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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    When we recognize that nothing has to go right for us to be happy, that people do not have to behave for us to love them, our walk home can be surprisingly simple. We have enormous power not to manipulate the world, but to be happy and know peace.   -Hugh Prather

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Best outcome with the surgery, Cindy.

    We had a deluge here today. I don't know how many inches but I would guess 3 to 4. And more rain tomorrow. It was so warm and muggy that I turned on the a/c in the car on my way home from the gym.

    I had to cancel a 2:15 medical appointment. Tomorrow I have an 11 am hair appointment. If the rain is torrential when it's time to go, like today, I'll have to cancel it, too, but I'll wait and see.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Just wow!! Yesterday was a really drippy day and I had visions of (gasp) another overnight freeze. Didn't happen. In fact, it is still 50 degrees here and with all the moisture we have had — that which came down and that which is now in the air is giving us lots of fog. Who knows about tomorrow.

    I didn't mention it, but yesterday (first rad treatment) was a bit awful. I think I mentioned the form they make for your upper body. It is from the head to just above the legs. Well, that is formed and hard when you first use it. Apparently if you aren't positioned really well parts of it can really hurt. I had to have them stop after the first full rotation (I think about 15 mins.) and reposition me. I was groaning with arm pain. You have to hold your arms up above your head and I came close to not hanging on long enough to get through that first rotation.

    Today was still painful but much better. I was able to get through the whole 45 mins. and no break. Two more left this week, and one on Monday. I'm really glad there was this option for me rather than trying to survive surgery. It is a little hard to do and I think having to use that "molded form" is likely to always cause discomforts but having gotten thru today is my spirit booster. It can be done.

    Surprised that few are posting right now. Hope everyone is okay. Cindy, I sure hope all goes well with your dental work tomorrow. Smart move to cook in advance. Mashed potatoes are nice for that. To reheat they just go in a nice sized oven dish and re-heat when wanted. Also some favorite sides and easy to fix could be peas and stewed tomatoes. They don't take long to heat either on stove or microwave.

    Okay — I do hope you are all okay and had a good day. Thinking of you Betrayal.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 355

    Jackie - thank you for the lovely quote. It’s a good reminder that we can only control our actions and responses. Trying to control others is a sure recipe for disaster and ruining relationships. Sorry to hear the first rad session was rough. 45 minutes is a long time to be in such an awkward position. Thinking of you for the remaining 3 sessions.

    Betrayal - good that they have upped the wound care treatment. Hopefully this will put you back on the path to recovery

    Carole - Ugh on the septic problems. Has the rain caused further issues?

    Cindy - thinking of you and wishing for a quick dental procedure and smooth recovery.

    Weather here is in the mid 30’s and is creating fog as the snow melts in the warmer temps. I’d love to get out for a hike in a local park, but conditions are still too slippery. Hopefully next week will bring weather suitable for hiking.

    My volunteer ride this week was to take a lovely woman to her local food pantry (not the one where I work). The food pantries in my county are run by local churches and each has their own policies and processes. She did receive quite a bit of food that was badly needed, however, she said the process was degrading. I can understand her sentiment. This pantry is smaller than mine and has fewer volunteers so only 1 person is allowed to check in at a time. They must stand outside regardless of weather or their health to check in and get a number. She was #3 in line to check in which took 25 minutes from the time we arrived. Then she could choose produce but the meat and other food items are packed by a volunteer. We were there for over an hour total before so had her full allotment of food and much of the time she was standing outside in the cold and damp so she did ‘t miss her turn. I’m hesitant to criticize this pantry as I don’t know what goes on behind the scenes however, I prefer the process where I volunteer - the guests stay in their car, check in, get a number from a volunteer and fill out a grocery list. The volunteers ‘shop’ and pack the food as there isn’t enough room in our facility to accommodate 100-150 families shopping. It does mean they have less choice in their food, although we typically chat with the guests to get an idea what is needed.

