Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    Hot & humid, 86 and feels like 92. Not my cup of tea.

    I had lunch on the river with 4 other ladies. Then we ran around to Joanne’s store & Aldi’s. Hot hot hot. I’m glad to be in my AC.

    No plans for this evening. I brought home enough leftovers to stuff my partner. Dinner will be lite.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    cindyny, sorry to read about the death of your friend's son. Glad you are able to see so many games and have social activities to keep you on the run. Sounds like fun. Hope there is no damage to your pool cover and the pool itself. Will your relative be able to get there this week to assess removal of branches? I can well relate to tree damage of property.

    Today has been gloomy with gray skies and the predicted rain is now here. The suet cake has been popular today with the blues birds, wrens, chickadees, sparrows and juncos. It is about 1/4 of its former size but I have replacements. Temp in high 40's but it is damp and feels colder.

    Did laundry and straightened up around the first floor. Not motivated to do much more. Have chicken thawing for tonight's dinner. Think I will broil it and have Thai peanut sauce we can put on it and have leftover succotash.

    VN came and wound is just a small hole but it continues to drain small amounts. There is a hard nodule to right of hole that is not related to incision and VN concerned that it is trapped drainage. Will talk to surgeon about plans for ensuring hematoma has resolved, do I need another abdominal CT.

    Last night I squatted (don't do this often because it is painful) to pick up something from floor. Heard loud grating sound in left knee accompanied by pain. It was startling to hear the sound so knee replacement is a definite. Feeling it daily is one thing, but then to hear that sound was the clincher. Was scheduled to do right knee first and probably will stick with that plan.

    Regan continues to lose hair on 2 spots on her flanks. I think she needs to go back to the vet and possibly get a second opinion on this. She has not been licking the areas or scratching them that we have observed. They really don't seem to bother her. She has been shedding like crazy as well.

    Sandy, what is the extent of Trixie's orthopedic issues? I am an underdog sucker so I would most likely go for mom and daughter figuring their chances of getting a home together are slim whereas Mikey will be adoptable. But then I would most likely adopt Mikey so Gracie has a playmate. I have 3 cats (with pet insurance on 2 of the 3) and its sort of the more the merrier here. It sounds like Trixie could benefit from having a caring, structured future after a life including living in a wall, and it's not a given if they have to be adopted together. Whichever decision you make, the cat (s) will have a great home.

    Taco, glad the auction made money for the food bank even with lower than normal attendance.

    Harley, hoping pathology results are not as bad as they appear. The pelvic area is so small and what the nurse said was correct so fingers crossed.

    Saw eye doctor yesterday and had to laugh when she told me I had "beautiful optic nerves". That was a first and next I see her partner in 6 months. Have appointments for 6 months and for her in a year. Tomorrow is hand therapist to resume interrupted therapy after carpal tunnel repair and Friday is PCP about continuing edema. Feet are not swollen but calves are. Seems strange to me so I hope she has an answer.

    Hope everyone has a good day. I'm a little tired of rain and gloom but I think the weekend is to be nice. Tomorrow is more rain, ugh.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    Good morning, Ladies. I haven't been on for a while and had 100 posts to read. I have been over loaded with Doctor appointments. I had a squamous cell cancer removed on my arm. I have cataract surgery coming up and the regular doctor visits.

    harley, cyber hugs to you

    Hi to everyone, there is too much to remember.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Gentleness means recognizing that the world around us is fragile, especially
    other people. It is recognizing our own capacity to do harm and choosing 
    to be tender, soft-spoken, soft-hearted, and careful. When we are gentle
    we touch the world in ways that protect and preserve it.  Being gentle
    doesn't mean being weak; gentleness can be firm, even powerful. To behave
    in a gentle manner requires that we stay centered in our own values and
    strength -- that we are active rather than reactive. Coming from this center,
    a gentle word or touch can channel our energy into healing or making peace.

    unattributed, Wisdom Commons

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Good morning. There is a beautiful sun out this morning and the pink flowers on the redbud trees are welcoming my sly little glances out the living room windows. It is already 45 degrees so should get warm enough today.

    Good to hear from you Petite. It is difficult while prioritizing medical appts. to keep up with something farther down on the list. 100 entries at one time would leave my head spinning. I hope all your appts. turned out well and that all will slow down now with good spaces in-between.

