Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 310

    Haley - we all have our arms around you.

    Both my book clubs read "Mad Honey" this month. Next month it's "Go as a River" and "Heaven and Earth Grocery Store." As part of my office cleaning, I'm reading things that have piled up over the years - right now "Songs in Ordinary Times." Writing is wonderful. Great word pictures but over 700 pages. Yes, Carole, I know those aren't complete sentences but my paragraphs are getting shorter.

    Just home from the Niners partner mixer. Good turnout as we are VERY flexible about who partners with whom. Some niners played with each other, some with significant others, and a couple of us with male golfers who aren't SO. I played with a Niner's husband since Ken doesn't play and she had a very bad break in her shoulder in Dec. and is out for the season. Ruthann and Ken joined us for a pizza supper. My foursome was 2nd and I felt I held up my end of the partnership, including adding my high handicap.

    Tomorrow night is a food bank fundraiser. It's always a spring favorite. We meet for a Mexican buffet and then have a dessert auction. They give us a huge patio and people pay outrageous prices for a home-made pie or cake.

    We've done more socializing in a week than we have done all year it seems.

    Thrift store picked up my old furniture today. Hope to get the "new" assembled next week.

    Hugs to all.


  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    Taco -love the idea of the food bank fundraiser. A fun and tasty event with the proceeds going to a great cause. I will need to step away from my volunteer work for awhile but am keeping my fingers crossed that at some point I can resume.

    Many thanks to all for the well wishes - it is appreciated more than you know. I have the CT scan on 3/28 and next doctor appointment on 4/1 to presumably discuss the surgery. I’m dealing OK with the diagnosis but am terrified that the CT and /or surgery will bring an upgraded stage. I’m trying to focus on what is known now and not borrow trouble nor spend too much time with Dr. Google, but am only partially successful.

    A good weekend to all!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,322

    Another beautiful spring day here. I have nothing planned except some housekeeping chores in addition to the daily ones. I may take another walk today in the neighborhood. In addition to getting exercise, I enjoy looking at the blooming shrubs and flowers in yards.

    Chris, you didn't say whether you have moved yet.

    Fingers crossed for you, Harley, that no upgraded stage is in your future.

    I see on Facebook that Puffin is having a great time on her cruise.

    Happy weekend to everyone.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    Raining today so sky is gloomy and it is only mid 40's, so cool. Regan refused a walk today. DH drove her to the park where they walk and she refused to get out of the car, LOL.

    Harley, fingers crossed that the CT scan doesn't show any additional issues and the surgery will not discover anything more. I can understand the Dr. Google draw but find sometimes the info helps you understand what is happening so you are prepared or it leads you down dark paths which can lead to either despair or if unproven, relief. So let's hope you have already heard the full extent and the plan will start ASAP.

    I need to move some storage bins to my DD's old room and address what I store there. It has served as the overflow of seasonal clothes from the primary bedroom (my clothes) and a place where I store vacation clothing. So I plan on going through this closet today to see what fits and what doesn't so I can purge. I had done this about a year ago so this is a revisit. It can always stand a rearrangement. The clear bins I have are like drawers so the contents are visible. The organizing unit is a Rubbermaid one with hanging areas on either end and some shelves in the middle. So 2 hang areas on the left and one long one on the right. It should keep me busy for today.

    Chris, I used to walk in excess of 10,000 steps per day but readjusted my goal to 5,000 when my knees acted up. I find that I am now down to the 2,000-3,500 range based on what I am doing around the house, etc. Not resumed walking since surgery but need to do so. My current Fitbit is dying so I need to replace it and have been exploring my options. I do not have an iphone so it has to be something I can synch with an android phone. Been reading the pros and cons of others but think I might stay with Fitbit since I've been using the brand for over 10 years. Glad you are able to work weather permitting on your new bike.

    Where has cardplayer been? Taco, love the dessert auction idea and hope it raises lots of money for the food bank.

    The raindrops on the Japanese maple branches look like small diamonds or Swarovski crystals. There is a small breeze so they shimmer before they drop and a new one forms. Isn't nature marvelous?

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Perfect courage is to do unwitnessed what
    we should be capable of doing before all the world.

    La Rochefoucauld

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Somewhat overcast today. The nights have been pretty cool lately. It is 39 degrees right now. I'm sure it will warm up more thru the day, but not sure how much. Especially if the clouds produce anything.