    Feeling a bit under the weather - probably due to lack of outdoor exercise (still going to the gym at least 2x/week and riding the exercise bike at home), a slight cold, upset stomach and nervousness about the endometrial biopsy next week.

    Take care to all.

  • sheila64_
    sheila64_ Member Posts: 13

    I’ve been reading loads of posts. I’m 64 dx on 7th of Dec. R breast grade 3 tumour 2.8 cm. ER positive HERS negative progest weak positive. I’ve had two surgeries first breast conserving although I’d of been happy to lose it altogether really. Second surgery yesterday as first surgery one of the margins wasn’t as clear as the surgeon would have liked. Now waiting on Oncotype test to happen.

    I forgot to add I’m from Australia and I stumbled to your site and have found some solace in it😊

    in Australia we have to pay upfront $5000 for the Oncotype testing but I decided to do it hoping it helps with chemotherapy decision as I’m told I’m “ on the line”

    I know I need Radiotherapy though. Such a waiting game really.

    you all sound so cold here in Australia we are in the throes of a heatwave up into the high 30s and mid 40s Celsius that is…in some place like where I live it’s about 38 Celsius today. I live about 250 miles from Sydney in a small town.

    hope to keep talking to you all.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,547

    Welcome, @sheila64_! We're so glad you're here, although we're so sorry for the reason that you brought you to our community. Support is so incredibly important, and we hope our community here can be that for you!

    Also, we want to let you know we offer very supportive, moderated Virtual Community Meetups. There are a number of different groups and times, so if you're interested, please check them out here: Virtual Community Meetups.

    We’re here for you,

    The Mods

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Sheila WELCOME. As all will be we are glad you found us but sorry we were needed. I'm sure others with more knowledge will come on and speak to you as well. My dx. was long ago (back in 2007) and I think a lot may have changed.

    I hope you will continue to use the sites you find here as well as this one. We truly care about each other and talk about many things — not only disease and treatments. I think it is a help to share the normal daily things that happen to us whether we are sick or well.

    I try to leave a nice quote every day hoping it will be something of an inspiration, or a realization, or just feel like something needed at the time.

    Do come back often and wishing you well in your journey.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Jackie, your rads journey although short, sounds trying. But like you said, no surgery. 2 down, 3 to go, we’ll be in your pocket. HUGS

    Harley, seeing how other pantries work, I’m sure it makes you appreciate where you volunteer. For your endometrial biopsy I’m wondering if you could get Xanax, like they gave me for anxiety of my teeth extractions. I’ll only take it before the appointment and done. (the script has 4 pills)

    Sheila, welcome to the club none of us wanted to join. Oncotype cost is a lot! I’m glad I wasn’t presented with a $5,000 decision back when life was so chaotic. Onco scores have come a long way since I had it in 2017. Much more accuracy, less gray areas. As for waiting, I think those of us with BC are surrounded by a waiting game. Hurry up and wait. You mentioned rads, there are rads groups here too. It’s like walking through the storm with friends, great support.

    Carole, I hope all your rain didn’t mess further with your septic. And I hope you don’t have to cancel your hair appointment. It’s a bit of pampering worth getting out to.

    My alarm is set for 7, my meds are all in my purse, and I’m heading to bed.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    @Shella64 Welcome!!! Oncotype is great but wow, I couldn't afford to pay that much for it. If it stops you from having chemo, it will be worth the money for sure!

    Oh my, where to begin?

    Cindy, thoughts of you today as you go for your dental work. Sending good dental vibes!

    Jackie, wow, your radiation brought flashbacks to my 2003 radiation nightmare! Sounds way different than what I had, but I can totally relate to the positioning pain. I can't imagine 45 mins of that, even for a few times. Honestly, I couldn't go through radiation again. My heart goes out to you and I can't wait to hear you are done with this! Sending tons of healing vibes your way!

    Betrayal, hope you are continuing to improve and the draining is less! I am also sending you tons of healing vibes!