    Hope you are getting a little better weather Betrayal even though it is only Thurs. Gray just dampens a person down a bit and we need a little sun to sparkle. I hope you are able to find something for Regan. Even though she doesn't seem to be too distressed with her hair loss, it isn't right.

    The knee grinding sounds upsetting to say the least. Having pain at the same time! Easy to see why this is something that has to be done. Wish you were done with your prior surgery (the little drainage still going on ) as well as the calf swelling) as well as the needed rehab. I hope all of that comes together for you. It sure hasn't been easy, comfortable and certainly not fast.

    My sil's brother who lives here and has for nearly a year was just diagnosed with colon cancer. He has had a share of trials, but all now seem small compared to this one. The surgery is set for a week from tomorrow. He was on the fence about whether he even liked living in Illinois but had just made the decision that he wanted to make it a permanent home and had put himself on the list of a building that is under renovation for apartments. I hope that his tests find that the cancer has not migrated anywhere and that he can get treatment and then go on with life.

    One of the good things is that my SIL is finally convinced that he should have more medical attentions than he has bothered with for a long, long time. Sadly, I think it happens a lot to younger people who generally are well all the time. It is easy to be complacent when you seldom have issues. Until my first cancer dx (although I did have check-ups) I too felt sort of invincible. I certainly never thought I'd ever have a cancer dx. Now I've had 5 more since then. So, I hope SIL can keep hold of his resolve to keep better health habits.

    Saying hi to all and hoping that good outcomes happen with everything you do. (((((Harley))))).

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    I wish we would get a break in this gloomy weather but we have another day of it. The Phillies opening game has been pushed to tomorrow and this is the second year the opening day has had to be moved. It's damp so even if we get into the 50's as predicted, it's going to be cool. It hasn't started to rain yet but it is predicted to be a damp, drizzly day.

    Today I see the hand therapist later today and hope that this can be resolved quickly. I need to start PT for my scheduled knee surgery but can't until I am done with my hand. I can't safely grasp items and do need hand function as well as regain my physical strength but insurance will not pay for overlapping PT. I need to start preparing for knee surgery by mid-April at the latest. Surgeon said I could resume normal activity but it's an uphill struggle. I push myself to be active but tire easily. Totally out of shape.

    Deer are grazing on lawn in backyard. The sparrows and chickadees are visiting the suet cake. The daffodils are still in bloom with more buds to prolong the bloom time. I am surrounded by beautiful nature so that makes the day brighter.

    Illinoislady, thank you for your kind words. Yes, I am dealing with a lot and it is nice to be able to vent here. I think both of us are due a break from medical challenges. Sorry to hear about SIL's brother and hope that his surgery finds it is contained. Fingers crossed.

    petite1, glad to see you. I know what you mean about 100 messages. I missed a little over a week on here and did read the missed messages but would never pass a quiz on their content. There are gaps in occurrences for me.

    I have a big pile of filing to do and keep procrastinating about it. There is a pile on my desk in my office and I have another pile to join it here on the island. I did separate into categories but the files themselves could do with some purging of old records. So that's my plan for today. The steps will be my form of physical exercise for my knees today.

    Harley, (((Hugs))).

    Hope everyone has a nice day. I'm going to make the best of this one even if the sun won't cooperate.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    Today was another dental visit, he was checking to see if an additional tooth on each side would need to be included in the bridge. I took a Xanax prior to going just in case. Fortunately no additional teeth are involved. He did the medicated thread around the gum line, and took impressions. Next appointment 3/18, which I took to be a good day as it’s my aunts 96th birthday.

    We stopped at a few places on the way home. But once in the house, I headed for a nap. An hour and a half later as I cracked my sleep mask into full sun, I was awake.

    We’re picking up my niece and grandniece at the airport tonight. Their flight was delayed an hour at BWI, guessing from weather. We’ll pick them up around 11PM. Then the busy times begin!

    Here’s a funny note - I ordered new tiki lights that showed up yesterday. As I pulled them out of the carton, they’re tiny - half the size of my current ones (think a grapefruit vs an orange). They were working, so I just put them around the garden, and at night they look fine. Such is life!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2024

    Cindy, so sorry about your traveling companion's stepson.

    Good news & bad news on the kitty-adoption front. First the bad: Trixie & Gracie were snapped up within a couple of days (Trixie's problem was not orthopedic but dental: 3 out of 4 canine teeth fractured and needed extraction). And Mikey is available to only a home with a preexisting pet (preferably a dog, because he has great fun running around with the foster mom's dogs). At 9 months he's still considered a kitten and needs to burn off that kitten energy lest he get fat (and he's a big bruiser already, taller than Happy was at that age). Just as well—even though he's quite a bit paler than Happy (and his photo indicated)—buff tabby rather than orange patch—he would have unnerved my HK during the short time she has left with us until her retirement is complete.

