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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    WIll be wearing UGGs to rehearsals (will change into shoes ONLY during dress rehearsal and of course performances). Dress tomorrow afternoon (snow!), Monday night; and take everything home (including costume stuff belonging to the show) that night because we must remove everything from the Bar Assn. We move into the theater Tuesday night….in the worst of the snow, of course. Nearest safe parking (I don't consider the underground Grant Park garage "safe") to the theater is a block & a half away on Ida B. Wells/Congress Blvd.—not looking forward to schlepping a suitcase through the snow & slush. Think I will cab or Uber it down there Tues. night. There is only one load-in entrance behind the theater, and it requires a complicated bunch of turns to reach it due to the streets in the Loop being one-way (and that street is the wrong way from where I'd be coming from Lake Shore Drive). Wed., Fri. & Sat. night I don't mind walking from the "safe" garage—but Sun. aft. I'll have to schlep my costumes home so will cab it again.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    Went in for surgery on 12/28 and it was supposed to be just an overnight stay. As Sandy frequently says, God said "hold my beer" and I was finally discharged today after spending several days in a "step down unit" (step down from ICU but considered a critical care unit). They normally do not admit surgical patients but it seems they made an exception for me. Day nurse was wonderful and I know I was a challenge for her. Transferred back to the surgical floor on New Years' Day late in the day. Just discharged today and have parts of my body that look like they belong to Barney: belly, thighs, hips and right arm. required units of blood to get hemoglobin back to a middling number. Still in the anemic range but it finally stabilized. Short of breath on exertion and weak but glad to be home.

    Care was wonderful but I would gladly have skipped the post-op experience because it was downright scary. Am so bloated that pants that are too large normally are like the skin on a banana so I will live in warm robes until it calms down.

    Funny, but the deodorant that touts itself as working for 72 hours didn't do well with stress sweat and my armpits were the pits. Cool cucumber ended up smelling like "unwashed" body even after bathing.

    Happy New Year to everyone. Hope yours was better than mine because my fireworks came from the patient in the next room who sadly was confused, in pain and spent the evening into the morning yelling. I did feel sorry for him but even in an intensive care setting there is no sleep for the weary. I hope he makes it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Betrayal, my heart goes out to you. I had such high hopes. I'm sure we all did. I will hope and pray for healing and a vibrant recovery now that you are home. That said, it sounds like home is just the right medicine. Hospitals are not restful places. Now you will have your favorite books, magazines, tv with programs you know you like, and your computer. BONUS - your furry companions. Sending love and hugs and lots of healing vibes.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    Sending hugs Betrayal and Jackie. And to anyone else who needs them who I have missed. Hope the show goes well, Sandy. Good to hear from you, Keywestern.

    We both got colds while we were gone - masked until on board the ship but I am still tending to blame the airport. Both of us are still dragging around. With his congestive heart failure, it's been especially hard for Ken.

    Good trip but we're glad to be home even though it is unusually cold for here. Festive New Year's Eve with friends and I even remembered to write 2024 on the first check I wrote.

    Happy Weekend everyone. Hope your football teams win. Mine have been out for a LONG time.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Jackie, I am so very sorry to hear you need radiation and chemo. Maybe the chemo won't cause your hair to fall out? No words for how sad I feel for you! You are a trooper, taking it one day at a time, and as someone mentioned, you never complain!

    I have not had time to read all the posts I missed, so I apologize to anyone I miss.

    Betrayal, I am very sorry to hear of your surgery outcome. Hospitals freak me out, I can't imagine being put in ICU! I will be keeping you and Jackie in my thoughts and sending you both tons of healing vibes! You too are a trooper and have a good attitude moving forward!

    Sandy, I would love to see you perform some day! Wishing you no weather issues for your performances.

    Keywestfan, so good to read a post from you. How awesome to see Sandy on NYE! Nice way to start a new year!

    taco, sorry to hear that both you and your husband came down with colds! Wishing you both quick recoveries!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Betrayal, sorry your surgery didn't go more smoothly. The experience sounds nightmarish but you're home now. You deserve a good recovery. I'll bet that being a nurse just makes a bad hospital experience even worse. You know a lot more than a nonmedical person.

