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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • tb90
    tb90 Member Posts: 290

    Oh Petite! Sorry to barge in here but this is one thread I read and when I saw your picture of the manatees, I had to respond. We are driving from Canada to see the manatees in April. It’s on my bucket list before going north to see the beluga whales. You are so fortunate to live near these amazingly wonderful and gentle creatures. Where, approximately, was this? Hope everyone on this thread has a safe and peaceful holiday season.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    tb90, Homosassa Wildlife Park. It is on the Gulf coast, about 11/2 hours north pf St. Petersburg/Tampa.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    Great pictures, Petite. You are doing so well in finding things to do.

    We are coming into Bonaire - lush small rolling hills as we sit on our veranda. Trip so far has been wonderfully relaxing. Boarding was chaotic because of the storms but our flight which arrived at 6:00 am was actually ahead of schedule. Seems most of the cruise ships, including ours, couldn't land as early as planned due to the weather and several folks have reported terrible flights.

    I keep thinking about my daughter in Maine and am glad she bought a generator this summer. Being in a cold, dark house last Christmas was what actually finally put her over the edge on getting one.

    Chris - you deserve to find happiness. People who say otherwise aren't your friends. Sounds like you are really doing well with your knee.

    I'm so glad to have a dog that keeps us walking too. Mutz is with a sitter now. The two "boys" are about the same size and have a wonderful time together.

    Hope all of you on the east coast continue to be safe.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Every word carries a vibration that sent out, comes back. A cutting word destroys what a sweet word heals. One spoken word can make or mar the destiny of a being. When heart is put into a word, the word encompasses the totality of love and brings love back. When a word is without heart, it is cold and empty and will bring back cold and emptiness.   -Cheryl Canfield

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    MIA but finally getting back to checking in. please know that I've read all the posts but am rushing to get something in here at all. I concur pretty much with it all.

    Yesterday was difficult and I have to admit having to drive from our home and across the river into Missouri would always be exhausting. The biopsy went fine and hopefully I will get some results later on at the end of this week or by middle of next one. There seems to be little question that it is cancerous since my Pet shoed nothing — but they would like to determine (if possible) what kind of cells are in the nodule. It would help them determine questions like how much radiation etc.

    We just had a sandwich supper when we got home last night and as soon as I could I got in pj's, jumped in my recliner and dozed a bit. Woke up to watch some news long enough to get up to pill taking time, then off to bed where I slept the night save for my two trips or so to the bathroom. Lots of catch-up today since we had some issues with our brakes on the way home. Turns out I needed new brakes on the rear. We will work on some front brakes later on. Likely the first of the yr.

    I hope you have all had good days and sun as we have had. I hope this keeps up for a bit.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 354

    Jackie - the trip to Missouri sounds exhausting and is certainly exacerbated by the health concern and the prospect of radiation. I’m so sorry to hear you are facing this and will keep you in my thoughts. Hopefully the brakes can be fixed quickly.

    Petite - phenomenal pictures and what a treat to see the manatees. I would love to see them in person.

    Taco - enjoy every minute of your trip and the Caribbean.

    Cindy - sounds like you are settling back into Florida life. Enjoy!

    The holidays are not my favorite time of year and for a variety of reasons I tend to get a bit down. All is well here.

    Wishing everyone a peaceful and joyous holiday season.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Bob had the day off (for the first time in decades, the typical Wed. "doctors' day off"). We went to my hand-surgeon followup (nothing to be done, just accept I'm getting older—topicals for the arthritic R index finger, see the neuro Feb. 2 for the paresthesias in the L arm—due to poor injection technique for my RSV shot).

    Then the biggie: the Apple Store. I was going to upgrade my three-yr-old Apple Watch Series 7 to a 9 anyway but had procrastinated; then yesterday I read that due to a patent-infringement suit over its pulse-oximeter feature, Apple was discontinuing online sales of it on the 21st (today, as I type this) and in stores by the 24th. (If they lose or settle the suit, they may end up ditching that feature on watches to be sold in the future). Bob's dinky little iPhone 12 mini with 64GB was on its last legs anyway (how a 6'3" guy with big fingers could type on its teeny keyboard was beyond me), with a 4-hr battery life. So while I was upgrading to a new watch (which took forever) he had an antipasto & wine at Nordstrom. He was agonizing we'd never get out in time to hit Barnes & Noble for our annual gift-shopping trip, and was ready to wriggle out of buying a new phone and heading to B&N while my old watch was updated, then transferred, then erased and my trade-in gift card issued. I convinced him to get in the line to buy a phone.

