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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 354

    Jackie - hoping you can avoid chemo.

    Carole -Yikes on the insurance premiums! I know our home and auto increased significantly last year. We were able to find a less expensive policy with pretty much the same coverage but I expect the rates will continue to go up.

    Well, yesterday’s weather event turned out to be milder than expected. I am in the same general area as Sandy and bitter cold is forecasted to start this weekend perhaps preceded by a snowstorm on Friday. If it snows/rains as expected, it will make volunteering at the food pantry a challenge as it is a drive through pantry. The guests stay in their cars and the volunteers go outside to get their grocery list. I do have a volunteer drive next Tuesday to take a senior to physical therapy, so I will have my heat on high.

    DH is very happy to be retired and we are working on settling into the next chapter of our life. We went to a get together in Wisconsin with our college friends last weekend. Hard to believe we have been friends for almost 50 years but I really value the relationships. Some of our friends live close to one another and see each other frequently as well as vacation together. I prefer to vacation with DH only and we’ll be leaving for our South America trip in a few weeks. Temps will range from the 90’s down to the 40’s. We are planning on packing for and dressing in layers as needed.

    After three years of consideration, I have decided to move forward with a prophylactic bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy to mitigate the risk of ovarian cancer due to my genetic mutation. This has been weighing heavily on me for the past year so I met with the gynecologic oncologist on Monday. Had bloodwork for CA-125 drawn today and will have an ultrasound tomorrow. The robotic laparoscopic surgery is planned for Mid March after I return from vacation.

    Wishing everyone a good week.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Coming late today. I was scheduled for a telephone visit with Dr. Dave (Pulmonologist) and so didn't want to start entries that I might have trouble finishing. So there is no suspense, it was mainly just a routine call. I already had answers to results of the needle biopsy, so he was able to offer some input for me anyway. Like the other medical personnel so far, he feels that I appear (a lot will I think depend on my response to the radiation treatments) to be in a good position for having a positive outcome. He said chemo appt. was put into place so that if any cancer was found elsewhere, or radiation did not have the desired effect, I would already have the registration in place. He seems to think I'm not as yet and may not be an actual candidate for chemo either.

    I did have to find my special ICD card. The Rads oncologist wants me to have a brain MRI (she says lung cancer often goes to the brain) and rule that out from the start. I almost did not find the card. When I got the ICD they told me paperwork would come to me with a special card (plastic and about the size of a credit card) and that I needed to take care of that card. Well, everyone here knows — if you impress on me a need to keep something SAFE, it may be very safe. Safe even from me. I put things in places you couldn't possibly miss the moment you need it. Fortunately, after a long afternoon of looking I found it. I have to go to chemo oncology on Friday to register there so I'll take the card over to the other side of the building and let radiation then copy it. They are making the appt. for the brain scan for me. Not sure if there is expected interference for someone with an ICD pr not but they can find out with that card.

    Carole, I've no idea if you or your family were in the military, but we get our Insurances, (house and car) through USAA. They are VERY reasonable, for us. We have our house and our two cars on it. It is the most affordable we have ever had. You can find cheaper insurance if you look, but we stay with USAA as they pay well and quickly. My BIL switched to Liberty Mutual but he had a claim and not long after his premiums went up so high he went back to USAA.

    Cindy, I hope you find a bridge can work okay for you. Dental work is so expensive now. Also, some of the 'older' people I know around here seem to be going to the dentist all the time. I have thoughts about that, but in your case, it is not a question since you need to be rid of three of your teeth. Hoping that all goes well.

    Hope you al had a really good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Harley, forgot to mention that I'm glad you have finally chosen to have your surgery. Did it in my mid 50's and no regrets. Robotic surgery is fairly easy and generally makes recovery easy. Glad you are doing the vacation first though.

    You are such a good person to help out the food pantry and very much providing a ride for Seniors. I recall my non-driving days (Dh insisted I learn and get a license). Having to look for rides from others had challenges for me as a young person. To have someone WANTING to give you a lift to and from is a beautiful gift of service to others. They must be so appreciative. Not sure why I never said so before. You are a really good soul.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    When you stand and share your story in an empowering way, your
    story will heal you and your story will heal somebody else.

    Iyanla Vanzant

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    There is a nice sun out today. Hopefully we are through our gray and rain that seemed to have lasted so long. We do have the possibility now of much, much cooler/cold weather and snow. This time of yr. it is generally still relatively cold if not snowy most of the month. February used to be the month to watch. We have had days then warm enough to be outside in shirt sleeves. Just don't know any more what we will have but sun and warmth are appreciated.