    Harley, I have spent my share of time on Google with all the cancer dx's I've had. What it mainly does for me is help me develop questions to ask my Dr.'s. I have to admit though, I usually don't take anything much to heart that i read because I know I generally don't have all the information that my Dr. has. It can make a world of difference in between.

    I think anytime something like this comes up you have a tendency to let 'some nerves' get to you. It is a natural reaction, but all you can do is try not to take too much to heart until you have a chance to explore it all with the one who has the most information about YOU and the information on the internet doesn't have that. Hugs, and hope and lots of positive vibes coming your way.

    Taco, as always. You are such a giver to help others. A real blessing although I know you do it not for blessings but because this is how we all get by. We all receive help and we all give help, but sometimes don't realize it. If you smile at someone, say hello, or even excuse me, or offer praise to someone else, these can all be blessings to someone else. Help for someone who may be a bit weary or slightly depressed. A little loving smile, a genuine compliment may be doing wonders for someone else. We just don't know.

    Betrayal, I think I understand. I would not want to get out in the rain if I were Regan either. I'm not even fond of walking when it is just gloomy and gray. I never took much to the habit that may still be a bit of a fad, to paint houses gray. Some was used as well as an interior color. Not sure why I feel an adversity. I've always blamed it on my Dad. He was, using the fancy description, an interior decorator — painted and papered houses for a living. The Army taught the skill. He was really good at it. Anyway, often if there were left over paint after a job they would give it to dad. We had a big living room in the house I grew up in and for several yrs. we had a battleship gray living room. I detested it. It was not much better than the very dark green it was for a number of yrs. too. Sigh. All I'm truly sure of is that I can sink a bit quickly when it is gray for very long and let the sun come out and I'm dancing in no time.

    Love your description of raindrops on your Maple. I can almost see what you're seeing, just now. That's a GOOD description.

    Chris, hope all your weather cooperates. Sounds like your area can be just as iffy as mine. I'm in central Illinois — just over the line from what is considered southern Illinois. Almost directly across from the city of St. Louis, Missouri on the map.

    Carole, glad you mentioned Puffin and her cruise. I kept waiting for an entry and it will be a bit. Your nature walk sounds pleasant. I hope to get back to some outdoor walking one of these days. Weather has to be better, and I'll have to work on stamina issues for it. I do miss our walks. Dh can't seem to handle nearly as much walking as he used to do — so it is sometimes difficult to walk with him. I hope we are able to adjust to this pleasure together.

    Hope you all have a good Saturday.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Carole, I had my implant on top of the pectoral muscles. I have issues but not with the positioning of the implant. It was put in about a year and a half ago, but my PS wrapped it in, I think, pig skin. I wouldn't worry about it being on top. You are lucky to have had both breasts reconstructed at the same time. I definitely think the outcome is much better when both are done at one time. I would assume your new implants will look symmetrical too! I will be thinking of you!

    My reconstruction issues are due to the fact that one was done in 2019, DIEP, and one in 2022, implant, with different PS. DIEP can only be done once. In 2022 I thought of having both removed without reconstruction, but I went through so much with my DIEP, 8 1/2 hr. surgery, and five days in the hospital that I wanted to leave it alone. Sadly, I hate both fake breasts now. I look like an ugly freak, one big, natural looking minus nipple, the other noticeably smaller and not at all like my real breast. Thank goodness for clothing! I wear long sleeves year-round because I hate my body that much. Between my foobs and huge lymphedema arm, my body is super ugly. True, at least I am alive, but doesn't excuse my BS lying to me and refusing to remove both my breasts in 2019.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856

    I put the thermometer on top of the AC sleeve, and it wasn't really all that cold today. Got the rear wheel off, changed the tire, and re-installed it, this time asking laptop about where the washers go. Had my first adventure with my new electric tire pump. Put the rack with basket back on, and took Tippy for a half-hour ride.

    I have some electrical stuff to do Monday.

    Nope, haven't moved yet. Still here.

    Good, Betrayal. I am really plugged in to my Fitbit. Remember that replacement knees are not really your own. Make the ones you have last as long as you can. I found a callous about an inch above my heel. That was where I was walking without the arch support. Need to work a bit at getting it trimmed down.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,322

    MM, thank you so much for responding to my query. Your reconstruction history does seem like a nightmare. The DIEP reconstruction doctors in NOLA are renowned for their work and I live across Lake Pontchartrain from New Orleans and could have opted for DIEP. But my goal was to recover and get back to playing golf. I was a golf nut back then. So far I have been fortunate not to have lymphedema and I haven't been careful other than to have shots and blood pressure cuffs on the left arm.

