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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,816

    Sandy, condolences to you for the loss of your friend. May she have been reunited with her DH and cats.

    Petite1: What a beautiful baby. My grand niece is also named Ava. It's a lovely name and thankfully one easy to learn to spell and write.

    Illinoislady: Glad there was "nothing" in your brain and that radiation treatment is continuous for one week.

    My home care nurse has referred me to a wound care nurse so I will see her on Monday. My dressings are difficult to handle on the days the nurse's don't come. I do not know how someone with no wound care knowledge would be able to handle this. Was told to call office if I am overwhelmed this weekend. Yesterday I went through 2 robes, several towels (used to catch excess drainage) and my blanket. My DH has been running loads of laundry every day. I was supposed to have a repeat CBC this week to see if I am still stable at 10 but there was no way I could go to the outpatient clinic in a robe. Nurse today drew blood for me. This has been a real struggle because I am also very tired. Getting washed up and changing dressing wipe me out. Virtually no appetite so intake low but am using protein supplement recommended by PT. She was scheduled to come today after nurse but canceled.

    It is snowing for the second time this week and it is quite heavy today. DH threw birdseed on the patio so I can watch the birds from the family room. Cats are enjoying tracking them as well.

    Leo, my bedroom cat, has snuck down to family room for the past 2 nights to visit with me. It's the first since 12/28 that he has had contact with me.

    Hope everyone is safe from the cold temps, ice and storms. Have a good weekend.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Personal prayer, it seems to me, is one of the simplest necessities of life, as basic to the individual as sunshine, food and water--and at times, of course, more so. By prayer I mean an effort to get in touch with the Infinite. We know that our prayers are imperfect. Of course they are. We are imperfect human beings. A thousand experiences have convinced me beyond room of doubt that prayer multiplies the strength of the individual and brings within the scope of his capabilities almost any conceivable objective .Dwight D. Eisenhower

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Sandy, bless you for providing your friend what was needed at her life transition. You are a very strong person but never-the-less it is a monumental decision. Your friend chose her help and comfort wisely. Bless both of you.

    Betrayal, my heart goes out to you. I wish there were something all of us here could do. I certainly keep you heavy in my thoughts and very deep hopes that you can suddenly turn the corner on this episode. One in a million did the Dr. say,

    Sure glad you have that supplement. Hopefully it will keep you from excess wt. loss and help somewhat with some energy. Glad too that Leo is seeing after you.

    Some sun today. I spoke too soon though. We lost a lot of the ground cover snow the past couple of days and got it back last night. Don't know if it will warm enough to start the process all over again today or not. Sun seems strong right now but who knows if it will last. If enough clouds roll in I presume we could have a bit more snow.

    A couple of small errands today. I'm trying to keep up a bit more. Have to re-make a telephone appt. with my cardiac rehab dietician. That was the only thing I had going before the rads people called. Need to go to the bank as well and then some bill paying.

    Betrayal, I had forgotten you had a recent Ava too. My cousin named one of her girls Eva and at that point I developed a love of shorter, easier names. I'm not at all fond of the habit the last few years of giving babies four names to deal with. Like Abigail Henrietta Dawn and then the last name. Going to be a lot for a little one to handle.

    I hope you all have a good day. Hi to all. Carole, Chris, Puffin and petite and anyone not yet posting. MM too.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Petite- Ava is a beautiful baby. It’s good to laugh with your group, even if it ends in tears.

    Reader, as much rain as we’ve had in SWFL, I remind myself it isn’t snow.

    Carole, glad your water pump is back working and I hope it won’t freeze up again. Names- the worst time had was with contractors from India. I’d apologize in advance, I don’t know where emphasis goes, not a clue how to pronounce the name. A lot of contractors went by an American name, just to make it easier on us.

    Jackie, great news on the brain MRI! Made me giggle too, nothing there. With names, I had a cousin change the spelling of her name, no idea why. Rads, hoping they don’t tire you out, but glad it’s 5 days and done.

    Sandy, condolences on the loss of your friend. You went the extra mile for her during your own chaos of life. It’s nice friends were able to say their goodbyes. The show went on and sounds like it was a success. Good luck with the shot, may you have no SE.

    Harley, 3 weeks of clothes, and the temperature flux, I know I’d need more luggage than you! It sounds like a great trip.

    Betrayal, it’s fortunate you know what to do for wound care. I think others would end up back at the hospital. How sweet your kitty had to come check on you, to see that you’re ok. I’m hoping the wound care nurse can get you on the mend.