    Nothing special today going on. Some bills to pay and maybe a visit with Jo and the normal work around here. Have the chemo visit tomorrow so will see how that goes. Glad the weekend is coming and hope I won't have much on my schedule for a bit — that is other than the visits to the radiation oncologist. Won't be bad since it is of short duration altogether. Likely a week and then done.

    Hoping you all have sun and those who need it positive healing. Good test results if you are having them. Although I'm using the correct dates, it is still amazing to me that we have started another year. I'm looking sooo forward to Spring although I start those hopes and thoughts generally THIS early every yr.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,815

    Post-discharge care has been atrocious so far. Told on Friday that visiting nurse would appear in 24-48 hours. Finally get call on Sunday to say nurse will appear on Monday. Call her on Monday to say dressings are drenched can she come earlier. Nope, go to ER. Spend . hours in ER where surgeon and her PA's take care of dressing but ER doc wants his pound of flesh and orders IVF and Tylenol. Moved from room to hallway by nurse's station for IVF's. PA's fortunately packed a bag of dressings for me.

    VN intake person showed up yesterday and did not have enough dressings to do wound but used what she had and I had to redress later. Hematoma is liquifying and leaks so I blow through dressings. Skin sore from paper tape which is less irritating than other forms. Called them today about promised dressings but told don't expect them before Saturday so I placed an order from Walmart with delivery today. Not sure when nurse will reappear.

    PT intake person showed up today. Continue walks to bathroom and back. Can sleep in recliner as well. I am better off on first level rather than trying to do steps twice a day.

    Minimal pain and will see surgeon tomorrow. Not able to wear clothing yet so will wear robe and hope I can get shoes on, otherwise hospital no slip slippers. Appetite variable with small amounts. No nausea or vomiting so that is good.

    This was not supposed to be the outcome so that has been disheartening and will cancel scheduled knee surgery since physically and mentally could not deal with that now.

    Needless to say Panama canal cruise has been cancelled and we did lose some money but I could not physically do it and concerned that if I had a medical issue onboard hospitalization outside US is not wanted.

    Sun is out today and in low 40's. Hope everyone has a good day.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Betrayal, sad to hear all that. (((((cyber hug)))))

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 354

    Betrayal - oh no! What an ordeal you have had. (((HUGS)))

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Betrayal good to see you here. I'm horrified that you've had such a time of something that while not sounding minor did sound as though that MANY complications would be a rare thing indeed. I must agree that it sounds nearly brutal to undergo. I so admire your stoicism and matter of fact attitude.

    I'm aware that home health care people Have schedules to keep, but it does sound a bit like at least one of yours has something of a cavalier attitude. Sending you to the emergency room while you were in a 'dire' mess. Well perhaps she had too many patients to do a rearrangement but seems she might have been ((since many of my home care people were sometimes a little late) able to come see you and take care of you and call her next appt. and say she was running a little late.

    I do hope soon you will be through the worst of this and I'm really sorry that it is imperative to put off further medical care as well as a vacation time you were looking forward to. Well, it does remind me of my first chemo experience. I threw up for 6 months it seemed, and even on the chemo that wasn't even supposed to make you nauseous, let alone throw up. I got through it by only allowing myself to have to get through the next ten minutes. I wasn't going to think about 'suffering' all day (which I pretty much did) but would tell myself I only had to do it for ten minutes. It made for a rather long 6 months till I got through it, but once you're over the hump often it flattens out pretty well.

    I'm sending all the healing vibes I can round up and praying that it isn't long till you are definitely out of all the strife and can truly relax into positive healing.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    Betrayal chiming in to empathize also. Horrific is the word thar comes to mind regarding your post-op follow up care. Praying and hoping things turn for the better for you. ❤️🙏🙌

    Illinois thinking of you as your next treatment commences. May it be brief and effective. Hugs.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    When you commit yourself to living love, you feel at peace
    with yourself because you are at harmony with the flow of life.
    Viewing life from the highest perspective, you feel confident
    and secure.  You realize that no matter how things may
    appear, you are loved and protected.  You know you are one
    with God, and you bring your peace with you wherever you go.
    You’re not looking for love, but for opportunities to love.