    Wow, Chris, you're quite the mechanic. Working on your electric bike. I hope you'll be careful to avoid accidents.

    I've told my two sisters about my exchange surgery on Tuesday but not my three brothers. I suspect I haven't told them because they will think it's silly to replace the implants at my age. Sometimes I think it's silly! Being a Pisces, I'm indecisive, swimming in one direction and then the other. LOL.

    It's sunny today and is looking like another gorgeous spring day. I WILL take a walk. Yesterday I got lazy.

    Happy Sunday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.
    When we strive to become better than we are,
    everything around us becomes better too.

    Paulo Coelho

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    Did not get as much done in closet as planned but did organize one storage bin drawer with travel items. I did a quick check of the left upper hanging area and all the items fit. Will focus on the lower left next which is mostly winter sweaters and tops. Not much use this year since I spent several months in bath robes. The right side is just clothing I use for travel and that could use a sorting so on the "to-do" list. Cruises have gotten less formal so some of this clothing will most likely be donated.

    Chris, I hear you about knee replacement but I am bone on bone on both knees L>R so walking is really painful. My trip to Italy in October was an awakening since I missed a lot of the sights due to uneven surfaces or hills which I could not walk. I struggled with long sightseeing walks through towns as well and had to rely on DH's photos to see what I had missed. I was due to have the knee replaced in February but that was canceled and rescheduled for June. I am hoping I can walk when we go to Europe in September.

    Today is sunny but cold at 36 degrees. It is breezy as well so I am sure feels even cooler. Now that it is officially spring, this part of March has been colder than when it was still winter. Strange weather and part of climate change. Hope everyone has an enjoyable Sunday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Carol, I don't think your silly, but I do think wanting to be what you were before is pretty natural. We don't like change and likely that is even worse when older. Hmmm, I didn't know Pisces were in-decisive. Well, I'm Virgo and I am as well. My problem is I tend to take every issue and talk it to death. If not dead, I strangle it before I decide to maybe do it anyway. Sigh!!

    Here's indecision: I can't decide if the above is bad or good. I think we just have to go with our gut finally and what we think will be the most comforting for us in the end.

    Betrayal. you really do need to have your knees functioning. We are getting older, but we still have a desire and a need to accomplish as much life as we can. I was told and believe hips are easier replacements than knees which have to bend a lot differently. Also, I do think the re-hab after can be pretty challenging. In my book, worth it all if you can walk w/o discomfort and can continue to do things important, whether some sort of work, or pleasure. Living the best, disability free life one can is a great goal.

    Chris, I presume you are still interested in moving. You are a real go-getter too. Always eager to learn new things and delve into things (learning how to put together and do some service on) like your electric bike. I would be in a real struggle for something like that. Hats off.

    Glad Tippy got a long outing. I always enjoy hearing how the pets are reacting and behaving. We are still a bit lonesome on the dog front, but even though we have time, it is still not a good time for us to be looking. Getting used to new things around here along with such un-certain weather for 'training' etc. Maybe when we are closer to our more stable weather.

    Hope you are all going to have a marvelous Sunday.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    Wow, I’m so far behind! We’ve been going to spring training baseball games, recuperating from guests too. We had rain all day and half the night on Friday. Gave me a cleaning inside day to catch up. Weather was too warm to walk; now seems better so maybe tomorrow I’ll get a walk in.

    Upstate NY was hit with a bad storm Saturday. Rain froze on all the trees & wires, then it turned to snow. Some areas had 2 feet of snow, my home had about 6”. When my godson/plow guy got to my house at 11 PM he called to tell me a lot of branches were down in my backyard. A large branch on the pool, one on the garage, in front of the garage, laying in the yard, and still hanging out of the trees. He’d been up since 4 AM, it was dark in my yard, and he feared getting hit from the hanging branches. So possibly tomorrow or Tuesday he’ll see about damage and maybe take a chain saw to the bunch. (fyi - I looked back at pictures from 3/15/2023; that’s the last time my yard was littered with large branches)

    Today as we left a baseball game I had a text from my NY cable company saying it would be restored by 6 PM. Once we got home (FL) I checked the cameras and thermostat - nothing, I had no power. Fortunately for me it was only out for over an hour. Others were without power for 18+ hours. Count my blessings!

