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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,547

    Oh no! The dreaded tingle! I'm sorry for the ill-timed potential cold sore, canker sore or pimple, @chisandy! A Creole "reveillon" dinner sounds amazing though. Would love to hear what you ended up having for it. 🤩

    The Mods

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Good morning. The sun is out if on the cool side but if lifts my spirits quite high. I have an appt. with the radiology oncologist this morning. Her dept. will handle my lung node radiation. Hope she knows what the result of biopsy is as I've not heard anything yet.

    Today is my day to catch up with the things that needed doing a day or two ago. Always a bit of a lag when much comes during a holiday period.

    Also have a trip to Marion on Wednesday. I'll go back on the 4th. of Jan. for my feet. Hopefully, other than maybe some of that radiation I won't have too much to do in January. Sure will be nice to leave some of the medical appts. and get those I do have spread out a bit.

    We did not have a White Christmas and I wasn't expecting it. Sort of nice and likely a lot safer for people, but it really seemed odd or have a day where it stayed around the 50–55-degree temps. I do think we will stay a bit cooler now if the rain stays away.

    Hope you all have a nice 'day' after and not too many returns. Be well.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    Have to gripe about how dismal our weather has been for almost the last week…gray like flophouse sheets and about as inviting. I hate winter for this reason. Never reached the 50's yesterday so it was damp and bone chilling. Same gloom today and it is depressing.

    Dinner at SD's house was a success and we enough leftovers for DH and I to have at least 2 more meals. We will eat one tomorrow and I will freeze residual for a later meal. Meat was so tender you could cut it with a fork. DGS was sous chef and he's a lefty so showing him how to do things takes some modifications. He loves to cook. Everyone was pleased with their gifts. A bright note.

    One of the deer babies from this year had a back leg injury where it was not weight bearing and I could see some visible wounds. Was concerned that it would not survive the winter since it was not traveling with the small herd. Saw it on Christmas eve and it is tentatively weight bearing on the leg. The wounds appear to be healing and it is now traveling with 2 other young deer. So another bright note in an otherwise shitty month.

    Went for hand therapy this morning and have 2 appointments for next week. I am banking that I will be mobile after Thursday's surgery. Hand still tender with feeling of electrical shocks with certain movements meaning the nerve is healing.

    Had to stop anti-inflammatory I was taking for knee pain and have been less mobile ever since. I make myself walk but then pay the price by being awakened with bilateral knee pain multiple times at night. I was awakened at least 4 times last night and there is no comfortable position for them. Tylenol Arthritis 2 tabs twice a day is not cutting it at all.

    Next week is so packed with appointments I am hoping that I will be able to make: general surgeon, hand therapy and hand surgeon. My dance card is packed and I am not sure what the dance will be beyond a low crawl. So new year starts with all sorts of follow-ups.

    Hope everyone else has a better day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    We had rain Christmas day by 11 or so, on & off to some degree all day. Then around midnight it poured buckets!

    Our Christmas Day gathering was a lot of fun. More food than we’d ever eat, everyone had leftovers to take home.

    Today we went over to Fort Myers beach, first time I’ve been back in 2 seasons. I just didn’t have the heart to see it destroyed. We were bringing my niece & gn to stay at Margaritaville resort as a Christmas gift. It’s beautiful, so open to everyone. Multiple restaurants and bars are onsite. The pool isn’t open yet but it appears it will be phenomenal when completed.

    I won’t lie, it’s heartbreaking to see the pier gone, and just about everything else that surrounded that area destroyed. We walked along the beach - many multiple housing units closed, for sale, with various levels of destruction. It’s 15-16 months past the hurricane and it definitely left the area worse for wear. But I won’t show you the bad, only the good!

    That’s me, relaxing in the sun! First good day to sit in sun since I’ve been here.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Cindy, glad you're able to catch some rays (of the non-medical kind).

    Poured like crazy on Christmas, but it was the warmest one we've had in 140 years! Temps falling today into the mid-30s, with some early drizzle.

    Mods, the reveillon menu was: oyster stew; baguette made with spelt & benne flours, with honey-butter and currant jam; spring mix & butter lettuce salad with blue cheese, craisins & pecans; crabmeat-stuffed Chesapeake striped bass; and "Lady Baltimore" cake, white layer with marshmallow icing, honey and candied fruits.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,547

    Wow, that sounds amazing, @chisandy! Very much a fan of oysters myself, and honey butter is always delicious.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    You definitely look relaxed, Cindy. The photos are lovely.