    Susan L. Taylor

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Still thinking and hoping so much for you Betrayal. It is windy out and rained through the night and raining again now. Quite wet outside this morning. I do think this is likely to lead us into snow around the first of the coming week. St. Louis, Missouri west of us, as well as Chicago north of us already has had in places a fair amt. I am hoping our little 'pocket' I often mention, may not get as much snow or cold, but it is pretty typical for us in this time period. Silently hoping for us.

    SIL wants to take us (Dh always goes with me) to my appt. at the chemo center today. Not sure why. It is at the hospital which is only a couple of miles from us. It is mainly as well I think only consultation. I do have to go on the other radiation side to present my ICD card for the MRI people. That too is pretty much of nothing. My children are more nervous than I am, but I understand. I generally don't get too excited/upset until I'm sure there is something to be really upset for. It is easy for scenarios to take over at times, so I just try and wait for actual reports and the question/answer periods after.

    Harley, I hope you and Sandy are having it a little better than the reports sounded. I do know though wind and water (a lot more than we have where I'm at) make a big difference. Not sure if I could tolerate a (windy) environment like living near the water in Chicago. Hope you both stay safe and sound.

    I'm keeping my vision of Spring if I possibly can but if the snow does fly here, it sure will be a bit more difficult.

    Hope you are okay Carole and you too MM. Wishing all safety, warmth, healing and hugs.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Well, some good news. As suspected, no chemo is ordered. I will have a review in three months though. The Dr. I saw today seemed to be in total agreement with the Radiation Oncologist. The Dr. today in fact gave much more explanation and sounded like all the information he was reading did indeed point to something that should have an easy fix to it.

    I'm certainly hoping it works just that way. I did feel a bit bad coming home. We had to slow down and at one point stop on the highway. We could see smoke and red and blue lights, but not anything else. The accident took place right at our corner. My guess is someone was waiting to turn left and someone a few cars back didn't realize a vehicle was waiting to turn. Un-fortunately the jeep too off to pass other cars just as the waiting car started their left turn. They actually looked like they completed the turn even though the Jeep hit them (driver's side door) and since the jeep likely had their brakes on the jeep skidded down the highway a few more feet and went partly down and into a ditch backwards with the nose of the car facing upwards. The engine compartment engulfed in flames. No ambulances so I think all made it out of the vehicles.

    This has almost happened to me a couple of times. Not sure why there are so many impatient people around but if you look around a bit you will see all sorts of driveways and roads where one might turn. I would never think of pulling out and passing a line of stopped cars in an area (business and residential) like that one.

    Hope you all had a good day. I'm going to celebrate and rest. It was raining when we first went but had pretty much stopped by the time we left the chemo center.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 354

    Jackie - very good news on ‘no chemo’. Hopefully the radiation will take care of the nodule. Please keep us updated. Sorry to hear about the accident but grateful you weren’t involved.

    We have had 9.5” of snow so far with another 3-4” expected. Winds are calm but are forecasted to pick up later. DH is keeping the sidewalk and driveway passable. The food pantry was closed today due to weather. It is a heavy wet snow and fortunately we have a snowblower however at the moment the plow came through and pushed a load of snow into the driveway. DH is out there with a shovel clearing it before it freezes. By Saturday night we expect sub-zero temperatures. Our utility cables are run underground so hopefully we can avoid a power outage.

    I think Sandy’s Bar Assn. show starts tonight so I’m concerned for her and the attendees travelling downtown. She’s put so much work into rehearsals.

    The results of my pelvic ultrasound came back indicating a 1cm thickening of the endometrium. The nurse called this afternoon and said the doctor wants an endometrial biopsy which I think is a medieval torture procedure (I have had a couple of them). I thought the NIH guidelines called for a biopsy when the lining exceeded 1.1cm but I might be wrong. I questioned the doctor’s comment on the patient portal that stated biopsy OR hysterectomy and the nurse said they need a biopsy first. Since I’m having a BSO I don’t understand why not just remove the uterus at the same time. Nurse said they don’t like to do that but suggested a hysteroscopy or D&C before or after the BSO if I don’t want to do the endometrial biopsy. This seems redundant and I don’t wish to undergo any more anesthesia than necessary. Also the doctor did not note either the hysteroscopy or D&C recommendation on his notes so I’m not sure why she suggested that route. I have a follow up visit at the end of the month. I’m a lousy patient and just want this over. Could the requirement for the biopsy be an insurance issue? Any advice is welcome.

    Hope everyone is staying safe.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    Betrayal, you certainly have had more than your share! The medical system seems to let you down every time you turn around. Sending hugs.

    We too have been happy with USAA for our insurance. I'm sure rates are rising everywhere due to all the weather damages folks have suffered.