    On to you ladies!

    Harley, I feel like I have a loss for words. My heart goes out to you. With BC I researched everything, I wanted to know vs be blindsided. So I get looking up everything. Even now with BC, I’d have to do research again, things have changed a lot since 2017 dx. 3/28 we’ll be in your pocket. Sending HUGS.

    Betrayal, so sad you lost Blue. All our animal buddies make our lives better.

    Carol, in your pocket for your replacement implant surgery. I have no experience with implants but I do know that any surgery stresses me out. You go with your gut on placement.

    Chris, it sounds like you’re doing well. The electric bike work that you’re doing is amazing.

    Sandy, you’re doing well on the weight loss meds. I watched the Oprah special the other night, DVR’d it. I have obese friends who totally talk about where we’ll eat lunch, as we eat breakfast. I could lose 10 pounds, with more excuses than anyone, but I’ve never had that food in my head noise.

    I remember seeing the eagle picture, not sure who put it up, loved it. My FL neighborhood eagle I’ve only seen 2x this year; last year we saw it so many days it felt normal.

    Wren, I’ve got lilac in NY. It’s a sure sign summer coming. I’ve never had crepe myrtle. Sheila, yours look lovely!

    MM - I think way back you were stepping back to do what you need to do. More power to you.

    Taco, I’ve been reading a lot lately. I find it very relaxing.

    Petite, hoping you’re good - I know I read something but can’t recall what!

    Anyone else I’ve missed, all good juju to you too.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2024

    (((Harley))). It is always a shock to discover an "incidentaloma," especially one found in the course of treating a less urgent or serious problem. But finding it so inadvertently—especially asymptomatically—can be a plus. I think that like most of us here who, as bc survivors, are not on our "first rodeo" you are wise to want to be proactive and as prepared as possible. And you are likewise savvy enough to be able to analyze the info you find and winnow out the least credible "chaff." One step at a time. Not going to spout platitudes about positive mental attitude, nor "warrior" metaphors. Do whatever makes you personally stronger and in control. Feel what you want to feel. Get as angry as you want, and vent physically if you feel you need to: punch something; break stuff that has outlived its usefulness. Find things you want to get rid of and go medieval on them (e.g., skeet shooting broken dishes instead of clay pigeons). Plumb the depths of your vocabulary and cuss and swear—as loud as you feel like. When an ocular melanoma came out of nowhere and Dr. Google told me its particular prognosis was dismal, my oncologist replied birth certificates don't have expiration dates. Hope your pockets are bottomless, because we're in them for you all the way.

    Betrayal, I am so sorry for the loss of your little Blue. As to your knees, I must vigorously disagree with Chris. I'm a 12+ year member of the "bi-bionic-knee club." All other things being equal, a natural body part is usually superior to a replacement. But (as with an aching and ailing tooth), a replacement is superior to one that has deteriorated to the point where it can't fulfill its function and causes you unbearable pain. (Call me a heretic, but IMHO there is nothing noble about suffering for suffering's sake). You WILL get to a point when you think about your "knees v.2.0" as knees and not knee replacements (except for occasional reminders about the few—very few—things that you're not supposed to do lest you knock your implants loose; and the PITA of having to be "wanded" when they set off metal detectors). I marvel at how much better I can do stuff with full range of motion without knee pain—that it's only fatigue and my feet that impair my activity. I would never, for instance, have been able to hill-walk in Tuscany or up Masada (cane-aided or not) were my knees still bone-on-bone. The state of the art of modern joint replacements has advanced to the point where the conventional wisdom of "10-15 year" longevity is no longer valid. If you are over 60, they are likely to last a lifetime. TKR surgery rehab is rough and seemingly long & slow…but will ultimately change your life for the better.

    Meanwhile, 9 weeks into Zepbound I am at 156 lbs—down from 183. BMI is now 28 (had been 34+). I would be satisfied to get down to the lower end of "overweight" (say, 25-27), but will consider getting down to "normal" if healthfully possible. Personally, I think I might be losing a bit too fast—I still have appetite reduction and no "food noise" (except to wonder if I am getting enough calories & protein)—so my endo wants me doing another month on the "starter" dose of 2.5, which for me is still "therapeutic." As to the Oprah special, I wish it had been longer and featured docs with no connection to Lilly or Novo Nordisk—and given advice as to how to prevent or ameliorate side effects.