    The meal sounds yummy, Sandy.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Cindy, Great photos.

    Just popping in to say I had a pleasant Christmas with my niece, grand niece and grandnephew and all their families. My DB and SIL came to my house on Saturday. We had a great meal and lots of laughs. For the one year death of my DH, my niece and I are doing a mini-vacation on St. Petersburg Beach. I am so thankful to have her in my life.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    The true Light is a gentle love which, rising in you, causes you to look on the world with understanding and compassion and respect. When you respect the souls of your brother and sister, you respect their lives in every way. This gentle spirit, this respect one for another, must come. For this is the generation of the one true Light, and this true light is that of love. White Eagle

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Cindy, your picture made me wish I was there. I as well think Sandy's mean sounds great. The honey butter and currant jam, delightful.

    Petite, glad you were with people you enjoyed. The first yrs. after losing someone are always difficult. Good to be with people who can make us smile and we can really enjoy the time spent.

    Long day for me today. Had to go to Marion V.A. Had to see Cardiac NP. Nothing special so I wish I could have done it by phone. It was a check-up on my medicines. All fine. At least it wasn't a bad day. Not any real sun but not too dreary and although a bit of wind, it was fairly warm. Stll, it is a big interruption in the day and annoying since other than their taking of a blood pressure (don't know why they skipped the wt.) there was nothing that couldn't have been done on the phone. Oh well.

    The next few days I have nothing going on, so I'll just be happy — no matter what the weather. Nice to go to bed knowing I can slowly sip my coffee in the morning and laze around a little extra in my pj's.

    Hope you all had a great day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2023

    Lazy few days coming up here too; though tomorrow after my HK leaves and before Bob comes home, I will have to vocalize and rehearse my Bar Show solos and practice the "attempted choreography" in the group production numbers—as much as I like to perform, I get very nervous and self-conscious having anyone other than a director or coach watching me practice. "Warts & all?" Sorry, but they're my warts and I don't want anyone who can't fix them along for the ride.

    Temps are dropping here, with possible snow-rain mix during tomorrow's morning rush before it turns back to rain.

    Sad to read that Tommy Smothers has passed away. He and his brother were witty and hilarious…and ultimately courageous. Somewhere I have an autographed script from the unaired episode of their CBS show, taped before CBS pulled the plug on it for political reasons (likely at Nixon's urging). When I was in college, they used to make my Sunday nights.

    We're down to 7 people for our NYE dinner at Regalia and party at our house (walking distance). One person tested positive, and her partner and his son who all share a house are negative thus far but staying home out of an abundance of caution. Gordy will be working till midnight (after taking off so much time to go to TX, MT, weddings and concerts, he drew the short straw in his dept.). Another couple of friends are staying home because he's rehabbing a recent knee replacement. Hoping no more viral surprises. My BFF has been dealing with back spasms. Hoping neither of the kids brings home COVID—but if Gordy does, then Leslie will bow out—leaving us just a party of six. (Lower restaurant bill. but still…).

    Cold sore slowly receding—hope it doesn't burst. I am reliving my adolescence, though: growing a chin zit. Anyone who says you simply grow out of acne is a liar.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    You can't travel the back roads very long without discovering a multitude of gentle people doing good for others with no expectation of gain or recognition.  The everyday kindness of the back roads more than makes up for the acts of greed in the headlines.  Some people out there spend their whole lives selflessly.

    Charles Kuralt

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    So far, what a morning. Woke up to a light snow on the ground. I suspected it on the way home last night from the store. It was rainy with the temps dropping. Spelled snow to me. Then again, it is raining a bit again this morning, so a lot of the snow is already dissipated. There wasn't a whole lot for our very first snow of the season.

    Some errands today. Not a lot thank goodness. No more trips the rest of the almost done yr. so I can go to bed late and not lay awake knowing I HAVE to be up and moving early on.

    I too felt sorrow (rotten time of yr. for it too) that Tommy Smothers passed on. Dh and I used to rush to get anything done that needed done so we could watch their show. We loved it. Back in the day there were many that we thoroughly enjoyed, and the Smothers were definitely high on the list. Lots of people would likely agree — they don't much make them like that anymore. Carol Burnett show was another we seldom missed if we could help it. Good old Johnny Carson days when his sidekick was Ed McMahon.