    Weather continues to be "out of the norm" everywhere. Cold here too for someone who gave up her winter coat. No golfing for 2 weeks and the scales are starting to show it.

    Sandy, hope all your hard work won't go to waste. Jackie, I've loved so many of your recent quotes. Thanks. I don't get here everyday so I'm sending advance best wishes for rads.

    Stay safe and warm everyone.


  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Harley, any cervix biopsy I have in the future better be with me knocked out. I hope you don’t get put through the wringer and a definite plan gets set.

    Jackie, so good to hear no chemo!

    Betrayal, I don’t know where to begin. I feel so bad for you. The poor medical care, the postponing your knee surgery, and the vacation cancellation.

    It rained here in the very early morning. By time I left for my walk it was already 73 and humid. I think when I got back home it was 77, and I was encased in sweat.

    The dentist yesterday was able to get my Invisalign retainer set up while I waited. It seems at 6 weeks they’ll do a mold for a temporary bridge; a week later he’ll remove the temporary and do the mold for the permanent bridge; put the temp back on. I told him I need something with teeth because I’ll be in Vegas for Adele concert on 3/15; that’s when he told me about temp then perm and the timeline. I said so I won’t have permanent teeth until April? Hey, that’s ok I go back home in May.

    So I called the oral surgeons office to let them know I have the Invisalign retainer with teeth in place where they’ll be pulled from. I asked if they had any sooner appointments and was able to move it up to 1/25. I also was placed on the cancellation list. I know it’s a long long shot, but it would be nice to have the permanent bridge in sooner than later. Hence me trying to move up the teeth being pulled asap.

    Sandy I’m hoping the show goes off without a hitch! Weather, we can only hope for the best & prepare for the worst.

    It rained again hard while we were in the restaurant for dinner with a group. Thankfully it wasn’t raining on our way to or from. A little while ago I could hear it pouring again. They say rain tomorrow too. We may or may not get out to a music festival.

    Snowy weather, stay safe. Rainy weather, stay dry. I’d say sunny, wear sunscreen but I’m not sure any of us are getting truly sunny weather!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Life offers its wisdom generously.  Everything teaches.  Not everyone learns.  Life asks of us the same thing we have been asked in every class:  "Stay awake."  "Pay attention."  But paying attention is no simple matter.  It requires us not to be distracted by expectations, past experiences, labels, and masks.  It asks that we not jump to early conclusions and that we remain open to surprise.

    Rachel Naomi Remen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Good morning. We woke up to a 'white' morning here but only a light coating. If it warms much at all or the sun peeks through for long a lot of it could go away. My overall thought is that winter might actually be here. Despite a few really chilly days we have not had much of winter yet. Be interesting to see just what happens here now. I do think so far though, we haven't had near what has come in years past.

    Nothing special today I don't think. Just keeping warm mainly and my forever list of things to catch up along with the normal must do's.

    Cindy, hope your 'rainy' days don't last too long. Seems like ours are gone — but I'm still waiting for sun. I do have to say the light layer of snow does in fact makes it a much lighter gray out if we must have it. Hope you are able to get that dental issue a bit faster.

    Hope you all have a good day and nice week-end. Hmmm, won't need any sunscreen here.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Wow!! I have been away for a long time! Just read 53 posts. Betrayal and Jackie, I will be praying for you.

    I have been going through an emotional/psychological/spiritual revolution in the past week or so, and getting support elsewhere on the internet and IRL.

    Feeling good, although my knee has been giving me a lot pf pain during the night. Handling it with heating pad and Voltaren. Maybe less walking will help— as winter has come here with a vengeance. Snowed all yesterday. In the past four days, we have had .37 inches of precipitation translated into water. The snow removal guys came last night and cleared the walkway, but it blew mostly shut overnight. And now the temp is going to average around 0deg for the next week.

    I have been wearing thermal underwear under my pants. The rubbing on my incision and kneecap have probably been contributing to the problem. Will try a lidocaine patch taped down and see if it will help.

    I have a mammo and appt with my breast surgeon next week.

    This week I had my feet casted for custom orthotics— my arches are very high, which is almost a given in CP. Thankful that it is very mild.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,815

    Finally got a visiting nurse who was able to gauge extent of problem with wound care. Surgeon changed dressing yesterday in office but was not able to get wound to drain but boy did it drain overnight. Dressing, gown and blanket saturated. So another nurse to come tomorrow and on Monday. Did not receive correct dressings in shipment ordered by intake nurse. No bulk dressings, only gauze which will not contain drainage. So new order to be placed.