    MM, Chris, Puffin and anyone else I’ve missed, wishing good things for all.

    We had a sunny Wednesday but windy. Thursday cooler, no sun, but humid. Partner had a derm appointment early. I didn’t sleep well the night before so I was exhausted. I took my walk after we came home, and had to peel my damp clothes off when I got in. A wave of exhaustion hit and we both took a nap. For me 45 mins, for partner - he slept 2.5 hours!

    Rain today, not too hot, no sun. (on repeat in my head, it’s not snow) If the weather clears tonight we might go to the Music Walk in downtown. Only hitch is if we want to pay $20 to park. I could be talked in or out of going.

    Tomorrow we’re heading to the Immokalee casino for a Rockabilly festival. Music, car & motorcycle show, food & craft vendors, contests, and the casino. No rain predicted but a high of 63 will require us to dress warm & bring a throw or blanket - you bring your own chair to sit outside. I agreed to go, but I said as the sun sets I will leave too.

    My guilty pleasure, Y&R, is on. I’ll get to watch live vs DVR. Later!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Thank you all so much for your condolences. The real hard work has been done by her best buddies (who were friends for 10 years before I met her, were her business partners, and neighbors who urged her to leave Chicago and move to their idyllic subdivision in Minkooka). I hadn't seen her since we stayed with her in June when we played a festival in nearby Morris. I wish I'd kept in better touch, but she did have a good social life with those friends, her fossil-collecting group and the literary societies at which she spoke and for which she wrote—she was one of the country's foremost experts on Edgar Rice Burroughs. She was also a dedicated science fiction fan, although she stopped attending the "cons" over a decade ago.

    Her friends down in Minooka have already contacted the funeral home for cremation and a probate lawyer who practices in Grundy County (I haven't practiced law since 2012, nor probate since 2010). She didn't want a funeral or wake—in fact, her wish was for her urn (or other container) to be placed in her beloved Dodge Super Bee, which she showed at antique car rallies and sometimes even raced. I keep getting contacted by the Advocate Christ chaplains and now social worker, They are offering me a year of grief counseling—but I should include our small circle of mutual friends who have all known her since 1980, from when we would all gather at the Barbarossa (the long-since-closed folk bar where her late husband would hang out and good-naturedly heckle those of us who performed there). Bob & I can pretty much trace all of our friends back to that circle, his fellow residents from his UIC days—including our late family doc who was his Chief Resident—and his current & recently-retired colleagues (one of whom has a son who was Gordy's classmate from grades 1-12 and officiated at his wedding). I can't help but think back to Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle, which posited the concepts of "granfaloon" and "karass"—the latter being the true members of one's life circle.

    Petite, Ava is not just adorable but beautiful. Mazel tov.

    Betrayal, I can't imagine what a nightmare you're going through. Have they discussed a "wound vac," which might help with accelerating drainage & speed healing? IIRC, Cathy (aka mustlovepoodles) was going through something similar back in 2016.

    Harley, we got a bit less snow by the lake than you did in the northern Fox Valley, but still enough to be a PITA. We're on a side street 1/4 bl. in from a major arterial—the latter has been plowed and salted, but not our street. Our previous Alderman had enough clout to get that done; but he retired and his equally-connected anointed successor was defeated in a runoff by someone who looked great on paper (especially to young progressives): checked all the right ideological and identity boxes; but is a political newbie who is clueless and powerless and never articulated how she would propose to implement her policies. (It gets old saying "we told you so").

    If we get through the next wave of snow and brief plunge back into the deep-freeze, our next weather adventure will be freezing rain on Monday and rain-over-snow/ice on Tuesday…so much for going out for my birthday that night. Considering finding the fanciest place that will deliver. Tuesday's weather will lead to flooding, because the ground is frozen too hard to absorb meltwater.