    Jackie, you seem so matter of fact in stating that you will get chemo as well as radiation. What a strong person you are. Hoping for the best outcome.

    Sandy, I, too, wish I could see your performance. But, no, thanks, on braving winter in Chicago. Will there be a video we can access online?

    Sorry that you and your dh caught colds on your trip, Taco.

    I had one of those nights when I woke up and didn't go back to sleep. I decided to heed the advice to get up and read. I tiptoed around in the darkness and brought my Kindle out to the living room. I went back to bed about 3:30 and did go to sleep. I had the most bizarre dream during that second period of sleep. When I got up I told dh about it. He told me about a crazy dream he'd had.

    It's a dreary looking winter day. DH just saw a flock of red-winged blackbirds outside. We will probably be watching some of the football on tv today. Last night we watched the old Hitchcock movie, Dial M For Murder. He loves old movies and I can watch the good ones.

    Happy Saturday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    As we weave the tapestries of our lives, we gradually begin to see our designs from a wider angle of years. We may or may not be pleased with what we see. Yet, no design--not in the living world--is carved in stone. We have the gift of free will to change our designs as we wish. We are each a thread in the tapestry of our human family. Our outcome is woven of endless possibilities, because we can choose from a universe of endless possibilities. Every person can make a difference. Each thread is a possibility, chosen by the design of divine imagination. Our life-time designs arise from our divine gifts, unique talents, desires, thoughts, choices, and actions. At times, old choices--old threads--wear out. We see the past while we live in the present, and we can replace the old...with new ideas, new choices, and new actions. We can view the future through today's eyes, and time blends all experiences, dark and light, into an awareness of authentic joy. May you live joyfully and abundantly today and throughout every season of life!

    Steve Brunkhorst

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Coming late today. Last night it was trying hard to snow through the rain (lt.) we were having. I felt sure we'd wake up to a white coating. Didn't though, but it has been gray and very much looking moisturized outside even though it hasn't rained anymore. That said, Dh says in St. Louis, Missouri (75-85 miles to our west and across the river) they have 2and 1/2 inches, so quite possible for that to be headed our way.

    I love snow for the week of the 25th. Now, I'd just as soon skip it. It has been strange the past couple or more years. More rain than snow and overall, a lot less cold. This year we are having so much gray. It seems like it is more than we have ever had. We did have some sun the last two or three days, but it was somewhat muted at times and didn't last all that long.

    Thankful for your words of encouragement. I hope to have a lot of success with this cancer. So far, I've had great success with the breast, ureter, and then two rounds of bladder cancer. I've looked to determine (couldn't find anything definite on it) if having the cancer in a lung nodule (rarer than not) is better/easier/more successful. then when it is just located somewhere in the lung and not encapsulated in a nodule. My team sounds like they will be aggressive since I am not good for surgery. I think that is due to low blood pressure issues and the mild COPD.

    Betrayal, I hope you are having it much more comfortable at home.

    Sandy, I hope a lot of snow activity misses you. You have a lot to deal with and less snow would make that a lot better. I can't imagine hauling things around in snow and mushy slush and hope it doesn't have to happen. You are though a trouper for sure.

    Hope you are all having a good day — and certainly lots of sun for those who want it.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,806

    Did not go back to read entries made on or after 12/28 the day of my surgery so I will have missed a lot. Illinoislady, sorry to hear lung nodule will require chemo and radiation. I hope both do the job and do not cause more than minimal discomfort.

    I am firmly attached to recliner in family room because I can't do stairs yet and can honestly say I am too winded to even attempt meeting more than most basic of personal hygiene. Abdomen is very swollen so I look like a Buddha and legs are, too. No appetite either. Going commando because cannot wear undies as they are too restrictive.

    Don't think I was a demanding patient because I was just too sick. Needed help with ADL's and the nurses were obliging. The one on NY's eve I wanted to clock (would have if I had had the energy) because I was very short of breath, could barely talk and she kept telling me my oxygen levels were fine. Sitting bolt upright when you have a large abdominal incision is not something you want to do willingly. Yes, they would be for anyone with a hemoglobin higher than 7.4. My hemoglobin prior to surgery was 12.3. So I lost a lot of blood to a large abdominal hematoma which is what most likely precipitated my transfer to the NCICU. They normally do not provide care for surgical patients so I was sort of a novelty and challenge to them.