    Thanks for your concerns, it helps because this has been very trying experience. Surgeon acknowledged that I was the 1 in a million who doesn't have a smooth path. Recovery time will be about 3 months so I will plan activities around that. Will fall back on Ancestry and maybe dig out painting supplies to fill time.

    I had no choice about getting hernia removed since post-op note revealed it was more involved than expected. It could have been worse if I had waited and gone on cruise.

    DH has been very helpful and tries so hard to ensure I am comfortable. He's not a cook so we have been living on acceptable takeout and frozen meals. No appetite so it doesn't much matter.

    Misty interjects herself in to each nurse visit. She sits on cat tree and watches them. It's so funny. No interference just curiosity. Today she didn't "talk" though.

    For everyone else having medical or personal issues, I wish you quick resolution.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Betrayal, good news that you're receiving better care.

    Chris, glad to have you check in and let us know you're doing ok.

    Jackie, your soft blanket of snow sounds pretty. Snow can turn homely scenes into beauty.

    I'm making navy bean soup and baking a loaf of multigrain bread for dinner. Winter fare. Although today is quite a nice sunny cool day. I went to the supermarket in long pants and a long sleeve shirt with no jacket.

    DH is watching our great nephew play team hockey in Virginia. Technology is amazing. DH's brother, who had the stroke, has moved into a rehab place. We're told he has a long way to go before recovering to his former state of normalcy. He can't walk on his own and his speech is still garbled. Also his vision is not clear. He certainly won't be able to move to the Philippines in April unless a miracle occurs. His kids are dead set against his moving. If he persists, it will probably mean a permanent damage to the relationships.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Chris, it’s good to hear from you!

    Betrayal, so thankful you’re getting better care. My hamstring surgery took months of recovery so I know how hard it is to do “nothing” but heal. Ancestry, and painting can definitely fill some time. As long as you’re healing, that’s all that matters.

    Carole, your soup & bread sound delicious. And I bet make the house smell great too.

    We had rain this morning, newspaper was soaked and I was drizzled on. I sat getting my self ready for the day when my phone had a pop up notification - Spring Training tickets. I jumped up and hustled to get out the door. I truly forgot all about it.

    I got to the stadium, and was fortunate the rain stopped. The box office windows were full waiting on folks but no other line. I was able to grab multiple tickets in the outfield, with “meal deals” (hotdog and a drink). I grabbed 8 different games, and once I was home I discovered I won’t be here for 2 of the games! I took an ad from the newspaper and had marked the games we wanted. But I didn’t cross off when I’d be in Vegas, just pen around the square of the calendar date. 🤷‍♀️

    Partner didn’t want to go when I wasn’t here but at this point, I’m hoping he takes a neighbor with him and gets to enjoy it. I think it will give him something to do when I’m gone, but I didn’t do it intentionally. The more I think about it he may have to leave the one game to pick me up at the airport. Ugh.

    Today being weird weather we decided not to go up to Punta Gorda for music & food. Instead I got the house vacuumed, and then steamed all the tile floors. It turned into a clean the house and catch up day.

    If it were cooler, less humid, and I was more inclined, I’d probably take a walk. But the football game is on now and I’ve lost any ambition. Have a great Saturday!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    It can be tempting to blame others for our loss of direction.  We get lots of information about life but little education in life from parents, teachers, and other authority figures, who should know better from their experience. Information is about facts.  Education is about wisdom and the knowledge of how to love and survive.  But no matter how much advice you get, you are the one who chooses which train to board.  As you pass through life, pay attention to the signs and stations; if you don't like the scenery, pull the emergency cord and get off the train. There is no other conductor in charge.  There is no one who needs to give you permission to transfer.  This is your life. Your journey. Your trip to conduct.

    Bernie Siegel

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Betrayal, no words for what you are going through, but very glad your recent care is getting better. I hate when doctors use "one in a million" phrases, as if that is supposed to make you feel better? I have a feeling you are in for a long road to recovery, likely due to the surgeon, not you! Sending you tons of healing vibes!

    Sending healing vibes to all here who are going through health and life issues!

    I hope all living in subfreezing areas are able to stay warm!