    Harley, you are such a wonderful person and your pantry volunteering is inspiring! I am so sorry that the woman you drove felt so shamed. Sometimes our society really lacks compassion! When I was growing up it was largely felt that homelessness or needs of food were due to lazy people. Of course we know that is so far from the truth, especially in todays world! Your community is so lucky to have you! Thank you for all you do for others!

    Cardplayer, wondering where you have been, if you even visit here anymore. You too did so much volunteer work, a true contributor to your community! Miss you!

    Carole, I too hope your sewer issues are resolved. Doesn't sound like rain helps that. Thinking of you and crossing fingers you can get your hair done today. My hair appointments are often the best medicine I can get! I love the atmosphere at the salon I go to, everyone is super nice and I feel like all my troubles are gone when I am there. I often told my hairdresser than I would cancel a doctor appt before canceling my appointment with her!

    Sandy, hope things are going well for you! So glad your shows went well in spite of the weather.

    I can't wait for January to end! It snowed twice last week which required shoveling. Last Thursday I tested positive for Covid. I actually think I started feeling under the weather on Wed, but didn't think to test. First time I ever had it. I called my doctor who ordered Paxlovid. I hated the taste of it but took it the five days. Not sure I needed it but will never know. My only symptoms were a fever which only lasted one day and being extra tired. Really, if not for the fever, I wouldn't have tested. Good thing I did because I was supposed to see my MO yesterday and of course I canceled and rescheduled for the last day in February. I would have masked, but I can't think of a worst place to go if positive with Covid than an oncology office, with so many patients with compromised immune systems. I will definitely mask there when I have my visit even though I won't be positive then.

    Covid was due to my DD and grandkiddo's visit on MLK day! DD, SIL and GS all tested positive on Thursday. They only tested because I tested positive, they had very mild cases. Thankfully my DH tested negative and is still testing negative. I tested negative now and will repeat test in a few days but will still mask if I go to a store, at least for the next few days.

    I did have to cancel my hair appointment, but made a new one first week of Feb. While Covid disrupted a lot of plans, I am super thankful that it was just an inconvenience! I feel so bad for all of you here who are going though truly rough medical issues!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Welcome, Sheila.

    Thanks for all the sympathy on the septic problem.

    So far it isn't raining this morning. If the rain holds off a while I will go to my hair appointment.

    Sorry for your discomfort during the treatment, Jackie.

    Hope today goes well for everyone.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,816

    Sheila, welcome to the club no one wants to join but we welcome all new members with ((hugs)). The support offered here is wonderful.

    Cindy, hope all goes well with your teeth and your discomfort is minimal.

    Carol, hope your septic system issues can be fixed easily.

    Illinoislady, it saddened me to hear how grueling your radiation treatments have been. How do you distract yourself for that amount of time? Do they play music for you?

    Harley, that experience does sound demeaning and I feel for those who are using food banks.

    I have an appointment with my surgeon tomorrow hopefully for the application of the wound drainage system. When the visiting nurse removed my dressing yesterday she was met with a torrent of drainage which she had to work hard to contain. She has had other episodes like this but not the volume. She won't be back until Saturday so I am on my own with a new dressing that I am not sure I can apply myself. It does leak after about 6 hours so I need to add additional packing or towels. This is nearing the end of week 3 with constant drainage and I am over it. Fingers crossed the wound vac will take care of the drainage and I can start to resume a normal life.

    The snow is just about gone and it was very foggy yesterday. It is supposed to be warm again today but it is a gray day.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Now, I experience the love in everyone. I no longer am a person who judges others for being overweight, for being too young or too old, for having their hair a certain way, or for how they dress. When you judge others, you don’t define them, you define yourself as someone who needs to judge and compartmentalize people. My goal is to experience unconditional love and acceptance and joy for everyone, even those who are behaving in ways that I find difficult to accept.    -Wayne Dyer

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Good Morning. It is once again another near tulie fog day here. At least when I got up. In case there are questions about 'tulie' fog, that is the kind that pretty much comes all the way down to the ground and disallows seeing more than about a half a foot in front of you. I think this is due to all the moisture in the air and the warm temps. It has backed off a bit now and likely no issue by time to go for rads.