    Yesterday I had my first gig since October—would have posted the info here had I known the address of the venue and the time. (It fell into my lap only 3 weeks ago and I didn't know the address till this past Friday). Was supposed to be 3 songs, but I got 2 encores. Then had to rush off to the Bar Show cast party and catch the last few numbers of the "Rookie Show" (written & performed by the newest cast members) and the awards presentation. For the fourth time in a row, one of the small-group numbers I was in won the award for Best Ensemble, but this was not just the smallest ensemble but also the first one in which I was the lead (an aging stoner extolling the virtues of edibles).

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    It's not the length but the quality of life that matters to me. It has always been important to me to write one sentence at a time, to live every day as if it were my last and judge it in those terms, often badly, not because it lacked grand gesture or grand passion but because it failed in the daily virtues of self-discipline, kindness, and laughter. It is love, very ordinary, human love, and not fear, which is the good teacher and the wisest judge. Jane Rule

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Good Morning. Well, it's good, but it's cloudy and windy which is highly likely to ring rain. Already warming well in the late 50's so that too will help the possible rain.

    Cindy, good to see you back. Hope your NY home turns out not to have had too much destruction from the storm. Partly the time of yr. I guess. Iffy for so many since some it has to do with climate disturbances. We have always had a bit of that, but it seems now to be way less predictable.

    You are so right about Betrayal's good friend Blue. Our pets do make life wonderful. In them we glimpse so much of how our life should be. I think that is why it hurts so much that they generally have such a short span of time on the earth it seems. If lucky they are given human companions who worry about their health and food and play times, and walks and in return they give us absolute love and devotion. Such wonderful examples of living in the moment always.

    Sandy, glad you are being watchful and cautious about your wt. (congratulations) and you are right. If you arm yourself with information and then work with it while listening to your body you will figure out what is just right for you and where you feel the best. Congrats too on the Best Ensemble. That's wonderful.

    Nothing special planned for the day since we will likely be in and happily staying out of any rainfall that comes. I always have things on the list in addition to regular chores, so I will stay busy.

    Hope you all have a great Monday.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856

    Yes, Sandy. It is best to wait until your life is impaired and in frequent pain due to bad knees. That threshold is different for different people. You want to have the motivation in the PT phase. Yikes!! Walking up Masada! I had been looking at the hill out of this neighborhood as if it were Masada. Can handle it now that my whole right foot is making contact with the ground. Very little pain.

    I chickened out in completing the build (I hate this new-fangled English). Did some research and called a likely-looking bike shop. E-mailed pictures and Amazon links so that he would be able to approve the components. Arranged for transportation to La Crosse. Done and done. We are too busy this week. In two weeks, I will be cruising around Tomah as If I own it!!

    Carol, once you get through it, you will look at yourself and be almost content. After a 30-pound weight loss, I was given a choice of getting a smaller implant or getting a prosthesis to equal them up. Chose the prosthesis.

    Yes, I am getting eager to move to La Crosse. Just waiting for the opportunity.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856

    I am still using a cane.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,322

    Chris, I visited La Crosse a couple of times. Once way back when the New Orleans Saints did their summer practice there. They were doing a scrimmage with the Chicago Bears that year and we watched it with dh's father and mother, the father a big Bears fan. He lived in a Chicago suburb where dh grew up.

    The second time we were on an rv trip and had some problems with the Ford 1 ton truck. We stayed in an rv park in La Crosse and had the truck repaired.

    Hope the bike meets with your satisfaction.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    Today was sunny but only in upper 40's. The 4 on my laptop is sticking so I have to double check it has worked. Spent most of the day making calls to get info on a new Fitbit since my current one is busy dying and won't hold a charge. They did offer me a discount on a new one after talking to a rep for quite a bit about models, discounts, etc. Looked at other brands but not impressed with any I saw and all seem to have a built in expiration date about 2 years after purchase. I have an android phone and just don't need all the bells and whistles of some of the others. So I will most likely go with a new Fitbit model.