    MM: sorry to hear about the deaths in your family. May their memories be a blessing to you.

    Hope everyone who has a medical, personal or any other issue gets swift resolution.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Jackie, same from me - in your pocket for rads on Monday. But in the next post you’re now also getting chemo. UGH! I hope it’s something of a short duration. And I second or third, that you’re a trooper.

    Harley, my ride is less than 3 miles, probably 2.5. If I remember correctly, you’re hard core so riding inside has to bore you. I’ve been listening to the audio book while I ride too!

    Sandy, I have never been great with crosswords. Although my Aunt Re, who lived with us while I was growing up, did them daily, it didn’t rub off on me. Hoping your snowfall isn’t bad enough to hinder the show, and you’re able to get to & from without problems.

    Carole, it took me weeks to realize there is a button that switches the letters around the circle in Spelling Bee! Some days I’m glad to be done with it quick (finding the full word) and other days I’ll have 15-20 words and it still keeps me in. I do it on my phone so I haven’t seen where I could stay in, and that’s ok! When you mentioned dreams, I had a doozy the other night. I told partner I was sleeping outside in a sleeping bag, sleeping with a bunch of strangers to get a good spot to see the Pope. Crazy, yes indeed.

    Wren, my aunt mentioned above about crosswords, she was a cake decorator at a large bakery for 42 years. I don’t know how she got into doing them!

    Betrayal, I had a feeling you were still hospitalized, not hearing anything from you. Being home in your soft robe, commando and all, is the best place for you. Hoping for improvements and quick healing for you.

    Taco, I lived on Zycam for about 5 days after Christmas, I caught my grandniece’s cold. Hoping you and your dh get well quickly from your cold.

    MM, good to hear from you too.

    My niece sent me a video of our manatee park visit. I’ll try to post it, it shows a mom & baby. Wouldn’t post, so here’s 2 pictures from screen shots

    Weather today was wild. Heavy rain storm hit in the early afternoon. Couldn’t see out of our screens they were so soaked with water. Then it got so dark, my front Christmas lights went on - the timer goes on at dusk +8 hours. I’ll unplug them tomorrow.

    Last night we went to the downtown river district for a festival- music and foods. Newest deal is they charge to park, $20.28 thru an app for 3 hours. An outside consultant recommended it for the city to make money. Well a lot of folks couldn’t get the app to load on their phones and were forced to leave. I know we won’t be attending events down there as often as we had in the past. It’s disheartening.

    With the rain storm today, I wasn’t bothered staying inside because I got to put away all my Christmas decorations. I say that knowing tomorrow I’ll find something staring me in the eye that I missed.

    Have a great night and a good Sunday too!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    • The ideals which have guided my way, and time after time have given me the energy to face life, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. Albert Einstein

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886
    edited January 7

    It was wet overnight so I guess a bit of rain. Though somewhat muted there is sun outside this morning and that is so welcome by me. It has been so gray lately and the bare trees (my Sentinels keeping watch for Spring) just give me something of a bleak outlook which isn't the real me.

    Nothing on for today, but maybe we will venture to Goodwill — just because. I don't need anything but do take the chance I will be tempted by something. If I do get things, I keep in mind to keep working on the give-away box I've started.

    I do the crosswords in my paper daily. I have found that they seem to have a theme of sorts and if I'm able to figure it out early on, the puzzle almost always goes well. I'm not sure when I got onto doing them but when we have taken a daily anywhere, I have lived — mainly Michigan and California as well as home in Illinois now, I've done the puzzles. I have a great love for words (one of my reasons for quotes) and have e read a lot so it seems a bit natural to carry it over into puzzles. I don't do any crosswords on the computer and use it for other types of games.

    It is disheartening to have to start paying a rather 'stiff' chg.. for parking when you want to support your downtown by showing up for their enjoyable programs. They could perhaps do as well (maybe in some cases, better) just to ask for donations. That is what our city does for all the park decorations at X-mas time. There is locked box at the end where you can drop in whatever you'd like. If I know we will want to go through several times I only hand out dollar bills each time. This time since I really didn't expect snow so didn't think we'd go back through I gave them $10.00. That is why I think you could almost do better if you ask for donations rather than possibly driving business away with a more standard no choice price.