    I am grateful for having you all in my pocket while I go do these rad visits. It means a lot to me to not have to "go" alone. If positioned well it is tolerable. When we actually start, I think about picking out a cloud to sit on as I think of all the things that make me happy and that have been a tremendous comfort for me in ANY tough times. It passes time really well if I spend time counting my blessings since one good thought seems to lead to another.

    Saying hi to Sheila this morning as well as being glad to hear from you Betrayal. I'm so full of hope that you can get that pump and get a lot more hope and help with your healing.

    Cindy, hugs to you as well. Hope you do fine during your dental procedures.

    Carole, hope you can find a good solution to your septic issues. Glad you are not getting massive rain so that at least some parts of your problem will be tolerable.

    Harley — I too, feel for that woman who feels demeaned by having to have help. It is hard for many to have to hold out a hand for something. I'm glad it was you who gave her a ride. I'm sure you likely helped her feel her discomforts about it a little less and that surely was a blessing for her.

    Hoping Sandy, and those who don't post as much have a good day. Chris, Puffin, Cardplayer and anyone else.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 355

    Sheila - welcome! I’m sorry you have reason to be here, but we are happy to welcome you.

    MM - good to hear from you, but sorry to hear you have Covid. And thank you for doing the responsible thing and rescheduling your MO visit.

    Cindy - thanks for the Xanax suggestion. I’m driving myself to the appointment as I have with the other biopsy appointments so I don’t think I can take Xanax and make the 45 minute drive home on Chicago’s tollways. I could ask DH to drive me but as much as I love him, I get more anxious at medical appointments if he is present. I’ll likely take my chances with the discomfort.

    Betrayal- continuing thoughts and prayers that the wound drainage system works it’s magic and you can get on with life.

    Jackie -hang in there! We are rooting for you.

    A gray, foggy day in my part of the world. DH and I went out to lunch and then I headed to the gym for a workout. Tomorrow is the day I volunteer at the food pantry. I get more out of volunteering than I give so I’m fortunate to have these opportunities.

    Have a good weekend to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    The surface of life is also in a state of constant flux, with good days and bad, victory and defeat. To maintain, as the ocean does, a deep inner calm, while the storms of misfortune, reverses, fears and worries lash at the surface of life, is to discover the secret of serenity.
    Years ago, when Thomas Edison's factory burned down, he wasted no time bemoaning his fate.  Immediately after the disaster the reporters found a calm, quiet man already at work on plans for a new building.
    When Emerson's home was destroyed by fire and his precious books were being reduced to ashes, Louisa May Alcott came to console him. The great philosopher said, "Yes, yes, Louisa, they are all gone, but let us enjoy the blaze now.  Isn't it beautiful!"
    Some people are ocean personalities.  In their inner depths they are not defeated by what happens to them.
    The towering waves of circumstances cannot reach us when we go deep within to seek the peace that passes all understanding.  While the surface of life is in turmoil we can find an inner calmness to see us through.

    Wilferd A. Peterson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    About 40 degrees and not much fog. While the weather is not so bad I am missing the sun that cheers and inspires me. Well, one of these days.

    Yesterday went really well. I got settled on the table and started thinking of all my furry friends, present as well as those in the past. I was truly deep into it and enjoying the reverie so very that I totally missed the techs coming into the room to end my session with them. That 45 mins. went so fast. They almost had to shake me to get my attention. Now if we can do as well today.

    I need a couple of things from Walmart — how I've avoided going the past few days I'm not sure. Will go after my rads today and maybe be able to enjoy having nowhere to BE in the morning.

    Have been working on a puzzle that they have in the waiting room. I think largely for those who may be waiting for someone doing their radiation. It has stirred both Dh and me. For a long time, we put puzzles together and soooo enjoyed it. My old card table gave out before we moved into this house, and we never replaced it. We will fix that today. I've already got the puzzle. If you don't need the chairs (we don't) the table itself is not too expensive. Suely for the happy hours we spend entertaining ourselves, or sometimes putting ourselves in frustration. Either way, it is good clean and mostly relaxing fun with just enough challenge.