    Friction-irritation on my R foot is definitely due to the shearling rubbing along the side: it appeared healed this a.m. but w/in 10 min. of putting on my UGG slippers the redness reappeared. Put a little silver gel and then a large nonstick pad bandage on it so I can wear something on my feet tonight when I accompany Bob to Men's Wearhouse to buy a new suit for Feb. 3's Crystal Heart Ball. (If my outfit from Gordy's wedding doesn't fit, I can revisit my older larger ones—which almost nobody has seen me wear in nearly a decade).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    The irritation on my foot is not a wool allergy, otherwise both feet would be irritated or inflamed.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Beautiful Perspective: As to the kindness you mention, I wish I could have been of more service to you than I have been, but if I had, the only thanks that I should desire are that you would always be ready to serve any other person that may need your assistance, and so let good offices go around, for humankind are all of a family. As for my own part, when I am employed in serving others, I do not look upon myself as conferring favors but paying debts. Benjamin Franklin

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    I'm so thankful this morning for gorgeous bright sun. We won't warm up, but it will be nice and bright and that always puts a smile on my face. It is early but just feels like a 'grateful' day today.

    Harley, I feel for you and the packing. All I really know (and never followed afterward) was that in the service we rolled a lot of our clothing and boy did that create a whole lot more room. It doesn't seem like it would, but it sure made a huge difference. Wonderful to get away during this kind of weather.

    Sandy, I hope you are able to get ahead of your foot irritations. I am reminded — it's always something, huh!! Just when we are ready to move on, bam. Well, I do hope you can find a nice meal to order in because the weather sounds pretty awful.

    Cindy in Fl, I'm saying the same thing almost since so far this winter season we haven't had any real snow to speak of since it is only a very thin layer on top of the ground twice. It is hard to believe but I'm knocking on wood now hoping this will in fact, be it. You never quite know here though. One yr. in the first week of April we got 14 inches in one day. True it was rapidly melting the next day, but it can get "odd" here from time to time.

    I hope you all have a really good Sat. and wonderful weekend.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited January 21

    Back again. Prayers for all. Sandy, happy that the bar show went well!!

    Had an appointment for mammo and visit with PA this week, but my driver was sick and the agency didn't have any other drivers available. Cancelled and rescheduled. I have a red spot around my incision, fading and turning brownish now. Probably an inflamed stitch, I have a lot on my knee.

    Thought I was going to have to get a new phone. Wouldn't charge. Left it overnight because the message said it was moisture— let it dry. Nope. Tried various cables. Nope. Was headed for Amazon, when I suddenly had an idea. Moved the cable from my hearing-impaired doorbell/phone ringer/alarm clock gizmo to my charging station. VOILA! Wonder about the quality of that expensive thingy. Hopefully it works for the other stuff.

    -10 for our first walk this morning. Temps are going up, and hovering around freezing for as far out as they are predicting.

    There is a burning sensation on my knee, I think it is a stretching of stuff adjusting to me walking more normally.

    I ordered elastic shoelaces for my nine-hole laceup boots. Hopefully this will give me more allowance for fat calves. And warmer feet. Except I still don't think I will be able to wear them with my snowpants.

    Tippy is sun-bathing.

    Back to quilting. Maybe make a pistachio cake this afternoon. Cooking garbanzos from dry for hummus. Still not soft enough. Will whirl them in my new food processer and put them back to cooking.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Still holing up indoors due to the brutal cold weather, catching up online, and watching stuff I DVR'ed in order to free up space on its hard drive now that the writers' & actors' strikes are over and new episodes are airing once again.

    Interesting to go from "food noise" to "food indifference." (Not the anorexia i had during my Nov. flu). My mouth still waters as I prepare my (much smaller) meals but I don't crave anything nor go back for second helpings.

    Got an unpleasant surprise yesterday from my singing partner in Madison—he is the booker for Wild Hog coffeehouse, and a few months ago had booked us into a slot in mid-Feb. Called to say he'd goofed and double-booked the date…and there's nothing free till the fall. We don't tour any more, as he has a fulltime day job and his wife has fibromyalgia. So the ball is in my court now for finding gigs in the Chicago/southern WI area. Too many performers chasing too few venues—gonna be a challenge even at the places we used to play that are still standing. I don't feel comfy performing solo any more.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    The great lesson from the true mystics is that the sacred
    is in the ordinary, that it is to be found in one's daily life,
    in one's neighbors, friends, and family, in one's backyard.

    Abraham H. Maslow

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Glorious sun out again this morning. What a joy in the morning. Nothing special today. It is going to warm quite a bit if the weatherman/girl was right. It will take most of our recent mild amt. of ground cover snow.

    May venture out to Goodwill — just because we have skipped it during the really cold weather of the past couple of weeks. I love (sort of) coming home from there empty handed. Some things though are just too difficult to pass up. I still enjoy so much the over-sized covered sugar bowl I got one day and as well the over-sized salt and pepper shakers. It annoyed me for years having to fill much smaller salt and pepper shakers as well as a small (all were actually what was considered normal size) sugar bowl. Often, I am amazed at some of the items that turn up.