    With switching over to Hulu a couple yrs. ago we are not really addicted much to anything but the news and not even that a lot of times. We mainly leave it on to catch anything big, but as for actually watching it, we don't. Mainly left it on for our animals to "have company" even if we were gone or busy in other rooms. RIP Tommy.

    Hope you and Bob stay well Sandy and enjoy your New Years. Not surprised completely that Covid is still rearing up and causing issues. Seems (likely not anyone here too much) there are people who have avoided the last couple of shots for Covid. Strange behavior to me, but then I do not wish to be ill with anything I might be able to avoid by a vaccination or booster. That said, I did use to forget to get the yearly flu injections. I now don't do that anymore at my age.

    I hope everyone one stays well and able to enjoy whatever they do on New Years Eve and so will have great beginnings to a good year. As for me, we will do as we have now done for several years. Likely fall asleep before the NEW Year arrives. It starts our New Year out just fine — especially if you don't forget your antacid before you fall asleep.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    "Remember that life's most valuable antiques are dear old friends."

    -- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Hmmm, rain yesterday and thru the evening — turning to snow at some point and later this a.m., once again turned to rain melting all the snow. Seems like the weekend will remain much like that. Not one bit thrilled but mainly due to my dislike of gray damp, dreary days. I'll keep on keeping on, but I'll be forcing it.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Last night we went to a hockey game in Hertz arena. We got down there early so guests could shop at the Miromar Outlet stores. They were able to grab some nice things to take back home. I stuck with body wash and mostly looked around. Hockey game was fun! It was a 60 & 70’s DJ jam during intermissions.

    It’s been cooler weather here, full sun but as soon as a cloud covers it or the sun goes down, put on a fleece. I think it rained at the house while we were at the hockey game, so we missed it.

    I’ve got a cold, picked it up from my grandniece. Or should I say she shared it with me. I’m taking Zycam and it’s not real bad just seems like I have no voice. I’m kind of on the worn out side from the cold. I’m sleeping over 7 hours which is long for me.

    So many friends in upstate NY have covid. Their whole families have been hit, one newborn was hospitalized via ambulance - he’s home now. We tested my niece, and she was negative.

    We ran around to some stores this afternoon. Grabbing items for NYE - food & dress. I had to fill up the gas tank too. We had plans to go to see the manatees but sun went behind clouds, gn went off to play with neighbor kids, so here we sit. Tomorrow manatees may get a visit from us, who knows.

    No plans for the night. Maybe go see a movie, or I’d be ok with watching one on tv. Laundry in the dryer is calling me. Later ladies!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Heidi "came home" yesterday (two weeks post-cremation) in a lovely oak urn with gold nameplate. Unfortunately, no paw print nor fur clipping (because we didn't use a visiting euthanasia service). I still think. as we drive home from dinner or shopping, whether she'll be angry because we missed a feeding; or when I set a wake-up alarm, wonder if I built in enough time to feed or medicate her. There's still a "shadow" on the carpet in front of the daybed where she spent much of her final days—shaped like her, stretched out on her side, paws in front, tail curled behind her, even an almost-silhouette of her head. When I put my coffee cup or water bottle down near my chair, my first impulse is to think "not there—her tail might knock it over or get hair in it."

    I think her spirit will let us know when it's time to reopen our hearts to a new furbaby. We'll wait at least till after our next vacation—not fair to subject her or him to a cat-sitter so soon after arrival.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Few of us, indeed, realize the wonderful privilege of living;
    the blessings we inherit, the glories and the beauties of
    the universe, which is our own if we choose to have it so;
    the extent to which we can make ourselves what we wish
    to be; or the power we possess of securing peace,
    of triumphing over pain and sorrow.

    John Lubbock

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    At last, though pretty chilly out — sun. It's a surprise. Sounded like more overnight rain and light snow dusting the next morning. Well, we shall see how it goes, but I am hoping that great ball of sun decides to hang around.

    You don't have to second-guess Sandy. You were the best mom to Heidi. I do understand though (we have gone through so many losses being rescuers) that you are bound to always consider if more could have been done. Even if you could, it is still so true that our pets have shorter lifespans.

    I think you are wise to wait till a fuller bonding with someone new can take place. As you say, it will resonate when it is time, but better likely if it can be more of an un-interrupted bond.

    Nothing much special today but again sure glad for the sun. It is nice not to feel my automatic 'blue' when too many gray days show up in a row. Love having the spell broken. The play of sun and shadow outside as well as in the living room and kitchen here give me inspiration and encouragement to make today a truly good day.