    Petite, hope you are doing ok. Saying hi to all and hoping you are looking forward to the week-end. Hoping all who are healing from procedures, surgery, or just working on getting better have a smooth time of it through the week-end.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I enjoy working on jigsaw puzzles. Recently my sister Linda gave me a small round puzzle with odd shaped pieces. It was quite challenging.

    Our fairly new stove has AquaLift self cleaning. I just looked up information on line and almost all the comments were negative. It's only the bottom of the oven that is soiled, thanks to dh. He was making roasted pecans before Thanksgiving and spilled melted butter. I'll give the self cleaning a try.

    Today I got two bills from Louisiana Citizens for our wind and hail home insurance with a difference of $2000 between the two premiums. I called and was told that the higher price was the correct one. But got no explanation of why we got two different bills. Very strange.

    So far today no heavy downpours. Just gloom and some light rain. This weekend cold weather is supposed to return.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,816

    Awakened at 6:30 AM by delivery guy wanting to know where my room was? I told him I was at my home not in the hospital and the room 306 he was looking for was my surgeon's office number. Sent text to office nurse so she could track down delivery of what did turn out to be the wound vac system. Had appointment at 11:30 where surgeon had to open incision so she could apply system to contiguous wounds that had been separate. Of course, they get it applied and discovered the tiny leaker on the left that had caused me so much grief since it was not visible but leaked continuously no matter what I did. They feel the vacuum will keep that one from leaking but did apply a dressing over it. Right side of incision is healing well.

    The thoughts of not sleeping with a bath sheet pinned around me makes me ecstatic. My skin, while intact, has been so sensitive due to the tape I have had to use. Once they turned the vacuum on it immediately started to drain fair amounts of bloody drainage so I wish they had considered this 2 weeks ago. Thank god for the wound nurse pushing for this and my saying I was done with self wound care.

    I have a portable suction machine that I need to carry when I am walking. The dog and cat are fascinated by the movement in the tubing so I need to keep them away. The visiting nurses will come in on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to provide care and dressing changes.

    Want me to increase protein intake to 60 grams per day but I do not have much of an appetite. So will increase use of protein shakes. They are tasty but filling.

    So hopefully when I return to see surgeon in 2 weeks, they will be able to discontinue this and I can return to normal activities. Thanks for all of you who have been offering support. This has been a real trial and one I hope never to repeat.

    Illinoislady, glad your radiation is over for this week. You used what is referred to as "guided imagery" to escape your radiation. It does work and it works better if you can engage all your senses. The radiation center had a mural of cherry blossoms on the ceiling and to this day I cannot view cherry blossoms without wanting to vomit.

    MM, glad you are over Covid. Hospitals in the area are back to requiring masks when entering them or offices.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Betrayal, good news about your office visit and wound care. What an ordeal.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Jackie, glad you’re soon done with the rads. Betrayal, so glad you got the wound care you need.

    Teeth- I took a Xanax on the way to the appointment. Teeth pulled without incident. Many stitches because the retainer would be resting on it. But retainer, she couldn’t get it in. I took hydrocodone once I was home, and slept on & off all day. Yesterday I only took ibuprofen but I’m sore as it wears off. I’ve been waking up, taking the ibuprofen and after 1.5-2 hours, going back to sleep. I sent a request to the dentist for a retainer adjustment, hope to get in Monday or Tuesday. Until then, I’m staying in.

    83 and sunny here today. If I feel better after dinner I might put a mask on and take a walk. Suns going down now so it will be in darkness, and a mask will keep folks away from me.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    In the external scheme of things, shining moments are as brief
    as the twinkling of an eye, yet such twinklings are what eternity
    is made of--moments when we human beings can say, "I love you,"
    "I'm proud of you," "I forgive you," "I'm grateful for you."
    That's what eternity is made of:  invisible, imperishable good stuff.