    Maybe I spoke too soon. Our sun seems to be gone. Fairly gray again. Well, I can hope and I will.

    Hope you all have a really nice day. Hello to anyone not posting on a regular basis.

    ETA: Meant to say I enjoyed the pictures as well Cindy. Seeing the manatees are a real bonus since I already love the water.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Betrayal, glad you're home, recovering on your own terms with neither noisy patients nor being woken up at all hours to take your vitals. Hope you heal quickly and as comfortably as possible.

    Jackie, in your pocket for the lung nodule treatment. Hope the chemo goes more easily on you this time, and that the radiation is brief and precisely targeted…and that both are successful.

    There will be video of the show later this month. No public link, but I can share it individually.

    Well, God's been holding a lot of beers lately. As John Irving (in The World According to Garp put it, the "under-toad" is surfacing again). My dear friend went in for angioplasty last Sat. and had to have a "double CABG" instead. As recently as Fri. aft. she was discussing rehab centers near her home with the hospital social worker. But as I was driving home late that night, she had a massive ischemic stroke (most likely a post-op clot). I got the message on my landline from her lifelong BFF down there. They couldn't give her TPA because as a post-op patient on blood thinners (and other heart & T2D meds) she'd have bled to death. Had to re-intubate her, insert a feeding tube, and put her on dialysis. Best case scenario for her is that she will spend the rest of her life in bed hooked up to tubes, hemiplegic to boot (and the stroke may swell enough to reach the other side of her brain). I am her health care proxy listed in the POA she drew up along with her will in 2014, while she was still in as good a shape as an overweight 70-ish diabetic heart patient can be—so she never mentioned a DNR, not even when she was about to undergo her BMX for DCIS in 2016. Bob is her cardiologist. I've been texting & talking nonstop with her BFF down there (Minooka) and critical care team (Oak Lawn). She came out of the medically-induced coma today and the critical care neuro did not mince words about the best-case scenario—she was awake and alert enough to understand and react, but didn't communicate further. If it comes down to it, I am empowered to authorize a DNR verbally by phone. She's 78.

    I can't get down to Oak Lawn to see her—it's a 2-hr trip with traffic each way; I have only half a tank of gas (if I go anywhere during the day tomorrow it'll be to gas up at Costco in a near north 'burb). Bar Show rehearsals all weekend (masked except for my solos—still have 2 leads out with COVID), second dress rehearsal tomorrow night, schlep all my costumes home and bring them back to the theater Tues. night—which we can't access till 6 pm. Full tech run, including mic-swaps. Full-dress/tech on Wed. night, Thurs. off (that's when the theater does NPR's Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me), and performances Fri. night, Sat. matinee, and Sat. night. Oh, and did I mention the massive snowstorm arriving Tuesday and sticking around through the weekend? Or having to schlep my suitcase & garment bag several blocks through the slop? Will have to drive—impossible to get a cab or rideshare in a snowstorm. And try not to fall. In years past, I either drove or took the train—but the nearest stations are just too far from the theater and the CTA is a rolling Petri dish these days. Nearest parking is either the underground Grant Park garage—dangerous & cavernous—or a hotel garage 1.5 blk away that may or may not be on SpotHero.

    Adding insult to injury is that I have an abscess on my inner thigh adjacent to my, uh, lady-parts and I'm not sure if it's infected. (Yeah, Betrayal, I shoulda been going commando instead of sleeping in undies and wearing panty-liners for 20+yrs). It wept a little—serous fluid (blood & lymph) but antibiotic ointment did close it back up. I know I should go to urgent care, but I'm afraid they'll insist on incision & drainage, which would lay me up for a couple of weeks. Hoping all I need is a course of doxycycline (if it's MRSA, then amox. wouldn't work and I'm allergic to sulfa & Cipro or other quinolones). If I can hold out till after the show closes, then I'll go. Have an endocrinologist appt. this Thurs. aft. so will ask her (though it's outside her wheelhouse Immed. Care is in the same bldg.).

    Back to my friend—diabetes sucks. Big time. It's already claimed three of my friends (including her DH who had a massive stroke in '99 that killed him instantly) and is, with her, about to claim a fourth. The endocr. appt. is my annual checkup for osteoporosis, but I'm sure she'll address my a1c & glucose should they start rising (due to all the carby "comfort eating" I've been doing ever since Heidi got sick). My mom had T2DM at my age (and her mom at 80). I wanna nip it in the bud…or keep it from "budding" if possible.