    Good thing I got done with my watch in time to head over to the table where the phone transaction was in process: I nearly hit the ceiling when he was about to get a 13! (Already obsolete, inferior chip, camera, battery life). I had expressly told him to get either a 15, 15plus, 15Pro (like I have) or 15ProMax. He replied that he wanted the "free" phone from Verizon (his carrier) but wanted to own the phone outright. I explained he couldn't do both: the "free" phone meant a 3-year monthly installment commitment (with the usual installments folded into the carrier plan…a plan inferior to the one he has, and his practice doesn't want to be stuck with an installment plan). He also said "but I need it to fit into my shirt pocket so it doesn't stick out & fall out when I bend over!" (all his shirts have to have pockets). I took my 15 Pro and plopped it into his pocket, where (unlike my previous 12 Pro Max) it was completely covered, and wouldn't fall out no matter how far he bent over. I also pointed out that Apple will stop supporting the 13 series at least 2 years earlier than the 15 series. He asked me which one to get—I told him to get the 15 Pro: small enough to fit in his pocket but large enough to type on w/o fat-fingering, the newest processor chip, e-SIM to prevent SIM-swap scamming, and much better camera and battery life. Also, MagSafe charging. The Gen-Z "Genius" salesman marveled "wow—you know so much about this stuff, you should work here." I stifled the impluse to tell him I've been computer-literate since the days of MS-DOS and have owned iPhones since 2009. Part of me sensed some ingrained sexism & ageism…but I think he was just genuinely trying to compliment me.

    Anyway, I urged Bob to ask about corporate discounts: and it turns out Union Health had discounts on the phone, AppleCare, and its accessories. He got only $60 for his old phone (I got $400 for trading my 12 ProMax in for a 15 Pro earlier this year; and $178 for trading my Watch 7 in for a 9 today). He's not happy about the USB-C ports (claims he won't be able to charge it at his hospitals because "they only have Lightning cords"), but I pointed out he can simply carry a spare cable, and the 15 Pro's battery life is on average 36 hours. I put a MagSafe charger (which I use for travel) on his nightstand and showed him how to use it. The phone comes with a charging cable, but we bought a "wall-wart" into which to plug it. Not just that: his car has a MagSafe charging/power pad.

    We bought enough books at B&N to give us hernias bringing them up from the car. (His discount membership runs out today, too). So I have a lot of wrapping to do (including which book to give whom and putting the right gift receipts into the right books).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    We also agreed that when we stop imagining we're seeing & hearing Heidi everywhere, and stop asking ourselves "can we stay out so late, past her mealtime?" we will be ready to adopt another kitty (just got an e-mail from Petraits for a purebred seal-point Siamese rescued from a hoarder…but it's too soon). We would get a relatively young cat when the time comes—but the youngest and oldest ones need the most constant TLC, and the kittens need to imprint on us…so we'll take our late-winter cruise or Spain vacation first, so as not to leave a kitten with a cat-sitter. My HK swears she saw Heidi's ghost in the kitchen. And I dreamt I heard her on the bedroom floor…but what jumped on to me in my bed was a white Maltese terrier puppy, which nipped at me because he was hungry. Nope—no dogs for us; not just the walking but the behavior training too. OTOH, cats train you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    We were made to enjoy music, to enjoy beautiful sunsets, to enjoy looking at the billows of the sea and to be thrilled with a rose that is bedecked by dew. . . . Human beings are actually created for the transcendent, for the sublime, for the beautiful, for the truthful. . . and all of us are given the task of trying to make this world a little more hospitable to these beautiful things.

    Desmond Tutu

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Pretty enough day today. Hope the sun stays out. Haven't paid much attention to the weather. I have things I have to do and it doesn't matter what the weather is. It will be good to do some of my finish up and get on with things.

    We went over last night to visit with my friend in her new rental house. As I suspected, the rental house was purchased by a VERY good friend of Jo's deceased Dh, Dr. B. The friend promised Dr. B he would watch over Jo and her daughter. He will be good at this too. Who else would buy a rental house and install much (quality materials) that would not necessarily go into MOST rental homes. New paint and cabinets, new center island in kitchen and new cabinets and folding table with under storage. New fenced in yard in back for the puppies.