    Hope you all will be having one as well.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    What a strange winter for ND. It rained last week, now the Red River is flooding. First every December flood. 250 power poles down in the rural areas, people have been without power for days.

    If that rain had been snow we'd have had 14" like we got 4 years ago at this time. I don't miss the snow, but am not fond of the icy roads either.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Strange here too Puffin. Hope you don't have to go out much if at all til the weather is safer. I'll be thinking of you.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Cooler here today, 67, even had some rain. We made it up to see the manatees at the park. Due it being cooler, there were a lot of manatees - even a mom & baby.

    We got some returns, and some new purchases. I grabbed turkey breasts to cook for New Year’s Day.

    Tomorrow evening we’re staying at the neighbors NYE party and most likely not venturing downtown. Yet to be seen really.

    Dinner was Culver’s! Butter burgers with cheese & concrete mixers. Those who know, know. LOL More calories than necessary, but a rarity.

    If I don’t get on tomorrow evening, I’m going to now wish you all a good year ahead in 2024. We all need better weather, better health, and me - better teeth! In the comfort of your own home, or out on the town, may peace be with you in the new year. ❤️

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Happy New Year's Eve, in case I'm not at the keyboard tomorrow night. Peace, safety, and no "close encounters of the viral kind." Swift healing to those currently ailing—and comfort & love to for whom healing is in the past.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    I got up this morning and started my prayer and meditation time, but Tippy demanded that I pay attention to his needs first. So goes the day…… Nothing happens as I planned it.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Happy New Year to all my oldie friends! We will stay home. I was thinking this morning that writing 2024 on checks isn't a major concern because I write so few checks these days.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Wishing Everyone Here A Very Happy, Healthy New Year!

    Sandy, I am so sorry to read your precious Heidi crossed over the rainbow bridge! I think all of us who lost beloved furry family members can relate to the feeling of "thinking they are still alive" after they have passed.

    Not the best holiday for my family this year, but I still love Christmas and a New Year always seems refreshing, a new start!

    Sadly our daughter-in-law's nephew (sister's 22 year old son) passed away suddenly the Monday before Christmas, from a severe asthma attack. There was nothing anyone could do, his trachea quickly closed up all the way down. So sad. Our DS and family had to make a trip from midwest to western PA.

    Then last Thursday my dear sister-in-law passed away from Inclusion Body Myositis. The funeral is later this coming week.

    Sad reminders to live in the moment and cherish the times we have with friends and family. Also, not to sweat the small stuff or the things we have no control over.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Today, I choose awareness.
    I choose to be aware of the beauty of life and living.
    I choose to be aware of the simple truths in life.
    I choose to be aware of the simple pleasures in life.
    I choose awareness of joy.
    I choose awareness of peace.
    I choose awareness of love.
    I choose to see, to feel, to know,
    the presence of divine energy
    in myself and those around me.
    Today, I choose to be aware and to embrace all that is good,
    noble, and divine.
    As my awareness of joy, peace, love, and goodness grows in my
    consciousness, joy, peace, love, and goodness
    become the reality in which I live.
    For this I am so grateful!
    And So It Is!

    Iyanla Vanzant

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 354

    MM - My condolences on the loss of your SIL and DIL’s nephew. It must be especially difficult this time of year. As you said, this a reminder to live in the moment as none of us are promised tomorrow.

    We had a nice, low key Christmas with DH and DS. DH retired on Friday so this starts a new chapter for us. Yesterday we drove to central Wisconsin for Christmas with the in-laws. I find this a stressful event however, it went quite well and I had nice conversations with my in-laws including DH’s sister with whom I sometimes have a complicated relationship.

    We have stayed home on NY Eve for the past 40 years, however this year is an exception. We gave ourselves NFL tickets for the Packers-Vikings game in Minneapolis tonight on Sunday Night Football. We drove from the in-laws to Minneapolis last night with the last 2 hours in feeezing rain and sleet. Fortunately we made it safely. Outside temps are in the high 20’s however, it’s an indoor stadium so we will be watching the game in comfort. We will be back at the hotel well before midnight.

    Happy New Year’s to all. Wishing you peace and good health.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,547
  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Happy New Year to all! We're down to a party of 5: just us, our 2 BFFs and another friend. (Gordy & Leslie brought "colds" back from TX and our HK's knee hurts, especially after spending 3 hrs. in church today). Stopped snowing. I'm the only one dressed up…just because. (OK, my pants are black jeggings, but bling everywhere else).