    I almost hate to admit it but sometimes it is just as much fun to look and see what is a "find" to others as what you discover for yourself.

    Likely a small side-trip to Walmart since it is pretty much across the street from Good Will. We are out of milk. Seems we are almost always out of something. We are almost sure we keep Walmart in business. I would imagine many people here see it that way too. I so wish we still had a K-Mart. I think there are no more at all. Our shopping center (strip mall) is pretty old now and subsequent ownerships have not brought any real improvements. Some of the stores are not rented as they do not wish to fish the roof issues, and the entrances and parking lots have several holes and open cracks along with some sunken areas.

    Guess that is why we stay more of a retirement community. Okay with me, but I do hope we can interest a few more stores and business to locate back in town where they all use to be.

    Hope you all have a good Sunday.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302
    edited January 21

    Yesterday we made it down to the casino for the Rockabilly music festival. Beautiful sun but cooler. We were in jeans. I did get color on my face & arms from the sun. During a music break I ran in to play the slots. I was down to about $11 (from $40) when I hit; cash out $70. Not a lot in gamblers terms but paid me $30 to play. As the sun set we left, temperatures were dropping quickly. We were home before 9.

    This morning I went out to get the newspaper and it was 51. It’s almost noon and we just hit 60. House thermostat says it’s 68 inside. That’s the temp we set in NY with heat, so we’re fine.

    Running to Big Lots, friends & family 20% off, to stock up on paper products and laundry products. Once back home I’ll make some pigs in a blanket to eat as we watch the football games. Warm the house up too. Then a pork loin for dinner, I grill that so no extra warmth inside.

    That’s it for today. Tomorrow I’m calling the oral surgeon to ask for a Xanax melt away to take in the parking lot before my extractions. It worked well for me when I had the needle in my neck procedure. I hope she gives it to me.

    Everyone have a great Sunday!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    In your pocket for your dentistry, Cindy!

    We're above zero (22F) but not expected to go above 32 till tomorrow aft. rush hour, when we'll have freezing rain well into Tues. Wish I could get Bob to stay home, but he's already stir crazy with the weekend off (without me being able to go out) and refuses to take weather days off unless the clinic is closed. Already expecting HK to take tomorrow off (no big deal w/o litterboxes & cat feedings/medicating to do), as well as perhaps Tues, which is my 73d birthday. Probably have to postpone celebratory dinner till Wed., when there'll be just rain (and hopefully, no flooding from sudden thaw). And that dinner will have to be minimal portions.

    More drug-related stuff: CVS texted me to say my olmesartan is out of stock and I'll have to wait 2 more days before calling them. Bob may have to write me a 'script for a different ARB or give me a short-term stopgap one to fill at a Walgreen's…out-of-pocket, since my insurance won't cover it because it'd be "duplicative." Currently, it's on auto-refill, prescribed by my PCP…but an auto-refill is useless without anything in stock to refill. I am soooo tired of "out-of stocks:" it'll be the fourth one in as many months.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Sandy (because I'm just that way), I'm sitting here wondering about your CVS. Ours closed here and I don't recall the rather lame (I thought) reason. Is your CVS that busy or is the order person unable to actually order the quantities the store seems to need.

    I also thought — if you have had this happen this much, how many others are suffering the same fate. Just looks like something is out of whack. Then again, I know little to nothing about pharmacies. I've never had your issue happen to me or to anyone I know.

    Hoping you can enjoy your Wed. dinner for your birthday.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    Wishing everyone a good week.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    The CVS in our area is crazy busy with prescription business. We occasionally get a prescription filled there but mainly use the Sam's Club pharmacy where the service is very good. Only drawback is that it's closed on Sunday but not a big problem for us. We usually combine a prescription pick up with buying a few items on the list. It's amazing how much we spend at Sam's saving money! I do love the app checkout.

    Yay, it isn't freezing this morning! No water dripping in the sink last night. No yay on a rainy week ahead but weather is what it is.

    The dead trees have been cut down and hauled away. Now we're looking for a plumber to correct a problem with our septic tank drainage field. Plus we have to call about a problem with the in house generator whose green light turned to red. The expense of being a home owner.