    It is nice but more like the size of my house. Great really for two people. It will be difficult on the one hand, but at some point, I think Jo will be glad (none of us are getting any younger) not to have such a huge house. The way I struggle with mine and Jo has a walker. She had to have some knee/ankle surgery that was partially botched and has one leg now shorter than the other giving her quite a limp. Has to wear a built up shoe. Smaller house is definitely going to be better. She was indeed able to bring most of her own furniture which fits fine, but it is a lot cozier than when it was in her other home. I love it — being able to enjoy the things I too am used to associating with Jo. I am used to cozy and found it comforting. We both cried a little over Dr. B, but it passes when we replace loss memories with some of the good times.

    I so enjoyed Sandy, what you had to say about cats, although there were the sad parts about Heidi and feeling she is still around. She is because that is what you need right now. I'm reminded of the saying" Dogs have owners, cats have staff". Likely that is one of the things cat lovers learn to appreciate about their feline companions. They are just a bit haughty often and want what they want, but love given is always returned in big ways. Can't begin to tell you how many dead mice and squirrels, and even a mole or two that has been presented by our door. The soft purrs, and the cuddles, rubbing against your cheek. The little paw on your hand to get your attention. If nothing else works — laying on your keyboard. It's all a part of the things we love about our furry companions.

    Hope you all have a great day, great weather, and accomplish all you hoped for today.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Sandy, you’re up on the technology. Partner & I both have SE iPhones. LOL We just put new screen savers on tonight. I’d like to upgrade minimally, but will wait until after holidays & guests gave left. I have so many apps that I need and each of course has its own password. It’s work switching everything over. You’ll know when you’re ready for a new kitty. With travel, NY/Texas/FL, we never got another dog. If I were a widow (not married so unsure of my wording) after grieving, I’d get a dog for companionship and for forced walking.

    Jackie, I’m glad you and Jo shared some memories in her new place. Your trip for the biopsy sounded long, and I’m glad you were able to rest once you got home

    Harley, I’m hoping you can get through the holidays as best you can. (HUGS)

    I got my bike ride in today, and remembered to hit the Fitbit to record it. Tomorrow is a walking day. I just ordered another pair of capri workout pants. I only brought 2 pair with me, I know - not good planning. It seems I’m washing them and then putting them on in the morning out of the dryer.

    It was mid 60’s this AM, total high was maybe 70. I’ll take it vs NY in the 30’s.

    Hoping you all had a great day, and another one shows up tomorrow.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Life is a thing of many stages and moving parts.  What we do with ease at one time of life we can hardly manage at another.  What we could not fathom doing when we were young, we find great joy in when we are old.  Like the seasons through which we move, life itself is a never-ending series of harvests, a different fruit for every time.

    Joan Chittister

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    After all my crowing about our decent weather, we had another rain overnight and there is 80% chance of rain through the day. I have things to do rain or not. I can't believe how fast the time is going. I'd say we are not ready for X-mas day but we really weren't going to do much anyway. Going over to my SIL's son's house for the meal. Sure is nice not to have to be the one.

    Jo is going to cook at her new house. I worry about her, but I'm sure glad she decided to do it. It will be her first Yule holiday w/o Dr. B. I would have said go somewhere, but she made this choice and I think in part because she will stay home, she won't have to pretend enjoyment or other emotions if she doesn't really feel them.

    Harley, I hope you get through okay as well. You're not alone in how you feel. As the quote mentions — sometimes our harvest brings different fruits, and we just have to try to roll with it best we can.

    Ah Cindy, you are so good with your exercise. I used to have some I did daily. Now my exercise seems to be just walking around the grocery store. Well, it is something so I can't complain.

    I never saw some of the life I live now coming, but I'm grateful for my life and certainly don't feel anywhere or anytime ready to give it up.

    I hope all of you will have a good day rain or shine. That's leaving out snow which I hope none of you are getting.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Jackie, I count shopping as exercise these days. Especially shopping at Sam's Club, which may entail a hike from the parking lot. Some WW advice was to park some distance from the entrance to a store. Housework also counts as exercise with bending and using body strength for vacuuming and mopping. Also yard work.

    The house temperature was 67 degrees this morning so I didn't turn on the heat. My coffee is tasting good. A little later I plan to go for a brisk walk in the neighborhood. DH will be baking his oatmeal chocolate chip cookies today so that will entail some sous chef duties, getting out the baking pans and the mixer.

    The forecast is for stormy weather on Christmas Eve and possibly Christmas morning. Not a problem for us but many people have plans for Christmas Eve.