    Fred Rogers

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    What great news Betrayal — getting that would vac device. I am really relieved, and I certainly know you are. I do hope you can now make that much quicker progress and began the road upwards after most of the healing is done.

    Carole, we are really enjoying the puzzle. It only has 750 pieces so is not a huge one, but they are small, and we are working hard to get back in the 'swing' of it. I usually can't spot the right piece as easy some people seem to, but I don't mind. I just enjoy seeing it when it is done.

    We are having rather miserable weather, no sun now for several days and so far, a few days were rainy. Looking forward to getting my last rad session in on Monday. The Friday session once again went fast and was pretty much pain free. I'm so stiff from laying on the table though they hurry up with heated blankets once I'm creakily upright. That helps to loosen me up and not feel like I'm going to crack in half.

    Cindy, glad you seem to be making do okay since the dental work. Would have been nice to have the retainer though. Hopefully that will come soon.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,816

    Wound vac system alarmed due to low battery so we got to experience that early in the day. Charge doesn't really last 24 hours so will make sure it is charged before I go to sleep. Last night had different alarm which was for a "full canister" and required changing the canister. Called emergency home care nurse line and got a quick call back. Her advice was to look on Youtube for instructions and she would stay on phone while we did it. Canister lasted less than 36 hours which was surprising considering it holds 10 ounces. So was able to change it with assistance and now know what I need to do. Will ask VN on Monday to order more canisters since I only have 3 spares now and most likely, if I continue to drain at this rate, won't last the week. They will change dressings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday so not sure if this means all the tubing is changed as well with the canister. Abdomen where tubing exits is very tender. Easier to sleep since I don't have to worry about dressings leaking and did not miss bath sheet as added protection last night.

    Trying to increase protein intake but have no real appetite so it's hard. Sent DH to get chicken salad from Mrs. Marty's deli and had 1/2 sandwich for lunch yesterday. Love this chicken salad because it is nothing more than chicken, celery and mayo. Delicious.

    It's rainy and windy here today with temps in the 30's. Not a nice day. Hope everyone can have a good day anyhow.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    My latest is a rash on my rib cage. I noticed it as I was getting into the shower, near midnight and after taking my 2nd dose of the day of amoxicillin. I showered, dried off, and showed my partner so he’d confirm I’m not losing my mind, it’s a rash. Didn’t itch, but I took 2 Benedryl just in case.

    Called the oral surgeon this morning, she gives out her cell number. She said to stop taking the amoxicillin, only need a topical hydrocortisone applied if it itches. The sockets are packed with medications and with no bone graft or any foreign body in there, she’s sure I’ll be fine. I start using a syringe to flush the area after I eat anything. Being it’s my front teeth, it’s pretty flushed out every time I drink anything.

    I need to add amoxicillin to the list of meds that cause a reaction when I take them. I had always liked this drug because it didn’t kill my stomach like any of the “mycin” types do.

    Onward we go!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Always follow these two rules:  first, act only on what your reasoning mind proposes
    for the good of humanity, and second, change your opinion if someone shows
    you it’s wrong.  This change of mind must proceed only from the conviction that it’s
    both correct and for the common good, but not because it will give you
    pleasure and make you popular.

    Marcus Aurelius

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Very gray this morning here although we may be able to skip rainfall. Sure hope so. We have had so much moisture for this time of yr. in the form of rain. Only two very lt. snowfalls that barely covered the ground. Not much like our snows of a few short yrs. ago.

    Not too much going on today. I'm going to make some stew for dinner. Have to make a trip to Walmart. Oh what would we do w/o that darn store. I'm having rather intense acid reflux. I noticed having a little before the rads started but it now seems worse. Anyway, I should be able to use Omeprazole for it. So, I will go get some today. At midnight, I got up and went out to my recliner to sleep.

    Cindy, I'm sorry to hear you are developing another 'cillian' you can't use. Glad you noticed it early on and can ease back.