    Now the good news: I was shown a pair of "torbie" sisters (littermates) who are 7 years old and in perfect health—a sensible age for a senior to adopt. Roxy is a bit over 8 lbs and BangBang is almost 12 lbs. Size and a slightly different forehead marking are the only way to tell them apart. Their human mom died in her mid-80s, and never really warmed to them (she didn't have the energy). She kept them out of her bedroom, so they learned to sleep in dog beds. Here they are:



    I'm inclined to take them both (though I prefer Roxy if I had to pick one—she's much cuter than her photo). They share a litterbox (and prefer the "easy" clumping litter), water bowl and dishes; prefer kibble and pate wet food. They're not particularly playful because their human mom didn't have the energy to play with them—but I'm willing to put in the time. They're both very affectionate—BangBang even let me rub her tummy and Roxy kept giving me eye-blink kisses.

    My HK is neutral—she just listed her house today and will likely move as soon as a sale can close, she can arrange for a mover, and find a condo near her son/DDIL and grandkids (she likes her own space). She will of course have to get a car once she moves—her current car is 16 yrs old and not up to the long drive, and that suburb of Birmingham (Hoover) is not exactly pedestrian-friendly. She worries that I'm not up to the weekly task of cleaning the box and changing the litter—but Bob & I did just that during the 6+ weeks she was off during the early pandemic. We have a laundry service lined up and can get a housecleaner in once a week or so. She will miss us (and miss Gordy terribly, as he was her baby too). But she really has nothing else holding her here in Chicago (and the weather has been very rough on her, including two basement floods in as many years). We've had her since Gordy was 3 months old.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Sandy, I hope you take both the cats. They both look beautiful to me. I admit though I am not quite the right person when it comes to cats. What I am really thinking is they will BOTH get what they need most from you and that is definitely more certain. Also, I do think cats are happier when your away if they have someone around just like them. They are use to each other so dominance and other issues long ago settled.

    Ok, I'll stop. Oh well, just one more thing. They seem to have plenty of affinity for you already. Hope you do it.

    Your HK (while missing you, and Gordy) can trade some participation in your life by being able to be much closer to her son. Isn't everyone for the most part retirement age so here's to your HK building a happy life for herself.

    Anyway, you should fine and in good control of the life changes coming up with HK.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    Sandy, both are beautiful and will be wonderful company for each other in any of your absences. To separate them now would be breaking a bond they have had since infancy and you can never predict if their behavior would change. They seem to have warmed up to you in your initial greet as well. You have room in your heart for both as well. When can you get them?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    If I weren't going to Cleveland for the eclipse (4/7-9) I'd take them ASAP. But I had promised my HK I wouldn't stick her with their care only a week after they've gotten here, so I can pick them up either 4/10—or, when their foster mom gets back from CA—4/17. I think it's a good idea to visit them a couple of times in the interim so they'll come to recognize me and warm to me. Also, to bring towels to transfer their scents to their new (repurposed) carriers and other stuff we'll be getting. Roxy can use Heidi's small carrier and BangBang Happy's bigger one.

    Definitely "they." Bob says sisters shouldn't be split up, and I agree. Time to buy them some new cat beds, a better tree, and the foods they like.

    "BangBang" is an adorable name, but why do I think she should also be called "Velma?" (Chicago reference).

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    So much to catch up on.

    Cindy, I am so sorry to hear about your travel partner's loss. I have had many in my life who have committed suicide, my uncle, my cousin (not that uncle's daughter), a custodian from the middle school I worked at, and more students than I can count. Profoundly sad!

    I have to say, I didn't go to the custodian's funeral last year because I was so angry at him for taking his own life. Also, I was still recuperating from surgery, and I knew it would be very crowded as he was an EMT in the area for decades. It affected me differently because he knew exactly how suicide impacted the family and friends of each of the students I mentioned, yet he chose to do that to his wife, sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren! While I can understand mental health issues, I just can't get past the fact that he knew exactly what he was doing! My heart goes out to all who are left behind after suicide!

    Carole, I assume you surgery went well and you are recuperating at home. I have been thinking of you so much lately!