    Wishing everyone a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    If you can’t change everything all at once, then at least work on changing
    something each day.  Become aggressive in your battle with the ego.
    You probably don’t need all the things that it wants.  You need hope,
    discipline, creative expression, love, and serenity—these are the important
    things.  Remember, when you are balanced, one stepping stone
    will lead you to the next.  But you will rarely see the whole journey
    or all the answers at once.

    Stuart Wilde

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Overcast this morning. I haven't looked at the actual forecast. I don't have a whole lot that needs done so I'll do okay no matter what.

    I'm pretty much back to normal I think —- just a few bills to attend to as always to close out the year. It seems to have actually come so fast this yr. I can't say it will be difficult to begin the process of letting go of 2023. Much has taken place this last yr. with us, other family and friends and not to forget our furry members who now live on the Rainbow. I do hope for all the good things that could come — and I certainly hope they come to everyone.

    Hope to get over to see Jo a little later today and to visit the puppies in their new digs. I know they were really confused to have spent a couple of nights with almost nothing in the old house. They were of course, locked in their playroom while furnishings were being moved out — they could hear people and I'm sure some grunting and groaning, but nothing else until the doors closed and the trucks left, and they had only empty spaces to peruse where furniture had been. Yesterday was their first day at the new rental home. I'm sure it will be a big change for them as well. Still a comfort though to see and smell their own furnishings and belongings. Hard to imagine what they really think — but they have their people so it will be okay. I will be comforted to see and visit with them — and hopefully be a comfort about my not changing and still there for them. I've known all the puppies from the time they arrived in that household, and even took care of them after Sally, Jo's mom passed on after the four years I cared for her (and the dogs that were there then) and would spend the night and sleep in the big bed overnight so they would not have to sleep alone. They have always slept in the big bed (big four poster bed) and that is a part of the only existence they have known.

    Hard to imagine that for a job you go over and spend the nights in bed with some puppies while their owners are gone. Believe me, it was difficult to take the money. A lot of times I fudged a bit on the amt. of hours, but Jo figured that out and it was all for naught — she gave me BONUS money.

    Okay, I have gotten long winded again reminiscing. I do hope you all have a nice day, good weather, good spirits and as few problems over anything as possible.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    I am having yet another surgery on 12/28 to repair hernia (and abdominal reconstruction) that occurred after laparoscopic surgery of '21. I had to work it around planned knee surgery which I did not want to postpone since all related PAT, etc were already in place (plus I was concerned Ortho surgeon would not want GI surgery performed close to knee surgery). Concerned that given size of hernia it would strangulate since surgeon feels it is already incarcerated so postponing was also not really an option.

    Hand is recovering from carpal tunnel repair for the second time (initial surgery was in 2005). Had relief in fingers then but palmar pain persisted. Feel AI's contributed to return of symptoms and had a positive EMG suggestive of CT return. Saw hand PT specialist and am doing prescribed exercises and will see her next week.

    Will spend Christmas day with DS's family and DD and DSIL at DS's home. I'm cooking with DGS and DGD as sous chefs. Have to wrap their presents today and love that I was able to purchase gifts in Italy and online for them. DH and I don't exchange gifts anymore because we buy things as needed and really have more than we really need.

    Have several boxes ready to go for donation as it is. Want to go through closets one more time before we deliver them to Purple Heart. Trying to stick to for each item I bring in, 2 get donated. It is working so far.

    Wish everyone a happy holidays and a happy new year in 2024. Hope all of us get a break from dental, medical or whatever physical issues have plagued us in 2023. I hope the four legged companions we had that passed over the Rainbow Bridge realize we miss them and they are irreplaceable even if we decide to fill the void with another needy companion.

    For those who suffered loss of loved ones in 2023, I hope their memories are a blessing to you especially at this time of year. I still miss my Dad who died in 12/09 but remember all the Christmases I was blessed to have shared with him. This is still a tough time of year for me so if others are also feeling that way, you are not alone and I send you ((Hugs)).

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Betrayal, I hope that 2024 is a year for healing and the birth of a new you without so many pain issues. You are going through a lot.

    Jackie, I remember those years when you worked for Jo and the doctor and became friends with them as well as an employee.

    I have been staying out of the kitchen as dh bakes his traditional Christmas cookies. That's the way he likes to work, with no interference.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Jackie, the memories of snuggling in bed with the dogs is a good one.

    Betrayal, I too hope 2024 is your year for healing.