    Am glad that despite 'warning signals' and other issues that the wound vac seems to be doing its job well. Also glad that even though a half a sandwich is fairly skimpy that you were able to enjoy it so much. It does seem to be (maybe it is my age now) that the simpler something is prepared the more I'm probably going to like it. I hope soon you will be able to tolerate, and even desire the slightly larger portions.

    Harley hoping you are feeling ok along with MM. I hate that you had the Covid. Sure glad there are shots and boosters and that most don't seem to have to undergo extreme illness with it.

    Saying hi to all who haven't posted yet the a.m.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Betrayal, that's a remarkable volume of drainage. Is this at all "normal"? The only time I had drains was when I had bilateral MX. There wasn't a lot of fluid and dh emptied it for me. I was very squeamish.

    Cindy, glad the rash isn't a serious issue so far, anyway.

    No rain today. 57 degrees out and cloudy. I'm baking a loaf of whole grain bread with Einkorn flour, an ancient wheat. I love dense bread and have a slice, toasted, for breakfast.

    Beef stew sounds like a hearty Sunday dinner.

    We'll be watching football this afternoon.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 28

    Oh, so sorry for not posting sooner—I've fallen down a sub/Reddit "rabbit hole" that's eating up so much of my days & evenings at home. (More about that infra, as we used to say in my legal-briefing days).

    Welcome, Sheila! (Had to giggle at your screen name, because is't "Sheila" Aussie generic slang for "girl"—surprised you're not "Sheila1234567…"). $5K downpayment for OncoDX? Oy vey—one of the few things that American Medicare does better than healthcare in the rest of the civilized world. (Come to think of it, I was still on private insurance at the time and it was 100% covered, no $ changing hands).

    Harley, i hear you about the Xanax for the endometrial biopsy. Took one before my breast biopsy and even though I had a ride up & back, they weren't going to proceed on the grounds that the benzo "altered my status" to the point that my consent to the procedure wasn't really "informed." Had to sign a (witnessed) release so they could proceed. I had an endometrial biopsy in '96, which was indeed very uncomfortable, but I didn't take any benzo or painkiller—as bad as it was, it was less painful than "-caine" shots before dentistry or podiatric surgeries, and much more fleeting. Hugs! As to the food bank, my friend who relied on one towards the end of her life didn't feel demeaned: half her neighbors at her subdivision's senior center & gym were there. The available choices were far from the healthiest (and made complying with her cardiac/T2D diet quite difficult, because they were very tempting). You are an angel for volunteering and reassuring those who feel shamed and demeaned.

    Betrayal, hooray for finally getting that wound vac! I remember Cathy (mustlovepoodles) back in 2016 describing her adventures with it and how it turned the corner for her. The spectre of battery drain is always scary with portable devices—when one of my BFFs was on supplemental O2 he had to calculate how long he could be away from home at a time. My mom (z'l") opted instead for mini-canisters, but we had to hang a couple extras off the back of her wheelchair or Rollator just in case. As for "full cartridges," that's another hassle. I imagine that must plague diabetics who use injectables & lancets when their sharps containers fill up—especially since you can't recycle the containers.

    Cindy, a rash from amox. isn't necessarily an allergic reaction, but a common well-known side effect. It'll go away. (Learned that from our pediatrician when Gordy was a toddler).You can get skin-tested for PCN allergy, as I did. Up to 90% of people who think they're PCN-allergic because of that rash aren't. When this blows over, see an allergist.

    Still dealing with the grief over my friend's death. Seems like every call from the grief counselors or sympathy card from the Hospice team—although well-meaning—feels like ripping the Band-Aid off a still-raw wound. Friday night at temple I added her name to the Kaddish list, which did give me some comfort (but I'm sure that as an ultra-lapsed Catholic-turned-atheist she must be shaking her fist at me from the Great Beyond. I'd have said "from the grave," but instead it's more like "from her urn in the back of her beloved Dodge Super Bee").