    Hoping everyone has a good Monday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    With every thought, feeling, word, and action of today, I shape the memories of tomorrow. So I give my attention to God and to making today the best day ever. If sad memories do creep in today, I bathe them in the light of love so that they fade away. Many experiences have brought me to where I am right now. I am free to release everything to God and live today fully, joyously, and creatively. I see myself and all others as God created us to be—spiritual beings that remain whole and holy.  -unattributed

  • pinkrules
    pinkrules Member Posts: 106

    Thank you everyone for your comments to my post. For some reason I'm not getting notifications in email about the comments. I was before. Maybe a moderater can help. Anyway, thank you again. My oncologist wants me to take Arimidex every day but I'm doing so well every other day I'm afraid to take it daily due to side affects. I had originally refused to take anything and she was willing to keep monitoring me. But then I decided to try the name brand Arimidex. Generic caused awful side effects on day one. The pharmacist said every other day instead of nothing at all is still beneficial. My appointment is in a few weeks and the breast MRI. I started weight lifting and exercising for healthy bone density although I do have "soft" bones. In keeping up with the weather topics's been too cold to walk out side. 20 degrees this morning. We love hiking on the nearby mountain and geocaching. My grandkids are coming here after school for dinner. I'm making goulash. Yummy! By the way, I love my air fryer! It's so convenient to heat up food, etc. Stay warm!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Carole, I am with you on that home ownership. We barely keep up. Still, I know life is better, if not always the easiest, to be in our own house. It is a huge bonus that our adult kids (daughter and son-in-law) chose to live with us. They both work so some things have to be on a to-do list, but we do finally get to them.

    My appt. for today was cancelled and I will have to call in to re-make it. The Dr. drives in everyday from across the river (St. Louis, Missouri)) and no way with last night's ice storm could she drive that far. Over an hr.'s drive on ice just wasn't even thinkable. There is ice here too. SIL drove daughter to work this morning. She starts at 5:30 a.m. I really wondered if either would go to work, but SIL tackles all sorts of conditions so got daughter to work and has just now left to go to his job.

    I will go tomorrow and likely have today's appt. added on to the end. Hopefully the icy conditions won't prevail that long. My computer says it is 33 and we could have some light snow. I can see drops of melted water coming off the roof.

    Hope you all will have safe conditions if you must be out. Good results if you have tests or any medical issues. Happy Monday.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,816

    Saw wound nurse today who was upset by what she was seeing and why I wasn't receiving daily wound care by VN. She called surgeon's office with her report and recommended I be seen earlier than Friday. Will see surgeon tomorrow. New dressings ordered since the ones I have been using are not working well and I have had to be creative with bath towels and safety pins to contain excess drainage. The wound specialist asked why I was not being seen daily and I had no real answer except to say I was told every other day. Will now be on daily schedule.

    This is week 3 of dealing with this and I need solutions that work. Hopefully surgeon will be open to what wound specialist opined and not insist this is going to heal well with doing what we are currently doing. Wound is undermined and I know that more than packing is needed for healing this. If the exterior heals faster than interior I am at higher risk of developing an abscess or infection. Tired of being a prisoner to my wound.

    Cindy, hope your dental issues resolve. Illinoislady, hope radiation was kind to you and for anyone else having medical problems, I hope they soon resolve.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,301

    Carole - I love your Sam's comment. I have a Costco card and it's amazing how much money I can spend "saving" money.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Betrayal, I had been thinking about you. I'm so glad to hear you will get wound care daily now. No one ever seems to have needed it more. Hopefully the surgeon will see things in a more positive light that benefits you in a much more helpful strong way. You are so right — this is a long time for improvements to actually start. It sounds to me like your still at first day home almost. That is not at all good. Fingers crossed, prayers being said and sending hope and healing vibes I hope in sufficient quantity.

    I didn't go to rads today. We rescheduled day one to start tomorrow. I hope it doesn't freeze overnight again. My Dr. could not get here as she drives over every day to work from St. Louis, Mo area. About 75 -85 miles. Couldn't even think of starting out in today's icy conditions. So we will try again till we actually are able to do it. I just checked — it's 9:28 p.m. and still raining quite steadily. I'm crossing my fingers now.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Betrayal, I’m glad someone is finally saying the wound care you’ve been getting isn’t enough. Fingers crossed this new protocol of daily care does the trick.

    Cool day today (for SWFL), I was able to get out walking. I needed a light fleece, which ends up wrapped around my waist.

