a very nice looking man. Many Canadian teams came across the river to play the Red Wings at the stadium. My then husband's family were good friends of the guy who put up the barriers when the team got off the ice to go to the dressing rooms at half time.

    One time when Detroit was playing the New York Rangers team and half-time came we (MIL and FIL and Dh) all went to stand at the front of the barriers, where players would come through. The family sort of shoved me right front and center. I knew something might come but I had no idea. Well, just as those players started through the friend grabbed me and pulled me behind the barriers with him.

    Thing is I was (although somewhat tall at 5'8") quite slim and here come these men who seemed huge (tall) and made taller as they had the ice skates on, and all the padding and they all glared a bit since they were not used to seeing FANS inside the railing. I'm still grateful I didn't wet myself. The family got a big kick of it, but it wasn't all that amusing to me at the time.

    I get all my meds from the VA and things usually go smoothly. Depending on Dr.'s who may not be in the system if the med is not real expensive and is considered one time (like needing an antibiotic for an operation or something) script I will just take it to Walmart and fill it myself. Easier than figuring out if there is enough time to get it entered and filled from the Marion Pharmacy even though it can all be done by phone. I've had good luck with my Walmart Pharmacy here, but then many things seem easier when you are in a small area like ours.

    Sure, glad you are going to finally get your crown attached permanently Cindy. I've done a couple of marvelous saves from the bathroom sink monster as well. My closing'/locking mechanism hasn't worked for a very long time so I really have to watch out.

    Carole, I found it interesting that there is a female woodworker. Not sure why that surprised me. It would have been great had your Dh gotten 'her' gift bag. Anyway, she would have been likely a bit more interesting to talk to as well. Not sure I ever asked, but I likely mentioned (could have easily been more than once as well) that my family mainly originated in a town a little way from here called Walnut Hill, Illinois. My great grandfather was a Captain in the Civil War. When he retired, he built his home on the highest hill in Walnut Hill and it was pretty much a historical home. All of the interior woodworking, stair rails and steps and all molding was fashioned out of walnut wood. A few yrs. before I moved back home the current " Creeds" that lived in the home rented a house in town so that their home could undergo some very needed renovations. While they were out of the house someone got in there and removed/STOLE all the walnut wood. So much for historical homes. The "Creeds" never moved back in and just had the home torn down. All the true value was gone, and it wasn't historical anymore.

    Hope you all are having a good day. I'm here late again. Nice sunshine today and warmed to the 50's.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886
    edited December 2023