    Birthday dinner at Mon Ami Gabi was nice (ice had melted so that walking & driving were safe). I enjoyed everything, but was happy with smaller portions (and the leftovers lasted a couple of more meals). Didn't finish my (real) Champagne—my "clean-your-plate/don't-waste-food" ethical upbringing caused a brief flash of "there are winos on Skid Row having the DTs right now" guilt, which I quickly suppressed by letting Bob kill off those last couple of ounces.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 28

    Now for the subject of last post's "infra." When I went for my annual osteoporisis checkup with my endocrinologist, she noted my 12-lb weight gain (and height shrinkage) since last year, and gently asked if there was anything that may have caused the former. I broke down & opened up to her about all the stresses of the past year: bereavements, injuries, weather issues, logistical hassles of doing the show & gigs (costume changes, mic mishaps, trips up & down to dressing rooms, where to park, whether there'd be enough "butts in the seats" to justify a return booking, etc.)—all leading to late-night carb-binges verging on eating disorder. She asked if I'd be willing to try a GLP-1 agonist, disclosing the cost (Medicare won't cover weight-loss drugs and the supplements won't pick up co-pays for non-covered stuff) and potential side effects; and warning it'd be a lifelong commitment.

    I asked about Rybelsus, which is a daily pill version of semaglutide (active ingredient in injectable Ozempic/Wegovy). She shook her head and said it'd be great if I had T2D but isn't very effective for weight loss. She recommended Zepbound—the weight loss version of Mounjaro—which mimics not just the satiety hormone GLP-1 but also GIP, which regulates glucose mechanism and doesn't suppress leptin. I am so tired of my physique limiting activities I yearn to do, as well as that obsessive "food noise" nagging at me constantly but especially at night. So I bit the bullet. Bob gave it his blessing, saying we can afford it and my health comes first.

    First week on the starting dose—2.5mg, which I will take for at least the first month before titrating up—I have lost 11 lbs. and my clothes are getting looser again. And it's making intermittent fasting a snap. I'm also finding I enjoy veggies a lot more.

    But my mistake was joining the sub/Reddit about it, and trading my compulsive carb-bingeing for compulsive posting & commenting. Apologies to all my sisters on the "Dinner" & "Drinking" threads for not weighing (hehe) in. Side effects (other than Reddit) are minimal—I can eat whatever I want, but what I want (and how much of it) has changed dramatically.

    Will keep you posted if I can fit back into my size 12 formal outfit from Gordy's April 2022 wedding for next Sat's Hospital Black Tie Gala From Hell. (Not tempted to overeat the passed hors d'oeuvres this time).

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 292

    Shelia - welcome.

    Been a frustrating couple of weeks. Our Dec. water was 6 times higher than the Nov. one. Called the company, the landscapers, etc. Simultaneously my whirl tub shorted out several times and there seemed to be a leak. Had someone in to resent the circuit breaker (under the tub so we can't get to it) and check the seal on the door twice in less than a month. Jan. water bill was even higher. Different person from the landscaping company came and found a valve leak. Did a temporary fix and will return tomorrow as will the tub guy.

    Am also dealing with an error in the title of our property in Maine (Debbie lives in the house). Looks like she has an acre more land than we thought but it sure has been "pass the buck." The attorney for the title company has the ball now and is trying to find a loop hole so that the title insurance won't have to pay for the faulty title. Way too many phone calls and emails for what could be a simple fix if the title company would just admit that someone failed to do a complete title search. Debbie found the problem quickly when the lot behind hers went up for sale and the plot plan of the listed property didn't fit with the one we had.

    Sandy, that sounds like an awful lot of weight to lose so quickly. Is this medication you will have to take forever? Betrayal, hope the wound vac helps but you sure have had the nightmare of medical messes. Jackie and Cindy, hope you are doing better.

    Covid is on the rise here too. Just had a call that I had been exposed by the same person both Thurs. and Fri. So far, feeling fine but I will be in the Paxlovid line if needed.

    Just watched the second disappointing football game. At least Sinner won the Australian Open!

    With all this crazy weather, maybe the groundhog won't even come out this year.