    My mail brought me a Medicare package from my NYS retiree health insurance. I need to sign up for parts A & B, my NYS carrier covers the rest. I believe I’ve got to apply by March 1st. But that’s just from reading 2 letters, I still have the booklet to read through.

    Also in the mail were new insurance cards for the cars. When I went to put mine in the Impala I noticed my NYS registration expires 2/4. Usually I get emailed a notice. So I went online and paid that. I may be jumping the gun, I think it expires at the end of February and the 2/4 date may be when I did it last year! I don’t know. When I’m stressed I jump on paying things to get them out of the way.

    I jumped in the shower tonight and before I knew it I was washing my hair. I just washed it last night, and try for every other day. My roots need dying. I’m going a shade lighter to see if it helps spread out how often it needs doing. I’ve noticed when it’s darker, white roots show up as a BIG contrast. LOL Sun bleached here.

    Our temps seem to be going back up into the 80’s by the weekend. And then back down into the 60’s by next Monday. As long as the rain holds off I’m ok with the swings low/high/low. Again, it’s not snow or ice, so I’ll be fine.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Betrayal, I hope you get the wound care you should be getting. Your current status seems very worrisome.

    The plumber came yesterday. A very nice young man who tried his best to solve our problem. Instead he did some helpful troubleshooting and recommended bringing in a septic tank company. So a check written to him and the problem still unsolved. A septic tank man is supposed to come today. Meanwhile we're having light rain. But the temperature outside is 62 degrees. That's helpful.

    I'm much busier than usual this week. Lunch with women friends today, medical appointment tomorrow, hair cut and color on Thursday.

    Hope today goes well for everyone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    There are no secrets of success. Success is doing thethings you know you should do. Success is not doing the things you know you shouldn’t do. Success is not limited to any one area of your life. It encompasses all the facets of your relationships: as parent, as wife or husband, as citizen, neighbor, worker and all of the others. Success is not confined to any one part of your personality but is related to the development of all the parts: body, mind, heart and spirit. It is making the most of your total self. Wilferd A. Peterson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    It is as gray as can be but still raining this morning and 42 degrees. I'm thrilled there is no ice and I can keep my appt. to start my week of radiation. I have few plans, because I just wanted to get this started and then move on into hopefully a quieter phase with having to have a few less medical appts.

    Carole, I guess I'm glad that your first plumber admitted he was over his head, even though he needed to be paid, so that you could get someone else. My thought would be — will you get the right info from the SEPTIC company and not a sales pitch for major changes. Hopefully the first plumber could give you enough information so you can determine the viability of another dx. on the issue.

    Cindy we too have our new car Ins. cards coming through the mail. I always send the notice that we get to Dh who then can print out the cards we need. This time it didn't work. Not sure what Dh did or if there really was some 'change' in the process. Well, we will be getting the cards so all should end just fine.

    Betrayal — still full of hope and prayers that you get competent help and care so you can properly mend and fully heal w/o major stress.

    Hope you all have a really good day, decent weather, few problems and good healing or test results.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I'm a record keeper. I looked up the receipt for the installation of the sewer system back in 2004. DH was right and I was wrong about how old the system is. I said 10 years. He said 20. The company is still in business. DH called and asked for someone to come and give us an estimate. Meanwhile we will get an estimate from the company that came today. We know their ballpark figure which is higher than any price we anticipated. Basically they say to redo the whole septic field.

    I should get myself motivated to do our federal tax return because I always withhold too much and get a refund which can go toward homeowners' bills.

    Enough grumbling. On the Count Your Blessings front, I went out to lunch today with three oldies golf friends and had a delicious shrimp remoulade salad. The remoulade sauce was sooooo good.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Carole, good luck with your septic. It’s easy to forget how long we’ve had things - your 10 yrs vs DH 20 yrs. With 2 houses I barely remember, but down here I keep a binder with details. Up north, 40 years in, I have some records and not others. I was employed vs here retired.

    It’s hot & humid here today, 83 with full overcast. I didn’t get out to walk and doubt I will later either, hot & humid even in the dark.

    Today I'm going to cook up a bunch of chicken leg & thighs, a tenderloin of pork, and just planning to have things in the house. Teeth come out tomorrow morning. I’ve got 4 scripts to pick up today to be ready. I called the pharmacy about the Xanax and the computer read me off 3 others. Ok then. LOL I’ll be glad when it’s over and I’m healing up.

    Enjoy your day, I’ve got to get cooking.