    Harley, my thoughts have been with you too! I can't imagine what you are going through. As someone else said, we are all here to offer support! Your doctor appointment can't come fast enough! I think the waiting game is the hardest part, hang in there!

    Sandy, the cats are super cute! I assume that was you in the cat photos. You are truly a beautiful woman inside and out!

    Shout out to Petite! So good to hear from you!

    Betrayal, sounds as if you are feeling more like yourself even though you have looming knee issues. So glad the days of wound vac is over for you! Spring is in full bloom in our area and it really does add to feelings of hope and joy!

    Jackie, glad to hear things are going well for you. I am sorry to hear about you sil's brother. I wonder if Princess Kate had colon cancer? Not easy for anyone but at least today there are more ways to treat it!

    I am sorry if I missed anyone. This is what I get for not keeping up on reading!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    The posture we take while performing our tasks today, and the attitude we project toward those who cross our path, will emphatically influence what the day brings.  No one else can decide for any of us what we'll feel or think about the day.  We have the power to be as content or as discontent as we make up our minds to be.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Sandy, thank goodness. Wonderful that Bang Bang Velma and Roxie will stay together. They I'm sure will be a comfort to each other and life better for them while they learn to navigate their new home and parents.

    As to those committing suicide I really have little knowledge. I do know that many years ago I read that it seems to happen most often when someone is actually close to a break-through. How one would know THAT I don't know. I did a lot of reading yrs. ago when a good friend (very spiritual) who had a great husband and two wonderful daughters took her own life. She had severe depression for yrs. In the note she left she explained that she had tried everything and everyway she could find to no avail.

    Makes me think those who may have suffered for yrs. really do give into to what appears a sense of total hopelessness. My friend Joan said she had done a lot of research and felt God would forgive her and she would be able to intercede for her family from where she crossed over. I do think we get help that way. Sadly, a number of years later her youngest college-age daughter committed suicide as well. Since Joan was gone, I really had no way of getting much information. I only knew that it happened. It is a sad and likely frustrating thing I know since the family is usually working overtime as well to try and facilitate the health of a severely depressed person.

    Pretty day outside. It hasn't warmed lately as much as I'd like but likely it is par for our time of year. I just am always a bit on the cool side so think I need more warmth most of the time. Something I'll likely rue just a bit when "summer" finally hits. This is always an iffy time.

    ((((Carole)))). Positive hopeful thoughts as you are on my mind as well Harley.

    Hope all is well with you Taco, Chris, Puffin and Cardplayer who seemed to have quit posting with us.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    Thank you all for thoughts over the loss of our travel companions son. With our friend, his son completed all these “tasks” that morning for his parents, before taking his life. Another friend said to show his love, but I don’t see it. I don’t think I’ve ever been clinically depressed, divorce had me “off” but nothing time didn’t take care of. There was no service to attend. They might hold a memorial to spread his ashes later this year, but we didn’t ask. Nor did we ask if he left a note. As time passes they may tell us but we’ll never ask.

    Sandy, two new fur balls to love! You both look happy in those photos.

    Carole, I read a post on a different group and it sounds like you’re doing well. I’m glad it’s behind you and your healing has begun.

    Harley, I know we’re all rooting for you.

    Princess Kate and the royal family, I don’t know why they won’t just say where the cancer is/was. I’m not a “royal” follower, I usually skip over anything to do with them. She’s entitled to the privacy - but why say anything at all.

    It was 67 when I got out for my walk. I had a house full of sleeping people. Felt good getting back out, which will get harder with guests. Weather looks good the rest of the week too.
    Enjoy the day!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    Washer after 22 years gave up the ghost today in the middle of DH's laundry. Did an online search because I prefer front loading washers and this last one outlived any Kenmore or Maytag I ever owned by decades. The maker was Swedish but since then they have sold the company to the Chinese and the ratings have tanked.

    So we hit 2 showrooms to check out availability of ones that would also fit our laundry room since appliances today all seem to be on steroids. These are regarded as "compact". First did not have the washer and dryer in the showroom and I really like to see and touch what I am buying. DD found a dealer that not only had them in the showroom but could deliver by next Tuesday. So DH will check out electrical outlet since the dryer uses 110 rather than 220. We hope to move the old ones out so I can clean the floor under them before the new ones arrive.