    I didn't tell my HK about the stroke. She knows my friend, and has had enough bereavement this past year that I hope this doesn't send her over the edge.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    OMG Sandy. Sounds like you're in the position where the light at the end of the tunnel is another train coming. What a mess to hit all at once. Sending hugs and wishes for better weather and quick healing. I won't even suggest wearing purple Monday night. Go Dawgs.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Sandy, you’re having more than your share of shix! My heart goes out to you with the potential loss of a friend and being her POA. Take care of yourself first and foremost. Get the abscess looked at or get Bob to write you a script to jump on getting it gone. I too am a comfort eater, nervous energy for me ends up with food consumption.

    The manatees are super hard to get a photo of. By time we click, they’re gone back under water. They make a snort noise as their nose comes out of the water for air, we look, and poof, they're gone. I wish the video would have loaded.

    I did my walk today and as I was at the farthest spot from home it started to drizzle. Stopped soon after. Then near home the audio book finished up, which I totally enjoyed. I need to order another book so I’ll keep the walking up.

    After getting home I pulled down all the outdoor Christmas lights, and again it started to drizzle. I had soft & frizzy hair from it!

    We did go back downtown today, on Sunday they don’t enforce the paid parking thankfully. We totally enjoyed today’s band, a local group of 8 - Deb & The Dynamics, they put on a great show. I had some mac & cheese with crab in it, while partner had a crab cake sandwich. Both were delicious!

    Our walk back to our car, sun finally showed up as it was about to set. It’s been cooler weather and looks to stay that way. The festival was very close to the river so breezy too.

    Hope everyone had a good Sunday!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Sandy, hugs and good luck in dealing with multiple challenges.

    Cindy, thanks for the photo. Those palm trees look as if they belong there.

    Reading posts this morning has been stressful. Makes me wish I could help in some way. Hugs to all who need comfort.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 8

    Definitely wearing purple (including my mask) and taping the game tonight.

    Heading down to the hospital this afternoon—though acc. to the Palliative Care nurse who just called and her BFF who just texted, the brain bleed is spreading (as the critical care neuro warned me last night it would). And apparently, the medical POA may be defective as it's missing a second page (which I've never seen) that lists the specific scenarios & measures to take or not to take. By the time I see her, she will likely be unconscious again, but I must see her whether or not she can see me.

    Bob won't write me an abx script, since he says that's not in his wheelhouse. The last thing I need is to get stuck in Urgent Care in order to get one—and they might insist on lancing it to get a culture.

    Bob & I will definitely get our advance directives in order—and revise our wills so that Gordy no longer needs a "guardian" (he's 39 & married). The shoemaker's kids go barefoot…

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    Sandy, the “undertoad “ strikes again and informs so much of the way I now look at life, the randomness of “when bad things happen to good people.” No protection at all against the undertoad. Never worried about BC because no family history and ovaries removed at 35.

    When I worked for the Council for Jewish Elderly in the 80’s as a case manager, those in the most grievous situation had either diabetes or osteoporosis or both. Often heartbreaking.

    Do think you should be on an antibiotic quickly if abcess is infected. Am paranoid about infection since hip replacement.

    Cindy, Listening to “Barbra” with my airpods kept me walking for days and hours, all 900…pages of it. Was quite fascinating.

    Jackie, Sending such good juju that all goes easily for you.


  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Wow. I missed a couple days and so much happened. I is gray, raining and supposed to get a bad storm Tuesday afternoon. The county is closing down schools for a half a day. The only thing I have planned is an oil change at 8:00. The I will go home and bundle up and read a book.

    Sandy, That sounds terribly painful. I hope it resolves quickly.

    Cindy, Loved the picture. There was a picture of Crystal River on one of the news stations showing over 100 manatees piled into Crystal River. They do not like cold weather.

    Betrayal, So sorry to hear about your ICU experience. I feel home is the best place to recover. Wishing you a speedy one.