    Dog is in dog bed laying next to heater duct, sneezing and she keeps banging her chin on it. She just decided to move after hitting herself about 10 times. Sneezed about a dozen more times but no longer hitting her chin. The "hot spots" she has or whatever the skin irritation with hair loss she is experiencing is now involving both flanks. She has been back to vet who stopped cream, which did nothing, and she doesn't seem to be licking these areas. At this point I would like another vet to take a look at her skin to get their take. The Dalmatian rescue we got her from is resuming their annual picnic which is in April this year. Not sure weather will cooperate but we will go and see how she behaves around other Dalmatians. Nice thing is that all owners understand they have quirks and are pretty tolerant of misbehaving when it occurs. It is usually a nice affair with the rescue providing burgers and hot dogs and asking participants to bring a dish or dessert. My baked beans are usually a hit so I will make a large pan and take them. DD and DSIL will also attend though probably not with their 15 year old dog. It would be too much excitement for him.

    Called for appointment with OT for my left hand. I had the carpal tunnel surgery in December but was unable to complete the therapy after my hernia surgery. I don't think it is where it could be so I will meet with the therapist to see what she can offer. Snagged an appointment for Thursday afternoon. Have eye doctor tomorrow and PCP on Friday. Feet not swelling as much but calves are so don't understand why.

    Took better part of day to do next to nothing. It took about 20 minutes to complete the intake forms for OT. Hoping that because I am still under care of VN that this doesn't mean I can go for hand therapy. Bills submitted to Medicare and IBC for wound care are just starting to roll in and TG for medical insurance. These are in addition to ones I have already received for hospital care, surgery, etc. which were astronomical.

    A good day for me and I hope for all of you as well. Nice to hear from cindyny, Carole, Illinoislady and Chris. Thanks to Sandy and Chris for their views on knee replacement; I do appreciate their experiences.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    A GF was able to stop by my house to take some pictures. The green metal roof shows a few big thick branches on it, but nothing broke through. The next picture shows the real mess. There is a branch leaning up on the pool, but the pool doesn’t appear dented.

    My cousin, Jack of all trades, said he doesn’t have time right now to cut it all up. But he’ll go by soon to remove the branches from leaning on the roof and the pool. Once it’s lying on the ground it can’t damage anything else. He’ll get back to me on price and when he can get to it. If he can’t cut it up, I’m okay with that too. We’ll cut it up like we did last year, and drag it to the curb for pick up.

    Here’s to no more storms messing with my trees!

    I did get a walk in today. Weather was warm but not too bad, maybe 73 when I was walking. High hit 83, tomorrow supposed to be 86. Ugh. Enjoy your day.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    Sandy & Cindy - thanks for the good thoughts. It is very helpful in keeping me in a positive mood.

    Sandy - you’ve lost 27 # in 9 weeks - way to go! And congratulations on the Best Ensemble award. It’s so rewarding to have our talents recognized. Given you’ve lost 27# on the 2.5 therapeutic dose, is it possible you could just stay on that dose? Or is a higher dose needed to maintain the weight loss? While a ‘normal’ BMI makes us feel good, I thought there was evidence that something in the 26-27 BMI range was more beneficial as we age?

    Cindy - sounds like you are in full summer mode in Florida. That stinks that the storm played such havoc with your house in NY. I would think it’s better the branches fell on the metal roof rather than puncturing through the regular shingles.

    Chris - I admire your handy woman skills but also that you can recognize when you need help. Hope the place in LaCrosse can get you up and running quickly.

    Betrayal - Wow! You still have a lot going on with the hand, knees and edema. I hope it gets resolved soon.

    Jackie - thank you for today’s quote. I needed it. My pathology report for the pelvic washings was posted to my patient portal yesterday and it noted “positive for malignancy, consistent with metastatic adenocarcinoma”. The use of ‘metastatic’ freaked us out. I had a phone conversation this afternoon with the nurse and she explained it meant that cancer cells were found outside the site of origin (ie. Fallopian tubes where the cancer apparently started and the ovaries). She said the pathologist is not the doctor that upgrades the stage and this is not Stage 4 in the ovarian cancer world. And it’ isn’t according to the FIGO stages I’ve seen online. Given the GYN Onc took a look around during the 3/14 surgery and did not see anything of note the nurse doesn’t see this case being upgraded to stage 4. If it is upgraded then maybe the worst case being a low stage 3. Stage 3 is treatable. I prefer it stay at stage 1C3 but that may be optimistic given that cancer was found in the pelvis. I hope she is right and not giving me false hope. I’m a little calmer tonight. I just want some more time. I’m not ready to give up on this life yet.

    Take care!