    Bumped into Regan's trainer at PetSmart yesterday. Her training had been interrupted by his cancer dx and the need for surgery. He recovered from surgery only to develop Covid twice in spite of being vaccinated. We have arranged for her to have a private lesson and will evaluate what happens next after it. She did not do well with a mix of dogs because there was always one that set off her reaction button. Loved the Frenchie and the dachshund but hated the Australian Shepherd who was wound so tight I half expected him to explode. He yipped non-stop through each and every class which was nerve wracking but he really was a sweet dog otherwise.

    Saw PCP for today leg edema which she feels will not benefit from further diuretic use. Recommended a vascular surgeon to evaluate "leaky" leg veins. Calves continue to swell L>R and feet only at end of day. Need to keep them elevated but it is hard to do. So I need to look for a low stool since knees prevent me from elevating them higher. I've tried but it is painful. Increased pain med I am using for knees so hopefully it will work. Back pain will be evaluated with x-ray to ensure it is not a fracture of a vertebrae. Will schedule those next week.

    PCP is pregnant and due in May. However she is high risk with her second pregnancy as she was with first and has already been hospitalized. She had gestational diabetes and hypertension with first and imagine the same is happening with this pregnancy because she appeared "puffy". I have another appointment with her in 2 weeks but doubt she will be there.

    Stopped at the Ale House for their fish and chips and they had Strongbow on tap. I felt like I was back in England where we first had the Strongbow on tap. It's much better on tap though the bottles aren't bad.

    Need to do hand exercises that are focused on regaining strength in left hand since my ROM is fine according to her evaluation.

    Cindyny, nice to have company for Easter weekend especially a young one. Carole, I hope your surgery went well and recovery is speedy. MM, nice to see you back. Illinoislady, it is sunny today and actually got into the mid 50's so I am glad the gloom is gone for now. It lifts my spirits.

    Sandy, if the foster mom will hold those 2 sisters for you that would be wonderful. They seemed to warm up to you during your visit.

    As far as suicide, the head nurse that taught me so much about Pediatrics, so wanted to leave home but her parents guilted her because she was not married. Good old Catholic guilt and she was unable to stand up to them. She had been in what she thought was a meaningful relationship only to find out she was the other woman. She moved on but was unable to ever find the love she sought. I last spoke to her right before we were leaving for vacation with the understanding we would get together. After a few months when I had not heard from her, I called the hospital where she worked only to be told she had committed suicide. It was a shock.

    I do not pretend to understand why people choose this outlet but do understand that their mental pain is so visceral to them and that there is no "wonder drug" to address their depths of despair. So while it is usually viewed by others as a selfish act, I don't agree. They are desperately seeking release from whatever causes their pain and unfortunately the cause being mental cannot be seen by others, felt by others or can we understand why they seek release. Sometimes they do commit suicide to not be a burden to others who may be always encouraging them to "get over it", seek drugs or another form of help such as counseling, etc. that doesn't work for them. I can't walk in their shoes, nor release them from whatever demons are bothering them, so I will just pardon them for their actions and the grief they have brought to others by their deaths. It's a sad situation and mental health needs more addressing in this day and age.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    Sandy - the look on your face says it all. Roxy and Bang Bang (Velma) are meant to be yours. Keep us updated when you bring them home.

    Cindy - my condolences on the loss of your friend’s son. Having gone through a major depression in my 20’s I have some feeling for the despair he must have been experiencing. In the moment it can seem that there is no way out of the depths of darkness and the feeling of worthlessness. I wish his parents peace as they try to move forward with their lives.

    Betrayal - a grinding sound when squatting? Oh, so not good. I hope the other issues resolve soon so you can move forward with the knee replacement.

    Petite - always good to hear from you. Hope the skin cancer removal heals quickly and this is quickly in the rear view mirror.

    MM - thanks for checking in. I admire you for focusing on your other projects but do miss your comments.

    Jackie - so sorry to hear about your SIL’s brother. It’s good he is living close to family that can be available to support him.

    Carole - hope you are healing well and on the road to recovery.

    I had a CT scan yesterday. Within two hours the GYN Onc’s nurse called to say the results showed no enlargement of the lymph nodes and no indication of spread to other organs. I have a couple of small (3mm) nodules in the lungs that they will check in a year. They aren’t worried. There is a cyst in/on (?) the pancreas so I’ll be getting a MRI next Friday but at this point no one seems too worried. Of course the final determination will be the staging surgery. Appointment with doctor is on Monday. For today, I’ll relax a bit and appreciate the good news.