    Cindy, are you a Dolphins fan? I love them but couldn't watch the game due to needing Peacock to view in my area. I heard they lost to the Chiefs, but I am so proud of them as I have been a loyal fan since the mid 1960's, and it is nice to see them win so many games in a season after so many horrible years!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Wonderful to see you back Chris. Worrisome when people are gone for a while. All are missed and a big relief when you make it back. I do hate to hear about the knee and hope you do hit upon a good working solution. I hope your upcoming tests go well.

    Betrayal, you are amazing, and I'm relieved that you seemed to have found with your visiting nurse the hump that needed to b gotten over. Sounds like a real test of patience is coming up, but sure will be a bit easier when those 'humps' are handled competently.

    Carole, it sounds to me like your BIL's possible move may not happen, or at least not on the previous time line. I can't recall what age your BIL is, but I was younger (52 or so) and I'm sure that helped during rehab. It still took quite some time to accomplish.

    We are definitely in winter here. Woke up to -2 below. It is rather amazing to go from easily being comfortable outside to just freezing in the space of a few hours — from rain keeping it warmer to nighttime dropping temps giving us cold and snow. The good part for us here is that while our ground is covered, there is not truly enough to shovel off the deck or even sidewalks. We still are deficient on sunshine even if it peeked out once or twice — clouds remain.

    Dh is having issues with varicose veins. This is something that runs in his family and unfortunately, he is feeling the pain. We will have to see. He has talked to the PCP before and just let it ride. He did fall about a month ago and highly irritated the veins in back of one of his knees. So, he is going to have to start thinking of using mindfulness in many of his activities since he has accumulated a few falls this past yr. I got a dx of un-steady on the feet which I felt was un-earned because I knew my behaviors prior were not well thought out. I was just in a hurry and trying to take short-cuts. Not giving proper consideration in advance. Not sure about Dh, but some thinking and planning while you accomplish your tasks likely will help our greatly. It sure has helped me although I'm much slower than I ever was — but safer.

    Hoping all have a good day, good weather, smooth healing and satisfactory outcomes for whatever you need or want to do.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 354

    Woke up to a beautiful sunny day. Unfortunately it’s also -4 degrees with a wind chill of -25. While I’d love to get outside, I’ll stick to riding the bike in the basement. We ended up with about a foot of snow. Fortunately, the city crews did a great job of clearing the streets and DH has kept the driveway and sidewalk clear.

    Cindy - good luck with the dental work. I could use some of your energy to get my house cleaned.

    Betrayal - what an ordeal. I hope you have gotten over the hump and your health will continue to improve.

    Chris - sorry to hear the knee is causing pain. I hope the Voltaren helps give some relief. I notice that my joints ache more in the cold weather.

    Carole - the soup sounds delicious. Navy bean soup is the perfect winter comfort food.

    Sorry if I’ve missed anyone. Take care.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    If was 53 when I took my walk, and it didn’t really warm up much by time I got home. After I was back inside and settled, it poured. This is what it looked like about 1/3 of my way thru.

    I picked up my pace to avoid being in any rain.

    I was getting Alexa notifications of snow squalls at home, for upstate NY. And sure enough I checked the Ring, saw sun, then some snow, then couldn’t see too much at all, full on snow. My niece did a FaceTime call with me as she was driving and I couldn’t tell where she was due to no visibility.

    Quiet day, we ran to World Market for 75% off Christmas items. I stock up on small gifts for neighbor ladies here. I bought some holiday mugs, with lids (Xmas tree; gingerbread house), and individual hot chocolates (exp 9/25) to put in them. I pass them out after Thanksgiving to jump start the season.

    We’ve got football on again. MM, I’m not truly a Dolphin fan but I’ve see them play live. Much warmer to watch them in person, than NY Giants/Jets/Bills. Dolphins have had a good year, and I rooted for them.

    Harley, the tiles were over due for a steaming. And I reply on the iRobot to vacuum. Best technology, press a button and done. I set it to go off while I’m out on my walk. A neighbor has the one that vacuums & them mops!

    I hope Sandy fared well at the bar show and weather didn’t hinder her.

    Betrayal, I hope you’re relaxing in your recliner, toasty warm and chilling out.

    All the other ladies, hoping you all had a good weekend too.

  • pinkrules
    pinkrules Member Posts: 106

    Hi. Does anyone know if this is a reputable site? I'm 68 years old and currently taking the name brand Arimidex every other day with no side effects, my choice, and was looking for studies on older women supporting this because taking Arimidex every day at our age could possibly be too toxic and cause extreme side effects. This web site seems to support this. Thanks!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Goodness consists not in the outward things we do, but in the inward thing we are. To be good is the great thing. Edwin H. Chapin