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 310

    What a mess, Cindy. When I talked to DD in Maine on Sat. she said she had shoveled her fuel tanks out twice already. Didn't know when her plower would get there. I'm glad we bit the bullet and bought a generator for that house. Two weeks ago she was complaining how much rain they had had. Ground is holding all that water so melting will really be a mess.

    Harley - looks like you're doing your homework so you will have your questions list.

    The dessert auction was fun. Makes lot of money as the desserts are all donated - most homemade although Krispy Kreme came though with several dozens. As the raffle, they had a great selection of vases (some with real and some with artificial flowers). Good auctioneer, always reminding folks they weren't just buying cookies but stocking the food bank. Turn-out was lower than usual. Don't know if it's an idea which has run its course, the fact that other things were happening in conjunction with the end of spring training or that the cost of the meal went up. Given what people were willing to pay for an apple pie, I don't think it was the latter.

    My experience is "you'll know when you need a joint replacement." My first knee continues to hurt so I'm trying to postpone the other one. Chris may be right. I wasn't as rigorous with my PT as I should have been but I also blame my orthopedic surgeon who failed to note the possibility of AI's impeding healing until I was 6 months out.

    Have a good week everyone.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2024

    Quite frankly, I shouldn't have waited till 61 for my first TKR. I was in such denial limping all the way down the corridor to the OR (using my cane) and telling the nurse I still had my doubts. The first couple of days were really painful—they want you up and bearing weight (with a wheeled walker) w/in an hour or so of going from recovery to your room. The second one, done at a different hospital (same surgeon) at 62, was a bit easier to deal with—I had a timed-release local anesthesia "ball" behind the knee and was more easily able to walk down the corridor & back to my room. I did not get a morphine pump, and by the time the "ball" had worn off my oral meds had kicked in. I did make an advance reservation for a good rehab facility which I'd toured in advance, and did "pre-hab" at Athletico the week before surgery. (The first time, I had been cocky about being able to rehab at home—not realizing that 2x/day PT and daily OT would have required trips up & down my front stairs; and ended up in the only available facility my insurance would cover, which was awful). Took 6 weeks both times to wean off the Norco; but by 12 weeks I was able to take a river cruise, using my cane.

    As I said, I can go weeks without thinking about my knees not being "my own."

    I got an e-mail that little Mikey (Happy's doppelganger, now a robust 9-month-old nine-pounder) is still available, so I applied to adopt him—and see the other kitties I was considering (kitten Gracie and her momma Trixie, who does have some orthopedic injuries from trying to provide for her baby while they were living inside insulation in the wall of a house being rehabbed). Mikey is my first choice; if we want Gracie we'd have to take Trixie too because they should not be separated, and I am not sure I can handle another "special needs" cat, after what we went through with Happy & Heidi in their final years.

    27 lbs in 9 weeks is fairly rapid, so I think I need to eat more calories & protein (if I can) to maintain my strength. I just started the box of 2.5mg Mounjaro, because I am still getting appetite-reduction and some other mild side effects but still no cravings or "food noise." I will know after I see my weight-mgmt NP next week for my seminannual check-in whether I should refill either the 2.5 Mounjaro or the 2.5 Zepbound, or resume the 5mg Zepbound (of which I have three pens remaining).

    Storms coming in overnight—hope we don't find ourselves in another "severe weather risk" situation—for tomorrow we are predicted to be in the "marginal" risk zone but there's always the chance of being upgraded to "slight" risk. This tornado-watch-and-warning stuff is getting old—and spring just started.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Until you are committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back,
    ineffectiveness.  It is true:  the moment one definitely commits oneself,
    then Providence moves.  All sorts of things begin to happen to help you
    that would never otherwise have occurred.  A whole stream of events
    issues from that decision, raising in your favor all manner of unforeseen
    incidents, meetings and material assistance, which you couldn't
    have dreamt would come your way.

    W.H. Murray

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Poured rain last night after the threat of it all day during the day. I thought the furnace seemed to be roaring and it wasn't running at all. It was the sound of the rain pounding on the metal roof of the big screen room we have. My office desk sits about 2&1/2 feet from the window. Sounds like it went through here and maybe got all the way to Sandy's house.

    Gray outside this morning and still looking quite wet outside. No surprise there after the long pounding rains. Thought it would be raining when I awoke, but it wasn't. Likely to get some more of it though some time today. It sure looks it too. Buddy (indoor-outdoor cat) insists on getting out of doors the minute daylight hits — that is if we are up. So he is outside right now. I often call him Butter and Butter Buds since he is a rather large cat. Seems most of the cats who come to us attain good sizes. They get nice and fluffy.