    I volunteered at the Food Pantry today. It felt great to be back with my friends but boy was I tired at the end of my four hour shift. I told a few people of my diagnosis and said I would be back as my health allows. While I was there brother #2 called to tell me he is in the hospital due to excess fluid retention that rendered him unable to walk and in pain. He has 40# of excess fluid and this has been building up for about two months! I’m concerned and pissed off. He seems unable or unwilling to care for himself. He has heart disease and is a diabetic. I asked him for his BP and blood sugar and he said he doesn’t know. Says they are running tests but doesn’t know which tests and what they are looking for. Also talked to brother #1 twice today and he concurs with my frustration but also gently advised that we aren’t going to change #2 at this point in his life. He’s 250 miles away and I can’t delay my care to help him. If needed DH could make a quick overnight trip this week after my Dr’s appointment. We’ll see how this goes over the weekend.

    DS will be home for the weekend and I’m excited to see him and catch up.

    My apologies if I have missed anyone. Have a good weekend and Happy Easter to those who celebrate.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,856

    Harley, you remain in my prayers.

    As for suicide, most of you know that I have had a lifelong struggle with depression. At one point, I was put on antidepressants after several years off. My psychiatrist told me to be careful if the depression suddenly worsened. It did, and it was only with the support of an excellent AA sponsor that I made it through the next 24 hours. After that, life was much better. So yes, it does happen. Untreated depression often triggers a feeling that one is unworthy of living a normal life. I am learning that "I am a beloved daughter of God." I repeat that multiple times a day, and avoid those who would love to tell me otherwise. I disagree with you Betrayal. Antidepressants, particularly when accompanied with counseling, are wonder drugs. And when they do not work, there are other treatments such as ECT. Cold therapy, a classic, has now been empirically tested, and is proven to be effective for many, although it can be dangerous for older folks.

    Sandy, BangBang is beautiful. I am not a cat person, but I do appreciate beauty. I am getting Tippy to sleep up closer to me, rather than at the foot of the bed, so he can intervene when I have nightmares. Except I can feel him breathing and his heartbeat. Will need to get used to his presence.

    Had my visit with the podiatrist today. She trimmed some off of my inserts and ordered some PT. I have some bad callouses where I had been walking on the side of my ankle, and need to keep that moisturized and let it wear off. Left thumb is better. I am using small amounts of diclofenac on my hands. Doing more handwriting because I am now keeping a journal. Also starting to write again. Cut about 2/3 of the book, and will rebuild from there.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    Chris, by "wonder drugs" I was not addressing antidepressants. They do work if the person seeks them is observant in taking them and has counseling while using them. In today's world finding qualified people to support mental health issues is part of the problem. They are in short supply, one size does not fit all so finding a "good fit" can be an issue, expensive if not insured and the depressed person must be willing to accept these interventions. It seems they were effective for you. So I am in agreement with you about the use of antidepressants.

    As far as your nightmares, there is a medication called Prazosin (AKA Minipress, a mild antihypertensive not used much today for hypertension) that is effective in quelling nightmares. You might want to ask about this.

    As a student nurse I did not enjoy my psych rotation (large city hospital) because many of the patients had multiple readmissions for their underlying mental health issue. Some because the medications were not working for them, many because once they felt well they stopped taking the medications or they could not deal with the side effects. Having seen ECT performed, I still regard it as barbaric even if it does work for some but I did not see many who benefitted from it. As a result of this experience I can empathize with those with depression; it can be an uphill battle for some.

    I have had family members who suffered from depression and were on multiple meds; some for depression, others to control the side effects of the antidepressants and others to increase the effect of the antidepressants.

    Given that they are effective drugs, some still seek suicide as an escape. There is also the stigma attached to mental health issues which can be an additional burden for them to deal with.

    Today is a beautiful, sunny day with temps only in mid 40's now. Need to organize donate boxes for delivery to Green Drop. I store them in the dining room until ready to be delivered and I want to use dining room for Easter dinner tomorrow. Then I'll dig out the Easter bunny table cloth I made and the Bunny candle holders to put on the table.

    Hope all have a wonderful Easter weekend.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Magic exists.  Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars?  Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic.  It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live.