    Carole, anytime someone wants my kitchen to make Christmas cookies it’s theirs! I like eating them, but not so much the making of them.

    My niece and grandniece arrived about 12:40 AM last night/this morning. By time we were home, catching up, and got into bed it was going on 3AM. My gn was up in the night sick to her stomach. We tested her for covid this morning and all negative. She seems to have a cold, she says allergies but who knows. She was up for her pedicure and able to play with neighborhood kids later in the day. Fingers crossed she stays ok.

    Tomorrow night I hope to get us all out for a drive looking at homes all done up with lights for Christmas. During the day I’ll prep for Christmas Day meal - a big party at neighbors home.

    Weather has been on the cool side but we’ve had full sun & today was beautiful.

    Have a great day tomorrow!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Good morning. I am a recovering alcoholic and rageaholic. Oh, wrong website. 😂 Anyway, feeling better, and more like participating. Wearing my hair in a ponytail today!! I have come a long way since being old baldy!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. -Calvin Coolidge

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    Chris, I think or hope you meant to get a laugh from readers with your opening. I did get a chuckle from your confession. Glad you are feeling better and hope that the new year brings your new relationship more happiness.

    My post-Covid hairdo has been a low or high ponytail since AI's thinned it to the point if I went short I would look pitiful. So I plan on rocking this ponytail for awhile. Plus I don't have the daily decision of do or don't I use the curling iron. I do for bangs only.

    Today is my DSIL's birthday and she just retired from being a school nurse at a school for disabled children. I am sure she will be missed. So she has been partying for the past week and it continues today.

    Happy Holidays to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Good Morning. Some muted sun this a.m. Hope it gets a bit brighter, but good to see any. It should get to the low 60's today. Just wow — some summer for Xmas in Illinois. Hasn't happened often at all here. Snow and pretty cold temps is more the norm. Welcome to global warming trends.

    Anyway, weather said 100% chance of rain tonight. Oh those night rains. Well, we will see what really happens.

    MC/Chris. Loved hearing about the ponytail. Glad you are feeling better and joining in. I was (felt like) a most un-attractive person when I was bald. Mainly as I was a plain Jane period. Not having hair was far from an improvement. But, like you — it's all okay. Contracting and expanding and making lemonade from our life lemons.

    That's what survivors do best so congrats to you and all of us. Cindy — hoping for wellness in your family and lots of good memory-making.

    Carole, you have the Dh that most of us would like to borrow for his cookie making abilities and his enthusiasm for doing it. So much needs doing this time of yr. that has nothing to do with baking.

    Betrayal, like the others, just hoping all the surgery is a great success so your upcoming year can be full of good things and not medical issues.

    Hope all have a fantastic day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2023

    Happy holidays, all!

    After a few sips of a cocktail at dinner out last night, I felt my lower lip start to tingle. Not sure if it's a cold sore, canker sore or just an ill-placed mini-zit, but I'm trying not to irritate it. Using Abreva every couple of hours. We're going out with a friend tonight for a Creole "reveillon" dinner, and I will have to be very careful not to irritate it. Heading to other friends tomorrow evening for dessert & drinks—I will bring my own plastic wineglass and disposable utensils.

    Yet another Bar Show cast member (a year younger than I) came down with COVID (no, she didn't mask). She and a friend (fellow cast member) flew to Palm Springs after Sat.'s rehearsal; she tested positive on Mon. The urgent care doc there prescribed molnupiravir (30% effective) rather than Paxlovid (90%) because she's on a statin. (Both docs at urgent care when I had COVID in Jan. 2022 & 2023 just told me to ditch the statin for 10 days—it takes a helluva lot longer to clog an artery). She said she did feel better after 3 days (her buddy flew home to the Chi. suburbs right away) and is out of isolation as of tonight.

    My HK is doing Christmas Eve vigil at her church (Pentecostal "Sanctified," so she'll be there awhile). Gordy & Leslie are down in TX hill country till Fri. My BFFs' son, daughter, & DGS flew in from Seattle last night—hope their little gathering tomorrow evening won't be a "spreader" event. Bob's former medical partner (64) came home from TX today with 101F fever—hasn't tested yet. Sounds more like flu—she should get that "three-fer" PCR test ASAP so she knows whether to get Paxlovid or Tamiflu/Xofluza (or if all is negative, chicken soup). I made New Year's Eve reservations at Regalia, heading back here thereafter (windows open, heat cranked, HEPA filter on high speed)—but these days, a week can be forever in terms of changing circumstances,

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    Betrayal - your holiday wishes brought tears to my eyes. Thank you and the same to you.