    Jackie, I was shocked to read that. Are you doing chemo first or radiation? Cyber hugs to you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    You will always have to live with yourself, and it is to your best
    interest to see that you have good company -- a clean, pure,
    straight, honest, upright, generous, magnanimous companion.

    Orison Swett Marden

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Long day today. Sandy, I'm almost speechless. You already had such a plateful. and now the leg and your friend. I hope after this show you can slow everything to a crawl and pamper yourself for a while. No one seems to need it more right now. Hugs.

    Cindy I too really enjoyed your pictures. Not only the palms, reminding me of our years in California, but the water. Get me around any water, be it ocean, river, lake or even pond and I'm almost instantly at peace. Nice to see you (anyone walking w/o a heavy coat) as this time of yr. it is a necessity for us.

    Had to go today to the hospital to get marked for the radiation. Interesting procedure. Done by CT. They lay you down and have a soft form you lay on. Once you are positioned it has little beads in it and it is pushed up against your body by injecting air into it — I think mainly to discourage you from moving since they are marking the "target" areas. They will use this each time I have radiation. I think there will only be about 5 treatments. Should start first of next week.

    Radiation oncologist didn't think I needed chemo due to size of the tumor at Stage 1. Well, I think Dr. Dave the Pulmonologist I see is who ordered the chemo. I would love to be able to skip it, but I'll have to discuss with him his WHY and then go from there. I will do what it takes to increase every chance there is for the most positive outcome as possible. If that means chemo, then so be it. Just going to hate if I have to do it in winter again. I am so cold natured — losing any of my already thin, fine hair won't be fun. So, for now it sounds like the radiation will come first. That may allow (I've no idea actually) for less chemo if I do end up having that.

    It's raining outside as I sit here. Another of my un-liked gray days. I haven't looked at the weather report. I don't think it is going to be a lot better through the week and could be worse — rain turning to sleet and snow. Yikes. Well, I can't say we have actually had much of an actual 'winter' yet. I should count that as a great blessing.

    Hope you all are able to have a satisfactory night and a wonderful day tomorrow.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Right now we're getting light snow after some drizzle. Should ramp up starting in about an hour here by the lakefront. By midmorning, rain will take over and wash it away…till round 2 starting about 4:30, when I have to get to the theater. Aaaand…possible blizzard Friday…opening night, of course.

    My friend is in a holding pattern: still intubated, with a pacemaker. She is unconscious even after sedation was reduced. The stroke has, as expected, crossed over the midline and involves the whole brain, and there is utterly no chance of regain of function, let alone recovery. (I have a Bar Show castmate who's a pastor's wife and still insists "miracles can happen"). Saw her today, met with the Palliative Care nurse. We are all on the same page about DNR, but not yet hospice. That conversation will come after talking to the Gift of Hope (transplant) team, to carry out her wishes as an organ donor. (She's off dialysis, so her kidneys are working). The goal right now is to prevent pain (which can be sensed even when not conscious). When the time comes, we will all try to be by her bedside as she's extubated and put on a simple nasal cannula, with the pacemaker removed. At that point, hospice will take over. We're looking at possibly late Sunday aft.

    The cyst is on the thigh itself, not the labia (whew). As long as it doesn't get infected there's no need for an abx—which might even produce a resistant strain. Just using Hibiclens, as I was advised by my PCP (via portal message) to lay off the Bacitracin ointment or even Aquaphor—it needs to "breathe"—until I can be seen.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I like the quote today, Jackie. Hoping radiation will be enough treatment and you can skip the chemo.

    The sun is shining this morning. There are pictures of storm damage on the news. We were lucky to have just heavy rain yesterday and the hail storms missed us. I heard another storm in the early hours this morning but we didn't lose power or have any trees blown down. Now the system is moving east and, unfortunately, it has intensified.

    My only plan for today is to go to the gym.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Year by year the complexities of this spinning world grow
    more bewildering and so each year we need all the more
    to seek peace and comfort in the joyful simplicities.

    Woman's Home Companion (1935)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Rained all night and weather report is for rain all day long. It is in the 40's. That could be almost pleasant if not for the rain. Loose ends again today. I likely could spend a great amt. of time in my room going through some clothes that no longer fit. That is one of my projects that really need doing. There is way too much in my closet.