    Nora Roberts

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Chris, thank you for sharing. Sometimes I have a bit of a lack of confidence when I share things and because my suicide 'info' was from yrs. ago I almost didn't mention it. You confirmed it. Likely I was more willing as I trusted Joan so much. I know she did do extensive research on her mental health issues and really did try everything she could. She developed her mental issues back in the late 60's and I would imagine it was even harder then to find a Dr. to work with well. In addition, a short time after she was finally diagnosed they had to relocate from the UP of Michigan to Texas — a huge change and change of pace. It likely sustained her for a bit learning how to navigate entirely different weather and becoming a mid-westerner.

    Betrayal, yours too were wise words. I think some people just do have a hump they will never get over. We are all different. I personally feel that our life is pretty much mapped out before we ever come into life and we set up issues and hurdles to learn and grow from — and we know when we have 'grown' enough so something in life becomes the catalyst that moves us from this life to transitioning to the next. Sometimes that may be mental health, sometimes just something as simple as wearing everything out - old age.

    It is a beauty out today. The sun is so bright and pretty. It is warming nicely. Already up to 66 degrees. Not been that warm this early for some time. I am a happy, happy camper. I don't have anything special outlined for the day. A few things on the list that will definitely get attention, but the rest will be just if I spot something I can quickly take in hand. The breeze outside is billowing rather than blowing so I think it is going to be a fantastic day here.

    I'm wishing all the same for you.

    ((((( Carole and Harley ))))))

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,322

    I thought I posted on this thread but actually posted on a different thread. Needless to say there was a confused reaction to my mention of people who aren't on that thread! LOL. I am doing well in my recovery phase. I am able to take Tramadol for pain without the intense itching that codeine drugs cause. Also Tylenol for Arthritis.

    It turns out that the explant procedure was badly needed. I had a lot of contracture/scar tissue, especially on the right side with the ruptured implant. Once all the contracture was removed along with the old implants, the pockets under the pec muscles were somewhat larger so my plastic surgeon used slightly larger implants for replacement. He is such a nice man and his staff are nice, too. He explained that my skin was too thin for placing the new implants on top of the pec muscles. Using the same pockets was my initial preference so it all worked out.

    DH has been taking good care of me and providing us with meals. I feel blessed. The pathology report on the scar tissue and old implants came back with no evidence of disease.

    Thanks for inquiries and expressions of concern about my well being. Much appreciated.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Hooray, such good news Carole and things went as you pretty much wanted all along. Get well soon and happy healing to you.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    One of the red flags to watch for in a clinically-depressed person is a sudden burst of positivity (sometimes accompanied by giving away treasured possessions). Why is this a harbinger of suicide? Because in the very depths of depression, the person has no motivation to do anything—including plan and carry out their exit. But when they begin to emerge, there is a burst of energy and insight that allows them to find their way out of what to them is still an unbearable life with no solution except a permanent escape.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Hmm, I just read something interesting. It was an article on the step so many people leave out when baking cookies. Well, I've always just followed the ingredient recipe as well as the time and temps. This article says for the best cookies one should chill the dough for awhile.

    There was so highly set time. One hr. seemed to be the minimum with two being a better result if you could, and if you really wanted an increase in flavor, it was suggested to actually leave the dough refrigerated overnight.

    I have some fresh ingredients that I bought for a pie I like to make from time to time which is an easy p-nut butter pie. I chose this time to buy some Butterfinger Bits and Chocolate Chips to put in the pie. There will be left-overs of the chips as I don't need many for the pie — so I saw something on my news feed and read it.

    I guess I will try it as I will let my family eat most of the cookies. Since I have to have lo-salt a whole batch of cookies would last too long for me and I don't have too much room to store and freeze things since I gave my extra freezer away. Won't be in a hurry so it will be no problem for me to leave dough overnight in the fridge.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Carole, so happy to hear your surgery went well! You are truly blessed with a wonderful DH! I have been thinking of you! Sending you tons of healing vibes!

    We got sad news about a dear friend of my DH and I. She had breast cancer before I had it in 2003. Then when I got ILC in 2018 she thought she better get checked out and sure enough she had bc again! Several months after my third breast cancer diagnosis she was diagnosed for a third time. Now she has enlarged lymph nodes under her arm and after a PET scan, they discovered a spot on her spine and several in her lungs. She will start radiation treatments starting this week. I am thankful we live at a time where people can get treatments that truly will help them live longer and still have QOL! I am sure she has many good years ahead of her!

    Harley, so happy to hear about you too! You are truly an inspiration to me! What a wonderful thing to volunteer at the food bank! Glad you got some good news. Sending hugs and tons of healing vibes to you too!