    This has been a hard year for many of you and you are in my thoughts. May 2024 be healthier and happier and the elections just go away

    We are in St. Bart's. Have to tender so don't know if I will go ashore or not. Ken has the nasty crud. I can't remember when he was still in bed at 10:00 am like he is.

    Chris - I will celebrate 40 years of one day at a time on the 27th. It's a big club! Hope you continue to post. i have missed both you and Karen.

    Merry Christmas to those who are celebrating.

    Marge aka Taco

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.

    Peg Bracken

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    It is in fact raining this morning — X-mas. It will stay warm for the next few days while the dampness is here and likely then turn cold. I don't know how cold, but the rain always brings some warmth with it that will dissipate.

    I'll cook after breakfast. Decided to make one of my peanut butter pies. More due to its generally not something that shows up at Christmas. Pecan and pumpkin are generally on the table. This year I'm trying a shortbread crust rather than the graham cracker one. It has less salt. Hope it turns out all right.

    Wishing you all a safe, healthy, happy day and that it all keeps going for the New Yr.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Merry Christmas everyone.

    I spent yesterday afternoon and evening with my Dad and had a meatball supper with him in their dining room, they even had lefse.

    We watched the Vikings lose by one touchdown. As we were watching TV I noticed both his big toes were sticking out of the end of his socks. I trimmed his toenails for him and threw the socks away. He said it was his best Christmas gift!

    It rained most of yesterday and had turned to snow by evening. I made it home safely but won't be returning this afternoon as the area is under an ice warning and more snow is expected this afternoon.

    So glad I don't have to go out and chop ice off my sidewalks.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

    We’ve got rain as well, 73 out but we don’t want to be out there in it.

    Neighbors are having a big get together at 2. They’re grilling a giant piece of pork. We’re all bringing sides. I’ve got a crockpot full of mashed sweet potatoes with lots of butter & heavy cream. A container full of macaroni & cheese. And last a dessert - sponge cake shells, I’ll fill with cheesecake filling, top with a strawberry and sprinkle with powdered sugar. I can’t make them too early because they’ll sit.

    Enjoy the day!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2023

    We made it up to 55 (57 yesterday!) but it's been drizzling all day today. Began pouring as soon as we left the house tonight. Still 50F upon our return.

    Dodged another bullet for now. My singing partner & I usually go out to Glen Ellyn the Tues. night before Christmas to do WDCB's folk music live-in-studio "Holiday Hoot." But this year the lounge outside the studio was unavailable (and therefore no pre-show concert for "friends of the station"). The DJ apologized she didn't have room for us (the program was an hour shorter) but she played a couple of our holiday songs. My partner was relieved he didn't have to drive down from Madison and could spend the evening with his wife. Bob & I went to dinner & shopped.

    Well, the FB onslaught of pix of positive COVID-test pix has begun in earnest. (Why do people on FB feel compelled to show their test result cassettes anyway? It's not as if we wouldn't believe them absent visual proof). So far, four of the radio show performers tested positive—including one who got vaccinated in Oct. and another who caught the immediately-prior variant back in Oct. JN.1 is now the dominant variant—outcompeting Pirola & Eris. The one common thread among the recently-vaccinated is that their cases are milder than their previous ones.

    Tonight our BFFS' DS (my godson), DDIL and DGS are all visiting from Seattle and I hope they didn't bring you-know-what with them. We decided to drive there—Rogers (No) Park (any Chicago neighborhood ending in "Park" means you can't). We were running late and it was too iffy to try and catch a cab or rideshare. We managed to snag just about the last space into which our car would fit that didn't have a hydrant or driveway curb-cut. Unfortunately, the friend we took to dinner last night (and drove us home) circled for 20 minutes and gave up! Dessert was pumpkin pie, chocolate salted caramels and a jello salad called "Green Slime:" lime jello whipped with cream cheese, candied fruit and walnuts. A holiday tradition at their house—so much so that if we're hosting and they ask what they can bring, I request the Green Slime.

    My godson was coughing a bit—I'm hoping it was an allergy to my BFFs' cat and not you-know-what. I might have to ditch NYE, because if I get COVID and miss rehearsals (resuming the week of 1/4) I'm out of the show; the two sketches in which I have the lead get cut (there are no "swings" or understudies), and a dozen people will be pissed (and the show would be 10 min. shorter).

    Merry Christmas. Stay safe!