    Looking forward to a good warm breakfast — likely oatmeal which is one of my all-time favored breakfast foods. I have a comforter Jo gave me for my bed. It is a beautiful teal color. The beauty of it is that it is just enough (with a sheet) to keep me just toasty enough for good sleep. I have been able to take everything else off my bed. That would be the bedspread and two other heavy blankets, plus three heavy towels for my feet.

    Hoping you all have a good day and decent weather, accomplish everything you want, and heal well if you are recovering.

    Thinking of you too Sandy.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Bad day for mail. Bill for garbage collection has gone up again. Still pretty reasonable when I figured out the price per pickup. And there's no alternative as far as I know.

    Even worse, the bill for home wind and hail insurance. $4500 for a small one-story house covered for $350,000 replacement cost. I went online and started checking for home insurers in Louisiana. Began filling out a questionnaire. The phone rang and it was an insurance agent! So I'm supposed to be getting a quote for total home insurance including wind and hail. We're presently covered by Louisiana Citizens, which is the state insurance of last resort and required to be a certain percentage higher than private insurers.

    On a more positive note I had a good workout at the gym, doing strength exercises on machines and cardio on an upright bike. I've read a couple of newspaper articles about the benefits of developing muscle at any age.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Rain just turned back to snow. But only about 2" predicted for the lakefront (away from which I will NOT be venturing till at least Sunday aft.). The "main event" is predicted for Fri. & Sat.—upwards of 7-10" regardless of where in the metro area we are. Tom'w & Thurs. will be clear but very windy. And Sat. night the temps will plunge to single-digit lows, then single-digit highs and subzero lows. TV forecast called Sunday "wicked cold" and Monday "dangerous cold."

    Will let you know when & if Bar Show clips will be available.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Jackie, I’m hoping the rads for you is it, and you truly don’t need the chemo.

    Sandy, you’re so busy it’s crazy. Your friend, I also wish can go peacefully. I hope your weather cooperates enough to get everything done that you need to get done.

    Carole, your insurance sounds worse than our Florida coverage costs. I hope you can get it reduced.

    Today was my oral surgeon visit. The short story is I do not qualify for implants, or if I demanded it, it would require bone from my lower jaw, etc… I’m set to have 3 teeth removed on 1/29, at that time I’ll have the Invisalign retainer with 3 teeth in it, to give appearance of having teeth.

    I see the dentist on Thursday, we’ll discuss cost and timing of the bridge. I believe 3 teeth pulled w X-rays will eat up my entire insurance money for the year, the rest is out of pocket. Such is life. I had been driving myself crazy with implants vs bridge, travel back when I’m in NY, chance of failure, etc. A bridge isn’t the worst thing and just having a plan in place has relieved stress.

    Weather today was crazy, 82 gray overcast and wind gusts 20-50 mph. Then the storm came through, fast & furious with a tornado watch to boot. Nothing like Petite saw in the panhandle, but enough for me. Our upstate NY home has seen snow, about 7”; now wind & rain with flooding possible. Weather is screwed up all over the country.

    Hope you all had a great day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I'm batting zero on getting home insurance with wind and hail for a more reasonable price. The major insurance companies like Allstate, State Farm, Farmers aren't writing policies for my zip code. The one quote I have gotten so far from a newer smaller company is more expensive than what I'm currently paying. It looks like grit-your-teeth-and-pay-exorbitant-rate. Louisiana is the pits when it comes to insuring home and cars. Our last state insurance commissioner did squat for improving the situation.

    Today is a day Jackie would like. Sunny and currently 54 degrees outside. I went to senior exercise class and had a good workout. Stopped and filled up the tank of my Prius at Sam's Club for $2.54 per gallon. At least gas prices are on the lower end of the price scale in our area. It took $22 to fill the tank.

    Karen, your food you're cooking for the weekend certainly sound good. I hope and your dh enjoy the getaway.

    Cindy, Spelling Bee was a "doozie" today. My goal is to reach Genius level which sometimes takes me more than one session. I didn't know about the levels until one day I spelled out a word and GENIUS showed up on the screen. After that, I was hooked on making Genius.

    Hope everyone had/is having a good day.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Jackie, that would be wonderful if you can skip chemo.

    Sandy, the sounds painful.

    Cindy, I had a lot of wind and rain, but no damage. Yay!