    Sandy, those sweet cats were meant for you! Now you have me thinking of getting a cat! I am still not sure I am a cat person, but they are super cute!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    Lovely sunny day with temps in high 40's so a wonderful day for Easter. Hope all who celebrate have a wonderful day. DD and DSIL will act as sous chef's as we prepare ham, Martha Stewart's recipe for scalloped potatoes and roasted asparagus plus pineapple casserole. I also add pineapple slices and maraschino cherries to the ham. DSIL loves these potatoes so I make a huge amount (5 lb.) so they can take some home and we can have leftovers. Same goes for the pineapple casserole.

    DSIL just bought a new car yesterday so we are looking forward to seeing his new wheels. His SUV had been on the disabled list off and on so it was time for them to get something reliable. I imagine he's still excited with this new SUV. Wonder if their elderly dog will get to ride in it?

    Have a wonderful day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    I will not follow where the path may lead, but I will
    go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail.

    Muriel Strode

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,657

    Good morning. So far a nice morning with a nice sun, although a few light clouds. Hope they blow away. Wishing a nice Easter to any celebrants. We haven't celebrated for a while and even less inclined now with food restrictions.

    I am sorry to hear about your great friend MM. You were her earth angel though — reminding her not to take her health for granted by your personal diagnosis. I hope her treatments do give her great extension, good years and happy times. She has a wonderful friend in you and a great cheerleader to provide care and understanding.

    Betrayal, your dinner sounds marvelous. It is times like this I do miss the days when we could choose almost any 'liked' food and plenty of it. Things change and I'm okay with that too, but I have great memories of Honey Baked Hams which were usually gifted from friends.

    Your DSIL is likely to so enjoy his/their new vehicle. They are usually quite a delight and even more so if you have had to put up with cars that become temperamental and costly spending too much time in a repair bay. I think SUV's are such a good choice for most people. When you are starting to be a bit less flexible, they are wonderful. We don't care much for vans. Most are far bigger than we need, but SUV's are nearly perfect. We can mainly slide in just as we did our older cars and get out as easily. Room in back to pack things in from the grocery store or small purchases maybe from places like Lowes. My BIL borrowed my Equinox to bring home the other brother's new tv so he wouldn't have to wait a week for delivery. Packed in a large box. Had to fold down one back seat, but it was far too large for BIL's slightly smaller Chevy. Sounds like you will all have a good day.

    MM, really cats are wonderful and make such great pets. You don't have to walk them and they don't really need to go outside since a sand/litter box makes them happy. I always recommend two but mainly, so they have interaction and entertainment when you are not available. Sometimes you have other things to do and it is nice they don't have to feel neglected if they can explore and play together.

    Being rescuers we have always had a lot more than we should, but it mainly shows up in the amt. of personal attention we can give to them. They pretty much get all else along with vet visits, neutering and plentiful good food. We feel less guilty in that they do get a lot of play time and allowed to roam most of the house and find interesting hiding places.

    Thinking of you Carole and Harley as well. Hope you both have a really nice day. Saying hi to everyone else.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,322

    We never bought a Honey Baked ham but we did buy their ham bones which always had a lot of ham meat that hadn't been sliced off. DH likes to cook dry beans with a ham bone for seasoning, plus lots of diced onion and some garlic.

    He likes baked ham and we always had ham at my parents' house for Easter dinner, along with potato salad and usually baked beans. There was no family get together this Easter so I bought a half ham for him to cook (or heat up) for our dinner yesterday. I made the type of potato salad that my mother always made, mashed potato salad with chopped boiled eggs and a dressing of mayonnaise and yellow mustard. I also include celery and dill pickle relish. No raw onion, which is a no-no for me.

    I've stopped taking the Tramadol pills for pain and am taking Tylenol for Arthritis, but I may not need it either. This explant/revision surgery was not a "major" surgery like the bmx/reconstruction fifteen years ago. That was definitely major. I remember the difficulty I had in getting into bed and getting out of bed. Both were painful.

    Today I will relieve dh of some of his duties and do some kitchen cleanup at my own pace. I will take a walk, though not walk as far as I normally would. My main restriction is not to lift my arms upward. I can extend them to the sides. I don't feel "normal" mentally but I'm sure that's "normal" after surgery.

    It's definitely spring and our daytime temperatures are getting up into the 80's. We slept with the a/c on last night because we both sleep much better with the bedroom no warmer than 68 degrees.

    Hope everyone has a good Monday.