    Cindy, hoping you have no actual damage to anything on your property, despite the mess to clean up. Since we had our trees cleaned up at the end of this just past summer, we don't seem to get near the yard debris from the trees. They mainly did what was likely to come near the house and the one big oak that leaned precariously over the front room of our house. I hated to see it go. It was very healthy looking inside, but we were at the nerve-wracking point with the amt. of leaning.

    I sure hope my knees hold out. I worry, but so far, so good. I don't know of anyone in my family who had to have it done although I know it is not something inheritable. I don't even have a friend who has needed it. I do know slightly a couple of people and they did well with the operation. Sandy, your description of being very active immediately was something these people I talked to did. Seems that truly plays a large part in good recovery.

    Glad to hear new kitties will be in your near future Sandy. Mikey sounds like a great addition. Great if you find a good companion for him as well — maybe close in age. You are a good parent and I'm pretty sure anyone coming to live with you will find all they could hope for in a doting care-taker. You have a lot of love to give and will make home a heaven for whomever comes to live with you.

    Hugs Harley.

    As to today's quote. I have had it happen for me just that way a number of times.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    Sandy - I hope the cat adoption works out. Whoever you adopt will have won the lottery with you as the mom.

    Taco - sorry to hear the fundraiser turnout was lower than hoped for. What contributions were made to the Food Bank, I’m sure it was much appreciated.

    I feel sorry for all of you with joint issues. I’ve avoided replacements but have had meniscus tears in both knees which needed arthroscopic surgery and PT. Keeping you in my thoughts for pain free days ahead.

    We’ve had two days of gloom, wind and rain. Yesterday I went for a walk outside during a break in the rain. Halfway through the walk, the skies opened up. I was wearing a rain jacket but had skipped wearing rain pants or waterproof shoes. So DH and I arrived home wet, cold and bedraggled but otherwise unscathed. I’m sure the neighbors think we are crazy. I was smarter today - I went to the gym to use the elliptical and walking track. Hopefully the weather improves tomorrow and I can walk outside.

    Have a good evening!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    Sandy, can’t wait to see a picture of your kitty pick.

    Jackie, that must have been some rain you got with that noise. Today my sister got over to my house and we ended up doing FaceTime. Once branch, as thick as a leg, that’s hung up on the roof is also in the pool. She couldn’t tell, nor could I see if it’s through the winter cover and into the pool liner. The fear was if she moved it, it might toll off the roof and hit her.

    Today was the last spring training game for the Twins. On our way there my partner had a call from our Ireland travel companion with tragic news. His 50+ yr old son had committed suicide. He’d suffered from severe depression for years, had been hospitalized previously, and moved in with his parents. It was horrific news. One of my thoughts were he’s no longer suffering. But oh the destruction left by his action. Our game was overshadowed by his loss; we were there, but we weren’t there. My heart aches for his parents.

    To not end on sadness, I’m going out to lunch with the neighborhood ladies tomorrow. Afterwards I’m shopping for goodies to fill the house for my niece and grandniece, who will show up Thursday night. Guests with us thru 4/6. Can’t wait!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Look to this day!
    For it is life, the very life of life.
    In its brief course
    Lie all the truths and realities of your existence:
    The bliss of growth
    The glory of action
    The splendor of achievement,
    For yesterday is but a dream
    And tomorrow is only a vision,
    But today well lived makes every yesterday 
    a dream of happiness
    And tomorrow a vision of hope.
    Look well, therefore, to this day!
    Such is the salutation of the dawn.

    from the Sanskrit

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Cool overnight, but the sun is looking pretty this morning. There is wind outside. I hope it doesn't find any more rain clouds to bring here.

    Cindy I'm sorry that your Ireland travel companion lost his son. I'm sure it must have been a painful shock for him. Not sure about it but I read years ago that these events often happen just as a person seems about to make some sort of breakthrough. I'm sure it was hard to focus, almost impossible. I hope your outing today will help, even if there remains a bit of a hollow feeling that something is missing.

    Once again no concrete plans for the day. I do have a tele-health call, but nothing else. I'm so thrilled not to have med appts. for a good spate of time.

    I hope you all will have sun and warmth. Hugs to you Harley.